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Founding Editor: Nikolaus Pevsner

J. B. Ward-Perkins


John Ward-Perkins, born in 191 2, was from 1946 to 1974 Director of the British School."at«
Rome. He taught in the United States and in Austraha, and conducted architectural researt^v-
and excavations in Italy, North Africa, Turkey, and Britain. He was largely responsible for^^
the 'Pompeii a.d. 79' exhibition. The best known of his many publications are his and Jocetyn,..
Toynbee's The Shrine of St Peter (1956) and his Cities oj Ancient Greece and Italy (197^^
John Ward-Perkins died in 1981.
J, B. Ward-Perkins Roman Imperial


Yale University Press

New Haven and London
1970 as Parts Two - Four of Etruscan and Roman Architecture by Penguin
First published
Books Ltd. Second (integrated) edition published under the title Roman Imperial Architecture,
New impression 1994 by Yale University Press
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
Copyright© J. B. Ward-Perkins, 1970, 1981

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Designed by Gerald Cinamon and Bob Wright

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Ward-Perkins, John Bryan, 1912-1981

Roman Imperial Architecture
(The Pelican history of art)
Bibliograph: p. 498
Includes index
I. Architecture, Roman. I. Title. II. Series: Pelican
history of art
NA310W34 722'. 7 79-26799
ISBN 300 05292 8

Foreword 9
Maps 12

Part One : Architecture in Rome and Italy from Augustus to the Mid Third Century

1. Augustan Rome 21

2. Architecture in Rome under the Julio-Claudian Emperors (A.D. 14-68) 45

Tiberius (a.d. 14-37) 45
Caligula (a.d. 37-41) 48
Claudius (a.d. 41-54) 52
Nero (a.d. 54-68) 56

3. Architecture in Rome from Vespasian to Trajan (A.D. 6g-i ij) 63

Vespasian (a.d. 69-79) 63

Titus (a.d. 79-81) 70
Domitian (a.d. 81-96) 73
Nerva and Trajan (a.d. 96-117) 84

4. Materials and Methods: The Roman Architectural Revolution 97

5. Architecture in Rome from Hadrian to Alexander Severus (A.D. ii/-2j^) 121

Hadrian (a.d. 117-38) 121

Antoninus Pius to Commodus (a.d. 138-93) 124

The Severan Emperors (a.d. 193-235) 126
Private Funerary Architecture in the Second Century 135

6. Ostia 141

The Early Imperial City 141

Ostia in the Second and Third Centuries 145

7. Italy under the Early Empire 157

Campania 157
Northern Italy 171

8. Domestic Architecture in Town and Country 185

The Towns 185

Suburbs and Countryside 193
The Late Roman Town Houses of Ostia 210


Part Two: The Architecture of the Roman Provinces

g. Gaul and the European Provinces 213

The Iberian Peninsula 214

Gaul, Britain, and the Germanies 219
Central and South-Eastern Europe 246

10. Greece 255

Corinth 255
Athens 263
Other Roman Sites 271

1 1 Asia Minor 273

Building Materials and Techniques 273
The Central Plateau 278
The Western Coastlands 280
Pamphylia and Cilicia 299
The Contribution of Asia Minor to the Architecture of the Empire 305

12. The Architecture of the Roman East 307

Judaea: The Buildings of Herod the Great 309
Baalbek and the Lebanon 314
North-West Syria 325
Damascus 328
Southern Syria: Petra and the Decapolis 328
The Hauran 339
The Mesopotamian Frontier Lands: Dura-Europos and Hatra 347
Palmyra 354

13. The North African Provinces 363

Egypt 363
Cyrenaica 368
Tripolitania 370
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco 391

Part Three: Late Pagan Architecture in Rome and in the Provinces

14. Architecture in Rome from Maximin to Constantine ( a.d. 2j^~jjy) 415

15. The Architecture of the Tetrarchy in the Provinces 441

Trier 442
Thessalonike (Salonica) 449
Spalato (Split) 454
Piazza Armerina 460
North Italy 464
Constantinople 465

List of Principal Abbreviations 467

Notes 469
Select Glossary 491
Bibliography 498
List of Illustrations 511
Index 518
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in 2011

In its original form the present work appeared assimilation that were already at work, the
as part of a composite volume, of which the first provinces were not directly involved. Viewed in
section, by the late Axel Boethius (now issued this perspective it is a fair assessment of
separately), covered the architecture of the Augustus's great building programme in the
Etruscans and of Republican Rome and the city of Rome that it was 'mainly a new, more
remaining three sections, by myself, that of splendid, classicized version of the hellenized
Imperial Rome. This first edition was at the late Republican town'. Well into the first

time criticized as, in effect, consisting of two century a.d. the history of architecture in the
distinct books, juxtaposed between two covers capital did continue to be rooted in the ideas and
but not interwoven into a single continuous traditions of its own recent past, backed by
narrative. There was some justification in this greatly increased resources but with very little

criticism. Given the very different scale and real change of heart. It is a remarkably con-
character of the source material and the necess- sistent, self-contained story, and one that can be
arily rather differing approaches of Boethius told with surprisingly little reference to current
and myself to that source material, some lack of events elsewhere.
continuity was almost inevitable. But the prob- But perspectives change according to one's
lem was undoubtedly exacerbated by the terms viewpoint, and continuity casts its shadow
of the chronological and geographical frame- backward as well as forward. The present
work within which each of us was working; and volume starts with the fall of the Roman
although the appearance of this second edition Republic. But although as a political institution
as two distinct volumes has removed the ele- the Roman Empire only took shape after the
ment of internal inconsistency, the break in assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. and the
continuity of treatment between the earlier, triumph of his nephew and heir, the future
formative stages of Roman architecture and its emperor Augustus, in 3 1 as a territorial fact the

full Empire still remains. A

flowering under the Roman Empire had by then been in existence
few introductory words of explanation and for well over a century; and while it is true that
clarification seem to be called for. in these early stages Greece was emphatically
Boethius's text deals almost exclusively with the dominant partner in the resulting cultural
the architecture of central Italy, and in particu- exchange and that the reciprocal influence of
lar of Rome itself, from its beginnings down to Italy on most of the Greek east was still very
the emergence of the 'consuetudo italica', that limited, the future was already taking shape: no
highly successful marriage of the native Italic student of Roman Imperial architecture can
and Hellenistic Greek traditions which charac- afford to ignore the fact of Republican Rome's
terized the architecture of Rome and ofCam- territorial expansion. In very few of the pro-
pania during the closing years of the Roman vinces is the architecture of the early Empire
Republic. This is a story that can quite legi- intelligible without reference to its own recent
timately be told almost exclusively in terms of a past, and even in Italy it is becoming steadily
steady onward progress within Italy itself, and more apparent that late Republican architecture
west central Italy at that. Except in so far as the did not present the sort of monolithic unity
conquest of the Greek east in the second century which a more narrowly Romanocentric vision is

B.C. intensified the processes of Italo-Hellenistic apt to suggest. Side by side with the architecture

of the capital it comprised a number of distinc- aspects of them that are significant in the larger
tive local architectures, in Campania, in sou- setting. So far as is possible in the present state
thern Italy and Sicily, in the new Roman cities of knowledge I have tried to strike a consistent
of the north, and in the rest of peninsular Italy. balance between the impersonal political, geo-
Of these one may perhaps leave the last-named graphical, social, and cultural forces that con-
out of account as being almost exclusively ditioned them and the more intimately personal
derivative. Southern Italy, on the other hand, contributions of patron and architect; but the
and Sicily had almost as much in common with most that I can hope to have achieved is the
late Punic North Africa as with Rome, an presentation of a reasonably coherent picture of
association which inevitably left its mark on some of the forces that were at work shaping the
subsequent developments, while North Italy larger scene, within which each individual
was the seed-bed and forcing-house of many of reader will have to make his own assessment of
the schemes of planning and the architectural the buildings that especially concern him. The
stereotypes that were to shape the early Imperial sheer quantity of fresh source material that has
architecture of the European provinces. Cam- become available in some areas during the
pania occupies a more equivocal position. In twenty-odd years since I started work on the
certain respects, notably in the development of first edition, and our continued ignorance of
the new concrete-vaulted building technology, other areas that are potentially no less impor-
Latium and Campania were at one. But there tant, would both make nonsense of any more
were also many popular Roman building types exaggerated claim.
that originated in Republican Campania, among In revising this second edition, I am once
them the amphitheatre built of masonry, the again conscious of my indebtedness to friends
Roman-type theatre, the heated bath-building, and colleagues far too numerous to name
the macellum, almost certainly the basilica, and individually. Where I have referred to the
very possibly the combined atrium-peristyle results of work that is as yet unpublished I have
house. The list is an impressive one; and tried to acknowledge this in the relevant notes,
although with the Augustan settlement the but even here I am conscious of omissions. In
balance of architectural patronage and creativity this foreword I must be content to name a few of
swung decisively away from Campania to the those who have been especially helpful in
capital, the architectural legacy of Republican checking and preparing the text and illus-

Campania was unquestionably a factor of con- trationsof this edition. To Roger Agache,
siderable importance in shaping the larger Fernando Castagnoli, Lucos Cozza, Robert
Imperial scene. Etienne, Mark Hassall, Teofil Ivanov, Peter
Another factor making for discontinuity of Parr, Jim Russell, Michael Strocka, Yoram
treatment between Boethius's volume and my Tsafrir, Luciana Valentini, Susan Walker, John
own is the dramatic increase in scale as one Wilkes, and, last but far from least. Sheila
moves out into an Empire that stretched from Gibson, whose contribution to both editions is

the Tyne to the Euphrates. No treatment of so inadequately represented by the small print
nearly four centuries of the history of this vast at the end of this volume: to them and to all
area can be all-embracing. It has to be selective, those others who have been so generous with
not only in its choice of individual monuments their time, knowledge, and practical advice I

for discussion but also in its choice of those express my warmest thanks.

Cirencester, August igjg


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In 44 B.C. the murder of Caesar plunged the tant buildings created in the capital on the
Roman world into the last and bloodiest of the initiative of other magistrates or wealthy private
civil wars that had bedevilled the last century of citizens, it is indeed an impressive document;
the Republic. It was not until thirteen years and since through all its many vicissitudes the
later, in 31, that the defeat of Antony and subsequent architectural development of the
Cleopatra left as undisputed ruler of the Roman city during the Empire took place very largely
world Caesar's nephew and heir, Caesar Oc- within the framework established by Augustus,
tavian, and indeed four years later still, in 27, it is with the Augustan city and its buildings that
that Octavian was granted the title of Augustus any study of the Roman architecture of the
and his position formally established upon an Imperial Age is bound to start.

effective, if not yet explicitly acknowledged, We do not lack for information. The record of
basis of individual personal rule. Now, for the building activity in the capital between the
first time within living memory, the civilized death of Caesar and that of Augustus in a.d. 14
world was able to draw breath and to profit from is almost embarrassingly full by comparison
a long period of internal peace and stable with the number of surviving monuments. To
government. Now, at last, the immense energies follow it up would be to compile a
in all its detail

and creative potentialities of the Rome of Sulla list of buildings about many of which we know
and Cicero, Pompey and Caesar could find a virtually nothing except the fact and circum-
constructive outlet in the ordering and develop- stances of their erection. Nevertheless it is

ing of the Empire of which she suddenly found important to have some idea of the extent and
herself the undisputed centre and mistress. character of the building programme as a whole.
One of the first beneficiaries of the new One of the most striking characteristics of the
situation was the city of Rome itself. It was surviving Augustan buildings is their variety;
Augustus's boast that he 'found Rome a city of and although this may be explained in part as
brick and left it a city of marble', and in his the product of an age in rapid transition, it was
autobiographical testament, the Res Gestae Divi undoubtedly accentuated by the legacy of the
August! ,we have in his own words a list of the recent past, by the diversity of patronage in its

public monuments in Rome which he claimed to early, formative stages, and by the very size of a
have built or restored.' When one recalls that programme that could only be carried out by
this list makes no mention of the many impor- pressing into service all the very varied re-

sources available. These have left their mark Antony, and built probably in 33 B.C.; the
upon the surviving buildings; and before turn- Diana
restoration of the very ancient shrine of
ing to the latter, it is essential first to glance at on the Aventine by L. Cornificius at some date
the historical record. after 33 B.C.; the Amphitheatre of Statilius

One very important factor in shaping the Taurus in the Campus Martius, dedicated in 30
early development of Augustan architecture was B.C. and the first stone amphitheatre in the
the legacy of ideas and of uncompleted build- capital; the Porticus Philippi and the Temple of
ings inherited from Julius Caesar, at the vigour Hercules Musarum, built by L. Marcius Phil-
and versatility of whose vision one cannot cease ippus in the late thirties or early twenties; the
to marvel. His was the grandiose conception of Atrium Libertatis, built after 39 B.C. by C.
replanning the city on the partial basis of which Asinius Pollio, another friend of Antony, to
Augustus, through Agrippa, laid out large parts house the first public library in Rome; and, one
of the Campus Martius and himself remodelled of the last of these great private benefactions,
the ancient centre of the Forum Romanum; his the Theatre of Balbus, built by L. Cornehus
were the first plans for the Saepta and the Balbus and dedicated in 13 B.C. Of none of
Theatre of Marcellus, the Curia, the two ba- these, except for traces of the Theatre of Balbus
silicas in the forum, and the Rostra; it is in his beneath the Palazzo Caetani and possibly of the
buildings that we find the first consistent use of Temple of Neptune, are there any identifiable
the mortar made with red pozzolana which was remains, although the plans of several are
to revolutionize Roman building practice; and it known from the Severan marble map of Rome
is almost certain that it was he who first [61].^

envisaged the hardly less revolutionary inno- Other Augustan buildings have been more
vation of the large-scale exploitation of the fortunate. For example, of the restoration of the
quarries of Carrara (Luni). It is characteristic of Temple of Saturn in the Forum Romanum
the sober genius of Augustus that he recognized undertaken, probably in the early twenties, by
the significance of the programme of his bril- L. Munatius Plancus enough remains to show
liant predecessor, and that he was able to put so that it was built partly of Italian marble; the
much of it into practice. surviving column bases are of an unusual hybrid
Another important legacy from the preceding form, which probably represents an early at-
age was the tradition whereby triumphing tempt at translating into the new medium a type

generals were expected to contribute to the that was current in Late Republican Rome. The
public welfare by devoting a part of the booty Regia, the official residence of the Pontifex
from their campaigns to building. Several of the Maximus, restored after a fire by Cn. Domitius
most important works of Augustus himself and Calvinus in 36 B.C., is another early marble
of his successor, Tiberius, are recorded as building of which the carved detail betrays the
having been paid for ex manubiis (i.e. from spoils inexperience of the masons engaged upon it. By
of war); and many of the buildings in the period contrast, the Temple of Apollo in Circo is a

immediately following the death of Caesar were building of considerable technical refinement.
in fact the work of public-spirited or politically The elaborately carved detail [i] closely re-
ambitious private individuals. In an age when sembles that of the arch erected in the forum in
the tastes of the patron were still an important 19 B.C. in honour of Augustus's diplomatic
factor, this circumstance alone would have been victory over the Parthians, with which it must

enough to ensure a considerable stylistic variety. be roughly contemporary. The gulf that sep-
Recorded examples of such private munificence arates the elegant, sophisticated work on this

include a temple of Neptune in the Circus temple from that of the Regia or the Temple of
I'laminius, vowed in 42 B.C. by L. Domitius Divus Julius, dedicated in 29 B.C., is the
Ahcnobarbus, a follower of Brutus and later of measure of the variety which was possible even

I. Rome, Temple of Apollo in Circo, c. 20 B.C., frieze from the interior of the cella

in this early phase, and which was to provide the programme can be seen in the still-surviving

ferment for so much of the later Augustan arch which carried the restored Aqua Marcia (5
achievement.^ B.C.) over the Via Tiburtina, and which was
After Augustus himself, the great builder of later incorporated into the third-century walls
the first half of his reign was his friend and as one of the city gates [2]. Built throughout of
collaborator, Marcus Agrippa, whom we find travertine, it is a characteristically Augustan
already in 33 B.C. engaged upon the programme monument, in its material and detail still firmly
of public works with which he was to be rooted in the practices of the later Republic, but
concerned off' and on until his death in 1 2 b.c.^ A formally, with its archway framed by pilasters
great deal of his work was of a strictly practical, and pediment, already reaching out towards the
utilitarian character. Under his direction the new types of arch and gateway that were to play
whole drainage system of the city was over- so large a part in the monumental architecture
hauled and renovated; the retaining walls of the of the Empire.
Tiber were repaired against flooding and a new Agrippa's activities as a builder were not by
bridge, the Pons Agrippae, added; a fine new any means limited to this severely practical
warehouse, the Horrea Agrippiana, was built programme. On the level ground of the Campus
beside the Vicus Tuscus, between the Forum Martius he built a whole new monumental
Romanum and the riverside wharves of the quarter, which included the Saepta, the Pan-
Forum Holitorium; and the city's water supply theon, the Basilica Neptuni, and a bath-
was doubled by the radical restoration and building, the Thermae Agrippae, laid out in a
enlargement of the four existing aqueducts and spacious setting that included gardens, por-
by the addition, by Agrippa and after his death ticoes, a canal, and an artificial lake. The whole
by Augustus himself, of no less than three that area was swept by the disastrous fire of a.d. 80,
were new, the Aqua Julia in 33 B.C., the Aqua and little or nothing of Agrippa's work has come
Virgo in 19 B.C., and the Aqua Alsietina in 2 B.C. down to us. The Saepta, completed in 26 B.C., is

Not much of Agrippa's own work has survived recorded as having been an enclosure with
the repairs and restorations of the centuries. It marble porticoes a mile in length. Of Agrippa's
remained, however, the basis of almost all Pantheon, dedicated the following year, the core
subsequent work in these fields, and an interest- of the podium has been recognized, incorp-
ing record of a slightly later phase of the same orated within the foundation of its Hadrianic


^^^^m^^ ^^mmi^^^

successor; the plan appears to have resembled already available in large quantities. The Pan-
that of the Temple of Concord, with a porch theon, too, must have been built pardy at any
which was narrower than the body of the temple rate in marble, and Pliny records the significant
behind it.^ Of the Basilica Neptuni also dedi- detail that the columns, presumably those of the
cated in 25 B.C. we know nothing except that it porch, were decorated with caryatid figures by
was also known as the Stoa of Poseidon, and was the Athenian sculptor Diogenes.^ The influence
presumably therefore a multiple columnar of Athenian craftsmen is one of the continuing
building, open along one side in the manner of features of the Augustan scene, culminating in
the Republican basilicas of the Roman forum. the Forum Augustum, the many classicizing
Of the Thermae, which were served by the Attic details of which again included caryatid
Aqua Virgo and cannot therefore have been figures, copied from those of the Erechtheion
completed until after 19 B.C., enough is known [9]. In the case of the Pantheon we can
to show that they merited their reputation document not only the fact but also something
as the first of the series of great public bath- of the circumstances of the loan. One of the
buildings that were to play so large a part in the few buildings which Agrippa is known to have
later development of Roman monumental built outside the city of Rome is the odeion in
architecture. the Agora at Athens [168], a building which in

The details are scanty, but they are enough to its own way represents a no less striking
show that Agrippa's work in Rome offers in convergence of Greek and Roman tastes and
miniature a faithful picture of the Augustan skills, Greek in its material, craftsmanship, and
building programme as a whole in its early, detail, Roman in its bold axial relationship to
formative stage. The utilitarian programme, the other buildings of the Agora, and in the
tuned as it was to the practical requirements of technical experience that devised its huge tim-
daily was conservative in character. The
life, ber roof of 80 foot unsupported span.^ There is

sewers were built in squared stone, the aque- nothing to suggest that Cicero's correspondent,
ducts in typical contemporary concrete work, Appius Claudius Pulcher, the donor of the
with a rather coarse facing of tufa reticulate; the Inner Propylaea at Eleusis, was ever responsible
bridge over the Tiber, which disappears from personally for any public building in Rome. But
the record at an early date, may have been an it was undoubtedly enterprises such as these
experimental, and in the event unsuccessful, which afforded the background of reciprocal
venture in the latter medium. For work of a Graeco-Roman exchange that is so characteris-
more" spectacular character we have to turn to tic of the Augustan Age.

Agrippa's monuments in the Campus Martius. Of the buildings erected by Augustus himself
The Saepta, which he inherited from Caesar, and listed in the Res Gestae we are fortunate in

had been one of the first Roman buildings of this possessing the remains of several of the most
size, if not the very first, to be planned in important. None is complete, and of several
marble.^ We shall never know whether, in others, such as the temples of Divus Julius and
conceiving this grandiose project, Caesar in- Apollo Palatinus or the mausoleum, the surviv-
tended from the first to make use of the marble ing elements are tantalizingly fragmentary. But
of Carrara; but it was certainly the opening of enough has come down to us to convey at least

these quarries made this aspect of

that a partial picture of the quality as well as the
Augustus's building programme possible, and mere quantity of the architecture of Augustan
by the twenties the new material was evidently Rome.

2 {opposite). Rome, Porta Tiburtina. Arch, 5 B.C., carrying the Aqua Marcia across the Via Tiburtina,
later incorporated as a gateway into the Aurelianic Walls (a.d. 270-82)

The Theatre of Marcellus [3, 4] owes its stage-buildings of later practice.'" The sub-
preservation to its conversion in the Middle structures of the seating, on the other hand, are
Ages into a fortress, and in the sixteenth century well preserved beneath the later palace, and the
a palace, of the Savelli family. Projected though curved fa9ade, freed from later accretions and
probably not actually begun by Caesar on the restored, among the most impressive surviv-

site of the old theatre-temple complex ad ing monuments of the capital. The scheme of
Apollinis built by M. Aemilius in 179 B.C.,'' it the fa9ade, a system of superimposed arcades
was not finally completed and dedicated until framed within the compartments of orders that
13-11 B.C. The stage-building still lies buried; are purely decorative, stems directly from the
to judge from its representation on the Severan traditions of the later Republic, as represented

marble plan of Rome it was, and remained in the great sanctuaries at Praeneste (Palestrina)
through successive restorations, quite simple in and at Tivoli and, in Rome itself, in the
plan, with none of the elaborate play of project- Tabularium." The principal advances on the
ing and receding features that characterizes the earlier buildings are the use of travertine for the

3 {opposite) and 4. Rome, Theatre of Marcellus,

dedicated in 13-11 B.C. Part of the outer fa9ade
and plan, sections, and sectional view

entire fa9ade and the greater boldness of the however, be noted that in fact only the two
rhythm of contrasting voids and solids. It has lower orders, Doric and Ionic respectively, are
usually been assumed that the external order preserved, and some scholars have suggested
was triple, as later in the Colosseum. It should, that the lost superstructure may have been a

plain attic (as, for example, in the amphitheatre buildings.'^ Decreed in 13 B.C. and dedicated
at Pola, in Istria) rather than the Corinthian four years later, it consisted of an almost square
order of canonical practice. enclosure on a low platform and, on a smaller,
That there was a superstructure of some sort, stepped platform in the centre, the altar itself.

corresponding in height approximately to the The whole of the superstructure is of Carrara

walls of the present palace (which thus presents marble, and the elaborately carved detail, which
an appearance not altogether dissimilar to that includes symbolic figured panels, a long pro-
of the Roman building), is certain from the cessional frieze, panels of spreading acanthus
remains of the seating and of the elaborate scrollwork, and a frieze of pendant garlands, is

substructures that supported it. The latter [4], of a quality unsurpassed in the history of Roman
built partly of cut stone and partly of reticulate- monumental sculpture. Here is a monument for
faced concrete with concrete barrel-vaults, were which there was no native tradition. The ma-
radially disposed, incorporating an ingeniously terial, marble, was one of recent introduction,

contrived system of ascending ramps and an- and from the detail of the ornament it can be
nular corridors for the ingress and egress of the seen that the workmen who carved it were
spectators (about 11,000 according to the latest Greek. Even the plan ofthe altar seems to be
calculation), who sat in three ascending tiers of derived from that of the Altar of Pity in the
seats, each tier pitched more steeply than the Athenian Agora. And yet the content of the
one below it, and the uppermost certainly of monument and the theme that it expresses are
timber. The outer corridor was vaulted with a already subtly but unmistakably Roman. No
series of radially disposed barrel-vaults carried idealized procession this, but a portrayal of the
on massive transverse architraves, one bay to actual procession which took place on the fourth
each compartment of the fa9ade, in order to of July 13 B.C.; and the figured carvings stand at

counteract the outward thrust of the upper tiers the head of the long line of architectural reliefs
of seating. The fa9ade and outer ring of galleries which are one of Rome's principal contributions
were in effect as much a gigantic buttressing to the sum of classical artistic achievement. At
feature as a convenience in handling large no moment in the history of Roman architecture
crowds of spectators, and they demonstrate the was the Roman genius for adopting, adapting,
characteristic ingenuity with which the Roman and taking creative possession of the traditions
architect was prepared to turn such problems to of others to play a larger part than in the
practical advantage. While the theatre derives Augustan Age.
from the great Republican monuments
directly The traditionalism of the Theatre of Mar-
of Latium, it looks forward no less directly cellus and the hellenism of the Ara Pacis
to such engineering masterpieces as the represent the two poles of Augustan architec-
Colosseum. tural taste. It was the mingling of these two
The Theatre of Marcellus represents a sub- currents that provided the ferment for much
stantially pre-existing Republican tradition of that was best and most vigorous in this and the
building which was able to survive, with re- immediately ensuing period. Nowhere is this

markably little new admixture, the impact of the process illustrated better than in the Forum
Augustan Age. It was a developing tradition, Augustum, which in many respects marks the
but the development was in answer to new culmination of Augustus's whole building pro-
practical demands rather than to the stimulus of gramme [6, 7]. The Temple of Mars Ultor
ready-made ideas brought from without. At the (Mars the Avenger), which stood in the same
other end of the scale we have a monument such relation to the forum as the Temple of Venus
as theAra Pacis Augustae [5], the Altar of the Genetrix to the Forum of Caesar, had been
Augustan Peace, which once stood on the west vowed as long before as the battle of Philippi in
side of the Via I'laminia just north of Agrippa's 42 B.C.; but it was still incomplete when the

w---- mw/A

5. Rome, Ara Pacis Augustae, dedicated in 9 B.C.

The present building is a restoration, undertaken in the thirties,

on a site near to, but not identical with, that of the original structure,
which is buried far below today's street level.
Plan and axonometric view

6. Rome, the Imperial Fora. Plan


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• i-^ = -j^—— |i qVi

1. Forum of Caesar (Forum lulium)

2. Forum of Augustus (Forum Augustum) c [00 200 300 m
3. Templum Pacis
4. Forum Transitorium
5. Forum of Trajan and Basilica Ulpia
6. Markets of Trajan
7. North-east corner of the Forum Romanum

forum itself was inaugurated in 2 B.C., and much the lateral halls razed and half the length of the
of the work of both buildings belongs un- forum buried beneath the street, the pro-
doubtedly to this later period. The forum and portions look very different [7]; but when
the temple may reasonably be regarded as standing the temple, which was almost square in
representative of the architecture of the Augus- plan with a deep porch, can only have been
tan Age at the moment of its full maturity. really visible from the front and, set on its lofty
The purpose of the forum, like that of the podium at the head of a flight of seventeen steps,
Forum of Caesar before it, was to provide it towered impressively above the long, surpris-
additional space for the public needs of the ingly narrow space between the flanking por-
growing population of the city, and it followed ticoes [8]. Suetonius records the further detail
essentially the plan established by its prede- that Augustus was unable to purchase all the
cessor, though in a considerably developed form land that he wished to use. This probably refers
and more compactly self-contained. The temple principally to the east corner,where the result-
stood at the far end of an elongated open space ing asymmetry of the ground plan was skilfully
flanked by two colonnaded halls, off which concealed by the flanking porticoes.
opened two semicircular courtyards set at the For all the hellenizing detail, and there was
extremities of a cross-axis that corresponds with much of this, the basic conception of the design
the line of the facade of the temple. Today, with was very Roman. The plan itself, with the
7 and 8. Rome, Temple of Mars Ultor, dedicated in 2 B.C.

and part of the Forum Augustum, with restored view


9. Rome, Forum Augustum, c. 10-2 B.C., caryatid order from the flanking colonnades

temple set on a lofty platform against the rear afforded by the two courtyards that opened off"

wall dominating the rectangular space before it, the inner sides of the porticoes. They doubtless
is in the direct Italian tradition; so too is the served a practical purpose, probably as court-
rigid axiality of the whole design, imposed rooms, and their form may well have been
forcibly on the ground, where a Greek architect suggested in the first place by the limitations of
might well have preferred to exploit the irregu- the space available at the east corner of the
larities of the setting. Roman architects were building. The introduction of a discreet cross-
always prone to treat individual monuments in accent was, however, a no less characteristically
isolation, and in this case the effect was accen- Roman device, taken up and developed a
tuated by the enormous precinct wall, 115 feet century later in the Forum of Trajan.
(35 m.) high, which served the double purpose The broad concept of the forum, then, its

of a firebreak and a visual screen between the purpose and its plan are all characteristically
forum and the crowded tenement quarter of the Roman. In on the other hand, there
its detail,

Subura. The sense of enclosure was made more was was new and exciting.
a great deal that
complete by the height of the flanking porticoes, Whereas the splendid bossed masonry of the
the fa9ades of which carried an attic above the enclosure wall, with its skilful alternation of
colonnade, upon which caryatid figures sup- Gabine stone and travertine, is in the best Late
ported a coffered entablature and framed a Republican tradition, the finely drafted marble
series of roundels carved with the heads of masonry of the temple, with its tall socle of
divinities. The only contrasting accent was that marble orthostats capped by a projecting course

decorated with a carved maeander, is no less Vespasian's Templum Pacis as the three most
distinctively Greek, almost certainly from Asia beautiful buildings in the world.''
Minor and derived from the same source as, for About the interior of the temple, which was
example, the Temple of Augustus at Ankara gutted by the marble-burners of the Middle
[179]. That the architect was also familiar with Ages, we know little except that it was very
the monuments of Attica, including such near- richly detailed. There was an apse, in which
contemporary buildings as the Inner Propylaea stood statues of Mars, Venus, and the Deified
from such features as the
at Eleusis, is clear Julius, and the roof was supported by two lines
caryatids of the forum [9] and an exquisite of columns set out from the walls, with cor-
responding pilasters against the walls them-
selves. One of the column bases, recorded in the
Renaissance, closely resembles those of the
Temple of Apollo in Circo, indicating yet
another strain in the pedigree of the ornament of
the temple and forum. '^ These strains had not
yet fused, and never did fuse, into a single
'Augustan' style; but they were rapidly being
absorbed into a wide and varied repertory of
styles and motifs that was at the call of every
metropolitan Roman builder. Never again in the
history of Roman architectural ornament was
there to be so extensive and so vigorous an
infusion of new idioms and new ideas, or so wide
a range of decorative traditions all in active

contemporary use.
10. Rome, Temple of Mars Ultor,
dedicated in 2 B.C., figured pilaster capital Although there was hardly a monument in
from the interior of the cella the Forum Romanum with the building or
rebuilding of which Augustus was not in some
Pegasus pilaster-capital from the temple [10], as way associated, much of this work consisted of
well as from a great many details of the the completion or restoration of buildings in-
mouldings of both forum and temple. Many of itiatedby Julius Caesar. Four of the principal
the workmen too must have been Greek, buildings with which he was in this way
brought in to work the profusion of marble concerned, the Basilicas Aemilia and Julia, the
columns, entablatures, pavements, and wall- Curia (senate house), and the Rostra, were all
veneers with which the forum was enriched - part of Caesar's project to bring some sort of
not only the white marble of Carrara, but architectural order into the hitherto haphazard
coloured marbles from Numidia, Phrygia, development of this time-honoured centre. A
Teos, Chios, and Euboea, to name only those fifth, the Temple of Divus Julius (the Deified
that can still be seen in place. This was not the Julius), dedicated in 29 B.C. but possibly sub-
first time that coloured marbles had made their stantially complete some years earlier, was in

appearance in Rome, but it was the first time effect a completion of the same scheme, balan-
that they had been used on this lavish scale. The cing the Rostra and establishing a decisive
contrast between the gleaming white of the architectural accent at the narrow south-east
temple and the profusion of colour around it end of the open space of which the two basilicas
must have been as effective as it was novel, formed the two long sides.

provoking Pliny to class this with the Basilica Except as elements of this ambitious plan the
Aemilia (another lavishly marbled building) and Rostra (orators' platform) are of historical

rather than of architectural interest, and the intention. Constructionally it seems to have
Augustan Curia was so badly damaged in the been a rather conservative building, remarkable
fire of A.D. 284 that it had to be completely more for the wealth of its materials and dec-
rebuilt by Diocletian. Coin representations oration than for any novel architectural features.
show that it was very like its successor, a tall, Along the south-east side, towards the forum, it
gabled building with three rectangular windows was closed by a row of outward-facing shops,
above a shallow porch stretching the length of the Tabernae Novae, probably themselves in
an otherwise plain facade [11]. Of the two two storeys and opening on to a two-storeyed
portico, the fa9ade of which was composed of
piers carrying arches, framed within the com-
partments of a boldly projecting Doric order
[13]. This portico is usually identified as the
Portico of Gains and Lucius, dedicated in 2 B.C.,
and it was for all practical purposes an inde-
pendent building, a translation into contem-
porary Roman constructional terms of the
hellenistic stoa. The facade was manifestly
designed to answer that of the Basilica Julia
The Basilica Julia, destroyed by fire shortly
after its completion, probably in 12 B.C., and
completely rebuilt between then and a.d. 12,
offers an interesting contrast. Built to house the
centumviral law courts (which were held in the
central hall, divided up if necessary by curtains
II. Coin of Augustus showing the Senate House orwooden screens), in one respect it conforms
(Curia), as restored in 44-29 B.C. more closely to the Republican pattern, in that it
was open on three sides and closed only on the
basilicas, on the other hand, enough is known to south-west side, away from the forum, where a

give us quite a good idea of their general two-storeyed row of shops or offices opened
appearance. Though broadly similar in design, inwards on to the outermost of the internal
location, and purpose, they offer an interesting porticoes and the gallery above it [i2B]. But
picture of the variety of architectural practice although in other respects the plan (345 by 1 50
prevailing in Augustan Rome. feet, or 105 by 46 m., exclusive of the offices) is

The more conservative of the two was the only a rather more elaborate version of that of its
Basilica Aemilia. Rebuilt after a fire in 14 B.C., '^ sister basilica, with a double instead of a single
recent excavation has shown that the new ambulatory portico and gallery surrounding the
building [i2a] followed very much the same central hall, the principle of construction is

lines as its predecessor. It consisted of a long, entirely different. Instead of being carried on
narrow central hall, lit by a clerestory and columns, the structure was arcaded, on rec-
surrounded on all four sides by an internal tangular piers, and the ambulatory porticoes
portico with a gallery over it. This hall, which were vaulted, only the central hall being timber-
measured some 295 by 90 feet (90 by 27 m.), was roofed.'^ The inner piers were cruciform and
open to the south-east, and along the north-east built of travertine, those of the outer row of solid
side it had an additional row of columns, which marble, and the arcades of the two principal
from its position close to the outer wall seems to facades were framed within the semi-columns
have been decorative rather than structural in and entablatures of a double Tuscan order.

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50m ^
12. Rome, (a) Basilica Aemilia, rebuilt after 14 B.C.;
between c. 12 B.C. and a.d. 12. Plans.
(b) Basilica Julia, rebuilt

For the facade of the portico in front of the Basilica Aemilia

cf. illustration 13

13. Rome, Basilica Aemilia, rebuilt after 14 B.C. Drawing by Giuliano da Sangallo

Except for the greater richness of the materials, the almost universal use of a tall podium, with or
the structural scheme is remarkably similar to without a frontal flight of steps, the general
that of the Theatre of Marcellus and offers an trend was undoubtedly towards a more typically
interesting, and in this form and context unique, Greek hellenistic tradition. Many of the older
example of the reinterpretation of the tra- shrines, with their low columns and spreading
ditional architectural theme of the columnar roofs, must still have survived. But as they
basilica in terms of contemporary construc- burned or were restored they were replaced by
tional methods. buildings which, both in their proportions and
The architecture of the Augustan temples in much of their detail, approximated far more
was by its very nature weighted on the side of closely to the norm of late hellenistic design.
conservatism. In the relatively restricted space One of the earliest and finest of the Augustan
available within the city there was no room for temples was that of Apollo on the Palatine, built
the daring innovations that had characterized between 36 and 28 B.C. Of solid Carrara marble
the great sanctuaries of Latium in the Late and adorned with many famous statues, it was
Republic; and although under Augustus and his acclaimed as one of the wonders of its day.
successors there were still such distinctively Adjoining it were a portico carried on columns
Italic features as the tendency to place the actual of Numidian marble (one of the first recorded
temple against a rear wall, facing forwards, and uses of coloured marbles on such a scale) and a

Greek and a Latin library. After the great fire of

A.D. 64 the Hbraries were rebuilt at a higher level
by Domitian, and their remains can be seen
behind the great triclinium of the Flavian
Palace. Of the temple, on the other hand,
nothing has survived above ground except the
core of the podium and a few marble fragments,
but the current excavations confirm that it was
pseudo-peripteral in plan, with a widely spaced
hexastyle porch facing out across the Circus
Maximus at the head of a majestic flight of steps,
flanked on one side by Augustus's house and on
the other by a courtyard and the two libraries.
All that we know of these early Augustan
monuments suggests that they represent a
moment of lively architectural experiment. Had
more of this influential building come down to
us, much that is obscure about the later de-

velopment of Augustan architecture might well

have been made clear.

The neighbouring Temple of the Great

Mother (Magna Mater, or Cybele) offers a
striking contrast. Its restoration by Augustus
after a fire in a.d. 3 followed thoroughly
conservative lines, probably re-using much of
the material of the Republican building and a
part of its actual structure, with a liberal use of
14. Relief, probably from the Ara Pietatis Augustae,
stucco both for the finished masonry surfaces
dedicated in a.d. 43, depicting the facade of the
and for the architectural detail. A first-century Temple of Magna Mater on the Palatine, restored
relief in the Villa Medici, which illustrates the after a.d. 3. The extant remains show that much of
fa9ade of the Augustan building [14], gives an the detail here portrayed was executed in stucco

interesting picture of the refinement that was

possible in this material, so much used and so
rarely preserved. The masonry convention por-
trayed approximates closely to that of the
Temple of Mars Ultor.
At a time when there was so much building
going on all at once, there must have been many
other instances of a similar conservatism. Of the
eighty-two temples in the city which Augustus
claimed to have restored in 28 B.C. one cannot
doubt that many were done in traditional
materials and following traditional lines. Even
where the restoration amounted in effect to a
complete rebuilding there must often have been
a considerable stylistic time-lag. An extreme
example of this may be seen in the three small

15.Rome, I'orum Romanum seen tVom the Palatine.

In the foreground the Temple of Castor, rebuilt between 7 B.C. and a.d. 6.
Bevond it {left) the Basilica Julia and {middle distance) the Arch of Scptimius Severus, a.d. 203,

and the Senate 1 louse, rebuilt by Diocletian after the tire of a.d. 283

temples of the Forum Holitorium, preserved as already a landmark in the fifteenth century. The
a result of their partial incorporation in the cella has almost entirely vanished, but the
structure of the medieval church of S. Nicola in interior is known to have had a decorative order
Carcere. On the evidence of the materials of columns along each of the side walls, as in the
employed and other seemingly archaic features, Temple of Mars Ultor. Attempts to date the
all three have been accepted as Republican superstructure to an otherwise unrecorded res-
buildings, possibly even as early as the second toration undertaken in the late first or second
century B.C.; but it now seems probable that at century a.d. are certainly mistaken. There are
least one, the Doric temple, which is built in manifest differences, it is true, between this
travertine, and very possibly all three, are work and that of the near-contemporary
almost entirely Augustan work, replacing the Temple of Mars Ultor; but there are also a great
buildings destroyed in the fire that devastated many details that are no less typically Augustan
the whole area in 31 B.C. The two almost and, as we have seen, the possibility of such
identical Ionic temples incorporate features that difference is characteristic of the Augustan Age.
appear to derive from the Late Augustan Of the two buildings, the surviving remains of
Temple of Castor, and one of them is almost the Temple of Castor give the impression of
certainly to be identified with the Temple of being the work of craftsmen who were less

Janus, which was not finally ready for re- directly under the influence of Greek models.
dedication until A.D. 17. At a time when supplies The Temple of Concord, also rebuilt by
of materials and the labour resources of the city Tiberius and dedicated in a.d. 10, stood on the
must have been strained to the uttermost it is site and repeated the unusual plan of its

not altogether surprising that these small and predecessor, in which the longer axis of the cella
unimportant shrines should have had to wait so lay across the building, so that the porch
long for completion, or that when complete they occupied a part only of the front of the cella. ^^ It

should have retained many features that be- was distinguished by the opulence of its marbles
longed properly to an earlier age.'^ and the wealth of fine sculpture and painting
There are two other Augustan temples that with which it was endowed, and although sadly
call for brief comment, the Temples of Castor little of this remains, that littleis enough to

[15] and of Concord, both very ancient build- show that the architectural ornament too was
ings beside the Forum Romanum that were extremely rich, foreshadowing the opulent
completely rebuilt during the last twenty years schemes of the ensuing Julio-Claudian age. The
of the emperor's That ofCastor,'*^
life. as rebuilt surviving fragments include a section of the
by Tiberius between 7 B.C. and a.d. 6, was a richly carved main cornice [16]; a column base
grandiose peripteral structure standing on a from the internal order of the cella, closely
double podium, the front of which, like that of resembling those of the Temple of Mars Ultor;
the near-by Temple of Divus Julius, rose sheer and a figured Corinthian capital with pairs of
from the pavement of the forum and was used as rams at the four angles in place of the usual
an additional platform for public speakers. The angle volutes. The massive door-sill was of
main body of the podium was of blocks of tufa Chian marble, and other marbles attested from
enclosing a core of concrete, except beneath the the floor and walls of the interior include
columns, which rested on piers of travertine; the Euboean, Phrygian, and Numidian.
whole was faced with Carrara marble, and To anyone familiar with the subtleties of
between the column footings there were re- Greek temple architecture it is natural to ask
cesses which may have been used as strong- whether in the case of the Augustan temples one
rooms. The three surviving columns, 47 feet can make any useful generalizations about the
(14.20 m.) high and capped by a section of the types of plans employed, the spacing of the
original entablature, all of Carrara marble, were columns, the proportions, etc. The question is


16. Rome, Temple of Concord, dedicated in a.d. 10.

Restored marble cornice block, now in the Tabularium

one that would have been perfectly intelligible octastyle and dipteral;^' the other two were
to the section of contemporary architectural octastyle and peripteral, that of Mars on three
opinion of which Vitruvius is the representative sides only, in accordance with the familiar type
figure; and if the contemporary answers did not classified by Vitruvius as sine postico. The rest
always satisfy Vitruvius and his colleagues, this were all hexastyle and indiscriminately prostyle,
is not altogether surprising in an eclectic age pseudo-peripteral, or peripteral. ^^ There was a
which was also one where technical achievement marked tendency towards height at the expense
was rapidly outrunning the forms of architec- of length, an extreme case being the Temple of
tural expression currently available. Mars Ultor with its eight columns across the
The plans, as one might expect, reveal little facade and only nine (including the terminal
uniformity. There were too many models avail- pilaster against the rear wall) down either side;
able, too many competing architects of very and the height was in most cases increased by
varied training, taste, and experience. Of the the use of unusually lofty podia, double in the
five largest temples, that of Concord was a case of Divus Julius and of Castor. The latter

special case; two, those of Diana on the Aven- stood over 100 feet high from the pavement to
tine and of (^uirinus on the Qiiirinal, were the apex of the gable. In no less than four of the

temples (Divus Julius, Apollo in Circo, Castor, use in 23 B.C. Cleared of the accretions of
and Saturn) the podium also rises sheer in front, centuries, it is today a sorry ruin; but enough
accentuating the effect of height. This may in remains to establish the essential form, which
each case be due to special circumstances; but it was that of a tall, hollow, concrete drum, 290
is worth noting, since it was not without its feet (88 m.) in diameter, faced with travertine
effect on subsequent architecture in the pro- and surmounted by an earthen tumulus, at the
vinces (e.g. the Temple of Rome and Augustus centre of which stood a colossal bronze statue of
at Lepcis Magna, the Capitolium at Sabratha). the emperor. There was a central tomb-
With the exception of the three temples in the chamber and no less than four internal rings of
Forum Holitorium (which can hardly be con- concrete, faced according to their position with
sidered as typically Augustan buildings) and travertine or tufa reticulate, and broken up into
possibly also of Saturn, Divus Julius, and compartments to contain the earthen mass. It

Apollo Palatinus, all three of them early build- was an exceptionally large example of a type of
ings, the normal order was, and was thereafter grandiose family mausoleum that was in wide-
to remain, Corinthian, and the columns seem to spread use among the noble families of the
have settled down to norm of fairly close
a period, two finely preserved and approximately
spacing. This last, though it may have been contemporary examples being of those of
dictated as much by practical as by theoretical Caecilia Metella beside the Via Appia and of
considerations, once again had the effect of Munatius Plancus at Gaeta. The summit of the
increasing the appearance of height.^-' Finally it tumulus was planted with evergreen trees and it
may be noted that the three largest temples all stood in wooded grounds, which included a
had elaborately carved orders down the internal grove of black poplars, within the enclosure of
side walls of the cellas. This feature, which the family crematorium. Landscaping is not a
initially at any rate had a practical as well as a feature that survives the passage of time but, as
decorative purpose, lessening the span of the we know from the literary sources, it was widely
roof,had Greek precedents, but there were also used and esteemed, and was indeed an integral
Republican Italian prototypes such as the apsed feature of many architectural schemes^. Another
hall at Praeneste and the Nymphaeum of the so- well attested Augustan example is that of
called Villa of Cicero at Formia. It had already Agrippa's buildings in the Campus Martius, a
been used in Pompey's Temple of Venus short distance to the south of the mausoleum -
Victrix, and it was to play a considerable part in in which, very appropriately, he was one of the
the temple architecture of the post-Augustan first to be buried.
age. In the techniques of building, the Augustan
The domestic architecture of the Augustan Age was marked rather by a steady advance in
period is discussed in a later chapter. In the the handling of existing techniques than by any
present context it must be enough to note that it notable innovations. In the use of locally quar-
was here, particularly in the big country ried ashlar masonry it was increasingly the finer
residences of the wealthy, that the Augustan qualities only, notably travertine and Gabine
builders made some of their most significant stone, that were employed in positions where
advances. Another field in which, side by side they could be seen, the other, poorer varieties
with traditionalism, fantasy and experiment being relegated to footings and internal walls.
played a surprisingly large part was that of With the example of the temples of the Forum
funerary architecture. This too will be referred Holitorum before us, one must beware of
to briefly in a later chapter. The outstanding excessive reliance upon such criteria as evidence
public monument in this field was the Mauso- of date: what applied to public building did not
leum of Augustus in the Campus Martius, necessarily apply to private construction; still

beside the river, begun in 28 B.C. and ready for less did it apply outside the immediate peri-

phery of the capital. But with the ever- time of Caesar that Pozzolana mortar made its

increasing availabihty of concrete as a cheap and first appearance in Rome, but that it was only
efficient substitute, there was a clear tendency under Augustus that it passed into general,
for cut stone to be used, if at all, sparingly and to everyday use.^^
deliberate effect. Notable examples of fine The evolution of the successive types of
ashlar masonry in Augustan Rome are the concrete facing has been extensively studied and
Theatre of Marcellus and the precinct wall of offers a useful criterion of date, though one to

the Forum of Augustus, or, used purely struc- be used with far greater caution than is often the
turally, the podium of the Temple of Castor. case. A careful study, for example, of the
x'\s regards concrete, although there were no masonry used Agrippan repair-work to
in the

sensational innovations in the uses to which it the aqueducts shows how wide a range of
was put, there was a steady improvement in the practice was possible even between the different
quality of the concrete itself. Whereas, for firms engaged upon a single enterprise. One
example, in Late Republican monuments it is cannot expect absolute uniformity. In Rome,
still normal to find horizontal lines of cleavage already quite early in the Augustan Age, re-
running right through the core, corresponding ticulate work with tufa arches and quoins had
to the successive stages of the work, by the turn very largely replaced the earlier, more irregular
of the century this phenomenon is becoming forms, and it remained a common type of facing
increasingly rare; the masons had evidently until well into the following century. The most
evolved a slower-drying mixture, enabling the significant innovation was undoubtedly the
whole body of the core to fuse into a virtually occasional use of brickwork, ^^ which makes a
homogeneous mass. So too, arches and vaults cautious appearance in the monuments from the
away from
reveal a clear evolutionary tendency middle of the first century B.C. onwards.
the Republican form with irregular chunks of Throughout the Augustan period such 'bricks'

stone laid radially around the intrados, like the were invariably broken tiles or roof-tiles, broken
voussoirs of an arch, towards one in which the or sawn to shape; and although Vitruvius,
whole mass, intrados and bedded horizon-
all, is writing between 25 and 22 B.C., refers to their
tally and which stood, once the centering was use in apartment-house construction, not until a
removed, purely by virtue of the quality of the quarter of a century later do we have, in the
concrete. Most important of all, Roman buil- Columbarium of the Freedmen of Augustus, a
ders had begun to realize that for everyday building of which the outer face was built
purposes the local red volcanic sand [pozzolana) entirely of bricks. The Rostra Augusti {c. 20
had the same remarkable properties as its B.C.) offer an early instance of their use in a
namesake, the pulvis puteolanus from Puteoli public monument. The great value of this new
(Pozzuoli) on the coast of Campania, which they medium was that it allowed the builder to
had long been importing for the building of dispense wholly or in part with vertical shutter-
harbours, bridges, and similar hydrauHc works. ing, and although its full potentialities in this
It was the hydraulic character of this local red respect were not realized until well after the
pozzolana, when mixed with lime, which gave death of Augustus, taken in conjunction with
the Roman mortar of the Empire its great the improvements in the quality of the concrete
strength; and although the Romans were un- itself, it paved the way fi)r the revolutionary
aware of the theoretical reasons for this pheno- advances that took place under his successors.
menon, the pages of Vitruvius show that by the
twenties of the first century B.C. they had
achieved a wide practical experience of the Faced with the quantity and variety of building
properties of this and other types of mortar. The that took place in Rome in the sixty-odd years
studv of the monuments shows that it was in the that lie between the death of Caesar in 44 B.C.

and the death of Augustus in a.d. 14, it is at first decorative role; another was the substitution of
sight hard to detect any single consistent vaulting for the time-honoured system of
pattern. In a sense this is a true picture. The roofing in timber. The strength of this tradition
architectural development of Augustan Rome is apt to be obscured by the bias of the
(as indeed that of almost any period and place numerically largest group of surviving monu-
within the Empire for the next three hundred ments, the temples, at the expense of the secular
years) falls into a number of distinct and at times architecture, inwhich the native Republican
bewilderingly varied patterns. It is only with the element was more pronounced but of which

hindsight of history that one can see what these fewer examples have come down to us. Build-
had in common and whither they were leading. ings such as the Theatre of Marcellus and the
Fundamental to the shaping of the Augustan Basilica Julia, which belong to a line of develop-
building programme were the historical circum- ment that leads directly from the sanctuaries of
stances in which it took place. It was the return Latium and the Tabularium to the Colosseum
of peace and prosperity to a war-weary world and the Circus of Domitian, are in fact repre-

that called into being a programme of such sentative of a wide class of administrative and
unprecedented proportions; and the fact that commercial buildings, of which all too few have
Rome was now the undisputed mistress and survived. Yet another characteristic of this Italic
centre of the civilized world meant inevitably tradition was the development to meet local
that the resources of skill, materials, and artistic conditions of such distinctive architectural
talent of that world were all at her disposal. The types as the basilica. Here again Campania, with
surprising thing is not that there are derivative its mixed Graeco-Italic society, had played an
elements in the architecture of Augustan Rome, important role in the formative stages of the new
but that these were so rapidly and effectively architecture; but the Augustan Basilica Aemilia,
acclimatized in their new home. More signifi- for all its wealth of exotic materials, was as
cant in the long run are the reciprocal currents Roman a building as the Basilica Julia, though
that began to flow outwards from Rome. Just as in detail more old-fashioned. Even the temples
the architecture of Republican Italy is unin- prove on examination to be far less directly
telligible except within the larger framework of hellenizing than at first sight they appear. The
the hellenistic world, so now for the first time basic architectural forms already had a long
the arts of the hellenistic East began to find period of acclimatization and adaptation behind
themselves affected by their participation in a them; it was only the materials and detailed
yet larger organism, that of the Roman Empire. treatment that were new. So far as we know,
A very important factor in this situation was there was no building in Augustan Rome
the strength of the native Italic tradition. The was
(certainly not after the very early years) that

hellenistic, and ultimately hellenic, element in so directly and unashamedly derivative from
this native tradition was inevitably pronounced, Greece as the little Republican circular temple
particularly in Campania, where historical cir- in the Forum Boarium.

cumstance had favoured the fusion of the two In its most vigorous and characteristic forms
traditions; but it had been absorbed into, and in the Republican building tradition was ulti-

part transformed to meet the requirements of, a mately connected with the exploitation and
vigorous and organically developing Repub- development of the building materials available
lican architecture which had strong local roots in Central Italy. The hellenizing strain in the
of its own. A distinctive characteristic of this architecture of Augustan Rome was no less

architecture had been its exploitation of the intimately associated with the introduction of an
structural and aesthetic possibilities of the arch, alien material, marble. Previously available only
relegating the column and architrave of hellenic as an exotic luxury, the opening of the quarries
practice to a secondary and often a purely of Carrara within the space of a few years

poured so abundant supply of it upon the

a event than it might at first sight seem to have
Roman market work it, it was necessary
that, to been. There was nothing new in architectural

to import large numbers of skilled craftsmen; polychromy as such; this was only a richer,
and the only part of the ancient world where subtler variant of a familiar idea. What was
marble-workers were readily available was more significant was the scope which the new
Greece. Taken in conjunction with the deep material offered for an ever-increasing dis-
Roman admiration for all things Greek, the sociation of decoration and structure, a ten-

result was a profound and rapid hellenization of dency which was already work in the architec-

the established Republican traditions of archi- ture of the Republic, but which only reached
tectural ornament. The sculptors, many of them full fruition within the brick-faced concrete
trained in the neo-classicizing schools of Attica, architecture of the later Empire.
inevitably brought and used the motifs with Seen within the perspective of its own gener-
which they were themselves familiar. What is ation, thedominant note of Augustan architec-
unexpected in all this is not so much the fact of ture in Rome appears as one of opulence,
the sudden appearance of a new decorative coupled with a cautious conservatism and a
repertory as the rapidity with which that reper- respect for the architectural traditions of
tory was absorbed and adapted to suit the Rome's own recent past. Its only really impor-
requirements of a specifically Roman taste. tant formal innovations lay in the field of
Judged by the standards of classical Greece the architectural ornament. But the size, the qual-
proportions and detail of a great deal of this ity, and the variety of the great Augustan
work are deplorable - but it would be wrong to building programme made it an unfailing source
apply such standards. This was something new. of inspiration to successive generations of ar-
Within the space of a few decades we can see the chitects; the circumstances of its creation gave it

emergence from the melting-pot of a style that a unique authority; and it was the school in

was new and specifically Roman, a style which which the builders of the next generation
was to dominate the architectural ornament of learned the mastery of the materials which they
the capital for over a century to come. were to put to such new and revolutionary uses.
By comparison the importation of large quan- In architecture, as in so much else, the real
tities of coloured marble for the columns, significance of the reign of Augustus lay in the
pavements, and wall-veneers of the great fact that it set the stage for the age that was to
Augustan monuments was a less revolutionary come.

(a.d. 14-68)

For all the variety of influences already at work, predecessor was alive he had contributed

the architecture of Augustan Rome has a topo- programme, being directly

largely to the official
graphical and chronological unity that makes for responsible for two of the largest and finest of
simplicity of presentation. This is still true, the later Augustan monuments, the Temples of
though to a lesser extent, of the period that Castor and of Concord; and after Augustus's
follows. With a few notable exceptions such as death Tiberius carried to completion a number
Spain and Gaul, the provinces were still, archi- of works that had been left unfinished. But after
tecturally speaking, largely self-contained and half a century of unprecedented building
can justifiably be discussed separately. Within activity, a pause cannot have been altogether
Italy the situation was more complex. But unwelcome; and the increasing embitterment of
although in certain fields Campania still exer- his later years, culminating in the retirement to
cised a considerable creative individuality, else- Capri, removed what little incentive there may
where the flow of ideas was still predominantly have been to the continued embellishment of
from the centre towards the periphery. Through- the capital.
out the first century a.d. it was Rome itself that The majority of the recorded buildings of
continued to call the architectural tune. It is Tiberius in Rome belong, as one would expect,
reasonable, therefore, to begin with an account to the earlier part of his reign. Several small
of public buildings in the capital and in the temples dedicated in a.d. 17 were all buildings
immediate neighbourhood; and since the of which the restoration had been begun and left

individual emperors undoubtedly exercised a unfinished by Augustus. An arch erected in the

strong influence upon the work undertaken Forum Romanum in a.d. 16 to commemorate
under their auspices and in their names, this has the German victories of his destined successor,
been classified according to their reigns. Two Germanicus, and a pair added to the Forum
subjects call for more extended treatment and Augustum in a.d. 19, in honour of Germanicus
will be discussed separately. One of these is the and the younger Drusus, are of interest chiefly
domestic architecture of town and country for the evidence that the scanty surviving
during the period in question. The other is the remains give of the development of a specifically
profound change in architectural thinking Julio-Claudian style of architectural ornament.
which took place in the period between the The same is true of the restoration of the
accession of Nero and the death of Hadrian, and Basilica Aemilia in a.d. 22, a restoration which
which has here been termed the 'Roman Archi- appears to have involved the substantial re-
tectural Revolution'. placement and enrichment of the upper part of
the building. Of the Horrea, or warehouses, of
Sejanus nothing is known; it is to Ostia that we
TIBERIUS (a.d. 14-37)
have to look for similar buildings of Tiberian
The reign of Augustus's successor, Tiberius, date. Nor has anything survived of the re-

saw little building in Rome itself. While his storation of the stage-building of the Theatre of

Pompey, undertaken after a fire in a.d. 21. The makes its appearance during the last few years of
fact that it is one of the only two Tiberian pubhc Tiberius's life, between a.d. 34 and 37, and
buildings in the capital thought worthy of which is usually interpreted as a representation
mention by Tacitus indicates that it was a work of the Temple of Concord. What the con-
of some importance, presumably the replace- ventional view leaves unexplained is why the
ment of the earlier structure in richer materials latter building, dedicated in a.d. 12, should have
and with a more lavish use of coloured marbles.' been so singled out for representation a quarter
The second building mentioned by Tacitus is of a century later; nor can there be much doubt
the Temple of the Deified Augustus, an under- that the Ionic treatment of the fa9ade of the
taking to which, for dynastic reasons alone, temple featured on the Caligulan coins accords
Tiberius must have felt himself committed, and better with what we know of the somewhat
which he did in fact bring to virtual completion experimental architecture of the early years of
before his death in a.d. 37, although it was left to Augustus's reign than with what we know of the
his successor, Caligula, to dedicate it. It lay in tastes of the ageing Tiberius. This is clearly a
the as yet unexplored area to the south of the matter that only further exploration can decide.
Basilica Julia. No remains of it have been For the present it must suffice to note that the
recorded, but it is usually identified with an conventional interpretation of the coin evi-
Ionic hexastyle building which figures pro- dence, though widely accepted, is not altogether
minently on the coinage of Caligula [17]. A less free from difficulties.^

Architecturally, as indeed also politically, the

most significant Tiberian building that has
survived in the capital is the camp of the
Praetorian Guard, built in a.d. 21-3 at the
instigation of its commander, Tiberius's aide
and evil genius, Sejanus. In it were concentrated
the troops that had hitherto been scattered
throughout the city and its environs; and
although its location just outside the city limits
respected the letter if not the spirit of the
convention that no troops might be stationed in
Rome, its establishment was a decisive step
down the slippery slope that led to open
autocracy. Architecturally, too, it marks an
epoch: not only does it represent the first

appearance in the capital of an architecture that

had been evolved in the military encampments
of the Provinces, but the outer walls, large
17. Coin of Cialigula, a.d. 37, stretches of which can still be seen incorporated
showing an Ionic temple, usually identified in the third-century city walls [18], have the
as that of the Deified Augustus
additional distinction of being the first major
public monument to have been built almost
generally accepted, but not unattractive, sug- entirely in brick-faced concrete. The plan, a
gestion is that the building on the coins is the rectangle with rounded corners, measuring 470
Temple of Apollo Palatinus, another building by 406 yards (430 by 371 m.) and enclosing an
which had very close associations with Augus- area of over 14 acres, is that of a typical military
tus; and that for the Temple of Divus Augustus camp, divided, equally about the longer axis and
we have to look instead to a coin type which unequally about the shorter, by two intersecting

Streets and served by four gates placed at the walk; above this stood a parapet 4 feet (1.20 m.)
corresponding points of the outer walls. The high, with a coping upon which were set small,
form of the gateway is a translation into brick of widely spaced merlons. The little that has
an architectural type that was already firmly survived of the internal barrack-blocks suggests
established in stone (e.g the Augustan arch at that, in contrast to the outer walls, they were
Rimini), in which the archway is framed be- built in reticulate work. Considering the novelty
tween decorative pilasters that carry a pedimen- of the medium, the treatment of the outer walls
tal entablature set against a plain, rectangular is remarkably assured. Walls, towers, and gates
attic. Flanking the gateway, and projecting a alike, though fully adequate to the limited
mere foot from the face of it, was a pair of low, military requirements of the situation, were
rectangular towers, and there were similar clearly designed almost as much to impress as

18. Rome, Castra Praetoria, the north outer wall. The lower part, above the exposed footings,
is original (a.d. 21-3) up to and including the projecting string course and, just above it,

the remains of the early parapet and merlons. The upper part dates from the incorporation
of the camp into the Aurelianic Walls (a.d. 270-82)

towers at intervals along the rest of the wall. The for their defensibility; the towers, with their
outer face of the wall itself stood upon a three- very shallow projection, can have served little

stepped plinth, rising 9 feet 6 inches (2.90 m.) to military purpose. The mouldings of the gates in
a projecting string-course, which marks the particular can be seen to foreshadow a simple
height of the pavement of the internal rampart but effective tradition of decorative brickwork

which was to play a long and distinguished part Antiqua and at the upper level there is a huge
in the architecture of the capital.^ vaulted cistern, of interest in that it offers the
Another building that might be expected to first recorded instance of the lightening of a
throw light on this interesting transitional phase vault by the use, as aggregate, of carefully
in the history of Roman monumental con- selected materials, in this case a porous yellow
struction is the new residence which Tiberius tufa mixed with pumice.^ Caligula began, but
built on the Palatine. Current excavations are did not complete, the construction of two new
confirming that Augustus's own residence had aqueducts,^ while demolishing the terminal
been remarkable more for the ostentatious section of the Aqua Virgo to make way for a new
intimacy of its relationship to the Temple of amphitheatre, which in the event was never
Apollo than for its size or the opulence of its built. The Circus of Gaius in the Vatican area,
fittings. Beside it, on the north-west corner of which was to achieve notoriety under Nero on
the Palatine, Tiberius, shortly after his the occasion of the persecution of the Christians
accession, began to add a new and larger after the fire of a.d. 64, and its near neighbour,
residence, the Domus Tiberiana. The site, a the Gaianum, an open space for the practice of
rectangular platform measuring 200 by 130 chariot-driving, are of more topographical than
yards (180 by 120 m.), is now very largely architectural importance. It was to adorn the
inaccessible beneath the gardens laid out upon it former that Caligula brought from Heliopolis,
in the sixteenth century by Cardinal Alessandro in Egypt, the obelisk that now stands in the
Farnese. There are records of brick-faced as centre of the piazza in front of St Peter's. The
well as of reticulate masonry, and an oval fish- list of public works is short. Even if one adds the
pool near the south-east angle suggests that the buildings of Tiberius that Caligula completed
strict rectilinearity of the outer perimeter was and dedicated, it does not constitute a very
not rigidly observed throughout the building. distinguished achievement.
Nearly all is now visible, however,
of what There are, however, two aspects of the
towards the Forum Romanum, is the work of building activity of Caligula that are of rather
later emperors, and it may well be that work on wider significance. One is in the field of domes-
the new building was far from complete and was tic architecture. Suetonius records that outside
suspended when Tiberius finally abandoned Rome he built many villas and country houses;
Rome. It is Rome, on Capri, and
outside and Pliny the Elder writes that the whole city

perhaps also at Albano, that we have to look if was ringed around with the dwellings of Ca-
we are to form any idea of the way the earlier ligula and Nero.' The coupling of the names of
Julio-Claudian emperors were housed. This Caligula and Nero is significant. Just as
will be discussed in a later chapter."* nineteenth-century Rome was still encircled by
the villas and parks of the princely families

CALIGULA (many of which, indeed, were laid out in

(a.D. 37-41)
conscious imitation of classical precedents), so
The reign of Tiberius's successor, Gaius, better Rome at the end of the Republic was all but
known as Caligula, may be thought to have been enclosed within a ring of wealthy villas and
too brief and his character too frivolous to have gardens, many of which in course of time passed
much permanent mark on the architectural
left by purchase, inheritance, or expropriation into
development of Rome. Of his grandiose plans imperial possession. It was probably under
for the remodelling of the Palatine, and in Tiberius that the Horti Lamiani (on the right
particular for the enlargement of the Domus bank of the Tiber) and the Horti Sallustiani
Tiberiana in the direction of the Forum Ro- (near the modern Palazzo Barberini) became
manum, little has survived. There are the scanty imperial property. It was while directing archi-
traces of an arched courtyard with a central pool tectural operations in the former that Caligula
on the site of the medieval church of S. Maria received the delegation of Jews from Alexandria

of whose reception Philo has left us such a that was addressed ultimately to the individual,
graphic account. offering to the qualified initiate comfort in this
Building of this sort must have been very world and salvation in the next. Together they
much to the emperor's taste; and although unquestionably constituted the most powerful
nothing of it has survived, we can at least get an spiritual force at work during the first three
indication of the wealth and quality of its centuries of our era.
ornament from the galleys of Lake Nemi. The The architectural impact of the mystery
traditional view of these strange vessels is surely religions was as varied as their message. Those
the right one. They were villas afloat, equipped that were politically acceptable were free to
with every luxury, including running water, and develop a monumental architecture of their
adorned with floors and walls of patterned own, although not by any means all of them did
marble and mosaic, partitions and doors cover- in fact do so.^ Of those that were unwilling or
ed with painted wall-plaster, or painted and unable to compromise with the state some, like

inlaid with strips of ivory and gilded bronze, Christianity, were content to forgo an architec-
marble colonnettes, painted terracotta friezes, ture of their own and to meet in private houses.
tiles of gilded bronze, as well as sculpture and Others were driven, quite literally, under-
numerous finely wrought fittings of moulded ground. The so-called Underground Basilica
bronze. What is almost more striking than the beside the Via Praenestina [19] is such a
luxuriance of the ornament is the superb quality building. Constructed about the middle of the
of the joinery and of the workmanship generally. first century a.d. to serve the requirements of a

In all of this one is reminded irresistibly of the Neo-Pythagorean sect, it was suppressed soon
decorative taste displayed in the palaces of Nero
twenty years later; and one may hazard a guess 19. Rome, Underground Basilica

that in the formal qualities, too, of the architec- beside the Via Praenestina, mid first century a.d.
The stucco decoration indicates that it was the
ture there was much that anticipated later
meeting place of a Neo-Pythagorean sect
practice. In an age when the tastes of the patron
might be quite as important of those of the
artist, and in a field that lent itself so admirably
to experiment and fantasy, the impact of
Caligula's enthusiasm upon the domestic
architecture of its age should not be under-
Another field in which the emperor's tastes

found ample scope for personal expression was

that of religious architecture. Although the
great Augustan building programme must have
left the buildings of the traditional state cults in
better condition than they had ever been before,
the vital currents of contemporary religious
belief were increasingly turning towards the so-
called mystery religions of the East. The prac-
tices of these religions ranged from the frankly
orgiastic fertility rites of Cybele and Attis,
through the often exalted mysticism of the cults
of Isis and Mithras, to the austerely rational
beliefs of such quasi-philosophical sects as the
Neo-Pythagoreans; but all shared with Chris-
tianity the powerful inducements of a message

after its construction and was filled in and rectangular forecourt. Whether Domitian's re-
forgotten. The form, an antechamber and a storation followed the same general lines as its
basilican nave with three equal aisles leading up predecessor we cannot say; nor do we know to
to a single apse, anticipates that which, for not what extent the remarkable curvilinear plan of
dissimilar reasons, the Christians were to adopt the southern building reproduces or reflects
nearly three centuries later; and the method of Isiac practice elsewhere. Architecturally, the
construction, whereby trenches were cut in the significant fact is that it was in a field such as this

tufa and concrete laid in them to form the walls that new architectural ideas were free to cir-
and the piers, the remaining tufa being exca- culate, and that they should in this instance have
vated only after the walls and vaults had set, is a involved so radical a break-away from the
good illustration of the ingenuity of the Roman traditional forms of classical religious building.
handhng the new medium. With its
architect in The fittings of the sanctuary, as distinct from
uniquely preserved facing of delicately moulded the buildings, were unequivocally Egyptian in
stucco and its air of timeless withdrawal, it is a character, many of them being actual Egyptian
singularly moving monument, one of the few pieces imported for the purpose. Much of the
that call for little or no effort of the imagination sculpture still survives, in the Capitoline Mu-
if one is to clothe the bare bones with the flesh seum, in the Vatican, and elsewhere, and two of
and blood of the living building. the smaller obelisks are still in use near the site
Midway between the two extremes came of the temples, one of them in the piazza in front
those cults which, while prepared to conform to of the Pantheon, the other carried by Bernini's
the requirements of the state, were able to retain elephant in the Piazza della Minerva. A taste
much of their outward as well as of their for Egyptian and egyptianizing themes is a
spiritual individuality. Prominent among such recurrent feature of Roman architectural orna-
was the cult of the hellenized Egyptian divi- ment, ranging from the import of such for-
nities, Isis and Serapis; and the chance that midable pieces as the great obelisks, which,
Caligula was personally attracted by this cult resurrected and put to new use, are still such a
gave its devotees an opportunity that they were striking feature of the Roman scene, down to the
quick to seize. The room with Isiac paintings on dilutely and romantically egyptianizing Nilotic
the Palatine, which was preserved by its in- scenes beloved of interior decorators of all

corporation within the substructures of the periods. The Egyptian cults were not by any
Flavian Palace, and which used to be attributed means the only influence at work. There were
to Caligula, is now generally recognized to be the Alexandrian stucco-workers, for example,
half a century earlier in date;^ but there is a and more generally there was the Alexandrian
strong presumption that it was he who was component in the hellenistic tradition that was
responsible for building the sanctuary of Isis responsible, at its best, for such masterpieces as
and Serapis in the Campus Martius. The latter the great Barberini mosaic in the sanctuary at
was damaged in the fire of a.d. 8o and restored Palestrina. But the cults, too, had a part to play,
by Domitian, and again by Alexander Severus. and the establishment of these exotic temples in
As recorded in the Severan marble map of the Campus Martius is a minor but significant
Rome [20] it comprised two distinct shrines landmark in the long process of the oriental-
opening off the long sides of an enclosed ization of Roman beliefs and Roman taste.

