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PBL Pram,trc Fnarrmwoar

t{ame ofProject: The Integration ofliteracy Itrtervention Across Subjects Duratiotr: August ?021 - July 2022

fopic/Theme: Literacy Intervention Across Subject Areas Project Designerl O'Nesseia Edmondson ?rade/Division Level: Grade 4

Budget/Expenses (if any): School: Destiny Christian School in Red deer AB

Supervisor: Dr. Gloria Antifaitr(City Udversity) &
. $24,000 Tuition (Two-yeartotal) Jonathan Bolton (Principai - Dmtiny Christian School)
. $1500 Professional Reading (e.g., books)
. 5200 Other Rmouces
. $500 Professional Editor
Problem to be Addressed:
"It wmn't until many yem, mmy experiences later, that I leamed about "feat'' of reading - like "fear of flfing" - finding tlat some children, for whatever reason,
were terrified ofperforming in this particular curricula re4 that some children felt so disempowued tlat tLey were afiaid to try." fltras$ermarn 2004 pp. 39:
40). As teachers we have seen the occasional md sometimes more frequeni students that come to our classrooms with deep rooted reservations to read oEt loud, or
eyen take part in general discussions becaue offear. This may be related to a fear ofbeing ridiculed or mocked. This can be a deyastating reality in the life ofa
child and ifnot addressed with great sensitivity that a child could grow up without this mdoubtedly, needed life skill. Teachere play a significant role ia ensuing
Srat literacy integration acloss subjsct ar€s take place in their classmoms. Therefore, this study will seeft to help teachers undeEtand diffsrsnt strategies that can
be ernployed to ensure that integration and interyentioa across subject aeas occu in their classrooms, The study wiil help teachers to effectively choose teaching,
leaming and evaluatioil sffategies io enhece students' litemcy capacity md to enffe cottinuou literacy mgagment throughout the day.

The Aiberta leademhip Quality Standards (2020, p. 4) competmcy #1 speaks about Fostring Effective Relationships: "A leader builds positive worlcing
relationships with members of lhe school commnity and local commtmity." lt is tlrough this relationship that we will be able to accomplish the shared vision of
seeing all our students master lit€racy skills-

LQS Competmcy #4 Lading a Leaming Commmity (p. 5) states that'i4 leader nuttures and susmins a alture that silpparts aiduce-infomed teaching and

help ou students see success in their literacy journey is the shared responsibility ofall staffmembers regardless ofwhat class or subject is taught.

Figure 1


. August2021
o Continue to connect with supervisors on ideas and possible concems
o Gather research materials md possible readings on the topic (books and articles etc.)
o Begin to add more books md articles to Mendeley and begin to orgmize materials

. September202l
o Contiaue research and compiling materials
o Complete chapter 1

o Have review ofchapter one done

o Make necessary corrections to chapter I

. October-Decesber202l
o Re-visit both Intemship I and II and &e reflections done so far in my master's program.
o Engage in more reflection time.
o Begin to talk witl staffabout my topic and gattrer teachers' views, cnncems, ideas and geneml perspective on the topic
o Create and dispeme srrveys to gather pertinent data
o Analyze ard xsess information.
o Seek deeper clarification from the experts
o Locate md engage ia profmsional developnent opportunities that can help with further and deeper understantiing oftopic and needs moving
o Commuoicate often with supervisors and cohort &ieads
o Use City University library and librarians
o Rea4rea4read!
o Complete chapter 2 - Literature Review

. laruary2022
o Have chapter 2 reviewed by editor

o Make corrections to chapter 2
o Begin chapter3

February - April 2022

o Begin and complete chapter 3 - Methodology and Recommendations.
o Seek supervisor's input and advice hre (Dr. Altifaiff)
o Have chapter 3 edited
o Make necessary conections
o Continue with research as is needed

Mty -2022
o Complete conclusion and implementations ofcapstone ploject. Re-visit both Intemship I and II and the reflections done so far in my mmter's
o Engage in more reflection time.
o Editorcompletereview
o Make corrections where necessary

June - July 2022

o Prepare for presentation ofcapstone project.
o Present to instructom organized by City University when the time comes

o Celebnte with family & cohort frlends!!

