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Anul 1900

Ringul vienez / Ringstrasse
1857–189X (1913)
Ringul vienez / Ringstrasse
1857–189X (1913)
Camillo Sitte
1843 – 1903

1889 : Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen / Arta construirii orașelor
Camillo Sitte
1843 – 1903

1889 : Der Städtebau nach seinen künstlerischen Grundsätzen / Arta construirii orașelor
Ebenezer Howard
1850 – 1928

1898 / 1902 : To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform / Garden Cities of To-morrow
the English Free Architecture Movement

A professional crisis that few architects realize and even fewer try to outgrow. A strong
tradition dictates that the architect is mainly involved in stylistic debate:

A bewildered gentleman may venture to suggest that be wants only a simple comfortable house, " in no style at all —
except the comfortable style, if there is one."

The architect agrees; but they are all comfortable… choose the style of your house just as you choose the build of your hat ;
— you can have Classical, columnar or non-columnar, arcuated or trabeated, rural or civil, or indeed palatial ; you can
have Elizabethan in equal variety ; Renaissance ditto ; or, not to notice minor modes, Mediaeval in any one of its
forms, eleventh century or twelfth, thirteenth or fourteenth, whichever you please, — feudalistic or monastic, scholastic or
ecclesiastic, archeologistic or ecclesiologistic, and indeed a good many more."

"But really, I would much rather not. I want a plain, substantial, comfortable Gentleman's House; and, I beg leave to repeat,
I don't want any style at all. I really would very much rather not have any ; I dare say it would cost a great deal of money,
and I should very probably not like it. Look at myself; I am a man of very plain tastes ; I am neither Classical nor
Elizabethan ; I am not aware that I am Renaissance, and I am sure I am not Mediaeval ; I belong neither to the eleventh
century, nor to the twelfth, thirteenth, or fourteenth; I am neither feudalistic, nor monastic, nor scholastic, nor ecclesiastic,
neither archaeologistic nor ecclesiologistic ; — I am very sorry, but if you would kindly take me as I am, and build my house
in my own style —

Robert Kerr, “The Gentleman’s House or How to Plan English Residence from the Personage to the Palace”, 1824
the English Free Architecture Movement

Charles Voysey, Broadleys, Cumbria, 1898

the English Free Architecture Movement

William Lethaby, All Saint's Church, Brockhampton, 1901-1902

Jugendstil — Darmstadt / Mathildenhöhe

1899 : ideea Marelui Duce de Hesse-Darmstadt, Ernst Ludwig

1901-1904-1908-1914 : expozițiile succesive și campaniile de construcție

1899 : ideea Marelui Duce de Hessa, Ernst Ludwig

1901-1904-1908-1914 : expozițiile succesive și campaniile de construcție

1899 : ideea Marelui Duce de Hessa, Ernst Ludwig

1901-1904-1908-1914 : expozițiile succesive și campaniile de construcție

1899 : ideea Marelui Duce de Hessa, Ernst Ludwig

1901-1904-1908-1914 : expozițiile succesive și campaniile de construcție

1899 : ideea Marelui Duce de Hessa, Ernst Ludwig

1901-1904-1908-1914 : expozițiile succesive și campaniile de construcție
Henry van der Velde
1863 – 1957

1895 : Bloemenwerf, Uccle, Bruxelles

1895-1900 : prezent la Paris, atât în galeria lui Samuel Bing, cât și în pavilionul din expoziția universală din 1900
1899 : se mută la Weimar, la invitația lui Wilhelm Ernst, Mare Duce de Saxa-Weimar-Eisenach
1907 : co-fondator al Deutscher Werkbund
1908-15 : prim director al școlii de Arte și Meserii Grossherzoglich-Sächsische Kunstgewerbeschule Weimar

Deutscher Werkbund, German Association of Craftsmen, important organization of artists influential in its attempts to
inspire good design and craftsmanship for mass-produced goods and architecture. The Werkbund, which was founded in
Munich in 1907, was composed of artists, artisans, and architects who designed industrial, commercial, and household
products as well as practicing architecture.
The group’s intellectual leaders, architects Hermann Muthesius and Henry van de Velde, were influenced by William Morris,
who, as leader of the 19th-century English Arts and Crafts Movement, proposed that industrial crafts be revived as a
collaborative enterprise of designers and craftsmen. Van de Velde and Muthesius expanded Morris’ ideas to include machine-
made goods. They also proposed that form be determined only by function and that ornamentation be eliminated.
Soon after the Werkbund was founded, it divided into two factions. One, championed by Muthesius, advocated the greatest
possible use of mechanical mass production and standardized design. The other faction, headed by van de Velde, maintained
the value of individual artistic expression. The Werkbund adopted Muthesius’ ideas in 1914.
"Deutscher Werkbund". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online
Hermann Muthesius
1861 – 1927

1896-1903 : atașat cultural al Ambasadei Germaniei în Marea Britanie

1904-1905 : Das Englische Haus
1907 : Deutscher Werkbund
1909 : Hellerau (Richard Riemerschmid, Heinrich Tessenow, Hermann Muthesius, Georg Metzendorf…)