20 {opposite). Part of the Severan marble map of Rome, showing the Porticus Divorum,
the Temple of Minerva Chalcidica, the Sanctuary of Isis and Serapis, part of the Saepta Julia,
the Diribitorium, the Baths of Agrippa, and {bottom right) the north end of the group
of Republican temples in the Largo Argentina, and the north-east corner of the colonnaded gardens
behind the Theatre of Pompey

CLAUDIUS (A.D. 41-54) Piranesi of one of the several arches that carried
it over the streets of the city centre [23] shows it

The emperor Claudius had Httle in common to have been treated in the same highly man-
with his predecessor. Elderly and pedantic, but nered rustication as another, better-known
endowed with an unexpected streak of practical Claudian building, the Porta Maggiore. The
good sense, not for him the costly luxury of latter is the monumental double arch on which
building for its own sake. Although at least two the two new aqueducts crossed the Via Labicana
more estates, the Horti on the
Luculliani and the Via Praenestina just before their point
Pincian Hill and the Horti Tauriani on the of junction. Used by AureHan as the nucleus of
Esquihne, were confiscated to the imperial the Porta Praenestina, one of the gates in the
domain during his reign, there is no record of third-century city walls, in 1838 it was stripped
any new construction in either. He seems to of its later accretions, and it stands today as the
have been responsible for some alterations and finest and most familiar of the surviving Clau-
additions on that part of the Palatine that was dian monuments of the city [21, 22]. Over 80
later occupied by the Flavian Palace, but noth- feet high, it is built throughout of fine travertine
ing of any great extent; and his religious masonry. That of the attic, which carried the
dedications appear to have been limited to the two conduits and bore a handsome commemo-
addition of altars or statues to existing buildings rative inscription, is dressed smooth, whereas,
and the building of an altar modelled on the Ara apart from the carved capitals and entablatures,
Pacis, the Ara Pietatis Augustae, in honour of that of the lower part has been deliberately left

Augustus's widow, Livia. At least one temple rough, as laid, without the slightest attempt at

that had been destroyed by fire, that of Felicitas, refinement. This was a deliberate mannerism,
was not rebuilt. There are records of two not simply unfinished work, and it was doubt-
commemorative arches celebrating the victories less work such as this that inspired architects of
of the emperor's generals in the field, but such the Renaissance such as Michelozzo, in the
archesmay by this date be considered a com- Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence, and Ber-
monplace requirement of Imperial architecture. nini, in the Palazzo del Montecitorio. Highly
Both are known from coins, and that which mannered rustication of this sort is found in
carried the Aqua Virgo over the Via Lata is also several Claudian buildings in and near Rome,"
known from old drawings.'" So far as one can and taken in conjunction with the no less
judge, they were very similar in general design, characteristically Claudian, and in such a con-
with widely spaced twin columns resting on a text decidedly old-fashioned, predilection for
single base and supporting an entablature with cut-stone masonry, one is tempted to regard it

an attic above, the principal difference between as a personal fancy of the emperor himself.
the two being that the entablature of one was Away from the city the two new aqueducts were
pedimental whereas that of the other was plain. built in the normal contemporary faced con-
Both probably carried equestrian statues of the crete, the main distinguishing feature being the
emperor between trophies. very poor quality of much of the work. The
A which Claudius inherited from his
task Claudian contractors seem to have deserved
predecessor, and which must have been more to their reputation for graft.
his taste, was the completion of the two aque- Without question, Claudius's most impor-
ducts begun by Caligula but left unfinished, the tant contributions to the development of Roman
Aqua Claudia and the Aqua Anio Novus, and architecture lie in a field which one might be
the replacement of the destroyed terminal sector tempted to dismiss as mere engineering, were it
of the Aqua Virgo. The last-named was built not that it was so obviously the practical
throughout of a hard grey-brown tufa {peperino) much that was most vital in
forcing-house of
with travertine details, and an engraving by contemporary Roman building. It was in great

21. Rome, Porta Maggiore, a monumental double archway of travertine, built by Claudius
to carry the Aqua Claudia and the Anio Novus across the Via Labicana and the Via Praenestina.
Completed in a.d. 52. Later incorporated into the Aurelianic Walls


,y.7/ //Uiirarc ,7 ht r//.-' '"' i<7/'tr^t// del 'ncr:cin<,-/:to


22 Rome, the Porta Labicana {left) and Porta Praenestina {right) of the Aurehanic Walls
(a.d.270-82, modified by Honorius, a.d. 403, with many later accretions), incorporating the Claudian
archway at the Porta Maggiore. Drawing by Rossini, 1829

23 {opposite, heloiv). Rome, archway of rusticated travertine, a.d. 46, carrying the restored Aqua Virgo.
Engraving by Piranesi, based on the upper part of the arch, all that was visible in his day

public works such as the new harbour at the evidently not accompanied by any theoretical
mouth of the Tiber, near Ostia, and the draining appreciation of the reasons for its hydraulic
of the Fucine Lake that engineers and architects properties.'^
(the distinction would have been meaningless to One of the principal purposes of the new
a Roman) learned the complete mastery of their harbour at Ostia was to ensure the regularity of
materials which lay behind the revolutionary the grain-supply, and it is not surprising there-
architectural progress of the later part of the fore that Claudius should have concerned him-
century. The draining of the Fucine Lake was self also with improving the arrangements for its

one of the many projects which Julius Caesar is storage and distribution. A great deal of the
said to have had under consideration at the time storage was provided at Ostia itself.'^ But
of his death; and it is not at all improbable that although fewer buildings of the sort have been
Claudius was further influenced in his choice by identified in Rome, this must be partly due to
his own antiquarian researches into the Etrus- the difficulties of distinguishing and dating such
cans, those early masters of hydraulic lore. It is utilitarian buildings from the very fragmentary
significant that at about the same date (the remains that have come down to us. It is now
masonry is Julio-Claudian) there was also a generally believed that the traces of a very large
restoration of the emissary of Lake Albano, the porticoed building along the west side of the Via
original drainage of which in the early fourth Lata beneath and adjoining the Palazzo Doria,
century B.C. had been achieved under Etruscan long but erroneously thought to be those of the
guidance. Whatever the precedents, the drain- Saepta, are in fact what survives of the Porticus
ing of the Fucino into the river Liri, four miles Minucia Frumentaria, which about this date
distant, was an enormous undertaking. It took seems to have become the main distributing
eleven years to complete; and although ancient centre within the city.'"^ The piers surviving
writers understandably make much of the sev- beneath the church of S. Maria in Via Lata are
eral humiliating setbacks which the project of travertine and rusticated in the Claudian
underwent as a result of the venality and manner; they were free-standing and carried flat

incompetence of the contractors, the planning arches. Others, no longer visible, were cruci-
and organization of the work was of a high form, indicating a vaulted superstructure. If
order. A detail which illustrates how strongly this is indeed the Porticus Minucia, which is

Roman building practice rested on experience known from inscriptions to have had at least
rather than on theory is that much of the mortar forty-two distinct entrances, or offices, one must
used is of poor quality because, in mixing it, the assume that much of the storage space was
builders chose to use a ferruginous red sand accommodated on an upper storey or storeys,
from the bottom of the lake, which bears a and was accessible, as often at Ostia, by ramps.
superficial resemblance to the red pozzolana of Another commercial building which from its
the Roman Campagna, rather than the readily masonry may well be of Claudian date is the
accessible yellow pozzolana, which looked like easternmost of the two early buildings beneath
clay. Claudius was still importing pulvis pu- the church of S. Clemente. It consists of a
teolanus from Pozzuoli for his harbour works. number of small, uniform chambers grouped
The very considerable practical knowledge al- around three sides of a rectangular enclosure
ready acquired of the uses of pozzolana was (the fourth side, with the entrance, is missing).

The openings into the individual chambers are were the first public expression, and the wider
narrow, suggesting that the commodity handled implications of the great imperial residences
was less bulky than grain; and the provision of upon which he lavished so much money and
windows may indicate that the building com- attention are discussed later. '^ In the pages that
bined the functions of depot and bazaar. follow we are concerned only with his public
Finally, one may mention the grandiose building, and with his palaces in so far as they
temple and precinct begun in Claudius's honour affected the architectural development of the
immediately after his death by his widow and city as a whole or illustrate the personality of
alleged poisoner, Agrippina. Although the vis- their builder.
ible remains are almost entirely the work of During the early part of his reign Nero's
Nero, who incorporated the site into the gardens interests were those of a wealthy young patrician
of the Golden House, and of Vespasian, who of his day. In the Vatican area he completed the
completed the temple, the elaborately rusticated unfinished Circus of Caligula and built a new
travertine masonry [28, 29] is so very closely in bridge across the river, the Pons Neronianus, to
the tradition of the Claudian Aqua Virgo and give access to it. He laid out a temporary
the Porta Maggiore [21-3] (and so very much stadium in the Campus Martius (possibly the
in contrast with the elegant refinement of most forerunner of the Stadium of Domitian) and in
Neronian building) that they constitute a fitting 57 a temporary amphitheatre, the lavish ap-
postscript to the work of the emperor in whose pointments of which - marbles and precious
memory they were erected. gems, ivory inlay, golden nets hung from tusks
of solid ivory, and star-spangled awnings - are

NERO very much in character with what we know of

(a.d. 54-68)
the builder of the Domus Aurea. In more
The emperor Nero was seventeen when he serious vein he was responsible for a market-
succeeded his stepfather, Claudius. He was a building on the Caelian, the Macellum Mag-
young man of decided artistic tastes and some num, dedicated in 59. The building itself has
talent, but temperamentally unstable and vanished, but coins show a two-storeyed col-
wholly unfitted for the responsibilities of un- umnar pavilion within what appears to have
bridled power. Two circumstances singled his been a porticoed enclosure, also of two storeys.
reign out to be a turning-point in the history of It was evidently an elaborate version of the
Roman architecture. One was the fire which in single-storeyed market-buildings of Pompeii,
a.d. 64 destroyed half the centre of ancient Lepcis Magna [245], and other early sites.

Rome, with results that may fairly be compared Nero's most popular building was without
with the aftermath of the Great Fire of London question the public baths, the Thermae Nero-
of 1666. The other was the situation created by nianae, which he completed in 62 or 64 in the
the great advances in building materials and Campus Martius, near the by now sadly in-
techniques that had taken place during the adequate Baths of Agrippa. 'What worse than
preceding half century. Although there was no Nero, what better than Nero's baths?' was
single dominating architectural personality Martial's verdict.'"^ The building underwent a
comparable to Sir Christopher Wren, con- major restoration at the hands of Alexander
temporary building practice had within itself Severus in 227, and it was on this occasion that it

the resources fof a development unprecedented took on the form that was recorded in the
in the history of ancient architecture. They only Renaissance, showing a symmetrical building of
awaited an outlet and a stimulus. The fire the same general type as the Baths of Titus,
provided the one, Nero the other. Trajan, and Caracalla. It is a great pity that we
The resulting revolution in architectural have no means of telling what, if any, part of this
technology and taste, of which Nero's buildings represents Nero's original design, and that we

cannot, therefore, determine whether it repre- alsoon the Oppian'^ by building across the low
sented a first step towards the formation of the saddle thatis now crowned by the Arch of Titus

'Imperial' type which was to dominate later and the church of S. Maria Nova. Although it
Roman practice. We can only say that such an was all swept away in or after the fire, enough
innovation would have been in character with has come down to us to give an idea of the
what we know of contemporary planning combination of rich materials and a meticulous
trends. Adjoining the baths was a gymnasium - refinement of detail which was the hallmark of
an interesting anticipation of the provision Nero's personal taste. One well preserved frag-
made in the great public bath-buildings of the ment,^" buried deep within the platform of


24. Rome, junction of two corridors within Nero's Domus Transitoria, before a.d. 64,
later incorporated within the platform of the Temple of Venus and Rome. Plan and sectional view.
The form of the dome is conjectural

second and third centuries for the social and Hadrian's Temple of Venus and Rome, com-
educational activities which had belonged to the prises a small, circular, and presumably domed
Greek gymnasium.'^ chamber at the intersection of two barrel-
Nero had inherited from his father a town vaulted corridors [24]. There were shallow,
house beside the Via Sacra, and it must have marble-lined pools behind columnar screens in
been this fact which first suggested the idea of two of the arms, and the whole was paved in rich
the Domus Transitoria, which was to link the colours, partly in marble, partly in a geometric
extensive imperial properties on the Esquiline design of tiles of semi-opaque glass paste. Apart
and on the Palatine and, it now seems, a nucleus from its materials, however, this fragment of a

larger complex, with its wide penetration of a well have been the first major public monument
small, circular, and probably centrally lit, in which this tendency found monumental
domed chamber by vaulted corridors, offers a expression. But the ferment was already at
valuable foretaste of one of the most striking and work, and in a surprisingly sophisticated form.
significant features of the Golden House, name- Another well preserved fragment of the
ly the interest of its architect in the inter- Domus Transitoria is the sunken fountain
play of enclosed curvilinear forms. As we shall court, or nymphaeum, beneath the triclinium of
see in a later chapter, the Golden House may the Flavian Palace [25]. This was an elongated


25. Rome, fountain court of Nero's Domus Transitoria,

destroyed in A.D. 64 and later incorporated in the substructures
of Domitian's Palace. Axonometric view. The central pavilion
probably had a gabled timber roof

rectangular building recessed into the valley Park, or about one-third of Central Park, New
bottom between the two eminences of the York, and comprising the whole basin of which
Palatine Hill. In the centre was an open court- the depression occupied by the Colosseum is the
yard, with an elaborately scalloped fountain and natural centre. For all the perversity of its

cascades occupying the whole of one wall and, conception, the result was a remarkable and
opposite it, a square dais covered by a columnar highly individual complex of buildings and
pavilion; facing each other across the courtyard parkland which, in several respects, can fairly

from either end, there were two suites of small claim to have been a turning-point in the history
rooms, very richly decorated with marble in- of Roman architecture.
tarsia, marble panelling, and vaulted ceilings In essence the Golden House was a wealthy
covered with paintings and elaborate stucco- country residence established in the heart of
work, enriched with coloured glass and semi- urban Rome [26]. It was this fact, not its

precious stones. This was a suite for intimate, al opulence, which was its crime in the eyes of
fresco dining and repose in hot weather, com- Nero's contemporaries, and it was this fact

parable both in form and in intent to such which determined the whole layout. The
Renaissance nymphaea (themselves based on centrepiece was an artificial lake on the site later

classical models) as that built by Ammanati in occupied by the Colosseum. Facing out across
the Villa di Papa Giulio. The fountain bears a the lake from the sheltered lower slopes of the
distinct family resemblance to the scaenae frons Oppian Hill (an off"shoot of the Esquiline) was
of a theatre, the pavilion to those that one sees in the main domestic wing; streams fed by spe-
the wall-paintings of Pompeii; the materials cially built branches of the aqueducts cascaded
were the richest money could buy - on the floor down the slopes; and, grouped along the water-
and walls are specimens of all the finest varieties side and scattered picturesquely through the
of marble and porphyry from Greece, Asia parkland as far as the eye could reach, were
Minor, Egypt, and Africa, several of them fountains, baths, porticoes, pavilions, and tem-
appearing here for the first time; and the pietti. The boundaries were sited so that from
workmanship matched the materials. To cite a the terrace in front of the residential wing one
single instance, the decoration of the walls was saw nothing of the encircling town. Only
protected from damp by an air-space contrived towards the Forum Romanum, along the Velia,
by means of specially constructed tiles. The was there monumental group of buildings.
floor too was specially damp-proofed. Here the fire had destroyed the Temple of Vesta
The fire of 64, which started in the Circus and everything to the south of it, and here Nero
Maximus and spread thence eastwards and built a grandiose vestibule on the site later
southwards across the Palatine and Caelian occupied by the Temple of Venus and Rome. In
towards the Esquiline, swept away the Domus the centre stood a colossal gilt bronze statue of
Transitoria and with many of the oldest and
it himself, 120 feet high; and down the western
most populous quarters of Rome. Of the four- slopes of the Velia the Via Sacra was taken out of
teen administrative Regions into which the city its traditional winding course and made the axis

was divided, three were totally destroyed and of a monumental approach flanked by multiple
only four were untouched. Nero had the au- streetside colonnades.^'
thority which, in similar circumstances, Wren All this was swept away after Nero's death,
lacked, and he was quick to seize his oppor- and over most of the area its only lasting result
tunity. To provide for his new and yet more was to make available to Nero's successors the
ambitious residence, the Domus Aurea or Gol- ground upon which were built most of the great
den House, he annexed the properties adjoining monuments of Rome during the next half-
his own estates throughout an area of some century - the Templum Pacis, the Temple of
300-350 acres, roughly the equivalent of Hyde Venus and Rome, the Colosseum, the Baths of

Titus and of Trajan, and the Flavian Palace, to one of them was also the architect of vision who
name only some. Only the residential wing saw and exploited the aesthetic possibilities of
survived long enough to be incorporated within the new concrete medium is entirely possible;
the substructures of Trajan's Baths and so but upon this aspect of the Golden House the
preserved to be rediscovered by the artists and sources are silent.
antiquarians of the Renaissance. Its vaulted Nero himself is remembered (and would
chambers were the grotte where Raphael and his undoubtedly have wished to be remembered)

followers saw and studied the models for the for his Golden House. He deserves, however, to
style of which the name 'grotesque' has since be given credit also for the admirable regu-
passed into the language - a strange but not lations which he drew up to govern the rebuild-
altogether inappropriate memorial to the biz- ing of Rome after the fire.^-^ The new city was to
arre fancy of its one-time imperial patron. be laid out with regular, broad streets instead of
The Romans were not alone in failing to the tortuous alleyways of the old town; street-
observe the real architectural significance of side porticoes were to be provided, from the flat

what was going on around them. By its con- roofs of which fires could be fought; no building
temporaries the Golden House was seen prin- was to be more than seventy feet high;^"^ every
cipally as a feat of engineering and as a repertory house was to be structurally independent of its
of mechanical marvels. ^^ Nero's taste was above neighbours; timber was to be restricted to a
all for the novel and the spectacular, and his minimum and the use of certain fire-resistant
architects, Severus and Celer, were practical stones encouraged. Human nature being what it
engineers who had been associated with the is, these regulations were not always observed.
ambitious enterprise (begun but never com- But for a more positive view of their effective-
pleted) of cutting a canal from Lake Avernus to ness one has only to look at the streets and
the Tiber. They were well equipped to provide apartment-houses of second-century Ostia,
such wonders as the artificial lake, a revolving which in this, as in so much else, copied what
banqueting hall (or a hall with a revolving was going on in Rome. Nero's regulations
ceiling) representing the motions of the hea- expressed and codified changes that were al-
venly bodies, coffered ivory ceilings which ready in the air. The time was ripe for the
scattered flowers and scent upon the guests replacement of the ramshackle tenement-
beneath, or baths suppHed with sea-water and houses of old Rome by the neat, orderly insulae
with water from the sulphur springs near Tivoli; which the newly developed concrete medium
and they were able within the compass of a few had made possible. The Great Fire furnished
years to plan and to carry into effect the whole the occasion; and if it was, broadly speaking, a
vast programme of landscaping and construc- new Rome that rose from the ashes, Nero most
tion that lay behind the contrived rustic sim- certainly deserves a substantial share of the
plicity of this extraordinary enterprise. That credit.


(a.d. 69-1 17)

VESPASIAN (a.d. 69-79) The decision to complete the Claudianum,

the temple of the Deified Claudius, left incom-
When the dust and confusion of the civil war plete and partially dismantled by Nero, was an
that followed Nero's death had settled, the astute political move, designed to lend re-
Roman Empire found itself with a new dynasty, spectability to the new dynasty's claim to
the Flavians, estabHshed on the imperial throne. succeed the Julio-Claudians and yet at the same
The family was of sound, middle-class, Central time to dissociate itself from the policies of the
Italian stock, and the founder of the dynasty, last member of that family, Nero. Of the
Vespasian, a capable general and a shrewd original project very little had probably sur-
administrator, had all the virtues and limitations vived except the great platform, some 220 by
of his modest origins. The heir to a bankrupt 175 yards (200 by 160 m.) in extent, which
treasury, which during the ten years of his rule occupied the top of the Caelian To this was

he successfully replenished by a policy of rigid added a wide on the shorter,

axial staircase
economy and sound finance, not for him the northern side, towards the Colosseum, and
indulgence of lavish building for its own sake. down the west side, facing the Palatine, a double
One may be sure that any architectural enter- order of travertine arcades, the remains of which
prise of his was undertaken with a clear purpose. have recently been restored fully to view within
It is perhaps for this reason that the list of his
27. Coin of Vespasian depicting the Temple
work, though short, contains so much of real
of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus,
architectural importance.
as rebuilt after a.d. 70 and rededicated in 75.
An immediate and urgent necessity was the It was again destroyed by fire in 80
rebuilding of the official state sanctuary, the
Temple of Optimus Maximus on the
Capitol, which had been burnt to the ground
during the last stages of the civil war. Re-
dedicated in A.D. 75, it was again totally de-
stroyed by fire five years later, and no fragment
of Vespasian's building has come down to us.
But from the literary record and from repre-
sentations on coins' [27] we know that, as was
appropriate in such a case, the design was
conservative, somewhat taller than its Late
Republican predecessor and doubtless making
far more use of fine marbles, but in other
respects following the traditional plan and
repeating such time-honoured features as the
four-horsed chariot of Jupiter above the apex of
the gable.

28 {opposite) and 29. Rome, the grounds of the monastery of the Passionist
Temple of the Deified Claudius (Claudianum), Fathers; down the east side the ornamental
completed by Vespasian after 70.*
fountain added by Nero was allowed to remain.
The rusticated travertine west facade of the terrace
and detail of upper order
The west fa9ade^ [28, 29] consists of two orders
of elaborately rusticated masonry; the lower
*From this point onwards, all dates are a.d. openings are rectangular, with flat arches and a
unless otherwise noted.
cornice carried on shallow Doric pilasters, and
the upper openings round-headed, framed be-
tween pilasters that rise to carry a projecting
entablature. The keystones of the upper arches
project in bold relief, and of the masonry only
the pilaster capitals, the two cornices, and the
architrave of the upper order are carved, all the
rest being left rough and in high relief, with only
a hint of the architectural framework in the
deeply channelled joints. Set back within the
openings of this double order were the closure
walls of a continuous facade. Those of the
ground were of brick-faced concrete, with
single doorways opening into a range of shops;
those of the upper floor of rusticated travertine,
with rectangular windows lighting a range of
interconnecting chambers. It is, however, the
arcaded framework that dominates the scheme,
presenting a bold, rhythmical fa9ade towards
the Palatine. For all its complexity of detail, one

is closely reminded of the Temple of Jupiter

Anxur at Terracina,^ from which it is indeed in
the direct line of descent.
Of the temple itself nothing is preserved, but
the plan is known from the Severan marble map
of Rome. It was a hexastyle prostyle building,
set on a tall podium, and it stood somewhat to
the east of the centre of the platform, facing
westwards across the shorter axis. The open

space around it was planted with rows of trees,

or shrubs, and it was at any rate in part enclosed
by shady porticoes. That the surviving traver-
tine fa9ade of the platform (and a fortiori the
temple and other superstructures) is the work of
Vespasian is almost certain. Not only is it built
against the core of an earlier, simpler platform,
but it faced on to a paved street, which would
have been completely out of place in the
parklands of the Domus Aurea. But the
masonry, with its mannered rustication, is so
characteristically Claudian, recalling that of the

Porta Maggiore and the Aqua Virgo [21-3], yards (no by 135m.) in extent, laid out upon
that one is wonder whether it may
tempted to the same alignment as the Forum of Augustus,
not have been remodelled on some surviving towards which it faced, but from which it was
elements of the original project. separated by the line of the Argiletum, the busy
The Templum Pacis, often though less cor- street that linked the Forum Romanum with the
rectly referred to as the Forum of Vespasian, crowded urban quarter of the Subura. The
was another dynastic monument, vowed in 71 greater part of the site was occupied by an open
after the capture of Jerusalem and designed, like space, slightly shorter than it was broad, which
Augustus's Ara Pacis, to identify the new was laid out as a formal garden and enclosed on
dynasty with the blessings of peace after a three sides by porticoes with columns of red
period of civil and external strife."* It took the Egyptian granite. On the fourth side, towards
form [30] of a rectangular enclosure, 120 by 150 the Argiletum, instead of a portico there was a

30. Rome, Templum Pacis ('Forum of Vespasian'), 71 g. Restored view,

looking south-eastwards across the Forum Transitorium [cf 6 and 35]

colonnade of even larger columns of africano it as one of the three most beautiful buildings of
marble, set close up against the entrance wall; the Rome of his day (the others on his list being
and pairs of columns of the same marble the Forum of Augustus and the Basilica Aemi-
spanned the entrances to four square exedrae lia).One of the last great buildings in the con-
which opened, two and two, off the lateral servative Roman tradition, barely touched by
porticoes. The actual temple faced north- the innovating currents of contemporary archi-
westwards, down the shorter axis, and instead of tectural thought, it was also one of the finest.

projecting into the open central area it was so Very much the same might be said of the
placed that the fa9ade stood on the line of the Flavian Amphitheatre or, to give it its familiar
south-east colonnade, the porch occupying the name, the Colosseum [31, 32]. One of the
breadth of the portico and the apsed cella wonders of its own day, ever since the Middle
projecting beyond it, terraced into the rising Ages it has been a symbol of the majesty and
ground of the Veha. Opening off the south-east enduring might of Rome. One recalls the words
portico on either side of the temple was a range of the Venerable Bede, as translated by Byron:
of large halls, one of which contained a Hbrary.
Another was later used to house the great 'While stands the Coliseum, Rome shall stand;
When falls the Coliseum, Rome shall fall:
Severan marble map of Rome.
And when Rome falls - the World.'
There are many points of interest about this
plan. The choice of the shorter axis and the use For that very reason it is not an easy building to
of trees, or shrubs, to accentuate the architec- view dispassionately in its contemporary con-
tural design are features that it shares with the text. Even its popular name, however apt, lacks
Claudianum. The exedrae opening off the classical authority and may well be derived at

lateral porticoes recall the great precinct of second-hand from the Colossus of Nero, which
Baalbek or, later, Hadrian's Library at Athens. stood near by.
The colonnade along the inner face of the north- Of the amphitheatres already existing in
west wall is an early, if not the earliest, Rome, that of Taurus had been recently dam-
monumental example of the application to an aged by fire, and those of Caligula and Nero
external wall of a decorative device long familiar were both temporary structures, manifestly
in interior architecture (it is a pity that we do not inadequate to the needs of a rapidly growing
know exactly how the entablature of the col- population.^ As a popular gesture by the new
onnade was related to the wall behind it). Above dynasty, the construction of a new, permanent
all, the relation of the actual temple building to amphitheatre was a wise choice. Equally shrewd
the forecourt has qualities of reticence that are, was the choice of the site, the valley bottom that
to say the least, unusual in metropolitan Roman had housed the artificial lake of Nero's Golden
architecture.^ The precinct was focused upon, House. At one resounding stroke Vespasian was
but in no way dominated by, the temple. To an able to redress one of the most bitterly resented
exceptional degree it was the whole building wrongs of his predecessor, while at the same
that constituted the Temenos Eirenes, as the time securing an ideal site for his new building -
Greek writers call it, and it derived its effect as central, ready-excavated, easily drained, and
much from the simplicity of its lines and the with a compact clay subsoil admirably suited to
skilful interplay of trees and architecture as carry the vast weight of the projected building.
from the richness of its materials and the wealth It was probably begun early in his reign and was
of its fittings. In it, alongside such trophies of unfinished at his death. Exactly which parts are
the Jewish war as the Seven-branched Candle- the work of Vespasian, and which of Titus and
stick and the Ark of the Covenant, were Domitian, are questions of little importance.
displayed some of the finest masterpieces of Apart from modifications to the attic storey

Greek painting and sculpture, and Pliny names during construction, the outstanding character-

istic of the building is the skill and foresight was of marble carried
external order the seating
with which the unknown architect can be seen on substructures of vaulted masonry. Above
from the very outset to have marshalled the this height it was of wood (the 'maenianum

whole gigantic enterprise towards its predeter- summum in ligneis' of the texts) in order to
mined conclusion. reduce the weight at a point where the outward
The problem that he faced was the seating thrust was contained only by the thickness and
and the orderly handling of vast and potentially solid construction of the outer wall. Below this
unruly crowds of spectators, usually estimated level the doubling of the ambulatory corridors
as between 45,000 and 55,000 persons. There and the radially vaulted vomitoria afforded a
were plenty of precedents, though none on this system of buttressing that was more than
enormous scale. The solution adopted by the adequate to the demands made upon it. Porches

architect of the Theatre of Marcellus [4], itself in themiddle of the two long sides gave access to
presumably modelled on that of the yet earlier the imperial box and to the seating for senators
Theatre of Pompey, is one that we find in an [31].
infinite number of local variants throughout the Structurally, the interest of the building lies
theatres and amphitheatres of the Roman world, mainly in its choice of materials and the
in every province and at every date, wherever evidence that it offers of working methods. As
these had to be built up from level ground always in the best Roman building, enormous
instead of resting against the slope of some care was lavished on the foundations. To
convenient hillside. The seating was terraced support the cavea a vast elliptical ring of
upwards and outwards on the rising vaults of a concrete, about 170 feet (51 m.) wide and 40 feet
network of radiating, wedge-shaped chambers (12 m.) deep, was laid down, the lowest part of it
and ambulatory corridors; and into the resulting (about 20 feet/ 6 m. in depth) being laid directly
voids was fitted a system of radiating staircases in a huge trench cut into the compact clay
or ramps {vomitoria) and lateral passageways, so subsoil, while the upper part (another 20 feet)
contrived as to provide separate access to each was contained within a massive outer ring of
wedge (cuneus) of seating, and within each brick-faced concrete. Built into this upper part
wedge to the several concentric sectors {maeni- were drains and practical facilities, and the
ana) into which the whole of the interior was whole was capped with a platform of travertine
divided by horizontal gangways. In the case of blocks.^ On this platform was built a framework
the Colosseum there were no less than seventy- of piers of travertine, specially quarried near
sixnumbered entrances; and wherever necess- and it was this squared stone masonry
ary,movement could be further controlled by which constituted the essential load-bearing
wooden barriers. In addition to providing skeleton of the entire building up to the spring-
lateral circulation, the outer ring of corridors ing of the vaults of the second order. Between
helped to buttress the outward thrust of the the piers were inserted the radial walls, which
seating. were of squared tufa up to an irregular line
was familiar ground. What was new
All this corresponding roughly with the floor of the
was the sheer size of the structural problems second order, and above this of brick-faced
involved. The plan, as regularly in the amphi- concrete. With the exception of one of the
theatres of the Roman world, was an ellipse, and smaller, internal corridors, which has a groined
it measured no less than 615 by 510 feet (188 by vault, the vaults are all of barrel form, in some
156 m.) externally and 280 by 175 feet (86 by cases incorporating ribs of brick, a very early use

54 m.) internally, the seating {caved) forming a of a device which, though of little or no
uniform ring 167 feet (51 m.) wide and 159 feet independent structural value, was widely used
(48.50 m.) high from the pavement to the outer in later Roman architecture to facilitate the
cornice. Up to the full height of the third actual processes of construction.^ The use of a

31. Rome, Amphitheatrum Flavium (Colosseum), inaugurated in 80.

Plans, sections, and sectional view



variety of materials was undoubtedly an eco- the entablature of each bay of the attic; and it

nomy in time as well as cost, since each was was further braced by bollards set at pavement
handled by a different group of workmen, the level a short distance out from the steps of the
tufa and the concrete being added when the lowest order.
travertine skeleton was already in place, and the About the interior, which was stripped of its
timber work and the marble seating later still. marbles during the Middle Ages, there is little

The work was further speeded by dividing the to be said. The remains of an order with large
building laterally into four or more sectors. At granite columns must come from a portico
least two gangs can be seen to have been at work somewhere near the top of the building, perhaps
simultaneously on the surviving half of the carrying a timber roof over the wooden seats of
travertine facing of the attic storey, and in a the summum maenianum. The elaborate network
building that had been so carefully thought out of service corridors and chambers below the
in advance there would have been no difficulty arena is mainly the work of Domitian. Among
in applying the same system throughout. them were lifts with an ingenious system of
Architecturally there was little that was new counterweights for hoisting scenery or wild
in the travertine fa9ade [32]. It consisted of beasts to the floor above, a feature for which the
three superimposed orders, Doric, Ionic, and amphitheatre at Puteoli in Campania offers
Corinthian respectively, of which the half- interesting parallels.
columns and entablatures were purely decor- The Colosseum was not a building of any
ative, and above these a tall attic storey with great originality. It was as conservative in its
lofty Corinthian pilasters supporting the crown- structural methods and choice of materials as it

ing entablature. The three orders framed arches was in design, preferring in both cases to refine
opening on to the ambulatory corridors, while upon a tradition that went right back to the
smaller, rectangular windows, placed in alter- Republic, to buildings such as the temple at

nate bays, lit the corridors serving the upper Praeneste and the Tabularium. Formally and
part of the cavea. Except for the elaborately materially it represents a strain in Roman
marbled porches surmounted by statuary which architecture that was very shortly to be swept
projected from the four cardinal points of the away by new techniques and new aspirations.
plan, the entire circumference was uniformly For all that, this was a tradition capable of a

treated. All this follows conventional lines, the great strength and dignity, and one well suited
architect's principal contribution lying in the to display the qualities of bold, orderly planning
skill with which he handled the proportions of and technical competence which characterize
what could so easily have become a mere the best Roman work of all periods. In the
unwieldy bulk of masonry, and in the un- Colosseum it found a worthy consummation.
obtrusive ingenuity with which he manipulated
the detail of the orders to meet the requirements
TITUS (a.d. 79-81)
of the structures within. Two points only call
for comment. One is the use of huge decorative Vespasian's elder son and successor, Titus, did
shields of gilded bronze, alternating with the not live long enough to stamp his personaUty
windows of the attic storey; the supports for upon the architecture of Rome. Apart from
these are still visible. The other is the arrange- continuing his father's work on the Colosseum,
ments for supporting the velarium, the huge he was responsible for initiating only two major
awning that protected the spectators from the enterprises, the Temple of the Deified Ves-
sun, for the manipulation of which a special pasian and a new public bath-building, the
detachment of sailors was quartered near by. Thermae Titi. He was also accorded an hon-
The poles supporting this were carried on large orary arch, probably to be identified with the
brackets, three of which can be seen just below triple arch that stood in the middle of the curved

32. Rome, Amphitheatrum Flavium (Colosseum), inaugurated in 80. Exterior


end of the Circus Maximus; and it is not exposed, but the cella (which was almost cer-
impossible that he began the well-known arch at tainly completed by Domitian) was elaborately
the end of the Via Sacra, between the Forum finished in fine marbles. The three standing
Romanum and the Colosseum. columns are an early example of the careful
For the Temple of Vespasian he chose a site restoration of an ancient building, undertaken
at the foot of the Capitoline Hill, beside the by Valadier in i8i i. The entablature, preserved
Temple of Concord. Apart from the steps, in the substructures of the Tabularium, is an
which owing to the limitations of space available outstanding example of Flavian architectural
were set back between the columns of the ornament, bold, deeply cut, and very rich, a

fa9ade, the hexastyle peristyle plan followed style native to Rome, where one can follow its

conventional lines. Rather unusually for so late a by step, from Late Augustan and
evolution, step
date the travertine of the podium was left through Julio-Claudian and Flavian times down

33. Rome, Baths of Titus, Frigidarium
inaugurated in 80. Palaestra
Plan, after Palladio

ISir Tepidarium


to Domitian and to the early years of Trajan. as indeed they may well have been twenty years
The Baths of Titus, built in haste to grace the earlier (though this cannot now be proved) in
dedication of the Colosseum in a.d. 8o, followed the Baths of Nero." In either case, like so much
the precedent established by Vespasian in using that is vital to the development of later Roman
ground that had belonged to Nero's Golden architecture, the seeds are to be sought in the
House, standing alongside the main domestic fruitful middle years of the first century a.d.
wing and looking out over the valley. Except for
the remains of a portico of brick-faced concrete
DOMITIAN (a.d. 81-96)
with engaged columns, across the street from
the Colosseum, hardly anything has survived, Domitian, Vespasian's second son, succeeded
but the plan, which is known from measured
a his brother in a.d. 81 . During the fifteen years of
sketch by Palladio [33], suggests that this was his reign he was responsible for a great deal of
the essential structural material throughout. '° building, and although his work, viewed as a
Palladio's plan, whatever the reliability of its whole, may be regarded as broadly progressive
detail, reveals unmistakably that the layout was rather than revolutionary, it did by its very

of the so-called 'Imperial' type. This type, quantity leave its mark upon Roman architec-
which had a long and important history before ture at a critical stage in its development. It

it, consisted essentially of a large, approximately included, moreover, the creations of Rabirius,
rectangular enclosure and, placed symmetri- one of the few Roman architects of distinction
cally within it, a central bathing block. The whose name is known to us. Domitian has every
bathing block was itself symmetrical about its right to be considered one of the great builder
shorter axis, transversely across the northern emperors.
end of which (or in the later examples centrally) Domitian's work may conveniently be dis-
stood the mzin frigidarium, or cold room, a lofty cussed under three headings: buildings that he
three-bay, groin-vaulted hall, buttressed by inherited unfinished from his father or his
smaller, barrel-vaulted bays containing cold- brother; those that he restored after the great
plunges; and at the south end, often projecting fire of 80; and those that he initiated ex novo,
so as to take full advantage of the sun, the main although he did not in all cases live to complete
caldarium, or hot room. Along the north side them.
were disposed two identical ranges of smaller To the first category belong the Colosseum,
suites of changing rooms (apodyteria), exercise the Baths of Titus, and the Temple of Ves-
yards (palaestrae), latrines, and other services, pasian, all of which have already been suf-
and along the south side two identical ranges of ficiently described. The well-known arch at the
smaller heated rooms. Around the outer peri- head of the Via Sacra may also have been begun
meter of the enclosure lay the cisterns, and by Titus, but it was certainly finished after his
facing inwards from it on to gardens were halls death as a commemorative monument. Built of
to house the manifold social activities for which Pentelic marble about a concrete core, it is

these great bathing establishments served as remarkable chiefly for the simple dignity of its

centres - meeting rooms, libraries, lecture halls, architectural lines and for its sculptured orna-
museums, etc. Such in brief was the fully ment, which includes the two familiar panels
developed 'Imperial' type of baths. Those of illustrating Titus's triumph after the capture of
Titus were small by comparison with the later Jerusalem. It is one of the earliest public
giants (less than half the equivalent linear monuments to use the Composite capital, which
dimensions of those of Trajan), and the outer had been invented by Augustan architects but
enclosure was little more than a large rect- which only now began to come into common
angular terrace along its southern side. But most use. It is also the first metropolitan Roman
of the essential elements were already present. building since the Republic known to have been

built of imported white marble. Incorporated in crete and the travertine arcades of its outer
the Middle Ages into a fortress of the Frangi- facade framed in the traditional manner by
pane family, it was not restored to its familiar decorative classical orders. Indeed, its principal
form until whose use of
1821, by Valadier, claim to distinction is that it is the last building
travertine to distinguish the new from the in Rome which we know to have used travertine
original masonry is an early and wholly success- ashlar as a monumental material in its own
ful example of scientific restoration. right.

The fire of 80 left a heritage of buildings Between the two extremes lie a large number
damaged or destroyed which extended all the of buildings which, though essentially in the
way from the Capitol to the Pantheon and which classical monumental tradition, can be seen to
ranged from the Temple of Jupiter Optimus have introduced novelties of design or detail
Maximus, re-dedicated barely five years before, that are significant for the subsequent develop-
to the great complex of monuments built by ment of Roman architecture.
Agrippa in the Campus Martius. Almost with- Nothing has survived above ground of the
out exception the buildings destroyed are Porticus Divorum, but the plan is known from
known to have been restored by Domitian, and the Severan marble map [20]. An elongated
something is known about several of them from rectangular enclosure, dedicated to the two
the Severan marble map of Rome, including the deified emperors of the Flavian dynasty, it

Temple of Isis and the Baths of Agrippa [20]. probably served also as a marshalling ground for
But of the buildings themselves little or nothing the triumphal processions of Domitian himself.
has survived. On the Capitol only the little At one end stood a grandiose triple arch (the

Republican Temple of Veiovis beside the Tabu- Porta Triumphalis.^) and at the other an altar.
larium has preserved any substantial remains of Two small tetrastyle temples faced each other
its Domitianic restoration, which took the form across the inner face of the arch, and along the
of replacing the timber roof by a fireproof rest of the two long sides and across the far end
concrete vault and decorating the interior with ran colonnaded porticoes. The proportions are
an elaborate scheme of coloured marble. The quite different from those of Vespasian's Tem-
Temple of Jupiter was once again restored on plum Pacis, but in other respects there are many
traditional lines, with a wealth of fittings such as similarities: *the formal planting of the central
gilded bronze tiles and doors plated with gold. space; the rectangular exedrae that open off the
But although this time it stood undamaged until porticoes; the emphasis upon the monument as
late antiquity, hardly a trace of Domitian's work a whole at the expense of the individual temples;
has come down to us. and the deliberate exclusion of the outer world
The buildings initiated by Domitian himself by means of high enclosing walls.
cover a remarkably wide range of techniques In this last respect we can trace two distinct
and architectural styles. At one end of the scale currents in the temple architecture of the Early
we have the Flavian Palace, described later in Empire. In the Forum Romanum, for example,
this chapter; and at the other we have the successive emperors were content to follow the
stadium in the Campus Martius, now the Piazza traditional Italic practice of treating each temple
Navona, the open space of which is still that of as an integral part of the urban setting to which
the Roman racetrack, while the houses in- it belonged. Side by side with this, however,
corporate much of the structure of the seating. there had been during the later Republic a
Constructionally a two-storey version of the growing fashion for setting temples within
Colosseum adapted to the elongated shape porticoed enclosures, such as the Porticus Met-
of a stadium, it was a thoroughly conservative elli (soon after 146 B.C.), and this tendency was
building, with its marble seating carried on accentuated and given fresh emphasis in the
substructures of travertine and brick-faced con- Imperial Fora. The great enclosing walls of

these may, as it is often claimed, have been one of Domitian's buildings, and it is certain
designed partly as firebreaks; but it is almost that at the end of it adjoining the Forum of
certainly true also that they reflect the increas- Augustus it was Domitian who started cutting
ing Roman contacts with the hellenistic East, in back the lower slopes of the Quirinal Hill to
particular with Syria and Egypt, where the clear space for some monumental building.'^
enclosed, inward-facing sanctuary was the rule Since, however, it is no less certain that the

rather than the exception. ^^ In the eastern Domitianic project was very different from that
provinces, as we shall see, the tradition was finally put into effect, the credit for the planning
continuous into Roman times. Here in the west as well as for the execution of the latter must go
one result was to accentuate the trend towards to Trajan and to his architect, Apollodorus of
formalism that was one of Roman architecture's Damascus. We shall never know what exactly
strongest and most enduring characteristics. Domitian had in mind for this area.
The Roman architect was not the blind slave to The rebuilding of the Temple of Venus
symmetry that he is often portrayed as being. Genetrix in the Forum of Caesar is another
But it is true that in his monumental architec- enterprise that was certainly completed by
ture he preferred to avoid the intangible. He had Trajan, who is known from an inscription to
little of the classical Greek architect's instinctive have re-dedicated it in 113, the year of his own
feeling for placing buildings in casual but great forum. The evidence for attributing the
harmonious relationship, and he was happiest inception of the work to Domitian, namely the
when dealing with problems that were capable distinctively Flavian style of its richly carved
of clearly defined, 'drawing-board' solutions. entablature [34], is not in itself conclusive.
Another area in which Domitian was engaged Sculptural styles did not change overnight, and
was that of the Imperial Fora [6], where he built this could have been a purely Trajanic project,
the Forum Transitorium, dedicated after his carried out by workmen trained under the
death by Nerva, and where he seems to have previous regime. On the other hand, the whole
been active also both in the Forum of Caesar area had suffered damage in the fire of a.d. 80
and in the area later occupied by Trajan's and it is very likely that the repairs were begun
Forum. Eusebius in fact lists the last-named as by Domitian but finished after his death by

34. Rome, Temple of Venus Genetrix,

by Trajan and dedicated in 113.
Marble cornice block from the pediment

Trajan, who deferred their inauguration to from the Severan marble plan. It was hexastyle
coincide with that of his own forum. The plan of prostyle with columns of
elegantly fluted
the new temple closely followed that of its Phrygian marble and a colonnaded interior
predecessor, of which it incorporated the po- ending in an apse. The awkward problem of the
dium. The front of the latter rose sheer from the projecting south-eastern apse of the Forum
pavement in front, access to it being by two Augustum was resolved in characteristically
small lateral staircases, and the temple itself was Roman manner by siting the end wall of the
short in proportion to its breadth, with very forum proper at the level of the front of the cella
closely set columns, eight across the front and so as to conceal the greater part of the wall
eight down either flank. The columns, three of behind, and by using the irregular space beyond
which were re-erected in the thirties, and the to house a semicircular portico (the Porticus

entablature were of Luni marble, and against Absidata), which served as a monumental entry
the inner walls of the apsed celia there were from the crowded urban quarters to the north
decorative colonnades of Numidian marble with and east into the new forum and, through it, to
very elaborately carved capitals and bases. A the Forum Romanum, to the Fora of Caesar and
feature of the marble revetment of the cella is of Augustus, and to the Templum Pacis. After
that it was channelled to imitate drafted over a century of piecemeal development this
masonry.^'* whole monumental complex now for the first
The Forum Transitorium occupied a long time began to acquire a certain architectural

and narrow space (about 395 by 150 feet; 120 by unity.

45 m.) between the Fora of Caesar and Augus- There are two of Domitian's buildings of
tus on the one hand, and the Templum Pacis on which we may particularly regret the absence of
the other. The site offered little scope for any surviving remains. One is the Temple of
architectural originaUty, and is remarkable Minerva Chalcidica, which stood in the angle
chiefly for the still-standing remains ('Le between the Porticus Divorum and the Iseum
Colonnacce') of the decorative colonnades with [20]. The plan of it on the Severan marble map
which the two long walls were treated [35]. is curiously at variance with the record of a
These were free-standing to capital height, only circular temple with an outer and an inner ring
the entablature and the attic storey above being of columns given by Panvinio on the basis of
bracketed out to form a series of pedestals and measurements by Pirro Ligorio.'^ The other is
re-entrant bays. Attic and frieze alike were the family mausoleum which Domitian built on
richly carved. Such semi-engaged decorative the Esquiline, on the site of the family house of
colonnades had long been a common feature of the Flavii where he himself had been born.
interior architecture, but their use as a monu- References to it by contemporary writers show
mental enrichment of exterior walls was a that it was circular in shape.
novelty of which there is no certain example Finally, before turning to the great complex
before the Flavian period. Of the Temple of of buildings on the Palatine which represents
Minerva, which stood at the south end, in much the principal contribution of Domitian and his
the same relation to the forum as the Temple of architect, Rabirius, to the history of Roman
Venus Genetrix to the Forum of Caesar, the architecture, it is well to be reminded of the
greater part was still standing until 1606, when tremendous amount of everyday architecture
it was demolished to provide materials for the that was going on in Rome throughout the latter
fountain of Paul V on the Janiculum, and it is part of the first century a.d. The great fires of 64
known both from Renaissance drawings and and 80 had left a legacy of destruction that must

35 {opposite). Rome, Forum Transitorium (Forum of Nerva), dedicated in 97. 'Le Colonnacce', part of the
decorative facade of the Templum Pacis [cf. 30]

have taken many years to make good, and while Hill was divided. Except for its northern spur,
much of this was undertaken by successive its eastern counterpart, the Palatium, had
emperors, a great deal more was left to private already been appropriated by Nero; and it was
initiative. This is not the place to catalogue the here, occupying the saddle between the two
long list of buildings on the Caelian, Aventine, and the whole of the central and south-eastern
and Esquiline Hills, in the Campus Martius, part of the Palatium, that Domitian built the
and elsewhere, known from their brick-stamps main block of his great palace [36].
and other indications to belong to the Flavian The Domus Tiberiana itself does not seem to
period/^ They include private houses (a good have been greatly altered, but below it, at the
example is that which lies beneath the apse of levelof the Forum Romanum, the area between
the chuch of S. Clemente), private bath- the Temple of Castor and the Horrea Agrip-
buildings (Martial, writing under Domitian, piana was converted into a monumental ves-
mentions eight such), shops, warehouses (the tibule serving the whole complex. The vestibule
Horrea Vespasiani, the site of which is not we know from brick-stamps to have been an
known, and the Horrea Piperataria, or Spice afterthought, added during the last years of
Market, on the site of what later became the Domitian's life. All the rest was undertaken
Basilica of Maxentius), minor public monu- early in his reign and, except for the 'stadium',
ments such as the Meta Sudans, and a multitude was completed in time for the inauguration of
of fragments of masonry which, in the nature of the palace in 92. The architect was Rabirius.^^
things, are almost bound to remain anonymous. His plan lacks the rather obvious formal unity of
What happened at Ostia under Hadrian and many Roman buildings, but there is nothing
Antoninus Pius was happening in Rome a makeshift about was an ingenious and on
it. It

generation or so earlier. These buildings, many the whole very successful answer to the problem
of them individually of little importance, to- of combining the conflicting requirements of a
gether constituted an almost total reconstruction palace and a private residence on a site of some
of the heart of ancient Rome, and they were initial complexity. With remarkably few ad-
the school in which the builders of the later ditions and modifications (undertaken chiefly
Empire learned much of their craft. by Hadrian and Septimius Severus) Domitian's
Domitian's enduring monument is the great building was to remain the official Roman
imperial residence on the Palatine, known offi- residence of the emperor right down to late
cially as the Domus Augustana (or Augustiana) antiquity, the eponymous precursor of all sub-
and in popular usage as the Palatium [38]. The sequent 'palaces'.
residential block of the Golden House may have Of the factors that determined the choice of
remained in intermittent use for some time after plan, the most important was the need to site the
Nero's death, but the construction of the state rooms where they would be readily ac-
Colosseum and the Baths of Titus, cutting it off cessible from the Clivus Palatinus, the road that
from the centre of the city, deprived it of any ran up the valley between the Germalus and the
value it may have had as an official residence. Palatium and at that time the only direct means
It is not surprising, therefore, that Domitian of access from the city centre. They were
should have decided to abandon it altogether accordingly grouped together at the west end,
and to turn instead to the development of the terraced up above the saddle, where they
pre-Neronian nucleus on the Palatine. Here formed an almost independent block, with the
there already existed the Domus Tiberiana, main fa9ade facing down the valley and a
which, together with a group of venerable secondary facade towards the Domus Tiberi-
monuments at the angle overlooking the river, ana. (Within the make-up of the terrace
occupied the whole of the Germalus, the western were incorporated and preserved the Late Re-
of the two eminences into which the Palatine pubHcan 'House of the Griffins', the Augustan


36. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana), inaugurated in 92. Plan.

Solid black indicates buildings at the upper level still in whole or part upstanding

painted Isiac hall, and the nymphaeum of rectangular hall, with an apse at the far end and,
Nero's Domus Transitoria.) To the east of the set about 6-7 feet out from the side walls, two
official wing, alongside but almost independent ranges of Numidian marble columns, which
of it, lay the emperor's private apartments, and helped to provide a broad seating for what is

to the east of this again a sunken garden in the usually thought to have been a coffered vault -a
shape of a stadium. On the side facing the disposition which in its essentials goes right
Circus Maximus it was the domestic wing which back to the vaulted nymphaea of the Late
dictated the layout of the fa9ade, with a wide, Republic.'^ Quite soon after construction the
shallow, central exedra, flanked on one side by outer wall began to show signs of settlement,
the imperial box, overlooking the circus, and on and the whole north-west angle had to be
the other by a formal terrace masking the elaborately buttressed by Hadrian. That the
irregularities of plan that arose at this point central hall, the throne room, was vaulted is

from the need to respect the Augustan Temple doubtful. The span was considerably greater
of Apollo and other venerable monuments. than that of the basilica, and although the walls
Towards Forum, on the other hand, the
the were robust and well buttressed laterally it is

whole architectural emphasis was upon the very questionable whether they would have
fa9ade of the public wing, which reared its stood up to the resulting pressures. Projecting
impressive bulk directly above the head of the rectangular piers broke the inner faces up into a
ClivjLis Palatinus. As one approached up the hill series of bays, within which were decorative
the domestic wing lay round the corner to the aediculae containing statuary, the bays them-
left, with its main block set well back beyond a selves being framed between tall fluted columns
pair of colonnaded courtyards. On plan the as of Phrygian marble carrying a highly decorated
yet only partly excavated buildings to the north order; a shallow apse at the south end housed
of the stadium may seem to balance the pro- the imperial throne. The 'Lararium' was a

jection of the public wing; but they were smaller room, and would have presented no
certainly far less bulky, and there does not in problem to vault, although the addition of
fact seem to have been any attempt to treat the internal buttresses by Hadrian suggests that
whole north fa9ade as a monumental unit. The even here Rabirius may have under-estimated
intention here was rather to emphasize the the structural problem involved. There was no
separate character of the two parts of the palace. axial staircase leading up to the fa9ade, but an
It was only internally, at the level of the two external portico, which ran right across the
peristyle courtyards, that the two wings were fa9ade and along part of the west side, linking
linked by a clearly established cross-axis. To- the state rooms with the Clivus Palatinus and
wards the east Domitian's work remained un- the Domus Tiberiana.
finished at his death, and it was left to Septimius The courtyard behind was surrounded by a
Severus to complete the development in this portico enclosing a fountain and a formal garden
direction. and it was flanked by a series of small rooms of
The official wing of the palace formed an interesting curvilinear design. The whole of the
elongated rectangular block, with three great south side was dominated by the great tri-

rooms opening directly off the facade and,

state clinium, or banqueting hall [37]. Nearly as large
beyond them, a large colonnaded courtyard as the throne room, it must have been timber-

leading to the state banqueting hall {triclinium). roofed. Towards the courtyard it was open

The staterooms were (from west to east) the between huge columns of grey Egyptian

basilica, in which the emperor sat in judgement, granite behind an octastyle porch of the same
and two rooms conventionally known as the proportions and materials. At the far end there
'throne room' ('Aula Regia') and the 'palace was a shallow apse and a raised dais for the
chapel' {lararium). The basilica was a large emperor and important guests, and along each

37. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana),

inaugurated in 92.
Restored axonometric view

of the side walls, helping to support the roof, beneath the floor - a very early example of such
stood columns of the same granite, between heating used domestically.
which two doors and three large windows The private wing of the palace was built on
opened on to a pair of identical fountain ground that sloped steeply down towards the
courtyards. Except for a portico round three Circus Maximus, and the level corresponding
sides, the latter were open to the sky, with a with the official wing was here that of the upper
large, elaborately scalloped, oval fountain in the storey. The main entrance was in the ground

38. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana), inaugurated in 92. The courtyard of the domestic wing
looking northwards. The door and windows on the left are those of the room shown in illustration 46

centre, the curve of which was picked up and floor, 35 feet below, and opened off" the middle

repeated by the outer wall and portico of the of the curved portico that occupied the centre of
courtyard itself. Wherever they sat the guests the south facade. From it a rectangular vestibule
would have looked out on vistas of ornamental led into a square central courtyard [38], the two
water and greenery, framed in a setting of richly storeys of which were probably carried on piers
variegated marble. To ensure their comfort in with arches (as in the later apartment-houses of
any weather Hadrian inserted a hypocaust Ostia) rather than on columns. The whole

central area was occupied by an elaborately ning yet further work, possibly a bath-building
curvilinear fountain in the form of four juxta- on the site of that finally constructed by
posed 'pelta' designs adorned with statuary. Septimius Severus; the aqueduct which served
Along the east and west sides, grouped about the latter, an offshoot of the Neronian branch of
rectangular light-wells, were stairs to the upper the Aqua Claudia, was in origin certainly
storey, together with a number of smaller Domitianic. Towards the north, too, the great
rooms, some of them at mezzanine height; along platform which occupied the whole of the
the north side, terraced into the rock of the northern spur of the Palatium, and which
were the three polygonal domed cham-
hillside, carried the Aedes Caesarum (the shrine of
bers which are the best-known features of this Augustus and all succeeding deified emperors,
still very incompletely published monument later incorporated into Elagabalus's Temple of
[46]. The upper storey was more complex. Most the Sun), seems to have reached its definitive
of the rooms faced inwards, but along the north form under Domitian, thereby not only estab-
side there were two elaborately interlocking lishing the line of the Clivus Palatinus, but also
ranges of rooms, the one facing inwards, the restricting the effective northern fa9ade of the
other outwards on to the peristyle courtyard to palace to the west wing - a circumstance of
the north. ^^ Owing to the rise of the ground the which, as we have seen, the architect took full
latter was already at the upper level and was the advantage. Finally one may note Domitian's
principal architectural link between the domes- reconstruction at a new, higher level of the two
tic and the official wings. The importance of the Augustan libraries, damaged in the fire of 64, in
domestic wing lies above all in the evidence the angle behind the triclinium; and, terraced
which it gives of the architect's intense interest down the slopes beyond them, the so-called
in creating novel spatial forms and of the great Paedagogium and the lodging of the imperial
progress that had been made in this direction heralds, completing the build-up of the whole
during the twenty years since Nero built his southern fa9ade of the palace. It is only when
Golden House. This aspect of the building one assembles all these scattered elements that
will be discussed more fully in the following one can fully appreciate the ingenuity and
chapter. thoroughness with which Domitian and his
The sunken garden that delimited the domes- architect, Rabirius, tackled the problem of
ticwing to the east was a conceit, laid out in the welding the whole Palatine Hill into a coherent
semblance of a stadium,^" 175 yards long and 55 architectural unity, as a proper setting for the
yards wide (160 by 50 m.), with five large great palace itself.

vaulted chambers in place of starting gates at the The palace vestibule, the grandiose public
north end, fountains representing the turning- entrance from the Forum, was one of
posts (metae), and a segmental curve at the south Domitian's last works, left incomplete at his

end. Around three sides ran a double portico, death and finished by Hadrian. It replaced an
the lower one arcaded with brick piers, the earlier and differently oriented structure,
upper one probably colonnaded. In the middle perhaps Caligula's notorious extension of the
of the east side there was a large vaulted exedra, Domus Tiberiana, and it consisted of three
suggesting that the garden might also be used distinct elements: the huge reception hall (long
for displays (as it has been in recent times), and thought to be the Temple of Augustus), which
at the south end, facing outwards, was the lay immediately behind and was oriented upon
imperial box overlooking the Circus Maximus. the Temple of Castor; beside this hall and to the
Unfinished at Domitian's death, the whole east of it, the building which later became the
complex was completed, with some modifi- church of S. Maria Antiqua, and which is

cations, by Hadrian. To the east of it, traces of plausibly identified as the quarters of the palace
Flavian masonry show that Domitian was plan- guard; and to the east of this again, zigzagging

up the hillside, the triple ramp that led up to the the effective founder of the adoptive dynasty
Clivus Victoriae and the Domus Tiberiana. which was to reign unchallenged for nearly a
The reception hall itself was a huge con- century to come and was to bestow on the great-
struction of brick-faced concrete, measuring known world a period of unpre-
er part of the

109 by 80 feet (33.10 by 24.50 m.) internally, of cedented peace and material prosperity. Trajan,
which the ceiling or vault sprang from at least 60 born of an old Romano-Spanish family and the
feet above pavement level. A portico ran round first Roman from the provinces to become

the two exposed fa9ades, of which that along the emperor, was a dynamic personality, active in
west side was replaced by Hadrian with a series many fields, and the buildings of his reign,
of buttresses, no doubt as a result of the though distinguished rather by the grandeur of
settlement which finally brought the roof and their conception than by any great architectural

almost the entire west wall to the ground. The originality, may be regarded as marking the
interior seems to have been quite plain except climax, and in many respects the completion, of
for a series of alternately rectangular and curved the great building programme in the capital
recesses, the doorways being off-axis and sited initiated over a century before by Augustus.
so as to blend unobtrusively with the pattern of When one recalls that in later antiquity
the recesses.^' The reason for this was no doubt Trajan had the reputation of being an avid
partly practical, to facilitate the strict control of builder and restorer, the literary record of his
visitors, who then had to pass by a devious route work is sadly thin.^^ There is no mention, for
through the guardrooms to reach the ramp example, of the rebuilding of the House of the
beyond. It is hard to believe, however, that in Vestals in the Forum Romanum to substantially
forgoing so established an architectural device the form in which we see its remains today,
as the monumental axial entrance, the architect although it is certain from the brick-stamps that
was not also aware of the greatly enhanced this was undertaken during the first decade of
impact of sudden, unprepared entry upon the his reign. The rebuilding of the Forum of
enormous, almost empty space beyond. With Caesar and the Temple of Venus Genetrix is

the possible exception of the throne room another wholly or partially Trajanic enterprise
(which was, anyway, very different in con- about which the literary sources are silent.

ception, with a well established movement from Allowing for the gaps in the record, however, it

one end of the hall to the other) this was in fact is evident that his work in and near the capital
the largest uninterrupted volume of space (some falls under three main heads: the building of the
700,000 cubic feet) that had ever yet been great baths on the Esquiline Hill; the under-
brought beneath a single roof. Lit from above taking of a series of major engineering works to
by two large windows placed in the two end improve the port and wharf facilities of Ostia
walls, it must have been a very impressive and Rome; and the definitive completion of the
building indeed, an awe-inspiring foretaste of complex of monumental piazzas, temples, and
the architectural marvels that lay beyond. other public buildings that had grown up to the
north of the Forum Romanum by his con-
struction of the forum, basilica, libraries, and
market that occupy the low ground between the
Domitian was murdered in a.d. q6. The only Forum Augustum and the southern slopes of
claim of his successor, Nerva (96-97), to archi- the Quirinal [6].

tectural distinction is that he completed and The Thermae Traianae, the great Baths of
dedicated in his own name the forum built by Trajan on the Esquiline, were dedicated in 109,
his predecessor. Without question the principal and although there was a consistent tradition in
event of his reign was his choice as heir and later antiquity which coupled Trajan's name
successor of the great soldier-emperor Tfajan, with that of Domitian, this was certainly mis-

taken. The Golden House, on the site of which middle of the outer enclosure, projects inwards
it stood, was not burnt until 104; and the from the middle of the northern side. Compared
evidence of the large number of surviving brick- with the contemporary Baths of Sura on the
stamps shows conclusively that the whole struc- Aventine,^^ the layout of which on the Severan
ture was Trajanic, the work of Apollodorus of marble plan is still that of a typically Pompeian
Damascus. ^^ The claim, sometimes made, that bath-building, with the bath-suite occupying
this was the first of the great 'Imperial' baths the whole of one side of a porticoed courtyard
requires quahfication. The essential elements of [61], this is a thoroughly up-to-date plan. It

the 'Imperial' plan were already present in the displays many similarities of detail to

Baths of Titus, and may indeed go back to Domitian's palace, and it reveals its architect,
Nero's bath-building in the Campus Martius. Apollodorus, as a master of the contemporary
What was new and significant for the future was concrete medium.
the sheer bulk of the structure (the actual bath- Another ambitious but essentially practical
building covered three times the area of that of enterprise was the construction of a new inner
Titus) and the development of the outer pre- harbour at Portus, the suburb and eventual
cinct to include the gardens, libraries, meeting successor of the ancient Tiber-mouth harbour
rooms, lecture halls, and rooms for all the many of Ostia. The steady deterioration of the Tiber
social activities which henceforth were to be as a navigable stream had created a problem that
regarded as an essential part of one of these great called for a drastic and definitive solution.
centres of daily social life.^"^ Claudius had sought an answer by abandoning
The site chosen was that part of the Golden the actual river-mouth and cutting a pair of
House which lay immediately to the north-east canals on a more direct line to an artificial
of the Baths of Titus and included the main harbour a mile or so to the north. Here too,
residential wing of Nero's Palace, which thus however, the predominantly northward set of

finally vanished from sight barely forty years the coastal currents was already creating serious
after its first construction. Fortunately the axis difficulties, and these Trajan's engineers now
chosen for the new layout was somewhat ob- undertook to resolve by digging a vast inner

lique to that of the earlier buildings, in order to basin, the flow of water into and out of which
take fuller advantage of the sun in the afternoon, could be controlled and the basin itself main-
the normal time for bathing; and since the site of tained by dredging. The basin, hexagonal in
the Neronian palace coincided with that part of shape and nearly halfa mile in'mean diameter,

the new construction which had to be terraced was equipped with berths for nearly a hundred
outwards from the hillside, the existing struc- ships, and all around it, parallel with the
tures were left largely intact. (It is to such wharves, ran warehouses {horrea), long series of
we owe many of the
terracing operations that deep rooms of equal size, set back to back and
best-preserved monuments of ancient Rome - opening on to porticoes or covered galleries.

for example, the House of the Griffins, the S. There was also a lighthouse of canonical type,
Clemente Mithraeum, and the Vatican ceme- with its beacon carried on a superimposed series
tery.) Little enough of the baths has survived, of diminishing cubical structures, after the
but that little is sufficient to confirm the model of the Pharos of Alexandria; a colossal
substantial accuracy of the careful drawings statue of Trajan; a portico of which the exag-
made in the sixteenth century, when a great deal geratedly rusticated travertine masonry shows it
more was still visible. These reveal an overall to be a relic of the Claudian harbourside
plan that conforms closely to that of the later buildings; a pair of temples, whose curved
and far better preserved Baths of Caracalla and pediments indicate a dedication to the Egyptian
of Diocletian, except that the main bathing divinities Isis and Serapis;-'' and a substantial
block, instead of being free-standing in the bath-building. One of the warehouses, probably

of Severan date, has ramps leading to an upper the saddle of higher ground between the Qui-
gallery, and the raised pavements of the ground rinal and Capitoline Hills and the lower slopes
floor show that it was for grain. of the Quirinal itself were cut back to a
Another commodity attested by the surviving maximum depth of 125 feet (38 m.), a figure of
remains at Portus is marble, many blocks and which Trajan's column, 125 feet high, was
columns of which have been recovered still in designed to preserve a dramatic visual record.
the rough form in which they were shipped Three-fifths of this level area was reserved for
from the quarries. They were evidently off"- the open space of the forum proper and for the

loaded here and transhipped to barges for two lateral porticoes, the central sections of the
transport to the marble yards of the capital, outer walls of which were broken outwards to
which lay in the 'Marmorata' quarter on the form large semicircular exedrae. Both the plan
river bank below the Aventine. Such tranship- and the order of the lateral colonnades, the attic

ment seems to have been normal practice, ^^ and storey of which is decorated with large orna-
a natural corollary of the work at Portus was the mental roundels and caryatid figures of Dacian
improvement of the riverside facilities of Rome prisoners, clearly derive from the Forum of
itself. When the modern embankments were Augustus. The gently outcurving entrance wall
built along the left bank the extensive remains seems, on the other hand, to have been inspired
were uncovered of a system of wharves, berths, by the flanking walls of the Forum Transi-
and mooring-rings, loading-ramps and ware- torium. In the centre of it, surmounted by a six-
houses, all in characteristically Trajanic brick- horse chariot, was a monumental entry, of
and-reticulate masonry. This reticulate work, a which the coins give a lively picture; and the
conscious revival of a practice that had gone out centre focus of the whole forum, at the in-
of use in the capital half a century earlier, was to tersection of the two axes, was a gigantic
enjoy a considerable vogue under Trajan and his equestrian statue of the emperor. There were
immediate successors and is one of the many gilded statues of horses and military standards
symptoms of a renewed interest in the architec- along the roofs of the lateral colonnades, and
tural heritage of Rome's own recent past. there was a great deal of other statuary, some of
Another commercial building, found and de- it carved in polychrome marbles and all of it

stroyed in 1878 on the right bank near the devoted to the theme of the emperor's triumphs.
Farnesina, was an imperial storehouse for wine, But despite the opulence of its detail, the forum
built in 102. It was a rectangular structure, was saved from mere grandiloquence by its fine
resembling the horrea, with vaulted storehouses proportions and by the purposeful sweep of the
full of amphorae at ground level and above them design as a whole. When the emperor Con-
a complex of courts surrounded by long por- stantius II visited Rome for the first and only
ticoes of plaster-faced travertine columns - a time, in 357, of all the monuments of the city
surprisingly late use of this material in such a this was the one which he most admired. ^^
context. There was a grandeur of conception about it to
The monument upon which above all Trajan satisfy even the most jaded taste.