Fisure 2

Pmject Summary Description:

. This resemch seeks to evaluate the benefits ofintegrating litemcy intewention strategies across subject areas at the Grades 4-6 level.
lndrisano and Chall (1995) states that reading instruction is paramount at the elementary level. We sometimes assume that learning to
read is only the focus of kindergarten teachers, but this is far ffom the truth. Reading and Iiteracy skills should have focus at every
grade ievel throughout the elementary years. Our students leam at varying degrees, and mmy times may fail to master the literacy
expectation at their grade level before moving on to the next. To ensure that these students tre monitored and propelled into success,
we need to ensure that interuention shategies at every grade level will help students overcome the challenges they may face as they
move tbrough the different grade levels.

. How do we bridge the gaps that exist in literacy at the grades 4-6 level? We put inteflention strategies in place across subject areas.
We ensure that sRldents are mel at their point of nced and strategical ly led to success. We havc leamt that consistcncy is kcy to
learning any skill, and leaming to read is no exception. Ifintervention strategies are familiar and accessible at each level and across
the subject areas, students will inevitably enjoy literary success-

. Literacy is a powerful tool and a significant component behind the success ofchildren in every subject area. Students may struggle to
succeed without the proper foundational skills and essential knowledge at crucial developmental stages. Brow (2014) statos that
foundation skills are reading skills that students typically develop in the primary grades. Brom further went on to say that "the skills
and behaviours that develop emly serve as the base for later competence and proficiency.' (p 35). Print conc€pt, phonological
awreness, phonics, and word recognition and fluency ae the skills highlighted here- Children will not become profrcient readers
unless they have these capabilities. Children who do not acquire these abilities lag behhd their pees and do not read spell or
comprehend at their grade level. From the perspectives of (Snow et al., 1998), and stated by Zorfass and Urbano (2008), "for
middle-grade students, the lrck of&ese skills can lead to serious reading difficulties." (p. l).
Due to the lack ofliteracy skills, litemcy intervention must be implemented at every developmental stage. As mentioned by
Merga (2019), from the viewpoints of(Roberts et a1.,2008) "their limited literacy skills diminish their capacity to advance their
reading comprehension and vocabulary skills and to develop efficient md effective readhg saategies" (p. 376). Many facton
influence literacy among studentsi lmguage, vocabulary envirorunent, parental influence, reading, speech, hearing vision
impaiment, aDd socioeconomics are all factors to consider- Students would be unable to establish and retain these fundamental skills
ifthese faclors continue to exist.
This study intends to cxamine the gaps oeated in students' capabilities at the elementary level due to the lack offoundatioml skills.
The aim is to discover how integ@ting literacy intervention strategies across subject areas in grades 4-6 can impact
students' learning. The research will also seek to a-scertain what can be done at each developmental stage to ensure that all literacy
benchmuks can be achieved before moving to another level.

Driving Question: How beneficial are literacy interumtion strategies, and how do they impact students' literacy development from grades 4 to 6?
How can a teacher integrate literaey intervention strategies across subject areas to ensure conthuous literacy engagement?
What is a school leader's role in ensuring that literacy inlerventions are focused and intentionally integrated across subject areas at
grades 4 to 6?

Entry Event Entry Event: How will you "launch" your prcject to educate othem? What caused you to "enter hto" this idca?

I intend to coDsult with my principal with the hope ofpresenfing my reseuch to the staff ofDestiny Christian School. I would also welcome
written feedback from the staffon the ares they foud useful and those on which improvement is needed. A questionnaire will be used to
collect feedbrck. I will use the feedback from staffto strcngthen my presilIation.

The final prcduct will be presented to the City University panel chosen to hear my presentation.
Once the research has been approved, I will seek audiences to which I car pass on this knowledge with the hope that teachers wiil fmd it
useful ald students'literacy development will be enhanced by the research.

I have sped most ofmy cileer teaching grades 4 and 5 and have seen so many cases ofstudorts coming to my grade not being able to read at
gmde level. I have experienced the constant heart-brcaking frustration ftom students when they try to read, comprehend and participate md
are unable to do so with confidence due to their litemcy barrier. Wanting desperatcly to find a stmtegic plan that works to help students
progress md find success in literacy have always been a passion ofmine. This capstone opportmity hro opened a door I have longed for

kougbdmy €nrir€caecr. I@ ftar lwiub€ able to@ srcb a pla tog&rrlBrwi[ hclp Ey ssdeDts fidsncccss aod otber teachers in
he profe,ssion with similar concems.

