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1).E. !

-ifth Semester (Civil Engineering) (CGS)

10192 : Building Planning and CAD : 5 CE 03
P. Pages : 4 AU - 2640
Timc : Foru llours i[ufiflfllntu|ll
io5a2* Max. Marks : 80

Notes t. Answer two question from Sectiotr A and two question from Section B.
2. Due credit *.ill be given to neatness and ad€quale dimensions.
3. Assumc suitable dora wherever necessary.
4. lllustrate your atls\l'er necessary with 0re help ofocat sketches.
5. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/refill only for *riting the aos\rer book.

I a) what do you utrderstand by chain a.Dd parallel dimensioning 3

b) State the symbols for

i) Stair iD Railway over road
iii) Towel rail n,)I Mosque.

c) State the importance ofdrawiug in estimalion 3

d) State rhe size oftitle biock for all sizes ofdrawing sheet as per BIS. I
e) Define scale. I

2. t) ldentify the nanle frorn following symbol.

ii) n n
i) n n
iii) o ir) C

b) Define -l
i) Break line
ii) Centre line
iii) Outlines.

c) Stale lhe generdl rules for dimensioniog. 5

3. a) Dra* a plur and sectio& elcvation of a square flag pedestal haviry height 450 (0.45 M) 5+5
above GL and 200 (0.20 M) below GL. The dimensioos of fust step from GL is 2500 x
2500 (2.50 M x 2.50 m). The offset between the steps is 300 (0.30m) on each side. There
arc 03 square stops above GL. The pedestal is constructed in 1:6 B.B.M with C.M. (l:4)
plaser on all sides. The granite sone is uscd on the steps. The G.I. pipe 150$ is ftxed in
tha bed cotrcrete uith suitable hold fast and P.C.C. (1:2:4). The height of pole is 4.0 M
above G.L. (Use 1:20 scale)

AU - 2640 I P.T.O
Il1ilililililt Ba1
I .10 'wc
1.2 x 0.9
2.5 x 1.5

t --- ,
-- Room
II Room
3.80 x 6.0 m 3.80 x 6.0 m
Fig. Q-3-b

Thc single line plan of a small house of load bearirg type as shown in fig. Q-3-b. The
specifications are os below
i) 'fhe foundation is taken upto a depth of 1.2 M below GL for all walls. The bcd
concrete l:3:6, 0.1 lvl tk and 0.9 m wide, provide spread footing ofsuitable o{Isct.
ii) 'l'tre pliath lcvel is 0.9 M above CL.
iii)Thc super structule is of (1:6) B.B.M. and 0.3 M tk.
iv) R.C.C. slab ( 1:2:4) 01 0.1 M & is provided at roof lcvel.
v) Assume thc sizes ofall openings and nos, mention them separately. Assume any other
data rcgarding the drawiry by mentioning it clearly.
Draw tie followings
i) Detailcd dimcnsioned working drawing showing all details ofopenings with schedule. t0

ii) Front clevatiofu

iii) Back side clevation. 5


I Thc fig Q-03-b shows a single linc plan ofa small house of R.C.C. fiame shuctue type.
'lhe spe.citications are as below.
i) All R.C.C. columns are placed at all comers ofall rooms ofsize 230 x 350.
ii) Ihe depth ofexcavation is 1200 a.rld PL is 750 above GL.
iii) All intemal and extemal walls are 100 aad 230 tk of (1:4) C-M. respectivcly.
iv) Pror ide SB, LB PB of230 x 400 size.
v) R.C.C. lloor siab of 100 tk (l:2:4) at rooflevel.
vi) Assume the sizes and numbcrs of openings. Assume any other data requted for
completion ofdrawing aDd menlio! it s€pamtely.
Draw tbe follorving for R.C.C. frame stuctule

i) Detailed dimensioned *'orking drdwirg shouing all details of opening with its l0

i0 Design the quafler tum staircasc and drau it in que (i) 4

1ll.) Front elevation. s

iu) Back eievation. 5

v) Section A-A. 6

all - 2640 2

f,. a) Prcparc sirgle line plan for a advocate. The size ofplol is I 7.0 M x 23.0 M. The allowable
a t0
built up arca is 33% of the plot area. The family of advocate is 05 persons (02+03
childrons). Assume suitable data and mentiotr it separately.

b) Name two philosophies ofdesign ofearth quakg pronc sfuature ,

c) Name the artificial methods ofventilation adopted for residential building. 2

d) Prepare a single line plao for parking area ofa school building on the graph paper. The 6
parking area is in the front side ofthe school building. Assuoe suitable area for parking
atea. Show the internal roads, parking stacks, watchmans cabin, electric poles etc. Assume
suitable arca for cycle, two wheelers and four rryheelen. There are 04 cars, 50-60 t1,o
uheelers and 100-120 cycles in the parking area"


6. a) Prepare a singlc linc plan for a teachcr on thc graph paper. The size ofplot is 12.0 M x 19.0 9
M, the allowable built up area is 33% ofplot area.
Assume family size.

b) 8

Kitchcn bed
3.8Mx3.5M 4.0 Mx5.5 M

2.0Mx2.0M 'Ib&r

Q-Gb Iig shows a line plan. Prepare a single line plan of fumitue with all dimoosioqs, the
plan is to b€ dmwn on the graph paper. Also prcpare ptan of electrical fittings. Both plans
arc to be drawn separately.

c) Explail with oeat skelch the provision of 3

i) a balcony
ii) Mezzanine floor

1 a) Pr€pare a shgle line pian on the gaph papq for a two wheeler vehicle shop. It should 8
c.onsist of sales and service oftwo \rteeler. The size ofplot is 19,0 M x 30.0 M. The ptot
is adjaced to S.H.

b) Draw a free hand sketch ofa balcooy ofbed rooDr on the first floor having clear dimensions 1
ofbalcony as 3.50 M x 1,10 M, Draw on the drawing sheet with dimensions, plan and fiont

AU - 2640 l P,T,O
c) . DefiBe 3
i) Picture plane.
ii) Vanishing point.
iii) Anglc ofYision.

d) State thc requirements ofa bormdary wall ofa plot as per building byelaws ,

c) State the advantagcs and disadvantages ofsemidctached housc. 3


8 a) Prepare a single line plan ofa college canteen with following particulac. 8
i) Students diniu/snacks hall -100 sqm.
ii) Staf room - 30 sqm
iii) Kitchen - 40 sqm
iv) Storc - 20 sqm
v) Photocopy. Store, - 10 sqm.
Use graph paper for single Iine plan.

b) State thc limitarions ofperspectivc draning. 1

c) Whct is nrear b)'frec haDd sketch. Statc 1he uscs ofit. I

d) List Orc docunents requircd for submitting the applicarion foml 1o convert the land ftom 4
agiculturc 1o residential purpose.

-{u - 2610 .1

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