lavished his resources and which most vividly The fourth side of the forum was occupied,
mirrors the curiously eclectic architectural aspi- not by the temple as in all the previous Imperial
rations of his reign is forum which he built
the fora, but by a huge, transverse, basilican hall.

out of the spoils of the Dacian War and The Basilica Ulpia (the name derives from
dedicated in 113 [6j. Physically as well as Trajan's family name of Ulpius) was by any
stylistically this was a building of unusual standards an imposing building. The main hall,
complexity. To provide a level space some 220 exactly twice as long as it was broad, extended
yards long and 130 yards wide (200 by 120 m., the full width of the forum (some 400 feet).

exclusive of the exedrae) for the main complex. Within it two ambulatorv colonnades enclosed a

long, narrow, central nave, the timber roof of tier was accessible from a gallery served by an
which had a span of 80 feet (23 m.) and was independent staircase.

nearly 260 feet (80 m.) long. At either end of the The column stood 125 feet (38 m.) high and
building, spatially independent except as was built throughout of finely jointed blocks and
viewed through the columns of the ambula- drums of Carrara marble of colossal dimensions
tories, were two large apses. The main hall is (each drum weighed about forty tons). It

usually, and probably rightly, restored as having comprised a tall plinth carved with Victories
had galleries over one or both the ambulatory and trophies of arms, a sculptured shaft with a
colonnades. The apses had semi-engaged dec- Doric capital, and a pedestal bearing a gilded

orative orders round the inner faces and must bronze statue of Trajan." Within the base was a
have been independently lit; but how exactly tomb-chamber, destined for the emperor him-
they were related in elevation to the rest of the self, and carved out of the solid marble of the

building is uncertain. Outstanding among the shaft was a spiral staircase of 185 steps. There
rich variety of marbles with which the interior were many Republican precedents for the erec-
was lavishly faced were the columns of grey tion of such commemorative columns. What
Egyptian granite. Another noteworthy feature was singular and original about Trajan's
was the which was sheathed with sheets
ceiling, Column was the continuous spiral frieze that
of gilded bronze. It was presumably coffered wound unbroken from base to capital, carved in
and lit by clerestory windows, soaring in bril- exquisite low relief with a dramatized historical
liant and effective contrast above the relative narrative of Trajan's two Dacian wars. It is hard
obscurity of the galleries beneath. Externally to admire unreservedly the relegation of this

the dominating feature was a shallow tetrastyle sculptural chef d' cmvre to a situation in which
porch in the centre of the facade, at the even the vigorous use of colour would have left

culminating point of the axis established by the many of the upper scenes barely visible, let

outer archway of the forum and the central alone intelligible in terms of the narrative which
equestrian statue. This porch too was illustrated they set out to portray. On the other hand, there
on the contemporary coins. cannot be the slightest doubt either of the
Beyond the basilica, within a small col- masterly quality of the sculpture itself or of its

onnaded courtyard off which, to right and left, outstanding importance for the later develop-
opened a pair of libraries, stood Trajan's Col- ment of Roman narrative art; and that the
umn. It is characteristic of the 'drawing-board' scheme of the column and its sculpture struck
mentality of so much Roman architectural the imagination of antiquity is shown by the
thinking^" that, although the column and the several copies of it that were erected later, in

temple beyond it picked up the line of the long Rome by Commodus and in Constantinople by
axis of the forum, there was no visual continuity Theodosius I and by Arcadius.
whatsoever between the two. The library com- Beyond the column, completing the grand
plex was quite independent, accessible from the design, lay the temple which after Trajan's
basilica only by a pair of doors, which seem to death was dedicated by Hadrian in honour of
have been deliberately placed so as to avoid any Trajan and of his wife, Plotina. The remains of
direct relationship with those of the main the temple itself still lie buried beneath and
facade. Unlike the basilica and forum, the beyond the church of S. Maria di Loreto, but
librarieswere built of brick-faced concrete and from the coins and from a fragment of the
vaulted, presumably as a protection against fire Severan marble map of Rome we know that it

and damp. They were plain rectangular halls of was an enormous octastyle building, standing
conventional classical library design, the cup- on a tall podium and set against the semicircular
boards for the scrolls being contained in two rear wall of a colonnaded enclosure. Its size is

tiers of rectangular recesses, of which the upper graphically attested by part of one of its col-
88 •

39. Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12. Axonometric
Centre foreground, the hemicycle of Trajan's
left foreground, one end of the
Basihca Ulpia

umns, of grey Egyptian granite, which is now followed closely the run of the steeply sloping
lying near the base of Trajan's Column. When hillside. At one point only were they grouped
complete it was one quarter as long again as the into a more intimate relationship. This was in
columns of the porch of the Pantheon, and it the covered market hall [40, 41], a tightly
must have weighed nearly a hundred and twenty planned building laid out at three distinct levels.
tons.-'^ There was an independent row of six shops
To the north-east of the forum complex, facing directly on to the Via Biberatica, at the
terraced steeply up the artificially steepened south end of which a flight of steps led to the
lower slopes of the Quirinal Hill, lay the storey above, which was that of the main market
Markets of Trajan, an elaborately planned hall. This was a vaulted rectangular space, 92

commercial quarter, containing more than one feet long and 32 feet wide (28 by 9.80 m.), with

hundred and fifty individual shops and offices two rows of six shops each opening off" either
and a large covered market hall, linked by stairs side of it at two levels, those of the upper floor
and streets and accessible at three different being shallower and served by a gallery-like
levels - at the foot of the hill by a broad street corridor with balustraded openings correspond-
laid out along the outer perimeter of the forum ing to the six bays of the central vault. The latter
and basilica; at the level of the third storey by was cross-vaulted, a utilitarian version of the
what in theMiddle Ages became the Via vaulting characteristic of the central hall of one
Biberatica; and two storeys higher again by a of the great 'Imperial' baths, with massive
street facing towards the Quirinal [39]. The travertine brackets used instead of marble col-
whole complex was built of brick-faced concrete umns to reduce the span at the springing-points.
with travertine details. It is a remarkable Staircases linked the successive levels, and there
example of the vaulted cellular construction of was a second entrance at gallery level leading in

which the Roman architects of the capital had from the upper street. The whole design has the
already shown themselves masters, the unit inevitability of good planning and, compared
throughout being the taberna, the single- with the stolid simplicity of the earlier market
roomed, wide-doored, barrel-vaulted shop of halls at Tivoli and Ferentino, it admirably
standard Roman commercial Both in practice. exemplifies the progress which Roman archi-
plan and to a lesser extent in elevation (there was tecture had made in practical as well as in
often a wooden mezzanine gallery lit by a monumental fields since Late Republican times.
window above the door) this unit itself was Although this was essentially an architecture
capable of considerable adjustment, and used in of function, remarkable chiefly for its practi-
conjunction with vaulted corridors and stair- cality and for its extraordinary flexibility in the
cases it lent itself admirably to the requirements face of a potentially very difficult site, it could,
of what could hardly have been a more irregular wherever appropriate, achieve a certain austere
site. An interesting technical novelty is the use monumentality. The three-storey fa9ade of the
of tiles as a substitute for planking in the market hall towards the Via Biberatica [42],
centering of the vaults, a device that had made a with its robust, travertine-framed shop-fronts
first Domus Aurea
tentative appearance in the at ground level and shallow 'balconies' bracket-
and Colosseum and which was to be
in the ed out over the mezzanine windows, is a
widely used in the second and third centuries to typical example of what, as we know from the
achieve flexibility and speed of construction by streets of Ostia, was the appearance of much of
reducing carpentry to a minimum. the new Rome that had been coming into being
The shops were for the most part laid out in since the great fire of 64. More elaborate is the
single rows, facing on to streets or corridors that well-known hemicyclical fa9ade where the

40 {opposite). Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12. Interior of the market hall

41 {below). Rome, Trajan's Market. Axonometric view. The main market hall, c. 100-12.
Foreground, the street that later became the Via Biberatica


lowest street frontage of the markets conformed had yet to establish themselves in monumental
to theoutward curve of the forum exedra [43]. usage, at any rate in Italy. Their employment on
Here the range of uniform, round-headed win- this occasion is doubtless to be connected with
dows which is the dominant feature of the upper the use of a medium - stuccoed brickwork -
of the two storeys is framed within the pilasters which was still in the process of developing a
and continuous entablature of a decorative monumental language of its own.
order, which was broken out in shallow relief to (In view of the long-established belief that
form a series of Hnked aediculae, every fourth this well-known facade was part of Trajan's
pediment of which was triangular, alternating Forum itself, it is worth emphasizing that it was
with groups of three in which a low segmental never in fact visible from within the forum, nor
pediment was framed by two triangular half- could it ever have been viewed frontally, as it is

pediments. Such broken pedimental schemes today, to the detriment both of its proportions
had made their appearance at least half a and of the quality of its detail. It was meant to be
century earlier on the walls of Pompeii, but they seen from street level, obliquely and in receding

42 {opposite). Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12. The former Via Biberatica,

with shops at ground level and, above them {left), the fa9ade of the market hall.
Note the remains of shallow balconies {maeniana) over the shops

43 {below). Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12, fa9ade of the lower hemicycle [cf 39].
In antiquity the left-hand part of the fa9ade would have been hidden by the high, curving outer wall
of Trajan's Forum, now robbed to ground level

perspective [43], its length suggested by the indicate a broad catholicity of taste and abihty.
curve of the street and by the repeated rhythm On the one hand the baths and the markets show
of its design, but nowhere in fact visible in its him to have been quite as much at home in the
entirety, and its delicate relief picked out by the contemporary Roman concrete medium as his
cross-fall of the light and contrasting with the predecessor, Domitian's architect, Rabirius:
massive simplicity of the wall opposite.) from such of their work as has survived,
The Forum and the Markets of Trajan were Rabirius may perhaps be thought to have been
contemporary and complementary monuments, the more important innovator, but in this
the two halves of a single plan; and yet it would respect both Apollodorus and Rabirius belong
be hard to imagine two groups of buildings that to the same broad stream of historical develop-
were more different in almost every respect - ment. The forum and basilica, on the other
the one ruthlessly imposed upon its site and hand, have surprisingly little to do with recent
developed with an arrogant self-sufficiency architectural trends in Rome. The combination
within the circuit of its high containing walls, of basilica and forum into a single, closely knit
the other conditioned at every turn by the unit in itself derives from schemes that had been
accidents of the ground on which it was built evolved elsewhere in Italy and in the western
and meaningful only in terms of its wider provinces - one of the earliest instances of such
architectural setting; the one ultra-conservative reciprocal influence upon the architecture of the
in its choice of materials, in its spatial re- capital. ^"^ At the same time both the planning
lationships, and in its taste for rich classical and the detail of the forum reveal a marked
ornament, the other the last word in con- break away from the Flavian tradition and a
temporary taste and techniques. The contrast is, return to the Augustan sources. We see this very
of course, symptomatic of an age in transition. clearly in the adoption of such features as the

The markets represent one of the outstanding exedrae of the forum and the caryatid order of
achievements of the 'modern' architecture the flanking porticoes, both copied directly from
which is the subject of the next chapter, whereas the Forum Augustum. We see it again in the
the forum and basilica belong to a field in which details of the individual mouldings, many of
the traditional pomps and grandiosities were which are barely distinguishable from those of
still a required currency. It is inevitably the the Augustan building. ^-^ More generally we
former that engage the sympathies and interest can see it in the rejection of concrete (except, for
of most twentieth-century observers, but it is practical reasons, in the libraries) in favour of
well to remember that it was the latter that was the traditional materials, dressed stone and
regarded both by its contemporaries and by timber. Apart from its two apses, the Basilica
later generations as the outstanding monument Ulpia is still essentially an enlarged and en-
of its age; and since this is also one of the few riched version of an Augustan monument. In its

great Roman building schemes of which we ornament too, just as Augustus's own architects
know the name and something of the history of had turned to the classical monuments of
the architect, it is worth while, in conclusion, to Athens for inspiration, so now Apollodorus
inquire briefly what was his architectural train- turned back to those of Augustus.
ing and what was his impact upon the con- By the authority of its example the Basilica
temporary architectural scene. Ulpia did more perhaps than any other single
There is little to suggest that Apollodorus of building to keep alive in the capital a tradition
Damascus was influenced by his Eastern ori- which in many other fields was dying, if not
gins. His bridge over the Danube reveals him as already dead. This was the building which
a first-class structural engineer, and even the above all others came to be felt to epitomize the
short list of buildings in Rome that can be grandeur of Roman Imperial might at the peak
attributed to him with certaintv^"' is sufficient to of its power. Though it had no immediate

successors in Rome, and though two centuries architectural type for the places of worship of
later, when Maxentius gave the capital its last the newly enfranchised Christian religion,
great public basilica, it was the contemporary Trajan's building was one that must inevitably
architecture of the great bath-buildings that have been in every mind. The Basilica Ulpia
supplied the model, the Basilica Ulpia was very may not have been a building of any profound
widely copied in the provinces. Moreover, it was architectural originality. But there are few
still standing in Constantine's day, venerable monuments of antiquity that enjoyed a greater
and universally admired; and whatever may and more enduring prestige, or that did more to
have been the reasons that led him and his shape the subsequent course of architectural
advisers to select the basilica as the preferred history.



The death of Trajan in 1 17 is as good a moment tendency to relegate the traditional classical
as any to pause and take stock of what had been forms to a purely decorative role had already
happening to the architecture of Rome in the taken on a monumental shape of its own during
160-odd years since the murder of Caesar. Not the last century of the Republic, and it was upon
that there was any real break in the development the well established Italic version of this wider
at this time, or indeed at any other time before hellenistic tradition that Augustus had drawn
the third century. But the new era was to bring for an important part of his programme. The
new problems and new perspectives. The Stadium of Domitian, the last great public
impetus of the great Augustan building pro- building in Rome to clothe the arcaded struc-
gramme was all but spent. For over a century it ture of its facade in a continuous framework of
had carried the architecture of the capital along applied classical 'architecture', marks the end of
on its own momentum. Throughout the first an epoch that spans the whole of the last century
century, besides creating the circumstances that of the Republic and the first century of the
made possible the revolution in architectural Empire.^
thinking which is the special subject of the Many of the changes that were now taking
present chapter, it had been the accepted place are, of course, explicable in purely local
framework of reference for all architectural terms. In the case just referred to, for example,
thinking, progressive and conservative alike. one can see that brick-faced concrete, hence-
Now the horizons were once more widening. forth the building material par excellence of the
The balance of wealth and prosperity was capital, lent itself naturally to an altogether
beginning to shift away from Italy and towards simpler exterior architecture, one that was
the provinces, and increasingly it was towards expressive of the constructional material with
the latter that the architect of the second little or no overlay of extraneous classicizing
century looked for those aspects of his craft detail. It is to the interiors, and to the decorative
which were not satisfied locally. skins of marble and painted stucco with which
There were, of course, certain elements of the they were clothed, that such detail was increas-
classical tradition which were now so deeply and ingly relegated. But even in such essentially
so widely rooted that they transcended all conservative fields of practice as temple archi-
frontiers. The classical system of column, tecture and the carving of the detail of the
capital, and entablature, for example, was to classical orders, one can detect an important
remain an established part of the architectural shift of allegiance. The Augustan monuments
scene for centuries to come, whatever the setting remained in this respect an inexhaustible reper-
and whatever the circumstances; not until Jus- tory of ideas and motifs, time and again to be
was architecture to break significant fresh
tinian quarried by later Roman architects in search of
ground in this respect. But there were a great inspiration. But, just as the Stadium of Dom-
many other, hardly less fundamental respects in itian marks the end of an epoch, so one may
which there were wide divergences of practice single out a building such as Trajan's Forum as
from one part of the Mediterranean world to one of the last representatives of a tradition of
another. In Italy, for example, the widespread planning and ornament that derives, almost

without a break, from the buildings of Augustan chemical processes involved. It was the product
Rome. Barely a generation later, for his great of centuries of trial and error, each generation
Temple of Venus and Rome, we find Hadrian adding its quota of practical experience until, by
looking instead to Asia Minor. This is sympto- the last century of the Republic, what had
matic of what was happening in many fields. started as a mere inert fill suitable only for the
Although the development of concrete architec- interiors of platforms, city walls, etc., had
ture was, and was some time to remain,
for become a building material in its own right,
essentially a domestic phenomenon, the stage which could be used not only for the con-
was being set for wider things. struction of walls but also of arches and vaults.
We have already had occasion to observe, in The history of pozzolana (the Latin pulvis
buildings such as the Golden House and the puteolanus) is in itself a graphic illustration of

Flavian Palace, something of the new spatial the extent to which the whole development was
ideas that were developing in Rome during the governed by the chance discoveries and rule-of-
second half of the first century a.d. As has so thumb wisdom of successive generations of
often happened in the history of architecture, it contractors. One of its most valuable properties
was the advent of new materials and new is that with it one can make a mortar that will

methods that stimulated and shaped the new harden in contact with water, a property that

theoretical approach. In this case the new must have been discovered in the first place in
material was Roman concrete, and to follow the the course of waterside building in the harbour
development of progressive architectural think- of Puteoli (the modern Pozzuoli) in Campania,
ing during the period in question, it will first be whence it took its name and whence it was
necessary to describe in rather greater detail regularly imported to the capital for use in
than has yet been done its properties, its bridges, riverside wharves, and harbour jetties.

advantages, and its limitations. There are plentiful supplies of an identical

First, a word of definition. Roman concrete volcanic sand in and around Rome, and under
{opus caementicium) was neither a concrete nor a Augustus the local pozzolana was in fact already
cement in the modern sense of those words, a being used regularly in ordinary building. And
material that could be mixed and poured, or yet fifty years later we find Claudius still

used in its own right independently of other importing it from Puteoli for his harbour works
materials. Itwas a combination of mortar and at Ostia.^

lumps of aggregate {caementa) and it was almost It is against such a background of cautious,
invariably laid in roughly horizontal courses, practical conservatism that we have to envisage
not poured, the only difference from the mor- the whole history of the early development of
tared rubble of contemporary usage (into which, Roman concrete. Such slow, empirical advances
indeed, the poorer qualities of Roman concrete are in the nature of things hard to document. It

shade imperceptibly) lying in the better quality is the successes that survive, the failures that are
of the mortar. It was, in fact, the strength of the swept away. For example, the workmanship of
mortar that gave Roman concrete its unique Agrippa's very extensive programme of aque-
properties; and although the concrete core was duct building and repair was so faulty that it had
regularly faced with other materials, the facing to be undertaken afresh almost in its entirety by
was structurally of altogether secondary Augustus twenty years later. The Aqua Claudia,
importance. dedicated in a.d. 52, needed drastic repairs in
In the fully developed Roman concrete these 71
and again under Domitian. These are simply

properties were the result of mixing lime with two examples about which we happen to be
the local volcanic sand {pozzolana). This was unusually well informed, thanks to the survival
not a sudden, dramatic discovery; still less was it of the treatise of Frontinus, who had himself
the result of any theoretical knowledge oT the been a water commissioner. It is not altogether

surprising therefore that under Augustus, and devices as built-in arches over doorways, win-
for a long time thereafter in conservative build- dows, and any point of special architectural
ing circles, squared stone was still the preferred strain (cf. illustrations 76, 79, 85). The arches,
material whenever it was a question of carrying the flat-arched lintels, and the relieving arches
a serious load. This was still the attitude of, for that are such a characteristic feature of the
example, the builders of the Colosseum. Al- brick-faced monuments of the capital convey an
though by the beginning of the Christian era almost irresistible impression of a 'live' material
concrete was already in widespread use as an within which each of these elements plays an
efficient and economical substitute for the ashlar active part in carrying and distributing the load
walls and timber roofing of traditional classical of the structure as a whole. In reality this is true
practice, there is little indication that it was yet only in a very special and limited sense. They
thought of as a monumental building material in did unquestionably play an active and useful
its own right. In this respect the great Re- part during the actual construction of the
pubhcan sanctuaries of Latium stand in curious building, and to a diminishing degree during the
isolation from what immediately followed them. period of its drying out. Once the concrete had
An aspect of Roman concrete construction hardened, however, they served no further
that has led to a great deal of confusion of structural purpose whatsoever; indeed, by in-
thought is the regular practice of applying a troducing potential lines of cleavage they were,
facing of some other material to the exposed if anything, a source of weakness. The same is

wall-surfaces. These wall-facings range from true in varying degrees of such features as the
the squared stone or the irregular stone patch- brick ribs not uncommon in later Roman
work {opus incertum) of the earliest faced walls,-' vaulting, or the so-called 'bonding courses', flat

through the neat chequerboard opus reticulatum single courses of large tiles that were introduced
which took shape during the last years of the at regular intervals into many Roman walls,
Republic [51], to the brickwork {opus testaceum) running right through them, facing and core
characteristic of the fully developed Roman alike [79]. The use of brick ribs will be discussed
concrete. But the study of these facing tech- in a later section. The main purpose of the
niques, valuable though it may be as a guide to 'bonding courses' was to provide a neat, level

the chronology of individual monuments, is of finish at the end of each stage of construction,
only marginal importance to any understanding but they served also to prevent any minor
of the architectural properties and possibilities settlement in thestill fluid mass of the concrete

of Roman concrete as such. It was in the mass of from spreading vertically."^

mortar and aggregate forming the core that the It was the strength of the core that really

strength of Roman concrete lay. Apart from mattered, and it was the steady progress in the
providing a neat finish suitable for the appli- quality of this that was the most significant
cation of marble or stucco, the principal func- advance of the Augustan and early Julio-
tion of the facing was to simplify the actual Claudian period. From the time of Augustus
processes of construction by providing a care- onwards the quality of the mortar itself was
fully built and quasi-independent framework improved by the regular addition of the local
within which the main body of the wall could be pozzolana. Another significant improvement
laid accurately with a minimum both of shutter- was the gradual elimination of the horizontal
ing and of skilled supervision. lines of cleavage that mark the divisions between
The relative unimportance of the facing is a the successive stages of the work in so many of
fact that needs to be stressed, since to facilitate the earlier concrete buildings. This was pre-
its construction the concrete-builders of the sumably achieved by using a somewhat slower-
Empire, and in particular those working in drying mixture, which enabled the successive
brick, made widespread use of such familiar horizontal lavers of the core to fuse into a

virtually homogeneous mass. As the quality of which it would be hard to overestimate the
the concrete improved, so the vaulting tech- historical significance. Here, for the first time in
niques too were simplified, and the vaults the recorded history of Roman architecture, we
themselves strengthened, by the omission of the have a room which was not only breaking away
radially laid intrados of rough stones which from the conventionally rectangular pattern of
characterizes so many Republican vaults. the complex of which it was a part, but was also
Henceforth the concrete of the vaults was laid deliberately designed to exploit the novel spatial
against the shuttering in precisely the same effects so obtained. The fact that many of the
horizontal beds as the walls themselves, and it resulting problems of planning were left unre-
stood by virtue of the almost monolithic quality solved and that much of the detail, such as the
of the finished concrete mass."* small, box-like, triangular spaces in the angles
Roman architects were surprisingly slow to between the radiating chambers, is clumsy,
appreciate the revolutionary architectural possi- cannot conceal the startling novelty of the vision
bilities inherent in the new material that was so embodied. This is essentially an architecture
developing under their eyes. When it did come, of the interior, in which light and space are
however, the realization was rapid and com- every bit as important as the actual masonry. In
plete; and thanks to the fortunate circumstance a subtle but significant way the emphasis has
of the survival of a number of the key monu- suddenly shifted from the solids to the voids. At
ments, we are able to document the process in the same time there is a deliberate playing down
unusual detail. At Hadrian's death in 137 there of the constructional problems. Walls and vaults
must have been persons still living who could are no longer the distinct contrasting factors of a
remember Nero and the great fire of 64; and yet clearly stated structural equation, but the com-
between these two dates there took place all the plementary and merging elements of an en-
essential stages of the revolution in architectural velope enclosing a shape. Moreover, the shape
thinking which Rome's great original contri-
is itself is elusive. Although the plan is rigidly
bution to the history of European art. centralized upon a common focus, the eye is in
The first great public monument in which we fact drawn away from the centre, out through

can detect the ferment at work is Nero's Golden the oculus or down the tantalizing vistas opened
House. To contemporary eyes it was the in- up by the radiating chambers. The lighting, too,
congruity of the setting - a luxurious country through oblique slots above the extrados of the
villa in the heart of Rome - and its manifold dome, displays the same qualities of deliberate
engineering marvels that constituted the prin- evasiveness. Here in embryo we have all the
cipal novelty of this singular building.^ Seen in elements that were to characterize so much of
such a perspective the recessed courtyard in the later Roman architecture.
centre of that part of the facade which has been To see how new all this was, one has only to
exposed by excavation, with its flanks splayed pause to reflect on the extent to which all
out to form three sides of an irregular hexagon, previous architecture of the ancient world had
though a newcomer to the architecture of the been dominated by the concept of mass, and by
capital, was one for which, as we shall see in the explicit statement of the structural problems
Chapter 8, there were already plenty of pre- involved in supporting a roof on four walls.
cedents in the seaside villas of Campania and Whether in Greece or in the ancient East its
Latium. Though symptomatic of the general effects had been very largely achieved by the
breakdown of the tyranny of the right-angle, its orderly marshalling of masonry and by the
architectural significance is slight in comparison contraposition of such tangible features as wall
with that of the octagonal hall in the middle of and roof, platform and superstructure, column
what we may still fi)r convenience refer to as the and architrave. Greek architecture had been
east wing.' The latter [44, 45] is a structure of logical, rational, lucid, an architecture of which

the niceties lay in the subtle exploitation of Republic one can detect a growing awareness of
familiar structural themes. In particular it had the properties of interior space. This is the
been essentially an architecture of the exterior, essential difference between the Greek stoa and
to be viewed and comprehended from without the Roman basilica and it is none the less

rather than experienced from within. Even significant for being in other respects still

when, as in such great assembly halls as the contained within the rigidly rectilinear frame-
Telesterion at Eleusis, it became necessary to work of a conventional classicism. Seen from
roof over a large interior space, the result was at this point of view the Basilica Ulpia and the
best an uneasy balance between the physical central hall of Trajan's Market are the collateral
requirements of the situation and an aesthetic branches of a single Roman tradition. Hardly
tradition to which such problems were essen- less significant was the growing taste, already
tially alien. ^ It was left to Rome to evolve an evident in Augustan times, for curvilinear or
architecture to which the concept of interior polygonal forms, a taste for which the wealthy
space was fundamental, and of this evolution the seaside villas, with their spreading porticoes,
octagon of the Golden House is a decisive their fountains, and their tempietti, afforded
milestone. such ample scope. At a more functional level it

Because the Golden House is the first build- found expression also in the building of amphi-
ing in which we can clearly and unequivocally theatres and theatres, a task for which by its

observe the full impact of this new vision, it does flexibility concrete early showed itself to be
not, of course, follow that it was the result of a admirably suited. From the placing of sloping
sudden, blinding revelation, or indeed that this vaults over the radial segments of an ellipse, a
was even the first time that it had found explicit regular feature of amphitheatre construction, it

architectural expression. On the contrary, the was a short step to the realization that with

plan of the octagon itself has all the appearance concrete one was no longer tied to the very
of having been evolved independently in the restricted repertory of architectural forms
first place and rather summarily adapted to fit proper to the traditional building materials.
into its present location. One thinks inevitably Once a concrete had been developed which, by
of the garden pavilions, fountain grottoes, and comparison with other known building
other architectural conceits of the wealthy parks materials, would stand as an almost monolithic
of Julio-Claudian Rome, which have left tan- unit, there was very little but the force of
talizing traces in the contemporary literature tradition to limit the shapes of either walls or
(e.g. Varro's celebrated aviary at Casinum) and vaults. The key to a new world of architectural
painting, but so sadly few actual remains. Here ideas stood ready in the lock, and by Nero's
was a natural ground for experiment and fan- death it had been firmly and irrevocably turned.
tasy, and it may very well be that, like so much In the Golden House not only do we find the
else in the Golden House, the immediate architect actively exploring the possibilities of
inspiration for the octagon came from some the new medium for the creation of new and
garden pavilion of one of Caligula's urban villas exciting spatial forms but - possibly for the first
or Nero's own Domus Transitoria.'' time ever - we also find him giving these forms
More important, however, than the possible monumental expression within the best known
derivation of the octagon, as such, from some and most discussed building of its day.
particular building is the recognition that most Once this decisive step had been taken
of the ideas which it embodies were in them- progress was rapid and assured, as we see very
selves already familiar features of the architec- clearly in the great palace of Domitian, com-
tural scene. What was new was their con- pleted less than twent}-five years after the
vergence upon a single building. Already, for Golden House. ''^
The first and most obvious
example, in the Roman architecture of the Late advance is in the quality of the material and the
102 •

44 and 45 {opposite). Rome, Nero's Golden House,
Octagonal fountain hall with axonometric view from below, section, and plan



virtuosity of its handling. Even if the vaulting of examples of the former one may select for
the vestibule be left out of account as possible mention the suite of small rooms along the west
but unproven, the barrel-vault of the basilica side of the courtyard of the official wing; a small
was already a notable achievement. (That it domed room in the upper storey of the domestic
needed buttressing very soon after construction wing, in plan a circle inscribed in a square, with
is not altogether surprising when one recalls that two rows, one above the other, each of eight


V lom

46. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana), inaugurated in 92. Domed octagonal room.
Sections, plan, and axonometric view from below. For the facade of this room, see illustration 38

the architect's only guide was experience; it was decorative recesses, alternately curved and rect-
only by working up to the limit, and at times angular; and the somewhat similar but more
exceeding it, that such experience could be elaborate pair of domedrooms in the north wing
gained.) Hardly less striking are the notable of the ground floor of the domestic wing [46].
increase in the deliberate use of curvilinear The last-named in particular, with their studied
features and the growing reliance for effect upon avoidance of the expected (even the doors being
the properties of interior space. Of the many sited with a deliberate disregard for symmetry

or axiality), are for their date astonishingly of the new architectural ideas current in the
advanced; and while one may feel that some of Rome itself these ideas took shape
capital, so in

the architect's less ambitiously elaborate ven- under the strong influence of (and themselves
tures, such as the fountain courts adjoining the did much to promote) the rapid development of
great Triclinium, were more successful, these contemporary bathing-habits, both public and
domed rooms give us the full measure of his private, in and immediately after Augustan
determination at all costs to create new and times. Foremost among the buildings in the new
interesting interior forms. The only limitation style were the 'Imperial' bath-buildings de-
in this respect by which he still felt constrained scribed in the preceding chapter. Those of Titus
was that imposed by the traditional rectilinear certainly, and very possibly those of Nero before
framework of the building as a whole. Apart him, were already built almost exclusively of
from the facade towards the Circus Maximus concrete. Essentially compact, functional build-
with its gently curving central portico, the ings, they offered little scope for the more
whole building, whether viewed from without elaborately fantastic curvilinear forms. They
or from its own inner courtyard, was still were, on the other hand, ideally suited for the
clothed in a rectilinear decorum which gave development of large, dignified interiors and of
scarcely a hint of the ferment within. the interlocking vistas bymeans of which the
Side by side with this increasing use of individual rooms were made to participate in the
curvilinear features we find an increasing aware- larger unity of the building as a whole. In the
ness of the value of suggestion and surprise, as Baths of Titus the forms that were to dominate
well as of sheer size, in the creation of im- the great public bath-buildings of the capital for
pressive interiors. The suggestive glimpses the next two and a half centuries had not yet
afforded to diners in the great Triclinium, out taken decisive shape. The main cold hall {frigi-

into the central courtyard and across into the danum) is still at one end of the central axis
small garden courts to right and left, were an instead of, as functionally it belonged and as
essential part of the total architectural effect, a thirty years later we find it in Trajan's Baths, at
lesson of which a generation later Hadrian was the centre of the whole complex, with vistas
to show himself well aware in planning the opening out in all directions. Moreover, if

dining halls of his villa near Tivoli. As for the Palladio's drawing [33] is right in showing this

element of surprise, one has only to imagine the hall as essentially cruciform in plan, with a
sense of shock with which the huge, almost groin-vaulted central bay buttressed on three
empty spaces of the vestibule, lit from high sides by barrel-vaults and on the fourth by the
above, must have burst upon the visitor ushered large apse which closed the axial vista, this all-
in through the modest doorway which was the important feature was itself still feeling its way
principal entrance to the palace from the world towards its final was left to Trajan's
form.'' It

outside. architect, Apollodorus of Damascus, to take the

Another group of buildings well suited for decisive step of substituting for the lateral

the expression of the new spatial ideas was the barrel-vaults groined vaults of a height and size
series of large 'Imperial' bath-buildings. The equal to that over the central bay, thereby
Roman taste for public bathing as a social establishing an axis at right angles to that of the
relaxation was from the outset an important building as a whole and creating that deliberate
factor in the development of the new architec- sense of spatial ambivalence which one can still

ture. Vaulted concrete was a medium ideally experience today in the frigidarium of the Baths
suited to the practical requirements of the of Diocletian, now the church of S. Maria degli
Roman bath; and just as bath-buildings were to Angeh. was precisely on the question of axis

become one of the earliest and most influential that the plans of Michelangelo and of Vanvitelli
means of dissemination through the provinces for the remodelling of this church found great-

47 and 48 {opposite). Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa.

The island villa ('Tcatro Marittimo'), 118-25 [cf. 49A, 123, and 124]

est scope for difference.) Apart from the form of been fully comprehended and explored. By
the frigidarium, which we may note in passing contrast the actual period of revolutionary
was a variant of that used by Apollodorus experiment was, as such moments of intense
himself in the central hall of Trajan's Market, intellectual or artistic activity often are, re-
and which was to play an even more important markably brief. By the death of Hadrian in 138
role in the development of later Roman archi- it may be said to have achieved all its immediate
tecture, it was principally in the greater size and objectives; and it is accordingly with a brief
elaboration of the plan as a whole and the discussion of Hadrian's work in this field that
introduction of a great many more circular, we may fittingly conclude this account of the
semicircular, and, in two instances, oval features emergence in the capital of the new architecture
that Trajan's building differed from its prede- of the middle and late Empire.
cessor. With its construction the pattern for the Hadrian's Villa,'' that imperial Xanadu in

great public bath-buildings of the capital was the heart of the Campagna, near Tivoli [123], is

established on lines which it was to follow with a monument that does not lend itself to easy
remarkably little change for the next two generalizations. The product of a restless, in-

centuries. quiring mind, with a strong bent for architec-

The ferment of new architectural thinking tural experiment and backed by unlimited
which we have termed the Roman Architectural resources, it is hardly surprising that it should
Revolution had not sprung upon the world have come to include a number of extraordinary
unheralded, and it was to be many generations, buildings, of which almost the only common
indeed centuries, before its implications had elements are the ingenuity with which they

10 15m

20 25m
49. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. Plans, (a) Island villa ('Teatro Marittimo'), 118-25;
(b) Piazza d'Oro, pavilion and south-cast end of the peristyle
court, 125-33

exploit the possibilities of the gently undulating- result is in both cases a curvilinear, cruciform
site and their technical mastery of the material, plan of extraordinary complexity, between the
concrete faced with brick or reticulate work, of columns of which could be glimpsed a bewilder-
which it is almost entirely built. Curvilinearity ing variety of matching or counterposed rooms
has become a commonplace. In the emperor's and courtyards. The latest studies suggest that
private island retreat, for example, the so-called neither building was roofed;'-' but there is a

Teatro Marittimo (118-25), there is hardly a small room of the same general shape in the

straight line anywhere; instead, within the Lesser Baths (another building of the second
severely simple triple circle of the surrounding phase) with a correspondingly curvilinear octa-
portico and moat, there is a bewildering medley gonal vault which merges imperceptibly into a
of convex and concave chambers facing on to a dome.
miniature courtyard with a central columnar Apart from the semi-dome of the Serapaeum
fountain, the scalloped plan of which echoes [50], a 'melon' or 'pumpkin' vault of which the

50. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. The Canopus, after 130

that of the facades of the surrounding chambers nine radiating segments are alternately concave
[47-49A]. The theme of curve and countercurve and flattened,'^ there are no grandiose interiors
is one that we find further elaborated in the - the character of the villa lent itself to virtuosity
second phase of the villa's construction rather than mere size - but a great deal of
(125-33), notably in the central courtyards of ingenuity has been lavished on the invention of
the pavilions of the Piazza d'Oro and of the new and exciting room-shapes. In the Lesser
West Palace, or Accademia, the former of which Baths, for example, one feels that the architect's
is delimited by eight identical, alternately pro- principal object has been to discard the obvious,
jecting and re-entrant, segments of curved both in the forms of the rooms themselves and
colonnade [49B], the latter by a circle which is in the jigsaw-like planning of the complex as a
interrupted for about two-thirds of its circum- whole. At ground level it is still compressed into
ference by four large convex colonnades. The a rectilinear framework; but the roof plan defies

51. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. rational reconstruction. In the vestibule of the

Vestibule to the Piazza d'Oro, after 125 Piazza d'Oro [51] we can follow the process a
stage further.'-'' The plan itself is a variant of one
that we have already met in the Flavian Palace, a
circle inscribed in a square, with eight alter-
nately rectangular and curved recesses; the
recesses are arched, and above them the ribs of
the octagonal 'pumpkin' vault merge into the
uniform curvature of a dome with a central
oculus. There are other examples of this in-

scribed form elsewhere in the villa, in the

several bath-buildings, for example, or in the
basement of the Roccabruna pavilion. What is

altogether new and unprecedented in the Piazza

d'Oro vestibule is that the outer square frame

has been stripped away, and that the outside of
the building follows the outline of the internal
recesses. Here, for the first time, we see the
principles of the new architecture pressed to
their logical conclusion and the forms of the
exterior dictated simply and solely by those

within. One of the last entrenched positions of volution was an accomplished fact. Architec-
traditionaHsm had been overturned, and the tural thinking had been turned inside out; and
way lay open whole new field of architec-
to a henceforth the concept of interior space as a
tural endeavour. There was still a long way to go dominating factor in architectural design was to

before any really satisfactory solution was found be an accepted part of the artistic establishment
to the problem of creating an exterior architec- of the capital.
ture genuinely expressive of the new interior Agrippa's Pantheon, rebuilt by Domitian
forms. But at least the problem had been after the fire of 80, had again been destroyed or
recognized and brought into the open. badly damaged in no, and it was entirely
There could hardly be a greater superficial rebuilt by Hadrian between the years 118 and,
contrast to the villa than Hadrian's other great at latest, 128. The dispute as to whether any part

monument in the contemporary manner, the of the existing building is earlier or later than
Pantheon. By comparison with the villa, the the time of Hadrian has been resolved once and
prevailing note of which is one of restless for all by the study of the brick-stamps, which
experiment, the Pantheon seems the very em- show that, apart from minor repairs, the whole
bodiment of solid achievement; and although in structure is unquestionably Hadrianic.''' It con-
this respect appearances do less than justice to sists of two quite distinct elements, the huge
the architect's originality in solving a number of domed hall, which served as the cella of the
formidable problems, both structural and aes- temple, and the no less huge columnar porch
thetic, for which there were no clear precedents, which in antiquity constituted almost the entire

there is certainly no other single building which visible facade of the building towards the long
so fully and, by the very fact of its survival, so narrow colonnaded precinct in front of it [52,
vividly sums up the achievement of the sixty 53]. In judging the effect of this facade one must
years since Nero's Golden House was planned. remember that in antiquity the eye-level was a

With the building of the Pantheon the re- great deal lower (and the relative level of the

52. Rome, Pantheon, c. ii8-f. 128. Restored view of the fafade, as seen from eye-level in antiquity

53. Rome, Pantheon, c. iiHc. 128, facade

gable correspondingly higher) than it is today. which a religious building should present to the
Even so the junction of the two elements is in world. It could be - and still is today - forgotten
detail so clumsily contrived that it is not the moment one stepped across the threshold
surprising that scholars have been tempted to into the cella.
sec in them the work of two different periods. In The formal scheme of the rotunda [54J is

reality, however, the difference is one of func- deceptively simple - a circular drum, internally
tion, not of date. The porch is the architect's half the height of its own diameter (142 feet;

concession to tradition. This was the sort of face 43.20 m.), surmounted by a hemispherical

54. Rome, Pantheon, c. ii8-r. 128.

Axonometric view and section. The stippled area
in the section (here shown sHghtly exaggerated)
represents the masonry added below the
structural intrados of the dome so as to complete
the visual curvature of the coffering

dome, the crown of which is thus, in accordance quality of the mortar; and the very careful
with the precepts of Vitruvius,'"' exactly the grading of the caementa, the materials used as
same height above the pavement as the diameter aggregate. The selection of specially light cae-
of the building. Internally the drum is divided menta for vaulting was already familiar building
into two zones, and externally into three, by practice;^" but here the grading runs through
cornices, theuppermost zone of the exterior the building, from the heavy, immensely strong
corresponding to the lower part of the dome. basalt {selce) of the footings to the very light,
The exterior is otherwise quite plain, but the porous pumice of the part of the dome nearest to
interior is more elaborate. The lower zone is the oculus. By this means, and by diminishing
considerably the taller (40 feet; 12.30 m.), and it the thickness of the envelope to less than 5 feet
is interrupted at regular intervals round the at the centre, the actual turning moment was
circumference by an apsidal recess directly kept uniform throughout at about 35-40 lb. per
opposite the door and by six columnar exedrae, square inch. For this the walls of the drum, 20
alternately rectangular and curved, as well as by feet thick, were more than adequate; indeed, it

eight smaller aediculae projecting from the wall- was possible to reduce the dead weight by
faces between the exedrae. Evenly spaced introducing a series of cavities, both those that
around the upper zone, which is 31 feet are visible from the interior as recesses, and a

(9.50 m.) high, are sixteen smaller, rectangular, number of smaller spaces that were completely
window-like recesses. The dome is coffered, enclosed. It was the presence of these cavities
with five diminishing rings of twenty-eight that led the architect to incorporate the elab-
coffers each, in antiquity stuccoed and perhaps orate series of 'relieving arches' which are so
gilded, and the only light comes from the great conspicuous a feature of the outer face of the
central oculus [55, 56]. Whether or not it was so drum. He was determined at all costs to prevent
intended by the architect, the rhythmic contrast settlement during the drying out of the enor-
(8 :
7) between the compositional schemes of the mous mass of concrete (the cavities themselves
drum and of the dome does undoubtedly would have helped to hasten the drying pro-
emphasize the visual discontinuity, thus contri- cess), and the whole structure, including the

buting to the magical, soaring quality of the lower part of the vault, was further laced with
latter.'^ horizontal courses of tiles, at vertical intervals of
There were many precedents for the essen- 4 feet (1.20 m.). There is, on the other hand, no
tially octagonal layout of the interior: for ex- factual basis for the elaborate series of brick
ample, in the Augustan or early Julio-Claudian arches and ribs which Piranesi claimed to have
'Temple of Mercury' at Baiae, which had seen in the dome. The only brickwork feature of
already achieved a diameter of 71 feet the dome is the triple ring of tiles closing the
(21.55 m.),''* or more recently in the circular oculus. Even the three relieving arches shown
nymphaeum of Domitian Albano (diameter
at internally in 54 are part of the

51 feet; 15.60 m.). But there were no precedents vertical inner face of the uppermost zone of the
on this enormous scale - the span of the dome drum itself. The lowest part of the coffering is a
was not surpassed until modern times (that of St superficial (and structurally otiose) inner skin,
Peter's measures 139 feet; 42.50 m.) - and its added to complete the required hemispherical
successful completion was an outstanding dome.
profile of the
achievement of structural engineering. The For all the magnitude of the engineering
secret of its success lay in three things: the huge problems involved, the result was far from being
and immensely solid ring of concrete, 15 feet a mere technical tour de force. Familiarity cannot

(4.50 m.) deep and 24 feet (7.30 m.) wide (en- deaden the impact of the interior as one steps
larged during construction to 34 feet; 10.30 m.) through the great bronze doors into the rotunda.
upon which the building was founded; the tried In startling contrast to the grandiose, but

55. Rome, Pantheon, c. 118 i\ 128,

one of the paintings of the interior made by Panini
before the modifications to the upper order undertaken in 1747

56. Rome, Pantheon, c. ii8-r. 128, interior

essentially conventional monumentality of the recesses, which, with their glimpses of heavy
porch, where it is the very size and solidity of the shadow beyond the brightly lit facade, effec-
columns that rivet the attention, inside the tively break up the solidity of the masonry drum
building one is conscious, not of the solid mass and convey an illusion of a spatial continuum
of the encircling masonry, but of light and spreading beyond the rotunda itself. The il-
colour and of the seemingly effortless lift of the lusion is furthered by the pattern of the marble
dome, soaring high above. Quite apart from the veneer. Instead of an inert mass of brickwork,
element of sheer surprise, this is due in no small one is confronted with a fictitious pattern of
part to the skilful disposition of the columnar verticals and horizontals, reassuringly evocative

of the traditional classical orders and effectively the Early Empire must include a brief survey of
diverting the eye from the real structural prob- the decorative materials, and particularly of the
lems of the building. To complete the illusion, marbles which played so large a part in de-

there is the deliberate lack of orientation termining the appearance of the finished
achieved by lighting the whole building from a building.
single, central source. Apart from the very Although already in hellenistic times col-
unobtrusive axis established by the door and oured marble was beginning to be used both for
apsidal room opposite it, in the horizontal plane columns and pavements and as a substitute for

the building is directionally neutral from floor to painted plaster in interior decoration, in Italy it

ceiling. The eye is almost inevitably drawn up, was still something of a rarity until the last few
through the richly traceried pattern of light and decades of the Republic. It was not really until
shade cast by the coffering, to the light that the time of Augustus, with the opening of the
floods in through the great central opening. Carrara (Luni) quarries and the ever-increasing
Such effects have to be experienced. They can importation of foreign coloured marbles, that
be analysed, but they cannot really be described. marble, both white and coloured, began to be a
Few who have seen the Pantheon will, however, commonplace of the monumental architecture
dispute that it is one of the great buildings of of the capital. Employed at first chiefly as a
antiquity. It has also been one of the most substitute for the travertines and tufas of
influential. Perhaps the first great public monu- established architectural usage, it soon came to

ment - it is certainly the first on anything like be valued as a material with which to clothe the
this scale that has come down to us - to have bare bones of the new concrete architecture, and
been designed purely as an interior, it ranks the rapid increase in the use of the latter was
with the Colosseum as one of the few Roman accompanied by a hardly less rapid develop-
buildings that have been a continuing source of ment in the uses of marble veneering. Painted
inspiration to architects ever since. wall-plaster and floor mosaics, though still the
Quite apart from its merits as a building, the predominant decorative materials in domestic
Pantheon is of importance also as being one of use, early gave place in monumental architec-
the few Roman monuments that can be experi- ture to floors and walls of marble and to vaults of
enced under something very like the conditions polychrome mosaic or moulded stucco.
prevailing in antiquity. Unlike, for example, Of the marbles known to antiquity (the term
Greek architecture, which even in a partially may be taken to cover also the porphyries and
ruined condition can still convey much of the granites in common use) the majority of those
spirit of the original, Roman concrete architec- that were most highly prized came from the
ture, stripped of its marbles and mosaics, its Aegean and from Egypt. Marble was a costly
intarsias and its stuccoes, calls for a powerful commodity, expensive both to quarry and to
effort of the imagination if one is to recreate transport, and an early result of the great
anything of the atmosphere of light and colour increase in demand created by the building
upon which so much of its effect depended. It is programme in the capital was a reorganization
not at all surprising that it should be its of the whole system of supply, begun by
engineering achievements, so starkly and em- Tiberius and carried to completion by his
phatically revealed, which have come to domi- immediate successors. The essence of the new
nate the popular conception of Roman archi- system was to concentrate production at a
tecture, at the expense of the many other limited number of carefully selected,
qualities which it once possessed, but which can imperially-owned quarries, situated wherever
so rarely be directly experienced. For this possible so as to take advantage of cheap water-
reason alone, if for no other, any account of transport. Quarrying methods were reorganized
Roman building materials and practices under on mass-production linesand large stocks were

built up, to be held in the form either of roughly than an extension of the same architectural
squared blocks, equally suitable for the carving scheme, and the whole of the upper order^^ is a
of individual architectural members and for superficial fiction, with no justification what-
sawing into slabs, or else of pieces, principally soever in the physical structure of the building.
columns, that were already roughed out to shape The use of the classical orders as a purely
and only needed the final stages of carving after decorative facade was not, of course, in itself a
receipt.^' novelty. It had, indeed, been one of the most
The results were rapid and far-reaching. By successfully and widely used of the conventions
the middle of the first century we already find which the Augustan architects inherited from
most of the familiar types represented in build- their Late Republican predecessors, both in
ings such as Nero's Domus Transitoria; and their monumental building and in a great deal of

even outside Rome considerable quantities were their domestic wall-painting. But the orders of
already available for small-scale private use the Theatre of Marcellus or the flanking pilas-
before the destruction of Pompeii in 79. Under ters of a pseudo-peripteral temple still reflect

the Flavian emperors large monolithic columns the essential structural realities of the building
of imported marble, still a feature to be re- which they adorn; even the painted columns of a
marked in Julio-Claudian times, were rapidly Second Style wall-painting appear to support a
becoming a commonplace of the monumental real roof. With the development of concrete, on

architecture of the capital. Some of the in- the other hand, there began to emerge an
dividual pieces were of enormous size. The architecture which, as we have seen, was no
columns of the Pantheon, of red and of grey longer capable of being expressed in the tradi-
Egyptian granite, were 40 Roman feet tional terms; and since throughout antiquity it

(ii.8om.) high, weighing an estimated eighty- was these traditional terms which continued to
four tons, and others are recorded nearly half as be the everyday language of classical ornament,
long again. ^^ When one reflects that a single it was inevitable that the internal veneer of such
block of marble weighing a ton would have concrete buildings should come to be treated
furnished the material for 35-45 square yards of increasingly as an element almost independent
paving or for panelling up to 100 square yards of of the underlying structure. It is not until late

wall-surface, it is not altogether surprising that antiquity that we find this tendency pressed to
the Roman emperors could afford to be lavish in its logical conclusion as a means of 'dema-
its employment. terializing' the structural envelope and accen-
At first the uses made of the new material tuating the effects of light and space; but the
were strictly conventional, as one sees them, for seeds of the later development were already
example, in the Forum of Augustus - pave- present in Hadrianic architecture.
ments made up of simple geometrical patterns Of all the decorative materials used by the
of contrasting colours, and architectural wall- Romans, stucco is the least durable, and al-

schemes which echo those of the free-standing though was undoubtedly the normal medium

orders which they accompany. Very soon, how- for the covering and decoration of concrete
ever, one can detect the beginning of a tendency vaults [57, 58], there are few great public
towards a greater elaboration, as in the boldly monuments in which any substantial remains
curvilinear pavements and complex wall- have been preserved. Most of what we know
patterns of Nero's palaces, coupled with a about the stucco ornament of Imperial Rome
growing divorce of the decorative forms from comes from a number of minor buildings,
the real framework of the underlying structure. mainly tombs, which chance has preserved
In the Pantheon, for example, only the lateral intact, and it would be unwise to deduce from
recesses are functional; the columns and pilas- these that such motifs as the free foliate arabes-
ters of the apse opposite the door are no more ques of the Tomb of the Axe under the church

of S. Sebastiano found any place in the public

architecture of the day. What little we do know
about the employment of stucco in the latter
appears to suggest two principal uses. One of
these was to furnish the moulded detail of the
coffering which the concrete architects in-
herited from the traditional repertory and ap-
phed, with great effect, to the domes, semi-
domes, and barrel-vaults of buildings such as
the Pantheon [56], the great public baths, and
the Basilica of Maxentius [289, 290]. The other
was to form the elaborate schemes of panelling,

57 {left). Pompeii, Forum Baths,

painted stucco decoration of vaulting

58 {below). Rome, Via Latina,

painted stucco vaulting in the Mausoleum
of the Anicii, second centurv

applicable both to barrel-vaults and groined Mercury' at Baiae are original, it began to be
vaults and often combined with painting or applied to vaulting very soon after the time of
gilding, of which we can still see traces in, for Agrippa; and by the end of the first century it

example, the Sala della Volta Dorata of the was in widespread use, not only in bath-
Golden House, in the passages of the Colosseum buildings, but also in theatres (the Theatre of
and the Palatine, and in the bath-buildings of Scaurus), in palaces and wealthy villas (the
Hadrian's Villa, as well as in a number of tombs Palatine, Domitian's villa near Sabaudia), gar-
and private houses. This, the style so success- den pavilions (the nymphaeum in the Gardens
fully imitated and adapted by Robert Adam, of Sallust), and, generally, wherever there were
depended for its effect very largely on the buildings of a sufficiently opulent character with
delicacy of its detail, and one may reasonably concrete vaults to be adorned. At Hadrian's
doubt whether it was used to any great extent in Villa it has left many traces - in the two
the main halls of the larger public monuments. 'Libraries', for example, in one of the crypto-
Both uses have this in common, that they derive porticoes, in the Pavilion of the Semicircular
from practices already current in the Late Arcades, and on the semi-dome of the Canopus.
Republic, for example in the coffering of the This is not the place for a discussion of the
semicircular exedrae of the Temple of Fortune development of vault mosaics as such. It is

at Praeneste and in the elaborately panelled important, however, to note that, although there
stuccoes of the barrel-vaults of the Farnesina was inevitably an exchange of patterns and ideas
villa. This was evidently a very conservative between the mosaics of floors and vaults, the
medium. It has to be borne in mind when trying two media were in fact quite distinct. They were
to visualize the appearance of these great handled by different groups of craftsmen {tessel-

concrete-vaulted interiors, but it cannot be said hiri and mmivarii respectively), and whereas the
to have played an important part in their normal materials of the former were stone or
development. marble, with glass confined at first almost
With mosaic it was a very different matter. At exclusively to the small figured panels that were
Pompeii and Herculaneum it was still restricted often inset into them, the mosaics of wall and
to fountains and garden architecture, and oc- vault were from the outset made almost entirely
casionally used as a substitute for painting in of glass. Quite irrespective of the designs used,
small figured wall-panels.^"^ In Rome, on the the gently rounded contours, the irregular
other hand, the development of large-scale surfaces, and the play of light upon the back-
vaulting and a rapidly growing taste for lux- grounds of white or deep, translucent blue
urious bathing establishments, both public and glass, all helped to minimize the solidity of the
private, was already creating a new situation. surfaces and to accentuate the spatial qualities of
Mosaic was an ideal decorative medium for the this vaulted architecture. It was not until
humid interiors of bath-buildings, and although Christian times, with the invention of gold-
none of the surviving examples in Rome or ground mosaic, that this particular aspect of the
Ostia is as early as the first century, the mosaicist's craft came to full fruition. But the
statement of the Elder Pliny (who perished in seeds had been sown long before; and while it
the eruption of 79) that the Baths of Agrippa did was the forms of the new architecture which in
not make use of mosaic because it had not yet the first place suggested this particular use of
been invented, clearly implies that in the mean- mosaic, in the later stages the qualities of the
while it had become a familiar feature of the mosaic itself were to play a far from un-
bath architecture of his own day. Indeed, if the important part in shaping the development of
traces of mosaic on the dome of the 'Temple of structure and decoration alike.

(A.D 117-235)

HADRIAN (A.D. II7 38) Italy was now rapidly losing; and although it

was to be a long time before the city of Rome lost

The death of Trajan in 1 17 marks the end of an its unique position, as the years passed it did
era. Rome was at the height of her power, her increasingly find itself the first only among a
authority unquestioned from the Tyne to the number of powerful and prosperous cities, all of
Euphrates. But the tide had reached its peak. which might also be candidates for the benefits
Trajan's successor, Hadrian, turned his back of imperial patronage. It is hardly surprising
resolutely on the mirage of Oriental conquest that, faced with this situation and confronted by
and devoted himself instead to the benefits of the extraordinary wealth of fine building already
peace and sound administration; and although a existing in the capital, the later emperors should
contemporary observer would no doubt have have been more discriminating in their architec-
attributed - and rightly attributed - any im- tural favours. The student of Roman architec-
mediate changes of policy to the more cautious ture may be permitted a similar discrimination.

temperament of the new emperor, it is easy for Many fine and important buildings were to be
a later generation to see that his was a just built in Rome during the next two centuries; but
assessment of the spirit and needs of a changing to a degree that is not true of the first century,
world. they are a part only of the larger picture.
In architecture, as in many other fields, one of Within the city of Rome the major contri-
the most significant manifestations of the new butions of Hadrian ( 1 17-38) to the architectural
age was the steady decline of Italy in relation to landscape were four: the completion and dedi-
the rest of the Empire. During the first century cation of the Temple of the Deified Trajan at
A.D. it would still be possible, even if somewhat the north end of Trajan's Forum; the Pantheon
misleading, to write a history of Roman archi- (nominally a restoration of Agrippa's Pantheon
tecture based almost entirely on a study of the but in fact an entirely new building); the
buildings of Rome itself. This is not simply Temple of Venus and Rome on the Velia; and
because many of the earlier emperors were avid Hadrian's own mausoleum across the river,
builders who lavished their attention on the together with the bridge leading to it, the Pons
capital, nor even because it was during this Aelius. He was also active in restoring existing
period that the architects of the capital were buildings, notably in the Forum of Augustus
making their great original contribution to the and on the Palatine, where several of the more
architectural progress of the ancient world, the audacious enterprises of Rabirius were already
contribution that is described and discussed in in serious need of reinforcement and con-
the previous chapter: Both of these circum- solidation. Outside the city he was busy through-
stances were themselves the products of the out his reign with the plans for his great
broader historical situation whereby Italy was country residence, near Tivoli; and at Ostia it is

still the effective centre of the Roman world, and hardly an exaggeration to say that the city as we
Rome the centre of Italy. That privileged status see it today is very largely his creation.

The Temple of Trajan and the Pantheon was in its public face a direct and logical
have already been sufficiently described. Both development of what had gone before.
belong to the earlier part of Hadrian's reign, if The clear element of continuity lends added
indeed the former was not substantially com- point to the innovating tendencies that make
plete before Trajan's death; and although it themselves felt in Hadrian's later work. We do
would be hard to imagine two buildings more not know when the Temple of Venus and Rome
profoundly different in their architectural in- was begun, but it was not consecrated until 135.
tention and design, this is of course precisely the Dedicated to the personification of Rome and to
situation that we have already encountered in the legendary ancestress of the Roman people, it
the public monuments of the previous reign, occupied the site of the vestibule of Nero's
between the Baths and the Markets of Trajan on Golden House on the crest of the Velia. The
one hand and the forum and the basilica on the roof was destroyed in the fire of 283, and the two
other. When one turns instead to the details of semi-domed apses, together with the remains of
the architectural ornament, so often a useful the internal columnar orders of the two cellas,
indication of the training of the craftsmen date from the radical reconstruction of the
employed on a given building, one does in fact interior undertaken by Maxentius (305-11).
find in both a strong degree of continuity with The basic plan, however, with the two cellas
the work of the previous reign. For all its placed back to back and facing, respectively,
diversity, the earlier architecture of Hadrian towards the Colosseum and down the Via Sacra

59. Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome, consecrated 135.

For the cella as restored by Maxentius in 305, see illustration 284
50 m


towards the Forum, repeated that of Hadrian's and Rome the blue-veined marble of Procon-
building [59].' This was a gigantic decastyle nesus; and whereas in the Pantheon he had been
peripteral temple (217 by 348 feet; 66 by 136 m.) content with Rome-trained sculptors for the
with ten columns across the facade and twenty imported materials, for the later building he
along the sides, and set, not on a podium in the imported the workmen also. The profiles of the
usual Roman manner, but in the centre of a order and the decorative mouldings and the
rectangular temenos-like platform, above the manner of their carving all betray the direct
pavement of which it was raised merely by a low influence of Asia Minor. Whether or not the
encircling flight of steps. Along the two outer workmen included any who had actually taken
long sides of the platform ran colonnades of grey part in the building of the Traianeum at

Egyptian granite columns, while the two short Pergamon,^ there can be no doubt that that was
sides were open. the sort of enterprise in which they had been
The design, closely modelled on classical trained.
Greek precedents, we know to have been that of This was a major innovation. In an age when
Hadrian himself and to have been criticized, there were no hard-and-fast distinctions be-
with more justice than prudence, by Apol- tween planning and execution, between crafts-
lodorus, with whom by this date the emperor manship and design, it meant far more than
had quarrelled.^ The substance of his criticism the mere introduction of a new repertory of
is recorded, and it is revealing of the artistic decorative motifs. It meant that after more than
men. Apollodorus, oriental
personalities of both a century of virtually self-sufficient develop-
by name but Roman by training, maintained - ment the architectural thought and practice of
and he was surely right - that in its setting the the capital were suddenly exposed to a whole
temple itself was too low and needed to have new world of ideas. Not since the time of
been placed on a tall podium. As the builders of Augustus had there been such an infusion of
the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek had realized new blood.
[202], a decastyle temple that was to look The fourth of the major architectural tasks
convincing in a Roman context needed ad- undertaken by Hadrian within the city was the
ditional height to offset its unusual breadth. building of a mausoleum for the new imperial
Instead, Hadrian had chosen to place his temple family. That of Augustus, last opened to receive
on a low, stepped plinth,' giving it the overall the ashes of Nerva, was now full, and the placing
proportions, but neither the grace nor the of Trajan's remains within the chamber at the
setting, of a traditional Greek Doric temple. foot of his column offered no precedent for
The fact that the Temple of Venus and Rome general use. The site chosen by Hadrian lay on
was, as regards the temple itself, an aesthetic the right bank of the Tiber, opposite the
failure in no way lessens its historical signifi- Campus Martius. To give direct access to it he
cance. It is not only the planning that reveals the built anew bridge, the Pons Aelius (now the
cosmopolitan interests of its imperial designer. Ponte S. Angelo), dedicated in 134. The mau-
The scanty surviving remains of the peristasis soleum, unfinished at Hadrian's death in 138,
date from the time of Hadrian, not of Maxen- was completed by Antoninus Pius and dedi-
tius, and they too reveal a complete break with cated two years later. It remained in use through-
contemporary Roman tradition. The material is out the second century, the last recorded burial
itself significant. Trajan had used predom- within it being that of Caracalla in 217.
inantly the white marbles of Carrara for the Hadrian's Mausoleum, now Castel S.

architectural members of his forum and basilica Angelo, was a considerably elaborated version
and for his column. Hadrian preferred the of that of Augustus. It consisted of a marble-
marbles of Greece: for the porch of the Pan- faced, podium-like base, 276 feet (84 m.) square
theon Pentelic, and for the Temple of Venus and 33 feet (10 m.) high; a main drum, the

mausoleum proper, 210 feet (64 m.) in diameter servatori Museum, nothing of these has come
and 69 feet (21m.) high, the top of which was down to us. The Column of Marcus Aurelius
planted with a grove of cypresses; and rising (the 'Antonine Column', still standing in the
from the middle of the latter, a smaller pedestal centre of the Palazzo Colonna), modelled very
and drum crowned either by a statue of Hadrian on Trajan's Column and recording the

or by a quadriga. The tomb-chamber and the events of theDanubian wars of 172-5, was a
ramps and stairs that led up to it and to the memorial rather than a triumphal monument.
terrace above were contained within the body of The same was true of its neighbour and im-
the main drum, which was in turn faced with mediate predecessor, the Column of Antoninus
marble. The whole was elaborately embellished Pius, which was a fifty-foot monolith of red
with gilded fittings and statuary. Already in the Egyptian granite standing on a tall sculptured

sixth century it had become a bridgehead base, now in the Vatican.'^

fortress, and throughout the Middle Ages it was Another, and architecturally more substan-
the principal stronghold of the popes in times of tial, aspect of the public image of empire was the
trouble, so that it is not altogether surprising proper provision for the cult of the deceased and
that it has come down to us stripped of every bit deified members of the imperial family. This
of its superficial decoration. From drawings was a field which even the Antonine emperors
made in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth could not afford to neglect. Of the temples built
centuries, however, and from the disjecta by Hadrian in honour of Matidia, his mother-
membra that can be attributed to it, one can see in-law, and by Commodus in honour of Marcus
that, though carved in Italian marble, it fol- Aurelius we know nothing except their probable
lowed closely the models established a few years location in the Campus Martius. Hadrian him-
earlier in the Temple of Venus and Rome."^ The self was commemorated in a large temple (the
innovations from Asia Minor embodied in the 'Hadrianeum') of which eleven marble columns
latter building had taken firm root, and from and the remains of the cella are still standing
now on they were to be an essential ingredient in along one flank of the 'Borsa', in the Piazza di
the decorative repertory of the capital. Pietra. It was dedicated in 145. From it,

presumably from the plinth of a decorative

ANTONINUS PIUS TO COMMODUS order within the cella, comes the well-known
series of rather arid, classicizing reliefs now in
(A.D. 138-93)
the Conservatori Museum, depicting personifi-
The fifty-odd years that followed the death of cations of the provinces of the Empire. Archi-
Hadrian are a lean period in the architectural tecturally the principal interest of the surviving
history of the capital. After a long series of lavish remains is the mixture of styles and motifs
builders, there followed three emperors, represented in the entablature. Side by side with
Antoninus Pius (138-61), Marcus AureUus elements of purely Asiatic extraction (e.g. the
(161-80), and Commodus (180-93), who were convex profile of the frieze) are others that come
content to restrict themselves to the bare mini- from the first-century Roman repertory, while
mum consistent with dynastic prudence and the the alien austerity characteristic of the Temple
proper maintenance of imperial authority. of Venus and Rome has already begun to give
The military triumphs of the imperial house place to the natural Roman taste for ornamental
continued to be celebrated by the erection of exuberance.^ Those of Hadrian's Asiatic crafts-
triumphal arches, but with the exception of the men who had stayed on were rapidly being
well-known series of sculptured panels from an assimilated, and motifs which ten years earlier
arch, or arches, of Marcus Aurelius, eight of had been exotic intruders were by now becom-
which were later incorporated in the Arch of ing part of the common stock of the architec-
Constantine and three more are in the Con- tural ornament of the capital.

