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Time management plan 

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7
gantt chart

Creating a

story board
(hard copy)

work on

Finalize my

story board

Choose a


Create the

Test the
final book

Task: Creating the Solution

Construct a Plan:
Fill in the below table to plan how you will make your product.

Step Processes Required Resources Time

(including quality control and health and safety required
considerations, etc.)
1. Computer software 50 minutes?

2. Front cover: - Canva 30min

- Will contain a background colour (#0f2d84)
- half of a cartoon style sun will be by the lower
horizontal edge
-the planets will be aligned in the correct order in a half
circle inside the sun, cartoon style as well.
-Around the sun and the rest of the gapes will be yellow
and white stars scattered randomly
- The name of the book (OUR SOLAR SYSTEM) will
be in a (40t522) curve in the centre of the upper third of
the page with the font (bangers) size (137) and the effect:
neon with colour (#fbe2ab)
- At the bottom centre will be my name written as the
author (Salma Ahmad), with font (glacial indifference),
size (73) and colour (#59524b)
* when printed, will be a hard cover *

3. Back cover: - Canva 20min

- Will contain a background colour (#0f2d84) - background eraser
- white, black and cyan tiny stars will be scattered from
the top left corner outward to the rest of the page
(gradient effect)
-the page will have a neon white rectangle extending to
the right and left edges positioned in the centre of the
- One sentence long, to catch the reader’s attention (Our
solar system, is where the real fun begins), with font
(glacial indifference), size (70) and colour (white)
-a picture of the planets drawn in a cute style will be in
the middle in the bottom third of the page (after the
background of the original photo is removed)
-price code will be placed in the centre at the very
bottom of the page
* when printed, will be a hard cover *

4. 1st page: (stuck on the other side of the front cover): -Canva 2min
- Will contain a background colour (#0f2d84)
- yellow and white tiny stars will be scattered randomly
on the whole page
5. 2nd page: solar system + index - Canva -40min
-Will have a black background colour - background eraser
-tiny white stars scattered on the whole page
-the planets and the sun, the sun and Jupiter the biggest
in size, will be organized on the page, leaving space for
instructions about the book
- the first text box will contain the instruction (Open the
windows and see which page to travel to…), font (Open
Sans Light), size (40) colour (white) this text should be
written in the form of two line
- the second text box will contain the instruction (When
you see (an astronaut) open the window), font (Open
Sans Light), size (34) colour (white) this text should be
written in the form of three lines
-an astronaut graphic picture will be placed between the
2nd and 3rd line
* on each planet and the sun, a cut of a square will be cut
after printing to represent the windows *

6. 3rd page: (stuck under the index page) -Canva -15min

-will contain the number of each planet and the sun
behind the window cut on the same place and size, so
when the window is opened, the number will be clear
-each number, depending on which planet it is or sun
will have the background of that planet or the sun
-the sun 1: font (open sans extra bold), size (143) and
colour (black)
-mercury 2: font (open sans extra bold), size (101) and
colour (black)
-Venus 2: font (open sans extra bold), size (121) and
colour (black)
-earth 4: font (open sans extra bold), size (114) and
colour (black)
-mars 4: font (open sans extra bold), size (104) and
colour (black)
-Jupiter 5: font (open sans extra bold), size (143) and
colour (black)
-Saturn 6: font (open sans extra bold), size (133) and
colour (white)
-Uranus 7: font (open sans extra bold), size (113) and
colour (black)
-Neptune 8: font (open sans extra bold), size (143) and
colour (black)
7. 4th page: the sun -Canva - 5min
-a hd picture of the sun will be placed as the background
of the page
-the picture to be croped, if needed, to make the sun on
the left side of the page
- the word (SUN) all caps, will be placed next to the sun
on the upper right side with the font (open sans light),
size (160), colour (white) and the font to be bold
- the page number of the page (1) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a little bit
under the word, sun.

8. 5th page: (stuck under the sun page) -Canva -15min

-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the fact in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of the sun
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the sun page, so one of the windows will have a black
background with tiny white stars, and the other one will
have the sun
-fact 1 (inside the sun): temperature inside the Sun can
reach 15 million degrees Celsius (oC); font (ABeeZee),
size (45), and colour (black), text to be bold
-fact 2: It takes eight minutes for the sun light to reach
the Earth; font (ABeeZee), size (44), and colour (black),
text to be bold

9. 6th page: mercury -Canva -10min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a mercury picture to be added in the middle of the
right side of the page
-the word (MERCURY) all caps, will be placed next to
mercury picture on the upper left side with the font (open
sans light), size (90), colour (white) and the font to be
- the page number of the page (2) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit under
the word, mercury.

10. 7th page: (stuck under the mercury page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of mercury
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the sun page, so one of the windows will have a black
background with tiny white stars, and the other one will
have mercury
-fact 1 (inside mercury): during the day the temperature
can be 427 Celsius (oC) and at night it can be -173
Celsius (oC); font (ABeeZee), size (32), and colour
(black), text to be bold
-fact 2: 1 year equals to 88 days only, that’s less than 3
months; font (ABeeZee), size (40), and colour (white),
text to be bold

11. 8th page: venus -Canva -15min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a venus picture to be added in the middle of the left
side of the page
-the word (VENUS) all caps, will be placed next to
venus picture on the upper right side with the font (open
sans light), size (117), colour (white) and the font to be
- the page number of the page (3) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit under
the word, venus.