?igurE 3


Slgutflcrnt Objectives
(Lraming 1, IwillcreateacapstoneprojectthatFesentsresearchfindingsonliteracyinterventionst?tegiesandintegration
Outcomes, 2. I will collaborate with administrative staff, teachers and cohort for ideas to enhmce &e research
Objectives of 3. I will demonstrate how the findings can be used effectively to bring about change in literacy development in stud€nts
Project) 4. I wil! consider and seek avenues to present the research !o stakeholders in my present school as well as in the wider community of

Lerrning Outcom$:

. I will research and utilize information on literacy strategies and intervention ftom researchers such as Janet Morq Gail Topkins, The
Intedational Literary Orgauizatior, Jeanifer Serravallo, Gipe Richards and other researchers.
. I will hostpofessional development session for staffas well as collaborating with otho literacyteachers in otler schools on best
practices for intervention
. I will prcsent the research fiading !o our teachers so that they cm see the evidenm from multiple, medible source
. I will actively seek out feedback from PD andinteilentionpractices tbroughsrveys andquestionnaires
. I will coastantly engage staffin conversation as well as mitten dialogue for ideas aad suggestions as the program progresses

{lbertr Leadershlp Quallty Standardt - Cornpdcac! *2 Modelkg Commitment to Ptufesrianal learulng

i b) I w-11 artively seek out feedbacl( arid infordation ftOri a var-eti ofsouices to erliarlce leaderghili pmctices.
. c) I will seek critical review and apply educational research to inform effective practice

Conpacnq#i - Embodying Wionary Leadershilt

. e)I willpromote innovation, enablingpositivc change, andfostering commitmentto continuous improvement
. d) I will access, share and use a range ofdata to determine progress towards achieving goals.

Curriculum Outcomes

General Outcome 1 - Erplort thoughtg ideas, feelings and experiences

Specific outcones 1.1
Ask questions, paraphrase and discuss to explore ideas and understand new concepts
Share penonal responses to sxplore and develop understanding oforal, print and other media texts
Identi! areas ofpersonal accomplisbment and areas for enhancemcnt in language leaming and use
Sp*iftc Outcome 1,2
IdentiS perspoctives by exploring a variety ofideas, opinions, responses ald oral print and other media texts

General Outcore 2 - Comprehend and respod penona*y and criticafly to ord, print md of]er media texts
o SpecifuOutcome2.l
- Comprehend new i&as 8nd information by responding personally and discussing ideas with othcs
- Exted sight vocabulary to include words frequently used in other subject areas
- Distinguish differences in the structual elements oftexts, such as letters aad storybools, to access and comprehend ideas
and information
o Specifu Outcome 2.2
- Identiff and discuss favourite authors, topics and kinds ofoml, print and other media texts
o Speciftc Outcome Li
- Describe and compare the main characteristics ofa variety oforal print and other media texts
- Recognize how words and word combinations, such as word play, repetition and rhyme, influence or convey meaning

General Outcome 3 - Manage ideas and information

o Specifrc Outcome 3.1
- Ask relevant questiong aod respond to questioN related to particular topics
- Develop and follow a class plan for accessing and gathering ideas and information
o Specific Outcoae 3.2
- Identifo information sources that itrform, persuade or entertain and use such sources appropriately
o Speclfic Outeome 3.3
- Communiqite ideas and information in a variety ofor4l, print alrd otler media texts, such as sholt reports, talks and

Gererol Outcome 4 - Enhance the Clarity snd Brtfutry of communlcation

o Spuiftc Outcome 1.1

- Use m increasing variety olwords to express and extend undentmding of concepts related to pcrsonal interests and
topics ofstudy
- Recognize English words md expressions that come from other cultues or languages
o SpeeiJic Outcome 4.2
- Identi! and apply comon spellhg genmalizations in om writing
- Apply strategies for identiffing and leaming to spell problem words in own writing
o Specitic Oukome 4. j
- Adjust volume, tone ofvoice and gestues appropriately, to suit a yariety ofsocial and classroom activities
- Comect own idea, opinions md experiences to those communicated in oral or visual presentations
. General Outcome 5 - Respect, support and collaborate with others
o SpeciJic Outcome 5.1
- Use appropriate language to acknov/ledge special events and to honour accomplishments in and beyond the clmsroom
- Identifu md discuss differences in language use in a variety ofschool and community contexts