The well-known Temple of Antoninus and whole area had risen by the beginning of the
Faustina in the Forum Romanum was begun by seventeenth century [60c]. With its walls of
Antoninus himself in 141 in honour of his squared tufa, once marble-faced, its entablature
deceased wife, Faustina. A hexastyle prostyle of Proconnesian marble, its columns of green
building of conventional plan standing on a tall Carystian marble, and its carving, which com-
podium, owes its preservation to its con-
it bines elements of both Trajanic and Hadrianic
version in the Middle Ages into the church of S. derivation (the principal source seems to have
Lorenzo in Miranda, the Baroque fa9ade of been Trajan's Forum) within the framework of
which (1602) marks the level to which this a rather lifeless, academic eclecticism, it is a

60. Rome, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, begun in 141.

(a) As shown on a contemporary coin; (b) restored view; (c) as the church of S. Lorenzo in Miranda

typical building of its day, but not a very the Syrian Ba'al, shortly after 138; the other, on
interesting one. Its principal interest is as a the Janiculum, rebuilt in the second century in
reminder of the vicissitudes, structural and honour of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, the head of
aesthetic as well as historical, through which the Syrian triad worshipped at Baalbek.^ The
many of the familiar monuments of ancient temple is of interest, not so much because of its
Rome have passed before presenting themselves resemblances (in themselves fortuitous) to cer-
today, scrubbed and stripped down to whatever tain Early Christian buildings, as because it

has survived of their classical skeletons. In a illustrates a characteristic which these indi-
great many cases the result represents the vidually unpretentious but cumulatively power-
appearance neither of the original building nor ful Oriental cults had in common with Chris-
of any stage through which it has subsequently tianity, and which found common expression in
passed. Although complete restoration, as in the their architecture. With a very few exceptions
case of the near-by Arch of Titus, may rarely be the older classical cults were of an essentially
justifiable, a building such as the Curia offers a public character; the altar stood in front of the
warning of the hazards of partial restoration. In temple, and the sacrifices or other rituals took
this respect the present aspect of the Temple of place in full view of all who cared to participate.
Antoninus and Faustina, though no more repre- The rituals of the Oriental cults were no less

sentative of the building's appearance at any essentially private, privileged occasions, and
stage in its past history, does at least offer a their sanctuaries turned inwards upon them-
visual synopsis of that history. Furthermore, in selves, screened by high walls from the gaze of
this instance we do happen to possess the the profane.
evidence for completing the classical picture.
Illustration 6oa shows the temple as it appears
on a contemporary coin, together with all the
statuary which was its principal distinguishing The civil war that followed the murder of
feature and which is so very rarely preserved. Commodus in 193 ended with the establishment
The restored view [6ob] shows it as it might of a new dynasty, the provincial Roman origins
have been glimpsed (though never in fact in its of which were even more strongly marked than
entirety from this frontal view) between the those of its predecessor. Its founder, Septimius
back of the Temple of the Deified Julius and the Severus (193-2 11), was a tough, able soldier of
Regia. African extraction, whose wife, Julia Domna,
Apart from the restoration by Antoninus Pius was the daughter of the hereditary high priest of

of the venerable Temple of the Deified Augus- the great sanctuary of Ba'al at Emesa in Syria;

tus, a restoration which is illustrated on coins and although by an ingenious process of retro-
and which is usually interpreted as having spective auto-adoption he contrived to pre-
involved the rebuilding as octastyle Corinthian sent himself officially to the world as the
of what had been originally a hexastyle Ionic legitimate heir and successor to the Antonine
building,^ the recorded works of restoration emperors, he was well aware that dynastic
during this period are almost all of a routine considerations called for a certain display of
character. During the second half of the century architectural munificence. After the lean years
architectural interest passes almost entirely into of the later second century the list of building
the domain of private rather than of public undertaken in Rome by Severus himself and by
building. Some aspects of this private activity his successors, Caracalla (211-17), Elagabalus
are discussed in Chapter 8. Within the private (218-22), and Alexander Severus (222-35), is a

sphere belongs also the building, or rebuilding, lengthy one; and although, architecturally
of two sanctuaries of Oriental divinities, one on speaking, the forty-odd years of Severan rule
the Aventine, dedicated to Jupiter Dolichenus, may be classed as an age of consolidation and

achievement rather than of important new fulfilment, it is also in some important senses
experiment, the work of these years could not one of transition.
help reflecting the wider changes in the political A first charge on the architectural resources
and social structure that were taking place of the new regime was the restoration and
throughout the Roman world. If the architec- modernization of existing monuments. Among
ture of the Severan age is primarily one of the buildings recorded as having been restored

61. Fragments of the Severan marble map of Rome,

showing part of the Aventine Hill with the Temples of Diana Cornificia, restored under Augustus,
and of Minerva; also an early-second-century bath-building, the Balnea Surae

by Severus himself and his immediate family are Not least of the services of the marble plan is

the Temple of the Deified Vespasian; the the graphic portrayal of the innumerable private
Pantheon (where the work can have involved houses, apartment-houses, shops, and other
little more than the repair of the existing commercial buildings about which the literature
ornament); the Porticus Octaviae, the surviving and the archaeological and epigraphic record
pedimental brick porch of which is entirely his can preserve only a tantalizingly incomplete and
work; and Vespasian's Temple of Peace and the haphazard record. One recognizes in it all the
buildings lying between it and the Temple of types of building familiar from second-century
Vesta and the House of the Vestals, all of which Ostia; and although a few private houses of the
had been damaged in a recent fire, in 191. An old-fashioned, Pompeian type still survived,
important by-product of this last-named work their comparative rarity shows how profoundly

was the preparation of a detailed map of the face of the capital had changed during the
contemporary Rome, which was carved on 151 last 100-150 years. Now and then one of the

slabs of marble and affixed to the wall of one of lesser buildings escapes from its anonymity. An

62.Fragment of the Severan marble map of Rome, showing three old-style atrium-peristyle houses,
rows of shops and street-front porticoes, a flight of steps leading up to a pillared hall (warehouse?)
with internal shops or offices, and a porticoed enclosure with a central garden

the halls adjoining the Library of Peace. example of presumably Severan date is the
Though sadly fragmentary, enough of it has headquarters of the guild of tanners, the Coraria
been preserved to make it a document of unique Septimiana, known from inscriptions to lie near
value for our knowledge of the vanished monu- the Ponte Rotto. We also know the names and
ments of the ancient city [61, 62].** locations of many of the wealthy properties. One

of these, the Horti Variani, had belonged to the keep up with demand. (The Regionary Cata-
father of Elagabalus, and at the time of the logue of A.D. 354 lists no fewer than 952 bathing
latter's death was being developed as an im- establishments in the capital.) Septimius Sev-
perial residence. Its surviving remains include a erus himself is credited with a large bath-
small amphitheatre, the Amphitheatrum Cas- building, the Thermae Septimianae, in the
trense; a full-sized circus for chariot racing; a Aventine district, and Alexander Severus, be-
bath-building, restored in 323-6 by the empress sides renovating the Baths of Nero in the
Helena, which is now destroyed but which was Campus Martins, is said to have erected lesser
recorded by Palladio; and a spacious, arcaded baths throughout the city. Dwarfing all these,
audience hall with large square windows, sub- however, were the Thermae Antoninianae of
sequently converted by Constantine into the Caracalla, dedicated in 216 and still in sheer
church of S. Croce in Gerusalemme. The bulk alone one of the most impressive buildings
Amphitheatrum Castrense, with its two-storey that have come down to us from antiquity
facade of traditional type carried out entirely in [63-5]. The layout of Caracalla's Baths followed

63. Rome, Baths of Caracalla, 212-16, before the modern adaptation of the great circular caldarium
as an auditorium for open-air opera

brick-faced concrete (cf. the theatre at Ostia), is essentially the model established a century
example of an architecture that stands
a typical before in the Baths of Trajan, the principal
midway between the early Empire and late innovation being that of the surrounding en-
antiquity but is difficult to classify as belonging closure. The latter, nearly 500 yards square and
to either. In such a case the transition was enclosing an area of almost 50 acres, combined
almost imperceptible. the practical function of water storage with
The Severan emperors were active in the provision for all the subsidiary social amenities
provision of public baths. With the steady proper to a great bath-building. The central
increase in population and a rising standard of bath block stood in the north-eastern half of the
living, supply was evidently hard put to it to enclosure, and except for the vast circular bulk
64. Rome, Baths of Caracalla, 212-16, north facade of the central block

of the main caldarium projecting from the and other offices. Invisible service corridors,
centre of the south-west side, it was contained stairs, and galleries gave access to the furnaces
within a simple rectangular perimeter, 234 and cisterns.'"

yards long and 120 yards wide (214 by 1 10 m.). The Baths of Caracalla are the embodiment
It was a model of tight, rational planning, based of the concrete architecture of the earlier Em-
on two identical bathing circuits laid out sym- pire at the moment of full maturity. One can, of
metrically about the shorter axis, with a hardly course, detect in it problems and aspirations still

less important transverse axis running at right to The great circular caldarium, for
be resolved.
angles down the centre line of the building. At example, with its moments of indecision be-
the intersection of the two axes stood the great tween circular and octagonal planning belongs
three-bay, vaulted frigidarium. At one end of to a tradition that still had a long development
the shorter axis lay the main caldarium, a vast, before it; but the large windows in the drum
circular, domed hall with a span (115 feet; 35 already represent an important step forward in
m.) not much smaller than that of the Pantheon the direction that was to be followed by the
and far taller, with large, scalloped windows in monuments of the later third century.'' Ano-
the drum; at the other end lay the natatio, or ther problem still unresolved was that of devis-
swimming pool. At the two ends of the longer ing an architecture of the exterior consonant
axis were two identical palaestrae, or exercise with that within. On three sides the main
yards, surrounded by terraced porticoes. The bathing block is little more than a gigantic
hot rooms occupied the whole of the south-west masonry box; only the south-west fa9ade, with
long side, with large arcaded windows facing the its long rows of uniform windows leading up to

afternoon sun, while the more secluded north- the powerfully projecting bulk of the central
east side housed the changing rooms, latrines, caldarium, faces up to and answers the problem

of presenting to the world outside a front that and the use of light was subtle and assured. One
was both expressive of what lay within and at notes, for example, the effective contrast be-
the same time interesting in itself. The interior tween the coarse texture and plain black and
on the other hand was, within its terms of white colouring of the floor mosaics, the warmly
reference, a thoroughly satisfactory solution to on the walls, and the vivid
tinted marble veneers
the architectural problem, smoothly functional polychromy of the stuccoes or mosaics on the
and yet eloquent of the ideals described in the vaults; or again the alternating pools of shadow
previous chapter. The formal extravaganzas of and light that gave depth and quality to the long
Hadrian's Villa would have been out of place. In axial vistas. The style is one that is out of tune
their place we have elusive vistas and an adroit with modern taste - or perhaps would be truer

exploitation of the spatial ambivalence of in- to say that it has so often been perverted by its

tersecting axes, contrasting in the hot wing with imitators and would-be imitators into a cold,
a deliberately contrived self-sufficiency (in a meaningless grandiosity that it is hard for
smaller building one would call it intimacy), modern eyes to assess it dispassionately. Above
each room detached from its neighbours and all it needs to be thought of in terms, not of the
facing inward upon itself except on the one side overpowering lumps of masonry that have
where it was wide open to the afternoon sunlight survived, but of its mastery of soaring space,
and to the gardens beyond. The colouring, too. light, and colour. Viewed imaginatively in these

65. Rome, Baths of Caracalla, 212-16. Plan

C Caldarium PAL. Palaestra

F Frigidarium s Services
N Natatio T Tepidarium 80 m

terms it comes to life as an architecture full of many cities of Asia Minor during the first and
vigour and resource, admirably suited to the second centuries a.d.
needs of its day and an eloquent expression of One other detail of the Severan work on the
the robust assurance of the Roman Empire at Palatine is worth recording in passing, if only

the height of its power and wealth. because of its long-term consequences: Alexan-
The same qualities of resource and of high der Severus is credited with introducing here
technicalcompetence are characteristic also of the type of paving in red and green porphyry
the Severan work on the Palatine. This was which bears his name {opus alexandrinum) and
directed principally towards the development of which was to be the inspiration and material
the southern corner of the hill, extending in this source of the pavements of countless Roman
direction the already existing Flavian Palace; churches in the later Middle Ages.'^
and in addition to the modification of the so- The official religious foundations of the
called stadium and the completion of a bath- Severan emperors were few but important; and
building that had been projected but barely although they seem to have been cast in a
startedby Domitian, it involved the building of somewhat conservative architectural mould, in
a whole new wing, terraced out upon the other respects they represent a significant ad-
massive arched substructures which are so vance towards the beliefs and aspirations of late
conspicuous a feature today of the view of the antiquity. Alexander Severus undertook a major
Palatine from the Aventine and the Circus restoration of the Iseum in the Campus Mar-
Maximus. The substructures in particular, tius, Caracalla built a new and splendid temple
though still awaiting detailed study, can be seen on the Quirinal in honour of Serapis, and
to represent an extraordinary economy of ma- Elagabalus a no less magnificent temple on the
terials and effort. All too little has survived of Palatine to house the cult-image of the Ba'al of
the buildings that stood upon them at the level Emesa, together with an adjoining garden and
of the main palace, but that little suffices to show shrine of Adonis. None of these divinities, it will
in places an almost frightening disregard for the be noted, was a member of the traditional
disposition of the walls and vaults beneath; the pantheon; and although their choice reflects the

architect of this wing was very sure both of his particular Eastern connexions and sympathies
materials and of his own ability to use them. of the reigning dynasty, it is nonetheless
The most singular of the Severan buildings symptomatic of the religious tendencies of the
on the Palatine was the Septizodium, a lofty age. Even Septimius Severus's dedication of a

decorative fagade dedicated by Septimius Sev- temple to Hercules and Dionysus'"* sounds less

erus in 203, of which the plan is known to us conventionally classical when its recipients are
from the marble map and of which the eastern disclosed as the romanized versions of Melqarth
corner was still standing to its full height until and Shadrap, the patron divinities of Severus's
demolished for its materials in 1588 [66]. It took own native city, Lepcis Magna.
the form of an elaborate columnar screen, three The location of Septimius's building is not
orders high, and in plan consisting of three known, and it may well have been of a domestic
apsed recesses flanked by two shallow rect- rather than a public character. The Temple of
angular wings, the free-standing equivalent of Sol Invictus Elagabalus occupied the site of
the stage-building of a contemporary theatre. It what had been the Aedes Caesarum on the east
was probably equipped as a fountain and the spur of the Palatine, opposite Hadrian's Temple
name'^ suggests a symbolic association with the of Venus and Rome. The platform is still a

seven planets. Architecturally its only function prominent landmark and the foundations of the
was as a screen concealing the buildings behind. temple itself have been partly excavated, beside
The nearest analogies to it are the nymphaea and beneath the church of S. Sebastiano al

that were used for precisely this purpose in Palatino. From these remains and from repre-

Sif0i jamtt^n

66. Rome, Septizodium, dedicated in 203. Drawn by Martin van Heemskerk between 1532 and 1536

sentations on coins^^ it can be seen to have been being recorded as 60 Roman feet (17.66 m.) with
a large (200-230 by 130 feet; 60-70 by 40 m.) comparable capitals and entablature (just over 8
hexastyle peripteral building standing within a English feet (2.47 m.) and nearly 16 feet
rectangular porticoed enclosure, with a monu- (4.83 m.) respectively).
The alleged Egyptian
mental entrance facing on to the Glivus Pa- affinities of the plan may be questioned. The
latinus. After Elagabalus's death it was re- drawings and the scanty surviving remains show
dedicated to Jupiter the Avenger (Juppiter the temple itself at any rate to have been, apart
Ultor) [67]. from its size, a building of conventionally
classical type. The most puzzling feature of the
surviving remains is the strongly 'Asiatic' char-
acter of the ornament, very similar both in
choice of motifs and in treatment to that of the
Hadrianeum, from which it would be hard on
this evidence to separate the present building by
more than a decade or so. The difficulty is all the
greater in that it differs markedly in this respect
from other known Severan monuments, which
in their choice and treatment of traditional
motifs reveal a decided bias towards the rich
exuberance of the Flavian period. This is not
altogether surprising in that the largest single
enterprise of Septimius Severus's reign had
been the restoration and extension of the palace,
where Flavian ornament was predominant; and
it must have been workmen trained on this site

67. Rome, coin of Alexander Severus,

who moved on to build the Baths of Caracalla.'^
depicting Elagabalus's Temple of Sol Invictus, One can only conclude that at least one of the
A.D. 218-22, after its rededication to Juppiter Ultor workshops employed by the Severan emperors
was eccentric in this respect, and preferred for
Caracalla's Temple of Serapis is to be iden- its models the austerer grandeurs of the 'Asiatic'

tified with a gigantic building on the western type.

edge of the Quirinal, near the Piazza del Two other Severan buildings in the capital
Quirinale, of which considerable remains were call for brief mention. One is the camp of the
still preserved and were recorded in the fifteenth Equites Singulares, the Severan imperial body-
and sixteenth centuries."' It stood within a guard, extensive remains of the headquarters
rectangular enclosure, and the most singular building and barrack blocks of which have come
feature of the design, dictated presumably by to light beneath the church of St John Lateran.
the desire for strict orientation, was that
it was The plan is distinctively military, but the
the rear (west) which dominated the
wall methods of its construction and the manner of
composition, flanked by the ramps of a gran- its detailing are indistinguishable from those of
diose double stairway which led down the steep its civilian neighbours, an interesting antici-
slopes to the Campus Martins, 70 feet below. pation of the meeting and mingling of military
The temple itself faced towards the higher and civilian architectural forms which is so
ground and, if Palladio is to be believed, it was characteristic of the later third century. The
unique among Roman temples in having a second building is the well-known arch in the
fa9ade of twelve columns. It was certainly of P'orum Romanum(A.D. 203) [15]. Except for the
gigantic proportions, the heights of the shafts plain inscribed panel running the full length of

the attic, the design of the arch itself is later. The latter are in their own way no less re-

traditional, but both the form of the four great vealing than the domestic architecture, display-
panels depicting the story of Severus's Eastern ing the arts of second-century Rome in some of
campaigns and the style and manner of their their most attractive and unexpected aspects.
carving represent a whole-hearted renunciation The manifestations of Roman funerary archi-
of the traditional classical formulae (as still tecture are so diverse and so full of personal
embodied in the panels of the Arch of Marcus idiosyncrasies as almost to defy brief analysis. If
Aurelius barely twenty-five years earlier) and this is less true of second-century Rome than of
look instead decisively forward towards late many other periods and places, the merit lies

antiquity. very largely with the requirements and taste of

this new middle class. Already in the first

century a.d. (e.g. in the cemeteries beneath S.

Sebastiano)'^ one can detect the emergence of a
type of unpretentious family tomb which, for all

Of the very large body of private building that its variations of detail, followed broadly stan-
figures on the Severan marble plan of Rome, a dardized lines. This was a small rectangular,

great deal was of relatively recent, second- vaulted structure, built in reticulate work or,
century date. To some extent it must have increasingly as time passed, in brick, and equip-
provided the element of continuity that was ped internally with recesses for the ash-urns of
programme. For example,
lacking in the official the dead. The interior was often gaily painted
had it not been for a large and continuing or stuccoed; but apart from giving a certain
private demand, the slump that took place in the prominence to the principal burial, usually by
production of bricks after the Hadrianic boom framing it within a small decorative aedicula in
(a slump of which the brick-stamps offer clear the middle of the rear wall, there was at first very
evidence) might well have taken on disastrous little concession to architectural complexity.
proportions. As it was, although a certain The subsequent development of this com-
number of the smaller producers were forced monplace architectural type is a copybook ex-
out of business, there was an ample margin of ample of the familiar evolutionary cycle from
organized production upon which Severus and classical simplicity to baroque exuberance.

his successors could base their great new pro- Once launched, the process was remarkably
gramme of public works. There was also a large rapid. One can follow every stage of it, from bud
reservoir of skilled building labour upon which to full-blown flowering, in the tombs of the
to draw. Vatican cemetery between (in round figures) the
Building had ceased to be a luxury for the years 120 and 180. The initial stimulus was of a
wealthy few. An ever-increasing proportion of practical nature, namely the gradual shift which
the private building both of Rome and Ostia was was taking place about this time from cremation
in fact in the hands of a new and rapidly growing towards inhumation. To provide for the new
middle class, a great many of whose members rite the lower parts of the walls were marked off"

were of freedman stock, the sons and grandsons as a continuous plinth, within which were
of enfranchised slaves, most of whom came housed the large curved or segmentally arched
originally from the Eastern provinces. They burial recesses {arcosolia)\ the ash-urns con-
were intelligent and adaptable; business, trade, tinued to occupy the upper part. Within this
and the minor ranks of officialdom were increas- framework there came into operation what
ingly in their hands. They could afford to build seems to be an innate propensity of classical

or to rent houses and apartments equipped with forms to proliferate and to recombine in certain

the latest luxuries, and their tombs throng the remarkably stereotyped aclassical patterns. No
urban cemeteries. The former are described sooner had the aediculae spread to the lateral

walls than they began to disintegrate and from the other, were it not that in this case one
multiply and to coalesce into a continuous can document the whole process as one of pre-
architecturalframework of running pedimental dominantly organic development from within.
entablatures and colonnettes. At first the This is the way that, divorced from function,
schemes were relatively simple and coherent; classical ornament is apt to behave. To the stu-
but they very soon began once more to disin- dent of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
tegrate into elaborate split-pedimental fantasies, the phenomenon needs no further explanation.
of which the forms were worked up into an One must not imagine that a development of
ingenious counterpoint of curved and straight, this sophistication took place solely upon the

68. Rome, Vatican cemetery, Tomb of the Caetennii, mid second century, interior

concave and convex, plain and decorated, and walls of these crowded urban cemeteries,
the colour schemes and materials into contrast- although it is here that we can best observe it. In
ing zones of plain colour and polychromy. The the second century at any rate there was a
Tomb of the Caetennii ('Tomb F') in the parallel but architecturally more ambitious line
Vatican cemetery [68, 69] will serve to illustrate of development of which a few examples have
There are many formal analogies
this final stage. come down more spacious ceme-
to us in the
with the decorative schemes portrayed on the teries of the suburbs. Built free-standing, some-
walls of Pompeii a century earlier, or again with times in the form of a low gabled tower, the
the fa9ades of Petra [213], so close indeed that interiors of these suburban mausolea are rarely
one might well be tempted to suspect re- preserved in any detail (a partial exception, with
miniscences from the one or cross-influences fine stucco-work vaults, is the pair of tombs

69. Rome, Vatican cemetery

Tomb of the Caetennii,
mid second century.
Axonometric view

70 (above) and 71 (opposite). Rome, \ la \ppia, I'omb of Annia Regilla, wife of Herodes Atticus,
third quarter of the second century. Detail of moulded brick entablature and exterior

beside the Via Latina) [58],^° but such of the devices were freely imitated on the facades of
exteriors as have come down to us are remark- the urban cemeteries, and in a more restrained
able for the exceptional quality of the brickwork manner in the domestic and utilitarian architec-
[70, 71]. Capitals and entablatures, doorways ture also of the cities [78]. Although the more
and window-frames, were built up in moulded elaborately decorative forms seem to have drop-
terracotta, normally pale in colour, contrasting ped out of use after the second century, these
with the rest of the wall-faces, which were mausolea were undoubtedly an important factor
carried out in a brickwork that was specially in developing the taste for brick as a building
selected for its decorative qualities and was not material inits own right which characterizes so

uncommonly even treated with a deep crimson much later Roman building.
slip and picked out along the joints with a The subsequent history of the interior archi-
hairline of gleaming white plaster. All these tecture of these tombs can be briefly stated. Just

when the baroque schemes described above had broadly planned interiors were to remain char-
reached a point of such complexity that it is hard acteristic of Roman funerary architecture for a
to see how they could have developed further, long time to come, as we see them, for example,
they were rendered functionally obsolete by the in the Hypogeum of the Aurelii a few decades
virtual abandonment of the rite of cremation. later, in the catacombs, or even in the Late
The whole elaborate paraphernalia of niches Roman imperial mausolea. The emphasis had
and orders was dropped, never to be revived. In shifted emphatically to the symbolic repre-
its place we get tombs like that of Quintus sentational content of the painting or mosaic
Marcius Hermes in the Vatican cemetery that now tended to cover every inch of the
{c. 180-200), the interior of which, with its smooth, stuccoed surfaces, or to the elaborate
two zones of plain arcosolia, is of an almost carving of the marble sarcophagi which are so
aggressive architectural simplicity. Simple, popular in the funerary art of later antiquity.


No description of classical Rome is complete development throughout antiquity. These walls

without some reference to the remains of Ostia. enclosed an irregular trapezoidal area of some
Not only was Ostia town of Rome
the harbour 1 60 acres, one long side of which fronted on to

and connected with by the closest possible

it the lowest reach of the Tiber. Near the centre of
ties, but its abandonment in the early Middle the Sullan city lay the 'castrum', the fortified
Ages resulted in the preservation of the evidence military colony established here by Rome at the
for many aspects of classical architecture of end of the fourth century B.C. This was a
which all trace has vanished for ever in Rome rectangular walled enclosure, approximately
itself. This is particularly true of the everyday 220 by 140 yards in extent and divided into four
commercial and domestic buildings which in equal quarters by two intersecting streets.^ It
Rome were torn to pieces in the Middle Ages for was the roads leading from the gates of the
their materials or else lie buried deep beneath castrum which determined the physiognomy of
the buildings of the modern town. The pages the later town [72]. That from the east gate, the
that follow give some account of the develop- eastern decumanus, was a prolongation of the
ment of the city as a whole and something of the major axis, running parallel with the river and
story of its principal public monuments. The dividing the eastern half of the Sullan town into
apartment-houses, which strike such an im- two almost equal and roughly rectangular
pressive note of modernity, are discussed later. halves. The north-east quadrant, between the
eastern decumanus, and the river, was early
declared public property and developed on
strictly controlled rectangular lines. The rest of
The main outlines of the town plan of Ostia had the town grew up as best it might about the lines
already been established early in the first cen- established by the road to Laurentum and by
tury B.C., when Sulla enclosed the city within the pair of roads leading to the sea-front (the
the circuit of walls which, except along the sea western decumanus) and to the Tiber mouth
front, was to remain the effective limit of urban (the Via della Foce), which left the south and

72 (opposite). Ostia, the central part of the city, the street plan of which was determined by the lines of the
roads radiating from the four gates of the four-square late-fourth-century B.C. settlement, the 'castrum',
here indicated in heavy dotted lines

1. Capitolium 13. Horrea Epagathiana

2. Temple of Rome and Augustus 14. House of Diana
3. House of the Lararium 15. Theatre
4. Circular Temple 16. Piazzale of the Corporations
5. Basilica 17. Barracks of the Vigiles
6. Forum Baths 18. Neptune Baths
7. Via della Foce Baths 19. Seat of the Augustales
8. House of the Charioteers 20. House of Fortuna Annonaria
9. House of the Triple Windows 21. Precinct of the Oriental Gods
10. Schola of Trajan
11. Macellum H Horrea (warehouses)
12. House of Cupid and Psyche

Som vi^

73. Ostia. Plan of a typical quarter, to the south of the forum, including private houses,
a medium-sized bath building {balneum), streetside porticoes, a fountain, and two public lavatories,
and along all the main street frontages shops {lahernae) and in many cases staircases leading directly
to apartments on an upper storey

west gates of the castrum respectively, and all with the best Vitruvian precepts;^ but in the
three of which swung to left or right im- absence at this date of a forum or public basilica,
mediately on leaving the line of the early walls. it is very likely that it also served from the first as

There was, in short, a clear contrast between a commercial meeting-place - as it certainly did
those areas (the castrum, the north-east sector, in the later second century, when the outer
and to a lesser degree the south-east sector) colonnade was broken up into sixty-one small
which were available for orderly, rectangular rooms, the mosaics of which reveal them as the

development and those (the whole area west and offices {st at tones) of the merchants and ship-
south of the castrum, between it and the sea) in wrights of Ostia itself and of its principal over-
which development was determined by the seas clients and customers. The double portico,
prior existence of irregularly disposed topo- with its inner row of tall Ionic columns and outer
graphical features [73]. row of Doric columns, is an adaptation of a
It was within this framework that the whole famihar Italo-hellenistic model; and although in
of the subsequent development of Ostia took general at this date Ostia lagged well behind the
place. By the end of the Republic several of the capital in its use of materials (the theatre was
main sanctuaries had been established. Rather built entirely of tufa), the Ionic columns offer
surprisingly there was still no forum, or at best an interesting early example of brick (in this
only a very small one; but a pair of very late case tiles cut to shape) used as a building mater-
Republican or Augustan temples, one of them ial in its own right and faced with stucco.^
perhaps the original Capitolium, constituted a The first, and for some time the only,
formal civic nucleus facing on to the main building at Ostia to reflect the new Augustan
decumanus where later the forum was to be. architectural dispensation in the capital was the
The remains of several pre-Imperial com- Temple of Rome and Augustus, a substantial
mercial buildings include a formally planned hexastyle prostyle building of Tiberian date, the
market quarter (the 'Magazzini Repubblicani') fa9ade of which was built of Italian marble and
with rectangular blocks of shops built of re- carved by sculptors who were brought in from
ticulate work about framework of tufa piers.
a Rome for the purpose. At the same time the
On three sides they were fronted by porticoes of space in front of it was cleared to form the
stuccoed tufa columns, the earliest archaeologi- nucleus of the later forum. With this exception,
cally attested example of this very common the new building of the Julio-Claudian and
feature of later urban planning. Early Flavian period at Ostia continued to
The first century of the Empire was marked follow traditional lines. New street-front por-
by a change in the tempo rather than in the ticoes were added both to private houses and to

pattern of development. The only major monu- commercial buildings, preparing the way for

ment attributable to Augustus (and it must be what was to be one of the most distinctive and
remembered how much of the early city was attractive features of the later architecture of the
buried or swept away in the second century) is city. These and in Rome,
porticoes, both here
the theatre, built in its original form by Agrippa have compared with the colonnaded
(i.e. before 12 B.C.) [74]. It was laid out on an streets of the Eastern provinces, and there is
open site between the eastern decumanus and indeed a family resemblance. But there is also an
the river with, behind it, a large (410 by 260 feet; important difference: whereas in the colon-
125 by 80 m.) rectangular, double-colonnaded naded streets of Syria and Asia Minor it was the

portico enclosing a garden. The quadrangle street that was planned as a unit, to which the
behind (the porticus post scaenam or 'Piazzale of buildings adjoining it had to conform, the
the Corporations') was an integral part of the streetside porticoes of Ostia and of the western
theatre complex and was intended to serve as a provinces always remained formally part of the
covered retreat for the audience, in accordance buildings of which they were the frontage.

2 °




i_i_i_LXJ rt

Colonnaded streets in the Eastern manner are baths of first-century date, made possible by the
not found in the West before late antiquity."* construction of an aqueduct in the thirties, it

The most important commercial buildings of was not until the early second century that the
this early period are three of the large public town received its first large, up-to-date public
warehouses {horrea) that were used for the bath-building.
storage of grain and other commercial com-
modities prior to their reshipment up-river.
These were large, enclosed, rectangular build-
ings with storage rooms opening off the four
sides of a colonnaded or porticoed courtyard The overall impression conveyed by the first-

(e.g. the possibly Tiberian 'Horrea of Horten- century remains of Ostia is one of a cautiously

sius' [75]), the central area of which might also progressive conservatism. In some respects,

75. Ostia, 'Horrea (granaries) of Hortensius'

c. 30-40. Plan

contain similar but outward-facing blocks (e.g. notably in its poorer-class domestic architec-
the Claudian 'Grandi Horrea'). In Rome we ture, Ostia had lagged far behind Rome, where
find this plan already well established in the overcrowding had long ago necessitated a dras-
Republican Horrea Galbae and in the Augustan tic new approach to the problems of urban
Horrea Agrippiana near the forum. The regular housing. In a great many other ways, however,
type of private house at Ostia throughout the the better-class domestic and commercial quar-
first century continued to be the old-fashioned ters of the capital must have looked very much
atrium-peristyle house; and although there are like this before the great fire of a.d. 64. At this
the recorded remains of at least three small date the wave of prosperity that followed the

building of the Claudian and Trajanic harbours horrea, and Septimius Severus, who rebuilt (or
had still to make itself felt in Ostia. The completed rebuilding) the theatre and the bar-
revolution in building methods for which the racks of the Vigiles and restored a number of
reconstruction of the capital after the Neronian warehouses and bath-buildings. The last im-
catastrophe offered such scope did not reach portant public building in the excavated area,
Ostia until about thirty years later. When it did the round temple west of the basilica, dates from
come, however, it came in no uncertain manner. the reign of Alexander Severus (222-35), or
If the surviving remains of the first-century possibly Gordian (239-44), who had family
town afford a tantalizing glimpse of the streets connexions in the district. By that date Ostia
and buildings of pre-Neronian Rome, second- was already launched on the decline from which
century Ostia offers a picture of its successor it never recovered.
that is almost embarrassingly rich. What was the cause of this outburst of
The detailed stages of the rebuilding need not building activity during the first half of the
concern us. Before his death in 96 Domitian second century? First and foremost it was the

seems to have put in hand the modernization of sudden access of prosperity and the explosive
several city blocks between the castrum and the growth of population that followed the re-
theatre; and forum area he had added to
in the organization of the harbour facilities of the
the limited available by rebuilding
facilities capital city at a moment of already rapid growth
what is usually identified as the curia and by and material development. Of the factors that
building opposite it a large basilica of conven- shaped it, unquestionably the most important
tional Early Imperial type, with one long side was the availability of the new building tech-
open forum square and an internal
to the niques and materials which had been developed
ambulatory. It was under Trajan, however, that during the first century a.d., and which were
the reconstruction of the town really gathered now becoming available at increasingly advan-
momentum, to be continued on an even larger tageous prices as a result of the reorganization
scale under Hadrian and completed under of the brickyards undertaken by Trajan and
Antoninus Pius. Trajan's work lay chiefly in the Hadrian. Hardly less important must have been
district between the castrum and the sea. By the sheer force of example of a wealthy and
Hadrian's death in 137 the whole of this western powerful neighbour. Ostia lacks the great
quarter and the whole quarter between the imperial monuments of the capital, but in all

castrum and the river had been rebuilt; with a other respects it was following the models
few exceptions (the theatre, the Claudian hor- established by the recent and still continuing
rea, and a few minor, mainly religious buildings) rebuilding of central Rome.
the same is true of the north-east quarter, From the wealth of surviving buildings, we
between the eastern decumanus and the river. can here select for description only a very small
Antoninus Pius was concerned mainly with representative sample. The commonest of all

completing what Hadrian had begun, although Ostian building types, repeated with little or no
he seems to have initiated at least one major variation in a very wide variety of contexts, was
public building, the Forum Baths [8oa]; and the taberna, the Roman version of the simple
private enterprise was still actively at work one-roomed shop which has served the artisan
throughout his reign, in buildings such as the and the retail trader in Mediterranean lands at

House of Diana [76], the Schola del Traiano, all periods. In its developed Roman form (as in
the Horrea Epagathiana [77B, 78], and the illustration 76) this was a tall, deep, barrel-
House of Fortuna Annonaria [128A]. After the vaulted chamber, open in front almost to its full

middle of the century the tempo dropped width. It could be closed by means of a series of
rapidly. Later emperors were active sporadi- which the ashes of
sliding panels of a type of
cally in the field of public works, notably Pompeii have preserved the exact imprint.
Commodus, who rebuilt the large Claudian Inside there was a wooden mezzanine, for

76. Ostia, House of Diana, mid second century. South facpade,

with shops along the street frontage and stairs leading to the upper storeys [cf. 128CJ.
The small windows above the entrances to the shops lit wooden galleries
accessible by steps or ladders from within the shops

storage or for lodging, accessible by wooden Pompeii, at Ostia they were regularly an integral
steps and lit by a small window over the door. part of the buildings to which they belonged.
An architectural unit so simple and so flexible The apartment-houses of Ostia are described
could be adapted to almost any context ranging in the next chapter. In terms of the new building
from a single row of shops fronting directly on technology, the combination of shops and
to the street to the intricate multi-level com- multi-storeyed dwellings was the logical answer
plexity of Trajan's Markets in Rome. Tabernae to population pressures, increased land values,
might be ranged along a street-front or grouped and a steadily-rising standard of living among
around a courtyard to form a market; or they the professional and mercantile classes. From
might be part of the frontage of an apartment- casual references in classical writers we know
house, just as today one finds their modern that Ostia was not the only harbour city where
equivalents everywhere built into the facades of this was happening;^ nor were the resulting
the palaces of Renaissance Rome. But whereas architectural solutions confined to domestic
in Rome the great majority were carved out of architecture. The palazzo type of apartment-
existing properties, as they had once been in house, built around a central courtyard, needed

little modification to serve as the barracks of the Only three of the city's temples of the
local fire brigade [77A], as the headquarters and ImperialAge were conspicuous public monu-
social centre of one of the prosperous trade ments: the Tiberian Temple of Rome and
associations {collegia), or as a multi-storeyed Augustus, the centre of the imperial cult; facing

private warehouse for the storage of retail goods it down the enlarged forum, the Hadrianic
[77B, 78].^ The public granaries and warehouses Capitolium, a very richly marbled brick con-
of the type already established in the first struction, of which the unusually tall podium
century A.D. lent themselves to a very similar was presumably dictated by a wish to dominate
development, with ramps instead of stairs lead- the multi-storeyed houses of the neighbourhood
ing to the upper storeys. [79]; and a large circular temple, of unknown




77 {above). Ostia. (a) Barracks of the Vigiles, headquarters of the fire brigade, 117-38;
(b) Horrea Epagathiana, multi-storeyed warehouse, c. 145-50. Plans

78 {opposite, above). Ostia, Horrea Epagathiana, c. 145-50. West faq:ade, showing the main entrance,
stairs to the upper storeys {foreground), and, beyond the entrance, four shops

79 {opposite). Ostia, Capitolium, c. 120. Originally faced throughout with marble,

the brickwork structure illustrates the use of 'bonding courses' of tiles and of relieving arches
over the internal recesses of the cella

C Caldarium
F Frigidarium
L Lavatory
s Services



80. Ostia, bath-buildings.

am . » [

Plans, (a) Forum Baths, c. 160;

(b) Neptune Baths, 117 38.
Note the shops and arcade
along the main street frontage
of the Neptune Baths a a

dedication and late Severan date, with a deca- upwards all those types of building that lent
style porch. "^
As one might expect in a harbour themselves to such a development. Shops with
town, the Oriental cults were widely and vari- apartments over them, apartment-houses of
ously represented from an early date. None of three, perhaps in places even four or five,

their buildings are of any architectural dis- storeys, commercial buildings of two and some-
tinction, but the large triangular enclosure that times three storeys became the regular rule.
housed the temples and orgiastic rites of Cybele, The formal changes are less easily summar-
Attis, and Bellona offers an unusually clear ized.The element common to all may perhaps
picture of the buildings and fittings appropriate most simply be stated as a decisive movement
to such a cult. Of the bath-buildings three at away from those architectural usages, how-
least were large public thermae, all built within ever time-honoured, which no longer had any
the first sixty years of the second century with meaning in terms of the contemporary con-
money. The Hadrianic
the help of imperial cretemedium, and an ever-increasing readiness
Baths of Neptune [8ob] and the Antonine to treat the brickwork facing as a material in its

Forum Baths [8oa] offer an interesting contrast own right.*' In positive terms this meant a
in design. The former represent a logical de- steady drift away from the use of the columnar
velopment of the latest Pompeian type, as orders and towards an architecture which
represented there by the Central Baths, with the could be viewed from without principally
bathing block occupying one side of a rect- as an orderly alternation of solids and voids. In
angular, colonnaded palaestra and shops along this context the introduction and widespread
the main street-frontage. The Forum Baths adoption of window glass proved to be an event
were more adventurous in design, combining a of the first importance. In urban architecture
frigidarium wing of conventionally rectilinear it was increasingly the patterns constituted
form with a range of interestingly diverse by the wall-surfaces, the doors and the win-
polygonal and curvilinear hot rooms, stepped dows which were left to tell the architectural
out so that the large southward-facing windows story [81].
might take full advantage of the afternoon sun.
The free, functional planning closely resembles
81. Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12.
that of the so-called Heliocaminus baths at
The seven windows of the semicircular room
Hadrian's Villa, built a few years earlier. Across corner must have been glazed
on the
the street is a finely preserved public lavatory.**
In Chapter 4 we have discussed in general
terms the characteristics and aims of the new
architecture and, in some detail, some of its
manifestations in the monumental architecture
of the capital; and in describing the Markets of
Trajan, we caught a glimpse of it at a rather
more prosaic, though still basically monumen-
tal, level. It remains to ask briefly what was its

impact upon the architecture of daily life as so

fully and vividly exemplified by the buildings of
second-century Ostia.
In terms of planning the answer is simply and
briefly stated. Pressure of population and the
rise in land values made for tighter, more
economical planning, the most conspicuous
manifestation of which was a tendency to build

82. Ostia, House of the Charioteers,

shortly before 150. Central courtyard

83. Ostia, House of the Lararium,

second quarter" of the second century.
The ground floor was organized as a market
building, with shops opening off the central
courtyard; the upper floors were residential.
The house takes its name from the small
domestic shrine {lararium) visible centre left,

opposite the main entrance


These changes were not applied in any the familiar classical system the courtyards of
doctrinaire spirit, nor were the traditional prac- apartment-houses [82, 83] and commercial
tices abandoned overnight; but we do find the buildings and the street-front porticoes [84]
latter increasingly relegated to certain well now invariably used plain brickwork piers and
defined spheres within which traditionalism still arches, and the street frontages [76, 85, 86] were
had a claim to speak as the accepted architec- hardly less uncompromisingly 'modern'. At
tural language. The marble colonnade, for Ostia one can study the impact of the new
example, still had connotations of grandeur and Roman architecture, not in the context of court
was felt to be proper for such buildings as or temple, but as it affected the everyday
temples, major civic monuments, and the por- surroundings of the man in the street [87]. One
ticoed exercise yards of bath-buildings; and, is made vividly aware how far the Romans of the

more generally, the classical orders remained an second and of the third centuries had already
important constituent element of most interior progressed towards producing an architec-
decorative compositions, whether in private ture ofwhich many of the essential concepts
houses or in large public buildings. On the other were to remain valid right down to our own
hand, instead of the columns and architraves of times.

84. Ostia, south-western decumanus, looking towards the Porta Marina,

showing the piers of a streetside portico and a fountain fronting a block of shops
with staircases leading to the upper storeys. Second quarter of the second century

85 {opposite, above). Ostia, House of the Triple Windows, third quarter of the second century

86 (opposite). Ostia, row of shops (Regio IX, insula 15), mid second century

87 {above). Ostia. Facade of an insula with a cookhouse on the ground floor



CAMPANIA under the Julio-Claudian emperors. An in-

exhaustibly rich soil supported a population in
When, in 42 B.C., the future emperor Augustus which Greek, Samnite, and Roman elements
united the lowlands beyond the river Po, the mingled to create and to enjoy the solid, middle-
former province of Cisalpine Gaul, to the rest of class prosperity to which Pompeii and Hercu-
the Italian peninsula, he was completing a laneum bear such eloquent witness; Puteoli had
process of unification begun many centuries not yet been supplanted by Ostia as the gateway
before when Rome first began to establish her for the rich trade with the eastern Mediter-
hegemony over her Latin neighbours in the ranean; and since the early years of the first

west-central coastlands. The Roman military century B.C. the shores of the Bay of Naples had
colonies both within and beyond the limits of become the fashionable playground of the
Italy had long been centres for the diff"usion of wealthy Roman. This was fertile ground for the
Roman ideas and Roman habits. But it was dissemination and development of new ideas.
barely half a century since the Social War had It is the relative completeness of Pompeii that
given the greater part of the peninsula parity inevitably strikes the modern visitor. What is

of rights and duties with the capital, and within not so immediately apparent is that in a.d. 79,
the formal unity of the twelve administrative when the eruption of Vesuvius overwhelmed
regions of Augustan Italy there were ethnic, the city, it was still in the full tide of recon-
linguistic, social, and cultural difterences as struction after another, and only relatively less
extreme as any with which modern Italy has had disastrous, natural catastrophe, the earthquake
to contend. Architecture was no exception. of 62. Very few of the public buildings that one

Each region had its own problems and its own now sees had been completely repaired; some
traditions; and although outside the immediate were still in ruins, many more, including almost
periphery of Rome it was Campania which had the whole of the forum area, were still in the
made by far the most important direct contri- hands of the builders. It is above all the fact that
bution to the Early Imperial architecture of the so much of the town incorporates work from the
capital, the experience gained elsewhere in last fifteen years of its existence that gives the
Italy, notably in the north, was undoubtedly an remains a special interest in the present context.
important factor in shaping the architecture of By comparison, the changes of the previous fifty

many of the newly emergent provinces. Before years were relatively modest and had mostly
turning to the latter, it is necessary to glance taken place within the framework of a well
briefly at some of the cities and monuments of established local Campanian tradition.
provincial Italy. The immediately pre-eruption domestic
The impact of the Greek architecture of architecture of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the
South Italy and Sicily upon that of Rome al- excavation of which has done so much to shape
ready belonged to a remote past. There are very the familiar picture of Roman living, is de-
few important monuments of the Imperial Age scribed in the following chapter. Change was in
in Magna Graecia. The centres of wealth and the air. The evidence of Herculaneum, which in
influence had long shifted elsewhere. By con- such matters was the more progressive of the
trast, Campania was at the peak of its prosperity two cities, suggests that another few decades of
during the last century of the Republic and existence might well have seen the introduction


of a local version of the Ostia-type apartment- official religious centre of the Roman colony
house. Many of the older houses were in fact which Sulla established at Pompeii in 80 B.C.
already being broken up into smaller units; The other four were all post-Republican foun-
upper storeys had become a commonplace; and dations, and the dedications are characteristic of
at Pompeii the arcaded streetside Porticus the times - two, the temples of Fortuna Augusta
Tulliana just north of the forum shows that at (3 B.C.) and Vespasian, being associated with the
least one aspect of the post-Neronian architec- imperial cult, and a third, that of Isis, being a
ture of the capital was making itself felt in the private benefaction in favour of one of the most
years just before 79. But the scene was still mystery religions, for
influential of the Oriental
dominated by the old-style atrium-peristyle which Puteoli's many Eastern connexions made
houses of the later Republic. Here too things Campania receptive ground. Between them
were changing; but the most immediately ob- these three temples represent the two most
vious innovations lay not so much in the powerful and consistent trends in contemporary
architecture as in the styles of painted orna- religious practice, the one very early developing
ment, which reveal a steady evolution away into a formal state religion embodied in the
from the architectural illusionism of the so- person of the reigning emperor and his divi-
called Second Style towards decorative schemes nized predecessors, the other as an essentially
that subsist in their own right, almost unrelated individual response to the spiritual problems of
to the underlying architectural facts. the age. (It is significant in this respect that the
It is, however, in the public monuments that Temple of Isis is one of the very few buildings
we can better see the extent (and the limitations) that had been completely rebuilt and redec-
of the city's response to the changing conditions orated before the eruption.) The fourth of the
of the first century a.d. Moreover, apart from Imperial Age dedications, the public Lararium,
the special circumstances of the earthquake, a shrine to the city's tutelary divinities, was a
what was happening at Pompeii was happening propitiatory foundation undertaken immedi-
in innumerable other small towns up and down ately after the earthquake.
the length of Italy, and, farther afield, in the Of the city's other public buildings the
There were certain public buildings
provinces. basilica, the curia (the meeting place of the city

which any town of substance was expected to fathers) and its associated offices, and the
have. In this respect Pompeii, with its charac- comitium (the voting precinct of the city
teristic mixture of traditionalism and inno- assembly) were, as one would expect, grouped
vation, of Republican and Early Imperial build- around the forum [88, 89]. These were all in

ing types and techniques, will serve admirably origin Republican buildings, as also were the
as an introduction to the municipal architecture principal places of public entertainment, of
of Italy and the western provinces during the which the larger, open-air theatre was created
first century a.d. well back in the pre-Sullan, Samnite period,
The list of public monuments at Pompeii is in while the amphitheatre and the covered theatre
itself instructive. Apart from minor wayside and {theatrum tectum) were both built in the early
domestic shrines the religious life of the com- years of the Sullan colony. Other Republican
munity was taken care of by nine temples. Two buildings were the Samnite-period gymnasium
of these, the Doric temple in the so-called and two of the city's three public bath-
Triangular Forum and the Temple of Apollo, buildings. Among the buildings added during
date from the earliest days of the city's history; the last century of the city's history were a
and three others are certainly pre-Imperial, the vegetable market, the Forum Holitorium; the
Capitolium and the temples of Jupiter Mei- palaestra, a grandiose open-air exercise yard
lichius and of Venus, of which the first-named, with enclosing porticoes and a central swim-
sited at the head of the forum, became the ming pool; and the headquarters of the guild of

Pompeii, forum




fullers, the most influential of the city's com- last-named building, which occupies a large,
mercial corporations, built for them during the central site beside the forum, is a noteworthy
reign of Tiberius by their wealthy patroness, the anticipation of the position which we find these
priestess Eumachia. The prominence of the guild headquarters acquiring later, in second-
89. Pompeii, forum, south end, looking across to the Building of Eumachia.
The whole area was still under reconstruction in 79 after the earthquake of 62

century and third-century Ostia. The palaestra, practice would not have seemed out of place.'
an Augustan building, replaced the old Finally, to complete the catalogue of the
Samnite-period gymnasium near the theatre public monuments of the Imperial Age, there is

and it represents an initiative that was not the forum area itself, the tufa porticoes and
generally followed outside Campania, where we pavement of which were already in process of
meet it again at Herculaneum. It has been aptly replacement in travertine at the time of the
described as a hellenistic gymnasium without earthquake and were incomplete in 79. We

the actual gymnasium block. In ordinary Roman are reminded that no less than the individual
practice this functionwas taken over by the buildings, the streets and piazzas of the old-
large public bath-buildings which regularly established Italian towns were the product of a
incorporated swimming pools and porticoed long and often piecemeal growth.'^ That, despite
courtyards for athletics. Here at Pompeii, where this haphazard development, the civic centres of
the existing bath-buildings were situated too Roman towns should so often have achieved a
near the crowded centre for any such develop- unity and a dignity which may not unfairly be
ment, a solution more in accordance with Greek compared with that of their medieval successors

is a tribute both to the vitaHty of the civic remains that have come down to us, which in the
institutions of the Roman town and to the nature of things tend to be those of the more
essential good manners of the architectural solidly constructed public buildings. Not only
tradition through which they found expression. were the door-frames, architraves, balconies
Almost without exception the public build-
ings of Pompeii were badly damaged in the
earthquake. At least two of the most important,
the Capitolium and the basilica, were still lying
in ruins in 79, presumably awaiting a more
radical rebuilding than was possible in the
period immediately following the disaster. A
few, such as the Temple of Apollo and the
amphitheatre, had needed little more than
patching and buttressing, and others, such as
the theatre and the Forum Baths, though still

far from completely restored, were partially

back in service. Many more, however, were still
in the builders' hands, and although wherever
possible the restorers incorporated what was
still serviceable of the earlier structures, the
majority would on completion have been sub-
stantially new buildings.
The picture which these buildings convey of
architectural practice at Pompeii during the
decade before its final destruction is, broadly
speaking, one of the widespread adoption of the
building techniques of contemporary Rome,
coupled with a rather cautious conservatism
towards the new ideas that were accompanying
these techniques. The extensive re-use of earlier 90. Herculaneum, streetside portico
building materials led to a variety of unusual, with timber-framed superstructure
makeshift practices; but the dominant facing carrried on brick columns, before 79
material in the new work is brick, the most
noticeable difference from Rome being that, [90], and roofs of wood, but much of the
wheareas a really up-to-date (and perhaps im- superstructure too was often timber-framed, as
perially financed) building such as the Central it had been
in Republican Rome.-^

Baths [92] might have large square windows Although the upper part of the seating of the
spanned by flat arches of brick, with brick theatre, which had been radically modernized in
relieving arches above them in the Roman the time of Augustus, was still in ruins in 79, the
manner, timber lintels were still the regular stage-building, with its triple system of alter-

practice in the houses and shops. One of the nately rectangular and curved re-entrant fea-
most valuable lessons to be learned from Pom- tures and counter-projecting aediculae, seems
peii and Herculaneum, and one that can all too tohave been completely remodelled after 62 to
rarely bedocumented archaeologically, is that conform with the increasing elaboration of
timber was still far more widely used in the contemporary theatrical design. Another monu-
everyday architecture of the ordinary Italian ment to be influenced by contemporary trends
town than one might be led to suspect by the was the Building of Eumachia [89]. The main

lines of the plan, a rectangular porticoed en- plinths can be seen in the curia, where they may
closure, are simple enough; but the fa9ade that almost certainly be interpreted as the structural
opens on to the forum portico is enlivened by basis for shallow aediculae of plaster, or even of
two shallow, curved recesses, and not only do veneer marble, one of the standard devices for
the lateral porticoes end in small apses, but breaking up the wall-surfaces of later Roman
there is also a larger, central apse, screened by a architecture. The brick piers of the adjoining
pair of columns, at the far end of the main axis. hall are on the other hand functional, being
The handsome, carved marble door-frame, on intended to support the wooden cupboards
the other hand, and the continuous scheme of housing the contents of the tabularium, or city
decorative wall-panels, with alternately tri- record office.

angular and curved pediments, are both in- Another contemporary feature is to be seen in
herited from the original Tiberian building, the the adjoining macellum, the meat and fish

latter being copied also in the adjacent Temple market [88]. The plan of the market itself, a
of Vespasian. The most elaborately 'contem- rectangular porticoed enclosure with offices at

porary' of the forum buildings was the La- the far end and a circular pavilion (tholos) in the
rarium [88], which consisted of an open court- centre, follows well-established models, e.g.
yard flanked by two rectangular, barrel-vaulted already in 8 B.C. at Lepcis Magna in Tripolitania
recesses, leading up to a spacious apsidal fea- [243]. To judge from the recent discovery of a
ture, which in turn was broken out into a market building of this type at Morgantina in
shallow central apse with, on the diagonals, two Sicily, dating from the second century B.C. [91],

smaller, rectangular recesses; the altar stood in the form may well have originated in South
the centre. The contours of the wall-features are Italy, spreading thence to North Africa, Greece
further enriched with pilasters, recesses, and (Corinth), Asia Minor, and the capital, where
projecting plinths, and although the building the old macellum just north of the forum had a
can have been only partially vaulted, the archi- central tholos in Varro's day (i.e. before 27 B.C.).

tectural intention clearly derives from the cen- The Macellum Liviae, by Augustus on the
tralized vaulted architecture of the capital. Esquiline, and Nero's Macellum Magnum on
Similar wall-recesses coupled with shallow the Caelian, followed similar models.^ The

Qi. Morgantina, market building, r. 160 B.C.

1,1 ^v-e
92. Pompeii, Central Baths, inner facade of the main wing, towards the palaestra, 63-79

Pompeian building incorporated three rows of natural consequence of increasing urban

single-room shops (tahernae), one facing in- congestion and rising land values. Already
wards and forming part of the market, and two widespread in the latest phase of Pompeii, it is

facing outwards on to the adjoining streets. This one of the characteristic features of the architec-
use of valuable street frontages and courtyards ture of Ostia [cf. 73]. Another striking example
for the incorporation of individual shops into at Pompeii is the Central Baths [92, 93] which,
other buildings, both public and private, was a when finished, would have been the most up-to-

93. Pompeii,
Central Baths, 63-79
Plan L Lavatory


date building of the city. Here there were shops onnettes, elaborately figured or foliated finials, ii

on two adjacent frontages, backing on to the brackets, balustrades, pergolas, and other, often
quadrangular exercise yard which occupied at first sight purely fantastic, architectural
rather more than half the available space; along details of the so-called Third Style [e.g. 94, 95]
the corresponding third side were the smaller echo the verandas and balconies, the windows,
offices of the baths themselves, the bathing suite the sun-terraces, the decorative wall-schemes in
proper being concentrated along the fourth, a gilded metal work, the draperies and hangings,
simple but effective arrangement reminiscent of that one would have found in real life in the

that of the traditional hellenistic gymnasium. wealthy villas of Baiae and of Rome itself.

The brickwork detail, however, was thoroughly It may well be that some of the characteristic
contemporary, particularly in the fa9ade of the elements of the Third Style derive ultimately
main block, with its severely effective alter- from other sources - for example, from the
nation of half-columns and large square win- decorative innovations attributed by Vitruvius
dows, and in the lofty recesses, alternately to the Asiatic Greek architect, Apaturius of
curved and rectangular, which occupy well over Alabanda, or from the sort of dream architec-
half the wall-surface of, and give life and ture recorded as having graced the shipboard
movement to, the interior of the main hot room. pavilion of Ptolemy IV of Egypt. ^ That the
The opening of doors and windows in the luxurious courts of the late hellenistic monarchs
curved features is another striking innovation. should have left their mark in such a field as this

Together with the still incompletely excavated it is very easy to believe. It does not follow,
Suburban Baths at Herculaneum, this building however, that such alien manners and motifs
offers a vivid glimpse of how much greater the reached the walls of Pompeii direct. The pro-
transformation might have been if the earth- and assimilation are likely to
cesses of borrowing
quake and the eruption had happened even have been complex; and just as some of the
twenty-five years later than they did.^ hellenistic elements demonstrably present in

To what extent does the fantasy architecture Second Style Campanian painting can be shown
of the latest stagesof Pompeian wall-painting to have taken definitive shape in the real

(as distinct from the often demonstrably re- architecture of Late Republican Italy, so there is

alistic architectural landscapes which it in- every reason to believe that a great many of the
corporates) represent a decorative style in real Third Style motifs are based on contemporary
architecture that has not survived elsewhere in architectural forms in local use. Once again we
more tangible form? It is not easy to generalize; are reminded how much of our knowledge of
there is a natural tendency in such cases for ancient architecture is based on the bare bones,
painters to mannerize and to exaggerate, nor is it stripped of their flesh and blood. The value of
always the minor art that is copying the major. Pompeii and Herculaneum lies not only in the
With the improved excavational techniques of actual surviving buildings, but also in the
the last half-century, however, it has become glimpses that one can catch on their walls of
increasingly clear that there was a very sub- many other aspects of classical architecture
stantial element of real, three-dimensional prac- which might otherwise have been irretrievably
tice behind a great many of the features por- lost.

trayed. When therefore one finds, for example, a Although by the first century a.d. Campania
painting illustrating a facade, the two projecting was fast losing the privileged position which it
wings of which terminate in the two halves of a had held during the last two centuries of the
broken pediment, it is reasonable to assume that Republic as a centre of creative Italo-hellenistic
this was already an accepted feature of the architectural experiment, the remains of the
architectural repertory.* Again, allowing for an cities buried in 79 do not by any means exhaust
element of painterly exaggeration, it seems very the wealth of fine classical monuments of the
likely that the slender, candelabrum-like col- Early Empire which it has to offer. The seaside

94 Pompcn, 'Third St\lc' architectural wall paintings in the House of Lucretius Fronto, mid first century.
Note the \ie\\s of seaside \ilhis in the two lateral panel pictures

95. Pompeii, painting of a seaside villa with projecting wings and porticoed fa9adc
from the House of Lucretius Fronto, mid first century

villas are described in the next chapter. Here it clear above the seating. The same is true of Pola,
must suffice to mention a few only of the more where little more than the outer ring has
important of the other buildings. survived, the windows in this case being rect-
Besides possessing, at Pompeii, the earliest angular openings in an otherwise plain attic.

all-masonry amphitheatre known, Campania Both at Verona and at Pola the pilasters of the
can boast also two of the largest and best fagade are restricted to the two lower orders and
preserved of those of later date, at Capua (560 are carved in very shallow relief, thus em-
by 455 feet; 170 by 139 m., in size second only to phasizing the pattern of the arches rather than
the Colosseum) and at Pozzuoli (490 by 370 feet; that of the orders themselves. This is exactly

149 by ii6m.). The former, in its present form the opposite of the effect sought by the builders
probably a late Julio-Claudian monument, but of the closely contemporary amphitheatres
extensively remodelled under Hadrian, the lat- of Nimes and Aries [143, 142], who went out of
ter a Flavian building, they may be compared their way to accentuate the rhythmical pattern
with the approximately contemporary North of the classical framework, by carrying the
Italian amphitheatres of Verona (500 by 405 projection of the pilasters of the fa9ade up
feet; 152 by 123 m.; it is estimated to have held through the corresponding entablatures; and it

some 25,000-28,000 spectators) and Pola in may not be altogether fanciful to detect in the
Istria (435 by 345 feet; 132 by 105 m.). The attitude of their Italian colleagues the dawning
known earlier amphitheatres of Italy had all of a new sensibility, based on the more strictly

been either partially recessed into the ground functional simplicity of the concrete medium
and only in part built up above it (e.g. Sutri, in which they were increasingly having to work.
Lucera, Syracuse, Terni; cf. also Merida, in The macellum, or market building, at Poz-
Spain), or else, like those of North Italy (e.g. zuoli (Puteoli)'^ is a fine example of the type
probably Piacenza) and of Rome itself, were already noted at Pompeii, though of later date,
built of timber on masonry footings. With the the columns being of imported granite and
construction of the Colosseum and of these four Carystian marble [96]. The paved courtyard,
amphitheatres the form reached its full ma- 125 feet (38 m.) square with a central pavilion, is

turity. That of Pozzuoli is remarkable also for surrounded on four sides by a portico, with
the quality of its brick-and-reticulate masonry shops opening both inwards and outwards. In
(only the outer ring, now largely robbed, was of the middle of the east side the colonnade is

stone) and for the elaboration of the service interrupted by the four larger columns of the
corridors and other substructures, in which one fa9ade of a pedimental shrine dedicated to the
can make out all the details of such features as divinity under whose protection the market
the lifts for raising the wild beasts to the floor of was placed, and the two eastern angles were
the arena above. occupied by public lavatories. The integration
The Verona amphitheatre'^ (which owes its of temple and portico into a single fa9ade is

preservation in part to an endowment for its a device which we have already met in

maintenance established in the thirteenth cen- Vespasian's Templum Pacis in the capital,

tury - a remarkably early instance of such civic where it may well in fact be derived from earlier
enlightenment) has a great deal in common Campanian models.
constructionally with the Colosseum, including Little has survived of the luxurious villas for
a very similar use of dressed stone for the which Baiae was once famous, but the thermal
essential framework of the building, concrete establishments that crowded the southern
playing a lesser and structurally secondary role. slopes behind and above the present village have
Of the three orders of arched openings of the fared better.'-' The remains of one of these can
outer face, the uppermost were not the arches of still be seen, terraced impressively up the
an encircling gallery but were windows that rose hillside; and there are no less than four circular

96. Pozzuoli (Puteoli),

market, second century A^


halls, housing thermal springs, which were the circular rooms'"^ of the early bath-buildings at
architectural speciality of the place. The earliest Pompeii, to which the suite of rooms adjoining
of these, the so-called Temple of Mercury, the rotunda, securely buttressing it against the
consists of a masonry drum, circular internally hillside, bears a very close resemblance. The
and supporting dome with a central oculus
a masonry is a good early reticulate, and the
and, half-way down the curve of the dome, four materials of the dome, which tapers to a mere 2
square windows. The drum, which enclosed a foot (60 cm.) thickness near the crown and was
circular pool, now buried, has a diameter of no decorated with mosaic, are laid radially, in the
less than 71 feet (21.55 m.), and the inner face of Republican manner. Even if this latter were a
it is interrupted by four small apsidal recesses, conscious archaism, adopted because it was
alternating with two large and two small rect- thought to give greater strength, the building
angular openings, a formula which suggests that can hardly be later than the early Julio-Claudian
the immediate inspiration for this grandiose period, and it represents a remarkable architec-
hall is to be sought in the very much smaller. tural achievement for so early a date.

The Temple of Mercury, with its evident tionately taller, with buttresses at the outer
anticipations of the Domitianic rotunda at angles; the dome (diameter 86 feet; 26.30 m.)
Albano and ultimately of Hadrian's Pantheon, was of the same general type as the semi-dome
offers an unusually clear instance of a type of of the Canopus at Hadrian's Villa, with eight
building that was evolved first in Campania and concave 'melon' or 'pumpkin' segments alter-

only later taken over by the architects of the nating with eight narrow, flat segments, and
capital. Its subsequent development locally can there were shallow balconies externally and
be studied in the very similar 'Temples' of internally at window level. The Temple of
Diana and Venus at Baiae itself, and in the Apollo beside Lake Avernus was the largest of
'Temple of Apollo' near by, on Lake Avernus, the three, with a circular drum rising from an
all three of which are probably of second- octagonal base. Though only about 20 feet less

century date. That of Diana is now deeply in diameter than the Pantheon (or St Peter's),
buried, but the visible superstructure is octa- the drum was pierced with windows.
windows at the spring of
gonal, with eight large Another category of monument well repre-
the dome and, below them in the interior, the sented in Campania is its tombs, in the neigh-
usual alternation of apsidal and rectangular bourhood of Capua, outside the gates of Pom-
recesses and doorways. The dome (diameter 95 peii, and elsewhere. The variety is great, but
feet; 29.50 m.) is featureless. In the Temple of through it, despite vagaries of personal taste that
Venus [97] the octagonal drum is propor- often baffle systematic analysis (the Pyramid of
Cestius in Rome is a striking example of this),

97. Baiae, 'Temple of Venus', one can detect certain consistent strains of
second quarter of the second century. development. Two of these merit brief mention.
The was faced with marble
One is that which derives from the simple,
up to the base of the windows and with mosaic
drumlike form set on a square podium of which
from that point upwards
the Tomb of Caecilia Metella, beside the Via
Appia, is the classic example. The other is that
represented by the well-known mausoleum of
Saint Remy (Glanum) in Provence [146], a

tower-like structure crowned by some sort of

open pavilion or canopy with a pyramidal or
conical roof. The first of these was an Italian
innovation of the first century B.C., and wher-
ever one finds it, whether in the wilds of the
Dobrudja at Adamklissi, in Pamphylia at At-
taleia [193], or in Africa near Tiddis, it derives
more or less directly from Italy. The second has
a mixed ancestry, one line going back to the

famous Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, another

probably to the tower tombs of Syria; but it
early became acclimatized in Italy and the West,
where it took on characteristics of its own, as in
the often needle-thin tower-tombs of Africa.
What one sees in the Campanian tombs is a

gradual elaboration of (principally) the first of

these types, at first by the introduction of
relatively simple decorative schemes that accen-
tuate the basic architectural framework, and
later by the elaboration of these schemes in a
98 {above). Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Capua),
mausoleum ('Le Carceri Vecchie')
beside the Via Appia,
probably first half of the second century

99. Pozzuoli (Puteoli),

tomb beside the Via Celle, second century.
Axonometric view

manner which deliberately sets out to disrupt it,
merging them with elements drawn both from
the tower-tombs (e.g. in the Tomb of the
Istacidi at Pompeii) and from such other local

tomb types as the columbarium, the exedra, etc.

To the first category belong the mausolea of
Marano and another near Pozzuoli, the square
bases of which are divided into panels by
pilasters; or the 'Carceri Vecchie' near Capua
[98], the scalloped outline of which may echo
the structural niches that were incorporated in
so many of the earlier Roman mausolea (the
Mausoleum of Augustus, the Tomb of the
Plautii, etc.). Outstanding examples of the later,

baroque phase are a tomb beside the Via Celle

near Pozzuoli [99], which might almost be a
work of Borromini, and the remarkable tomb
known as 'La Conocchia' near Capua [100].

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100 {opposite). Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Capua), mausoleum ('La Conocchia')
beside the Via Appia, second half of the second century

NORTHERN ITALY to the Celtic peoples of what is now France and

of large parts of central Europe. Until absorbed
In Northern Italy our knowledge of the archi- into Italy in 42 B.C. this was in fact the province

tecture of the Roman period suffers greatly from of Gallia Cisalpina and, to happen later in
as was
the lack of any major excavated site comparable Gaul proper, Roman urban civilization, model-
to those of the south and centre. There is no led on that of Central Italy, found itself on
northern Pompeii, no Ostia. Aquileia, which congenial soil. By the time of Augustus all
might have furnished a key to the archaeology of except the Alpine fringes had become Italy in
the whole of the northern Adriatic as well as fact as well as in name. Virgil came from

much of the Danube basin, has yet to be tackled Mantua, Livy from Pavia, Catullus from
on a scale commensurate with the problems Verona. Despite this early and enduring
involved: scattered buildings, part of one of the romanization, however. North Italy also had,
cemeteries, the tantalizing remains of the river and throughout the Roman Empire continued
port - there is little more. Velleia was too to have, certain affinities with the provinces be-
unimportant and too remote to offer more than a yond the Alps, affinities with which the facts of
modest what was happening in its
reflection of history and geography had endowed it. As time
wealthier neighbours. We are dependent almost passed these were to play an increasingly impor-
entirely on what we can learn from chance tant part in shaping the wider architectural
excavations and from the study of those in- development of the later Empire.
dividual buildings which happen to have come When we turn to the architecture of the
down to us. Augustan Age we find that it is the Alpine
Another serious gap in our knowledge is the fringes rather than the established cities of the
almost total lack of any surviving buildings of plains that have left the most substantial traces.

the Republican period, serious because it was in The monument of La Turbie above Monte
Northern Italy that Rome learned a great many Carlo was erected in 76 B.C. to commemorate

of the lessons which she was later to apply so Augustus's subjugation of the Alpine tribes. It

successfully elsewhere. It was, above all, in the consisted of a huge cylindrical drum with
and towns, great and small, of Cisalpine
cities twenty-four recesses framed between as many
Gaul that she adapted and perfected the system Tuscan columns, the whole capped by a conical
of planning and the types of building which crown and standing on a square plinth. It is a
enabled her with so sure a touch to launch Gaul grandiose version of the familiar type of Late
and the other provinces of the West upon the Republican and Early Imperial mausoleum of
path of urban development. But although we which that of Caecilia Metella on the Via Appia
can catch glimpses of this at Aosta, at Brescia, is the best known example, a type which by a

and at Velleia, most of the evidence is lost for simple extension of ideas lent itself admirably to

ever beneath the flourishing modern cities a memorial monument of this sort; and, if

which everywhere attest the vision and good rightly restored, it affords a striking example of a
sense of their Roman founders. method of architectural planning that was com-
Tuscany and Umbria Rome had still been
In mon throughout antiquity, whereby the major
dealing with people who had much in common dimensions are all related in some simple
with herself. Once across the Apennines things proportion to some basic unit, in this case a
were different. Over a large part of the Po basin module of 4 Roman feet. The arch at Susa, built
the dominant element was Celtic, closely related two years earlier in Augustus's honour by a

loi. Susa, Arch of Augustus, q-8 b.c.

group of the same tribes, is an interesting North, whereas the architectural form belongs
example of the commemorative arch at an early to the new. Imperial Age; and the naive, lively

stage of its development as an independent carving of the frieze (the subject at one time or
monumental type [loi]. Three-quarter col- another of much misdirected erudition) is

umns on the plinth at the four angles and a long patently the work of a local craftsman doing his
straight entablature crowned by a plain attic best in an unfamiliar medium. For all its

frame a simple arch with shallow pilasters and embodies all that was vig-
crudities, the arch
archivolt. The pilaster capitals are of a type orous and actual in the contemporary art of
characteristic of the Republican colonies in the North Italy.

