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The Menstrual Cycle

What do you see in the picture on the right?

Yes, you are correct! It is a pupa. Do you know that
it takes five to 21 days before a pupa turns into a
beautiful butterfly? Teenagers like you are like butterflies.
You are now in a transformation stage of your life where
all young people go through emotional and physical
changes, the adolescence stage. Adolescence is a process
that takes you to adulthood and it lasts several
years. As teenagers, you experience being moody, angry and beginning to explore and
assert personal identities. This is because of the hormonal changes that drive the
physical development of your body which is called puberty. Here are the following
changes that happens during adolescence:

You see boys and girls don’t experience same physical changes, one of these is the Menstrual Cycle that
occurs only in girls. Menstrual Cycle refers to the series of changes that occur in sexually mature, non-pregnant
females which culminates into menses, also called menstrual bleeding or menstruation or simply refer to as having a
period. As girls get older and their body change they get their periods. Do you remember the function of the uterus?
Yes, you are right! It is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. But how does it happen? The inner lining of
uterus called endometrium supports and nourishes the growing baby. If there is no baby, the lining
is shed during her period. During a period, blood and other tissues from the uterus leave the body through the
vagina. A period can last for a few days or about a week. The Menstrual Cycle is the time from one period to
another usually by 28 days. Take a look at the diagram of the Menstrual Cycle. What are its phases? What changes
do you observe in each phase?

The day count for menstrual cycle

begins on the first day of menstruation
when blood starts to come out of the vagina. The entire duration of a Menstrual Cycle
can be divided into four main phases. Let us discuss them one by one using the

Activity No. 1


Direction: Complete the diagram of the menstrual cycle by labelling and describing
the most important event in each phase.

Activity No. 2
Save the Date

Activity No. 3

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