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What are the Reasons behind Increasing Demand for Python?

With every inch of time, we move forward, we can observe that Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning are
becoming the shine on the eyes of every developer. Which is why, beginner or expert, all are driving the “popularity
traffic” towards Python. This is the reason for the increase in Python demand.
Claimed by some old school coders/working professionals, there are some negative conceptions concerning with the
“non-serious” nature of Python. Yet still, increasing demand of python programmers seems to be at odds with this
idea. For proving the same DataFlair have set down some key points.

Why Python Demand is high?

Below are the reasons for the increase in demand for Python –

1. Data Science

Python holds a special place in the hearts of Data Scientists compared to any available language, such as R or C++.
Data Science is all about dealing with data at huge amounts (Big Data). Hence with simple usage and a large set of
libraries and frameworks, Python has become the most promising option to handle it! e.g. PyBrain, PyMySQL, and
NumPy are one of the big reasons. Another step forward is because of Python’s easy integration with other
programming languages, making it more scalable and future-oriented.

2. Machine Learning

Python being an interpreted language makes it comprehensive enough for the language to be interpreted by virtual
machine against any other machine language which is what the hardware understands. It can even be used in
complicated scenarios by making use of variables, objects, complex arithmetic or boolean expressions and other
concepts to make its demand and usability increase exponentially. Even the growth of machine learning has been
phenomenal in the last couple of years and is rapidly changing everything around us. Algorithms are becoming
sophisticated every day. Examples are: Google’s search algorithms and Uber are completely driven by algorithms.
The machine learning libraries compared to Java, found more content around Python as the current preference of the
developer community is Python over anything else for machine learning.
3. Web Development

While concerning backend development, Python is chosen by 2 out of 3 developers who initially worked with PHP.
Python’s trend has been witnessing a steep upward in the past two years as it is serving as a better alternative. It
offers so many good libraries and frameworks, e.g. Flask and Django, which make web development easy. After
adopting Python some of the product based platforms have become the biggest names – YouTube, Instagram,
Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Spotify. Considering the general perception towards python, in web development
Python creates more robust code that can be used to form versatile use cases.

4. Simplicity
Single yet the biggest reason for beginners to learn Python. Whenever you decide to start learning programming
and coding, you don’t want to start with a programming language that is complex in syntax and tough with rules.
Python is readable as well as simple. It’s even easy to set up Python; There’s nothing like classpath problems like
that in Java and compiler issues present in C++. Just install it and run it! Whenever you write something in Python,
you will want to show off to others as it is so elegant to look, not generally in the case with typically written
5. Huge Community

Mostly decision are community influenced and when to learn something new you need a community and friends
which serve as your biggest asset. Thanks to Google, many solutions to single Python-related problem can be found
out in minutes. With the progression of time, learning python has become the new “cool” in the programming
community. As Python has such vast use cases like development, scientific application, scripting and so on, hence it
brings many Python experts together. The more the merrier!

6. Libraries and Frameworks

Not just a framework but it has got “superior framework”. Django is the clear winner when  python’s
frameworks are considered. Frameworks are easy to use, secure and fast. Mostly developers prefer these
frameworks, as their use results in shorter development time and ease of setup. The richer the framework, more
deeper one should learn as it will translate into a lot of long-term valuable results.
7. Automation

You are required to write test scripts to automate tasks, that’s where Python comes into existence in automation.
You’ll be impressed with the time and the number of lines required to write codes for tools. As python supports with
lots of tools and modules, it makes things easier and even highlight the power of Python. With basic python codes,
one can reach the advanced level of automation easily. Software testing is one of the tedious tasks in automation and
python becomes its performance booster!