We find very much the same quahties ex- monuments of Aosta, all probably of Augustan
pressed in the architecture of Aosta (Augusta date, include the walls and gates, an arch, a
Praetoria). Founded in 24 B.C. and the last theatre, an amphitheatre, and the remains of a
miHtary colony to be established on Italian soil, temple framed on three sides by the substruc-
it is also the one that has retained the most of its tures of a monumental double portico which is

Roman physiognomy and buildings. Sited at a very similar to the cryptoportico at Aries, '^
crossroad on the important trans-Alpine route discussed in a later chapter. The gates are of the
across the St Bernard passes, it is one of the very familiar Italian and Gaulish type, discussed
few Roman towns where the rectangular grid of further below, in which the actual gateway and
streets, comprising sixteen equal rectangular the arcaded parapet walk above it are flanked by
blocks, each of them measuring 590 by 460 feet projecting towers and the former opens into a


#€1 ll l-LJIIH U l
I i H I






102. Aosta (Augusta Praetoria), laid out in 24 B.C.
Plan of the Roman town in relation to that of the earlv-nineteenth-centurv town

(180 by 140 m.) and most of them further rectangular inner courtyard; the towers in this
subdivided into four, is matched by a perfectly case are square and the single carriageway is

rectangular perimeter of walls [102]. The rect- flanked by two smaller footways. The arch is a

angular grid is a commonplace of Roman urban somewhat clumsy building, the archway being
design. On the other hand, the regular outline of crowded into place between the inner pair of the
the walls, found also at Turin (Augusta Taurin- four half-columns of the fa9ade, all four of
orum, founded c. 25 B.C.), is rare elsewhere, and which stand on a continuous plinth that en-
must in this instance reflect the influence of circles all four faces of each pier, truncating the
contemporary military planning. The surviving pilasters of the archway. The attic has not

survived, but the order was mixed Doric-Ionic, much the same stage in the development of
a Hellenistic feature that was quite early aban- Roman theatre design as the roughly con-
doned by the Augustan architects of Central temporary theatre at Aries [142]. It has been
Italy;^^ and the capitals of the archway pilasters suggested that this may have been an odeum, or
are of the same Republican type as those of the covered theatre and concert hall, rather than the
arch of Susa. Of the amphitheatre one can say usual open building.
little more than that the masonry had the same At Turin the Porta Palatina [103], largely
robust, rather crude finish as that of the theatre. what is essentially the
built of brick, illustrates

The latter is unusual in that the cavea is fitted same type of gate as that of Aosta, but in more
into a rectangular perimeter, the street facade of elaborate form. The central carriageway is

which, with its massive buttresses and four double; the towers are sixteen-sided; and the
ranges of arches and windows, makes up in gallery above, together with its framing pilasters
strength for what it lacks in elegance. The stage- and entablature, is repeated twice. But these are
building with its shallow, very tentatively cur- inessential embroideries upon the same basic
ved recess framing the central door, illustrates theme. At Como, for example, and at Avenches

103. Turin (Augusta Taurinorum), Porta Palatina, probably early first century. Restored view.
Of the two towers, which were built of brick, only the lower parts survive

(Aventicum) in Switzerland (which is Flavian) statuary, bronzes, and objects of domestic use
the towers are octagonal; in the Porta Venere at attest the prosperity which it enjoyed under the
Spello (Hispellum) in Umbria, another fine Early Empire. Without these finds one would
Augustan building, they are decagonal; at Asti hardly have guessed at such material well-being
(Hasta) sixteen-sided; the 'Torre di Ansperto' at merely from the architectural remains; and yet
Milan has twenty-four sides; at Fano (a.d. the history of Velleia must be that of countless
9-10) and in the Gaulish gates of the same type small towns in Italy and the provinces. Its early
(Nimes, Autun [135]) the towers are rectangular growth, terraced down a shelving hillside, seems
with rounded fronts. Circular towers are not to have been shaped by topographical con-
recorded in this context, but they are found in venience rather than any coherent plan, but
the contemporary type of gate (Aries, Frejus, under Augustus the centre of the town was
Vindonissa) in which the actual gateway stands remodelled by the creation of a rectangular
at the back of a recessed forecourt. forum together with the appropriate municipal
The most extensive excavations in North offices [104, 105]. At the upper end stood a

Italv are those of the little town of Velleia basilica; at the opposite end a temple and on

104. \ clkia, loruni and basilica, early first century, from the air.

In the left foreground the amphitheatre

(Veleia) in the Apennine foothills, south of either side of it, flush with the cella and of
Piacenza. Created in the first place to be the roughly the same size, a row of large rooms,
administrative and commercial centre of a vast which no doubt housed the curia and other
area of mountain and forested uplands, the municipal buildings. Rows of shops occupied
excavated remains of inscriptions, municipal the two long sides, fronted by porticoes with

105. Vellcia, forum, early first century. Plan

columns of stuccoed brick. The basilica was a columns marked off a rectangular annex of the
large rectangular hall measniing 1 14 by 38 feet same width as the main hall. Like the paving of
(34.85 by 11.70 m.) internally, open along one the forum, the basilica was owed to the munifi-
long side towards the forum and structurally cence of a wealthy local citizen, and in it were
plain except that at either end a screen of two found eleven statues of members of the Julio-

Claudian family and the famous bronze tables by 55 m.), with shops down two sides and what
recording the details of Trajan's charitable may have been a very simple basilica or covered
foundations. The blocks immediately adjoining market across the north end.
the forum were rebuilt to conform with the new At the other end of the scale we have the
rectangular scheme, but the rest of the town, forum of Brescia (Brixia), as remodelled by
including a small amphitheatre and a bath- Vespasian.'^ This was a long, narrow open
building, retained its old, irregular layout. space measuring 130 by 456 feet (40 by 139 m.)
Numerous streetside porticoes, giving shelter in and flanked by colonnades, the rhythm of which
winter and shade in summer, anticipate medi- was emphasized by a slight projection of the
eval and North Italian practice in cities
later trabeation above each column, a characteristic
such as Bologna and Padua. '^ late-first-century innovation that is repeated,
The scheme of the forum at Velleia is one that for example, in the flanking order of the Forum
we find repeated, at every level of elaboration, Transitorium in the capital and in the am-
all over Italy and the Western provinces. An phitheatre at Nimes [143].'° The composition
even more elementary version is that repre- was dominated by the Capitolium, which was
sented at Martigny in the Valais, the first terraced above and separated from the rest of
roadside hamlet on the far side of the Great St the open area by the line of the city's main
Bernard, which was a native centre, Octodorus, transverse street - a disposition commonly

106. Brescia (Brixia), model of the Capitolium, third tiuartcr ol the hist century

refounded by Augustus beside the road under adopted in the Western provinces, notably in
the name of Forum Augusti Vallensium.'^ Later Gaul (cf. Augst [134], Saint Bertrand-de-
rebuilt in more elaborate form by Claudius, it Comminges, etc.).^' The building itself [106] is
was at first a simple rectangular enclosure, noteworthy for its almost Palladian plan, the
comprising an open space, 148 by 180 feet (45 hexastyle, pedimental porch of the central one

of the three cellas projecting boldly forward layout, on the grounds of its undoubted formal
from, and dominating, the rest of the columnar resemblances to the headquarters complex of a

facade. At the opposite end, facing up towards large legionary fortress. Both were products of
the Capitolium, lay a basilica. This was a free- an organic and closely interrelated evolutionary
standing rectangular building, occupying the development, in which it was the new cities of
full width of the forum, on to which it opened North Italy and the neighbouring provinces
through three symmetrically placed doors, set that played a determining role.)
within a scheme of fluted pilasters which ap- Of the scattered individual monuments only a
pears to have been carried uninterruptedly right few call for detailed comment. The Temple of

round the building. Similar, but plain, pilasters Rome and Augustus at Pola, built between a.d.
on the inner face suggest there was an internal 2 and 14, was one of a pair flanking a much
ambulatory colonnade. Parallel with the main larger temple (the Capitolium?) on the north
forum and alongside it there seems to have been side of the forum. It was tetrastyle Corinthian,
another, similar monumental enclosure domi- the frieze being carved with an acanthus scroll
nated by a theatre. The details are uncertain; which, like that of the Maison Carree at Nimes
but the broad lines of the layout are clear [137], reflects the style introduced into Italy by
enough to serve to illustrate what, to judge from the sculptors of the Ara Pacis. Of several fine
the scattered remains of monumental buildings bridges, that which carries the Via Aemilia
dating from the Early Empire, must have been across the river at Rimini is a handsome
happening in the centres of many of the cities of Tiberian (a.d. 22) structure of five equal arches
North Italy. A somewhat special case, rather built of dressed stone, with decorative aediculae
betterdocumented than most, is that of Assisi. on the outer faces of the piers. It still stands,
Here the ground sloped too sharply for the parapets and all, very much as on the day
it was

normal longitudinal layout and the forum was built [107]. Another impressive early bridge was
sited along the slopes, with the still surviving
temple terraced directly above it in the middle
of one long side. In this case we do not know
where the other public buildings were.
(In parenthesis, it should be remarked that
the development of this characteristic forum
type, although it may contain certain echoes of
contemporary military practice, was in itself

essentially a civil phenomenon. In certain speci-

fic instances, e.g. at Aosta, it is probably right to

detect the direct influence of contemporary

military design. But such borrowings were not
usually so explicit, nor was the flow of ideas by
any means all in one direction; as the camps of
the legionary and auxiliary troops came to take
on a more permanent character, they in turn
borrowed much from contemporary civil prac- 107. Rimini (Ariminum), bridge, A.D. 22

tice. In the frontier areas the exchange must in that which carried the Via Flaminia at a height
fact have been close and continuous, and the of about 100 feet over the river Nera at Narni. It

results no doubt filtered gradually through to was unusual in that the arches, which have
other regions. But except in this very genera- strong, simple archivolt mouldings, were almost
lized sense it is mistaken to claim, for example, exactly semicircular and, being of different
the Forum and Basilica of Trajan as a military spans, had to spring from the piers at different

heights. As in the Pont du Gard [136], project- Less florid in detail but even more elaborate
ing bosses were left in the faces of the piers to in conception are the two partially surviving city
faciHtate maintenance. gates of Verona. The present fagade of the Porta
The most numerous and varied group of dei Leoni masks an earlier structure, probably
surviving North ItaHan monuments is that of Early Augustan, which is known chiefly from
the arches and city gates, of which those at Renaissance drawings. This was an eminently
Aosta, Susa, and Turin have already been sober, dignified monument, very like the Porta
described. From the outset they were used for a Palatina at Turin [103], with plain stone arch-
variety of purposes: as city gates, as entrances ways set in a facing of brick and a mixed Doric-
to fora or similar enclosures, as free-standing Ionic order (as at Aosta) over the lower of the
bases for commemorative statuary, or even as two arcaded galleries. The elaboration of its

funerary monuments. The earliest dated mem- successor, rebuilt probably after the troubles of
ber of the northern series, at Rimini, was one of a.d. 69,shows how far architecture had travelled
a pair built in 27 B.C. to mark the completion of in the hundred-odd years that intervene. The
the restoration of the Via Flaminia; its fellow- scheme of the lower part is still essentially the
stood near the Pons Mulvius, outside Rome. same, but the carriageways are now framed by
The type originated very simply as a pedimental half-columns and by pediments of which the
frame in low relief enclosing an arch, as we see it horizontal member is omitted, and the arches of
still in the early (pre-Augustan?) Porta Santa the gallery are set in elaborately carved aedi-
Ventura at Spello or the Porta Tiburtina in culae; at the same time the upper gallery has
Rome [2]; but at Rimini one can already see been entirely remodelled, with four spirally
signs of the disintegration of this basic type in fluted colonnettes on projecting plinths framing
favour of a looser decorative grouping of its a large curved statue recess in the centre
constituent elements. The proportions of the between two narrow, plain wings. The roughly
archway have widened, and the pediment no contemporary Porta dei Borsari [108] is closer in
longer rests on the flanking columns but is layout to the earlier models, but a great deal of
poised uneasily between them. The Arch of the the decorative detail is quite extraordinarily
Sergii at Pola, a funerary monument dating baroque in character - spirally fluted columns,
from the last decades of the century, represents contrasting curved and triangular pediments,
another strain, being essentially a richer version pilasters springing from brackets, aediculae
of the arch at Susa, with paired instead of single alternating with simple projecting columns or
half-columns flanking the arch and an entabla- pilasters, and, perhaps the most striking feature
ture and attic that repeat the articulation of the of all, the contrasting rhythms of thetwo
facade below. The Claudian Porta Aurea at which are so devised that the aediculae

Ravenna (a.d. 43), now destroyed but known of the upper gallery are poised, on brackets,
from Renaissance drawings and surviving de- above the voids between the aediculae of the
tails, was an altogether more elaborate struc- lower gallery. For all the other features referred
ture. It had a double carriageway beneath twin to one can find individual parallels in Italy

pediments, the whole framed between three already in the early first century a.d., but for the
pairs of half-columns, of which the two outer last-named one has to turn to the eastern
pairs were more widely spaced to make room for provinces, whence these baroque fa9ades drew
decorative aediculae and richly carved medal- much of their inspiration.^^
lions. Of the superstructure, presumably an With the latest of the Early Imperial arches in
arcaded gallery as in the city gates already North Italy, that of Trajan at Ancona (a.d. 115),
described, there is no record. The elaborate and the almost exactly contemporary arch at
ornament is characteristic of much
quality of the Benevento in Central Italy (114) we return to a
Julio-Claudian work in Italy. more sober, classical manner [109]. The first
l8o •

108. Verona, Porta dei Borsari, one of the city gates, formerly flanked by projecting towers,
probably third quarter of the first century

impression conveyed by the two inonuments robust, rather pedestrian solidity of Benevento,
could hardly be more dissimilar Ancona with overloaded with symbolic and allegorical relief
its tall, ornament
graceful lines and very simple sculpture in the grand manner. But both can, in
consisting of little more than framed decorative fact, be seen to derive very closely from the Arch
panels and applied bronze wreaths, and" the of Titus in Rome; and we have the Arch of the

109. Ancona, Arch of Trajan, 115


Gavii at Verona to show that this return to a the late Republic of the forum as an explicit
more formal classicism was felt outside the architectural form, a form which was to have a
narrow circle of monuments that were directly long history in provincial Italy and in the
inspired from the capital. In the North, no less western provinces. In Rome itself the Forum
than in Rome itself, the reigns of Trajan and Romanum, crowded with venerable monu-
Hadrian mark the end of an epoch. ments and heavy with tradition, did not lend
Since it was through provincial, and partic- itself readily to such radical experiment; but
ularly through northern, Italy that many of the with the creation of the successive Imperial
architectural forms and practices of the capital Fora we can watch the emergence and develop-
first reached the European provinces, we may ment of a comparable and, in its own way, no
usefully conclude this chapter with a few less influential architectural model. In Trajan's
remarks on one or two of the building types in Forum the two currents were to meet and merge
question. Some, and the amphi-
like the theatre in what, very appropriately, later antiquity was
theatre, call for no explanation beyond that to regard as the quintessential expression of the
given elsewhere in describing the individual Roman forum.
monuments. Others have connotations that may Of the many individual types of Roman
vary greatly according to the context, and a building that were regularly associated with the
knowledge of the formal background is neces- forum, by far the commonest was the basilica.
sary if one is to appreciate the full architectural In strict architectural usage the term denotes a
significance of the several variant forms. columnar hall with clerestory lighting, a type to
In the first place, the centre of every Roman which some at any rate of the great Republican
city, the forum. Throughout antiquity this Forum Romanum belonged, and
basilicas of the
retained something of its original character as an to which many of the later buildings of
a great
open space available for all the manifold com- the same name did in fact conform. A great
munal activities of urban life in Mediterranean many, on the other hand, did not; nor was the
lands: market-place, place of political assembly, term basilica by any means confined to large

law court, a setting for public spectacles, the public halls erected alongside the forum. At
natural meeting-place for private citizens doing Velleia, for example, already in Augustan times
business, and, since all these activities were in we see a building which has few of the architec-
some degree under divine protection, a focus for tural characteristics of the ancestral type but
the religiouslife of the community. It was, in which stood beside the forum and was certainly
short, the piazza, a flavour that it never wholly At the same time we find the
called basilica.
As time passed, however, and urban life
lost. name basilica used in a variety of contexts that
grew more complex, special provision came to have nothing whatever to do with the forum or
be made elsewhere for many of these activities, public aff'airs: the halls flanking the stage-
in basilicas, market-buildings, theatres, amphi- building of a theatre; one of the rooms of a bath-
theatres, sanctuaries. Some of these buildings building; the audience hall of a private villa; a

might be adjacent to the forum, others not. cloth market; the headquarters of the Roman
There was no regular rule about their location, silversmiths; a covered exercise yard for troops;
and they came into being as local circumstance the private meeting-place of a religious cult. Not
demanded. In Rome, for example, the cattle all of these were basilican even in the architec-
market had at a very early date moved to a more tural sense; it is quite clear that in course of time
convenient site beside the river, whereas glad- the name came to be applied to any large
iatorial displays were still held in the Forum covered hall, regardless of its architectural form.
Romanum right down to the very end of the The variety of possible usage is bewildering,
Republic. In this chapter we have caught a few and in view of the widespread discussion that
tantalizing glimpses of the emergence during there has been about the classical origins of the

Christian basilica (a discussion which has fre- the direct worship of the living ruler was for a
quently confused the type of building and the long time prudently avoided in Rome itself, the
name) the fact of this variety is important. same result was achieved in the thinly disguised
There can be little doubt, however, that in form of the official cult of the emperor's deified
antiquity the term basilica would, unless further predecessors, and this practice was widely
specified, have called to mind the great halls that followed also in the West. Where Sabratha in
played so large a part in public life and affairs, Tripolitania had its Capitolium, its neighbour
and it may conveniently and properly be so used Lepcis had a temple of Rome and Augustus
in the present context. established under Tiberius.
The Capitolium, a symbol of Roman majesty Some of these temples of the imperial cult,
in partibiis, is another type of monument which, like that of Claudius at Colchester, were official

though ultimately derived from Rome, from the foundations, others were established by private
state Temple of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva on individuals; and once again the architectural
the Capitol, is found everywhere in a bewilder- forms adopted were very diverse. They might
ing variety of architectural forms, some copying take the form of separate temples, as in Rome
or adapting the plan of the parent building with itself, at Pompeii, at Terracina, at Ostia, and in
its three separate cellas, some indistinguishable innumerable cities of the provinces, or they
architecturally from any other temple, and might be annexed to other buildings, as to
many adopting local variants of their own - a Vitruvius's basilica at Fano or to the basilicas of
single cella divided by columns into nave and Lucus Feroniae and Sabratha. A distinctive and
aisles (Merida, Cuicul) or with three separate important architectural type was that estab-
apses (Thugga, Timgad); three almost identical lished by the Caesarian 'Kaisareia' of Antioch
temples, side by side (Baelo in Spain, Sufetula); and Alexandria, discussed in a later chapter, a
or even a double cella (Lambaesis). The only type which struck echoes in Rome itself, pos-
secure common denominator is the dedication. sibly in the Imperial Fora, almost certainly in
Usually (though not invariably, e.g. Timgad) buildings such as the Porticus Divorum.
the Capitolium stood at or near the city centre, Yet another category of building for which
and most cases it is probably a justifiable
in Rome offered an obvious standard model for
assumption that its erection signified some any who wished to use it was the curia.
event in the city's progress towards full Roman Buildings based more or less directly on the
status. senate house in the Forum Romanum are not
Like the basilica, the Capitolium found its uncommon, particularly in the African pro-
way occasionally to the eastern provinces, a vinces. On the other hand, many cities were
notorious example being the central temple of content with models of their own devising, and
the colony, Aelia Capitolina, that was estab- in the eastern provinces we still find examples of
lished by Hadrian in 137 on the site of Jeru- the equivalent Greek type, the bouleuterion,
salem. But it was far commoner in the West, par- with its seating arranged like a theatre. One such
ticularly in the provinces adjoining the western that was restored in traditional form Roman
Mediterranean, to which the conception of the times can be seenat Nysa on the Maeander.

old Capitoline divinities came easily. There were these and other standard build-
A common and in many respects com- ing types available for use, but it is a mistake to
plementary equivalent of the Capitoline cult attach too much weight to them. Such stereo-
was that of the reigning emperor, usually types clearly were congenial to the Roman
accompanied by that of the goddess Roma. This mind; and yet one is constantly being astonished
was widely adopted from Augustan times on- by the flexibility with which they were adapted
wards in the East, where it was a simple to local circumstances. It seems likely that they
extension of hellenistic practice; but although were just as often selected by the free choice of

the local inhabitants, wishing to be more Roman Early Imperial Italy did furnish architectural
than the Romans, as by an imposition of ideas prototypes that were freely and widely copied,
from above. This is a question that has to be particularly in the western provinces. They are
studied case by case. For the present it is less common in the eastern half of the Empire,
sufficient to remark that Late Republican and which had well established traditions of its own.


THE TOWNS general survey the most that one can hope to do
is to indicate some of the broader trends that
As late as the first century B.C. the atrium-house were already beginning to make themselves felt
with or without a peristyle garden was the even before the destruction of Pompeii and
standard residence of the well-to-do Roman, Herculaneum in a.d. 79.
whether in Rome or in Campania. The weight One of the most insidious of these trends was
of tradition was considerable. Even so poten- the steady drift of the wealthy classes away from
tially disruptive a force as the very great increase the town house, or domus, to the villa estab-
in wealth among the upper classes had found an lished in the less congested areas of the suburbs,
outlet principally in the introduction of new and or even in the open countryside near the town.
costlier materials and furnishings; and although At Pompeii, as land values rose, many of the
space too was beginning to become an important older houses began to be split up into apart-
consideration (as one can see if one compares a ments or put to commercial use. By the time of
wealthy Late Republican town house in Rome, the eruption wealthy town houses like that of
such as the House of Livia on the Palatine, with the Vettii were rapidly becoming the exception.
its Pompeian equivalent) the difference still Pompeii, it is true, was not altogether typical. At
amounted to the compression of familiar archi- a time when Italy was fast losing its position of
tectural forms rather than to the emergence of commercial privilege with respect to the pro-
any that were radically new. vinces, wealthy householders of Pompeii had
With the establishment of the Empire the also to contend with the results of the earth-
seeds of change took firmer root. Populations quake of A.D. 62. In Rome it might still be
continued to grow rapidly and the pressures on convenient to retain one's family residence near
space were no longer confined to the big cities the centre, as Nero's father had done beside the
but were felt even in prosperous country towns Via Sacra, or the Flavian family on the Es-
like Pompeii. Wealth was no longer the pre- quiline; but it was only in his properties outside
rogative of a small ruling class, but was be- the city that the wealthy owner could find real
ginning to spread to a new and growing middle scope for his architectural ambitions.
class, whose tastes and rapidly rising standards Within the towns the inevitable result of
of living demanded comparable living con- population pressure was to set a premium on
ditions. Abroad horizons were widening, bring- forms of planning which were economical in
ing fresh and fruitful exchanges of ideas; and at ground space, or which offered scope for de-
home the development of new^ building ma- velopment upwards. The older houses did not
terials and techniques provided the means of disappear overnight. As late as the beginning of
putting these ideas into effect. The stage was set the third century one finds a few of them still

for a new and altogether more complex chapter depicted on the Severan marble plan of Rome
in the story of Roman domestic architecture. [62]. But in new building the relaxed sprawl of
The development that followed defies con- the old atrium-peristyle house no longer made
cise, tidy analysis. The cross-currents were too economic sense. The most conspicuous casualty
many and, as the range of possible choice of the new planning was the atrium. Once the
increased, one must reckon also on the irrational physical and social centre of the Italic house, it

factor of personal taste. Within the compass of a had already begun to lose its predominant role

during the later Republic, as more and more upper storeys and galleries, in many cases the
aspects of daily life moved to the lighter, more atrium was reduced to little more than a

secluded setting of the peristyle. One solution, passageway and a light-well, finally disappear-

favoured by the more conservative-minded ing altogether. In its place the peristyle now
architects and patrons, was to multiply the became the architectural as well as the social
columns around the atrium so as to create in centre of the town house.
effect a miniature peristyle. This was Vitru- One can follow these processes very clearly in

vius's atrium corinthium, as we see it in the a pair of houses at the southern edge of
house of the same name at Herculaneum. But by Herculaneum [i 10-13]. This quarter was de-
A.D.79 there were other, radical alternatives. veloped in late Julio-Claudian times, with well-
With the addition of increasingly substantial to-do houses terraced out across the line of the

no. Herculaneum, the southern garden verandas of the House of the Mosaic Atrium
and the House of the Stags terraced out over the old city wall, shortly before 79

old town wall so as to take advantage of the view aegyptiiis} The central garden, on the other
towards the sea. In one of these houses, the hand, was built in the new manner [113]. Piers
House of the Mosaic Atrium/ the traditional and a half-columnar order of brick framed the
forms were still partially observed in the north large square windows of a corridor which ran
wing, which was laid out across the main axis of round three sides of it, in place of the open
the building. It consisted of a central atrium, colonnade of a traditional peristyle; and on the
shorn of its lateral rooms, preceded by a porter's fourth side there was a range of living-rooms
lodge, entrance corridor, and kitchen, and at the fronted by a narrow corridor of which the wall
far end, instead of the traditional tablinum, it towards the garden was a mere framework of
had a winter dining-room of the rather unusual, timber and glass. ^ At the south end another
basilican type described by Vitruvius as an oecus range of rooms opened on to an outer portico.

III. Herculaneum, House of the Mosaic Atrium {left) and House of the Stags {right), shordy before 79.
Elevation and restored view of the south fa9ade, built out over the old city wall

20 m

D Diaeta
TR. Triclinium

112. Herculaneum, House of the Mosaic Atrium {left) and House of the Stags (right),
shortly before 79. Plan

which faced towards the sea; two small living- In the neighbouring and closely contem-
rooms {diaetae) projected at either end, framing porary House of the Stags^ one sees this

a long, narrow terrace; and in the centre, facing development carried one stage further. The
outwards towards the sea and inwards across the rudimentary atrium, which was roofed right
garden, was the principal summer dining-room over, has here become little more than an
and reception hall of the private wing, a room entrance lobby and passageway; and the sem-
which within the context of the domestic blance of an earlier, more traditional layout
architecture that was now taking shape it is which determined the different orientation of
convenient to refer to as a triclinium .* Through- the north wing of the House of the Mosaic
out the building there were upper storeys over Atrium has been abandoned altogether in
the smaller rooms. favour of a symmetrical layout about the axis of

113. Herculaneum, House of the Mosaic Atrium, the internal courtyard,

showing on the right the glass-fronted passageway, shortly before 79

the garden courtyard. The inner triclinium faces town house, indulge in one of the panoramic
axially down the garden; the corridor around the terraces currently fashionable in the villas of the
sides of the garden has shed all pretence of being suburbs, as in the Villa of the Mysteries and the
a traditional columnar peristyle; and the terrace Villa of Diomede at Pompeii. But the symmetri-
wing at the south end is symmetrically disposed cal layout about a central courtyard and the
about a large outer triclinium, its terrace garden emergence of the triclinium as the most impor-
flanked by the same two small projecting diaetae tant room in the house are both features that had
with large panoramic windows for day-time a long development before them, not least
relaxation and repose. The terrace wing is because they brought the Italian house back into
clearly a product of special circumstances; the line with the developed peristyle houses of the
site was such that the owner could here, in his other Mediterranean provinces.

One more example, this time from Pompeii. length of the north end of a large garden
The House of Loreius Tiburtinus^ [ii4i 115] beyond, and which was the nucleus of a plan for

was still in process of modernization and re- the main living-rooms that closely resembles
decoration at the time of the eruption. The that of the terrace of the House of the Stags.

forepart of the house, grouped in two storeys Terrace and garden were formally linked in an
around a spacious atrium, was still that of the elaborate T-shaped scheme of pergolas, tem-
early building.The miniature peristyle, on the pietti, statuary,and fountain basins, and
other hand, was now little more than an intimate whether from the luxurious central triclinium,
extension of the terrace which occupied the full from the open-air dining-room at the east end of

114 {opposite) and 115. Pompeii,

House of Loreius Tiburtinus, 62 79.
View from the house down the axis of the formal garden
with section and restored axonometric view

the terrace, or from the diaetae at the west end, detailed knowledge of the single-family town
the eye was led out across the garden to the house in Central Italy;and the individuality of
mountains beyond. the latest Pompeian houses is a warning against
With the destruction of Pompeii and Hercu- trying to establish any too-rigid sequence of
laneum in 79 we lose the best source for our onward development on the basis of the much

smaller number of post-Pompeian examples inaccurate convention. In antiquity it meant an

known to us. Houses like that excavated on the apartment-house, occupied by a number of
Esquiline in the eighteenth century [116] or the families, in contrast to the domus, which was
essentially a single-family unit. It might occupy
an entire block, but more often than not it was
only one of several buildings which together
comprised an insula in the larger sense of the

term. It came into being as a result of population

pressures and the rise of a new and prosperous
middle class; and its may be
measured by the fact that when the regionary
catalogues were drawn up in the fourth century

there were 46,000 insulae in Rome and only

i,7Q0 domus. "^

m m The essential architectural quality of the

insula was its height in proportion to the area
which it covered. This element of height was in

itself nothing new . It had long been a feature of

the tenement-houses of old Rome. But these

were notorious fire-traps and liable to collapse

upon their inmates. It was not until the Early

Empire that the new building materials and
techniques made it possible to rationalize the
experience of the past into a type of building
that was convenient, economical of space, struc-
116. Rome, House on the FLsquiline,
turally sound, and, at any rate by ancient
probably first or second century. new fashions
standards, fireproof. Echoes of the
Plan, after Lanciani had reached Pompeii and Herculaneum before
79. But it was the rebuilding of Rome after the
late-second-century House of Fortuna Anno- great fire of 64 which established the brick-and-
naria at Ostia [128A] are a logical product of the concrete insula as the norm for urban domestic
sort of processes that we have been describing.
architecture; and it is the houses of Ostia, where
The standard private house of the second and the full impact of the new fashion was not felt

third centuries at Ostia is the peristyle-house, until a generation later, which tell us what this
consisting of a portico accessible more or less new architecture was like.
directh from the street and enclosing three or Although it is the broad uniformity of the
four sides of a garden or courtyard, with rooms finished product that immediately impresses the
opening otf the portico. But this no longer modern visitor, it was in fact the innate flexi-

represents the main stream of urban architec- bility of design which made the insula such a
tural development. With the second century successful building type. The simplest plan was
(and mdeed in Rome itself since the middle of probably also the oldest. Already in Late Re-
the previous century) the focus of interest shifts publican Pompeii one finds upper storeys added
dccisnelv av\a\ from the domus, the old- over a row of shops along the street front, and it

fashioned town house, to the insula. is not impossible that the type had originated in
The term insula requires definition. Its mod- Rome and had been introduced to Pompeii by
ern usage, to define the city block, the area the Sullan colonists. At Ostia one sees insulae of
delimited b\ four streets, is a convenient but this elementary type along the main cardo.

between the forum and the river, or again along tural continuity between classical and later

the main decumanus, in front of the Neptune medieval or Renaissance Rome is very doubtful.
Baths. The same idea, but without the shops, is But the solutions arrived at are often extra-
found in the so-called Casette Tipo (Region i, ordinarily similar. The necessary complement
12 and 13),'* which were laid out on a single to a visit to the ruins of Ostia is a walk in the
occasion in a series of uniform blocks, sym- streets of old Trastevere.

metrically disposed; and, in a more elaborate

version, in the garden houses (iii, 9), which
consisted of two large apartment blocks laid out
on a common plan in the middle of a large Outside the city things were very different.
garden. In contrast to the inward-looking Pom- Town house and country house had long parted
peian house, the widespread adoption of win- company. What had started as a community of
dow glass enabled many of the individual rooms peasant farmers had gradually evolved into the
at Ostia to be lit from the outside, and it w as no highly stratified society of the Late Republic
doubt similar considerations which determined and the Augustan Age. We have a great deal still
the most elaborate and most strikingly in- to learn about the detailed impact of this social

dividual development of the type in which the revolution upon the countryside of Italy; but
apartments were arranged around a central one of the immediate results of the widening of
court} ard in the manner of a Renaissance the range of the social scale was inevitably to
pcihizzo [82]. The courtyard was regularly diversify the pattern of living. At one extreme
arcaded, and it ranged in scale from what, in the there were now the great landowners with
House of Diana (ii, 3. 3), was hardly more than a estates up and down the length of Central Italy,

monumental light-well to the spacious central and even farther afield. Though very far from
corti/e of the Fiouse of the Muses (iii, 9. 22). being extravagantly wealthy by contemporary
There were individual staircases to the upper standards, Cicero, for example, had more than a
store) s; window-glass was common in the dozen scattered properties Latium and Cam-

better-class blocks; and although water had to pania. Some of these wealthy property owners
be fetched from a common tap, many apart- still preferred to live close to the land; and we

ments had provision for individual sanitation, have the examples of such agricultural special-
with chutes for garbage disposal. Heating was ists as Cato, Varro, and Columella to show us
by means of braziers. If one makes allowance for how much they might contribute to the well-
the perishable fittings, of which, unlike Pom- being of their estates. But (and this was increas-
peii, there are only scant remains, these apart- ingly true of the Late Republic and the Early
ment-houses represent a standard of middle- Empire) the vast majority now used some of
class living unequalled until quite recent times. their estates as part-time country residences,

The external appearance of these buildings and their standards of comfort and luxury were
[76, 85] was severe, relieved by an occasional those of the town rather than of the country. At
string-course or by projecting 'balconies''" and the other extreme, side by side with the freed-
dependent on the quality and texture of the men and slaves cultivating the properties of

brickwork (which was regularly exposed and absentee landlords, there were innumerable little
even, on occasion, picked out in a crimson slip men, both smallholders and tenant farmers,
with white pointing) and on the rhythm of living close to the soil and cultivating the land

doorways, arches, and windows. This was es- on which they lived.
sentially a practical, functional architecture and, It is against such a background that one has to

combined with the regular incorporation of view the architecture of the Italian countryside
shops at street level, it strikes a singular note of under the Early Empire. If the result is at first

modernity . That there was any real architec- sight bewildering in its variety, it can neverthe-

less be seen to fall very roughly into three broad rusticae, with which one may compare the long-
categories: there were the country residences of established fattorie and casali of the Roman
the rich, corresponding roughly to the country Campagna, centres of substantial agricultural
villas of Renaissance Italy; there were the i'/7/flf estates, run by bailiffs but often including a

117. Pompeii, Villa of the Mysteries. Plans.

(a) Second half of the second century B.C.;

(b) before the earthquake of A.D. 62



lodging for the visits of the landowner himself; yard but already beginning also to look out-
and at the lower end of the scale there were the wards; and, on the other, the emergence of a
modest farmhouses of the smallholders and type of country residence of which the dominat-
tenant farmers. That one will, in practice, find ing factor was increasingly the outer fa9ade,
infinite gradations between the several cat- which frequently took on a quasi-monumental
egories is the inevitable fate of any such classifi- character in relation to the landscape of which it

cation. It will serve none the less as a basis for was a closely integrated part.

discussion. The platforms of the well-to-do Republican

In the age of Augustus one can still dis- villas are a commonplace of the landscape from
tinguish two main types of wealthy country the Sabina right down to southern Latium and
residence. One was the relatively compact Campania. Many continued to be content with
platform-villa, a long-established type charac- the simple rectangular plan, built upon a single

teristic of (though not confined to) the Roman level around a central courtyard. Such, for
Campagna and southern Latium. The other was example, were the well-known villas of the
the far more loosely integrated seaside villa with country around Pompeii or the recently exca-
spreading porticoes, best known to us at this vated San Rocco villa in northern Campania

early date from the coastlands of Campania.'' [118].'^ But long before the end of the Republic
The two types had already met and mingled - one can discern a tendency to terrace the villa

not altogether surprisingly when one recalls that platform outwards so as to catch the breeze in
they represent ultimately a fusion between the summer and to enjoy the views which so many
same two traditions, betweeit the old compact of those villas were manifestly sited to com-
Italic atrium-house and the familiar type of mand. From this it was only a short step to

hellenistic house built around a central col- increasing the number of terraces and develop-
onnaded courtyard. Within the town the result ing the plan about an axis running up and down
was the essentially inward-looking atrium- the slope of the hillside. Around Terracina and
peristyle house. In the countryside there had, on Gaeta there are multiple-terraced villas of this
the other hand, from a very early date been a sort which must go back at least to the second
contrary tendency to open up the house out- century B.C. An unusually well documented
wards. Already in its earliest form the Villa of example is the Late Republican villa of which
the Mysteries, the best known of the 'suburban' Hadrian incorporated the substantial remains
villas of Pompeii, was surrounded on at least into his own great villa near Tivoli.'^ This was
three sides by a terraced portico [117A]. In this laid out at two levels, of which the lower
case the peristyle on the north-east (upper) side platform contained a garden with a typical

of the building was a later addition, of the late Republican nymphaeum, while the upper
second century B.C.; and it was later again, housed the villa proper, along the axis of which,
towards the middle of the first century a.d., that stretching back from the facade, lay an atrium
the south-western wing was transformed by the opening on to a tablinum, beyond this a second
addition in the centre of a large, projecting, tablinum facing on to a large peristyle, and
semicircular veranda flanked by a pair of com- beyond this again, cut into the hillside, a

fortable diaetae at the two corners [i 17B]. Here, stepped, semicircular exedra.
in the successive transformations of the Villa of The second type of Early Imperial villa, with
the Mysteries, we catch a vivid and instructive its more informal layout, is less immediately
glimpse of the impact of the two conflicting recognizable on the ground. From the fre-
trends in the Late Republican and Early Im- quency of its representation, however, in the
perial domestic architecture of the countryside: wall-paintings of Pompeii and Herculaneum
on the one hand the development of a compact [94], and from the regular association of such
platform-villa, grouped around a peristyle court- representations with seaside landscapes, we may






118. Francolise, San Rocco villa, early first century. Plan. On the left, the residential block,
of which the portico and cubicula of the north-west facade enjoy superb views across the Ager Falernus.
On the right, the villa rustiai, with extensive facilities for pressing oil, threshing, and making tiles

reasonably deduce that it was originally de- single occasion, the layout of the buildings,
veloped locally, presumably when, in the clos- strung loosely around the shores of a narrow
ing decades of the first century B.C., the Cam- coastal inlet, very closely resembles that de-
panian coastlands began to take the place of picted in the Campanian landscapes. The main
Formia and Gaeta as the fashionable seaside residential block lay along the southern shore,
resort of the wealthy Roman. In this setting, facing north. It consisted of a large, rectangular,
with its distinctive landscape and strong Greek single-storeyed blocksome 230 by 260 feet in
traditions, one can readily understand the adop- extent, grouped around two peristyle court-
tion of a layout that relied less on the formal yards, with a portico and terrace along the
qualities of the architectural design than on the fa9ade, facing the head of the inlet. To the east
relation of the buildings to the natural scenery of it, stretching along the southern shore, lay a
around them. formal garden, partly terraced out into the
One of the few such villas to have been fully water, and a private anchorage sheltered by a
and systematically explored is not in Campania protecting mole. The coast of the northern side
at all but at Val Catena on the island of Brioni of the inlet was more irregular, an irregularity
Grande in the northern Adriatic [119].'^ Al- that was deliberately exploited in the layout of
though of slightly later date and not all built on a the quays and buildings along it. The principal

features on this side were an improved an- smaller scale that of the harbourside terrace in
chorage near the point; towards the centre an front of it, and along the whole length of it ran a
elaborate suite of baths and sunny, southward- portico, interrupted only at the head of the
facing rooms, and beside it, a rectangular U- curve by four large columns, which must have
shaped portico, also facing south; and, directly carried a gable projecting from the building
opposite the main block but facing south-east behind. The marked the position of a
at a slight angle to it, a quayside portico large, open or partially open triclinium, with

475 feet (145 m.) long. At the head of the inlet, views both outwards across the water and
facing down it and linking the residential block inwards, through the arches or windows of a
to the long portico, was a large, concave projecting, curved inner wall, on to a peristyle
feature, consisting of three small shrines placed garden behind. Opening off the portico to either
symmetrically at the centre and two extremities side of the central room, on the oblique axis of
of a curved Doric portico, and, behind and the curve, there were two smaller chambers
above them, a second portico carried on a {diaetae). The long portico follows a simpler,
covered passageway, or cryptoportico. but no less effective, plan. This was the ambu-
The whole layout is of extraordinary interest lation where the owner of the villa and his close
and variety, qualities that are repeated in the friends might take their exercise or sit and enjoy
treatment of the individual groups of buildings, the view from one of the seats placed in the small
notably in the complex of living-rooms and rectangular or curved recesses along the rear
baths on the north side of the inlet. This was wall. A square central chamber might serve as a
grouped around a curved, re-entrant courtyard more intimate dining hall; and if the owner
which occupied the greater part of the frontage. wished seclusion, there was a small private suite
The curve of the fa9ade repeats on a slightly at the south-west end of the portico.

119. Island of Brioni Grande, ATHS

villa of Val Catena, first-second century.


With this example before one, it is obvious buildings, the broad layout can be traced from
that a painting such as that from the House of the series of terraced platforms strung out along
Lucretius Fronto at Pompeii [95] is no flight of the cliff-top for a distance of well over 600 yards.
fancy, but depicts real architecture, the sort The main residential block lay towards the east
of building that the had seen many times
artist end, with a bath-building just behind it, and a
along the neighbouring coasts, possibly even an short distance to the west, at the same general
actual country property belonging to the owner level, there is the platform of what may have
of the house. Here same porticoed fa9ade
is the been a long LJ -shaped portico, facing out to sea
as at Val Catena, the same curving setback on across a garden laid out at a slightly lower level.
the central axis, in this case with a circular Beyond this again the terraces drop gently
pavilion in the centre, perhaps to house a westward, with a slight shift of alignment, and
fountain. For the convex porticoed feature at near the west end, built into and down the face
the ends of the two wings one may compare the of the cliff, are the remains of the so-called
Damecuta villa on Capri, described below. The 'Bagni di Tiberio', a separate waterside block of
projecting wings themselves, to be seen on apartments with its own enclosed pool, or
another Campanian painting, from Stabiae, miniature anchorage. A rather larger harbour
recall the U-shaped portico at Val Catena, or lay just outside the villa proper, to the east, and
that of another Dalmatian villa, at Punta Bar- scattered throughout the whole area are the
bariga near Ppla, where the summer quarters cisterns so essential for the amenities of a
were grouped around a LI -shaped peristyle, summer villa. To judge from what has survived,
which opened westwards directly on to the sea. itwas not a particularly elaborate or luxurious
There are several other Campanian paintings, example of its type. Strung out along the cliffs,
now in Naples, illustrating the broader layout of however, against a backcloth of wooded moun-
these seaside, or lakeside, villas, with their long, tains, it belongs unmistakably to this fascinating
low porticoes and deliberately informal group- class of villas, in which, as perhaps in no other
ing, to which it was essentially the setting of domestic architecture of the ancient world,
trees, rocks, and water that gave unity and landscape and buildings were so unmistakably
meaning. This was architecture in a landscape; a and indissolubly two parts of a single whole.
highly sophisticated landscape, it is true, but not Slightly later than the Palazzo a Mare, and far

for that reason anv the less deeply felt or less better preserved, are two other Capri resi-

skilfully handled.'^ dences, the Villa Jovis (the name is ancient) and
For an actual Augustan example of one of the Damecuta villa, both of which bear the
these Campanian seaside villas one may turn to unmistakable stamp of the sombre personality
the island of Capri. Though better known as the of Augustus's successor, Tiberius.
refuge to which Tiberius retired during the last The Villa Jovis [120, 121] is magnificently
ten years of his reign, the whole island had in situated on the rocky eastern summit of the
fact been acquired fifty years before by Augus- island, perched on a cliff that drops a thousand
tus, of whom-it was a favourite summer resort, feet sheer to the sea below. '^ The site did not
and to whose hand may certainly be attributed lend itself to spacious treatment; and the sus-
the so-called 'Palazzo a Mare'.'^ This lay along picious temper of the emperor forbade the
the open crest of the low cliffs, between 100 and luxury of development on lines that would have
150 feet above sea-level, half a mile to the west made it readily accessible from without. Despite
of the Marina Grande, in the middle of the these restrictions, however, the architect suc-
north coast of the island; and although the many ceeded in planning a residence that was no less a
structures then surviving suffered greatly in the part of its setting than the seaside villas just
early nineteenth century and one can now make described, incorporating several of their most
out verv little of the detail of the individual characteristic features. In such a position the
120. Capri, Villa Jovis, the private, mountain-top retreat built by the emperor Tiberius (14-37)

collection of every drop of rainwater was an cycle, one may recognize the audience hall and
urgent necessity, and the core of the villa was a reception rooms necessary to an emperor even
rectangular courtyard measuring 100 by 100 in retirement. To the north, almost completely
feet (30 by 30 m.), suspended over a network of detached beyond a suite of four rooms occupied
massive, vaulted cisterns. Built around and by the emperor's personal servants and body-
against this nucleus, at a number of different guard, lay the emperor's private apartments.
levels connected by staircases and ramps, were Very modest in scale but richly appointed, they
four distinct wings. The entrance, with a opened on to a sheltered terrace, with steps
columned vestibule and guardroom, was at the leading up to a belvedere offering magnificent
south-west angle. Along the south side, sep- views over the greater part of the island and the
arated from the main block by a corridor, lay a Bay of Naples. From the entrance to the private
suite of baths; along the west side, built up apartments a corridor, with a ramp and flights of
against the sheer outer face of the cistern block, steps, led down to a long, narrow terraced walk,
were the lodgings of the emperor's entourage, set on the lip of the steep northern slopes, some
three almost identical storeys of simple, cell-like distance from, and 60-70 feet below, the level of
rooms, each opening on to a long, narrow- the main block. This was the ambulatio of the
corridor; and along the north and east sides, cut villa, just like that of the Val Catena villa, with

off from the rest of the building and carefully recesses for seats and, in the centre, a vaulted
shielded against any unauthorized access, were dining-room with a small suite of private rooms
the quarters of the emperor himself. In the opening off Other related structures are a

buildings of the east wing, a suite of rather signal tower and lighthouse, situated on an
larger rooms backing on to a projecting hemi- eminence a hundred vards to the south of the

121. Capri, Villa Jovis.

Sections and plan


main block; below, and projecting from the spicuous feature is the curved projection of the
western wing, a large kitchen; and, somewhat central part of the seaward facade, with the
detached from the rest, a group of massive footings of a porticoed loggia running around
foundations sometimes identified as those of the the outer face, and at the opposite end of the
observatory of the emperor's private astrologer, ambulatio, below the rock platform of a medi-
Thrasyllus. To the west, terraced down the eval tower on the site of what was perhaps a

slopes, are traces of gardens. belvedere, there is an isolated suite of small but
Few Roman buildings that have come down luxuriously fitted rooms, terraced into the cliff

to us convey such a vivid impression of the face and approached only by a narrow ramp and
personality of the unknown architect and of his steps. As must be the
in the Villa Jovis, this

skill inwedding the unusual terms of his emperor's private That the same architect

commission to the potentialities of a magnificent was responsible for the two buildings one can
but difficult site. Here, on a waterless mountain- hardly doubt. The main difference is that here
top, throughout the summer months the em- he was free to develop his plan upon more
peror could conduct affairs of state or retire into conventional lines, more closely resembling
absolute seclusion, enjoying the beauties of those of the Augustan Palazzo a Mare. The
nature and as safe as human ingenuity could baths, the service buildings, and the lodging for
contrive, and yet maintained by an ample staff the emperor's retinue were scattered over a
and surrounded by every comfort. A modern considerable area within the grounds, which
housewife might criticize the location of the every analogy suggests were elaborately planted
kitchen, but by contemporary standards it was and landscaped.
unusually large and well appointed. The plan- To follow the story up in the same detail is

ning was as sensitive as it was skilful. The impossible within the compass of a general
diversity of interest resulting from the loose, review of Roman architecture. Nor is it neces-
spreading layout of most of these luxury villas sary. If one makes allowance for the rapid
was here achieved within the limitations of a increase in luxury during the first century A.D.,

compact, tightly organized plan by means of a for the impact of the new building materials and
skilful play of levels. On such a site a more for the innumerable cross-currents inevitable
relaxed plan might well have spelt architectural within a society in a state of rapid evolution, the
confusion. story is in its essentials one of the development
The site of the Damecuta villa, 500 feet above of architectural themes that were established
sea-level on the broad, shelving promontory under Augustus and his immediate successors.
that slopes gently downwards from Anacapri, One important current- somewhat paradoxi-
towards the north-west corner of the island, cally leads back to Rome. The Roman taste for
lacked the rugged grandeur of the Villa Jovis landscaping and for gardens was, it seems, one
but offered far greater scope for the develop- of the many introductions from the hellenistic
ment of the individual buildings. ^^ The re- world that took steady root and throve on Italian
mains, being more accessible, have suffered far soil. Already by the end of the Republic it had
more than those of the Villa Jovis, and, apart manifested itself in a wide variety of related
from the huge cisterns on the upper part of the forms: within the towns by the addition of the
site, the principal features now visible are those peristyle to the old atrium-house and by the
along the brow of the cliffs that slope steeply creation of such monumental formal gardens as

towards the north-west. Here the central feature the Porticoes of Pompey and of Livia;'** in the

is an ambulatio of the familiar pattern, following open countryside by the creation of the land-
the line of the cliff edge, with alcoves for seats on scaped country villas of southern Latium and
the landward side. At the south-west end are the Campania and, within a generation or two, on
substructures of what appears to have been a the Adriatic coast too, and in North Italy; and
residential block, of which the most con- thirdly, as the city centres grew more and more

crowded, by the development of the villae model the villa of his birth. ^^ Too little has come
suburbanae and the parks (horti) of the wealthy down to us (and that little too ill studied) to
upper classes. By the middle of the first century convey any coherent picture of the whole, but it

B.C. Rome was already ringed around by such was undoubtedly a luxurious seaside estate of a

private properties, very much in the manner of type from innumerable earlier ex-
the belt of Renaissance villas and parks which amples. Another early venture (it was in occu-
formed an almost continuous ring around the pation by a.d. 60) was the villa at Subiaco.^^
city right down to 1870. Some of these estates This too was built around the nucleus of an
were subsequently built over: the gardens ad- earlier building, but in this case the site was
joining the Baths of Agrippa and the Mauso- completely transformed by damming the valley
leum of Augustus were probably carved out of below the later monastery to create an artificial

what was left of the horti of the Republican lake, so creating a landscaped 'seaside' villa
Campus Martins. Others, such as the Gardens within the setting of an upland Apennine valley.
of Lucullus, of Sallust, and of Maecenas, Yet another contributory circumstance was
survived as parks and private residences; and Nero's inheritance of a property on the Velia
belonging wholly neither to town or country, and his decision to link the imperial estates on
they were the natural meeting-point of the two the Palatine and on the Quirinal and Caelian
divergent architectural traditions. For example, Hills into a single residence, the Domus Transi-
the great hemicycle of the Early Augustan villa toria. It was from these ingredients that the idea
suburbana beneath the Farnesina'" finds its of the Golden House took shape - a landscaped
closest contemporary analogies in Campania. villa of which the central feature was an artificial

They were, moreover, a natural field for fantasy lake, and at the same time a villa suburbana and
and experiment. We have already suggested that its surrounding parkland transplanted to the
the garden pavilions, fountain-buildings, and heart of Rome. Here, on a scale never to be
grottoes of those parks may have had a lot to do repeated, was embodied the Roman vision ofrus
with shaping the new spatial conceptions that in urhe.

characterize the palace architecture of the later This determination to have the best of both
first century a.d. Last but not least, like the worlds, to enjoy all the advantages of an
English which in
eighteenth-century parks advanced urban civilization within a setting of
many ways they so closely resemble, they were the rustic amenities that Italy was so well
the embodiment of the cultured ideals of the equipped to offer, is perhaps the most consistent
age. It is to the pages of Cicero or Pliny that we single characteristic of all this wealthy country
•have to turn for a glimpse of the intellectual architecture of the Early Empire. It cut right
conventions which lay behind the 'gymnasium' across the traditional formal proprieties of
porticoes and garden terraces (xystoi), or of the peristyle and portico, of town and country, of
literary conceits which shaped the precursors of nature and art. When Tiberius or Caligula
the 'stadium' of the Domus Augustana and the remodelled the upper terrace of Pompey's great
'Academy' of Hadrian's Villa. platform-villa at Albano [122],^^ with its mag-
In course of time a great many of these nificent views out across Lanuvium towards the
properties fell into imperial hands, and as they sea, the scheme adopted was essentially that of
did so they offered an irresistible outlet for the the House of the Stags at Herculaneum [112],
more frivolous architectural whims of the reign- with a central pergola and garden flanked by two
ing emperor. Both Caligula and Nero were diaetae; but the conventions of conservative,
active in this field, and under the latter a rectangular planning were thrown to the winds.
combination of circumstances gave a new and The diaetae were angled so as to take full
dramatic twist to the resulting development. advantage of the summer and winter sun, and
Nero was born at Antium (Anzio), and one of the rooms behind were fitted in around the
his earliest architectural ventures was to re- hemicycle of the north-east facade in a manner

122. Albano, villa of Pompey, first century B.C.

remodelled in the first century A.D. Plan

which in the context must surely reflect the the Via Appia, and besides incorporating several

latest models among the villae suburbanae of the earlier landscaped villas it was dotted with

capital. From it was only a

this sort of thing buildings of its own, among which one can still

the octagon of the Golden House. identify a theatre, a 'stadium', 'gymnasium'

short step to
terraces and promenades, waterside jetties, and
Half a century later the Villa of Pompey
became part of Domitian's great estate at an abundance of pavilions and fountain-

Albano.--'' The latter's country house beside the buildings.The main residence occupied one
Lago di Paola, near Monte Circeo,^^ seems to end of the three descending terraces on the
have been a seaside portico-villa of conventional seaward side of the crest and, though never
type. That at Albano, on the other hand, was adequately explored, it must have been a build-

comparable both in scale and character to the ing of considerable pretensions, at least three

Golden House and Hadrian's Villa, a palace in storeys high and making full use of the latest
building methods and materials, as we see them
all but name. The park stretched from Castel

Gandolfo to Albano and from the lake to beyond in the buildings of Rabirius on the Palatine.

All these traditions and trends were caught deliberate juxtaposition of conflicting axes that
up and consummated in Hadrian's great villa at follow the natural lie of the ground,^^ stems
TivoH [123, 124]. The architecture of most of straight from the landscaped villas of the pre-
the individual buildings was strictly contem- vious century, and the themes of the individual
porary. The layout, on the other hand, with its buildings and groups of buildings belong to an

123 and 124 (opposite). Tivoli, Hadrian's villa, between 118 and 134, model and plan

S^% At:Al)EMYiC. / >•.. ^r

TR. Triclinium

even earlier tradition, that of the wealthy Late archaeologist and the social historian rather
Republican villa- the terraced 'gymnasia' with than of the historian of classical architecture.
their libraries and sculpture galleries, the the- Under the later Empire the interest of the
atres, the belvedere tower ('Roccabruna'), the Italian villa in suburb or country shifts increas-
covered portico for exercise (the 'Percile'), the ingly away from landscape and large-scale
bath-buildings, the pavilions and al fresco planning and towards the architectural treat-
dining halls. The names given to many of these ment of the individual buildings. Here, while
buildings-** were not the whims of a much most villa owners seem to have been content
travelled emperor, nor were they in any sig- with relatively minor adaptations of the tradi-
nificant sense copies of thefamous places and tional schemes, a certain number did follow the
monuments whose names they bear. They were lead of Domitian and of Hadrian in exploring
traditional conceits, to which Hadrian's own their development in terms of the new concrete
well-known philhellenic tastes were no more architecture. One such experiment was that
than a contributory factor. embodied in the 'Grotte di Catullo', a very large

The country residences of the emperor and of platform-villa built, probably early in the
the very rich were one aspect only of the rural second century, at the northern tip of the
scene, albeit one which increasingly tended to peninsula of Sirmione, on Lake Garda [125].-'°

become identified with the more progressive The plan was symmetrical about its longer,
trends in contemporary architecture. Side by north-south axis and consisted of a rectangular
side with these great estates there were in- central block, 590 feet long and 345 feet wide
numerable smaller properties for which the (180 by 105 m.), with two small rectangular
peristyle-villa long remained the established blocks projecting at the two ends. That at the

norm. Many of the early buildings remained in north end was built up on enormous substruc-
active use, remodelled and modernized but still tures to carry a terrace, offering magnificent
recognizably grouped around their original views out over the lake, and although the terrace
courtyard nucleus. The Tuscan villa of Pliny itself has gone, the plan suggests a version of the
the Younger, for example, still possessed an familiar theme of a triclinium looking out across
atrium, ex more veterum?'^ For another thing, a terrace with a pair of flanking diaetae and
over large parts of the Mediterranean world, perhaps a pergola. The other living quarters
from Spain to Syria, the peristyle-house was the faced inwards on to the very large garden
standard form of better-class domestic architec- courtyard which occupied the centre of the main
ture both in town and country; and with the block. The layout, though based on the
steady breaking-down of regional barriers Italy peristyle-villa, was monumental in conception
was bound to be influenced increasingly by and was clearly the product of the same sort of
provincial practice. In the absence of systematic architectural thinking as that embodied in the
excavation we do not know nearly as much as we ceremonial wing of the Domus Augustana.
should like to know about the lesser country The 'Grotte di Catullo' represent an experi-
houses of Roman Italy (far less than we know, ment that was not followed up widely, if at all. A
for example, about their Romano-British equi- more representative picture of second-century
valents), but it is almost certainly true to say that enterprise is offered by the wealthy 'suburban'
among villas of any architectural pretensions the villa of Sette Bassi, outside Rome near the sixth
peristyle-house remained by far the commonest milestone on the Via Latina [126, 127]. This was
type right down to late antiquity. There were of the product of three successive building cam-
course also innumerable smaller, simpler build- paigns undertaken in rapid succession between
ings in everyday local use; but about these we about 140 and 160." The first of these was
are even worse informed. For the present they conventional in plan and consisted of a compact
must be held to fall within the province of the residential block occupying the south side of a


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large garden peristyle. Except for a number of segmental arches carried on travertine brackets,
smaller upper rooms the whole building occu- akin to the 'balconies' (maeniana) of Ostia and of
pied a single level, and the exterior at this stage the fagade of Trajan's market hall overlooking
was very simple. Very soon after completion a the Via Biberatica. The third stage was the most
second wing was added, along the west side of elaborate of all. This involved the building of a
the entrance peristyle. This involved terracing new wing across the north end of the area
out on substructures and, although smaller, the immediately west of the the existing building
added wing was more ambitious in design. The and the addition of a vast cryptoportico, over
southern half of the new west facade was 1,000 feet long, enclosing the whole area west
occupied by a projecting hemicyclical veranda, and south of the residential complex as a formal,
with a portico enclosing a fountain court, and terraced garden. The new north wing was
the outer face of the supporting terrace was monumental both in scale and in intention. The
crowned with a decorative motif of shallow whole length of it was built up on terraced

126 (opposite) and 127.Rome, Via Latina, Villa of Sette Bassi, c. 140-60,
facade (now and restored views of villa,

looking north-westw ards, and of north fagade

-V/ "rPti-.-lt;
?? -jjfr:

^ (approx.

substructures to counteract the natural west- continuous roof-line of the corridors, did in fact
ward fall of the ground, and the piano nobile was provide a most effective focus for the whole
divided almost equally between, at the east end, composition at the point where the natural fall

two suites of rooms (one of them a bath- in the ground gave it the maximum of emphasis.
building) opening off an arcaded courtyard, and For all its debt to the villas of the previous
at the west end two very large, lofty reception century - the garden, for example, is patently a
halls. The latter rose clear of all the surrounding sophisticated version of the 'stadium' motif -
structures and occupied the full width of the this was a strictly contemporary building. The
building between the pair of corridors which ran arcaded courtyards, the windows, the brick
down the north and south facades at this level; mouldings and bracketed 'balconies', all of these
and although there was no attempt at formal came straightfrom contemporary urban prac-
symmetry, the large triple windows and gabled tice. So did the decorative use, without any
roofs of these halls, towering high above the stucco surfacing, of such elements as window-

frames and relieving arches and of the masonry Constantinian age, which will be discussed in a

facing itself, in this case a very early and later chapter, are the great villa of Piazza
effective use of opus mixtum, in which the Armerina and Diocletian's palace at Spalato.

brickwork alternated with bands and panels of

small tufa blocks. Among the many features that THE LATE ROMAN
looked forward to later practice (at Spalato, for
example) were the high lighting of the main
halls and the corridors along the main facades. ^^ It remains to make brief reference to the rather
The small inner 'peristyle' of the early block, surprising re-emergence in late antiquity of the
with its principal living-room looking out across domus as a significant feature of the metro-
a small arcaded garden courtyard on to an politan city scene. Once again it is Ostia that
elaborate fountain structure, was already mov- furnishes the evidence. For nearly two centuries
ing towards a type of plan that was common in such single family residences as had been built
fourth-century Ostia. Perhaps the most striking at Ostia were almost invariably of the peristyle
anticipation of late antique and medieval prac- type, built around a colonnaded or arcaded
tice was the use of slender, sloping buttresses to courtyard. Good examples are the second-
support the plunging outer faces of the crypto- century House of Fortuna Annonaria [i28a]^*'
portico and of the circular towers at the angles and the somewhat later, more orthodoxly plan-
of it. ned House of the Columns [73].^^ There was
The most obvious distinguishing characteris- invariably one main reception room, the tri-
tic of the Sette Bassi villa is its application of clinium, and the first-named had also one
up-to-date building techniques and masonry centrally-heated room - the earliest example in
finishes to introduce an element of taut monu- domestic use yet recorded from Ostia. But these
mentality within the hitherto rather relaxed were the exceptions. Right down to the middle
sprawl of the landscaped country residence. of the third century the standard urban
Domitian seems to have set the fashion in his residence even of the well-to-do was the
villa at Albano, and tower-like residential blocks apartment-house, or insula.

two and three storeys high are a feature of Under the later Empire, however, as land
several other wealthy second-century villas on values dropped, there was a marked shift of

the periphery of Rome - the Villa of the Quintilii emphasis away from the insula and back to the
on the Via Appia, for example, or the 'Mura di domus. The late antique private houses of Ostia
S. Stefano', near Anguillara.-^-' In other respects follow no regular plan, preferring to adapt
the wealthy domestic architecture of the Central themselves wherever possible to the structures
Italian countryside seems to have been content of already existing buildings. But they do have a
to exploit the existing models. The Horti great many distinctive features in common with
Variani of Elagabalus were still an elaborately each other - a courtyard, usually containing an
landscaped villa suburbana of which the known elaborate fountain; opening off the courtyard,
buildings include a circus, an amphitheatre (the often up several steps, the main living-room of
Amphitheatrum Castrense), a bath-building the house; central heating in one or more rooms
(the Thermae Helenae), and the great audience and in several cases private lavatories; a lavish

hall which Constantine converted into the use of coloured marbles on walls and floors; and
church of S. Croce in Gerusalemme.^"* The a marked taste for apses and for triple-arched
Villa of Maxentius, with its more compact columnar screens of a type widely used in late
articulation of residence, circus, and maus- antiquity as an alternative to (and no doubt
oleum, does, like so much of Maxentius 's work, originally developed from) the 'arcuated lintel'
suggest the impact of new ideas. •''^
In the event, convention. In the already existing House of
however, these were stillborn. The represen- Fortuna Annonaria [128A] the innovations
tative monuments of the immediately pre- were aimed mainly at the enlargement and

128. Ostia. Plans of houses and apartment-houses.

(a) House of Fortuna Annonaria, late second century,
remodelled in the fourth century;

(b) House of Cupid and Psyche, c. 300;

(c) House of Diana, c. 150 [cf. 76];
(d) Garden House, 117-38

129. Ostia, House of Cupid and Psyche, c. 300, looking the corridor and fountain court [cf 128B]

embellishment of the triclinium by the addition parallels would seem to lie rather with the
of a large apse, a fountain (with latrine behind) contemporary houses of Syria, as revealed by
along the south wall, and a triple-arched screen the Antioch excavations. With their intimate
towards the courtyard. The House of Cupid and association of triclinia and fountain courtyards
Psyche [128B, 129]^^ rather unusually had an and their seemingly deliberate avoidance of
upper storey over the western range of small symmetry, buildings such as the early-third-
rooms. Even so more than half the available century house at Seleucia [210] or the late-
floor space was taken up by the luxuriously third-century House of Menander at Antioch'*"

marbled, centrally heated triclinium and by the do indeed have a great deal in common with
large central corridor, one side of which was an these late Ostian houses. At a time when the old
arched columnar screen looking out across the regional barriers were everywhere breaking
garden courtyard to the elaborate fountain that down, nothing is in fact more likely than that
occupied the whole of the east wall. Ostia, with its many Oriental connexions,
These houses represent something quite new should have drawn upon the experience of the
in Italian domestic architecture. Analogies have wealthiest and most influential city of the
been sought in North Africa, ''* but the closest Roman East.




Within the confines of Italy it is still possible to to-day exchange and those that derived instead
speak of 'Roman architecture' and to under- from the individual traditions and propensities
stand thereby an architecture which reflects that of its very diverse constituent peoples.
of the capital so closely that the term is Of the many cultural boundaries that one can
intelligible without further qualification. There draw within the Roman Empire, by far the most
were indeed diversities of local taste and prac- important is that which separated the Greek-
tice, but these were no more than one would speaking provinces of the eastern Mediter-
expect to find as a result of the very considerable ranean, including the eastern Balkans and
differences that still existed in Italy under the Cyrenaica, from the Latin-speaking West. The
Early Empire, in historical and social traditions difference is one not merely of language (there
as well as in climate, materials, and building were indeed substantial areas in the west, in

practices. As Roman political authority expan- Southern Italy and Provence, where Greek long
ded, however, Rome found herself the political remained the common language of the educated
mistress of a kaleidoscopic variety of peoples classes) The eastern
but also of recent history.
covering every shade of the civilized spectrum. part of the Roman Empire corresponds closely
It was her great achievement that, after an initial in extent with the hellenistic kingdoms estab-
period of exploitation and misrule under the lished after the death of Alexander, and
Late Republic, she did succeed in welding this throughout these territories Rome was dealing
heterogeneous assortment into a body politic with peoples who either boasted a far longer
within which all the participants could feel native tradition in the arts than she did, or else
themselves to be in some real sense Romans. had at the very least undergone the same
But this took time. Under the Early Empire hellenistic experience as herself. In matters of
there was still a wide gulf between the super- the arts she was dealing here with her equals or
ficial unity of the political framework and the superiors. In the European West she was, on the
extraordinary diversity of cultures, social other hand, for the most part confronted by
habits, and languages contained within it. Any civilizations which, whatever their poten-
study of classical art in the wider setting of the tialities, were substantially inferior to her own.
Empire is almost bound, therefore, to find Even here the process of romanization can be
expression in a dialogue between those elements seen in the long run to have been one of give and
that accompanied the uniting of a large part of it was Rome that
take; but in the early stages
the civilized world upon a basis of peaceful, day- was the dominating member of the exchange.

