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Activity 22.

Reflect on and address the following:

1. Identify the name of the school officials in your district or division.

2. Set an interview schedule with one of these officials to know more about the following:

● What are the priority programs and projects that DepEd implemented this school year?
• Intensive School-Based Instructional Supervision (ISBIS)

• A Day in School (ADIS)

• Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)

• Philippine Informal Reading Inventory.

• Child Friendly School System (SFSS)

• Self-Paced Learning Kit (SPL)

• Bright Minds Read (BMR) Program.

● What are the challenges, issues, and problems they met in their division or district in
relation to curriculum implementation?

The major barriers to effective curriculum implementation were human, physical, material and financial
resources. Attempts have been made in developing human capital through various capacity building
workshops whose facilitators were not pragmatic. Encouraging though, it was found that teachers have
embraced the new curriculum despite the hardships they are encountering as they view it as
competencebased and self-empowering through the entrepreneurial skills learners acquire.
● What are the strategies they are implementing to address these issues, challenges, and

Macro-organizational issues ( technology, reward systems, decision processes, and structure), and
micro-organizational issues ( organization culture and resistance to change).

Activity 23. Reflect on and address the following:

1. Describe the process of curriculum development practiced by your college or university.

( I) Planning, (II) Content and Methods, (III) Implementation, and (IV) Evaluation and Reporting.
2. Develop a flowchart describing how a curriculum proposal reaches the level of approval in your
college or university.

3. Identify the people involved and their level of involvement.

The level of involvement reflects how personally important or interested you are in consuming a
product and how much information you need to make a decision. The level of involvement in buying
decisions may be considered a continuum from decisions that are fairly routine (consumers are not very
involved) to decisions that require extensive thought and a high level of involvement. Whether a
decision is low, high, or limited, involvement varies by consumer, not by product.

4. Discuss how your college/university addresses several issues and challenges and integrates them in
the curriculum.

The COVID-19 pandemic has already had devastating impacts that are likely to have long-term social and
economic consequences. The crisis has exacerbated already-widespread educational inequalities due to
factors relating to gender, disability, immigration, mother tongue, learning difficulties or other sources
of socioeconomic disadvantage. Indeed, 40% of the world’s poorest countries have been unable to
support their disadvantaged learners in recent months, and the many adverse consequences of school
closures have been particularly severe for disadvantaged children and their families, as well as for all
learners with learning difficulties and special needs.
The pandemic has starkly highlighted the fragility of our education systems, even those considered
relatively stable. It is therefore crucial that the innovation and creativity stimulated by this crisis be
leveraged to make education systems more just, inclusive and resilient. This article is therefore intended
to give educational system stakeholders a crisis-inspired glimpse into potential opportunities for
improvement in the areas of curricula, students, teachers and educational settings.

Activity 24. Reflect on and address the following:

1. Collect samples of syllabus in your school.

A syllabus is a document that outlines all the essential information about a college course. It lists the
topics you will study, as well as the due dates of any coursework including tests, quizzes, or exams. Your
professors will give you a syllabus for each of your college classes.

2. Examine how each syllabus considers the various factors affecting the identified curriculum

There are various factors that influence Curriculum Implementation like the learners, resource materials
and facilities, the teacher, the school environment, culture and ideology, instructional supervision and

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