8. Multipurpose

Swiss Army knife-like nature describes well the overall work of python. It’s not tied to just one discipline, you can
do many things. You don’t really need to fetch data from a SQL server or a MongoDB database; Python supports all
these sources of data with very clean syntax use. Python API called PySpark can be used to distribute computing. It
also provides support for Natural language processing through NLTK.
9. Jobs and Growth

Python is growing as fast as it seems that everyone is adopting python. So, it makes a lot of sense to  learn a
growing programming language – Python. As the number of python users are increasing, the language is becoming
more and more popular. It will not only help you to get a job quickly but will also accelerate your career growth. For
beginners, one of the most important reasons to learn Python after simplicity is job opportunity.
10. Salary

Last but most important – money talks! Salary keeps every individual going. Python developers are one of the
highest-paid jobs available. Particularly in the fields of data science, machine learning, and web development, these
jobs shine. Though much of the factors contributing to it are also dependent upon experience, location, and area of

With the increasing demand of programming and coding in today’s world, you are really missing something if you
don’t know Python. Nevertheless, it is even a great way to start learning experience of coding.

Programmers who already know C/C++ and Java, learning Python will be a great opportunity to achieve more in
less time in the exciting fields of data science, machine learning and a lot more which is in demand!
Python Career Opportunities – Which one will you choose?

The Next Big Thing to look up onto is Python and there is no doubt about that. Questions related to its worth, career
opportunities or available jobs are not to be worried about. As Python is rapidly ceasing the popularity amongst
developers and various other fields, its contribution to the advancement of your career is immense.

There are reasons why Python is “the one”. It is easily scripted language that can be learned quickly. Hence reducing
the overall development time of the project code. It has a set of different libraries and APIs that support data
analysis, data visualization, and data manipulation.

Number of Python Jobs

While there’s a high demand for Python developers in India, the supply is really, really low. To testify this, we’ll
take account of an HR professional statement. The professional was expected to recruit 10 programmers each for
both Java and Python. About a hundred good resumes flooded in for Java, but they received only 8 good ones for
Python. So, while they had to go through a long process to filter out good candidates, with Python, they had no
choice but to take those 8 candidates.

What does this tell you about the situation? Even though Python has easy syntax, we really need more people in
India to upskill themselves. This is what makes it a great opportunity for Indians to get skilled in python. When we
talk about the number of jobs, there may not be too many for Python in India. But we have an excellent number of
jobs per Python programmer.

Another good news about Python career –

Not very long ago, one of India’s unicorn software companies faced a dilemma. It had won a $200 million (Rs. 1200
crore) contract with a large US bank to develop an app store for them. But the company lacked enough dexterous
Python programmers. Since Python was the best language for the project, it ended up paying thrice the billing
amount to a group of freelance Python programmers in the US instead.

Job boards like Indeed and Naukri offer around 20,000 to 50,000 job listings for Python and this shows that Python
career opportunities in India are High. Choosing Python to pursue your career is a good choice. The below stats
shows the total job postings of the major programming languages.

Types of Python Jobs

So what types of jobs can you land with Python?

Well, for one, Python scope is intensive in data science and analysis. Clients often want hidden patterns extracted
from their data pools. It is also preferred in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Data scientists love Python.
Also, in our article on applications of Python, we read about how Python is used everywhere in web development,
desktop applications, data science, and network programming.
Python Job Profiles

With Python on your resume, you may end up with one of the following positions in a reputed company:

1. Software Engineer

 Analyze user requirements

 Write and test code
 Write operational documentation
 Consult clients and work closely with other staff
 Develop existing programs
2. Senior Software Engineer

 Develop high-quality software architecture

 Automate tasks via scripting and other tools
 Review and debug code
 Perform validation and verification testing
 Implement version control and design patterns
3. DevOps Engineer

 Deploy updates and fixes

 Analyze and resolve technical issues
 Design procedures for maintenance and troubleshooting
 Develop scripts to automate visualization
 Deliver Level 2 technical support
4. Data Scientist

 Identify data sources and automate the collection

 Preprocess data & analyze it to discover trends
 Design predictive models and ML algorithms
 Perform data visualization
 Propose solutions to business challenges
5. Senior Data Scientist

 Supervise junior data analysts

 Build analytical tools to generate insight, discover patterns, and predict behavior
 Implement ML and statistics-based algorithms
 Propose ideas for leveraging possessed data
 Communicate findings to business partners

