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An annotated map of your local area → identifying three (3) physical activity facilities
within 20 - 30mins walking distance of your house. Facilities should be outdoor/natural
ones, NOT fitness centres. 
Castle brook memorial park,

Jonas Bradley oval

My home

Connor greasby park

- Castle brook memorial park, Rouse hill: has a path way and is pretty big, walking or
running could be done there
- Jonas Bradley oval: has courts for different sports and has a big field, a lot of exercises
and sports could be done here
- Connor greasby park: has a field and free equipment

2. Explain THREE barriers that could affect an individual’s access to these facilities in your
local community?
* Explain means - the how / why, cause and effect, the relationships between
* Impact on access - could be positive or negative. e.g., Free / no cost which is positive
* Barrier / determinant
* 2 PEEL paragraphs
 Introduction
 Paragraph 1 - barrier and how it impacts access
 Paragraph 2 - barrier and how it impacts access
 Paragraph 3 - barrier and how it impacts access
 Conclusion
Exercising is very important to the human body and its highly encouraged to do so at least 3
times a week. When exercising, the person needs a place to do the exercises, people often
go do it a gym or place that provides equipment but it usually requires money, but not
everyone is able to do so, so people try to find free facilities to work out in. Even after
finding free places, there might still be barriers other than money like time, age and injury
that doesn’t allow the person to exercise or access the facilities, even if they’re free.

Time is one of the barriers. One person could choose to go do sports in the morning or
afternoon or at night, maybe for 10 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour. These are ranges of
choices chosen by the person going out to do sports, these choices are made based on the
amount of time a person has, which ranges from a person to another, and that’s where the
problem comes. If the average person doesn’t have the flexibility of choosing the time and
duration of activities then there is a big chance the person will not get to do any exercise. If
this keeps repeating then the health of the person will be affected. So, when a barrier like
this is present the person will not be able to go to the facilities even if they’re free.

Age is another barrier. Some facilities, free or not allow a certain minimum age of a person
to be able to use the facility and the equipment. The person has to be that minimum age or
come with a guardian and sometimes, even if a guardian is present, the person will not be
allowed if they’re underage. For some facilities that have equipment, like the parks listed,
need a certain age to be able to use the equipment provided and ensure the safety of the
person. With saying that, this kind of barrier is meant to be a barrier for a certain age group
for the facilities listed above. This age group could be 1-10 years old, because for most
equipment and exercises the ages above 10 could safely access these facilities without
causing any possible problems or barriers that will affect their accessibility to the parks.

The last barrier is injury. When a person is injured it effects their accessibility to doing a lot
of things, including exercising. Some people might be able exercise depending on how
serious their injury is, but an injury, for example something serious like a broken leg, this
type of injury will decline the person’s ability to exercise, which also declines the person’s
health. When people are injured, they’re not able to exercise, they won’t be able to access
facilities even if they’re free.

Given these points the person might go through a lot of different barriers that will prevent
them or slow their progress and it varies between a person and another but even though
they exist, there will always be a way to bounce back and regain the person’s health.
Depending on the person’s needs and capabilities, each person will be able to manage their
barriers with different a mindset and strategies.
3. Analyse the effectiveness of the three facilities to enhance a lifetime of physical activity for
* Analyse means to identify points and draw out the relationships between them 
* You need to make judgments on the effectiveness of the facility to help a person participate
in physical activity throughout their life. 
eg. person with a disability, an older person, a person in a low economic class.
* 2 PEEL paragraphs
 Introduction
 Paragraph 1 - effectiveness of the facility
 Paragraph 2 - effectiveness of the facility
 Paragraph 3 – effectiveness of the facility

ConclusionWhen it comes to exercise everyone is different in everything, like the amount of

time spent exercising, the level of exercising and the place and equipment. These things
vary between people based on ability and preference. Some facilities try to have variety of
sections for as much people as possible to do some exercise. The facilities listed above will
be analysed to show the effectiveness of each facility’s presented sections.

Firstly, the Castle brook memorial park, Rouse hill, which has a long pathway. Something
like the pathway it has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include that its free
and it could be used with any age, any health status like disabilities or any economic class.
The only disadvantage is that its limited to what could be done with, meaning only a few
exercises could be done, which are: walking, running, cycling and anything in between like
jogging or roller-skating. Although it’s quite limited but if a person with any conditions
decides to let one of the activities done on the pathway be a regular exercise or maybe the
only, the person could maintain a healthy life because these exercises lets the whole-body
work. This facility doesn’t support a lot of people’s participation in physical activities due to
its small size and limitation of usage.

Secondly, Jonas Bradley oval. This facility among all the facilities listed is the one with most
variety because it has courts for different sports, pathways and a big field. This facility
doesn’t have disadvantages. Its advantages though include: the variety of things accessible,
a lot more people will be visiting it to do different sports like soccer and rugby. Also because
of its variety, all ages, any health status and any economic class will be able to use this
facility. Another advantage is that the place is quite huge, so it could support a lot of
participation for an individual’s physical activity whether it’s a group workout, a
competition or an organized game. Because of these advantages, it will allow the people to
have accessibility to a lot of activity and exercise throughout their lives and help them keep
it healthy.
The last facility is Connor Greasby park which has a field and free equipment. I would say
this facility is a medium between the other two, it does offer a bit of variety but not as
much as the one above but overall it is a good place for exercising and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle. the equipment provided has a variety of areas in the body to work on, like
shoulders, legs, upper body and lower body. The field next to this section is medium sized,
group activities arranged games could be done. Its accessible to all ages and conditions. If a
person decides to use this facility to do regular exercises then they will be able to maintain
a healthy life.

All things considered different facilities has different things to offer with advantages and
disadvantage and accessibility rate so each person gets to decide which one to go to or how
often. All of these facilities offer a good amount of variety of things to be done and
depending on the person’s preferences, they can create a healthy lifestyle that will
hopefully last.

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