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UNIT 4: Travel and transport

Part 1. Describe an experience when you traveled by public transport

You should say:

o where you went

o what means of transportation you took
o who you were with
o and explain how you felt about the trip.

Complete this table with your own ideas.

where you went Where did I travel by public transportation?

When did I travel?
what means of transportation you took What means of public transportation did I take?
Why did I use that transportation?
What do I remember about the transportation?
who you were with Who did I travel with?
And explain how you felt about the How did I feel about the trip?
trip Feeling 1: …………
Why do I have that feeling?
How did I feel about the trip?
Feeling 2: …………
Why do I have that feeling?

Part 2. Follow-up questions

1. What are differences between public transport and private transport?

2. What do people in your country think about travelling by public transport?
Part 1. Describe a trip that didn’t go as you had planned. You should say:

o where you were traveling to

o who was traveling with you
o what didn’t happen according to plan
o what you did
o and explain how you felt about the trip.

Complete this table with your own ideas.

where you were traveling to Where did I travel to?

I traveled to Nha Trang last summer.
who was traveling with you Who was I traveling with?
I traveled with my family
what didn’t happen according to plan What happened to me?
Problem 1: My brother and me went out to buy some
stuff and go to the movies, but we got lost. Then my
young brother has suffered from a stomachache
because of the dinner. We don’t know what to do at
that time.
What happened to me?
Problem 2 (if any): My second problem is that I
couldn’t contact to my family. My phone has run out
of battery and I tried to find someone to borrow one.
Unfortunately, no one there. We need to call anyone
to help.
what you did How did I solve the problem?
Solution 1: Because of the stomachache of my
brother, I have looked for a vehicle to take him to the
hospital as soon as we could. After a long time, we
met a taxi driver on the main road and we ask him to
take us to the hospital.
How did I solve the problem?
Solution 2 (if any): I borrowed the taxi driver’s
phone and called my parents. I told them about the
situation that we have met, they immediately came
after that.
and explain how you felt about the How did I feel about the trip?
trip. This was the trip that our family have been waiting
for a long time and I admit, I felt good about the trip,
and of course, if we didn’t have any problem.

How did I feel about the trip?

When I met those problems, the first feeling that I’ve
got is worrying. I was scared that I don’t have
enough calm to solve the problem but what a piece of
luck, everything was fine at the end.

Part 2. Follow-up questions

1. Why is planning ahead is important?

2. How do people around you often deal with problems that do not happen as planned?

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