Deutscher Werkbund, German Association of Craftsmen, important organization of artists influential in its attempts to
inspire good design and craftsmanship for mass-produced goods and architecture. The Werkbund, which was founded in
Munich in 1907, was composed of artists, artisans, and architects who designed industrial, commercial, and household
products as well as practicing architecture.
The group’s intellectual leaders, architects Hermann Muthesius and Henry van de Velde, were influenced by William Morris,
who, as leader of the 19th-century English Arts and Crafts Movement, proposed that industrial crafts be revived as a
collaborative enterprise of designers and craftsmen. Van de Velde and Muthesius expanded Morris’ ideas to include machine-
made goods. They also proposed that form be determined only by function and that ornamentation be eliminated.
Soon after the Werkbund was founded, it divided into two factions. One, championed by Muthesius, advocated the greatest
possible use of mechanical mass production and standardized design. The other faction, headed by van de Velde, maintained
the value of individual artistic expression. The Werkbund adopted Muthesius’ ideas in 1914.
"Deutscher Werkbund". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online

– sub conducerea arhitecturii, toate artele proiectării trebuie să evolueze către stabilirea
de noi standarde (tipuri, norme) ale unui stil omogen
– DIN (Deutsche Industrie-Normen)
Charles Voysey, Prior's Field, © RIBA Drawings Collection
Georg Metzendorf
1861 – 1927

1906-191X : Maragrethenhöhe
Vienna – Sezession
– Fondat în 3 Aprilie 1897 de artiștii Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, Josef Hoffman, Joseph Maria Olbrich, și alții.
– 1905 se fondează Wiener Werkstätte — o societate de arte frumoase care își propune să reformeze artele decorative
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich, die Sezession
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession | Gustav Klimt – Friza Beethoven
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession | Gustav Klimt – Friza Beethoven
Vienna – Sezession
Joseph Maria Olbrich (1867 – 1908) – die Sezession | Gustav Klimt – Friza Beethoven
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1900-1911 : Hohe Warte colonie de artiști, Viena
1900-1901 : casă dublă pentru Koloman Moser și Carl Moll, Viena
1905–1911 : Palatul Stoclet, Bruxelles, Belgia

The Stoclet Palace was the first residential project of the Wiener Werkstätte, that Hoffman co-founded in 1903.
Josef Hoffman and his colleagues designed every aspect of the mansion, down to the door handles and light fittings. The
interior is as spartan as the exterior, with upright geometric furniture and minimal clutter.
The integration of architects, artists, and artisans makes Stoclet Palace an example of a Gesamtkunstwerk.
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1905–1911 : Palatul Stoclet, Bruxelles, Belgia
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1905–1911 : Palais Stoclet in Brussels, Belgium
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1905–1911 : Palatul Stoclet, Bruxelles, Belgia
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1905–1911 : Palais Stoclet in Brussels, Belgium
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1905–1911 : Palais Stoclet in Brussels, Belgium
Josef Hoffman (1870 – 1956)
1905–1911 : Palatul Stoclet, Bruxelles, Belgia
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner (1841 – 1918)
1898 : Pavilion Karlsplatz
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner (1841 – 1918)
1898 : Pavilion Karlsplatz
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner (1841 – 1918)
1898 : Pavilion Karlsplatz
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Pavilion Karlsplatz, 1898
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Pavilion at Karlsplatz, 1898
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Majolica House (Majolikahaus), Vienna (1898–1899)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Majolica House (Majolikahaus), Vienna (1898–1899)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Majolikahaus, Viena (1898–1899)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Majolikahaus, Viena (1898–1899)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Majolica House (Majolikahaus), Vienna (1898–1899)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Majolica House (Majolikahaus), Vienna (1898–1899)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Banca de Economii a Poștei, Viena (1894–1902)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Banca de Economii a Poștei, Viena (1894–1902)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Postal Office Savings Bank Building, Vienna (1894–1902)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Banca de Economii a Poștei, Viena (1894–1902)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Banca de Economii a Poștei, Viena (1894–1902)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Banca de Economii a Poștei, Viena (1894–1902)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Church am Steinhof, (1903 – 1907)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Church am Steinhof, (1903 – 1907)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Biserică am Steinhof, (1903 – 1907)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Biserică am Steinhof, (1903 – 1907)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Biserică am Steinhof, (1903 – 1907)
Vienna – Sezession
Otto Wagner, Biserică am Steinhof, (1903 – 1907)
Vienna – Sezession
Theodor Johann Jaeger, Strudlhofstiege (1910)
Vienna – Sezession
Theodor Johann Jaeger, Strudlhofstiege (1910)
Vienna – Sezession
Theodor Johann Jaeger, Strudlhofstiege (1910)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
(1868 – 1923)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Casă pentru un iubitor de arte (1901/1989-1996)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Casă pentru un iubitor de arte (1901/1989-1996)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Windy Hill House (1900-1901)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Windy Hill House (1900-1901)
Windy Hill House (1900-1901)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Hill House (1902-1904)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Hill House (1902-1904)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Hill House (1902-1904)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Hill House (1902-1904)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Hill House (1902-1904)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
The Willow Tea Rooms (1903)
The Willow Tea Rooms (1903)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 – 1923) – The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh
The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 – 1923) – The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 – 1923) – The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 – 1923) – The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)
Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 – 1923) – The Glasgow School of Art (1897 – 1909)

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