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1. What is the Piagetian concept of teaching Mathematics? (2 pts)

Piaget is a name we don't often read about these days. He proposed that children move through four
stages of learning. In Stage 2 (Preoperational), Piaget suggested that children in the early grades of
elementary school need concrete objects, pictures, actions, and symbols to develop mathematical

2. What is the concept of place value? (2 pts)

Place value is the value of each digit in a number. For example, the 5 in 350 represents 5 tens, or 50;
however, the 5 in 5,006 represents 5 thousands, or 5,000. It is important that children understand that
whilst a digit can be the same, its value depends on where it is in the number.

3. Where do you use ordinal numbers? (2 pts)

Ordinal numbers tell us an item's position in a list, for example: first, second, third, fourth, etc. We use
ordinal numbers to order and position items and numbers, perhaps to say which position someone
came in a race or to recite numbers or place numbers on a number line / time line.

4. What is the idea of multiplication? (2 pts)

Multiplication is defined as meaning that you have a certain number of groups of the same size. Then, it
can be solved by repeated addition. Students fill in the missing parts in multiplication and addition
sentences to match the given visual models (pictures). They also draw pictures to match given

5. Research on the process of rounding off numbers. (5 pts)

This is the rounding digit. Step 2: Look to the neighboring digit on the right. Step 3: a) If the neighboring
digit is less than five (0 - 4), keep the rounding digit the same.

6. When is estimating sums, difference and product important? (3pts)

Estimating Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers. To estimate means to find an answer that is close to
the exact answer. The key with estimation is to only use it in instances that don't require an exact
answer. Estimation means to find an answer that makes sense and works with the problem, but is not
necessarily exact.

7. What is the digit with the biggest value in 1 459?

9 is at ones place, 5 at tens, 4 at hundreds and 1 at thousands. So, 1 is having the biggest place value
among all the given digits.

8. What is the sum of the digits in the tens and thousands place in the numeral 9 087?
The sum of the values of the digits 9 and 8 is 17. However, due to their position or place values, in the
number their sum is 9080.

9. Which digit has the smallest value in the numeral 1 089?

9 because it is in the ones digit

10. I am a three-digit number. My tens digit is 3 more than my ones digit. My hundreds digit is an odd
number less than 3. What number m I

Since the hundreds digit is eight less than the tens digit, the tens digit has to be 9. This is because 9 is
the only positive integer less than 10 that is greater than 8, and thus the only one that will give a positive
integer result when 8 is subtracted from it We already know that the ones digit is 5 less than the tens
digit, so it is 9–5=4. And the hundreds digit has to be 1. So the answer is 194.


1. Represent 2405 using squares, longs, flats and blocks

2. Look at the line of children.

• Who is in the tenth place? Eric

• Which place is Tom? 14th place

• In what position is the last person in the line? Toni, last person in the line

• If Rachel goes to the end of the line, which place is Lexi now in? 1st

• If Randy moves ahead in front of Eric, what place is she in now? 13th place

• I f Jim and Lou leave the line; what place would Mindy be in? 10th be in

• If Luz became the new line leader and Rachel and Mark left the line what place would Ben be in? 4th
be in
• If Randy and Mindy left the line and Toni became the new line leader, what place would the last
person in the line be? Last person in the line is tom

Let’s Create:
1. Find all possible numbers that satisfy the following conditions:
a. The number has three digits
The ones digit is twice the hundred digit.
The tens digit is one more than the ones digit.

Answer : 254, 498

2. In a short bond paper, draw 100 figures arranged in 10 rows and 10 columns. Starting from the upper
left hand

a. What place would be the last figure in your drawing? Color it with a primary color
b. Color the 45th figure, green.
c. Color the 68th figure, orange.
d. Counting left to right from the 15th figure, color the 75th figure, violet.
e. Starting from the third row and counting left to right, what is the ordinal number for the figure in the
third column, tenth row?

Answer: Imagine that 2 cm on your drawing is equivalent to lm. A. Length = 8 m B. Width = 10 m C.

Planting Distance Between Row = 1 m (East-West orientation) Between Hill = 0.5 m . Sketch inside the
border lines your plot layout. Each hill should be marked “x”. Mark each row with a straight line. Put the
direction map on the upper right portion of the activity sheet inside the borderlines borderlines.

Addition and Subtraction:

1.What is regrouping?

Regrouping in math is when you make groups of ten when performing operations such as addition or
subtraction. For example, in 2 digit addition, you might have 15 + 17. In this case, you need to regroup.
When you add 5 + 7 you have 12, or one ten and two units.

2.You have learned about the properties of addition. Relate these properties with subtraction. Are they
also true with subtraction? Explain your answers by giving examples.

The identity property of addition is that when a number n is added to zero, the result is the number
itself i.e. This property holds true for subtraction as well because subtracting 0 from any number equals
the number itself. Therefore, 0 is also called a subtractive identity.

Illustrate and solve the following problem.

1. Ryza has 24 marbles. Melba has 8 marbles more than Ryza. How many marble do the two girls have in

Ryza has 24 marbles while Melba has 8 marbles so it means that the two girls have 32 marbles. Because
if you add 24 and 8 it will be 32 so the answer is 32.
2. Ralph has P750. He spent 256 on food, 125 for his fare, P345 for his project and saved the rest. How
much did he save? 24

Use the break apart strategy for the following:

 a. 75 – 7 = 68 c. 82- 5 = 77

 76 – 9 = 67 d. 85 – 8 = 77


A. Let’s Check:

1. What is multiplication?

Multiplication is one of the four elementary mathematical operations of arithmetic, with the other ones
being addition, subtraction and division. The result of a multiplication operation is called a product.

2. What is a multiplier? What is a multiplicand?

The number to be multiplied is the "multiplicand", and the number by which it is multiplied is the
"multiplier". The result of a multiplication is called a product. A product of integers is a multiple of each
factor. For example, 15 is the product of 3 and 5, and is both a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 5.

3. What must be considered in using a numberline as tool in developing the idea of multiplication.

A number line is defined as the pictorial representation of numbers such as fractions, integers and whole
numbers laid out evenly on a straight horizontal line. A number line can be used as a tool for comparing
and ordering numbers and also performing operations such as addition and subtraction.

4. Discuss some ideas from your researches on the properties of multiplication. Give samples in varied
situations and context.

• Commutative Property.

• Associative Property.

• Identity Property.

• Distributive Property

5. What are the pre-requisite skills in estimating products?

Rounding and multiplying with zeroes.

B. 1. Illustrate the following multiplication as equal jumps in a

number line.

a. 4 x 5
2. Write a related equation for the following repeated addition.

a. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5

3. Illustrate the following using repeated addition.


4. Illustrate the multiplication sentence below using number line.


5.Illustrate the following multiplication using repeated addition.

6. Illustrate commutative property of multiplication using repeated addition.


Find the product using the distributive property of multiplication.

6 x 54

Find the product of 26 x 35 using

a. Long method c. lattice

26 times 35 is 910
Estimate the product. Complete the table.

Rounded factors Estimated product

87 x 45 Nearest 10s 1800

47 x 23 Nearest 100s

22 x 78 Nearest 100s

956 x 29 Nearest 100s

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