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L3 – 2021-2022






Using the two files as help of persuasive writing saying whether you agree or not on the following
subject: COVID-19 vaccines should be made compulsory.

Persuasive Writing Outline

Topic: The COVID-19 vaccination

Thesis sentence: COVID-19 vaccines should be compulsory.

Reason / Example A. The vaccine would save many lives

Supporting Details 1. The virus spreads rapidly

2. Not being vaccinated is more intruding on other people’s freedom

3. By Gaining “herd immunity” we can resume our normal lives and
be free again

4. Desires come after needs

Reason / Example B. Vaccine must be used to ensure safety for other

Supporting Details 1. Not being oneself vaccinated puts others in danger

2. Vaccine is absolutely safe for the vast majority of the population

3. If we want to beating this disease, a non-negotiable approach is


4. It is important to protect the vulnerable citizen and the rest of the


Reason / Example A. The vaccine can prevent us from any damages

Supporting Details 1. Taking the vaccine eliminates the virus from our body

2. The spread of the virus increases chances for mutation

3. A return to normal life will be brought about much faster

4. The virus ruins many sectors such as the economy, education, and
even more

Counterargument: However, compulsion violates a person’s right to personal choice. The law states
that no-one can be subject to medical experimentation without free consent. There are some people
who have severe reaction to vaccination and therefore should be protected through an alternative

All in all, the COVID-19 vaccination is good for the world. The vaccine should be
compulsory as it would save many lives and it is our most powerful tool to eradicate the
coronavirus. It must be used to ensure safety for other and can prevent us from many damages.
However, forcing people to be inoculated violates their right to personal choice. Otherwise, many
people cannot support the vaccines and have severe reaction. Personally, as we live through these
tumultuous times of pandemic, protest and climate change, a debate on whether the Covid-19
vaccine should be compulsory is not something the world needs now.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a very dangerous pandemic of coronavirus disease that caused
many severe respiratory attacks. Many people dead due to the bad and belated decision from States.
Then come vaccines as a remedy to fight this disease. Many got inoculated but there are a lot who
refuse it yet. Then we come up with the following question: Should Covid-19 vaccination be
compulsory? In this essay, were are going to prove that the COVID-19 vaccines should be made

The vaccine is the most powerful tool to eradicate the coronavirus as it would save many
lives. Firstly, this is important as the Coronavirus, although not deadly to everyone, spreads rapidly
and we have now reach millions of death around the world. Moreover, not being vaccinated is
completely wrong as it is more intruding on other people’s freedom that they will die an easily
preventable death. If we can gain “herd immunity” as a country, we can resume our normal lives
and be free again and stop the unnecessary death of a preventable virus.

Apart from that, vaccine must be to ensure safety for other. Of course, if one person doesn’t
want it, they should be aware that by not having it they are putting others in danger. In addition, it
sounds brutal, but the vaccine is absolutely safe for vast majority of the population. Then, if we
want to beat this disease, a strong non-negotiable approach is needed. It is important to protect the
vulnerable citizens and the rest of the world.

Furthermore, the vaccine can prevent us from many damages. Indeed, it is scientifically
proved that taking the vaccine eliminate the virus from our body and we become healthier. The
spread of the virus increases chances for mutation, resulting in new strains. That is way there are
so many variant of the COVID-19 at the moment, and they get stronger as they mutate. A return to
normally will be brought about much faster if as many people are inoculated as possible. If we do
not want to be vaccinated, the virus will ruin many sectors such as the economy, education, and
even more
However, compulsion violates a person’s right to personal choice. The law states that no-
one can be subject to medical experimentation without free consent. There are some people who
have severe reaction to vaccination and therefore should be protected through an alternative option.

All in all, the COVID-19 vaccination is good for the world. The vaccine should be
compulsory as it would save many lives and it is our most powerful tool to eradicate the
coronavirus. It must be used to ensure safety for other and can prevent us from many damages.
However, forcing people to be inoculated violates their right to personal choice. Otherwise, many
people cannot support the vaccines and have severe reaction. Personally, as we live through these
tumultuous times of pandemic, protest and climate change, a debate on whether the Covid-19
vaccine should be compulsory is not something the world needs now.

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