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Talk about newspapers

Reading newspaper is good for school children since it helps them to know more about
their country and the people as well as the world beyond. There are many benefits of
reading newspapers. Besides increasing our general knowledge, it improves our standard
of English if we are in the habit of reading newspaper daily.
It is important to know what our government is doing for the welfare of its citizens.
We will know about the government programs like building flats, constructing bridges or
roads and opening new schools, from newspapers.
Sometimes we read about events in far away countries in Africa or South America. It
is interesting to know about an earthquake disaster or volcanic explosion. All this is
information which newspapers reports. Newspaper reading is also considered a pastime if
we take it as a casual reading.
2_7.Talk about sport
I am an active person, I love sports, especially football. I often watch football matches on
TV, cheering for my favorite football team with my dad. Since I was a kid, my dad
taught me to play this sport and made me fall in love with it. where I live, most young
people like football, we often gather and split up to play together every afternoon after
school. My brother is the best soccer player in the group of friends, I admire and wish to
be able to play football as well as him. Football is an integral part of my life
2_8.Talk about pets
Hello. Today, I will tell you about a dog named Miu. It's my roommate's pet. It is petite
and extremely adorable with its fluffy white fur. Since moving here, I've seen it. it's quite
gentle, only a few days, we got to know each other. It is very emotional, when we are
sad, it will shut up and cuddle at us, wanting to share like a close friend. When it's happy,
it runs and jumps, making everything around it more exciting. Having such a lovely Pet,
our house is less empty and more cozy!
2_9.Talk about shopping
When it comes to shopping, I prefer online shopping. I find it quite suitable and
convenient for today's young people. My favorite store when shopping online is the Chin
store. I usually prefer to shop alone than to shop with a lot of people, because it will
distract me from many difficult choices. There are quite a few stores on my online store. I
used to be very familiar with shopping on online sites. Regarding the attitudes between
men and women when shopping, I see that most of them have different wearing styles, so
it is entirely possible that they have different opinions. So I find online shopping quite
suitable for today's young people in all aspect.
2_10.Talk about reading
I take a keen interest in reading. I read all sorts of things, incuding novels, magazines,
online articles. Especially the novel I really love, I can spend a few days reading
continuously, it really captivates me. I often read e-books, it is really fast and
convenient . All that I need is a smartphone connected to the internet . When I was a child
, I often read fairy tales and folk tale like Tam Cam and Cinderella . I think children
should read books regularly to have a deep awareness of problems in society and to
develop free thinking. Reading is essential in life.

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