Within the Latin-speaking half of the Empire Zaragoza, and the first two non-Italian emper-
there were regional and local differences hardly ors, Trajan and Hadrian, were both of Romano-
less far-reaching than those between East and Spanish stock, from Italica near Seville. Then as
West - differences of geographical orientation, now, however, Spain was a land of strong
inwards towards the Mediterranean or out- contrasts. Despite the fact that large parts of it

wards towards the Atlantic, the Rhine, and the had been under Roman rule since 206 B.C.,
Danube; differences of cultural background, Augustus two hundred years later had to engage
between those territories that already had en- in long and bitter fighting before the entire

joyed some measure of urban life under Greek peninsula was finally subdued; and although it

or Carthaginian rule and those that the Romans had valuable resources, particularly in minerals,
found still organized upon a purely tribal basis; romanization was never as broadly based as it

and differences of historical circumstance, be- was in Gaul. Even if one makes allowance for
tween those which settled down rapidly under the continuous occupation since Roman times
civilian rule to enjoy the fruits of the Roman of most of the major cities and the consequent
Peace and those in which Roman civilization destruction of most of the finer monuments, one
was, and long remained, dependent upon the can hardly fail to be struck by the limitations of
presence of the army. When one recalls the great the Hispano-Roman architectural tradition.
differences also of climate and of natural re- The finest monuments are significantly those

sources (over much of Northern and Central of the Early Empire, from Augustus to Trajan.
Europe, for example, timber was still available By contrast the two preceding centuries of
for building in almost unlimited quantities) it is Republican rule have in themselves left little

hardly surprising that the resulting provincial tangiblemark on the archaeological record.
architecture should be seen to cover a very wide There must have been fortifications and public
range of local practice. works of a specifically Roman character during
Nevertheless, by comparison with the pro- this period; and the establishment of military
vincial cultures of the eastern half of the Empire colonies, of which Italica (206 B.C.) was the first,
those of the European provinces during the first had undoubtedly helped to spread urban life on
two and a half centuries of our era do display the the Mediterranean model. But although there is

w ider unity of a civilization which in almost all at present little to show how much of all this was
its manifestations stemmed more or less directly based directly on Italian models and how much
from Italy. It is this wider unity which must be was evolved locally within the framework of the
held to justify the devotion of the greater part established Graeco-Punic building tradition,
of this chapter to the architecture of a single there can in fact be little doubt that, as in
region, Gaul. Roman Gaul is broadly repre- Provence and in Punic Africa, the real long-
sentative of what was happening all along the term significance of the Republican Roman
northern frontiers of the Empire. It was unique presence in Spain was that it prepared the
only in the degree to which it succeeded in ground for the outburst of building activity that
making Roman civilization its own. took place under Augustus and his immediate
successors. To cite a single example, Merida,
the military colony of Augusta Emerita founded
in 25 B.C., by 18 B.C. already possessed a fine
Spain' was the only western province with an theatre and by 8 B.C. an amphitheatre; and the
early flowering in any way comparable to that of other known structures of Merida that are
Gaul. Spaniards were among the first provincial attributed to the Augustan or the immediately
citizens to take their place as equals within the following period include three aqueducts, a
Empire; Seneca was born at Cordoba, Quin- circus, and a magnificent sixty-arch bridge
tilian at Calahorra (the Roman Calagarris), near across the river Guadiana.
mmm\ :f.%;--**^,


130. Segovia, aqueduct, variously dated to the early first and to the early second century.
It still carries the city's water supply

A characteristic of this early work, and one stone locally available. In the great aqueduct at
which continued for a long time to make itself Segovia, nearly 900 yards and 128 arches long
felt in Spanish provincial building, was the fine and nearly 100 feet high at its highest point
tradition of opus quadratum stone masonry. [130], the blocks were left rough, giving an air of
The workmanship varied with the quality of the solid strength to the unusually tall, slender

piers. ^ The builder of the aqueduct of Los Coimbra in north-central Portugal. Here, in the
Milagros at Merida, on the other hand, em- middle of what had been a pre-Roman pro-
ployed smaller courses of stone, using them as a montory settlement, the existing buildings were
facing around a core of concreted rubble and levelled to make way for a civic centre built in
alternating them with narrow bands of brick, the new Roman manner. This in its turn was
very much as in a lot of Gaulish work. The swept aside a century later, but the foundations
aqueduct at Tarragona, another impressive but and in places the substructures present a picture
more conventionally proportioned structure, that is clear in its essentials [132A, b]. A
over 200 yards long and 250 feet high, used a central paved piazza, measuring 125 by 83 feet

coarse mason's drafting, whereas the builders of (38.10 by 25.35 m) - a strict application of
the bridge at Merida chose a heavy bossing, akin the Vitruvian precept (v. i, 2) that the dimen-
to the decorative hugnato of Renaissance prac- sions of a public place should be in a ratio of 3:2
tice. Another justly renowned bridge is that - was framed on the south and west by
built in 106 by Trajan over the Tagus at porticoes; shops opened off the west portico,
Alcantara [131]. This was a structure of de- and, facing them, along the east side of the
ceptively simple-looking proportions (the six paved open space, were a severely simple, three-
arches are, in fact, of four different spans) with aisled basilica and a small rectangular chamber
an arch spanning the carriageway over the with a vestibule, which in the context must
central pier and a small bridgehead temple. An surely have housed the curia. At the north end
unusual feature of the dedicatory inscription is the ground dropped, and here a cryptoportico
that names the architect. Gains Julius Lacer.
it formed the substructure of an upraised trans-
One reminded of another Trajanic bridge-
is verse portico and, axially beyond it, the square
builder who was also an architect, Apollodorus cella of a temple. The layout, a concise architec-
of Damascus.^ tural expression of the three fundamentals of
For a graphic vision of what Romanization Roman civic life, official religion, orderly
meant in the Iberian peninsula we now have the government, and commerce, is in effect that of
excavations at Conimbriga in Lusitania, near the forum at Velleia, except that, as at lader

Alcantara, bridge over the Tagus, 106


(Zadar) in Dalmatia, the basilica is displaced to .,

one side. It also recalls Velleia, and countless

other pre-existing urban centres throughout the c;uYi' I oi'oi^ 1 1(

Empire (we shall be meeting well documented

North African examples at Thugga (Dougga)
and Sabratha), in the readiness of Roman



H H I H .

-11=-I1-J« 1=1

132. Conimbriga. (a) and (b) Forum,

(a) late Augustan (r. a.d. 1-14), and, replacing it

(see dotted outline), (b) late Trajanic

architects to a symmetry
impose an order and pseudoperipteral Corinthian building, set with-
which were what was there before as
as alien to in a raised temenos and framed on three sides
the Via Nazionale was to nineteenth-century by double porticoes. This was a thoroughly
Rome or the boulevards and expressways of conventional scheme, little more than an opu-
modern Brussels. lent restatement of its predecessor, and it was
When the site was redeveloped towards the one that would have been at home in any of the
end of the first century a.d. the shops, the western provinces; we shall meet something
basilica, and the curia were eliminated, pre- very like it at Sabratha in Tripolitania. By con-
sumably to be resited independently, and their trast, the other major public building to be exca-
place was taken by an enlarged forum, enclosed vated, the South Baths [132c, d], did undergo
symmetrically on three sides by porticoes and a substantial and significant architectural de-
dominated on the fourth side by the temple, velopment. The original Augustan building, a

now rebuilt as a free-standing tetrastyle, compact, interconnecting suite of hot and cold


Gaidar lum PAL. Palaesti

F Frigidarium S Services
L Lavatory x Tepidarium
LAC Laconicum

132. Conimbriga.
(c) and (d) central bath-building,
(c) late Augustan {c.a.d. 1-14)
and, replacing (see dotted outline),

(d) late Trajanic (c.a.d. 105-15) WWW

rooms with an open-air cold plunge and a small Cadiz, which consisted of three distinct temples
palaestra, was closely based on Pompeian mod- placed side by side, as at Sbeitla (Sufetula) in

els. Its Trajanic successor, on the other hand, Africa [274]; a growing number of residential
was not only larger and richer, but it embodied villas, some of them very wealthy and reflecting
quite a different type of layout, planned sym- both in their plans and in their mosaic de-
metrically about its north-south axis, in this coration the influence of North Africa; the
conforming, as we shall see, to contemporary elegant but strangely old-fashioned arch of
Gallo-Roman practice. The Conimbriga exca- Licinius Sura, one of Trajan's generals, at Bara;
vations are significant not least because they the small four-way arch at Capera; and the
document two of the three main
so clearly amphitheatre at Italica, the fourth largest (540
formative influences on the Romano-provincial by 460 feet; 165 by 140 m.) in the Roman world
architecture of the Iberian peninsula: Italy, and the scene of countless venationes, the
particularly in the earliest stages, and Gaul. The Roman precursors of the bull-fight of today. But
third was, of course, Roman Africa. the list of outstanding monuments is short;
Other buildings that deserve passing mention there is little in the later Imperial architecture of
are the Temple of Rome and Augustus (a.d. 16) the peninsula that might not have been found in
at Barcelona, a peripteral building of which the any African city. Architecturally, as in much
scanty remains suggest a close relationship to else, Spain in the second and third centuries
the Maison Carree at Nimes; the mid-second- A.D. seems to have been something of a back-
ccntury Capitolium at Baelo (Bolonia) near water.

GAUL, BRITAIN, AND THE GERMANIES a picture of provincial life during the preceding
century we have to turn instead to the little city
Among the provinces of the Roman West, Gaul of Glanum near Saint Remy-de-Provence.
occupied a unique position, a position which it Glanum had originally been established as
owed in part to the weakh of its natural a Massiliote trading-post, and the principal
resources and its geographical situation at the excavated remains of the pre-Imperial town are
crossroads of North-Western Europe, in part to those of its private houses. These are well
the accidents of history which had endowed it planned, solidly built, rectangular structures,
with a vigorous, sensitive people, capable of the rooms of which open upon a central col-

absorbing and putting to good use the best that umnar courtyard, very different in detail from
classical civilization had to offer. The Mediter- the houses of contemporary Pompeii, though
ranean coastlands and lower valley of the Rhone the standards of comfort and building practice
had had the additional advantage of long contact are in no way inferior. They offer an at present
with the Greek colony of Massilia (Marseille), unique picture of the solid foundation of Greek
and so it is not altogether surprising that some of culture and craftsmanship upon which the
the fmest of the surviving monuments of the Roman Imperial achievement in southern Gaul
Early Empire are to be found in Provence and in was based [133].
the immediately adjoining districts of central Between 58 and 51 B.C. Caesar conquered and
and southern Gaul. annexed the 'Three Gauls', which, together
As in Spain, the results of this early exposure with Narbonensis and the military frontier
to classical ways did not at once make them- provinces of Upper and Lower Germany,
selves felt in a specifically Roman form. The henceforth comprised the whole of present-day
territory of Gallia Narbonensis (corresponding France and Belgium, and parts of the Rhine-
roughly to the modern Provence and Langue- land, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. The
doc) was annexed in 121 B.C., but there is years that followed, under Caesar himself and
little or nothing in the way of monumental his heir and successor, Augustus, were ones of
architecture to show before the great Augustan rapid and enlightened progress. Retired legion-
reorganization in the years following 19 B.C. For aries were settled in the colonies of Aries

133. Saint Remy (Glanum), courtyard house, first half of the first century


(Arelate), Beziers (Baeterrae), Frejus (Forum hand, unusual and must indicate the existence
Julii), Narbonne (Narbo), and Orange (Arau- already of a substantial Gaulish settlement on
sio), and, in the newly conquered territories, at the site of Plancus's foundation.
Lyon (Lugdunum), at Nyon (Noviodunum) on Plancus's other colonial foundation, Augusta
the Lake of Geneva, and at Augst (Augusta Raurica (Augst), the predecessor of the modern
Raurica) on the upper Rhine; the native cities of Basel, is in this respect more characteristic of
Nimes (Nemausus) and Vienne (Vienna) re- Early Imperial practice. Here the nucleus of the
ceived municipal charters; and all over Gaul colony was laid out in a neat grid of rectangular
new towns arose along the great trunk roads and insulae, each measuring 165 by 195 feet (50 by
on the sites of, or replacing, the old tribal 60 m.), along the crest of a ridge of high ground
capitals. The Romans were notoriously re- between two valleys. The surviving buildings
luctant to think of the administration of their offer a vivid picture of the monumental centre of
empire in terms of any but the urban civilization a typical Gallic city; and although none is

with which they were themselves familiar, and actually as early as the original foundation, they
wherever an appropriate urban system did not are precisely the sort of building which these
exist it had to be created. How well they planned formal quadrangular layouts were from the
is shown by the subsequent history of their outset designed to accommodate. It is easy to
foundations. Even in Britain, where for a time in dismiss such 'gridiron' planning as unimagi-
the Dark Ages city life was virtually obliterated, native, but one cannot deny the extraordinary
the Roman urban legacy, beginning with Lon- convenience and practicality of a standard
don itself, is still strong. In Gaul the Roman layout within which these towns could, over the
roads and towns became the essential frame- years, develop the complex of public and private
work of all subsequent progress. Before turning buildings appropriate to their status, without
to individual monuments it will be well there- ever losing that sense of organic unity which,
fore to cast a brief glance at the towns them- one and all, they so markedly possessed. Hardly
selves for which this essentially urban architec- less convenient was the possession from the
ture was created. outset of a definitive layout of streets and
In many cases the very success of these drains.^
foundations has obliterated almost all trace of The group of pubHc buildings which came in
their beginnings. Of one of the earliest and time to occupy the centre of the colony of Augst
greatest of the Gallo-Roman cities, the veteran included a basilica and forum, two large
colony of Lugdunum (Lyon), founded in 43 B.C. temples, a theatre, and a spacious public market
by Lucius Munatius Plancus, the only sub- [134]. The basilica, the forum, and one of the
stantial monuments now visible are the aque- temples formed a single architectural complex,
ducts and the fine Early Augustan theatre and occupying three complete insulae and divided
the adjoining odeion, or concert hall [141]. Of into two unequal parts by the main street of the

the river port that brought the city its wealth town. On the west of the street, facing it and
and of the great sanctuary dedicated to Augus- framed on three sides by a monumental portico,
tus at the confluence of the Rhone and the Saone stood the Capitolium, a large hexastyle peri-
by the representatives of all the Gauls, there is pteral building of conventional classical type
now hardly a trace. From the records of chance standing on a tall podium. Across the street, to

finds we know that both the circuit of the city the east, the line of the lateral porticoes was
walls and the layout of the streets were irregular. continued to form the long sides of the rect-
The former was normal practice in Gaul, even angular open space of the forum proper, the far

in conjunction with the most rigidly rectilinear end of which was closed by the massive bulk of
of street plans (e.g. Frejus, Nimes, Autun). The the basilica. Originally an aisled building with
irregularity of the street plan is, on the other two large, shallow apses at the two ends, it was


134. Augst (Augusta Raurica), restored view of the centre of the town, looking northwards,
mid second century with later modifications. To the left of the forum a public bath-building and,

beyond it, the market complex

later converted by the suppression of the apses Bertrand-de-Comminges (Lugdunum Conven-

into a grandiose rectangular hall, 210 feet long arum), at Virunum in Austria, at Zadar (lader)
and 90 feet wide (64 by 28 m.), with an internal in Dalmatia, and perhaps in a modified form,
ambulatory and galleries above it. Rows of omitting the temple, in Britain also, at Caer-
shops or offices {tahernae) faced inwards along went, Caistor, Silchester, and Wroxeter.^ An
the two long sides of the forum and outwards unusual feature of the basilica at Augst is the
along the exterior both of the forum and of the circular, tower-like structure added in the third

temple precinct, those of the latter carrying a century against the middle of the steeply plung-
second storey. Streetside porticoes along the ing east side of the basilica. It contained five
two long sides gave an exterior unity to the tiers of seats arranged as in a miniature theatre
whole complex, interrupted only by the passage and was evidently the curia ^ the meeting-place
of the transverse street, which was itself in- of the 100 decurions who constituted the city
terrupted by two porch-like structures through council. The similarly placed exedra of the
which only foot traffic was able to enter the basilica at Alesia probably served the same
actual forum. purpose.
The whole complex appears to date from just Of the rest of the central group of buildings,
before the middle of the second century a.d., the theatre, just to the west of the Capitolium
and its plan, with its formal conjunction of a precinct, was sited on a slightly different orien-
forum and a large official temple facing each tation so as to take full advantage of the head of
other across the line of a transverse street, is one an oblique re-entrant on the western side of the
which we have already met in Republican ridge. Originally an Augustan or Julio-Claudian
which was widely adopted in the
Brescia, and building, was remodelled in 73-4 to serve as

western provinces. We meet it again, for ex- an amphitheatre, and then reconverted once
ample, in Roman Paris (Lutetia) and at Saint more into a theatre and enlarged c. 120-50.

Beyond and to one side of it, terraced out above sanctuary, associated with a spring. Another
the steep western slopes, stood the market. This vivid glimpse of the lively syncretism of Gallo-
consisted of porticoes, with shops opening off Roman religious life is afforded by a small
them, enclosing three sides of a rectangular temple to the east of the town. Dedicated to the

open space measuring i6o by lOO feet (49 by Asiatic Mother Goddess, Cybele, the forecourt
31m.); a monumental entrance, together with was a simple classical building, whereas the
what may be the offices of the market officials, temple at the far end of it was of the purely
occupied the fourth side; and opening off the native, square type described later in this

north-east angle there was a covered market chapter.

hall. The latter comprised two rows of shops The picture revealed in the preceding para-
facing each other across an elongated rect- graphs must, broadly speaking, be typical of
angular hall, with stairs leading up to a second what happened to many of the early foundations
storey, which was presumably served by a in other parts of Gaul. Apart from such obvious
wooden gallery. The second temple stood in the necessities as city walls and aqueducts and a
angle between the market and the theatre, on certain number of prestige monuments (such as,
the summit of the prominent isolated spur of in Britain, the Temple of Claudius at Col-
Schonbiihl. Originally a large open sanctuary chester, begun within a decade of the Roman
containing two small square shrines of typically landing), the public buildings established at the
Celtic form,^ it was replaced, probably towards actual moment of foundation were probably
the middle of the second century, by a large (80 few, and even they must normally have been
by 60 feet; 24 by 18 m.) hexastyle peripteral conditioned by the materials and building skills

temple of purely classical type, enclosed within that were available locally. The important thing
a monumental double portico. Temple and was that the initial plans did allow for the
portico were laid out on the axis of the theatre, expansion which almost inevitably followed
the stage-building of which was deliberately, once city life had taken root.
and uniquely, left open in the centre so as to Typical also is the picture of an architecture
afford a vista down the axis. There is no means that stems unmistakably from Italy, much of it

of telling whether (as often in Gaul) there was almost certainly from North Italy. It was not
any ulterior religious significance in this long since most of Italy north of the Apennines
relationship. had itself been part of Gaul,^ and history and
To complete the picture of the Roman city geography alike suggest that it was the ex-
one may mention two large public bath- perience gained in the Republican foundations
buildings, one established about the middle of and foothills of Gaulish North Italy
in the plains
the first century a.d. and still reflecting Pom- which shaped the pattern of Rome's civilizing
peian models, the other probably built a few mission in transalpine Europe. This was the
years later. The former was subsequently mod- immediate source of the sort of planning which
ernized and the latter rebuilt on a more am- we see at Augst and (still on Italian soil, but part
bitious plan, both during the course of the in fact of the same Augustan programme in and
second century. There was also an important beyond the Alps) at Aosta [102]. The closest
sanctuary in the valley to the west comprising, parallels for the gates of Nimes or Autun are
in its fully romanized form, a triple shrine, in with Aosta, Turin, and Verona [103, 108]; and
plan somewhat resembling the Capitolium at the basilicas, the podium-temples, the theatres
Brescia, set within a large porticoed enclosure, and amphitheatres, the market buildings, all of
beside the entrance to which stood a bath- these derivemore or less directly from Italian
building. The dedications, to the local divinity models. The masonry techniques, discussed
Sucellus as well as to Aesculapius and Apollo, below, are another link with North Italy.

confirm that it was in origin a native healing- In course of time the net came to be spread

more widely. At Augst, for example, the forum- not found outside the military areas before late
basilica scheme derives ultimately from the sort antiquity. Another material in common use
of thing one sees at Velleia a century earlier was timber, during the earlier stages of the
[105], but the two apses of the basilica, as first occupation even in public architecture and
constructed, strongly suggest the more im- throughout antiquity for domestic and utili-

mediate influence of the Basilica Ulpia. The tarian building. It was often supplemented by
market hall too looks like a provincial version of mud brick or adobe, as until modern times in

that in Trajan's Market. Contacts with other many parts of France and Britain.
provinces grew more frequent. Provence in Although much of the best Early Imperial
particular began quite soon to look farther work is, not surprisingly, to be found in
afield; and in common with the whole Empire Provence, the military colonies and tribal capi-
Gaul saw a gradual breaking down of the old tals in the Three Gauls and subsequently in

regional boundaries. But Italy long remained Britain and the Germanics had their share of
the principal outside source of Gallo-Roman fine early buildings that were designed with an
architectural inspiration. eye to prestige as well as to the practical needs of
The typical monumental building materials the inhabitants. One of the first requirements of
of Roman Gaul were dressed stone and a version such foundations was a defensive wall, and from
of the omnipresent Roman concrete which may the outset the city gates were designed to
conveniently be referred to by the conventional impress. One common type, with many parallels
name of 'petit appareiF. The former needs no in North Italy,'' is that which one sees at Nimes
introduction. As in Spain, and as one can see at and at Autun [135], in which an elaborate

Glanum, it was a heritage from the pre-Roman multiple arch, flanked by projecting rounded
past of Provence which acquired fresh standing towers and crowned by an arcaded gallery,
from the Augustan monuments of Rome itself. opened on to a rectangular inner courtyard.
The 'petit appareiP was a coursed and mortared Another, more distinctive form is found in
rubble, similar in composition and general Provence at Frejus (Forum Julii) and at Aries.
consistency to the concrete of Late Republican Here the actual gate is set at the base of a large
Italy, but with a facing of small squared stones incurved courtyard flanked by two almost free-
[138] instead of the opus incertum or opus standing, circular towers. Nimes, it is worth
reticulatum of metropolitan practice.^ The recalling, was not primarily a military settle-

closest relevant parallels are with the stone- ment but a romanized tribal capital that had
using parts of North Italy. The mortar was very received colonial status; and Autun (Augusto-
variable in quality, but at its best this Gallo- dunum), another tribal capital replacing the old
Roman work came very near to having the hilltop fortress of Bibracte, was not founded
strength of the finest Roman Imperial concrete, until 16 B.C., thirty-five years after the conquest.
of which may be regarded as a close collateral
it The city wall was already fast becoming a
relative. The principal innovation of the later symbol of status rather than a strict military
Empire was the introduction of bands of brick, necessity.
each of several courses, which bear a superficial Another immediate requirement for each
resemblance to the bands of brick found in new town was an abundant water supply. At
association with some Italian reticulate work Nimes, for example, the fine spring that existed
(e.g. at Hadrian's Villa) but which in fact within the circuit of the walls was not in itself

frequently differ in running right through the sufficient, and between 20 and 16 B.C. Agrippa
core,'" serving as levelling courses and to some built an aqueduct that brought to the town the
extent as a guarantee against settlement. They waters of a group of springs near Uzes, 31 miles
are not found before the early second century. distant. In accordance with normal Roman
Brick-faced concrete in the Roman manner is practice the channel was, wherever possible,

trenched or tunnelled below ground, or carried walls of Nimes one can still see the castellum
on a low wall, and was skilfully sited along the divisorium, a large circular basin with a settling
contours so as to afford a steady, gentle drop, tank and a series of sluices and outlets by means
calculable over the whole distance as about i in of which the water could be allocated as required
3,000. At one point, however, it had to cross the to the municipal water system.
gorge of the river Gardon, and here can still be The aqueduct bridge, with its elegant arches
seen one of the most impressive of monu-
all and often grandiose proportions, is such a
ments of Roman antiquity, the Pont du Gard familiar and conspicuous symbol of Roman
[136]. Built throughout of squared stone, it is engineering skill that is worth remarking, in

295 yards (269 m.) long and carried the water passing, that the Roman engineer was perfectly
channel across the valley at a height of 160 feet familiar with the other ways of transporting
(49 m.) above the stream. The harmonious lines water across an obstacle. He was even ready as a
of the structure are based (as in so many ancient last resort to pump it uphill;'^ and there are
buildings) upon an extremely simple set of numerous examples of all dates where itwas
numerical proportions: 4 units for the central carried across a valley in a sealed pipe. In Gaul
arches, 3 for the lateral arches, i for the arches of itself there were several fine instances of the
the uppermost tier, and 6 for the height of the latter along the course of the Mont Pilate
whole structure. The bosses left projecting from aqueduct, one of the four aqueducts which
the inner faces of the upper arches were to carry served second-century Lyon with some
centering, in the event of repairs. Just inside the 2,700,000 cubic feet of water daily, or again

135 {opposite). Autun (Augustodunum), model of the Porte Saint-Andre, after 16 B.C.

The gateway was flanked by semicircular, projecting towers

136 {below). Pont du Gard, carrying the aqueduct of Nimes over the river Gardon,
century B.C. The bridge is 160 ft (49 m.) high
late first

where fresh water was carried across the bed of The civic centres of the Early Imperial
the Rhone at Aries in a battery of lead piping. foundations have almost all been overlaid by
We shall meet another fine example at Aspendos later buildings, although it is a reasonable
in Asia Minor [198]. The reason such systems assumption that most of them, as at Augst,
were not used more often is that they were replace earlier, simpler versions of the same
expensive both to install and to maintain. By planning models. From the rather unsatisfac-
comparison manpower under the early Empire tory accounts of the excavation of the 'Basilica'
was abundant and cheap. '^ at Saint Bertrand-de-Comminges (Lugdunum

Gaul is poor in surviving road bridges. There Convenarum) on the upper Garonne it seems
certainly were permanent bridges even over clear that the original building, a long narrow
such major rivers as the Rhine and the Saone, hall with transverse columnar partitions (an
with masonry piers founded, where necessary, elaborate version of the basilica at Velleia), was
on iron-shod wooden piles. In such cases the early, perhaps even Augustan; but it is far from
superstructures were almost certainly of timber. clear that its function was not from the outset
Smaller bridges were arched in masonry. A well commercial, as it undoubtedly was under the
preserved example, the carriageway of which is later Empire, when a series of tabernae were
spanned by two ornamental arches, can be seen opened up around all four sides of the main hall.
at Chamas (Bouches-du-Rhone). The
Saint The basilica at Alesia, like those of Augst and of
fast-flowing Rhone was crossed at Aries by a Paris, is unlikely to be earlier than the second
bridge of boats.
century, after the Basilica Ulpia in Rome had

constituted a new model that was widely imi- the open space in the centre. In late antiquity,
tated in the western provinces. At Glanum there probably under Constantine, the northern side
is a very simple version of the familiar scheme, was interrupted by the footings of a temple set

with a forum and a basiHca across one end of it, obliquely across it; and beside them, shovelled
but lacking the axial temple. In this instance in after some civic disaster, was found a mass of
there was no room for a more expansive Early Imperial official sculpture and inscrip-
development; the other public buildings were tions. This was almost certainly part of the
ranged along one side of the street leading up forum, and similar vaulted substructures (cryp-
the valley.They include the bouleuterion of the toporticoes) are recorded at several other Gallic
pre-Roman town, a finely built assembly hall sites, notably at Reims (Durocortorum) beneath
with rising steps for seats on three sides. The the porticoes of what is probably the forum; and
basilica was a plain rectangular hall with an in a very elaborate form at Bavai (Bagacum),
internal ambulatory colonnade, open on one north of Reims, beneath the porticoes of the
side towards the forum. early-second-century forum. A very similar
At Aries there are the vaulted substructures structure at Aosta, in North Italy [102], encloses

of a monumental double portico enclosing three a precinct containing one large and two smaller
sides of a rectangle, across the fourth side of temples; as at Aries the fourth side faces on to a
which ran one of the main streets of the town. street.'^

Each arm consisted of two parallel, barrel- About the religious architecture we are rather
vaulted corridors separated by massive stone better informed. Two of the best-known surviv-
piers carrying segmental arches, and the vaults ing monuments, the Maison Carree at Nimes
were lit by windows splayed downwards from [137] and the Temple of Augustus and Livia at

137. Nimes (Nemausus), Maison Carree, c.a.d. i-io


Vienne, were both official foundations, erected what must have been one of the most admired
during the Hfetime of Augustus, and both in buildings of its day, we have the same story all
design and in execution they are purely classical over again.
buildings. Both are hexastyle, standing on tall These officially inspired classical temples
podia, the former being pseudo-peripteral, the were only one side of the coin. If there were
latter peripteral sine postico in the Late Re- clear and powerful classicizing influences at
publican Roman manner. The direct contem- work from Italy, there was also a strain of
porary influence of the capital on the Maison vigorous Gallic conservatism which, as it came
Carree is evident in such details as the design of to acquire the means of monumental expression,

the Corinthian capitals and the channelled was to play an important part in the creation of a
masonry of the cella, both the work of an more specifically Gallo-Roman architecture.
architect who knew and had probably worked Apart from the formal establishment of such
on the Temple of Mars Ultor, while the official provincial and municipal cults as those of
handsome acanthus scrollwork of the frieze the emperor and the Capitoline triad, the
derives from that of the Ara Pacis. The temple romanization of religion was virtually limited to
at Vienne is slightly more provincial in its detail the easy assimilation of Roman names and
(e.g. in the profile of the column-bases, which attributes by local divinities, whose sanctuaries
are of the form that was current in Late continued to play a large and active part in the
Republican Italy and in the earliest monuments daily life of the native Gaulish population.
of Provence), but the overall design is once Many of these sanctuaries were in the open
again that of metropolitan Roman architecture countryside, associated with springs or other
in partibus}^ natural features. They often stood within or
At Narbonne we catch a vivid glimpse of the beside a large enclosure, suggestive of pil-
way such influence might be brought to bear. grimages or gatherings for popular festivals; and
The remains of the Capitolium indicate a very annexed to these enclosures were shops, covered
large temple (the linear dimensions of the halls, porticoes, inns, theatres, and other build-
ground plan, 158 by 108 feet; 48 by 36 m., are ings. The sanctuary of Sanxay (Vienne), in a
twice those of the Maison Carree), the effect of forest clearing twenty miles south-west of Poi-
size and height being deliberately enhanced by tiers, was a small town in itself.'** Another
its situation at the far end of a long, narrow striking example is the late-fourth-century pil-
enclosure surrounded by a double portico; the grim shrine of Nodens at Lydney in Gloucester-
superstructure was octastyle pseudoperipteral, shire, with its temple, its dormitory portico for
with a triple cella, and it was built throughout the sick, and its well appointed inn and bath-
of imported Carrara marble. The wreck of a building.
Roman ship has been identified off the coast of The actual temples vary in detail, but the
theFrench Riviera near Saint Tropez, the cargo basic form is remarkably constant and consists
of which consisted of roughed-out columns, of a square, circular, or octagonal tower-like
capitals, and other architectural members of cella with a single doorway and, in all but the
the same material and dimensions;'^ and since simplest, an external portico with a low roof
these are unparalleled elsewhere in Gaul or running right round the building. There are
Spain, there can be little doubt that this is a countless examples of such temples in Gaul,
shipment Narbonne that never reached its
to Britain, and the Rhineland, of all periods from
As we have already seen in the case
destination. the first to the fourth centuries A.D., and of every
of Augustan Rome, the introduction of new degree of elaboration, from simple rustic
materials and techniques almost inevitably chapels to great tribal or provincial sanctuaries.
meant the introduction of foreign craftsmen and The simpler ones continued to be built of
fresh artistic traditions. Here at Narbonne, in timber, the native material. At the other end of

138. Autun (Augustodunum), temple of square Celtic type known as 'the Temple of" Janus',
second century. Of the horizontal rows of holes, the larger carried the timbers of an outer gallery [cf. 139A]
and the smaller were for scaffolding

the scale we find such notable monuments as the (Vesunna Petrucoriorum), the cella of which
'Temple of Janus' at Autun, 43 feet (13 m.) high was a cylindrical tower of fine 'petit appareil'
and built of 'petit appareiP masonry with brick masonry, again with brick details. Both had
details [138], or the second-century Temple wide external porticoes and stood within monu-
of Vesunna, patron divinity of Perigueux mental rectangular enclosures.

In Provence, as one might expect, such native another water shrine, is a purely classical

temples disappeared early. Unfortunately we do building. In the Rhineland, on the other hand,
not know the original form of the shrine of the we have the Altbachtal sanctuary at Trier
spring-god, Nemausus, who gave his name to (Augusta Treverorum) [139A], which com-
Nimes; but the surviving Early Augustan prised no less than seventy temples, big and
temple of Vernegues (Bouches-du-Rhone), little, mostly square but a few circular, embrac-

139. Trier (Augusta Treverorum).

Plans and elevations of (a)Temple 38 in the Altbachtal sanctuary, second century;
(b) Temple of Lenus-Mars, in its latest, classicizing form, third century

ing with little apparent change the whole period centre of a rectangular, porticoed precinct, part
from the first to the fourth centuries. A similar of a larger enclosure, also porticoed, along one
conservatism is characteristic of many country side of which was a theatre, with a bath-building
areas, notably in northern Gaul and Britain. just beyond it. The temple itself was square, but
Elsewhere the progress of romanization brought it stood on a podium in the classical manner; it
changes. In the Augustan colony of Augusta had a small porch, half the width of the facade
Raurica, as we have seen, the temples of the and probably gabled; and each of the four faces
hilltop sanctuary of Schonbiihl were of native was elaborately carved with two angle-pilasters
type until replaced by a monumental classical and six half-columns, just as if this were a

structure at some date in the later second pseudo-peripteral classical temple. The whole
century. Such classical replacements must have was gaily coloured. Architecture and sculpture
been a great deal commoner than can now be alike, it represents a lively fusion of classical and
documented; the Temple of Lenus-Mars at native elements in the service of a simple but
Trier [139B] illustrates just such a development. vigorous provincial culture.
Hardly less frequent was the assimilation of The theatres of Gaul include some of the
classical and native types, of which must it earliest known examples outside Italy. Typo-
suffice to cite the examples of Perigueux and logically, if not in point of time, pride of place
Autun, already described, or even more strik- goes to that of Frejus, where it was only the
ingly the pilgrimage sanctuary (c. a.d. 200) of substructures of the cavea and of the fa9ade that
Champlieu, in the open countryside of the were of solid masonry ('petit appareiP), the
Forest of Compiegne, half-way between Senlis upper part being of timber and the columns of
and Soissons [140]. Here the temple stood in the the stage-building of stone, or timber, faced
with painted stucco. An inscription of Claudian
140. Champlieu, Gallo-Roman sanctuary, r. zoo. date found at Feurs (Loire), recording the
reconstruction in stone of an originally timber
theatre, suggests that many of the stone theatres
of Gaul may have had similar beginnings, that
of Frejus being unusual chiefly in that it was
never subsequently brought up to date. There
are, however, several stone theatres that are
almost certainly of Augustan or early Julio-
Claudian date. Much of the surviving sculptural
detail at Aries, for example, notably the mixed
Doric-Corinthian entablatures of the three ex-
ternal orders of the cavea, is undeniably early.

At Lyon the original form of the theatre is

unfortunately largely obscured by later alter-

ations [141], but the surviving column bases are
of a very distinctive type which went out of use
THEATRE in Rome well before the end of the first century
B.C. Few of these South French monuments are
closely dated epigraphically, but there is a

growing body of evidence to show that the

broad of the subsequent Early Imperial
^ lines

development were laid down under Augustus.

BATHS In terms of the stage-building this develop-
ment seems to have taken the form of an

141. Lyon (Lugdunum), theatre and odeion, or hall tor concerts and recitations.
Both are Hadrianic (117-38), the former enlarging and embellishing a building
of the end of the first century B.C.

evolution from simpler towards more complex Both at Vienne and at Orange [163B] the
forms, followed (but not before the second theatres were built up against steep rocky
century) by the substitution of marble for the hillsides and, contrary to the usual practice, the
original local materials. At Frejus the rear wall public had to reach its seats from above. That of
{scaenae frons) of the stage is simply a straight Vienne retains traces also of a common but
wall, the three symmetrical doors of which were rarely preserved feature of these theatres, the
framed in some way by a screen of columns. At curving portico at the head of the cavea, and,
Aries [142] the outer extremities of the wall are overlooking the cavea from the centre of this
straight, but the central door stands within a portico, there was a small temple, as in the
projecting porch at the back of a shallow, curved Theatre of Pompey Rome and in several of
exedra, as in the roughly contemporary theatre the North African theatres.'*' The theatre of
at Aosta. It is only at Orange and Vienne that we Orange is remarkable chiefly for the almost total
meet what was thereafter to be the standard preservation of the structure, though very little
monumental type in the provinces, in which the of the ornament, of the stage-building. The
central exedra matched by two others, often
is external appearance of the latter would have
rectangular, framing the two lateral doors and been lightened in antiquity by the monumental
creating the elaborate play of curving and portico that once stood against the base of it and
rectilinear, projecting and re-entrant features by the rhythmical repetition of the vertical
which is so characteristic and striking a feature staves that were contained in the two surviving
of Roman theatrical architecture [cf. 249]. series of brackets to support the awning {velum)

over the interior. But the range of blind arcad- use is demonstrated by that of the Flavian
ing that occupies the middle register is far too colony of Aventicum (Avenches), or again at

shallow to be effective, and the total effect is Xanten (Vetera), where the small earth-and-
decidedlv bleak. Here, as in manv other fields. timber amphitheatre of the Claudian fort was

142. Aries (Arclatc), amphitheatre, second half of the first century a.d. Beyond it lies the theatre

Roman architects had yet to produce an effec- replaced by the far larger timber construction
tive integration of the visual demands of interior on masonry footings which served the Trajanic
and exterior. colony. Of the stone-built structures by far the
Many of the early amphitheatres of Gaul best preserved are those of Aries [142] and
were, and in some cases they remained, largely Nimes [143], which resemble each other so
of timber, as in North Italy. The evidence for closely that they must be almost contemporary,
this comes mainly from the military zones; but that of Aries being perhaps the later by a decade
that they were by no means restricted to military or two. In the absence of any direct evidence of

date one can only compare them with the

monuments of the from which they bear

every indication of being closely derived. The

most significant and effective innovation upon
their Italian models was the introduction of a

repeated vertical accent by the carrying of the

projection of the pilasters and demi-columns of
the fa9ade straightup through the entire build-
ing, entablatures and all. This is not at all the

line of development followed in the roughly

contemporary amphitheatres at Verona and

Pola, but one can see something very like it in
the late-first-century forum at Brescia, and it
would appear to establish the two Proven9al
amphitheatres as later than the Colosseum,
where the overriding emphasis is still upon the
horizontal continuity of the four encircling
cornices. Both buildings should probably be
attributed to the Late Flavian or Trajanic
period. The no less clear reminiscence of the
Theatre of Marcellus in the vaulting of the
upper galleries must be an archaism, attribut-
able to the architect's lack of confidence in his
materials. It must be remembered that there
had been no technical advances in Gaul com-
parable to those that had recently taken place in
the concrete of the capital, a fact which helps to

explain the singular absence of monuments that

are obviously attributable to the later first

century. If it is at times tempting to label every

Early Imperial building in Gaul as Augustan,
this is in part at any rate because both the canons
of provincial architecture and taste and the
means of expressing them had been so firmly
and decisively established in the Augustan era.
Bath-buildings were another aspect of
Roman material civilization which, not surpris- 143. Nimes (Nemausus), amphitheatre,
ingly, had a great appeal in northern chmates, second half of the first century a.d.

and they spread rapidly and widely throughout

the northern provinces. It is unfortunate that, town and countryside, and although no two
apart from tantalizing fragments at Paris (in the plans are exactly alike one can distinguish two
Hotel de Cluny) and Poitiers (Limonum), the fairly consistent lines of formal development.
only major installations surviving in the great One of these, with a solid block of bath-rooms
cities are the somewhat uncharacteristic grouped irregularly along one side of an open
'Imperial'-type baths of Trier and Aries, which palaestra, derives from the same tradition as the

are described in a later chapter. But there are a baths of Pompeii, and no doubt it represents the
great many of the smaller public baths in both form in which Roman-style bathing first

reached Gaul.The other, which seems to be a The bath-buildings of this third group are
Gallo-Roman development, is distin-
peculiarly distinguished by the high proportion of rooms
guished by a straight axial sequence of frigi- with large central plunge-baths fed directly
darium, tepidarium, and caldarium, usually from the springs. Typical surviving or recorded
accompanied by a palaestra and often by one or examples are those of Evaux (Creuse), Royat
more circular rooms of varying purpose.^" A (Puy-de-D6me), Badenweiler in the Rhineland
third type, functionally distinct from the other [145c], and Les Fontaines Salees (Yonne, near
two, is that found in the numerous spas of Vezelay). At Amelie-les-Bains (Pyrenees-
Roman Gaul. Many of these took shape around Orientales) the plunges are accompanied by
sacred springs, and, like healing-sanctuaries small individual cubicles.


144. Bath-building at Saint Remy (Glanum). O 25m

Plans: (a) In its original form, second half of the first century B.C.;
(b) as reconstructed in the second half of the first century a.d.

throughout the Roman world, they offered a A good example of the 'Pompeian' type of
unique combination of religious, curative, and bath-building is to be seen at Glanum, built at
social amenities. In Britain the Temple of Sulis some date 45 B.C. and remodelled, with an
Minerva and the bathing establishments of Bath enlarged palaestra, in Flavian times [144]. At
(Aquae Sulis) were part of just such a complex. Saint Bertrand-de-Comminges, in Aquitania,


the North Baths [145A], though of second- afew of the more striking, we have the baths of
century date, still have much in common with Canac, just outside Rodez (Aveyron), which
the Central Baths at Pompeii [93], whereas the were developed symmetrically almost as if a
baths adjoining the forum are a good example of miniature version of the 'Imperial' type; at

the second type. The latter might be very Drevant (Cher) and at Verdes, near Beaugency
simple, as in the bath-building attached to the (Loir-et-Cher) [145B], both single bathing-
festival sanctuary of Champlieu, described suites with a number of supplementary features,
above [140], or it might be elaborated in a which again were developed symmetrically
number of ways, often of considerable architec- about the main block; and those of Vieil-Evreux
tural character and pretension. To mention only (Gisacum), in Normandy, and of Allonnes, near

"' '>

Ylf :J;
= 1 pr]h
= ^v.
J r

T—n— T r
C Caldarium

30m F Frigidarium 30m

S Services
T Tepidarium

145. Bath-buildings in Gaul and the Rhineland.

(a) North Baths at Saint Bertrand-de-Comminges (Lugdunum Convenarum), second century. Plan;
(b) Verdes, date uncertain (second century?). Plan; (c) Badenweiler, thermal baths,
original form of the buildings, probably first half of the second century. Restored view and plan

Le Mans, two schemes which incorporated a lated version of the arch at Aosta. The arch at

pair of separate but identical suites of bathing- Orange [147], long thought to be very early, is

rooms within a single large, symmetrical com- now known to be of Tiberian date (soon after

plex. One has only to compare such buildings A.D. 21).^^ Even so, it is the earliest surviving
with any comparable series of bath-buildings in triple arch to have been built as such (the
Asia Minor or North Africa (or indeed, after the Parthian Arch of Augustus in the Forum
initial stages, in Italy itself) to appreciate the Romanum is rightly characterized as three
individuality of this Gallo-Roman architecture. single arches placed side by side), and it is

The only other early group of public monu- remarkable for the virtuosity alike of its archit-
ments that calls for brief mention is that of the ectural forms (which, it must be remembered,
monumental arches of Provence, which are were designed to be viewed as the basis for a
closely related to those of northern Italy, differ- monumental group of statuary) and of the relief

ing chiefly in the generally greater wealth of carving with which it is covered. A feature that
their architectural forms and sculptural decor- deserves remark is the breaking back of the
ation. The earliest members of the series, at horizontal cornices of the pediments of the
Cavaillon (Cabelio) and at Carpentras (Carpento- tetrastyle fa9ades on the two ends, in a manner
rate), are followed closely (r. a.d. 10-20) by which is reminiscent of the painted architecture
that at Glanum [146], a more elaborately articu- of the Third Pompeian Style. ^^ A closely related

146. Saint Remy (Glanum), arch and monument of the Julii.

The arch dates from c. a.d. 10 20, the monument probably a little earlier
147- Orange (Arausio), monumental arch, built shortly after 21

monument is the Mausoleum of the Julii at excavations at Glanum and Vaison. Within their
Glanum [146]. The nearest parallels to the limitations- both were country towns of quite
architectural form, a four-way arch standing on modest importance - they afford a valuable
a tall, sculptured podium and crowned by a picture of middle-class domestic life in Gaul
circular pavilion with a conical roof, are again under the Early Empire. They are, moreover,
with Italy (Aquileia, Sarsina, Nettuno), whereas complementary, the former rooted in its own
the sculptured panels look as if they derive from strongly hellenistic traditions, the latter a small
some well-known Hellenistic painting.^^ Whether but prosperous tribal capital developing on lines
or not it is legitimate to see in this the con- which have much in common with Italian
tinuing influence of Massilia, the individuality practice. The houses of Glanum [133] are built
and skill of this distinctive school of sculpture around peristyle courtyards, as at Delos and like

offers yet another proof of the extraordinary the later houses at Pompeii; and although these
creative vigour ofAugustan Provence. are mostly so small as to resemble a columnar
For the domestic architecture in the early atrium, the resemblance is here at most one of
Gaulish towns we are virtually dependent on the assimilation, not of derivation. ^^ The atrium as

such was never common north of the Alps and, which in other respects too, with its somewhat
when found, is invariably of the developed, informal layout, large garden peristyles, and
columnar form. A good Gaulish example is that bathing suite, offers a vivid picture of a well-to-
of the House of the Silver Bust at Vaison [148], do Italianate town mansion of the later first

A Atrium
L Lavatory
p Peristvle

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148. Vaison-la-Romaine (Vasio), 1 f

House of the Silver Bust,
later first century. Plan


149. Vaison-la-Romaine (Vasio), street and streetside portico, later tirst century.
On the left the entrance to the House of the Silver Bust and, beyond it, a row of shops

century a.d. The shops along the street frontage painted plaster on the walls, window-glass,
and the streetside porticoes [149] are other com-
floors of concrete or mosaic, private or
typical features of Gallic city architecture that munal bath-buildings, mass-produced house-
have obvious ItaHan analogies. hold vessels of bronze, fine pottery, or glass,
Between the extremes of such wealthy man- and, pervading all, a degree of civic order which
sions and the simple one-room tabernae of the distinguishes the most modest of road-stations
artisan, such as we see clustered beside the main from the haphazard agglomerations of the pre-
streets of the roadside settlements of the Three Roman period.
Gauls, or in Britain at St Albans (Verulamium) Outside the towns romanization, though no
and at Silchester, there was a variety of detailed less thorough, was slower in coming. A few of
practice which defies brief analysis. The ma- the wealthy villas are demonstrably early,
terials and building techniques were local, among them being the great country mansion of
timber predominating in many areas, but over Chiragan on the upper Garonne, with its

all was spread with varying intensity the familiar astonishing series of marble portraits and other
veneer of Roman domestic life - tiled roofs. early sculpture, and the first-century residence
240 •

50 m
150. F'ishbourne, villa (possibly the residence of the last native king, Cogidubnus),
third quarter of the first century.. Plan

at Fishbourne, near Chichester [150]. At first, provincial civilization of the north-western

however, such wealthy country houses were the provinces.
product of special circumstances. Over most of The essence of the villa system in the
Gaul, Britain, and the Germanics the architec- provinces was that the house was not merely a
tural pattern of the Roman villa was one which country residence (as it had become in parts of
evolved slowly within the established social Central Italy); it was also the centre of a working
framework of town and country; and it was estate. One of the many startling results of the
because, in consequence, it was able to put systematic aerial survey of Roman sites in
down deep roots that it became one of the most Picardy undertaken by Roger Agache has been
individual and enduring aspects of the Romano- to reveal the extent and variety of the outbuild-

ings which regularly accompanied the residen- expect they reveal a wide variety of planning,
tial block, graphic evidence of the intensity of materials, and local historical circumstance. In

the agricultural economy of which they were the Britain, for example, much of the finest work
product. None of these is quite so large as the belongs to the fourth century, by which time in
great estate centre at Anthee, near Namur some other, more exposed parts of the northern
[15 1 a], the residence of which was, incidentally, frontier villa-building had virtually ceased. ^^
by no means exceptionally luxurious; but a But through all the variety of plans and styles

H Efl col jn |_^ ^ 7

izs ^ CO-, ni


150 m

151. Two Roman villas in northern Gaul,

second-third centuries.
In each case the smaller enclosure {left) represents
the residence and garden, and the outer enclosure
{right) the working farm buildings, (a) Anthee,
near Namur, evidently a large villa, the centre of an
intensively cultivated estate; (b) Cachy, near Amiens,
a typical small residential working farm

50 loom

number are of the same order of size, and the one can detect an architectural evolution which
pattern, that of a smaller, residential enclosure in its broad outlines is remarkably consistent,
at the head of a larger, working farmyard, ranges and which is the product of a long process of
all the way down the scale to what in later times mutual assimilation between native farming
would be considered a small manor house. A traditions and building practices and the more
good example of the latter is the villa of Les advanced material civilization of the south.
Champs Suzanne at Cachy, south-east of The earliest villas were simple, rectangular,
Amiens [1518].^^ A great many of these villas barn-like houses, normally timber-framed and
have been excavated and studied, notably in subdivided internally into living quarters, stor-
Britain and the Rhineland, and as one would age, and stabling. In many cases they can be

seen to have replaced even simpler pre-Roman [153]. From the corridor-villa with outhouses it

farmhouses, as in Britain, for example, at was a natural step to bring order into the
Lockleys, near Welwyn, and at Park Street, near complex by grouping the several buildings
St Albans, in Hertfordshire, and in the Rhine- round one or more courtyards, and from this
land atMayen and at Koln-Mijngersdorf. From point of view the courtyard-villa may be re-

such simple beginnings it was a short step to the garded simply as a corridor-villa writ large. At
addition of a linking portico or corridor along the same time, however, porticoes and court-
one long side and the progressive relegation of yards lent themselves to treatment in ways that
stabling, storage, and the other practical re- were quite specifically classical; and with the
quirements of the farm to separate buildings spread of such luxuries as window-glass, pain-
within the outer farm-enclosure; the corridor ted wall-plaster, mosaic pavements, and central
was commonly flanked by a pair of projecting heating, it is small wonder that one shquld find
rooms (one of which might house part of an an ever-increasing assimilation also of the exter-
added bath suite), and although this remained in nal forms and something of the planning of
essence a tradition of single-storeyed building, Mediterranean classical usage. One sees this, for
there was a growing tendency to add towers, example, in the great residential villa at Nennig,
cellars, and even partial second storeys. An early on the upper Mosel [154].^"^ The basic plan,
stage of this development, c. lOO, is well with two tower-like wings flanking a porticoed
illustrated at Ditchley, Oxfordshire [152] and, facade, stems from the local Romano-provincial
rather more elaborately, at Koln-Miingersdorf tradition; but the architectural detail, the two

152. Ditchley, Roman villa and its dependencies, set within a rectangular, ditched enclosure,
rcNcalcd b\ aii' photography, c. 100


153. Koln-Miingersdorf, villa, in its fully developed form,

third century. Restored view and plan


storeys of the frontal portico, the grouping of rooms, and an up-to-date new bathing suite.
the rooms of the main wing around internal At its best this was a domestic architecture of
peristyle courtyards, and the convergence of the considerable pretensions and some elegance,
whole scheme upon a great central triclinium, and it was rooted in standards of solid material
all of these represent the influence of more comfort which were not to be seen again in
directly classical ideas. At a less ambitious level Europe before the nineteenth century. These, it
one can see the same forces at work in a building should be remembered, were the country
such as the villa at Chedworth, in Gloucester- houses of the world of Ausonius and Sidonius
shire [155], which started in the early second ApoUinaris, the world within which the Visi-
century as three separate half-timbered wings gothic and Prankish chiefs acquired the far-
grouped around the head of a small valley, and from-negligible veneer of classical culture
which was only later developed into a single which they were to carry forward into the
unitary plan, with inner and outer courtyards, a Middle Ages.
large new triclinium, various other reception It will have been remarked that although


Britain and the Germanics were frontier pro- monumental architecture. Along the upper and
vinces, little or nothing has been said in this, or middle Danube, in the provinces of Noricum,
indeed in any other, chapter about military Pannonia, and Moesia, the architecture of the
architecture. The fact by comparison
is that, Roman age was essentially a provincial deriv-
with the hellenistic world and with Byzantium, ative of that of northern Italy, developed under
the Roman Empire added little to the science of the strong influence of the great legionary
military architecture as such. Works like fortresses and of the civil settlements that grew
Hadrian's Wall were essentially police barriers, up beside them. Along the lower Danube, in
the legionary and auxiliary fortresses of the Lower Moesia and northern Thrace, the army
frontiers police posts and supply bases directed was still an important factor, but here, apart
against an enemy who was dangerous only in the from the curious island of Latin speech which
open Along the eastern frontiers the
field. stillpersists in the modern Rumania, the classi-

potential threat was more sophisticated; but cal background was Greek. The eastern shores
although one might have expected the germs of of the Adriatic were another provincial exten-
later military thinking to have taken shape in sion of Italy, this time, however, with fewer
Syria, there is in fact remarkably little evidence military overtones. The one region which, to
of any such development. As late as the third judge from the vigour of its native pre-Roman
quarter of the third century the Aurelianic walls culture, might have thrown up a Romano-
of Rome or the roughly contemporary walls of provincial civilization with a distinctive per-
Nicaea, in Bithynia [18, 178],^^ show little sonality of its own was the trans-Danubian
effective advance on the best hellenistic work. province of Dacia, but here Roman rule was too
Architecturally the real significance of the short-lived for its results to come to full fruition.

military stations of the frontier zones was that Over most of the area the surviving monuments
they were centres for the dissemination of are rare, and it will here be possible to refer to a
Roman material culture and the outward forms few only of the more important sites and
of Roman life. As the garrison towns became buildings.
established on a permanent basis, there was Within the area of the upper Danube basin
inevitably an increasing interdependence be- the earliest stages of romanization are graphi-
tween the forms and practices of civil building cally illustrated by the excavations on the
and of the comparable branches of military Magdalensberg, ten miles north-east of Klagen-
building. A great many of the architects practis- furt, in Carinthia, the hilltop fortress capital of
ing in the frontier provincesmust have received the pre-Roman kingdom of Noricum and the
their training in the army. But the revival of first capital of the Roman province.^'' The forum
interest in military architecture as such was a is a long, narrow open space terraced into the
product of the crisis of the third century and steep southern slopes near the brow of the hill

belongs to the history of late antiquity. [156]. Here, scratched on the plastered walls of
the pre-conquest buildings, one can see the
records of the Italian traders from Aquileia and
the south whose activities did much to pave the
To the north and east of Italy lay the provinces way for the formal annexation of the kingdom in
of the Danube basin and the Balkans, an area 15 B.C. Adjoining theforum are a well equipped
populated then as now by peoples of widely bath-building; a complex with an audience hall
differing ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Out- heated in the Roman manner, which appears to
side the Greek colonies of the Black Sea coast have been the meeting-place of the provincial
and the cities along the northern fringes of assembly; and the porticoed precinct and sub-
mainland Greece itself this was a relatively structures of a large prostyle tetrastyle temple,
backward area, with no previous tradition of built in part of white marble from the recently

156. Magdalensberg, unfinished temple of Claudius and part of the forum.

The site was abandoned in 45 in favour of Virunum on the plain below

opened quarries on the Drau just above Villach. Danube. As happened everywhere along the
The temple was still under construction when, northern frontiers, from the Atlantic to the
town was abandoned in favour of
in A.D. 45, the Black Sea, the legionary and auxiliary fortresses
the more convenient site of Virunum on the w ere the inevitable focus of the local economy,
plain below. The forum of Virunum followed and alongside them grew up the civil settle-
more conventional lines; it was a large rect- ments which in the second and third centuries
angular enclosure of which the western part was were to become the established social and
occupied by the porticoed precinct of an official cultural centres of provincial life. Two of these
temple, the eastern half by a porticoed piazza frontier towns have been systematically exca-
with a long, narrow basilica at the east end, and vated, Aquincum, just above Budapest, and
the other two sides by ranges of small halls - a Carnuntum, twenty-five miles below Vienna.
layout clearly derivative from the same North The patterns are broadly similar - a loose, near-
Italian models as the early fora of Gaul and of rectangular network of paved streets separating
Dalmatia. rather large insulae, some neatly divided into
The Magdalensberg and Virunum lay in long narrow plots, others bearing evident traces
long-settled country just across the border from of development over a considerable period of
Italy. Over most of this region the decisive event time. Only in the centre was space at a premium,
was the advance of the Roman army to the and even here there is little or no trace of any tall

building. The third-century houses were soHdly of the influence of Mediterranean building
built, single-storeyed structures of stone and types. This was in every sense of the word a
timber, a recurrent type having the living rooms thoroughly provincial architecture.
opening oft' a central corridor behind a wide Two buildings call for brief individual men-
timber porch. The standards of comfort and tion. One is the civil amphitheatre at Carnun-
decoration derive from Rome: window-glass, tum, the extraordinarily irregular plan of which
painted wall-plaster and moulded stucco, an must be due to the piecemeal replacement in
occasional floor mosaic, and regularly one room masonry of what was originally an all-timber
with central heating; but apart from a single structure. The other is identified as the palace of
peristyle-house at Aquincum and near it a the provincial governor at Aquincum. ^"^
It was a
market building of Italian type, with shops rectangular, courtyard building, with round
around the four sides of a rectangular porticoed towers at the angles of the main, east fa9ade
courtyard (and of course such direct impor- [157]. Along the north side of the courtyard lay
tations as aqueducts, bath-buildings, and am- the private residence and bath-building, along
phitheatres), there is surprisingly little evidence the south side storerooms and workshops, and

157. Aquincum, ceremonial wing of the Governor's Palace,

mid second century. Plan

in the centre a small prostyle classical temple for theatre-like bouleuterion in the Greek tradition,
the imperial cult. The mosaic-paved state rooms while the second-century city wall, erected
opened off a corridor that ran the full length of between 170 and 180, was built of alternating
the east front, with in the centre a square bands of solid brick and of mortared rubble
audience hall and, to right and left, symmetrical faced with small coursed stones, upon a socle of
suites of heated rooms, each with an attached dressed stone masonry. Nicopolis-ad-Istrum,
latrine. There are obvious affinities here with near Velico Turnovo, founded by Trajan after
later palace design, a tradition which the re- 106, embodies the same mixture, this time,
Roman officials in the
sidences of the provinces however, preponderantly Greek with Roman
must have done much to shape. overtones. The forum, or agora [158], located at
Along the lower Danube Roman authority the intersection of the two main streets of a

was not fully established until the campaigns of tidily gridded layout, consisted of a square
Trajan in the early second century. Here the paved open space framed by Ionic porticoes and
Romans at first came to terms with, and then in flanked along the north side by a stoa-like
A.D. 46 they annexed, the kingdom of Thrace, a basilical hall and on the east and south sides by
kingdom which in many of the externals of its shops or offices; in the middle of the west side
way of life may be regarded as an outlier of the was a monumental entrance passageway, erec-
hellenistic world. Its architecture is best known ted between 146 and 161, set between a rect-
from the excavated site of Seuthopolis, 45 miles angular hall, identified by the excavators as a

north-east of Plovdiv, founded in the late fourth bouleuterion, and a small covered theatre, the
century B.C. and substantially abandoned after stone seats of which were carried on brick
less than a century of occupation. Apart from vaults.^" The covered theatre would have been
the royal palace enclosure, the remains are those well placed to serve also as an additional place of
of any outlying provincial hellenistic city, ortho- assembly for public business.
gonally planned, with strong city walls, an Space precludes any extended treatment of
agora, regular insulae, and large, well-appointed the many other important excavations in this
courtyard houses. The normal building ma- area. One can only mention the fine stadium at
terials were stone and mud brick, but kiln-baked Philippopolis (Plovdiv); Marcianopolis, another
brick was already known and used, notably in Trajanic foundation, 15 miles west of Odessos
the magnificent painted tumulus graves which (Varna), with the substructures of what was
are a more familiar aspect of this wealthy probably a wooden amphitheatre; the fine

Thraco-hellenistic society.^' Tmperial'-type bath-building at Odessos itself,

This was clearly a local tradition of some built probably soon after the city received a new
substance and, together with the old Greek aqueduct in 157; two large public bath-
colonies of the Black Sea coast, it must have buildings at Oescus, near Pleven; and several
been a far from negligible factor in shaping the mineral-spring establishments, notably one
patterns of urban culture that grew up in the near Stara Zagora (Augusta Traiana) [159] of
rear of the legionary fortresses along the lower which the dedicatory inscription gives the
Danube. Serdica (Sofia), with its orderly grid- names of several of the rooms. Among the many
ded plan, its rectangular circuit of walls (only at villasmay be mentioned that of Madara, a
one corner, where they skirted marshy ground, wealthy second-century peristyle villa that was
was the symmetry broken), its central forum occupied right through into Byzantine times;
and its rows of warehouses, patently reflects the Chatalka, a residential estate centre near Stara
predominantly western military planning tradi- Zagora, a complex which offers many points of
tion of legionary cities such as Ratiaria, Oescus, comparison with the similar Gallic villas; and
and Novae, although even here one notes the Ivailovgrad, near the Turkish frontier, notable
presence, beside the forum, of a covered. for its wealth of 'marble-style' sculpture and its

158. Nicopolis-ad-Istrum, agora, founded after 106

and nearing completion by the middle of the century

1 "i~r



50 m

mosaics. There are also several fine subter- ing among the latter was a 'marble-style' archi-
ranean mausolea, brick-vaulted and in some tecture of typically second-century Asia Minor
cases painted. This is unquestionably one of the type. The marble came from the quarries of
richest of the still relatively unfamiliar areas of Proconnesus (Marmara); and the carving of the
Roman provincial archaeology. ^^-^
capitals and other architectural members, freely
The other significant pre-Roman building copied in the excellent local limestones, is

tradition in this area was that of the old Greek indistinguishable from that of north-western
colonies of the Black Sea coast, and many Asia Minor - or indeed of Pamphylia, or
aspects of the architecture of the province reflect Tripolitania. At Nicopolis-ad-Istrum most of
its position as a meeting place between the the building is in the local Hotnitsa limestone,
forms introduced by the settlements that ac- but the repertory of architectural ornament is

companied the Roman armies of the Danube securely 'marble-style', or 'Asiatic', and there is

and those which were the result of the coastal an inscription recording the presence of a group
cities' long-established commercial and cultural of monumental masons (lithoxooi) from Nico-
tics with Asia Minor and the Aegean. Outstand- media in Bithynia. Among the many scattered

159. Stara Zagora (Augusta Traiana), thermal baths, 161-9.

A dedicatory inscription refers to a shrine to the Nymphs of the Spring,
a hot bath (loutrdn), two changing-rooms (apodyteria), and a frigidarium.
The conventional bath suite along the north side was added later


k\V\\\VVVV\\V^ V V^M.W.\\VV'vVV<<v

examples of the work of the Proconnesian it was from Thrace that it first entered the
marbleworkers at Costanza (Tomis) are the architecture of western Asia Minor in the
remains of a building dated to 161-2, and their second century a.d. as a vaulting medium. In a
influence can be seen as far inland as Philippo- great many respects the classical architecture of
polis and Oescus, and sporadically even further this region right down into Byzantine times may
afield. ^"^ Another significant link with the same be regarded as a lively provincial outlier of the
area is the use of a rubble-concrete masonry region of which Constantinople is the natural
faced with courses of small squared blocks of centre.
stone and laced with bands of coursed brick, The Roman architecture of the Illyrian coast
notably in a Severan bath-building at Histria reflects its geographical position no less clearly.
and in a fine harbourside warehouse-building, There is a persistent substratum of provincial
also Severan, at Costanza. As we have seen, late Greek building practice, represented by the

kiln-baked brick had a long history of architec- frequent remains of pre-Roman fortification
tural use in this area, both for walls and for walls and, more generally, by a fine tradition of
vaulting, and it is by no means improbable that cut-stone masonry. As one would expect, this is

Strongest as one approaches the modern Albania an amphitheatre and a large bath-building, are
and the Greek frontier. Upon this basis was overshadowed by those of the later, Christian
estabUshed a pattern of small-town Roman city and by Diocletian's residence near by at

municipal architecture, the surviving remains of Split (Spalato). The most distinctive of the
w hich indicate a close dependence upon North earlier buildings is a peristyle, tetrastyle temple,
Italy.Towards the north-western end, in Lib- the plan and ornament of which bear a signifi-

urnia, Aenona (Nin) has yielded a Capitolium cantly close resemblance to those of the Augus-
with tripartite cella, Asseria (near Benkovac) the tan temple at Pola.
remains of a handsome, elaborately articulated. The best preserved and best recorded re-

i6o. Asseria, archway-gate, 112. Restored view

Trajanic archway-gate [160J and a rectangular, mains from the south-eastern part of the terri-

porticoed forum with a long, narrow, aisleless tory are those of Doclea in Montenegro, near
basilica, and Zadar (Roman lader) a forum the Albanian frontier. These include a temple of
complex with a free-standing temple, transverse Diana, distyle in antis against the rear wall of a
street, and two-storeyed porticoes, all very square, porticoed enclosure; a second temple,
reminiscent of the forum at Augusta Raurica.^'' very similar but smaller and free-standing; a

The remains of Roman Salona, which include large public bath-building, of rectilinear design

throughout except for one or two apsidal exed- (and some imported marble) with the coursed,
rae; a peristyle-house; and a forum and basilica mortared rubblework faced with small squared
[161] laid out in accordance with the familiar blocks of stone which seems everywhere to have
North Italian pattern. The basilica is remark- been the local equivalent of the Roman opus
able for the use of arcading in place of the flat reticulatum and brick-faced concretes, and
architraves of normal classical practice in the which in this derives presumably from North
two transverse screens, an anticipation (if the Italy. The buildings were mostly timber-
Doclea building is rightly dated to the early roofed; but just across the border of Albania,
second century) of the monumental use of this at Butrinto (Roman Buthrotum), there is a

161. Doclea, forum and basilica,

early second century, with later modifications.

_H H_

feature both in Spalato and in the Severan shrine of Aesculapius with a vault of radially
buildings at Lepcis Magna. ^'^ The masonry of laid bricks, which must in the context reflect

the Doclea buildings is characteristic of this the influence of Asia Minor and of northern
whole region, alternating dressed local stone Greece.


CORINTH Greek equivalent of the Roman forum) on its

old site and with refurbishing the few earlier

Roman Greece was a poor country, rich only in buildings that were still standing, notably the
the memories of its own glorious past. Architec- main sanctuaries and the great fourth-century
turally its principal resources were its splendid South Stoa. It was only under Augustus that the
building materials and its fine traditions of city centre began to take on a more distinctive

craftsmanship, both in the handling of masonry shape; and since, thanks to the skill of its
and in the carving of architectural ornament. American excavators, we can follow most of the
Philhellene sentiment found sporadic outlet in essential features of its subsequent develop-
theendowment of Athens with some handsome ment, it is worth describing in some detail, not
new buildings. But for the rest it would almost only as a representative cross-section of the
certainly be true to say that in Roman times the architecture of Roman Greece, but also as a
architectural significance of Greece was felt as typical example of the sort of processes of
much outside its own boundaries as within growth and adjustment which lie behind the
them. One cannot, however, for that reason seeming monumental unity of so many of the
disregard the architecture of Roman Greece complexes of provincial Roman architecture
altogether. Not only was classical Greece the that have come down to us in other provinces.
ultimate source of a great deal that was still vital In hellenistic times the agora had been an
to the architecture of the West, but also it was irregularly shaped open space, some 500 feet in
still a source of contemporary inspiration; and length, delimitedon the south long side by the
the very fact that the native tradition had long great South Stoa and on the north side by the
ago lost its own initial impulse makes it easier Fountain of Peirene and by a second but smaller
here than in any other part of the hellertic world stoa, the North-west Stoa, built up against the
to detect the currents that were beginning to steeply scarped slopes of the hill that carried the
flow in the other direction, from west to east, Temple of Apollo. It was traversed obliquely by
and to distinguish between those elements in the the line of the road from Kenchreai to the port
contemporary architectural scene that were of Lechaion, and across the west end, terraced
little more than the conventional repetition of above it, ran the Sikyon road. The first act of the
traditional lessons and those that were new and new settlers was to rehabilitate the two stoas and
charged with significance for the future. the fountain, the town's chief water-supply; and
For a representative picture of Roman build- at thesame time, in place of the character-
ing outside Athens we are fortunate in possess- isticallyGreek informality of the gently sloping
ing an unusually full and carefully documented central area, to divide the site into two level
picture of the heart of Corinth, the capital of the terraces, of which the upper one seems from the
province of Achaea (southern Greece).^ Cor- outset to have been intended primarily to serve
inth, sacked and ruthlessly depopulated by the administrative requirements of the pro-
Mummius in 146 B.C., had been refounded in 44 vincial capital, leaving the lower one free for the
B.C. The period immediately following its re- ordinary day-to-day business of the city. As was
foundation was not one for ambitious building the normal practice, the agora was closed to
schemes, and the original colonists seem to have traffic. Its principal entry lay up steps from the
been content with re-establishing the agora (the Lechaion road.

