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PROJECT DATE: 16-06-2022

OVERALL PROJECT STATUS: been made with the A shoe website which has
help of many languages such as HTML,CSS and JAVA SCRIPT. The main purpose of
this website is to sold out shoes and give increment of Internet access which is
very useful now a days every people do shopping online with the help of one
touch we buy every thing in very easy and peaceful way.

PROJECT SUMMARY: This website is a combination of three language at

advance level in which HTML are use for front hand CSS is use for body material
and JAVA SCRIPT is use to make a complete website in a easy way. This website is
based on E-Commerce which is very useful and go on trending now a days
because it is a easy way to grow up a business and make a name in market with
the help of website.

Project Companion its over Mussuawir,sheheryar,sarim,Rana

review Umer.
schedule Website Develop on E-commerce
Budget Not at all
Quality Best quality, Good website for
Team Performance An 100% reliable and complete
Road blocks Internet and Freelancers
Other Air Max shoes good quality and
100% guarantee and new arrivel
TIMELINESS AND TARGET: The increment of our brand is increases with the
help of all social Media plate forms. It is a best way to grow up the business
without any hesitance it is a best way to increase the growth by selling shoes on
e-commerce it is a most appropriate place to extend our business through out the
world by means of independent way it is very popular and useful by e-commerce
many people extend their business online. The target of making this website is to
divert attention to the people who like to do online shopping and need a new
collection for wearing every month. Our target is to provide good quality of shoes
and satisfied our customer through quality and attending attention of people
through our brand we increases our income every month .

NOTABLE CHANGES: The changes which has been done in a brand is that in
every event we provide new and good quality of shoes on every year we provide
promos to customer which divert the attention through a brand every new
collection is unique and different from the other brand every collection has
unique label and best tag line which attract the customer. Every model has
different from other and also in a reasonable price as well.

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