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NAME: Rogelyn A.



Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of class diversity at work in the hospitality and tourism industry?
Diversity can help usher in positive organizational changes and improve communication, all
thanks to the wisdom of new perspectives. In the hospitality industry, success is largely
dependent upon employee-customer interactions. Hospitality is an industry in which customer-
facing representatives need to understand and appreciate different cultures. Tourists come
from all walks of life, and an ability to connect with people of different ages, genders, sexual
orientations, disabilities, socioeconomic statuses, and belief systems is key in making out-of-
towners feel welcome in your establishment.

2. What are the three main classifications of social class?




3. Why do class differences matter at work?

So why does class, however you want to name it or slice it, matter? It matters to sociologists
because the fact that it exists reflects unequal access to rights, resources, and power in society—
what we call social stratification. As such, it has a strong effect on the access an individual has to
education, the quality of that education, and how high a level he or she can reach. It also affects
who one knows socially, and the extent to which those people can provide advantageous
economic and employment opportunities, political participation and power, and even health and
life expectancy, among many other things.

4. Why is social class differences matter at work?

The study focused particular attention on what the authors refer to as "social class transitioners," who
are people that have managed to progress between socioeconomic classes during their life, and it
emerged that those who were able to do that brought particular value to the workplace. Individuals
from working class backgrounds learn rules of survival, solidarity and community. Values of solidarity
and community make for good team players, and being able to work in a team is, as we know, critical to
business success. Teamwork is also more conducive to creativity and innovation.

5. What benefits can social class bring to diversity in the hospitality and tourism industry?
Diversity in the hospitality industry means not just recognizing differences but valuing them and
understanding how these differences may impact the individual experience. Hiring people from different
backgrounds and cultures brings fresh perspectives to the business. Research shows diversity can lead to
enhanced problem-solving, better decision-making, and new, innovative ideas.

6. What developments are taking place regarding social differences in sub-saharan Africa?
Social changes sweeping sub-Saharan Africa are having dramatic effects on human health. For example,
demographic processes such as declining fertility, rapid rural-to-urban migration, and increased
longevity significantly influence patterns of risk and the burden of disease.

7. How many economic problems pose a challenge to social class diversity?

There are 5 economic problems challenges in social class diversity.

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