The subsequent development of the site [162] along one side of the Lechaion road; the
The reign of Augustus saw
took place by stages. addition of a monumental forecourt to the
the first monumental layout of the Lechaion Fountain of Peirene; the building of the Julian
road and the adjoining basilica; the building of Basilica, closing the east end of the lower agora,
the Temple of Hermes (d) and the Pantheon (g), and of the South Basilica and the bouleuterion,
the first two of six temples which by a.d. 200 both opening off the South Stoa; the establish-
formed aij almost continuous row across the ment of a row of shops along the front of the

162. Corinth, agora,

first-second century.

west end of the lower agora; the addition of a terrace between the upper and the lower agora,
new and more ambitious facade to the Fountain with a monumental tribunal, or bema^ in the
of Peirene; and the beginning of the rebuilding centre, serving as an official platform for the
of the South Stoa and the addition to it of the appearance of the governor; the addition of one
first of a long series of administrative buildings. new temple (f) and the rebuilding of another (g)
The immediate successors of Augustus, Claud- along the western terrace; and, dominating the
ius in particular, were no less active. To this whole from the higher ground to the west, a
period belong the establishment of a portico large temple (e) which is probably to be iden-

tified as the Capitolium. In front of this last marble of the Capitolium and of the pronaos of
building, forming a low facade to the temple the Temple of Hermes (d); the building of a
precinct, was a row of shops (the West Shops) large new temple (c) and its enclosing col-
symmetrically disposed about a central pro- onnaded precinct beside the Sikyon road, just
pylon. To the same Early Imperial phase of above the historic fountain of Glauke; and the
building activity belong the Roman theatre (on building, near the theatre, of an odeion, or
the site of its Greek predecessor) and, just to the covered concert hall. During the second century
north of the Temple of Apollo, a market the irregular layout of the north side of the lower
building which was in the form of a rectangular agora was tidied up by the addition of an
peristyle enclosure with some forty shops open- elaborate columnar fa9ade (the Captives
ing off its four inner porticoes. Fa9ade) linking the North-west Shops to the
Most of this building was done in the local propylaea; a large bath-building and latrine
limestone {poros) and faced with fine stucco, were built beside the Lechaion road, north of
which as late as the middle of the first century the Peribolos of Apollo; more public offices and

A.D. were still monumental building

the normal a lavatory were added to the South Stoa; and the
materials at Corinth. There were, however, Fountain of Peirene was twice remodelled,
already significant signs of change. The Temple under Hadrian and again later in the century, on
of Tyche (f), a handsome tetrastyle Ionic both occasions with elaborate marble facings In
building, and the monument of Cnaeus Babbius the seventies of the century the odeion was
Philinas, a circular octastyle tempietto with a rebuilt by the Attic millionaire, Herodes
low conical roof, both date from the reign of Atticus. The last two decades of the century saw
Tiberius and both make liberal use of a blue the line of temples at the west end of the lower
marble and of white Attic marble for the finer agora completed by the addition of twin temples
work, the detail of the ornament in both cases (h and j), dedicated respectively to the emperor
clearly revealing the influence of the classical Commodus, personified as Hercules, and to
buildings of Athens, notably of the Erechtheion. Poseidon.
A few years later the Pantheon (g) was rebuilt By the year 200, then, not long after the
wholly or partly in x'\ttic marble. The bema is Greek traveller and writer Pausanias visited
another structure of which the marble detail Corinth and described monuments, the

harks back to earlier Attic models. centre of the city had assumed substantially the
Under the Flavian emperors there was a form which it was to retain with only minor
decided change. The year 77 was marked by a alterations throughout the later Empire. The
serious earthquake, which badly damaged many processes of building and rebuilding that have
of the older buildings. In the subsequent just been described are exceptional only in the
rebuilding of the city centre, marble was the detail in which they can be documented. The
material used regularly for the orders, for the same sort of thing was happening in innumer-
facing of wall-surfaces, and for all decorative able cities, large and small, up and down the
detail. To this phase belong the rebuilding and length of the Empire. We shall be glancing at

enlargement of the basilica beside the Lechaion another, Lepcis Magna in North Africa, in a
road, the construction of colonnades down both later chapter.^ If the Roman agora at Corinth
sides of the street itself, and the building of the had a certain logic and coherence, it was
shops and of the peristyle courtyard (the 'Peri- because, despite all changes of materials, style,

bolos of Apollo') across the street from the and architectural usage, the original plan was
basilica, and of the monumental archway at the soundly conceived, and because the successive
point where it entered the agora; the replace- additions to it were all made within the frame-
ment of the old North-west Stoa by a line of work of a single developing, but fundamentally
concrete-vaulted shops; the rebuilding in conservative, tradition.

The basis of this tradition was Greek. We see traditions, but one has also to remember the
this in the building materials and techniques. extent to which the two traditions had already
Concrete makes only a limited and grudging met and merged."^
appearance, and then chiefly in contexts which That the early architecture of Corinth did
more or less directly derive from Late Re- incorporate elements derived directly from Italy
publican and Early Imperial Italy in the cores is abundantly clear. Reticulate masonry, a rarity

of the temple podia, in the substructures of the in Greece, appears in a mausoleum beside the
theatre and odeion, in the vaulting of the North- Kenchreai road. The limited use of concrete has
west Shops, and in the second-century Baths of already been noted. Italian precedents pre-
Eurykles. We see it again in the decorative detail sumably determined the use of the Tuscan
and in the continued use, throughout the first order in the original poros temple of Hermes, as
century, of the Ionic and of an evolved Doric well as the form of the Augustan facade of
order, with direct Attic influence still clearly Peirene, with its engaged Doric order framing a
manifest. Above all we see the native Greek row of arches and carrying an engaged upper,
heritage in the planning, orderly but flexible, Ionic order. More generally one can detect the
balanced but never giving way to the demands influence of Rome in the paving of the agora in

of an over-rigid symmetry. The organization of marble-^ and in the predominance of certain

the commercial quarters in particular is charac- stereotyped architectural forms, such as that of
teristically Greek. The formal grouping of the the temple set on a tall podium, with steps on
shops in orderly units stems straight from the the front only, instead of the uniformly-stepped
tradition of the great hellenistic stoas. This is krepis of the ordinary Greek temple - contrast-
neither the dense concentration of the bazaar ing types of which the Temple of Tyche offers
quarters of the Orient (as we see it, for example, an early and rare conflation. To the same
at Dura, in Syria), ^ nor the haphazard mingling category of Roman architectural innovations
of shops and houses characteristic of so much of one may assign the several bath-buildings, one
Pompeii, of Ostia, and (as we know from the of the most popular and widespread of Western
Severan marble plan) of Rome itself. This is importations to the hellenistic East, and the as
Greek planning, although - an important res- yet unexplored, third-century (?) amphitheatre,
ervation - the immediate antecedents of some of a type of building which was, by contrast,
it may well lie in hellenized South Italy rather always something of a rarity in the Greek-
than in Greece itself. The formal precedents for speaking world.
the North Market at Corinth, for example, go Two of these typically Roman building types,
right back to buildings such as the late-fourth- the basilica and the theatre, are worth describ-
century B.C. porticoed market square behind the ing and discussing in rather greater detail.

North Stoa along the harbour front at Miletus; Although the actual remains of these buildings
but it is to Campania and Magna Graecia (at are not particularly well preserved at Corinth,
Pompeii, and already in the second century B.C. the archaeological documentation is unusually
at Morgantina in Sicily) that one looks for clear. Their architectural history will serve to
parallels in the immediately preceding period. illustrate many features that are liable to recur
From South Italy such market buildings had wherever buildings of this sort are found in the

already spread to Rome itself and to North eastern half of the Empire.
Africa (at Lepcis Magna as early as 8 B.C.), and Of the two, the basilica is in the context the
this may very well also be the immediate source less important, since such buildings were never
of the North Market at Corinth and, in Athens, common in the Roman East.^ The fact that

of the Market of Caesar and Augustus. In such Corinth possesses no less than three is as clear

matters it is natural and proper to compare and evidence as one could wish of the strength of the
to contrast the Greek and Roman architectural Italian influences at work under the Earlv

Empire. The earliest and architecturally the part of the Empire, by the subsequent in-

most important of the three is that built towards teraction of the Roman and native traditions,
the end of the first century B.C. beside the they are in fact clear enough in their broad
Lechaion road. The elongated plan [162], with outlines [163].
its ambulatory colonnade and its entrance and

tribunal at the two ends of the long axis, clearly

relates it to the basilica at Pompeii and no less

clearly distinguishes it from the contemporary

basilicas of Rome and Central Italy, which were
regularly laid out parallel to, and in very close
association with, the adjoining forum. The
latter was the disposition adopted by the ba-
silicas of Ephesus and of Smyrna, of Berytus in
Syria, and of Cyrene, in all of which the facade
towards the adjoining open space consists, in the
Roman manner, of a colonnade. In this respect
(as indeed in a great many others) it was the stoa
that was the normal East Roman equivalent of
the Western basilica. The Lechaion road build-
ing is of interest, therefore, as illustrating the
very close links that united the newly refounded
city with Campania and southern Italy. This
type of basilica seems, on the other hand, to
have had little influence on later architecture
elsewhere in the Roman East. At Corinth itself

two more basilicas were added some fifty years

after the first, both of which adopt the com-

moner transverse layout. Since, however, they

differ markedly from those of the capital in

being architecturally independent entities, ac-

cessible only up a tall flight of steps and through 163. Typical Greek and Roman theatres. Plans.

a single door, they may perhaps be regarded as (a) Epidaurus, mid fourth century B.C.;

somewhat eccentric local variants of the parent

(b) Orange (Arausio), first century a.d.

The Roman theatre at Corinth occupied the One of the basic differences between the
same natural sloping site as its Greek prede- Greek and the Roman theatres lay in the
cessor, but unlike, for example, that of Roman relationship between the seating and the stage-
Ephesus it was a completely new building. The building. In the former the 'orchestra' {or-
superimposition of the two structures does, chaestra) still retained its originally circular
however, serve some of the main
to illustrate shape, except for that part of it which might be
differences between the Greek and the Roman encroached upon by the stage, and the seating
theatre. These differences were well sum- {koilon, Latin cavea) enclosed substantially
marized by Vitruvius, writing in the early more than half of the circle so described; the two
twenties of the and although
first century B.C.; lateral entrances to the orchestra (parodoi) were
in by the historical
practice often obscured open passages and met at an obtuse angle,
development of the Roman from the hellenistic separating the seating from the stage-building.
theatre and, particularly in the Greek-speaking In the Roman theatre orchestra and seating

were both semicircular, and the pa^odoi, now {scaenae frons) was heightened and given an
vaulted and known as confoniicationes, faced elaborately articulated decoration of super-
each other directly across the front of the stage imposed columnar orders framing three sym-
and carried an extension of the seating across to metrically placed doorways and constituting a
meet two lateral projections of the stage- formal backdrop; and the whole stage was
building. This important development had covered with a timber roof, which sloped
already taken place when the Large Theatre at forwards and upwards from the summit of the
Pompeii was rebuilt, soon after 80 B.C., and scaenae frons and was supported at either end
thereafter in the typical Roman theatre stage by the parascaenia. The formula was in detail
and seating were part of a single, organically capable of widely varying interpretation; but a
planned structure, enclosed within a single glance at the three best-preserved of the in-
continuous perimeter.''' numerable theatres of the Roman world, at

A second and hardly less fundamental differ- Orange [163B], at Aspendos [197], and at

ence between the Greek and the Roman theatre Sabratha [249], will suffice to show that these
lay in the size and elaboration of the stage- were variations on a single, immediately rec-
building. There is much that is still con- ognizable theme. Another feature that distin-
troversial about the exact nature and chronology guishes the Greek from the Roman theatre is the
of the transition from one to the other; but since provision of shelter for the audience between
on any reckoning this took place in Republican performances, or in the case of rain. In the
times, it need not here be discussed further, Greek theatre this novelty took the form of a
beyond remarking that the context of the separate building (e.g the Stoa of Eumenes at

development was one that was not limited to Athens). In the Roman theatre colonnades were
Italy but was widely manifest also in the late very commonly incorporated as organic ele-
hellenistic architecture of the eastern Mediter- ments of the design, in the shape either of a
ranean. This is an important reservation when roofed ambulatory round the top of the cavea
one comes to consider the impact of the Roman {port it us in summa cavea) [197] or of a col-
theatreon the provinces of the Roman East; but onnaded court behind the scaena {porticus post
even if it means that the Roman contribution scaenam) [74], or both [e.g. 247a].^
consisted primarily in giving formal shape and The subsequent evolution of the Roman
direction to tendencies that were in themselves theatre, though in detail complex, is in its broad
of considerably wider application, there can be outlines simple enough. It may be said to

no doubt of the distinctively and unmistakably develop along two main lines, both of which are
Roman character of the finished product. The well illustrated by the remains at Corinth.
classical Greek and earlier hellenistic theatres Formally it was the stage-building that was
had seen the introduction of substantial stage- the centre of architectural interest. In this

buildings, but these were independent struc- respect, it is customary to classify the stage-

tures, consisting essentially of a rectangular buildings of the Roman world as belonging to an

building {skene, Latin scaena) placed tangen- 'Eastern' or to a 'Western' group, of which the
tially to the theoretical circumference of the former is distinguished by its continued em-
orchestra; in front of it, projecting forward from phasis upon the rectilinear facade of the stage-

the scaena between two rectangular wings building, articulated about its three monu-
{paraskenia), was the stage itself, upon which mental entrances and variously enriched with
part, but part only, of the action took place. columnar aediculae or continuous orders, where-
Now, in the Roman version, besides the linking as the latter is developed in depth, with an
of the stage-building to the cavea, the stage itself elaborate alternation of re-entrant and project-
was deepened and raised, cutting off a part of ing features, which tends increasingly to throw
the orchestra; the facade of the stage-building emphasis upon the decorative screen at the

expense of the wall behind it. The choice of three deep, curved re-entrants, framing in
terms to indicate this difference is not a happy reverse a pair of apsidal exedrae that open off" the

one, since (to quote only the most glaring portico beyond, the stage-building is little more
exception) the theatres of Roman Syria are than a slender supporting background for the
almost exclusively of the so-called 'Western' columnar screen. At the other end of the scale
type. Provided, however, that one makes full stands the approximately contemporary (Had-
allowance for the complex interaction of what rianic) but in many respects extremely con-
were, after all, two closely related and con- servative theatre at Stobi in Macedonia [164].^

tinuously developing branches of a single tradi- 164. Stobi, theatre, second century a.d.

tion, the classification itself, which is well Restored view of stage building and plan

exemplified in the difference between the the-

atres of Aspendos and of Sabratha, is sound
enough. The distinction seems to lie between
those provinces (Greece and Asia Minor) which
had a long and essentially Greek theatrical
tradition of their own, and those which derived
their theatrical architecture mainly from south-
ern Italy and from Rome. In this respect the

theatre at Corinth clearly reflects its many

western contacts. The remains of the Augustan
stage-building are rather scanty, but the form of
the second-century marble scaenae frons can be
reconstructed almost in its entirety. With its

Here not only did the seating occupy a segment For more cultured tastes there were still the
of well over 180 degrees, in the Greek manner, small covered theatres, or odeia^ which were
but it was still separated by open parodoi from used for readings, lectures, and concerts, and
the stage-building, and the facade of the latter which were commonly, as at Corinth, closely

consisted of little more than a straight wall with linked architecturally with their larger neigh-
five equally spaced doors framed between a bours of conventional, open design - at Athens,
uniform series of simple bi-columnar aediculae. for example, at Naples and Pompeii, Lyon at

The other principal line of development [141], at Vienne, and at Syllion in PamphyHa. In
within the Roman period was one of function. plan many of these odeia (e.g. in Greece at
The standards of theatrical spectacle were Nicopolis and at Buthrotum) were simply the-
everywhere declining. Already in the first cen- atres in miniature; in others, as at Pompeii, at

tury there are literary references to the staging Epidauros, and at Termessos in Asia Minor, the
of gladiatorial contests in theatres, and during curved seating was enclosed within a rect-
the second and third centuries a great many angular outer wall, which carried the roof. This
theatres were in fact adapted to serve these and latter form closely resembles, and may well
similar purposes, particularly in the eastern half derive from, such hellenistic buildings as the
of the Empire, where amphitheatres were ex- boideutenon, or council hall, of Miletus. At
ceptional. At Corinth the adaptation dates from Gortyna in Crete a circular bouleuterion was in
the early third century and took the form of fact converted into an odeion, and many of the
cutting back the stage and the front rows of so-called odeia of the Greek-speaking world
seating to form an arena, with a high surround- (e.g. at Aphrodisias and Ephesus, or at Ptole-

ing wall to protect the spectators and with mais in Cyrenaica) may well in fact have been
openings for the introduction of the wild beasts bouleuteria, or even have done double duty as
used in the ever-popular hunting displays. places of civic assembly and of cultural en-
Another and unusually well preserved example tertainment. Limitations of size alone prevented
of such a transformation can be seen at Cyrene. the roofed rectangular form from being more
The Hadrianic theatre at Stobi, referred to in widely adopted in northern climates, as it was at

the previous paragraph, was actually built to Aosta [102]. The largest known building of the
serve the double purpose, with an arena which sort is at Athens, built by Herodes Atticus, who
could, when required, be converted by the was responsible also for rebuilding the odeion at.

addition of a temporary wooden stage. This Corinth. This was a building of ordinary
tendency was not confined to the East. At the theatrical shape, seating some 3,000 spectators.
other end of the Roman world small theatre- As was customary in odeia, the stage-building
amphitheatres are characteristic also of the was of simple, severely rectangular design. After
remoter parts of Belgic Gaul and of Britain.'" a fire in the early third century it, too, was
Later again, the arena of Corinth was con- converted into a miniature arena.
verted into a colymbethra, a tank for aquatic To conclude this picture of the monuments
displays. The practice is thought to have origi- of Roman Corinth, it may be noted that the
nated in the East, where there is evidence for external influences, though predominantly Ital-
some such installation at Daphni, the fashion- ian, did not all come from the West. The formal
able suburb of Antioch, as early as the be- colonnading of the Lechaion road early in the

ginning of the second century. It achieved first century a.d. almost certainly reflects the

widespread popularity - and notoriety - in late city's commercial activities in the Levant. By
antiquity. The theatre at Ostia is one of many the second and third centuries this striking
that were converted to such purposes. The well- architectural form had become almost as com-
known 'bikini' girls of the Piazza Armerina mon in Asia Minor as it was in Syria, but at this

mosaics presumably represent performers. early date it was only in the cities of coastal Syria

that one would have found the necessary philhellene emperors and private citizens might
models. The flourishing architecture of Roman endow her with new and splendid buildings; but
Asia Minor does in fact seem to have had there were no living traditions other than those
surprisingly little impact upon that of Corinth. of an ever-lively intellectual curiosity and of a

A possible exception is the Captives Fa9ade, a craftsmanship which was equally at home in

scenic columnar facade which was designed to moving a venerable monument, block by block,
bridge an awkward hiatus in the northern from one site to another, in turning out re-
frontage of the lower agora, and which may have productions of old masters or decorative sculp-
served as a background for dramatic perfor- ture in the classical manner, or in producing
mances in the agora.'' Even in this instance, the magnificent (and within its limited range
however, the fact that four of the columns of strikingly original) series of Attic figured sarco-
the upper facade were replaced by caryatid phagi.
figures, a recurrent and typically Attic motif, Against such a background of impoverished
suggests that the immediate inspiration may versatility it is not altogether surprising that the
have lain nearer home, and only at second-hand monuments of Roman Athens should present a
in the cities of western Asia Minor, where this bewildering variety of faces. If we except the
type of decorative columnar screen was first activities of such Roman architects as the
developed. Decimus Cossutius who was called in when
Antiochus Epiphanes between 174 and 164 B.C.
undertook the construction of the Olympieion,
the great Temple of Olympian Zeus, the Roman
It was in such relatively new foundations, or series begins, characteristically, with the muni-
refoundations, as Corinth that the springs of ficence of a Roman private citizen, Appius
provincial life still flowed. Athens by contrast Claudius Pulcher, friend and correspondent of
was a backwater. She had suffered grievously in Cicero, who between 50 and 48 B.C. gave money
the sack of 86 B.C. and during the Civil Wars, for the building of the Inner Propylaea at the

and did not revive fully until the time of sanctuary of Eleusis. This, with its mixed Doric
Hadrian.'^ Moreover, even had she wished to do and Ionic Order, its beautifully carved, figured
so, she could never escape from the shadow of Corinthian capitals [165], and, on the inner face,
herown rich past. Students from all over the its caryatid maidens copied from those of the

Roman world might flock to her university; Erechtheion, was a little masterpiece of in-

^ 165. Eleusis, figured Corinthian capital

from the Inner Propylaea, c. 50 40 B.C.


ventive eclecticism. Roughly contemporary (the lotus-and-acanthus capitals of which were

exact date is disputed) is the 'Tower of the copied and re-copied right through Christian
Winds' [166, 1 67 the elegant octagonal monu-
1, times and survived to inspire a further long
ment built to house the water-clock, or Horo- series of copies in neo-classical England and
logcion, of Andronicus of Cyrrhus, the graceful Scotland. To the same sjenre of monuments

belonged the little Temple of Rome and Augus- the two shorter sides of which opened individual
tus on the acropolis. This was a small circular shops, as at Corinth, and off the two longer sides
building, little more than a tempietto, and it too inner porticoes which were designed to shelter
drew freely on the decorative detail of the temporary stalls. Incorporated into the south
Erechtheion. The extraordinary influence of the portico was a fountain-building, and just out-
latter building upon the architectural ornament side the east entrance lay the offices of the
of the Augustan Age may in part be explained presiding market official, a large public lava-

by the fact that it had recently had to undergo a tory, and the Tower of the Winds. The main
substantial restoration after a fire. Its ornament entrance, off-axis on the short, west side, faced
was part of the repertory familiar to the Attic the Agora, and consisted of a conventional
craftsmen of the day.'-^ Doric tetrastyle propylon, much of the detail of
Beside these buildings, which illustrate at its which was obviously inspired by fifth-century
best the characteristically Attic mixture of classical models. From this, and from the use of

antiquarianism and inventiveness, the Market certain archaizing structural devices, it seems
of Caesar and Augustus was a rather prosaic very likely that some of the workmen had been
employed in transporting and reassembling on a

new site in the Agora the fifth-century B.C.

O 5m
Temple of Ares from Acharnai in northern
Attica. There are at least two other well attested
examples of this practice about this date, ele-

ments of the temples of Athena at Sounion and

of Demeter at Thorikos being used for making
the porches of new^ temples in the Agora.
Nothing could better illustrate the cult of the
classical in Athens of the Early Roman period,

or the economies to which the city was driven by

its poverty.
Unquestionably the most original and impor-
tant monument of the Augustan period was the
great odeion built as an adjunct to the Gym-
nasium of Ptolemy by Agrippa, about 15 B.C., on
a dominating site in the middle of the south side
of the Agora, overlooking the Panathenaic Way
[168].'^ From the outside it consisted essentially
of a lofty rectangular, gabled hall, towering
above the sloping roof of a concentric outer
structure, of which three sides were occupied by
an outward-facing gallery and the fourth, to-
wards the north and at a lower level owing to the
166 (opposite) and 167. Athens, Tower of the Winds, slope of the ground, by the rectangular stage-
or Horologeion of Andronicus, towards the middle
building. The main entrance to the seating and
of the first century B.C., with plan
to the gallery lay at the south end, at gallery
building. ^^ Built from money given by Julius level; a small porch in the middle of the north
Caesar and Augustus and dedicated between 12 side gave independent access to the stage-
and 2 B.C., it consisted of a paved rectangular building. Except for a shallow lobby at the south
piazza, some 270 by 225 feet (82 by 69 m.), end the entire central structure was occupied by
enclosed on all four sides by Ionic porticoes, off the seating and stage of the lecture hall, which

i68. Athens, Odeion of Agrippa, r. 15 B.C.

Axonometric and restored views ,^

was almost exactly square (82 teet; 25 m.) and pitched at an unusually shallow angle so that the
only very slightly less (76 feet; 23 m.) from back row fell level with the floor of the lobby and
orchestra to ceiling. The stage was narrow and the outer gallery. When full it seated about
severely rectilinear, and the orchestra and seat- 1,000 spectators. Except for whatever statuary
ing gently segmental in plan, the latter being there may have been and for the painted stucco

of the walls, decoration seems to have been inner colonnade of the same lotus-and-acanthus
concentrated on the stage front and orchestra, form as those of the Tower of the Winds. There
both of which were elaborately treated in were presumably rectangular windows in the
polychrome marble; the carved ornament of the curtain wall between the pilasters, but the bulk
former once again reflects the classicizing tastes of the light came, most effectively, from behind
of the day, being copied straight from fifth- and above the spectators, through the col-
century models. onnades and so forwards and downwards to-
Above the level of the gallery roof the walls of wards the stage.
the odeion were treated, both internally and Although completely out of scale with its
externally, as an almost independent structure. setting, this was by any standards an impressive
Along three sides the roof was carried on a series building, and to the Athenians who watched it
of massive rectangular piers, which projected going up there was much about it that must have
inwards and outwards from a comparatively seemed very strange. The workmanship and
thin curtain wall to form the pilasters of a detail were unmistakably Attic, but for the

Corinthian order, eight along the north fa9ade building itself there were no local precedents.
and ten along the east and west sides. Along the The restoration of the historic Odeion of Peri-
south facade and above the partition wall kles some fifty years earlier'^ had been carried
between hall and lobby there were, instead, out on traditional lines; and although we know
open colonnades, each consisting of six columns all too little about it, we do know that it was

placed between the two corresponding piers of notoriously bad for vision on account of the
the outer walls; the capitals of the outer col- many supports for its tent-like roof. Agrippa's
onnade were Corinthian [169], those of the Odeion did have a great deal in common with a

building such as the second-century B.C. Bou-

leuterion at Miletus, notably in its division both
169. Athens, Odeion of Agrippa, internally and externally into two storeys and in
c. 15 B.C. Capital
its external treatment of the upper storey as a
virtually independent unit, with an engaged
classical order of its own; but even at Miletus
the roof was supported by uprights, with an
open central span of only 50 feet. The only
comparable buildings at this date were in Italy.

In particular, the Covered Theatre at Pompeii,

with a span of 90 feet (27.60 m.), offers so many
points of resemblance that it is hard to believe
that the architect of Agrippa's Odeion did not
have it, or some building very much like it, in
mind when planning hisown building. Another
Italian building with which the odeion presents
a certain analogy is the Basilica Aemilia, with its

external galleries that seem to have been de-

signed primarily for the viewing of spectacles in
the adjoining forum. The siting, too, a dominat-
ing mass set axially at one end of a large open
space, follows a typically Italian pattern and one
that had few, if any, precedents among the more
freely grouped monuments of classical and
hellenistic Greece. The elaborate use of poly-

chrome marbling is yet another detail that contribution. To the resulting urban expansion
suggests contemporary Western contacts. The Hadrian gave shape by building an aqueduct
Odeion of Agrippa was an intruder to Athens, and formally adding a whole new quarter to the
the broadly late hellenistic architectural lan- east of the old city. The many remains of private
guage of which was strongly coloured by the houses, bath-buildings, and gymnasia that have
recent Italo-hellenistic experience of south- been recorded in this area show that Hadrian's
central Italy. was no mere empty The principal

In an earlier chapter'^ we have already noted monument within it was the Olympieion, which
the many motifs in the architectural ornament was now finally completed and dedicated in 132,
of Augustan Rome which appear to be derived some 700 years after the project was first

directly from Attica, motifs which include not conceived by Peisistratus and 300 after it was
only revivals from the great monuments of the redesigned by Cossutius on lines that were
past, notably from the Erechtheion, but also followed with very little change in the finished
derivations from such near-contemporary building. In the ancient world such projects, if

masterpieces as the figured capitals of Eleusis. they were not brought rapidly to completion,
The fact that a few years earlier Agrippa had were apt to hang fire, sometimes for decades,*
been intimately concerned with the largest sometimes Didy-
for centuries (one recalls the

building project of contemporary Athens does maion near Miletus, begun by Alexander the
much to explain this phenomenon and indicates Great and finally completed by Caligula), and
how readily men and ideas were passing be- they must have been an important factor in
tween the two cities. It also shows that this was a ensuring the continued vitality of traditional
two-way traffic The flow of materials and
. building practices and motifs.
craftsmanship from east to west was matched by The other surviving early-second-century
a flow^ of architectural ideas from west to east. It monument of the new quarter, the arch which
is the former of which the results are the more divided the new from the old city [170],^' is one
immediately distinctive and which tend, there- of those singular creations which do not fit

fore, to attract more notice. It is the latter, on neatly into any category. A product of much the
the other hand, which were the more important same mixture of conservative taste and in-
in the long run, and which constitute the tellectual curiosity as is embodied in the Inner
essential element in the gradual romanization of Propylaea at Eleusis, its curious proportions do
the architecture of the hellenistic East. not make sense until one restores to it mentally,
During the greater part of the first century not only the statues (presumably of Theseus and
A.D. there was little building of importance in Hadrian) which stood in the central aediculae of
Athens. The only substantial exception was the the upper order, but also the strong vertical
rebuilding of the Theatre of Dionysus under accent of the columns that flanked the lower
Nero, between 54 and 61. The form of the archway, standing on independent pedestals
seating was left untouched on this occasion; and and bracketed out from the entablature, in

although the stage-building was modernized, obvious imitation of those of the fa9ade of
this seems to have been on very conservative, Hadrian's Library [171, 172]. The scheme is

strictly rectilinear lines, the scaenae frons prob- then revealed as an elaborate interplay between
ably closely resembling that of the theatre at two superimposed architectural schemes, on the
Stobi I164I.''' one hand the projecting columns, which are
The second and early third centuries were, by made seem to carry the architectural frame-
contrast, a period of relative prosperity, a work of the upper storey, and on the other the
prosperity to which the exportation of fine deliberately muted structure of the arch proper.
building materials and Attic architectural The effect is enhanced by the deliberate dis-
craftsmanship continued to make an important placement of the one relative to the other. The

intention was akin to, though more elegantly

contrived than, that of the great fountain-
building at Miletus [192]. It betrays the working
of thoroughly baroque mentality operating

within the conventions of a rather formal

The Stoa and Library of Hadrian occupied a
rectangular site adjoining, and of roughly the
same dimensions as, the Market of Caesar and
Augustus. ^^ In plan it was a very close copy of
Vespasian's Templum Pacis in Rome, a por-
ticoed garden enclosure symmetrical about the
longer axis, with a range of large rooms along
the side facing the single entrance and with
small exedrae opening off the porticoes of the
two long sides; a long pool ran down the centre
of the garden. The only difference of substance
from the parent building was that the principal
room, being a library, not a temple, did not call
for the gabled pronaos that breaks the line of the
inner portico of the Templum Pacis. The
facade, of which the left half and one column of
the tetrastyle central porch are preserved to
cornice height [172], was an extended and in
detail simplified version of that of which part is

still standing in the Forum Transitorium. One

must envisage it crowned by a plain attic serving
as a background for a row of statues placed

above the columns. In

^^^^ illustrates a nice

detail it

WW y^^ \
balance of influences. The
umns from Euboea and the hundred columns of
green cipollino col-

Phrygian pavonazzetto which once carried the

inner porticoes belong, as does the idea of an
almost free-standing columnar screen, to the

1 1 architecture of contemporary
the raising of the order on a base, to give added
height, with the difference, however, that the
Rome. So does

J ^^ ^'
1 \.
base here is not an engaged plinth but a free-
standing pedestal, a device which was already
widely popular in the Roman East but which
was found only sporadically in the West before
Christian times. The decorative drafting of the
masonry is another convention which had only a
limited vogue in Early Imperial Rome,^^ but

170 (ro/)) and 171. Athens, Arch of Hadrian,

which was at home in Asia Minor. Very little of
probably erected in 131, view from the east all this was native to Athens, any more than it

and restored elevation was to Lepcis Magna, where we shall be

270 •

[72. Athens, part of the tayade ot" the Library ot Hadrian, 132

meeting the same scheme in slightly developed familiar forms that this mid-second-century
form some seventy years later. ^"^ The signifi- Greek architecture was most at home.
cance is wider. Already in the more sophisti- The Odeion of Herodes, though carried out
cated provinces we can detect the beginnings of in a more sober vein, was a building of the same

the break-down of the old regional differences eclectic spirit. The square outline and basic
and of the emergence of an architecture which simplicity of the stage-building are those of the
was, in the fullest sense of the term, Imperial traditional odeion; but it seated 5,000 people,
Roman. and the roofing w ithout internal supports of a

The period immediately following Hadrian's semicircle of radius 125 ft (38 m.) was in itself a
work in Greece was dominated architecturally remarkable engineering achievement.^^ The in-
by the figure of Herodes Atticus, the wealthy ternal arrangements are those of a theatre, the
patron of the arts whose benefactions included orchestra and seating, before restoration, fol-
the restoration in Pentelic marble of the stadium lowing the old Greek layout, whereas the
at Athens for use in the Panathenaic games of scaenae frons was a simple version of that of a
143-4; the building of the odeion and the Roman theatre, with what appears to have been
rebuilding of the Peirene Fountain at Corinth; a single columnar order, or series of aediculae,
the erection of a handsome fountain-building framing the three doorways and the eight
beside the Altis at Olympia; and, towards the main de-
statuary-recesses that constituted the
end of his life, the construction of the odeion coration at stage level.Above this rose the
which today, consolidated and restored but not double row of round-headed windows which are
re-roofed, still serves as an open-air theatre and such an impressive and unusual feature also of
concert hall for the city of Athens. Enough has the severely monumental outer fa9ade. The
survived of the nymphaeum at Olympia to layout of these, it will be observed, forms a

permit a reliable reconstruction of most of its characteristic counter-rhythm to that of the

features, including the statuary, the display of lower order.
which, with its ostentatious references to the Athens was sacked by the Herulians in 267;
munificence of its donors, was one of the but even before this date there had been no

primary functions of such buildings.-' It con- building of importance in the city after the end
sisted of a raised semicircular exedra and basin, of the second century, and very little elsewhere
the curved inner facade of which incorporated in southern Greece, until late antiquity, to

two tiers of recesses set within gabled aediculae, which the brief spell during which Thessalonike
within which stood statues of members of the (Salonica) was an Imperial capital served as an
imperial family; flanking the exedra at the same effective curtain-raiser. The Indian summer of
level were statues of Herodes himself and his Athens came even later, in the fourth and fifth
wife; in front of it, at a lower level, a long centuries.
rectangular basin; and at either end of the latter,
framing the whole composition, a pair of ele-
gant, conical-roofed circular tempietti. The
elements were all familiar; indeed, an apsidal Outside Corinth and Athens the only major site

nymphaeum and a small tempietto-like fountain of the Roman period to have been systematically
building (the latter notable for its use of a brick excavated is that of Philippi in Macedonia.^"
dome, one of the known in Greece)
earliest The city was founded by Philip of Macedon,
figure independently among the monuments but the visible remains are almost entirely those
that were added to the Agora at Athens at just of the Roman military colony, established here
about this date, following the completion of the in 42 B.C. and reinforced twelve years later,

Hadrianic aqueduct in 140. It was precisely in shortly after the battle of Actium. The agora,
the manipulation and recomposition of such terraced into the gentle slopes at the foot of the

acropolis, offers an unusually complete picture gone far to establish the community of style and
of a Graeco-Roman city centre that was laid out building practice which issuch a marked feature
afresh, on monumental lines, in the second of later Imperial and Early Byzantine architec-
century a.d. It was grouped symmetrically ture throughout this whole area.
about its shorter, north-south axis around a Scattered throughout Greece there are in-
rectangular, marble-paved open space, about 50 numerable other Roman monuments, but most
by 100 yards in extent. Along the north side the of them have received little serious study. One
terrace wall of the Via Egnatia and the rocky that deserves brief mention is a nymphaeum (so
cliffs of the acropolis formed a back-drop to the named in a fragmentary inscription) which was
orators' platform (bema), which stood against excavated some years ago at Argos in the
the centre, flanked by a pair of small temples Peloponnese.^** It was a circular building of the
and long, narrow fountain basins. The other Corinthian order, with eight columns and a
three sides were laid out as multiple stoas, with conical, scale-patterned roof. It dates from the
colonnaded frontages towards the central space second half of the second century and was thus
and, opening off' the inner colonnades, shops, roughly contemporary with the similar, but
offices, and, on the east side, a public library. smaller, pavilions of the Nymphaeum of
Facing each other across the central area at the Herodes Atticus at Olympia and the little

north ends of the two short sides were two domed pavilion in the Agora at Athens.
temple-like buildings, distyle in antis, one of In conclusion it should be remarked that
which contained low stepped benches round the Greece and the Greek islands were the source of
three inner sides of the cella and was evidently more than half of the precious marbles that were
the bouleuterion. The whole complex, which widely used in Roman times for decorative
replaces an earlier, less spacious layout, appears paving, wall-veneers, columns, and statuary
to have been built between 161 and 179. throughout the Mediterranean area. Among
Other excavated buildings at Philippi include those quarried for export were the splendid
a large bath-building of scrupulously rectilinear white marbles of Attica, the red marble {rosso
design, an unusually complete public lavatory, antico) and green porphyry of Laconia, the
and the Roman theatre, built on the site of its green-veined cipollino of Carystos, in Euboea,
Greek predecessor and, like so many theatres in and the handsome verde antico of Thessaly.
the eastern provinces, remodelled in the third From the Aegean came Parian, the most prized
century to serve as an amphitheatre. The of statuary marbles; Chian, both a black variety
material in common use is the bluish local and the variegated brown and grey porta santa;
marble, and the motifs and workmanship both the multicoloured breccia de' settebasi of Sky-
indicate close links with the workshops of ros; and africano and a soft, translucent grey
Bithynia and western Asia Minor. The same is marble from Teos, on the Asiatic coast. The
true of the rather scanty Early Imperial remains shipments were often accompanied by Greek
of Thessalonike.-^ Evidently the position of workmen and they played an important part in
both upon the Via Egnatia, the principal
cities the dissemination of Greek motifs and Greek
land route from Italy to Asia Minor, had already craftsmanship, wherever these are found.


BUILDING MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES was still to dressed stone that the architects of
Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and of the
Asia Minor shared with mainland Greece the church of St John at Ephesus instinctively
There were,
heritage of a rich classical past. turned for the piers of their great vaulted
however, also important differences. In the first monuments.
place, the classical backgrounds were in detail From Augustan times onwards, however,
very different. Whereas in mainland Greece the dressed stone found itself competing with a
native Greek element in the Roman architecture material which closely resembles, and patently
was dominated by the prestige of the monu- derives from, the concrete of Roman Italy.' It

ments of classical Athens, in Asia Minor, if did not have the strength and hydraulic proper-
there was any single authorative monumental ties which Roman engineers derived from their
tradition, it was the Ionic tradition of which the use of the dark volcanic sands of Latium and
work of Hermogenes embodiment; and
is the Campania; but in other respects it was very
the hellenistic kingdoms, notably Pergamon, similar, consisting of rubble laid in horizontal

had been active creative centres when Athens beds in a thick lime mortar and brought to a
was already a venerable pensioner. Then again, finish with a facing of finer materials [173]. To
despite a century of piracy, civil war, and gross outward appearances it is the facing that distin-
misrule, Asia Minor was still a country of rich guishes it from the parent material. Such
resources. Ephesus was one of the great cities of distinctively Italian facings as opus reticulatum
the Roman world, and the map of Asia Minor is are very rare. Instead, we find the local materials
dotted with the names of cities great and small used in whatever way suited them best. At
which enjoyed a prosperity in Roman times Miletus, for example, where the river boulders
such as they have never had before or since. As a and pebbles are by nature intractable, much of
creative force Greece was spent. Asia Minor, on the facing is extremely coarse [174]; and in parts
the other hand, was still a live and active of Cilicia the volcanic basalt lent itself most

exponent of the hellenic tradition. Situated, by readily to a sort of opus incertum. Wherever the
temperament and tradition as well as by the stone permitted, however, it was customary to
facts of history and geography, midway between dress it into small rectangular blocks, which
the two extremes of Rome and the Ancient East, were laid in courses much in the manner of
it was to be an increasingly powerful force in the 'petit appareil' of Roman Gaul, of which
shaping the development of the architecture of indeed it is the almost exact equivalent. The
the later Roman Empire. courses of the facing, unlike the facing of
Asia Minor is a land of fine building-stones Roman concrete, normally coincide exactly with
and marbles, and in Roman times it was still, for those of the core. Corners, doors, and windows
the most part, a land of plentiful timber. These were regularly turned with larger blocks.
were the natural and obvious materials for The earliest datable example of this tech-
monumental architecture. There were many nique is in the superstructure and abutments of
cities - Hierapolis on the Maeander, for ex- the aqueduct of Caius Sextilius Pollio at
ample, or Assos and Alexandria Troas - which Ephesus (between a.d. 4 and 14) [175], and by
remained true to this tradition right down to the middle of the century it was already firmly
Byzantine times. As late as the sixth century it established, at any rate in the cities of the west


J "^m

coast. At Miletus, for example, one can watch terraced platforms, and in the great vaulted
the increasing sophistication of its use in a series substructures of such buildings as theatres and
of monuments ranging from the Baths of amphitheatres that concrete had first proved
Cnaeus Vergilius Capito (Claudian), through itself as a monumental building material in
the Humeitepc Baths and the aqueduct and Italy; and it was such buildings that were among
substructures of the great nymphaeum (both the earliest and most distinctively Roman con-
Trajanic), to the mid-second-century Baths of tributions to the established hellenistic

Faustina, in which for the first time it begins to repertory.

be used in combination with brick, another and Whereas, however, in outward appearance it

later Roman innovation. Its early and wide- is the facing that immediately distinguishes this
spread use in bath-buildings is no accident. It masonry from Roman concrete, structurally
was precisely in buildings of this sort, in there was another and profounder difference;
ASIA minor: building materials and techniques 275

173 {opposite^ l^ft)- Ephesus, Baths of Vedius, mid second century [cf. 190B].
Detail of the coursed rubble masonry, showing the core and the typical facing of small squared blocks

174 {opposite, right). Miletus, Baths of Capito, mid first century. A coarser version of the masonry
shown in illustration 173, with massive stone details and vaulting carried out in smaller stones.
The shape of this dome was visible externally beneath a rendering of waterproof concrete

175 {below). Ephesus, x^queduct of C. Sextilius Pollio, between 4 and 14.

The arches were of dressed stone, the abutments and superstructure of mortared rubblework

the mortar lacked the strength needed for the disposition of the materials than because of the
creation of vaulting in the fully developed inherent strength of the mortar itself. It is

Roman manner. Up to a certain span barrel- altogether exceptional to meet a mortar (as one
vaults, domes, and semi-domes could be con- does occasionally in Cilicia, where there were

structed, as they had been in Late Republican supplies of volcanic sand similar to that of Italy)
Italy, by selecting elongated slabs of stone and which had the almost monolithic strength of
laying them radially as if they were so many that used in the best Roman concrete.^
bricks. One can see vaulting of this sort in every An immediate and architecturally very im-
one of the Milesian buildings referred to in the portant result of this lack of suitable materials
previous paragraph [cf. also 174 and 183]. Like was that the sort of concrete building which was
the vauking of Republican Italy, however, the being undertaken in Rome during the second
finished product stood more by virtue of the half of the first century a.d., and which has been

described in detail in Chapter 4, could have no structible; for that very reason, however, classi-

immediate and direct counterpart in Asia cal buildings have everywhere been ruthlessly
Minor, or indeed anywhere else in the Roman pillaged by later generations in search of build-
East. As unquestionably the most progressive ing materials. In Asia Minor climate and the
architecture of its day, it was bound in the long building robbers have both been active, and as a
run to make itself felt all over the Roman world; result actual surviving examples of Roman
but its impact could not take the obvious form of brickwork, and a fortiori of Roman brick vault-
direct imitation. What did happen in Asia ing, are decidedly rare.

Minor (to confine the inquiry for the moment to Of the two materials, although crude brick
the technical problems of vaulting, which was in had long been known and used in Asia Minor, in
practice the principal limiting factor) was that a the total absence of surviving examples it is

substitute material had to be found, one which impossible to prove that it was also used for
might .not have all the properties of Roman vaulting. It was, however, undoubtedly so used
concrete, but which could be used with a greater both in Roman Egypt and in Roman Syria; and
freedom than either the dressed stone or the since at least one of the relatively few surviving
mortared rubble which were its only local fired-brick vaults of Asia Minor, that beneath
alternatives. The material chosen was brick. the basilica at Aspendos, in Pamphylia [176], is

Although brick was regularly used in Asia of a very distinctive form for which all the
Minor in classical times, it is poorly represented precedents are in the mud-brick architecture of
in the archaeological record. Crude, sun-dried the Near East, there is a good case for regarding
brick was common both in Greek and in Roman the use of brick vaulting as having first taken
architecture; but its remains are rarely pre- shape in Asia Minor under the influence of, and
served outside the dry climates of the Near East. using the characteristic materials of, her eastern
Kiln-baked brick is, by contrast, virtually inde- neighbours."^

176. Aspendos, pitched brick vaultinii in the suhstriictiires of the basilica, end of the third century
ASIA minor: building materials and techniques 277

With fired brick we are on firmer ground. the third-century aqueduct at Aspendos
There can be no doubt that this was introduced [198]. Thiswas regular practice in the brickwork
to Asia Minor from the West, either directly of Roman Asia Minor; and, as we shall see, it
fi-om Italy or else from Thrace, probably early was this form and not its metropolitan Roman
in the second century a.d., certainly in time to counterpart which was taken over by the archi-
be used in the upper storey of the Library at tects of Constantinople.
Ephesus [187]. How it was used, we may The other Pergamene monument to make
illustrate by reference totwo of the principal extensive use of brick is the Temple of As-
monuments of Roman Pergamon. One of these klepios Soter, built largely in the thirties of the
is the Kizil Avlu, or Serapaeum,^ of which some second century [182].^ This temple was the
of the secondary buildings are of the usual centrepiece of one of the great prestige monu-
mortared rubble faced with small squared ments of its day, and the materials and methods
blocks, but of which the great central hall [181] used in its building acquire added significance
is constructed entirely of brick. At first sight this from the fact that it was almost certainly directly
bears a remarkable resemblance to the brick- modelled on the Pantheon, built a decade or so
work of Rome, but the resemblance is in fact earlier. Instead, however, of the carefully
only skin-deep. Instead of being built in the graded, brick-faced concrete of the Pantheon,
Roman manner of concrete or mortared rubble the drum was built of fine ashlar and the dome
faced with brick, the masonry is here of mor- of brick, laid radially and reinforced at the
tared brick throughout. That this was no mere spring by an outer ring of mortared rubble
local eccentricity is shown by such other surviv- (which, with a fine facing of small squared
ing examples as the second-century superstruc- blocks and heavy ashlar quoins, was the material
ture of the Harbourside Baths at Ephesus [177] of the adjoining, semi-subterranean rotunda
and the upper parts of the pressure-towers of [183]). One could hardly ask for a more graphic
illustration of the blend of ideas that went to

177. Ephesus, Harbour Baths,

make up this provincial architecture: a Roman
part of the late-second-century bath-building. design carried out in a building tradition of
The substructure is of dressed stone, which the immediate antecedents were local,
the superstructure of solid brick. The lines of holes but which in matters of vaulting was prepared to
are those of the pegs for fastening the slabs
assimilate and to adapt a material, kiln-baked
of fine marble veneer-panelling
brick, which also was derived from Rome.
When one reflects that the mortared rubble, too,
is a translation into local terms of an earlier

phase of Roman concrete construction, one

realizes how closely interwoven were the various
traditions that went to make up the architecture
of Roman Asia Minor.
One other use of brick calls for a brief remark,
in which bands of brickwork alternate with
wider bands of mortared rubble. This is another
characteristically Asiatic usage which makes its
first appearance during the second century a.d.,

and which was ultimately to be taken over by the

architects of Constantinople, the locus classicus
of its use being the great Theodosian land walls
of that city. A fine Roman-period example is

that of the city walls of Nicaea in Bithynia, buik

278 •

178. Nicaea (Iznik), city walls, between 258 and 269.

Tower, of brickwork, and {right) curtain wall of alternate bands
of brickwork and rubble masonry

between 258 and 269 [178]. Once again the convenient to distinguish three main areas: the
resemblance is to the 'petit appareil' masonry of central plateau, the valleys and plains of the
the European provinces rather than to the western coastal belt, and the southern coastal
superficially similar brick-and-reticulate opus plains of Pamphylia and Cilicia.

mixtum of Central Italy. The brickwork is not Of the three, the central plateau, accessible at
merely part of the facing but runs right through only a limited number of points from the coast
the core, to w hich it was presumably designed to and from the sources of classical civilization, is

give strength and cohesion, preventing settle- in the context by far the least important. Had
ment within the rather loosely mortared rubble more been preserved of such flourishing centres
as Iconium (modern Konya), one might have

been able to form a clearer impression of the

architecture of the provinces of Galatia and
Cappadocia; but what little there is leads one to
Asia Minor is a large country and in many parts suspect that it was in every sense of the word
of it communications are difficult. In describing provincial. The only exception is Ancyra, the
the monuments of the Roman period, it will be modern Ankara, which as capital and principal
ASIA minor: the central plateau 279

179. Ancyra (Ankara), Temple of Rome and Augustus {temp. Augustus, 27 B.C..-A.D.14).
The cella and {foreground) footings of the peristasis

road-centre of Galatia occupied a privileged close in layout and style to the manner of
position. Here there are the substantial remains Hermogenes that it has even been thought to be
of at least two important monuments. One is the a building of the second century B.C. The outer
Temple of Rome and Augustus [179], on the order was, however, Corinthian, and there are
walls of which was carved the best preserved several details that are hardly credible as hellen-
text of the will and testament of the emperor istic work. It was the product of a conservative
Augustus, the Res Gestae Divi Augusti. This was but we have already seen from its influence
a large, octastyle, pseudo-dipteral temple, of upon the Temple of Mars Ultor in the Forum
which the surviving detail of the cella is so very Augustum in Rome) still very live tradition.

The Other major surviving monument of tetrastyle porch at the head of a frontal flight of
Ancyra is a very large bath-building, remark- steps. The lavish ornament, though drawn from
able chiefly for the size and number of its hot the late hellenistic repertory, incorporates
rooms. *^
This appears from the reign of
to date several of the motifs that contemporary archi-
Caracalla (211 17) and was laid out on a tects in the West were busy making their own
grandiose rectangular plan, symmetrical about (notably the friezes of acanthus scrollwork and
its shorter axis. At the west end there was a of bulls' heads and garlands). By selection, if not

projecting apse, and at the east, as one entered, a by actual workmanship, this was a very Roman
large piscina {natatio). In front of it was a huge building.
colonnaded peristyle. The baths were built Other monuments are the fine Augustan
throughout of mortared rubble faced with small aqueduct, built throughout of squared stone; a

squared blocks, alternating with courses of theatre, unexcavated; a large vaulted platform of
brick. Brick was used also for the vaulting of mortared rubble masonry faced with ashlar,
drains and staircases, and some of the smaller which served as the basis for a later building;

rooms may have been vaulted, although the and a monumental arch of the early third
main roofs must have been of timber. Architec- century. This last, a nightmare blend of Early
turally as well as socially this was as thoroughly Imperial motifs and of others derived from the
Western a building as the temple was native contemporary marble architecture of the coast,

hellenistic. is a typically provincial product of baroque taste

Antioch-in-Pisidia, founded as a Roman misunderstood.

colony soon after 25 B.C. to control the wild
mountain tribesmen of the south-western ex-
tremity of the central plateau, illustrates an
earlier and elsewhere very little documented The western coast was the traditional heart of
phase of this process of westernization. It had classical civilization in Asia Minor, and
been a hellenistic foundation, and traces of a throughout the Roman period, together with
rectilinear street-plan may date from this the adjoining province of Bithynia along the
period. Otherwise the surviving remains are southern and eastern shores of the Propontis, it

Roman; and since the colony does not seem to remained the vital creative centre. In a great
have maintained its early promise but to have many respects the Roman architecture of
soon settled back into a comfortable mediocrity, Ephesus and Pergamon, of Aphrodisias, Tralles
the initial architectural impact of the Roman and Hierapolis in Caria, of Cyzicus and Nicaea
foundation is unusually clearly documented.*^ in Bithynia, remained remarkably true to its

The principal excavated monument is the hellenistic antecedents. But within somewhat
temple identified as that of Augustus, perhaps in conservative framework of ideas, there was also
association with the local divinity Men. It a spirit of lively experiment; and it was precisely
occupies a commanding site, framed by the because in certain aspects of planning, dec-
broad hemicycle which constitutes the rear wall oration, and technique the resulting innovations
of a large terraced platform. Around the hemi- were coupled with a strong traditionalism, and
cycle ran a two-storeyed portico, Ionic above because the basic artistic vocabulary was in
and Doric below; and the centre line of the consequence so familiar, that the art of this

temple was projected downhill by Tiberius to region was to be such a powerful factor in
form a grandiose axial approach. This was influencing the taste of late antiquity. One has
characteristically Roman planning, and the only to measure the monuments of Ephesus
temple itself, in startling and significant contrast against the rather arid antiquarianism of much
to that of Ancyra, was a building in the Roman of the contemporary architecture in Athens to
manner, standing on a lofty podium, with a appreciate the vitality and vigour of the former.
ASIA minor: the western coastlands

In architecture, as in so much else, it was the in detail very different. There were some fields

cities of Asia which were the repositories of the in which local hellenistic traditions continued
Hving hellenistic tradition. for a long time to predominate. There were
Of the three principal excavated sites - others in which, for lack of native models, the
Ephesus, Miletus, and Pergamon - the most architects were bound to look to Italy for
important in Roman times was Ephesus, capital inspiration. The history of architecture in wes-
of the province of Asia and the main port for the tern Asia Minor during the first three centuries
whole of south-western Anatolia. The centre of of our era is very largely the history of the
the town beside the harbour had been laid out development and mutual assimilation of these
on orderly lines by Lysimachus soon after 300 two traditions.

B.C., but the steep hillsides overlooking the Religious architecture belonged decisively to
centre defied orderly planning, and although the former category. The cities of the province
one of the most exciting of all ancient sites to of Asia were already well provided with fine
visit, Ephesus is also, archaeologically speaking, temples built in durable materials; and in the
one of the most elusive.'" The very exuberance absence of any compelling alternative it was
of the creative fancy displayed makes its archi- almost inevitably to the great sanctuaries of the
tecture far less susceptible to orderly classifi- hellenistic age that the architects of the succeed-
cation than that of other, more orthodox ing period turned in planning such new building
centres. Roman Miletus lacked this progressive as was called for.'' The most popular model
spirit. Its remains betray all the conservatism of seems to have been typified by the buildings of
a city which had passed its prime, not only in its the second-century B.C. architect Hermogenes.
planning, which clung rigidly to the four-square We have already remarked this in the case of the
layout established by Hippodamos in the fifth Augustan temple at Ancyra. Except for the
century B.C., but also in the quality of much of omission of the opisthodomos, the Temple of
the detail. At Pergamon, the third of the Titus (the so-called Temple of Domitian) at
excavated main development in
sites, the Ephesus followed the same plan.'^ The exca-
Roman times took place on new ground, across vations at Aphrodisias have not yet established
the plain at the foot of the acropolis on which the date or structural history of the Temple of
were clustered the principal monuments of the Aphrodite; but this too was certainly an octa-
hellenistic city. Outside these three towns we style Ionic building, and the fragmentary re-
catch only occasional glimpses of the city plan. mains of the cella waH, incorporated in the
At Aphrodisias, which stood on level ground, structure of the Christian apse, are of the same
apart from the fine theatre built into the slopes distinctive masonry. Yet another building in the
of the prehistoric tell, the heart of the city seems same general tradition is the Temple of Zeus at

to have been an area of public monuments and Aizani in Phrygia [180],'^ which was completed
large colonnaded open spaces, loosely inter- about a.d. 125, and which bears a close re-
related within a rectangular layout which re- most ambitious of
lationship to the last and
sembles that of the centre of Miletus. At the series, the great Temple of Hadrian at

Knidos, too, the terraced plan of the Roman city Cyzicus.''^ The latter, completed in 139 but
conformed closely to that of its hellenistic damaged soon afterwards in an earthquake,
predecessor. The plan of Nicaea, with two was re-dedicated in 167. Only a scrub-covered
broad intersecting avenues which divided the mound of rubble now marks the site, but half of
city into four roughly equal quadrants, was the columns were still standing when it was
particularly admired. seen, described, and drawn by Cyriacus of
When one turns to the individual monuments Ancona From him we
in the fifteenth century.
one is made aware from the outset of the learn that the podium measured some 100 by
influence of two architectural currents that were 200 feet (a double square); that it was a
1 80. Aizani, Temple of Zeus, completed c. 125

peripteral octastyle building of the Corinthian raised up on ain the Roman manner;
order, with fifteen columns down either flank; the cella had two columns in antis and the
and that the cella walls and columns stood some masonry was drafted, with smooth pilasters at
70 feet high, 10 feet higher than those of the the angles. Striking features of the building
Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek. Even allowing for were the fine openwork acroteria, based on such
a margin of error in the calculations of Cyriacus, hellenistic models as those of Hermogenes's
it was unquestionably a gigantic building. It was Temple of Artemis Leukophryene at Magnesia;
also very elaborately ornamented with figured and the large, staring Medusa heads of the
friezes, vine-scroll columns, richly carved door- frieze, alternating with triglyph-like fluted mo-

ways, and a bust of Hadrian in the pediment tifs. The frieze is unquestionably the source of
(recalling the ifiiago clipeatu of Antoninus Pius the similar motifs used at Side in the earliest
in the pediment of the Outer Propylaea at buildings of the new, marble style which swept
Eleusis); some point in the building
and at Pamphylia under Hadrian (117-38); and there
which cannot now be precisely identified, col- is good reason for the belief that the architect of

onnades carrying architrave-moulded arches in Hadrian's Temple of Venus and Rome in the
place of the traditional flat architrave - the first capital had worked on the Traianeum.'^ It was
clearly attested example of the use of this motif evidently a much admired and influential
in monumental We shall meet it
architecture. building.
next at Lepcis Magna
North Africa.
in The little streetside Temple of Hadrian at
Another outstanding temple was that of Zeus Ephesus was a modest building, being a private
Philios and of Trajan (the 'Traianeum'') at rather than a public dedication. It is remarkable
Pergamon.'" This occupied a magnificent site chiefly for the fact that the outer corners of the
on the old citadel, facing out across the theatre facade are carried on rectangular piers, instead
and framed on three sides by the porticoes of a of on columns, and that the central span of the
rectangular courtyard. The temple itself was facade, mouldings and all, is arched up into the
hexastyle peripteral, of the Corinthian order, pediment. This device, the 'arcuated lintel' or
and it differed from those just described in being 'Syrian arch', is one of a number of Syrian
ASIA minor: the western coastlands 283

architectural motifs that quite early found their essentially a temple of traditional classical type -
way into Asia Minor. It derives ultimately from one of the last to be built in western Asia Minor.
ancient Mesopotamia and seems to have made The latter was as unclassical in plan as it was in
its first appearance in a classical context in materials [181]. It consisted of a lofty hall, 170
southern Syria in the time of Augustus. Another feet long and 85 feet wide (52 by 26 m.), with
possibly Syrian intruder, the colonnaded street, what appear to be galleries and a large window
is discussed below. at the east end; the hall was flanked symmetri-
Still in the classical tradition, but very dif- cally by a pair of almost square courtyards, each
was the grandiose
ferent in detailed treatment, colonnaded on three sides and opening centrally
temple behind the Library at Ephesus, which towards the east into a domed rotunda; and the
must date from the second half of the second whole complex formed the eastern extremity of
century.'** This was another octastyle Corin- a huge rectangular enclosure, nearly 200 yards
thian monument but, most unusually for a in length, beneath which the river Selinus
building of this size, it was prostyle and, even flowed in two vaulted tunnels. Whether or not
more unusually, vaulted. The architectural this elongated, axial layout reflects Egyptian
ornament was very elaborate, and it stood on a models, the whole architectural concept could
tall podium against the rear w all of a rectangular hardly be more remote from the conventions of
precinct, a typically Roman disposition that is religious architecture which we have just been
rare in Asia Minor. The probable identification describing. We are reminded once again that
of this building as a temple of the Egyptian this was just the sort of context in which new
Gods, or Serapaeum, is of particular interest architectural ideasmost readily made them-
when one contrasts it with the very nearly selves felt. The third-century Serapaeum at
contemporary Serapaeum at Pergamon.'** The Miletus, though a far more modest building
former, for all its unusual features, is still designed in a superficially classical style, is

181. Pergamon, central hall of the Kizil Avlu, or Serapaeum, beginning of the third century
284 •

END OF O 10 20 50m

182 and 183 {opposite). Pergamon, Sanctuary of Asklepios (Aesculapius), Lavatory

c. 130-40. Plan of sanctuary and view of part of the vaulted substructure
of the rotunda at the south-east corner

another instance of this - a basilican hall with rather loosely around and within a large rect-
rectangular pedimental porch and, where a angular enclosure, 405 by 345 feet (124 by 105
church would have had an apse, a square, m.), surrounded on three sides by porticoes, of
internal, canopied naos.^° which that on the south side stood on a vaulted
The Temple of Asklepios Soter at Pergamon substructure. There was a substantial theatre, of
has already been described. It too was part of a which the rectilinear scaenae frons repeated the
much larger complex, which in its present form scheme of the nymphaeum at Miletus and the
dates largely from the later years of the reign Library at Lphesus [192, 188]. Along the east
of Hadrian [182]. The sanctuary was grouped side lay, from north to south, a plain rectangular
ASIA minor: the western coastlands 285

library; a tetrastyle propylon, balancing the Once again the corresponding building at
pronaos of the adjoining temple; the temple Miletus of more modest dimensions. Its

itself; and, set obliquely to the south-east most noteworthy feature was the porch, which
corner, an even larger rotunda (diameter 87 feet; faced on to the same piazza as the bouleuterion,
26.50 m.), the timber roof of which presumably the market gate, and the nymphaeum and was a
had a central oculus and rested on a cylindrical tetrastyle structure with an arcuated lintel.^'

drum, rising above and buttressed by six apsidal Another field in which the continuitv of

chapels, with a cryptoportico beneath [183]. In established local tradition was bound to make
the open central area there were various build- itself felt strongly was that of the monumental
ings associated with the cult, including the architecture associated with the city's day-to-
sacred spring. Leading to the sanctuary was a day public and commercial life. At Miletus the

colonnaded street. The classical detail is rich main squares, markets, and council building of
and varied, mainly a very elaborate Ionic, but the hellenistic city continued to serve, little

including some Composite capitals, a form changed, throughout Roman times. Even at
which begins to be found in Asia Minor during Ephesus the hellenistic agora, when it was
the second century. radically rebuilt in the third century a.d..

retained its hellenistic form of a colonnaded

square, with shops opening oft the surrounding
porticoes. The early-second-century agora at

Aphrodisias, another building in the hellenistic

manner, seems to have been a large, rectangular
space, formally enclosed on three sides by
double porticoes; in the middle of the fourth

side stood what has been tentatively identified as

an odeion, but which may well have served also
as a council building. The mid-second-century

council house (the 'Gerontikon') at Nysa in the

Maeander valley was a theatre-like building of
just this sort, with open rectangular parodoi
separating it from the wall which in a theatre
Pergamon, Sanctuary of Asklepios
would constitute the scaena.-- (Aesculapius), Corinthian capital of the thirties
There were, of course, certain innovations. of the second century
One of these was the widespread adoption of the
colonnaded street. Originating possibly in Sy-
ria, where there is some evidence to suggest that early Imperial date can be seen at Pergamon
it had already reached Palmyra in the later first [184] and at Perge (both Hadrianic), and at

century A.D., it was very soon copied and acclim- Hierapolis, of which the last-named is unusual
atized in Asia Minor. What is perhaps the earliest in that some stretches of it are not actually
surviving example in the cities of the west coast colonnaded, but take the form of an ordinary
(the published accounts are not explicit on this street with engaged semi-columnar Doric
point) is that which ran towards the harbour at facades. The best known and most elaborate
Ephesus from the Agora. Others of relatively of the colonnaded streets of Asia Minor, the

185. Ephesus, theatre, restored and enlarged in the second half of the first century,
and the Arkadiane (colonnaded street), fourth century, looking towards the site of the ancient harbour.
At the far einl ofllic \rkadianc can he seen tlic Inilk oltlie Harbour Baths
ASIA minor: the western coastlands •

186. Izmir (Smyrna),

agora and basilica, mid second century
Partial plan and restored axonometric
of the north-west


Arkadiane [185] at Ephesus, is as it stands a basilica (about 525 by 90 feet; 160 by 27 m.)
creation of the fourth century a.d.-^ which occupied the north side of an open,
Two public buildings that deserve special rectangular piazza, 425 feet (130 m.) wide and of
mention are the agora at Smyrna and the uncertain length, enclosed on two (and probably
Library of Celsus at Ephesus. The former was a three) sides by two-storeyed triple porticoes.
very large complex, dating from the mid second The southern fa9ade of the basilica was col-
century a.d. and still incompletely excavated onnaded and symmetrically disposed about a

[186]. It consisted essentially of a long, narrow central porch, just as if this were a traditional

stoa. Internally, on the other hand, the emphasis arcading, the Composite capitals) have been
was longitudinal, with a monumental entrance skilfully assimilated and adapted into what,
and shallow internal lobby at the east end, and at constructionally and decoratively, is still a
the west end what appears to have been some developed hellenistic tradition. We can now
sort of tribunal. Instead of columns, the internal document an earlier stage of this assimilation at

supports were composite, cruciform piers, of Ephesus, where the Augustan basilica, which
which the taller members were treated as half- occupied the whole north side of the Upper
columns carrying a normal longitudinal en- Agora (the 'Staatsmarkt'), was a building essen-
tablature, and the shorter ones as piers carrying tially similar in plan, symmetrical about its own
arches at a lower level between the columns. At longer axis but open through a continuous
the east end this internal arcading turned colonnade towards the Agora and far simpler in
immediately inside the porch to form an ambu- detail than its two-storeyed counterpart at

latory; at the west end it ran straight through to Smyrna. In this instance the convergence of the
frame the tribunal. On the side facing the agora two traditions, that of the monumental Greek
there was an upper gallery, facing outwards, and stoa and that of the Republican Italian basilica,
on this side at any rate the central hall of the appears to be reflected in the terms of the
basilica was lit, not by clerestory windows, but dedicatory inscription which, if correctly re-
by grilles in the rear wall of the outer gallery. stored, refers to it in Latin as basilica and in
Both in its planning and in its detail this is an Greek as poiGi/jKt) axod.^'^

unusual and highly sophisticated building, in The Library at Ephesus [187],^-^ begun to-

which the several elements of undoubtedly wards the end of Trajan's reign and completed
Western derivation (the basilican plan, the by c. 120, was built by the son and grandson of a

187. Ephesus, Library of Celsus, c\ 117 20. Before the re-erection of the facade
ASIA minor: the western coastlands 289

188. Ephesus, Library of Celsus, c. 117-20.

Plan and restored view of the interior,

showing galleries for access to the cupboards

in which the books were stored. The narrow
ambulatory corridor, a protection against damp,
also provided access to the burial vault
of the founder's father beneath the central apse


wealthy and distinguished citizen, Caius Julius hall, wider than it was long (55 by 36 feet; 16.70

Celsus Polemaeanus, who had been consul in by 10.90 m.), with a small central apse in which
Rome and who was accorded the unusual no doubt stood a statue of Celsus himself [188].
honour of being buried within the city limits, in Round three sides ran tiers of rectangular
recesses to house the cupboards for the books.
a vaulted chamber beneath the Library apse.

This handsome building was a lofty rectangular Two orders of columns carried the balustraded

galleries which served the upper rows of cup- ments, a widespread late hellenistic device
boards, and both these and the mausoleum were which took on a new lease of life in contexts such
reached by stairs which were built into the as this; and the pedestal bases which gave added
thickness of the lower walls, and which served height to the columns of the lower order, a
the additional purpose of protecting the books recent innovation with a long history before it in

from damp. There may have been a square late antique and Early Christian architecture.
oculus in the centre of the flat ceiling. The richly ^
The amphitheatre was an Italian building

189 (above and opposite). Ephesus, Library of Celsus, c. 1 17-20.

