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Leonie Jay Adlaon


Understanding the Self



A picture of me

How I see my self:. How others see me:

•Serious. • shy and quiet

•Ugly. • responsible

• No self confidence. • Friendly

• Not talented. • Talented

• Honest. • easy to approach

• Messy

• Not a fast learner



Ans: Yes, because socializing will help to create our self concept, especially in the aspect of providing us
with our social identity. Socializing is important specially to me as a student of education , I need to be
socialized to gain self confidence and to help me talk to others comfortably that will help me soon in
future career as a teacher.

1. William James – was the one of the earliest psychologist to study the self and conceptualized
the self as having two aspect, the I and the ME.
The I is the thinking, acting and feeling self.
The ME is the physical characteristics as well as physichological capabilities that makes who you

2. Carl Rogers – theory of personality also used the same terms the I as the one who acts and
decides while the ME is what you think or feel about your self as an object.

3. Sigmund Freud – he saw the self as mental process and ones behavior as the result of
interaction between the Id, Ego, and Super Ego.

Id- is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality.
The Ego- it develops from the Id and ensures that the impulses.
Super Ego – it begins to emerge at around age of five.


1. Be nice to yourself
That little voice that tells you you’re killin’ it (or not) is way more powerful than you might think.
Make an effort to be kind to yourself and, if you do slip up, try to challenge any negative
thoughts. A good rule of thumb is to speak to yourself in the same way that you’d speak to your
mates. This can be really hard at first, but practise makes perfect. If you want a few pointers,
check out our tips for talking yourself up.

2. You do you
Comparing yourself to other people is a sure-fire way to start feeling crummy. Try to focus on
your own goals and achievements, rather than measuring them against someone else’s. Nobody
needs that kind of pressure

3. Get movin’
Exercise is a great way to increase motivation, practice setting goals and build confidence.
Breaking a sweat also cues the body to release endorphins, the feel-good hormones.
4. Nobody’s perfect
Always strive to be the best version of yourself, but it’s also important to accept that
perfection is an unrealistic goal.

5. Remember that everyone makes Mistakes

You’ve got to make mistakes in order to learn and grow, so try not to beat yourself up if you
forget to hit CTRL+S on a super- important assignment. Everyone’s been there.

6. Focus on what you can change

It’s easy to get hung up on all the things that are out of your control, but it won’t achieve much.
Instead, try to focus your energy on identifying the things that are within your control and
seeing what you can do about them. Read more about how you can accept things that are out of
your control.

7. Relax
Stress plays a huge role in self-esteem. Reduce your stress by taking time out to do something
you find relaxing. This can be anything from taking bath, meditation, gaming, exercise, read the
bible, pray… you name it: if it works, it works!

8. Take care of you

Eating well and exercising boosts endorphins, the body’s natural opiates, which make you feel
good on the inside and stimulates a more positive mood. When you exercise, you’ll ease stress
and feel better about your self. Having a cheesy dance in your bedroom, or going for a jog
around the block are great ways to boost your self esteem.

9. Accept your self

First up: self acceptance is the key to feeling confident. When people pay you compliments,
simply say ‘thanks’ rather than brushing them aside or countering them with a negative. Second:
nobody is perfect. Accept your ‘flaws’ or imperfections and learn to love them, they are what
make you unique, work it!

10. Surround yourself with people who makes you feel good
Spend your time with people who appreciates and care about you. It can be a little tricky at first,
but try to distance yourself from people who makes you feel bad about your self. Even if they’re
the most popular kid in school or the coolest person you know. Its really not worth hanging out
with them if they make you feel rubbish!. Strengthen other friendship and you’ll most certainly
feel better about things in the long run!

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