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Explain the following quotes in 2-3 sentences.

1. I am doubting, therefore I am.

“To see is to believe”. They doubt because not everything they hear/read/see can
be true 100% or 100% of the time. or in other words, some people fall off the path

2. The unexamined life is not worth living.

It emphasizes that everyone should live a life that can be proud of, a life where
you can look back and say, “yes, I made a mark”, or have not lived up to your
expectations, so you need to accept responsibility. It means that everyone should guide
themselves and hold themselves accountable, as well as set goals and work towards
achieving them.

3. I think, therefore I am.

There are no bodies in the world, everybody is different and controlled by our
mind. Our mind is always connected to our body, so as you think that you are a waste,
then your body acted like you’re a wasted person. If you think that there is something to
develop on your skills, attitude, or characteristics, then you will find ways on how to
improve yourself if you “think” it is the best way.

4. I act, therefore I am.

I believe it may be intended as a reply to “ I think therefore I am “ the person
making the reply might perhaps be saying, in effect, I don’t just think about it, I do
something. We need to do something in order to achieve our goals. We need to act
before getting something.

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