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Sample Compare and Contrast Essay topics:

1. Greek and Roman Culture: Differences and Similarities

2. Horror Films and Thrillers: What's in Common?
3. Working in Office or Being a Freelancer?
4. American vs. Chinese concept of beauty.
5. Sports or diets: what is more effective for weight loss?
6. Legal systems in the United States and Canada.
7. Remote learning Vs. Conventional learning
8. Communism or Capitalism

Vocabulary for Advanced English

EXERCISE 01: Comparing and Contrasting - Choose the best option.
contra s t
1. The    in working conditions between our Denver department and
our department in Chicago is very noticeable, and employees are now demanding
equality in this area.
d iffe r
2. The two engines    considerably from each other: one runs on
gasoline, and the other is a gasoline-electric hybrid.
d iffe re ntia te
3. It is often difficult to   between students who are absent because
they are genuinely sick, and those who are just enjoying a day in bed.
cha ra cte ris tics
4. The new software program shared some common   with those
that were already on the market.
d is tinctio n
5. There's a clear   between studying at a college and working from
home on a correspondence course.
Co mp a re d
6.   with 15 years ago, home PCs are cheaper, faster, and have a much
bigger memory.
co mp a ris o n
7. The two courses are different in every way: there's no   between
s imila r to
8. Our digital photography course is   our traditional photography
course, except that it is obviously more computer oriented.
s imila ritie s
9. There were several   between the two novels, except one was
aimed at a younger market while the other targeted twenty-somethings.
10. Serious computer hackers can access your personal files and destroy or alter
In the s a me wa y
them.  , they can gain access to your Internet banking facility
and steal your money.
Like wis e
11. The quality of his work is excellent.  , his attitude and
12. The TOEFL covers a variety of academic and general English
Altho ug h
tasks.  , the TOEIC focuses more on business and professional
d is cre pa ncy
13. There currently seems to be a large   between the number of
people employed in service industries, and those employed in the primary sector.
14. The Impressionists used light and color to give the general feeling of a
whe re a s
scene,   the pre-Raphaelites used a lot of detail and bright colors and
showed a romanticized view of life.

EXERCISE 02: Comparing and Contrasting - Choose the best option.

in commo n

1. British and Americans have a lot  .

d is tinguis h

2. Many people find it difficult to   between American and

British English.
d iffe r

3. Senior and junior high school students   in a lot of respects.

s imila r

4. Customs and traditions in the US are   to those in Canada.

d iffe re nce

5. There is a big   between cricket and baseball.

tha n

6. Politicians are more worried about winning elections   telling

the truth.
d is crimina te

7. In many western countries it is illegal for employers to   

between men and women.
the s a me

8. Young adults in western European countries look physically  .

whe re a s

9. In Japan people live to work   in this country people work to

a s op p o s e d to

10.Holidays here start rather late,   America where they begin

On the co ntra ry

11.I have never been on a plane.  , I prefer travelling by car.

comp a ra ble

12.Education in Germany is   to the school system in other central

European countries.

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