21st Century Collaboration & Leadership Sreativit-v and Innovation

Competeneies ' Collabomte with the school administmtive team and . Use my classroom as a model
(What teachers about my capstone reserch project. Shre my . lntegrate the strategies researched in the capstone and keep
competencies will vision for seeing students at the grades 4-6 level who a record of students' pro_qress and successes.
you are non-readers begin to read. . Use the records to heip teachere see the progress and
acquire/demonstrat . Present prcfessional development in my school. practicality of the findings
e tkough your . Open access to teachers to watch and panicipate in
project? Describe integrated lessons
these using the . \.isit other ciassrooms to obserue litemcy strategies and
cross crmiculr integralion into cross-curicula subjects
competency cards
lommunication lomputer Literacy
or posters) . .
Engage il continuous dialogue with staffabout Use oftechnology in presentation
struggles with litemcv in their classrooms. . Video tape lessons done in classroom using the inlegrated
. Shue success stories and progress made apprcach with the strategies highlighted in rmearch
. Seek infomation on how best to serve them with the ' Tape PD sessions for future reference and absenteeism
research findhgs. Continue to refleci and joumal purposes
. Use ofshategies that incorporate technology use in literacy
3ritical Thinking & Problem Solving )thers: (Cultural Understanding, Career & Life Skills, etc.)
. Problem solved with individual teach!'rs onparticular . Literacy is important for success in life. Celebratc students'
needs oftheir class. accomplishments
. Us the resetrch to detemine what are the appropriate . Provide oppommities to use the skill developed
steps needed to help in particular situations. . Using culturally diverse literahre, books, stories etc.
Connect with our culturally diverse sfudent population

Products/ ndividual: Specific content and competencies to be assessed. Provide evidence of

Evalu ation: . Pemonal Reflections flow this will tte assessed (e,9. survey, questionnaire, rubric, checklists,
[Iow will you . Use PBL plan and assessmelt to track progrcss leedback ffom others, etc.). How will you weigh this?
evaluate dre leming . Capstone rubric and advisor's direction
which took place . Capstone . Oml leedback fiom administration md staff
through this proJect? . lntemship joumals and reflections . Feedback through the use of sumeys/questiomaires
Whar criteda/ .
rncthods will be Blog entries and cohort l-eedback . Feedback using checklists
used ued to evaluate
. Checklists
this proiect?
. Course Work
How will others
svaluate )eer/Team:
your project? . Cohort leedback and recommendafions
. Blog response liom cohort
. Breakout discussions

Puhlic Audience )rewntation

ilho will you prescnl . Present completed capstone prcject to City University instructors
/our prcject to upon . Prcsetrt to staffat professioDal development
;ompletion? How . Link rcsearch to e-portfolio and share with other teachen
vill you prescnl your . Present to other groups ofeducators ifthe opportunity rises
inished prcject?
Expefts, audiences,
x product use6 that
rou will engage witb
luirg/at end of

Reflection lomal{-eaming Log;/Blog Checklist

Wethods ' Reflection from all three intemship jomrals . Checklistofcapstonerequirements
:Iow will you . Private joumaling
Eflect as you leam . B1og..
hroughout this
lroject? ' Ei:ul-qf:!
Individual. Team, )iscwsions (with peers, students, supewisors) Questiomaire
rnd/or W}lolc , Meetings with in-school superoisor (principal) and . Questionnaires to get stafffeedback after
llass) Capstone supwisor presentation
. Meetiag with teachers to discuss students lagging skills . Needs ofindividual class for literacy intetrention
and the literacy development needs
. Cohort friends about possible suggestions and
iur Jther:

