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Shurley Grammar 2


Shurley Grammar 2

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................1
1. Welcome to 2nd Grade Grammar.................................................................................................1
2. Preface.........................................................................................................................................3
3. Course Information......................................................................................................................3
4. Goals and Outcomes....................................................................................................................3
5. Grading........................................................................................................................................4
6. Textbooks and Supplies...............................................................................................................6
7. Schedule.......................................................................................................................................6
8. Course Policies............................................................................................................................7
9. Parents..........................................................................................................................................8
10. Other Information......................................................................................................................8

1. Welcome to 2nd Grade Grammar

No groans allowed! 2nd Grade Grammar is a class filled with singing, chanting, and great
writing. The more you understand about how to write a good strong sentence, the better writer
you will be for long assignments.

Course Outline (tentative and subject to change)

 Module 1: Nouns and Verbs

 Module 2: Adverbs
 Module 3: Adjectives & Article Adjectives
 Module 4: Complete Subject & Predicate
Shurley Grammar 2

 Module 5: Prepositions
 Module 6: Adjectives modifying Object of a Preposition & 2 Prepositional Phrases
 Module 7: Pronouns & Possessive Pronouns
 Module 8: Helping Verbs
 Module 9: Possessive Nouns
 Module 10: Object Pronouns

1. Student will try every assignment before asking parent or teacher for help.
2. Student will complete every module in order, completing one module before moving to
the next.
3. Student will complete their workbook.
4. Student will record themselves and submit the recording of each required jingle.

Shurley Grammar 2 is an asynchronous class delivered on a Weebly website.

Students will need their JICS username (first part of their school issued email address) and
password. If you do not know your password, email for a password reset.

Students should expect to spend 15 minutes per day on 2nd Grade Grammar, with each module
lasting 10 – 12 days.

2. Preface
Shurley Grammar 2

Your 1st Grade Grammar course had a lot of the same modules, but don’t let that fool you. You
will take what you already know and go deeper and become an even better writer.

3. Course Information
Course Title: 2nd Grade Grammar

Prerequisites: 1st Grade Grammar

Description: 2nd Grade Grammar uses the Shurley Grammar method, a combination
of rhythm, rhyme, and movement to learn parts of speech and sentence
classification which then allows for clear, precise spoken and written

Intended Audience: 2nd Grade students

Program: Elementary Department

School: James Island Christian School

4. Goals and Outcomes

Course Goals
The following course goals articulate the general objectives and purpose of this course. Students
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
a. Use collective nouns (e.g., group).
b. Form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns (e.g., feet, children,
teeth, mice, fish).
c. Use reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).
Shurley Grammar 2

d. Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid,
e. Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be
f. Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences (e.g.,
The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the movie; The action movie
was watched by the little boy)
2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
a. Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.
b. Use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
c. Use an apostrophe to form contractions and frequently occurring possessives

Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to:

1. Write a three-paragraph essay with complete Pattern 1 sentences that demonstrates

understanding and application of the conventions of standard English.
2. Write a three-paragraph essay with correct punctuation.
3. Identify sentences and non-sentences.
4. Correct sentences that do not comply with the conventions of standard English.

5. Grading
Grading is based on the 3-2-1 system.

 3 – student shows mastery of the topic at hand, assignment is complete

 2 – student is able to complete the task, possibly with adult help, but has not mastered the
topic, assignment is 75+% complete
 1 – student needs additional direct instruction to understand the task, assignment is less
than 75% complete

Course grade will be based on the following categories:

Shurley Grammar 2

 Workbook pages – 60%

 Recitation of jingles – 10%
 Independent Question/Answer Flow – 10%
 Written essays – 20%

Course Assessments
Workbook Pages
Workbook pages must be submitted by the end of each module. Module assignments will range
between 10 and 20 pages, depending on the topic. The pages will account for 50% of your

Recitation of Jingles
The jingles are designed to incorporate multiple senses in your understanding and mastery of the
parts of speech. You will be required to record yourself independently reciting the assigned
jingles each module. You may submit this as group recitations, however, they must be
memorized and you will be graded individually. The recordings will account for 10% of your

Question/Answer Flow
The question/answer flow is an essential component of Shurley Grammar. You will be required
to submit recordings of yourself independently going through the question/answer flow for
assigned sentences. The recordings will account for 10% of your grade.

Written Work
Each module will have an assigned writing topic with detailed instructions regarding format and
length. You will submit these assignments at the end of each module. The recordings will
account for 20% of your grade.

Assessment Weight

Workbook Pages 60%

Shurley Grammar 2

Jingles 10%

Question/Answer 10%

Written 20%

6. Textbooks and Supplies

Required Texts
 Shurley Grammar: Level 2 Student Workbook (ISBN 978-1-58561-184-3)

7. Schedule

Module 1: Nouns & Verbs

Module 1 covers chapters 1 and 2, complete sentence, nouns and verbs. This module is both a
review of Shurley Grammar 1 as well as an introduction to Pattern 1 sentences.

1. Five parts of a complete sentence
2. Nouns
3. Subject Nouns
4. Verbs
5. Pattern 1 Sentences
6. Question & Answer Flow with pattern 1 sentences
Shurley Grammar 2

8. Course Policies

Time Management
It is recommended that you work on this course for 10 – 15 minutes each school day. You will
retain the material better if you return to the topics repeatedly in lieu of doing the modules in a
couple longer settings.

The majority of the course is independent, however, each module will include one 30 minute
synchronous class meeting. You are expected to attend 9 of the 10 modules synchronous

Each module has clearly stated deadlines. No late work will be accepted after the final day of
each module.

Turnaround Time
The instructor will return graded assignments within one week.

Academic Integrity
Students are expected to complete their work independently. Parents are encouraged to assist in
understanding but should not do the assignments for the student.

Technical Supports
If you ever encounter any technology difficulties, please contact your teacher at
Shurley Grammar 2

Academic Supports
 Shurley Grammar Jingles on You Tube
 Question Answer Flow Examples on You Tube

9. Parents
Parents, remember that this is a course for your child and not for you. The instruction and
assignments are designed so that your student can complete them with minimal parent help.
Please encourage independent learning behaviors, while at the same time, monitoring their work
and progress. You and the teacher are partners in your child’s learning.

If you see your child is taking longer than appropriate or struggling with the content, please
email me at Together we will determine if they are struggling with the
content, mode of instruction, or the required self discipline.

Monitoring your child’s online presence is important for their safety. Please discuss your house
rules for e-mail and surfing the internet.

10. Other Information

E-mail and Its Etiquette

You may email your teacher or classmates for help. Be sure to include your name, module #,
and a clear question. Be sure your parents know you are emailing. Your teacher will respond
within two school days.

Computing Requirements
Required Hardware
The class can be completed on any basic PC, Macintosh, or Chromebook. You must have a
camera and microphone.
Shurley Grammar 2

Required Browser
Students must have an Internet browser installed on their computers to view and interact with
online courses. Google Chrome will work best with our class.

Special Services
If you have any learning disabilities or are alternatively-abled in any manner, or if you feel you
need special accommodation, please have your parent contact the Dean of Students at

Modification of the Syllabus and Schedule

The instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus and schedule at any time. Notice of any
change will be E-mailed and posted as an announcement.

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