12. 9th page: (stuck under the venus page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of venus
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the venus page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have venus
-fact 1 (inside venus): All planets orbit anti-clockwise,
except venus, because it turned upside down; font
(ABeeZee), size (37), and colour (black), text to be bold
-fact 2: Venus is the second brightest natural object in
the night sky after the Moon; font (ABeeZee), size (36),
and colour (white), text to be bold

13. 10th page: earth -Canva -15min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-an earth picture to be added in the middle of the right
side of the page
-the word (EARTH) all caps, will be placed next to the
earth picture on the upper left side with the font (open
sans light), size (108), colour (white) and the font to be
- the page number of the page (4) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit under
the word, earth.

14. 11th page: (stuck under the earth page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of earth
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the earth page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have the earth
-fact 1 (inside earth): A day on earth is 23hours,
56minuts and 3 seconds only, not 24 hours; font
(ABeeZee), size (41), and colour (white), text to be bold
-fact 2: Earth is about 4.54 billion years old.; font
(ABeeZee), size (50), and colour (white), text to be bold

15. 12th page: mars -Canva -15min

a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a mars picture to be added in the middle of the left side
of the page
-the word (MARS) all caps, will be placed next to the
mars picture on the upper right side with the font (open
sans light), size (101), colour (white) and the font to be
- the page number of the page (5) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit under
the word, mars.

16. 13th page: (stuck under the mars page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of mars
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the earth page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have mars
-fact 1 (inside mars): Mars has the largest volcano in the
solar system – Olympus Mons. It’s really, really big,
bigger than mount Everest; font (ABeeZee), size (33.5),
and colour (#FFF3DA), text to be bold
-fact 2: On mars, the sunset is blue; font (ABeeZee), size
(60), and colour (white), text to be bold

14th page: jupiter -Canva -15min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a jupiter picture to be added in the middle of the right
side of the page
-the word (JUPITER) all caps, will be placed next to the
jupiter picture on the upper left side with the font (open
sans light), size (90), colour (white) and the font to be
- the page number of the page (6) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit under
the word, jupiter.

18. 15th page: (stuck under the jupter page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of jupiter
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the jupiter page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have jupiter
-fact 1 (inside jupiter): Even though Jupiter is the
heaviest planet in the solar system it’s made of only
gasses, helium and hydrogen
; font (ABeeZee), size (36), and colour (white), text to be
-fact 2: Scientist estimated that jupiter has 200 moons
but only 67 moons were confirmed to exist; font
(ABeeZee), size (34), and colour (white), text to be bold

19. 16th page: saturn -Canva -15min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a saturn picture to be added in the upper centre of the
-the word (SATURN) all caps, will be placed next to the
saturn picture underneath with the font (open sans light),
size (106), colour (white) and the font to be bold
- the page number of the page (7) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed in the
bottom right corner of the page

20. 17th page: (stuck under the saturn page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of saturn
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the earth page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have saturn
-fact 1 (inside saturn): Saturn orbits the Sun once every
29.4 years; font (ABeeZee), size (37), and colour
(white), text to be bold
-fact 2: Saturn has 150 moons, the biggest being Titan
and Rhea; font (ABeeZee), size (36), and colour (white),
text to be bold

21. 18th page: uranus -Canva -15min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a uranus picture to be added in the centre of right side
of the page
-the word (URANUS) all caps, will be placed next to the
uranus picture on the left side (open sans light), size
(113), colour (white) and the font to be bold
- the page number of the page (7) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit under
the word, uranus

22. 19th page: (stuck under the uranus page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of uranus
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the uaranus page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have uranus -fact 1 (inside uranus): 1 season in
Uranus lasts 1 Uranian days, which is 42 years
; font (ABeeZee), size (44), and colour (white), text to be
-fact 2: uranus is referred to as an “ice giant” planet; font
(ABeeZee), size (46), and colour (white), text to be bold

23. 20th page: neptune -Canva -15min

-a black background with tiny white stars scattered all
over the page
-a neptune picture to be added in the centre of the left-
hand side of the page
-the word (NEPTUNE) all caps, will be placed next to
the neptune picture on the right side, font (open sans
light), size (103), colour (white) and the font to be bold
- the page number of the page (9) will be placed in the
bottom centre of the page in font (open sans extra bold),
size (130) and colour (white)
-the astronaut graphic picture will be placed a bit
underneath the word, neptune

24. 21st page: (stuck under the neptune page) -Canva -15min
-will contain 2 squares as an outline to put the facts in
-one is where the astronaut is, and the other one is in the
centre of neptune
-both squares will have the background of the windows
on the earth page, so one of the windows will have a
black background with tiny white stars, and the other one
will have neptune
-fact 1 (inside neptune): Neptune is the coldest planet in
the solar system, the temperature could go down to -240
Celsius (oC) your body could freeze in a second; font
(ABeeZee), size (31), and colour (white), text to be bold
-fact 2: Neptune is almost 5 billion km away from the
sun; font (ABeeZee), size (46), and colour (white), text
to be bold

25. 22nd page: (stuck on the other side of the back cover): -Canva -2min
- Will contain a background colour (#0f2d84)
- yellow and white tiny stars will be scattered randomly
on the whole page

Printing process:

1. Going to Officeworks to print all the pages individually -officeworks -3hours

2. At home ill stick all the pages together -superglue -3hours

-glue gun

3. Go back to Officeworks and make then stick the pages -officeworks -2weeks
into the book

4. the type of paper and size of book is still undecided -officeworks

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