ResourcesNeeded: l0nsitepeople/facilities:
What r€souces wiu you Jonathm Bolton
Supervisor/Principal -
ue to complete your Tim Gill
- Vice Principal
(e.g. print, media, guest
Educational Assistants
lntemerwebsites,, Equipmerrt:
comuity facilities, erc.? Research materials
F{ow will you access thwe Pap-ea
resouces for you prcject? Laptop
How will othem access
Tape Recorder
Video Tape

aterials: Books
. Joyful Literacy Interuentiom - Janet Nadine Mort PhD
. The Reading Strategies Book - Jennifer Semvallo
. 50 Literacy Strategies - Step by Step - Gait E. Topkins
i Malhple Pafi to Litemci - Gipe Richards
. Catching Readers Before They Fall - Pat Johmon & Katie Keier
. Essential Readings on Struggling Lsarners - Richard L. Ellington
. The Cotmge to Teach - Parker J. Pakner
. Essentials of Assesing, Preventing md Overcoming Reading Difficuliies - David A. Kilpatrick
. Stad with the Why - Simor Sinek
. The Power ofour Words - Paula E- Denton EdD
. The highly Engaged Classroom - Robert J. Mazmo & Debm J. Pickerhg
. The Book Wlisperer - Donallm Miliu
, Interweaving Crmiculum, and Classroom Assessmi:nt - Drake, Reid and Kolohon
. Focus - Mike Schmoker
. Kids There Days - Jody Cmington PhD

' Lost at School - Ross W Greene PH.D.

)ommrmity Resources:
. Community library
. Professioml Development Seminrs
. Teachers in present school and other surrounding schools

Ciw Univcrsitv Librarv
Blog Posa
Professional Development Websites
Books, articles, jomals, researches

o The Reading Teacher senes

Goqsle Scholar

Fiuure 4

ricular Resources:

Leadershio Ouality Standards

Thc Alberta K-12 Curiculum
Book - Th€ Strategic Teacher (Hmey & Strong, 2007)
Interweaving Curiculum and Classroom Assessment (Drake, etal., 2014)
The Inspiring Action on Education (2010)
Alberta Draft K-6 Curiculum - httos:4rururualbc{acdeutdeulus.aspr
My Chiid's Learning: A Parent's Resourc€ - hftps://wlemalberta.c


Final Product(s) Learning Outcomes/Targets Instructional Strategies Assessment
Presetrhliotrs, llow willyou deffiMte tlE cofrdt & ?lst what will you do iR order lo lem yo$ outc@evobjstivs? How *i$ youchsk for leejngaEd ffi€
Perfommces, Prcducts ceutury competenoies that are acquired thrcugh the Wtat stmtegies prcvided by you/teacherVotie the you) de oo tr&k? How will you *ses the leming
ud,/or Swices
to lm in the begiming, middle md md of yoE rcsowes/matffials will you Ne to help you lem? Aod md at the etrd (smatively)? What docmentation will
prcitrt (KDowledge, Skills, Aftitudcx when/hot will you w them? WtBt docmmtation will you you bave m evidence of your csessmenl?
have m evidence of yow plming?
(individual andlor the Begiming: Q020-2021)
. . Meet oftm with supwisom
/ Create E-portfolio
low will you Litsature review for capston€ prcjec1
lemonstrate you final r Couplete motated bibliogmphy / Deeperundastanding
. Rmemh smomding Literacy . ln cl6s presentatiotr / Blogpostsandfeedbacks
)roduct? Whai fom
vill yow final product strategies md inte8entions that can . Start Mendeley / Supenisors' directions
ake? ftinder, website, be implemated rcross subjst tres
)qolq papfl, etc.) I{ow . In clrus professional witing md
rillyou demonstrale
development of presentation skills
vhat you
rccomplished in this
. Collaborating with supwisors,
)rcjet? cohorts atrd truhem
. Gather references in me place
,IOTE:Add additional
ows for each
lhe Middle: Objective #1
\pril 2021 - luly 2t121 . Reflect and jomal my hom through y' Weekly meetings with in-school

Interoship II SUpWlSOr
Complete Internship Il . Research other schools worldwide with studtrt Presenting and discussing web
coucil bodies. Gather infomation
ideas with supwisor
Complete Interuhip iI prcjrcl r Develop a website for ow school's student
Council Professional E-portfolio
Update E-pofifolio
. Orgmize the base for the new student council The reflection iogs
Gaths more essential reading r Buy APA 7 book, use OWL and Pudie
materials for capstohe websites as well as work with persons who ae Mendeley orgmized
comlortable with APA (lear from Them)
Work on my APA proficiency More enor ftee APA witing
r Organize headings il Mendeley
Organize already dwided on
referrcnces in Mendeley

lhe Middle; Objective #2

ieptember 2021 - December 2021 r Compteted chapter 1 by end of Septmber y' Intemship joumal
o Have my in-schoo[ superuisor revicw this
. . Present student cowcil ideas to staff
y' Completed project
Continue reseuch md professional
r Kick off of ou nct student council program y' Admidstration and stafffeedback
. Have chapter 2 completed by begiming of
. Complete chaptes I and 2 of Dwmbs y' Organized Mendeley
capstone r Organired Mendeley
. Havechaptersl md2edited
. Make coftections
. Organize references