Python Future

While many top companies are stuck with Java, Python is one of the old yet trending technologies. The future of
Python is bright with :

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence displayed by machines. This is in contrast to the natural intelligence
displayed by humans and other animals. It is one of the new technologies taking over the world. When it’s about AI,
Python is one of the first choices; in fact, it is one of the most-suited languages for it.
For this purpose, we have different frameworks, libraries, and tools dedicated to letting AI replace human efforts.
Not only does it help with that, but it also raises efficiency and accuracy. AI gives us speech recognition systems,
autonomous cars, etc.

The following tools and libraries ship for these branches of AI:

 Machine Learning – PyML, PyBrain, scikit-learn, MDP Toolkit, GraphLab Create, MIPy
 General AI – pyDatalog, AIMA, EasyAI, SimpleAI
 Neural Networks – PyAnn, pyrenn, ffnet, neurolab
 Natural Language and Text Processing – Quepy, NLTK, genism
2. Big Data

Big Data is the term for data sets so voluminous and complex that traditional data-processing application software is
inadequate in dealing with them.

Python has helped Big Data grow, its libraries allow us to analyze and work with a large amount of data across

 Pandas
 scikit-learn
 NumPy
 SciPy
 GraphLab Create
 IPython
 Bokeh
 Agate
 PySpark
 Dask
3. Networking

Python also lets us configure routers and switches, and perform other network-automation tasks cost-effectively. For
this, we have the following Python libraries:
 Ansible
 Netmiko
 NAPALM(Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer with Multivendor Support)
 Pyeapi
 Junos PyEZ
 Paramiko SSH
All these technologies rely on Python today and tomorrow.

Top Organizations Using Python

Top Companies Using Python – Python Career Opportunities

Why Python?

So, after all this Python career opportunities talk, why should you learn Python? What has it to offer to you? What’s
the scope of Python? Let’s see.
 Its simplicity and conciseness make it perfect for beginners.
 It has a large community that continuously contributes to its development.
 Because of the highly demand-supply ratio, it provides excellent career opportunities, especially in India.
 We have a number of frameworks to make web development easy as pie.
 Python is the preferred language for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
 Raspberry Pi, a microcomputer, lets us make our own DIYs with Python, at prices that do not blast holes in
your pockets.
 Both startups and corporates, make extensive use of Python, thanks to its powerfulness and simplicity.
 Python has been consecutively topping the most loved programming language on the StackOverflow
developers survey report.

Most Popular Languages – Python Career Opportunities

 StackOverflow survey reports showed us that Python is the fastest growing language in high-income
countries. IBM used the STL model to predict the future growth of major languages in 2020 and it seems
Python is going to leave everyone behind.

Why is Python in demand?

According to expert research, there is a huge gap between demand and supply of python developers/experts across
countries like India, the USA and more. As a result, the available python developers are paid thrice of that of actual
salaries to fill the scarcity. This is an important lesson for all those who are doubting the career opportunities with
python and also lacking a good hold in python. Expertise in python by gaining experience or even through online
python certification training. It adds value to your resume and all-in-all to your overall career goal.

Python Skills

After knowing all the opportunities that Python holds, its good to know all the ins and out to it. Focus is always on
skill first so that you stand out amongst others. They can be broken down as follows:

 Core Python (Basic knowledge between Python 2 and Python 3 is sufficient, complete knowledge of all
modules is not required)
 Web Frameworks (Learn common Python frameworks such as Django or Pandas)
 Object-relational mappers (Ability to connect to the database with the help of ORM rather than SQL )
 Understand Multiprocess Architecture (Ability to write and manage threads for high-performance)
 RESTful APIs (understand how to use them and able to integrate components with them)
 Building Python Applications (One should know how to package up a code and deployment and release)
 Good communication and designing skills (Able to communicate well with members as well as implement
servers that are scalable, secure and highly available)
This was all in the Python career opportunities article.

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