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Personal Statement

Throughout the years, I have learned many things about myself, such as hobbies and

skills that I really enjoy doing, like drawing and baking. With these skills, I am able to

express my creativity and talents. Knowing this is such a huge part of my personality, it will

allow me to know what I'm working for in a career. Self reflection is important to be in an

environment where you can be successful.

This skill was first discovered in elementary school when I would always see my

older brother drawing and doodling on his notebook. From this first experience, my love for

drawing has grown and impacted me on an emotional level. Some of the drawings I started

off with were video game characters like Sonic, Kirby and Mario. Playing these games made

me want to draw them. These drawings were not good but the thought of me drawing them on

my own brought me joy. I understand that in order to follow my dream career as a graphic

designer, I will have to practice hard, be open for feedback and face many challenges along

the way. My interest in drawing and painting has led me to be open to new activities and

hobbies, which is how I discovered another one of my best skills: baking.

My love for baking started when I was in 6th grade. I was scrolling on YouTube and

stumbled across baking videos. One of the very first things I baked was cookies. I realized

where my patience with baking was and developed an interest. Throughout the years I’ve

made cakes, cookies, breads, pastries and more. There have been times where I’ve made

mistakes and my baking didn’t come out like I wanted. Cookies are a great example of me

not following the recipe. The first time I made them I packed the flour into the cup instead of

spooning it in, this added more flour to the recipe. Another example is times where I’ve made

pastries too sweet or I added too much of something making it taste a little off. My feedback

has been aligned with trial and error but with the good and bad, I was given the criticism I
needed to improve. After my family provided their feedback, letting me know the cookies

were too sweet, I would not add as much sugar next time. With this feedback, a few days later

I made the cookies again, revising the recipe with less sugar and the family enjoyed it.

Sewing is not a common interest you often hear about. One day the thought came to

my head and I began researching. I started small, like fixing holes in my shirts, pants, and my

plushies. This led me to make plushies. I would make small keychains for my family, like

characters, pigs, pandas, and penguins. My interest didn’t stop there, I also enjoyed needle

felting. Needle felting is rolling wool and stabbing it with a needle over and over. This pulls

the wool together and turns it in a firm shape. I’m willing to try anything in craft to expand

my skills.

Arts and crafts are unique because of the abundance in variety. Artists can express

themselves in many ways. Being in an industry that allows me to contribute and express

myself is what I'm looking for in a career. My curiosity and communication in expression

will allow me to be part of a team for something great. With these skills I know I can be an


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