Ihe Middle: Objective #3

lmury 2022 -Marcb2022 . Completed chapter 3 ofcapstone y' Criteria set out io capstone rubric
. hofessional r€ding continus
. Work on chapier 3 ofcapstone . Sta( "playing" with presentation ide$
y' Mendeley souces well organized
. More research y' References for capstoDe organized
. Think about hnal presentation fomat and il prcper APA style up to this
. Possible prcfessional development to
. Orgmize references

Ihe Middle: Additional Objectives

\pi12022 -Iwe2022 . Completed conclusion and recomendations y' Complet€d capstonc
reviewed by superuisors
. . choose presentation method ud begil to y' In-school andCityUnivenity's
Complete capstone conclusion md
organize ideas Supwisors feedback
r Professionallyedited y' APA references well orgmized
. Prcfessional edit olcapstone . Mak€ corections
. Add to md tidy up E-portfolio
, Orgmize relerences

Tbe Etrd: Final Product

July 2022 r Delivery ofcompleted capstone y' Complete capstoLe proj€ct
o E-portiblio
. y' Reflections up to this point
Prepue ior upstone prcject
prEsentation y' Feedbacks fiom superuisors,
. Complete E-portfolio cohort and staffmembers

. pr€sent / E-portfolio
y' Celebmtel!l


I enjoyed the process of planning my copstone using the PBL templdte. Before I stdrted this assignment, I hod no speciJics about my capstone ond how I wos going
to proceed from whot wos olready done in previous courses, I was still contemplating the topic I hod chosen dnd even wondered if I should consider chonging it this
summen After using the PBL templdte to plan through the copstone timeline and possibilities I now have o cleorer view ol whot my ideds dre and where I would like
to toke them over the course of the next year ond o holf. I like thot the PBL gives such o cledr outline ond clority to what is needed fbr the project to be o success. t
also like that it is a working document that can be chonged and ddjusted as new learning is dcquired dnd perspectives are altered ot chonged completely. I will
definitely be trying out the PBL template lor at least one unit plqn in the coming school yeor.

f,ft*rroy u tAo oradlt nnoct
eldorfimDtsEt"lt Bdsdto
etool rn tha rrorltP&oe,
aadln MFqy,. . ttlsYtt&I
to* arqccfidrrltaffiiloq
o*racr, *nil *r*&ty of &fel

Figurc 5

B raiastorming ldeas/1,{otes :
FroE Cohort

. Vmess htr lots on Iitmy md is willing to shre infonnation.

. SoarborcugbReadingRope- FrcmAnE
. Scioe of Reading: The Basie md Beyond - Cory Armes M.ED
i WhinoldoK{hifaclintmimfion?


Alberta Education. (2020, October). Leadership qilal@ standard.

Brown, C. S. QOla\ I-anguage and literaqt development in the early years: Foundztional skills that srqpofi ernergent readers. (24),3549.

Hulme, C., & Snowling, M. l. Q009), Developmmtal disorders of language, learning and cognition. (Jxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Indrisano, R., & Chall, J. S. (1995). Literacy development. Journal ofEducation, 177{1),63-83.

Merga, M. K Q019, October 29). "Fallen through the cracks": Ti:achers' perceptions ofbarriers faced by struggling literacy leamers in

secondary school. Taylor Francis anhne. 54(4),371-395.

httBs://www.taodfonline.con/doi/fu IVI 0. I 080/04250494.20 I 9. I 672502

Zorfass, J., & Urbano, C. (2098). A description offotmdalion skilk intervefltiot s for strugling rniddle-glade read*s infour urban Northeast

and Islands Region schaol districts (REL 200&-No. 042). U.S. Depareent of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National

Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistancq Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands.

http ://i es.ed. eov/ncee/edlabs


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