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40 another country, it should also consider the

political stability of the host country’s

government. Unstable leadership can create
significant problems in recouping profits if
the government falls of the host country
45 and/or changes its policy towards foreign
trade and investment. Political instability is
often caused by severe economic conditions
that result in civil unrest.


One of the most logical questions to ask is, An important factor influencing
why do modern countries trade with one international trade is taxes. Of the different
another? There are numerous reasons that taxes that can be applied to imported
5 countries engage in international trade. goods, the most common is a tariff, which is
Some countries are deficient in critical raw 55 generally defined as an excise tax imposed
materials, such as lumber or oil. To make up on imported goods. A country can have
for these various deficiencies, countries several reasons for imposing a tariff. For
must engage in international trade to example, a revenue tariff may be applied to
10 obtain the resources necessary to produce an imported product that is also produced
the goods and/or services desired by their 60 domestically. The primary reason for this
citizens. In addition to trading for raw type of tariff is to generate revenue that can
materials, nations also exchange a wide be used later by the government for a
variety of processed foods and finished variety of purposes. This tariff is normally
15 products. Each country has its own spe- set at a low level and is usually not
cialties that are based on its economy and 65 considered a threat to international trade.
the skills of its citizens. Three common When domestic manufacturers in a
specialty classifications are capital, labor, particular industry are at a disadvantage,
and land. vis-a-vis imports, the government can
20 Over time a nation’s work force will impose what is called a protective tariff.
change, and thus the goods and services 70 This type of tariff is designed to make
that nation produces and exports will foreign products more expensive than
change. Nations that train their workers for domestic products and, as a result, protect
future roles can minimize the difficulty of domestic companies. A protective tariff is
25 making a transition to a new, dominant normally very popular with the affected
market. 75 domestic companies and their workers
because they benefit most directly from it.
POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT In retaliation, a country that is affected
Each country varies regarding international by a protective tariff will frequently enact a
30 trade and relocation of foreign plants on its tariff of its own on a product from the
native soil. Some countries openly court 80 original tariff enacting country. In 1930, for
foreign companies and encourage them to example, the U.S. Congress passed the
invest in their country by offering reduced Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which provided
taxes or some other investment incentives. the means for placing protective tariffs on
35 Other countries impose strict regulations imports. The United States imposed this
that can cause large companies to leave and 85 protective tariff on a wide variety of
open a plant in a country that provides products in an attempt to help protect
more favorable operating conditions. When domestic producers from foreign
a company decides to conduct business in competition. This legislation was very

popular in the United States, because the PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT
90 Great Depression had just begun, and the Other factors that influence international
tariff 140 trading activities are related to the physical
Another form of a trade barrier that a environment. Natural physical features,
country can employ to protect domestic such as mountains and rivers, and human-
companies is an import quota, which strictly made structures, such as bridges and roads,
95 limits the amount of a particular product can have an impact on international trading
that a foreign country can export to the 145 activities.
quota-enacting country.
A government can also use a nontariff
barrier to help protect domestic companies.
100 A nontariff barrier usually refers to
government requirements for licenses,
permits, or significant amounts of
paperwork in order to allow imports into its
country. This tactic often increases the price
105 of the imported product, slows down deliv-
ery, and creates frustration for the
exporting country. The end goal is that
many foreign companies will not bother to
export their products to those markets
110 because of the added cost and aggravation.

Before a corporation begins exporting
products to other countries, it must first
115 examine the norms, taboos, and values of
those countries. This information can be
critical to the successful introduction of a
product into a particular country and will
influence how it is sold and / or marketed.
120 Such information can prevent cultural
blunders, such as the one General Motors
committed when trying to sell its Chevy
Nova in Spanish-speaking countries. Nova,
in Spanish, means ‘‘doesn’t go’’—and few
125 people would purchase a car named
‘‘doesn’t go.’’ This marketing error—
resulting simply from ignorance of the
Spanish language—cost General Motors
millions in initial sales—as well as
130 considerable embarrassment.
Business professionals also need to be
aware of foreign customs regarding
standard business practices. Thus, before
businesspeople travel overseas, they must
135 be given training on how to conduct
business in the country to which they are


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