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Day 0

Importance to Social Media
What to do in the next 60 days.

Day 1
HTML 101

Day 2
CSS Course -1

Day 3
CSS Course - 2

Day 4
Agency website

Assignment 1 - Simple site with above knowledge

Day 5
CSS Flexbox

Day 6
Plural Site login clone

Day 7
CSS Grid -1
Day 8
CSS Grid -2
Day 9
Mobile First site in CSS Grid
Assignment 2 - Site with CSS Flexbox or Grid from Frontend mentor

Day 10
JavaScript -1

Day 11
JavaScript -2

Day 12
DOM Course
Day 13
Async JS

Day 14
Convertor App and Address Book

Assignment 3 - Two simple JS Projects(Will give details)

Day 15 - ES6
* var, let, const
* fat arrow function
* Default parameters
* Object literals
* Rest and Spread operators
* Template literals
* Array and object destructuring
* forEach, map, filter
*Classes in ES6
* find, every, some and reduce

Day 16 - JavaScript Projects

* Create a Year End Counter in JavaScript
* Pokedex with Vanilla JS

Day 17 – More JavaScript Projects

Github API Search App

Create an Infinite Scroll with JavaScript

Assignment 4 - Create an API Project

Day 18 - ReactJS Introduction & Class based concepts

* Introduction to ReactJS
* Basic setup in ReactJS with babel & webpack
* Basic setup in ReactJS with create react app
* Functional and Class based components

Day 19 - Class based concepts continued

* JSX, props, state and setState
* Destructuring props
* Event handling and Binding events

Day 20 - Class based concepts continued

* Methods as props
* Conditional rendering
* List rendering
* List and keys
* Styling and CSS basics
* Basics of form handling

Assignment 5 - Implement various form components

Day 21 - Class based concepts continued

* Lifecycle methods
* refs
* Context API
* GET and POST with react

Assignment 6 - Create a API Project

Day 22 - ReactJS - Hooks

* React Hooks introduction
* useState hook

Day 23 - ReactJS - Hooks

* Different useEffect

Day 24 - ReactJS – Hooks - contd

* useEffect hook - API call
* useContext
* useRef
* Custom hooks

Assignment 7 - Create a API Project with useEffect

Day 25 - React Redux

* Redux introduction
* Redux app without react
* React-redux introduction

Day 26 - React Redux

* Multiple & combine reducers

Day 27 - React Redux

* Async action with Redux thunk

Assignment 8 - Create a API Project with Redux

Day 28 - React Small Project
Hangman in ReactJS

Day 29 - React Small Project

Flashcard Quiz in ReactJS

Day 30 - React Redux Project

Employee Management system

Day 31 - React Medium Project

Covid-19 tracker in ReactJS - 1

Day 32 - React Medium Project

Covid-19 tracker in ReactJS - 2

Day 33 - React Firebase Project

Tinder Clone - 1

Day 34 - React Firebase Project

Tinder Clone - 2

Day 35 - MERN Project

TikTok Clone - 1

Day 36 - MERN Project

TikTok Clone - 2

Day 37 - MERN Project - 2

Whatsapp Clone - 1

Day 38 - MERN Project - 2

Whatsapp Clone - 2

Day 39 - MERN Project - 3

Facebook Clone - 1
Day 40 - MERN Project - 4
Facebook Clone - 2

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