Restored model (on the right the Arch of Mazaeus and Mithradates, 4-3 B.C.

the south entrance to the Agora) and restored facade

carved facade [189] illustrates Ephesian de- type that never took root in the eastern Mediter-
corative architecture at its best, a deceptively ranean. The surviving examples at Pergamon,
simple scheme of bicolumnar aediculae, of Cyzicus, and Anazarbos in Cilicia are unusual;
which those of the upper storey are displaced so the normal practice in the Greek-speaking East
as to straddle the spaces between those of the was to adapt theatres, as at Corinth, or stadia, as
lower storey. Other characteristic features are at Aphrodisias and at Laodiceia-ad-Lycum. On
the alternation of curved and triangular pedi- the other hand, the western coastlands were
ASIA minor: the western coastlands •

already well endowed with theatres and the building [185]. The stage-building too, restored
majority of these were remodelled in Roman under Domitian (81-96), was Greek in its

times. It will be sufficient here to describe two structural independence of the seating, but in
representative examples. other respects it was . a Roman building of
At Ephesus^^ the magnificent auditorium, 'Eastern' type, with a rectilinear scaena wall
builtup against the steep hillside and seating and, framing the five doors, a scheme of two
some 24,000 spectators, though restored and columnar orders which so closely resembles that
enlarged in the second half of the first century of the theatre at Aspendos [197] that it is

A.D., was in plan still essentially a Greek tempting to regard itas the model for the latter

building. Subsequently, about a.d. 200, a third 190 (opposite). Ephesus, bath-buildings (gymnasia).
order was added, of a rather weak, half-hearted Plans, (a) Harbour Baths, partial plan,

design and set slightly back from the lower two. probably late first century, several times remodelled;
(b) Baths of Vedius, mid second century;
In the absence of projecting parascaenia it is
(c) East Baths, early second century,
doubtful whether the stage could ever have been remodelled tetnp. Severus (193 211)
The theatre at Miletus-' was far more radi- habit and fashion which must be held to account
cally romanized. Here the seating as well as the for much of the almost infinite variety of
stage-building was enlarged and re-designed, detailed layout that one encounters in the bath-
being extended upwards and outwards on buildings of the Roman provinces. In the
vaulted substructures and forwards, across the present context, however, it is not the detailed
parodoi, to meet the stage-building. The latter functioning and internal arrangement of these
had a fagade of the three orders in the usual buildings that matters, but the factors which
Roman manner, with parascaenia and a roof. affected their broad architectural development;
The only unusual features were that, instead of and of these the limitations imposed by local
the triple recessing of the usual 'Western' type, Greek gym-
materials and the influence of the
there was here a single shallow and unusually nasium were unquestionably the two most
wide, curved, central recess, across the front of important.
which the columnar facade was carried on four It is, characteristically, at Ephesus that we
independent columns; and that the grouping find the latter problem most vigorously and
of the aediculae of the several orders displayed successfully handled [190].-^ The best exca-
the same deliberate ambivalence as we have vated and documented of these buildings is that
already observed in the Library of Celsus at built by the wealthy Ephesian friend of An-
Ephesus. toninus Pius (138-61), Publius Vedius An-
The importance of the bath-building as a toninus. This occupied a rectangular site to the
medium for the introduction of Roman building north of the stadium, some 250 by 425 feet (76
practices and techniques has already been by 130 m.), with the long axis running east and
stressed. The baths of Asia Minor were not, west. At the west end an area of just under two-
however, mere slavish copies of those in Italy. fifths of the whole was occupied by the bath-
Quite apart from the many techinical adap- building proper, and an equivalent area at the
tations and modifications which they underwent east end by an open palaestra enclosed by four
to suit local materials and building traditions, colonnades. Projecting from the east end of the
there were also important differences of social former and from the west end of the latter, and
usage. The most important of these was un- so defining a monumental corridor of H -shaped
doubtedly the established position of the hellen- plan, were, respectively, the swimming pool of
isticgymnasium. The gymnasium and the bath- the baths and a very richly decorated rect-
building had already met and come to terms in angular exedra opening off the west portico of
Italy. ^^ Now in Asia Minor architects were the palaestra. The latter (the 'KaisersaaP or
faced with much the same problem, with the 'Marmorsaal'), a recurrent feature of these
difference that the Roman bath-building of the buildings, had an open columnar facade and an
Early Empire was a more developed and archi- elaborate scheme of two decorative orders,
tecturally more aggressive type than its prede- niches, and statuary round the three inner walls.
cessor in Late Republican or Augustan Pom- The monumental corridor, here H -shaped and
peii. There were, of course, other factors at barrel-vaulted in mortared rubblework or brick
work to complicate the picture; climate, for about a framework of stone arches carried on
example, as we are reminded by the baths at projecting piers, is another feature that recurs,
Ankara, or the manv small differences of local in a variety of plans, throughout the Ephesian
ASIA minor: the western coastlands •

c Caldarium
F Frigidarium
L Lavatory
M 'Marmorsaar



rtrmTTiLxmij _

series. One meets it again, in a less obviously on to the palaestra; the monumental corridor,
utilitarian guise, in the Baths of F'austina at here U-shaped, lies beyond the bathing block
Miletus. The actual bathing block, like all the and beyond this again a further range of rooms,
Early Imperial Ephesian series, was of rigidly of which the central one appears to be the
rectilinear design and calls for little detailed equivalent of the Marmorsaal - an unusual
comment. The main caldarium, here at the disposition that was not repeated.
western extremity of the central axis, appears to More important and informative is the vast
be a translation, in terms of the local materials complex which occupied the whole of the north
and vaulting techniques, of the typical frigi- side of the Arkadiane. This comprised three
darium plan of the bath-buildings of the capital. distinct elements: at the west end the towering
It has been suggested, very plausibly, that the bulk of the Harbour Baths [185, 190], in its
curved outer surfaces of the vaulting were present form a building of the later second
visible externally, as they certainly were at century; in the centre, axial to the baths, a large
Miletus. porticoed enclosure with two rooms of the
The Theatre Baths, dated on rather tenuous Marmorsaal type facing each other on the cross-
grounds to the early second century, reveal a axis [191]; and at the east end, still on the axis, a
broadly similar disposition, except that the huge open space (220 by 260 yards) enclosed by
relative orientation of the bath-building is here multiple porticoes ('the Porticoes of Verulanus')
reversed, the caldarium range backing directly which are convincingly identified as xystoi, or

191. Ephesus, Harbour Baths, Marmorsaal, second-century marble decorative wall-facing. Restored view
ASIA minor: the western coastlands 295

covered running-tracks of the traditional late manifestations, such as provision for the im-
Hellenistic type, as described by Vitruvius. The perial cult in the Marmorsaal of the Vedius
whole complex, except for the baths, seems to building, might be new; but even here there is a

have been laid out during the reign of Domitian suspicious resemblance in plan and situation to
(81-96), and it is thought to occupy the site of the ephebeion, the schoolroom of the old hellen-
the hellenistic gymnasium referred to by istic gymnasium.
Strabo. It is a plausible conjecture but no At Miletus one can see something of the same
more - that the surviving bath-building re- process at work.^' The earliest of the series, the

places an earlier, less ambitious structure of baths built by Cnaeus Vergilius Capito during
Domitianic date. The East Baths, near the the reign of Claudius (41-54), were built on the
Magnesia Gate, embody yet another variant of site of a hellenistic gymnasium, of which part
the same broad design [190]. In this case the was retained to form the colonnaded palaestra of
bath-building is ascribed to the early second the bathing block; and although the Humeitepe
century, the palaestra-gymnasium to a recon- Baths (r. 100) embody a rationalization of the
struction of the reign of Severus (193-211). The same sort of plan whereby the gymnasium
latter resembles that of the harbour complex in element is reduced to the bare minimum of a

layout, the hall opposite the Marmorsaal being porticoed palaestra, the Faustina Baths (mid
in this instance clearly identifiable as a finely second century) quite obviously reflect the
decorated lecture hall, with raised benches contemporary Ephesian development - all the
round the three inner sides. more obviously because the irregular shape of
The dedicatory inscription of the Vedius the site involved the dismemberment of the
foundation refers to it as ngymnasion, and there complex into its constituent elements. The
is comparable epigraphic evidence from the bath-building itself, a loosely organized circuit
harbour complex. Even without such aid, of barrel-vaulted halls, illustrates the norm of
however, there could be no doubt about the Asiatic usage far more closely than the neat,
double parentage of these buildings: from the symmetrical layouts of Ephesus. It also in-
hellenistic gymnasium and from the Roman corporates early examples of the use of brick
bath-building.^'^ What is no less clear is the barrel-vaults, side by side with others of mor-
progressive change in the relative importance tared rubble. It is indeed in their constructional
of the two elements. In the Domitianic complex details that the main interest of the Milesian
the palaestra and exercise grounds occupy two- bath-buildings lies, forming as they do a well

hundred years later, in

thirds of the total area; a dated early series of structures in the Roman
the East Baths, only just over one quarter. manner, built partly in squared stone, partly in
Architecturally too the bath-building comes faced rubblework, and vaulted in mortared
increasingly to dominate the complex, though rubble [174]. The Baths of Capito, in particular,
never to the exclusion of its other functions. with their numerous apsidal recesses and a

The hellenistic gymnasium had been a great domed circular room with small apses in the
deal more than just a place for athletic exercise. four corners, constitute a direct link with the
It was a centre also not only for education and early bath- architecture of Campania. It is in-

the arts, but also for the youth organizations and teresting to observe that, as in the Hunting
other select quasi-aristocratic clubs which Baths at Lepcis Magna [251], the curve of some
played so large a part in the city's social life. In at any rate of the vaults was visible externally as
Italy some of these activities found themselves well as from within. This is an aspect of the,
channelled elsewhere, others were quietly and architecture of Roman Asia Minor which it is

naturally incorporated into the public bath- hard to document in detail, but it is certainly
buildings. The development in Asia Minor one in which these buildings broke fresh
followed broadlv similar lines. Some of the ground, accustoming the eyes of their con-

temporaries to outlines that were neither the either side of the street, than as representative of
pitched roofs nor the flat terraces of traditional a consistent urban tradition, they remind us
classical architecture. how fragmentary our knowledge is of this
Three other bath complexes of western Asia important aspect of architectural practice in a
Minor call for brief mention. ^^ One is that of the country where, by contrast to the western
Upper Gymnasium at Pergamon, of which the provinces, well-to-do residence outside the
West Baths are of early (mid-first-century) date towns seems to have been altogether exceptional.
and the colonnaded palaestra and East Baths Before leaving the cities of western Asia
Hadrianic (i 17-38), both being additions to, or Minor word must be said about the
a further

developments of, an already existing gym- marble ornament which was such a characteris-
nasium of characteristically hellenistic type. tic and so historically important a feature of this
Along the north side of the palaestra were whole school of architecture. Marble was, and
ranged an odeion and two exedrae of the had long been, a material that was in plentiful

Marmorsaal type. The construction throughout supply, in a great many cases (e.g. Ephesus, the
is in mortared rubble with carefully dressed cities of the Maeander valley, Aphrodisias)
stone facings. At the other end of the con- drawn from local quarries. Already in hellenistic
structional scale are the great baths built over times there was a well established tradition of
the mineral springs at Hierapolis, a huge com- decorative craftsmanship; and although the
plex of scrupulously rectilinear vaulted halls Roman period saw a notable expansion in
carried out almost exclusively, vaults and all, in production, resulting in a great deal more
dressed stone. In this case the familiar rect- marble being available at proportionately lower
angular exedrae are two, facing each other prices,^"* there was no break in this tradition.
across the outer palaestra; one of them may have The architectural ornament of Roman Asia
contained a library. The layout of the baths at Minor was firmly rooted in hellenistic practice.
Aphrodisias (Hadrianic, 117 38), which were To appreciate the strength of this hellenistic
built partly of squared stone and partly of tradition one has only to compare the detail of a
mortared rubble, appears to have followed the building such as the Traianeum at Pergamon
lines of the harbour complex at Ephesus; at the with that of the almost exactly contemporary
west end, symmetrically disposed about the Temple of Venus Genetrix in Rome [34]. The
long east-west axis, the massive bathing block; latter marks the culmination of a century of
in front of it a small but very richly decorated vigorous Western development which had seen
porticoed enclosure; and in front of this again, the introduction of many new motifs and the
stretching the full length of the adjoining agora, radical transformation of many old ones. In Asia
a very much larger, elongated enclosure Minor, although there was a steady stylistic
measuring 695 by 225 feet (212 by 68 m.), which development in the direction of the more
is of earlier date (a.d. 14-28) but which now summary, coloristic style characteristic of the
presumably served as a palaestra. later second century, the basic decorative
By comparison with public architecture the vocabulary underwent remarkably little change;
domestic architecture of Roman Asia Minor has what changed was the way that vocabulary was
received little attention from excavators. A used. The importance of this fact in determin-
notable exception is that of the large town- ing the decorative repertory of the 'Imperial'
houses, with fine paintings and mosaics, over- architecture of the second and third centuries
looking the avenue that leads up from the Agora will be discussed later in this chapter. It is the
and the Library Ephesus towards the upper
at other side of the coin that concerns us here.
town and the Magnesia Gate." Though Whereas in Rome the taste for decorative
perhaps multi-storeyed rather by the accident of innovation found expression in the exuberant
their location, terraced up the steep slopes on detail of individual mouldings and motifs, here
ASIA minor: the western coastlands 297

in Asia Minor it was channelled into more Library and in the scaenae frons of the theatre. ^^
strictly architectural forms, of which the elabor- The earlier gateways at Ephesus were soberly
ate columnar fa9ades to which we have already conceived and executed.-'^ The West Gate of the
had occasion to refer many times in the present agora was a severely simple Ionic building, with
chapter were the most striking and characteris- a broad flight of steps leading up to a columnar
tic expression. fa9ade between two projecting distyle features.
The architecture of these facades was essen- In elevation the Harbour Gate retains the
tially baroque, in the sense that it relied for its simple Ionic structure, but the plan, though still

effect upon the recombination of the familiar rectilinear, was more complex, with three open-
elements of the classical orders in unfamiliar ings alternating with four distyle projections. As
and often highly artificial schemes. In this late as c. 160 we still find much the same basic
respect it closely resembled that of the stage- scheme in the West Market Gate at Miletus,
buildings of the Roman theatre. Both were the except for the addition of an upper storey with
product of a movement that originated in the small pediments on the outer wings and a larger
luxurious atmosphere of the hellenistic courts broken pediment in the centre. Only in the

and was already widely influential in late hellen- gateway-arch at the south end of the marble-
istic times. The early stages of this development paved street leading down from the theatre at

are difficult to document in detail, since they Ephesus do we escape this relatively sober note.
seem to have been very largely carried out in The openwork treatment of this (as a setting for
ephemeral materials; but, as we have seen in an statuary?), and the deliberate disproportion of
earlier chapter, they are very fully reflected in the upper order spanning the arch of the lower,
the wall-paintings of Pompeii, many of which, are reminiscent of, though less successful than,

allowing for the exaggerations and distortions of the Arch of Hadrian at Athens [170].
the medium, do present a lively picture of this With the theatre at Ephesus and the Library
vanished court architecture. we pass to more characteristic examples of the
The next stage (and it is important to Asiatic columnar facade. The latter building,
remember that this was not necessarily a single with its subtle proportions and deceptive sim-
event, but a series of related events) was the plicity of line [189], illustrates the dignity of
monumentalization and partial rationalization which, at its best, this style was capable. At the
of this fantasy architecture to meet the require- other extreme, crowded with detail and often
ments of everyday public building. In the case seeming to court eccentricity for its own sake,
of the Roman theatre we are fortunate in being are the 'Marmorsale' of the great bath com-
able to document the moment of transition, plexes. The Harbour Baths at Ephesus [191]
from the Theatre of Scaurus to the Theatre of had a lofty colonnade across the front and two
Pompey. What seems to have happened in alternately projecting and re-entrant columnar
western Asia Minor, and particularly in, and orders along the three inner walls, each elab-
within the sphere of, Ephesus, is that with the orately carved and diversified with contrasting
resumption of large-scale building under the rectilinear and curvilmear features and in-

Early Empire the same conventions were rein- genious broken pedimental schemes, and the
terpreted and widely applied, not only to stage- whole carried out polychrome marble; to
in rich
buildings but wherever a columnar fa9ade of complete one must imagine the
the effect

this sort might be thought to lend a note of gleaming white of pavements and statuary and
opulence to the public architecture of the city. the more sombre tones of the painted or gilt

At Ephesus alone we find such elaborate col- timber coffered ceilings. With buildings of
umnar schemes used in gateways, in the cere- which one can only study the effect in res-

monial halls ('Marmorsale') of the great bath- torations it is hard to judge at what point
gymnasium complexes, in the facade of the opulence shades off into vulgarity. In some of
ASIA minor: pamphylia and cilicia 299

the provincial replicas, e.g. that at Side in that urban life once more gathered momentum.
Pamphylia,^' one is left in little doubt of the The strain of classical hellenism had never been
answer - deeply satisfying though such a very robust, and the principal architectural
building was, no doubt, to local civic pride. At legacy from the past seems to have been the
its best, however, this was a style in which buildings erected in Pamphylia under Per-
wealth was tempered with sophistication, and it gamene domination in the second century B.C.,
was one that was admirably attuned to the spirit among them the well preserved city walls of
of its age. Attaleia (Antalya) and Perge and, possibly, the
The nymphaeum erected at Miletus in two-storeyed stoa beside the agora at Aspendos.
honour of the emperor Trajan's father^^ was a This was a tradition of fine dressed masonry,
decidedly pedestrian building [192], but it will and it remained the basis of local building-

serve to illustrate the characteristics of the large practice throughout antiquity. Superimposed
group of scenographic fountain-buildings of upon it was the new Roman-period archi-
which it was one of the earliest monumental tecture.
examples. These were essentially elaborate col- The architecture of Roman Pamphylia falls

umnar facades, put up to close a vista or simply into two clearly distinguishable phases. During
to mask what lay behind - in this case to the first, corresponding to the period from
complete the monumental frontage of the piazza Augustus Trajan (27 b.c.-a.d. 117), the

opposite the bouleuterion and the West Gate of materials were local and the sources various. A
the agora. Except as purely scenic decoration small tetrastyle pseudo-peripteral temple at

the detail is architecturally meaningless; it bears Side [195A] is built of limestone; it stands on a
no relation whatsoever to whatever is hidden by podium and is as Western in plan as the Temple
the screen. As such it became a favourite device of Augustus at Antioch-in-Pisidia. The same
of civic planners in the smaller cities, notably may be said of a large cylindrical mausoleum
those of southern Asia Minor, where it became standing on a square basis overlooking the
almost a symbol of status, comparable to the harbour at Attaleia [193]. On the other hand,
possession of a colonnaded street. Outside Asia
Minor it was less common. An outstanding
example is the Septizodium in Rome, erected 193. Attaleia (Antalya), mausoleum
()verl()okint>- the harbour, first century
to screen the utilitarian buildings at the south
end of the Palatine [66]. Another closely com-
parable building is Fa9ade at
the Captives
Corinth (p. 263), which was designed to mask
an awkward gap in the north fa9ade of the


The cities of southern Asia Minor, though rich
in buildings of the Roman period, are architec-
turally far less important than those of the
western coasts and valleys. Not only was theirs a
later flowering, but when it came it was largely
derivative. Few had suffered more from
the political disorders of the Late Republic, and
it was only under Augustus and his successors

both in its plan and in the detail of its ornament, decade or two later. Both in plan [195B] and in
which is still purely hellenistic, a small fountain- detail these temples bear a very close re-
building at Side, built in 71 [194], is a modest semblance to that of Antoninus Pius (138-61) at

Sagalassos, about 60 miles inland, another and

well dated example of what one may con-
veniently refer to as the Imperial 'marble style'
architecture. As we shall see, Pamphylia is only
one of a number of Mediterranean provinces
upon which it had a deep effect.^"

By the middle of the second century this was

the only style in monumental use in Pamphylia.
At Side alone we meet it in a range of buildings
that includes three colonnaded streets; a city
gate modelled on that of Perge and, facing it, a
monumental nymphaeum, both of the early
third century; a theatre, among the decorative
motifs of which is the same distinctively Per-
gamene frieze motif as in Temple N i; a square
porticoed piazza behind the stage-building,
which (like the Piazzale of the Corporations at
194. Side, fountain-building, as erected in 71. Ostia) was also a place of business, with rows of
Restored view. It was later remodelled offices or shops; a large porticoed enclosure of
with a larger basin
uncertain purpose, the principal feature of
which is an extremely elaborate late-second-
version of what we may imagine the prede- century 'MarmorsaalV' a small third-century
cessors of the elaborate monumental nymphaea temple on a tall podium, with a semicircular

of Ephesus and Miletus to have been. Another cella and a gabled porch, of which the central
monument which is still in the hellenistic opening was three times as wide as the other two
manner, but which may well in fact be Augus- and arched as in the Temple of Hadrian at

tan, is the fine South Gate at Perge [196].^''' Ephesus [195c]; a small circular temple with a

By the twenties of the second century this conical roof,added in the third century to the
'Romano-Pamphylian' architectural tradition piazza behind the theatre in honour of the city's
was fast disappearing as a monumental building guardian divinity, or Tyche; and, perhaps as late

style, to be superseded by one based on the new as the early fourth century, a grandiose funerary
material, marble, which had now for the first temple and precinct in the north-west cemetery.
time become available in large quantities. The All of these, except possibly the nucleus of the
overwhelming majority of the marble used theatre cavea, which is of traditional Greek
architecturally in Pamphylia came from the shape, were essentially new buildings, and they
quarries of Proconnesus (Marmara), and the illustrate not only the overwhelming impact of
techniques and styles were those of western Asia the new material and style, but also the solid
Minor. At Side this is most strikingly evident in basis of middle-class urban prosperity upon
the smaller and slightly earlier (Hadrianic?) of which its rapid difi'usion rested.
the two hexastyle peripteral temples ('N V) The other cities of Pamphylia tell the same
overlooking the harbour, the details of which story. At Perge the transformation of the South
(notably the frieze) derive straight from the Gate into a nymphaeum [196], with an elab-
Traianeum at Pergamon. The larger of the two orately carved, two-storeyed marble order ap-
('N 2'), with Composite instead of Corinthian plied to the curving walls of the inner courtyard
capitals but otherwise very similar, is perhaps a and enclosed on the north side, towards the
ASIA minor: pamphylia and cilicia •

B !•! m 1 ri»


Small temple beside the theatre, first century;

t95 Side. Plans of temples, (a)
(b) Temple Ni, second quarter of the second century; (c) apsidal temple, third century

196. Perge, South Gate (second century B.C.? Augustan?), remodelled

into a nymphaeum between 117

and 122. Across the entrance to the nymphaeum the piers of a triple arch of the same date

197. Aspendos, theatre, 161-^

great axial colonnaded street, by a monumental noteworthy for the unusually clear traces of
triple arch, can be closely dated by its statues their brick barrel-vaulting.
and their inscriptions to the years between 117 At Aspendos"^-' the outstanding monument is

and 122."*^ The arch, like the nymphaeum that the theatre, outstanding because alone of its

was built a few years later at the far end of the kind it has preserved intact its stage-building
colonnaded street, facing down towards the [197]. Built by an architect named Zeno, be-
South Gate, was built partly of marble and tween 161 and 180, this is a good example of the
partly of the fine white limestone from the near- traditional 'Eastern' type, and it could well have
by Pisidian mountains; and although within a been copied directly from the stage-building at

generation limestone had been almost entirely Ephesus. The narrow wooden stage projected at
displaced as the material in which to carve the the level of the central steps, which are modern;
finer decorative detail of monumental public the vaulted gallery around the head of the cavea
architecture, dressed stone did, of course, con- is a later addition. On the hill above lay the
tinue to be used everywhere for the walls and agora, flanked on one side by a two-storeyed
vaults that accompanied the fine marble detail. stoa of late hellenistic type and on the other by a
At Perge, was the basic material
as at Side, thi^ basilica of the third century A.D.; it was closed at

of the large Roman-type theatre; of the stadium, one end with a two-storeyed columnar screen.
with its ingeniously stone-vaulted substruc- The basilica was a long, narrow building with a

tures; of the market, a maceUiim of the familiar single apse at one end and a square, tower-
South Italian type with a central circular pa- like vestibule at the other. Analogy with the
vilion, or l/iolos; and of the two well preserved Hadrianic basilica at Kremna in Pisidia suggests
public bath-buildings. The latter, each in plan a that this vestibule served the purposes of the
loose agglomeration of rectangular halls, are imperial cult.
ASIA minor: pamphylia and cilicia 303

198. Aspendos, one of the two pressure-towers of the third-centur\ aqueduct

The most singular building at Aspendos is framework of dressed stone, are fine examples of
the aqueduct [198]. Contrary to the normal a sort of masonry which, as we have remarked
Roman practice of letting water follow a gentle above, was to play an important part in the
gradient, it was here carried under pressure transition from Roman to Byzantine architec-
across the broad valley to the north of the town, ture. Another portent of the future is the
the total distance being divided into three pitched-brick barrel-vaulting of two cisterns
segments by means of pressure-towers. These below the basilica [176], a characteristically
two towers, built partly of solid brick and partly Byzantine feature for which all the precedents
of mortared rubble with brick courses about a lie in the mud-brick architecture of Egypt and

Syria. ^^ Here we have a rare surviving example proportion to that of the hellenistic traditions
of the sort of Roman-period building which was which it found established locally. In Cilicia a

the intervening link between the two traditions. century of organized piracy, which it took a

Coastal Cilicia, the 'Rough Cilicia' (Cilicia under Pompey the Great to
special expedition
Tracheia) of antiquity, was not in itself an suppress, was symptomatic of the void which
important creative centre, but it will serve to Rome was called upon to fill. The surviving
illustrate a common phenomenon in the Roman Roman-period remains are plentiful, and a

East, namely that the strength of direct Italian decade of systematic excavation at Anemurium
architectural influence tended to be in inverse ( Anamur) has provided a valuable framework of

199. Anemurium,
bath-building and adjacent palaestra
with an elaborate mosaic floor,

second-third centuries

reference.'*'' The finer materials were imported, and Apamea offer many examples [233], and the
and almost without exception such classicizing 'windswept' Corinthian capitals of the streets at

refinements as porticoes, mouldings, marble Pompeiopolis seem to point in the same direc-
veneers and paving, stuccoes and mosaics were tion. This was a typical small-town, provincial

borrowed. But they were applied to buildings of architecture and one which, for all its derivative
which the constructional traditions were as nature, took root and flourished. The outlying
distinctive as they were robustly effective. The provinces of the Empire were rich in such local
ubiquitous building material is a stout mortared architectures. They may have contributed little

rubble masonry, competently roofed with to the main stream of architectural history, but
barrel-vaults, half-domes and even full domes, cumulatively they represent a far from in-
constructed around an inner face of stones laid significant part of the Roman architectural
radially upon a wooden framework, while the achievement.
outer faces normally conformed to the shapes of
the inner faces, and there are even examples of
tombs of which the outer faces of the roofs were
decorated in mosaic. The bath-palaestra com-
plex at Anemurium [199] will serve to illustrate Seen within the larger perspective of the Roman
the rather simple but functionally effective Empire as a whole, the architecture of Asia
public architecture to which this sort of building Minor emerges as a broadly conservative tradi-
lent itself. tion, but one which was prepared to adapt itself

That this building tradition reflects the direct to changing times, and itself to absorb and to
influence of late Republican and early Imperial adapt those extraneous elements which met its

Italy can hardly be doubted. At Elaeusa (Ayas) own particular social, political, or cultural re-
there is even a small bath-building faced with quirements. Although its strength lay in its solid
opus reticulatiim^ alternating with courses of foundation of hellenistic taste and practice, this
brickwork; and some of concreted rubble work, was no sterile traditionalism. We see this very
both here and at Korykos, is of such a high clearly in its treatment of the new ideas which
quality that one suspects the use, either acciden- came in from Italy, the largest single source of
tal or deliberate, of the volcanic sands that were outside inspiration, particularly under the Early
available a short distance along the coast. It was Empire. Some, which answered an immediate
not until the second century a.d. that, in need, were adopted as they stood. Such were the
common with the whole eastern coastline of the roads and bridges, the aqueducts, cisterns, and
Mediterranean, cities such as Seleucia (SilitTce), other hydraulic works of which the engineers of
Elaeusa (Ayas), Korykos, and, in the adjoining Rome were the acknowledged masters. A few,
'Flat Cilicia' (Cilicia Pedias), Soloi- such as the amphitheatres and basilicas of
Pompeiopolis, Tarsus, and Anazarbos came Western practice, took only precarious hold.
under the influence of the 'marble style' Many others (the bath-building is an outstand-
architecture of western Asia Minor; and even so ingly successful instance) were adapted and
the impact was far less marked than in Pam- absorbed into the steadily developing provincial
phylia. Culturally as well as geographically tradition of which the cities of the western coast
Cilicia belonged quite as closely to the North were the vital centres, the Anatolian plateau and
Syrian coastlands and to the great metropolis of the southern coastal provinces the peripheral
Antioch as it did to the rest of Asia Minor. At recipients. Other currents were at the same time
Diokaisareia, for example, and at Soloi- flowing in from the East, bringing in such
Pompeiopolis the brackets projecting from the diverse elements as the colonnaded street, the
columns of the colonnaded streets to carry sanctuaries of the Oriental gods, and the brick-
statuary are a Syrian feature of which Palmyra work vaulting-systems of Egypt and Babylonia.

Roman Asia Minor, in common with most of of their decoration, an innovator in the manner
the Roman world, was the recipient of many and spirit of their use. While the architects of
outside influences, but the local tradition was Italy were busy exploring new materials and
vigorous and consistent enough to absorb them new spatial forms, their colleagues in Asia
and give them new^ direction. Right through into Minor were taking the traditional classical
late antiquity Asia Minor, for all its essential elements and recombining them to produce
conservatism, was a vital creative centre. novel visual effects. Both in their very different
At the risk of over-simplifying a picture of ways were helping to shape the development of
which the very essence is its complexity, one Roman architecture towards the new forms and
may perhaps select two facets of the resulting aspirations of late antiquity.
tradition as outstandingly important for the Finally we may emphasize once more the
history of classical architecture as a whole. One significance of Asia Minor's predominant posi-
was its translation of the techniques and aspira- tion in respect of the supply and handling of
tions of the concrete architecture of the West what in the second and third centuries a.d.
into terms which were both meaningful and became the monumental building material par
structurally practicable under the very different excellence of a large part of the Roman world -
conditions prevailing in the Aegean world. This marble. Even in Rome the results of this fact are
was one of the essential preconditions of Early evident in the architecture of Hadrian and his
Byzantine architecture, which, in this particular successors. In many places, as in Pamphylia and
respect, can be seen to be firmly rooted in the in parts of North Africa, the impact was such as
Middle Imperial architectural practice of the radically to reshape the building traditions of
Roman provinces bordering on the Aegean and the earlier Empire; and everywhere, throughout
the Sea of Marmara. The other, and even more the Mediterranean basin, the new style left its

influential, manifestation of this Asiatic tradi- mark on the most influential buildings of the
tion was that embodied in its use of the familiar age. If the emergence of an 'Imperial' architec-
orders of the classical architectural system. Here ture, broadly uniform wherever it is found, is

Asia Minor occupies a somewhat paradoxical rightly regarded as one of the characteristics of
position as both a guardian of tradition and an the later Roman Empire, it owes much to the

innovator; a guardian in respect of the time- quarries and to the marble-workers of Asia
honoured elements of the svstem and the detail Minor.


If within the Greek world the study of the worlds. Not that the contrast often presents
architecture of the Roman age is compHcated by itself in such simple, uncomplicated terms. For
an essential duality of direction between the centuries the ideas of the ancient East had been
native hellenic tradition and that which derived filtering through to the Western world. Even in

from Rome herself, when we turn to the eastern Rome, and as early as the first century a.d., they
coastline of the Mediterranean world and to the were beginning to be an important factor in
lands that lay beyond it the duet becomes a trio, shaping, for example, the architecture of the
if not indeed a chorus of mixed voices. Both the ruler cult and of the mystery religions. Again,

Achaemenid Persians, who were masters of the the art of Arsacid Parthia, for all its anti-

whole area from the sixth to the fourth centuries classical tendencies, had roots in a past to which
B.C., and the hellenistic Greeks, who succeeded hellenism had contributed many of the for-
them as a result of the whirlwind conquests of mative ideas and a great deal of the formal
Alexander the Great, found themselves ruling vocabulary. xA.ll these currents had already met
over peoples who counted as many millennia of and mingled their waters. Now for the first time,
civilized life as their masters, Iranian or Greek, however, all three moved forward as a single

could count centuries. Alexander and his suc- stream. If one views the architecture of Roman
cessors didmanage to impose on their Oriental Syria within the larger context of the history of
subjects some of the superficials of hellenism, Mediterranean architecture, it is the fact that
and even in certain favoured areas some of its the architectural traditions of Greece, of the
realities. But the centuries which followed the Orient, and of Rome were here meeting and
establishment of the hellenistic kingdoms were developing on common ground that may be
main characterized by a resurgence of the
in the considered to have been foremost in giving
time-honoured habits and customs of the an- shape and purpose to its special contribution.
cient East. In dealing with the hellenic world Politically the history of Rome's eastern
Rome had been confronted by an essentially frontier is one of continuous rivalry and oc-
kindred civilization, of which her own was casional open warfare with the successive rulers
indeed in many respects a direct offshoot. In the of Iran. By the middle of the second century
eastern provinces, on the other hand, she found B.C. the Arsacid Parthian dynasty, originally
herself face to face with a multitude of local the product of a nationalist reaction against the
cultures which, however receptive to the super- Graeco-Iranian hellenistic kingdom of the
ficials of classical life, spiritually had little in Seleucids, had successfully established its

common with Greece and Rome. Here and authority over the whole vast territory that lay
there, as in the Greek foundations of north- between the great westward bend of the Eu-
western Syria, hellenism had struck deep roots. phrates on the west and the Kushana Kingdom
Elsewhere Rome found herself face to face with of the Indus valley on the east. Here, and here
an older and more intractable world. alone along the many thousand miles of her
In studying the architecture of the Roman frontiers, Rome was faced by a major civilized
East we have, then, to bear in mind not only the power with whom she had to come to terms.
familiar dualism of Greece and Rome, but also Like the Romans themselves, the Parthian
the deep-seated antithesis between East and (c. 240 B.C. -A.D. 226) and Sassanian (from a.d.
West, between the classical and the Oriental 226) rulers of Persia had their moments of

weakness and of strength, upsetting the uneasy Judaea and Arabia). More important are the
balance; but such moments of open, dramatic facts of geography. Central and southern Syria
warfare were the exception. Most of the time may be regarded as being divided broadly into i

both parties were content with a state of three zones: an often very narrow coastal belt of
peaceful coexistence, during which the frontier which the natural outlet was towards the west
between them was as much a zone of mutual by sea, through the ports of Phoenicia; a frontier

influence and profitable exchange as it was a zone of varying extent, which faces eastwards
barrier. Along it, as the effective instruments of across the desert; and between the two a belt of
such a policy, lay a chain of client principalities hills and mountains, comprising the greater part
in varying degrees of dependence upon one or of the modern Lebanon and Palestine. Within
other of the great powers. Armenia, Cilicia, this mountain belt the upland of the Bekaa,
Commagene, Emesa, Hatra, Judaea, Nabataea, between the formidable twin ranges of Lebanon
Osrhoene, Palmyra, Pontus - these are some of and Anti-Lebanon, formed a well defined unit,

the buffer states, great and small, which at one across which the route from Damascus to Sidon
time ox another owed allegiance to Rome, to and Tyre formed one of the two main outlets for

Parthia, or successively to both. the immensely profitable trans-desert caravan

It was only in exceptional circumstances and trade through Palmyra. (The other outlet lay
under an exceptionally gifted ruler that one of slightly to the north, through Emesa (Homs).)
these border communities might aspire to a Palestine seems on the whole to have shared
genuinely independent policy; and in course of Lebanon's tendency to look either westwards or
time most of them came to be absorbed by inwards upon itself, rather than eastwards
Rome or by Parthia. In the fields of thought, across the Jordan to the relatively poor, mar-
reHgion, and the arts, on the other hand, they ginal territories of Nabataea (corresponding
have a significance that far transcends their roughly to the western fringes of the Arabian
political importance. Not only were they the desert, from Damascus to the Gulf of Aqaba)
heirs to a civilization far older than that of either and the cities of the Decapolis. The natural
of the contending powers, but they had a outlet of this latter region was northwards,
community of culture, belief, and commercial through Damascus.
interest that made little of the political boun- It is only at the northern end of the Syrian
daries of the day. The average citizen of third- coastline, in the modern Syria, that there was a
century Dura or Palmyra would have felt far rich hinterland beckoning eastwards as well as
more at home in Parthian Hatra than in Roman westwards. Here the great bend of the Eu-
Antioch, let alone in Rome itself. These frontier phrates swung to within a hundred miles of
cities were not only a medium of fruitful the Mediterranean; and from here, cutting
exchange between East and West: they were the obliquely across the west-east pattern of sea,
homes of people who had themselves an impor- mountain, and desert, ran the age-old route
tant contribution to make to the rapidly evolv- down the Euphrates to Seleucia, the successor
ing civilization of the worlds on either side of of Babylon, near the modern Baghdad, and the
them. rich commerce of the Persian Gulf. This was the
This whole region passed formally within the site chosen, with rare historical foresight, by
Roman orbit when, in 64 B.C., as a result of the Seleucus I for his new capital of Antioch,
conquests of Pompey the Great, Rome fell heir founded 300 B.C.; and it was almost inevitable

to the tattered remnants of the great Seleucid not only that Antioch should be chosen to be the
Empire. There is no need to follow in any detail administrative capital of the Roman province of
the successive stages of the organization of the Syria, but that it should also become the
province of Syria (which in the present context commercial and cultural, and in Christian times
may be treated as including also the provinces of the spiritual, metropolis of the whole Roman

East. Together with the neighbouring Seleucid architecture that was whole-heartedly Greek
foundations of Apamea, Laodiceia, and the There were, of course, individual
in character.

seaport of Seleucia, Antioch had been the no Greek monuments, just as there were certain
less unquestioned focus of hellenization in individual Greek motifs which entered the
Syria, and the loss of the monuments of these lingua franca of local usage: the common use of
cities is a gap in our knowledge comparable to the Ionic order, for example, well into the
the loss of their great Egyptian contemporary Roman period, and many of the architectural
and rival, Alexandria.' mouldings in later But the example of
In partial compensation for the disap- Dura^ spells out the resilience of time-honoured
pearance of ancient Antioch and of its twin local habits and building practices. Despite

capital of Seleucia-on-the-Tigris, the cultural borrowings from Greece, as from Persia before
metropolis of hellenistic and of Parthian Meso- it, there were many parts of the hellenistic East

potamia,^ we have the evidence of Dura, which where the tradition with which the Romans
was successively a hellenistic, a Parthian, and a were confronted was still in many essentials that
Roman stronghold on the middle Euphrates, of a native, local architecture.

and of Hatra, a Parthian and for a brief while Another important factor was the presence
Roman outpost in northern Mesopotamia. To- along the eastern frontier of a string of client
gether with the caravan city of Palmyra, they principalities, some of whose rulers had close
offer a vivid picture of the debatable country personal connections with Rome and all of
that lay on the eastern fringe of the Roman whom were, in the last resort, dependent on
world, belonging wholly neither to it nor to Roman favour and patronage. Outstanding
Parthian Iran. Another area rich in classical among these was Herod the Great, king of
architecture, though mostly rather late and of a Judaea from 37 to 4 B.C. Architecturally as well
rather modest, provincial character, is the as politically he dominated the earliest phase of

Djebel country of northern Syria, north and Roman rule in this area. He was a prodigious

south of the road from Antioch to Aleppo. To the builder, not only in his own kingdom and the
north and north-east, beyond the Euphrates, several territories annexed to it, but also up and
lay the alternative land route to Mesopotamia, down the whole Syrian coast and as far afield as
through Edessa and Nisibis to the upper the Dodecanese, Pergamon, and Nicopolis in
Tigris, but of the Roman architecture of this Epirus. The of his work includes the

region we know virtually nothing. Finally, foundation of the important harbour town of
beyond the Mesopotamian frontier to the east Caesarea (the name is significant), the re-
lay lands as richly varied as those which we have foundation of the ruined city of Samaria, which
been describing, but which from the point of he doubled in size and renamed Sebaste (the
view of the classical world may be referred to Greek equivalent of Augusta), and the creation
simply as Parthia. of several lesser urban centres: the port of
Anthedon, rebuilt and named Agrippeion;
Antipatris and Phasaelis; and Gaba, near Car-
mel, a settlement of discharged cavalry veterans,
reminiscent of a Roman colonia. He rebuilt
The initial impact of Imperial Rome upon the several of the Hasmonean residential fortresses
architecture of Syria was far greater and more in the Judaean desert, including Alexandreion,
immediate than it had been on that of Greece or Hyrcania, and Masada, and founded another,
Asia Minor. One important reason for this was Herodion, which was also to be his burial place.
that, outside the great hellenistic foundations of He built temples in honour of Rome and
the north, ^ there does not seem to have been Augustus at at Pan-
Sebaste, at Caesarea, and
any very widely diffused stratum of provincial eion on the slopes of Mount Hermon. At

Jerusalem he rebuilt the Temple, doubling the schemes of painted stucco, may in the context
size of the temenos around it; he built the citadel reasonably be regarded as derived predomi-
called Antonia; and he built a palace for himself, nantly from local late Hellenistic sources.
defended by three huge towers and incorporat- The surviving Herodian remains at Jeru-
ing halls named after Augustus and Agrippa salem itself are tantalizingly fragmentary: of the
{Kaisareion and Agrippa ion). Outside Judaea his Temple itself nothing; rather more of the vast
recorded benefactions in Syria and Phoenicia temenos, measuring 480 (470)
a near-rectangle

include stoas, temples, and agoras at Berytus by 315 (280) m., i.e. 525 (514) by 344 (306)
and Tyre; fountains and a monumental peristyle yards, embodying gates and open staircases and
at Ascalon; theatres at Sidon, Damascus, and incorporating huge ashlar blocks, up to 40 feet
Caesarea; an amphitheatre at Caesarea; gym- (12 m.) long; of the palace only foundations
nasia at Tripolis, Damascus, and Ptolemais; a remain, although the base of one of the three
bath-building at Ascalon; an aqueduct at Lao- towers is still standing to a height of 65 feet
diceia (Latakieh); and the paving of the great (20 m.).' At Samaria, on the other hand, though
axial street at Antioch. After half a century of sadly robbed and overlaid by later buildings,
trouble during which there had been very little enough was found of Herod's Temple of Rome
significant building, such an ambitious, far- and Augustus to show that it consisted of a
flung programme was bound to leave its mark.'' rectangular temenos 165 by 205 feet (50 by
Herod's buildings have been the subject of a 63 m.) internally, terraced out from the crest of
great deal of excavational activity during the last the hill and enclosed on three sides by porticoes;
two decades, and although, pending full and and dominating the fourth side at the head of a
accessible publication of all this work, general- long flight of steps, the temple itself, which was
ization is a hazardous business, some of their of the Corinthian order and seems to have been
basic characteristics do seem to have been peripteral on three sides, with a plain back wall.^
securely established.^ Both in their planning The layout is one for which there are several
and in their approach to the problems of parallels in the Early Imperial architecture of
construction they seem to have leaned heavily central and southern Syria, including Baalbek.
upon contemporary Roman experience, freely Whether it derives from hellenistic Syrian
interpreted in terms of local materials, building models or from contemporary Roman practice
skills, and The use of a form of
traditions. (as the very unusual omission of the colonnade
concrete became common. Vaulted substruc- on the fourth side of the temple might suggest),
tures made possible the levelling of hill-top or indeed from the convergence of both tradi-
platforms at Hyrcania, Masada, and Herodion tions, is a question that cannot be answered on
(this last with a ring vault) and the creation of the evidence now available.
the large, level temenos of Jerusalem, Samaria, In Caesarea the theatre was built of concrete,
and Caesarea. Aqueducts, the viaduct crossing with stone seating. The stage-building, as re-
the central valley of Jerusalem, and the stair- built in the second or third century, was of
cases up to the Temple were carried on arches. typically Roman design, with a curved central
Opus reticulatum, always a rarity in the East, exedra flanked by the rectangular recesses and
was used at Paneion and again at Jericho. On the adorned with a decorative screen of imported
other hand, a small but beautifully constructed marble and granite columns. The Herodian
dome on the Herodion, whether or not it was stage-building is described as having had a
inspired by comparable domes in Campania, is shallow, rectangular niche in the centre, with
executed in the traditional hellenistic manner in wide, curved niches at the sides and projecting
dressed stone. The accompanying detail, too, wings with columns, and as having 'more in
which includes pavements of mosaic and of opus common with (late) hellenistic design than with
sectile and mouldings and 'First Style' wall the deep recession of the Roman scaenae frons'.

The Herodian floor of the orchaestra was of comprised a residential wing on the north bank
stucco, painted to simulate marble. It was later with a long, porticoed facade facing out across
again converted into a tank for aquatic shows.'* the wadi towards a sunken garden; a large (r. 300

The remains at Jericho are those of a luxur- by 140 feet;90 by 42 m.) open pool, and a lofty
ious winter palace complex, picturesquely artificial mound, which incorporated a square
landscaped on both sides of a wadi [200]. It structure, possibly a pavilion, built of concrete

"^^^^k^x^W" :•,,


.• ^4\^m^

200. Jericho, Herodian palace, late first century B.C.

(a) Restored sketch of the whole complex;
(b) plan of the ceremonial and residential wing

10 20 30 m


upon a footing of squared stone. The north framed between a pair of raised, flanking por-
wing, buik partly of concrete, partly of mud ticoes. Water was in lavish supply. Here in all

brick, and detailed throughout in painted stucco essentials, six miles from the shores of the Dead
and coloured stones and marbles, included a Sea, was a landscaped villa in the contemporary
grandiose reception hall, with an internal col- Italian manner.'"
onnade supporting a timber roof of 43 feet The same Italian influences are evident in the

(13 m.) span; a peristyle courtyard with an axial small but spectacularly situated residence (the
apse; a five-room bath suite; and, opening off a 'Hanging Palace') at the northern tip of Masada
second, Rhodian peristyle, a T-shaped tri- [201]. This was built of dressed stone faced with
clinium. The sunken garden, formally planted, stucco and consisted of three platforms terraced
was composed about a fa9ade with decorative down the knife-edge northern extremity of the
niches and a terraced hemicycle in the centre, all plateau. The upper platform comprised a rect-
carried out in opus reticulatum, and it was angular suite of nine rooms, including cubicula

201. Masada, 'Hanging Palace', before 4 B.C.


paved with black-and-white mosaics and front- an architecture which, though inevitably shaped
ed by a semicircular colonnaded terrace, which by local practices, leaned heavily upon ideas and
looked directly out over the middle platform, techniques brought in from the classical world,
60-70 feet below. A circular pavilion stood on from Italy as well as from the hellenistic East.
the middle terrace and, behind it, a covered Although the fine masonry and the mud brick
colonnade. The lower terrace, 40-45 feet lower with its stucco detail are, in the context, a local
again, was entirely occupied by a belvedere, tradition, the reticulate work and the concrete
with four porticoes enclosing an open central were both Italian innovations. The agora, the
area. The walls of the belvedere, inside and out, gymnasium, the stoa, and the porticoed en-
consisted of a series of structural piers linked by closure belong to the stock-in-trade of hellenis-
a vestigial curtain wall, of which almost the tic town planning, but the bath-building and the
entire intercolumnar space was occupied by amphitheatre are distinctively Western inno-
lofty rectangular windows - an extreme form of vations; perhaps also the peripteros sine postico
a typically late hellenistic device, the germ of plan of the temple at Samaria and, more
which is already present in the bouleuterion at generally, the widespread use of terracing on
Miletus, but for which the closest recorded vaulted substructures. About the theatres it is

parallels are to be found in Italy, e.g. in the difficult to be precise. The theatre had never
House of the Mosaic Atrium at Herculaneum really taken root in hellenistic Syria outside the

[113]. On the plateau above were storerooms big cities,'"^ and in the absence of a local
and cisterns, a large public bath-building in the tradition those of provincial Roman Syria are
Roman manner, and a second, larger palace (the almost exclusively of the so-called 'Western'
'Western Palace') with a throne room and type. Herod's building at Caesarea appears to

reception halls as well as living quarters grouped represent a rather different tradition, the im-
around a central court with a portico. The mediate inspiration of which has yet to be
military aspect of this fortified residence is determined.
emphasized by the extensive storage facilities, Herod is often credited also with having built
and by the double wall with towers that sur- the first colonnaded street, at Antioch; but what
rounds the plateau. This was a late hellenistic in fact Josephus tells us'^ is that he paved the
architecture with strong Italian overtones - just great central avenue {plateia) and alongside it he
what one would have expected from a patron of built a stoa of equal length. For the moment it

Herod's known tastes and upbringing. •' represented no more than the monumental-
A more strikingly original plan is that of ization of one of the viae porticatae of later

Herodion, the circular perimeter of which, with Republican Rome; only when doubled sym-
towers at the four points of the compass, was metrically down both sides of the street did it

landscaped into the summit of an artificially become the fully-fledged colonnaded street so
heightened hill-top. Internally it was precisely beloved by the town planners of the Roman
oriented, with a peristyle and a garden occupy- East.But there was no more prestigious centre
ing the eastern half and a residential wing, with than Antioch and in this, once again, it was
reception hall and bath-building, occupying the Herod who took the essential first step.
western half Down the hill there was a second After the Jewish revolts and the reduction of
palace complex, which included an open Judaea to the role of a small, second-class
swimming-pool with a circular island at the province, it was not really until late antiquity,
centre. under Constantine and in the context of Chris-
The foregoing account will doubtless require tianity, that this area once again came to occupy
modification as more is excavated and accessibly the centre of the architectural stage. An early
published,'^ but the picture that is emerging is group of synagogues from the
in Galilee, dating
already clear and broadly consistent. This was late second and third centuries, has often been

claimed as ancestral to the Christian basilica; enterprise in ancient literature, a statement by

but they are singularly isolated both in place and the seventh-century Antiochene historian, John
time, and the connexion is very doubtful. They Malalas, that it was built by Antoninus Pius, is
should be regarded rather as one of the in- certainly mistaken.'^ An inscription on one of
numerable borrowings of this versatile and the columns of the fa9ade of the great temple
symbolically neutral architectural type for other proves that the latter was already standing to
purposes, without wider significance. capital height in a.d. 6o, and it must in fact have
been planned quite soon after the foundation
of the Roman Colonia Julia Augusta Felix
Heliopolitana c. i6 b.c.'^ It was not the first

For a more comprehensive vision of the histori- monumental sanctuary to occupy the site. Exca-
cal development of classical architecture in the vations undertaken in the sixties, as yet sub-
Syrian coastlands one has to turn from Judaea to stantially unpublished, have shown that the
the cities and dependencies of Phoenicia, cor- platform of the great courtyard rests on the
responding roughly to the modern Lebanon. remains of an ancient tell, and built into this tell
Here not only do we have the great sanctuary of there had been at least three substantial pre-
Jupiter Heliopolitanus at Baalbek, but there are vious sanctuaries, the first of which is thought to
many well preserved lesser sites and, in recent be as early as, or earlier than, the sixth century
years, a growing body of material from the B.C. All three had followed the same orientation
coastal cities, which together enable us to view as the present building and seem to have been
the buildings of Baalbek in increasingly sharp centred upon the area occupied by the later
perspective.'^ altar; and adjoining the fa9ade of the third was a
The complex origins of the religious architec- tower-like altar closely comparable to those of
ture of the Roman East are closely bound up Machnaka and Kalat Fakra, which are de-
with the historical development of the cults scribed below. Whether the pre-Roman sanc-
themselves. At Baalbek the cult, originally that tuary included a temple proper or was simply a
of a typical triad of native agricultural divinities, monumental temenos with altars is at present an
had already undergone considerable modifi- open question.^'' The altars were certainly an
cation in hellenistic times, probably under the essential feature, so much so that provision was
influence of Ptolemaic Egypt. The great god of made to keep those of the hellenistic sanctuary
the storm, Ba'al, had been equated with Zeus, accessible during the early stages of work on its

and whether by an act of formal syncretism or Roman successor. Like many of the great
by a process of natural assimilation, the youthful shrines of the ancient world, Baalbek was a long
god of regeneration and rebirth (Adonis, Ech- time building, and even so it was never fully

moun or Tammuz) took on the character and completed. A study of the decorative detail
attributes of a divinity who was at this time shows that the great altar was finished soon after
acquiring ever-increasing popularity as a god of the middle of the first century a.d., the court-
personal regeneration and rebirth after death, yard around it, after several changes of plan,
namely the god known to the classical world as not until nearly a century later. About the
Dionysus or Bacchus. It is typical of the middle of the second century the 'Temple of
practical good sense of the Romans that they Bacchus' was added (it is perhaps to this
should have chosen to promote this long- building that Malalas's sources were referring);
established sanctuary, rather than, as in Gaul or and over the next hundred years there were
Asia Minor, a conventional shrine of Rome and added a monumental forecourt and propylaeon,
Augustus, to serve as a focus for the religious dated by inscriptions and coins to the time of
loyalties of central Syria.'' Caracalla (21 1-17) and Philip the Arab (244-9)
The only specific reference to this enormous

U 2

^ ^

o -^ ^

203. Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, first century,

the six standing columns of the south peristasis

The Temple of Jupiter was, by any stan- columnar porch. Its columns rose another 65
dards, a very large building, and it was made to feet (19.90 m.) from floor to capital [203], and
seem even larger by its elevation on a podium the gable was thus nearly 130 feet above the
which towered 44 feet (13.5m.) above the great floor of the great court. The cella, which faced
court, at the head of a grandiose flight of steps. east,was removed in its entirety when in the
The temple itself, built throughout of the Middle Ages the whole sanctuary became an
superb, honey-grey local limestone, was deca- Arab fortress, but the plan of the footings and
style, with nineteen flanking columns and a deep the analogy of other known early temples in the

area alike suggest that there was a raised the decorative niches. Again, much of the
sanctuary {adyton) at the west end, a simpler decorative carving of the great altar-tower is

version of that found later in the Temple of purely Roman in character, in significant con-
Bacchus. In front of the temple stood a por- work of other squads engaged on the
trast to the

ticoed courtyard, the central open space of same building, whose sharply outlined, rigidly
which measured 320 by 280 feet (97 by 86 m.), geometric carving is no less clearly the product
and on the axis of this courtyard, between the of a markedly conservative Oriental tradition.
facade of the temple and the original propylon, The entablature of the Temple of Jupiter, 13
stood two square, tower-like structures, the feet high, exhibits an even more complex
larger of which rose no less than 55 feet (17 m.) parentage. The proportions and relative scale of
above the pavement of the courtyard, from the ornament are those of a mid-first-century
which the flat platform-roofs were accessible by Roman monument, whereas the detail of some
stairs. These were artificial 'high places', de- of the mouldings, such as the foliate ornament
signed for the sacrificial rites of the sanctuary. of the sima and the maeander below it, are
The larger of the two is sited so close to the main patently hellenistic in origin; a curious,
entrance to the courtyard that the temple must corkscrew-like horizontal moulding is para-
at first have been invisible to the visitor entering lleled only on the great temple of Shamash at

the sanctuary on the conventional central axis. Hatra Mesopotamia and on a few Judaean

Only when he turned and moved to right or left monuments;^- and the frieze, a boldly conceived
would the towering bulk of the great temple design in which the forequarters alternately of
facade have broken upon him in all its bulls and lions project above foliate brackets, as
immensity. ifsupporting the load of the cornice, must have
It is customary to refer to the element of sheer been designed expressly for the temple, since
size at Baalbek as if it were a characteristically the bull and the lion are the attributes of Ba'al-
Roman innovation, and rather a vulgar one at Hadad (Jupiter) and of Atargatis-Allat (Venus),
that. In fact, although the height was indeed the two senior members of the local triad. The
exceptional, the dimensions of the actual temple bracket itself must in the context be a Persian
( 1 58 by 259 feet, or 48 by 88 m., at the stylobate) legacy, comparable to the twin-bull capitals of
fall Greek giants as
well short of such classical Persepolis and Susa and, nearer home, of
the temples of Artemis at Ephesus (180 by 374 Sidon.- ' This motif too is repeated at Hatra.
feet; 55 by 114 m.) and of Zeus Olympios at The Temple of Bacchus was smaller than its

Akragas (173 by 361 feet; 52.75 by iiom.), or gigantic neighbour (115 by 217 35 by

the hellenistic Didymaion, near Miletus (167 by 66 m.), but it was still by any ordinary standards
358 feet; 51 by 109 m.). In Rome itself it had no a large building. In plan it differed principally
equal until Hadrian's Temple of Venus and from its predecessor in the proportionately far
Rome (217 by 348 feet; 66 by 136 m.).'' The greater area that was reserved for the cella, an
plan, which closely resembles that of Herod's emphasis which was presumably due to the
temple at Samaria, may or may not reflect requirements of the cult. The architectural
hellenistic models. It would certainly have ornament, though based on that of the earlier

looked very familiar to Roman eyes, and some of building, is extraordinarily elaborate, the in-
the detail is specifically Roman. The earliest terior of the cella in particular [204] being a
capitals of the temple (the design was modified masterpiece of disciplined opulence, in which
in the course of the work) are based on models to the soaring dignity of the main architectural
be found in Augustan Rome, notably in the lines stands out in vivid and effective contrast to
Temple of Castor. Another characteristically the intricacy of the secondary detail. It is

Roman trait, rare in the East, is the use of shell- instructive to contrast it with the rather dry,
heads that splay downwards, not upwards, in Attic sobriety of the nearly contemporary fagade


204 {opposite). Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, mid second century, north side of the interior of the cella

205 {below). Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, part of the forecourt, as rebuilt in the second century

***-r*:e%' *..T)^

of Hadrian's Library at Athens [172]. The spirit The great courtyard in front of the Temple of
of Baalbek is far closer to that of the Severan Jupiter [205] seems to have been planned from
Forum at Lepcis Magna [253], where the the outset on broadly the same lines as what one
doorways of the tabernae serve very much the sees today, although the present building repre-
same purpose in giving height and scale to the sents a major reconstruction undertaken to

main decorative order. Other refinements are comply with the more sophisticated require-
the receding planes of the wall surfaces (which, ments of second-century taste. Opening off the
one asks, is wall and which pier or recess?) and three porticoes there was a series of alternately
the ingenious, if not wholly successful attempt rectangular and semicircular exedrae, within
to link the architecture of the adyton with that of and between which every inch of wall-surface
the cella as a whole. In the treatment of the walls was occupied by tall pilasters and, between the
it may not be altogether fanciful to see the pilasters, giving height and scale, two tiers of
Syrian architect's answer to the increasing decorative aediculae. The contrast between the
illusionism and emphasis on the properties of rectangular and the curved exedrae was accen-
space that characterize so much of the con- tuated by differences of detailed treatment. The
temporary architecture of the Roman West. former had flat timber roofs, and the wall

decoration consisted of two continuous and Decapolis, and ultimately perhaps to the
closely interlocking orders of aediculae project- Temple of Damascus, also herald a
Jupiter at

ing from the wall to form a virtually inde- long line of such symmetrical schemes in the
pendent columnar screen. The latter had semi- architecture of Christian Syria. -^ While the
domes, and their wall-pattern resembles, with temples and the great court are still firmly
minor embellishments, that of the Temple of rooted in the classical world, here one is

Bacchus. In both there was an elaborate inter- conscious of having already stepped across the
play of curvilinear and rectilinear forms. The threshold of late antiquity.
columns of the main porticoes and of the The last in date of the surviving monuments
exedrae were of red granite from Assuan and of Baalbek is the little third-century Temple of
grey granite from the Troad (the transport alone Venus which stood across the street from the
of these up from the coast, each weighing over main sanctuary in an enclosure of its own. After
10 tons, was a remarkable feat), and the van- Temple of Zeus it strikes a
the grandeurs of the
ished colonnettes of the aediculae were pre- welcome note of elegance and refinement. The
sumably of imported marble. Once again one is plan, an ingenious combination of a circular
led to admire the subordination of the wealth of cella with a rectangular pronaos, had no close
detail to the grandeur of the total effect, to precedent [206]. It stood on a tall podium, and
which the repetition of the columns and aedi- from the front it might easily be mistaken for a
culae lent scale and movement and the contrast typical temple building of southern Syria. ^" The
of the granite and the local stone a welcome note circular cella speaks a very different language. It

of colour. When the colonnades were still was roofed with a shallow stone dome, and it

standing as a frame and a foil for the elaborate may have been the need to buttress this which
detail within, the whole overshadowed by the first suggested to the architect the idea of an
towering bulk of the great temple, this must outer colonnade of which the entablature should
have been a building to impress the most jaded be composed of five horizontal arches, their
taste. crowns tangential to the base of the dome and
The hexagonal forecourt is now so ruinous their two extremities projecting outwards to rest
that it is hard to judge the effect of the unusual on the columns of the peristyle. The result was a
plan.-"^ The details were closely modelled on plan that was partly scalloped and partly cir-
those of the great court, but the proportions cular, a contrast of which the architect took full
were quite different, dwarfing the central space advantage, balancing the concave surfaces of the
and heightening the eventual impact of the podium and entablature and of the niches in the

court beyond. In front of it lay the propylon, the cella wall against the convex surfaces of the cella
last of the additions, dating from the reigns of itself and of the bottom steps of the podium so as
Caracalla and of Philip. Here too, though there to create an elaborately receding play of curve
was little new in the detail save the arching of and counter-curve. Among the many refine-
the architrave over the central opening (new ments may be mentioned the uniquely five-

perhaps to Baalbek but already a well estab- sided Corinthian capitals and bases. This is a
lished feature of the temple architecture of building to delight the fancy of any Baroque
southern Syria)," '^
and the moulded pedestals architect."^ The buildings of the great sanc-
which gave added height to the twelve granite tuary, whether they look forward or backward,
columns and to the gilded bronze detail of the are essentially buildings of their own time and
entablature, one can nevertheless detect a subtle place. Here is one that eludes such classification
change in the spirit of the composition as a a monument to the sophisticated taste alike of
whole. The towers which flank and dominate the architect and of his public, and a reminder
the fa9ade, while looking back to the Early that great architecture, whatever the extent
Imperial monuments of the Hauran and of the to which it may be conditioned by circumstances,


206. Baalbek, Temple of Venus, third century. Plan and axonometric view

is the product of the individual genius of its To such questions the many lesser sanc-
creator. tuaries of Lebanon ofter at any rate a partial
Baalbek was two and a half centuries build- answer. Although few are closely dated and
ing. The first impression that it conveys is many, particularly the later ones, exhibit the
almost inevitably one of a powerful continuity, strong influence of Baalbek, there are also
extending often to the most trivial details, such several which, whatever their absolute date,
as the abacus ornament of the capitals right clearly illustrate a stage of development prior to
through the series. Nevertheless there were, as that of any buildings now preserved at Baalbek.
we have seen, also important innovations of The characteristic monument of these early
content and style, above all innovations of sites is a tower-like 'altar'. In its earliest
planning; and although in the presence of the recognizable architectural form this has simple
temples one is conscious first and foremost of but distinctive 'Egyptian' mouldings (a flat-

their overwhelming influence upon the temple tened torus near the base and at the top a flaring
architecture over a large area of central Syria, it sima above a plain torus). In at least one
is pertinent to ask to what extent they them- instance, at Machnaka in the mountains above
selves were shaped by forces that were more Byblos, an altar-tower of this type can be seen to
widely at work in this region in late hellenistic incorporate a yet earlier structure in the form of
and Roman times. How much of all this is the a plainbox of dressed stone slabs; and the
legacy of traditional native practice, and how hellenistic altar was itself subsequently given
much the product of successive waves of alien more conventionally classical form by the ad-
classical influence, both hellenistic and dition of an outer ring of slender Doric columns
Roman.? with an entablature and an openwork parapet

above. On another early site with a long history, At Kalat Fakra the capitals and the Egyptian
Kalat Fakra near the head of the Adonis river, mouldings were still in use as late as a.d. 43, the
the development took the form of loosely date of the tower. By then Roman Baalbek was
grouping the successive altars within the peri- already taking shape; and there - as no doubt
phery of a single 'high place'. Four of them have happened on many other sites - the earlier altars
survived - one with typical Egyptian mouldings were superseded and replaced. Even so, tradi-
tion was strong enough at Baalbek to impose on
^i^ an otherwise classical layout the architecturally
incongruous element of the great altar-towers,
to the form of which the tower at Kalat Fakra
offers an obvious parallel.

It is to such local factors that we must look

also for the explanation of the very distinctive

interiors of these Lebanese temples. In the later,

more elaborate versions, as in the 'Temple of
Bacchus' at Baalbek, or Temple A at Niha [208],
the sanctuary proper {adyton) consists of a
raised, canopied platform occupying the whole
of the far end of the cella.^'° But this can be seen
to have developed from an altogether simpler
type in which the cult-statue stood within a
simple canopied aedicula set in the rear wall at

the head of a flight of steps. ^' The essential

features were the canopy and the steps. Unlike

207. Kalat Fakra, altar, first century B.C. or a.d. the simple, rather intimate room which housed
with 'Egyptian' mouldings and crenellated ornament the cult-statue of a Greek temple, this was the
throne room of the divinity, where he received
and a crowstep-ornamented parapet [207]; a his worshippers in audience. The conception is

small columnar structure of a type which recurs one that we find expressed in very similar terms
on several other sites (Hossn Sfiri, Hossn throughout southern Syria, at Gerasa for ex-
Suleiman, Niha), and which appears to be a ample, or at Petra. The architectural language of
miniature version of the latest phase of Mach- these temples is classical, but it is used to

naka; a large tower with internal staircases and express an idea altogether alien to the traditional
terraces, the detail of which includes Egyptian temple of Mediterranean lands.
mouldings and a gallery with Phoenician volute The smaller sanctuaries of the Lebanon do,
capitals; and a small altar of conventional therefore, help us greatly to appreciate the
Roman shape. strength of the native Semitic traditions that
The group of Kalat Fakra serves very well to still underlay the classical veneer even in a
illustrate both the range and the extraordinary countryside so readily accessible from the
conservatism of this Lebanese architecture. The Mediterranean coast. They also illustrate the
Phoenician volute capital goes back with little surprising persistence of Achaemenid Persian
change to the beginning of the first millennium architectural influences. The hellenistic legacy is
B.C. in Phoenicia and Palestine; the crowstep less unexpected, although it is well to remember
parapet, which meet again at Dam-
we shall that part of this may well be due to the diffusion
ascus, Petra, and Palmyra, had a comparable in Roman times of classical ideas previously
background in Mesopotamia, and it remained in established in the cities of the coast. Among the
use throughout the area right into Arabic times. hellenistic legacies we may number the location

ofseveralofthese temples within a monumental dominantly prostyle or in antis. The upper
porticoed temenos; the frequency of the Ionic temple at Kalat Fakra [209] is of particular

and, less commonly, Doric orders; and possibly, interest in this connexion, as illustrating the
but less certainly, the long, narrow shape of influence of first-century Baalbek or else of
most of the lesser temples, which are pre- some common hellenistic model. -'^ Although

: 208. Niha, interior of Temple A, late second century. Restored view


209. Kalat Fakra, temple, late first or second century.

Restored view, looking north-westwards

the building in its present form can hardly be Once again, as in southern Asia Minor, it was
earlier than the second half of the first century, the advent of marble which upset the balance of
the altar in the forecourt is still of the traditional the local Early Imperial style; and if in the
type, with Egyptian mouldings. Lebanon the results may at first seem less

The wave of fresh architectural ideas from startling than in Pamphylia, this is partly at any
the classical world which had followed the re- rate because the facts of geography limited its

establishment of peace and prosperity under direct impact upon those monuments with
Augustus, and which found such vigorous which we are most familiar. Even at Baalbek the
expression in the planning of first-century granitecolumns of the great courtyard bear
Baalbek, was of relatively short duration. Fur- witness to the fascination of the new materials,
ther exploration of the coastal cities would and the entablatures which they carried, though
doubtless modify this impression in detail. But still carved in limestone, bear the unmistakable
just as in Rome itself the architects of the Julio- imprint of the new stylistic repertory. In the
Claudian period were largely engaged in assimi- coastal cities the results were immediate and far-

lating and exploiting the innovations of the reaching. At Tyre the only well preserved first-
previous generation, so too in the Lebanon the century monument is an elaborate triple arch

rest of the first century a.d. seems to have been spanning the landward end of Alexander's
devoted primarily to working out the new ideas causeway, and this is a characteristically Early
in terms of local practice and to the creation of Imperial structure of sandstone faced with
the distinctive Romano-provincial style of stucco. The later buildings - the colonnaded
which Baalbek was the focus and the continuing street, the baths, the great temple of Hercules-
inspiration. Melqarth all had columns of imported marble

or granite, with Proconnesian marble capitals Kaisar(e)ion, for the cult of Rome and its rulers
and entablatures that follow familiar 'marble - programme which neatly foreshadows that

style' models. The same is true of the col- undertaken by Herod twenty years later. -^"^

onnaded street and nymphaeum at Byblos, the Here, finally, one would have seen something

only substantialmonuments of the period yet also of the reverse architectural currents which
i uncovered there. The remains of Berytus lie under the later Empire began to flow from East

deep beneath the modern Beirut; but the long to West and which are at present most tangibly
series of Proconnesian marble capitals re- represented by the magnificent series of floor-
covered casually and now housed in the Na- mosaics from the city and its suburbs. -^^
tional Museum would alone suffice to show that, Of all this building we have to be content with
from the second century onwards, the prevail- the remains of several of the smaller baths and of
ing architectural stylewas in this respect based a number of houses. In plan the former [224B]
i on that of western Asia Minor; and it is possible ring changes on a few simple rectangular,
that in this case chance has preserved the octagonal, apsed, and occasionally circular
remains of the actual building which set the forms, comparable most elaborate to the
at their

, fashion. The exact nature of this building, Hunting Baths at Lepcis Magna [251] and no
which came to light in digging the foundations doubt derived from the same sources. ^^ We do
of the modern parliament house, is disputed; not know how they were roofed. Among the
but it handsome Corinthian
certainly included a private houses and villas it is clear that the
order, now partially re-erected in front of the single-storey peristyle-house was the dominant
museum, with columns of reddish limestone type. Some of these were of considerable wealth
breccia and the remaining elements of Procon- and elaboration, grouped loosely about num- a

nesian marble, an interesting feature of which is ber of minor courtyards. The most obvious
the instructions for assembly carved on each common characteristic is the emphasis on the
individual block. A fragmentary inscription tricHnium, which opens between columns or
records that it was built 'with its columns and piers on to a courtyard, often accompanied by
marbles' by Berenice, sister of Agrippa II and an elaborate fountain and usually laid out with a
for a time mistress of the emperor Titus. -^-^
This firm disregard of axial symmetry. An early-
is just the sort of wealthy context in which one third-century house like that at Seleucia, the
might expect to find the forerunner of what in port of Antioch [210],^"^ will serve as an example
the second century was to become normal
municipal practice. 210. Seleucia-Pieria, near Antioch.
Plan of a Roman house, early third century.
The lighter lines indicate patterned mosaic floors
It is sad that so little should have survived of the
cities of northern coastal Syria, and in particular
of Antioch. Here, if anywhere, one would have
seen the monuments which set the pattern for
the lost buildings of hellenistic Syria. Here
again one would have seen, written large, the
successive waves of Roman influence, the pat-
tern of which, with its strong Western bias, was
already established in thelist of buildings for

which Julius Caesar was responsible in Antioch

itself; a bath-building and aqueduct, a theatre,
an amphitheatre, and a monumental centre, the [5m

of the sort of" building which may well have horizontal squared monoliths. A few buildings
inspired the late antique houses of Ostia. Of the stand out as representative of a somewhat wider
rich monumental architecture of the city there is classicism. One such is the temple of Burdj
hardly a trace. From the pages of Malalas and Bakirha modest prostyle building
(a.d. i6i), a

other writers we know that this architecture which, with its podium and rudimentary
existed; we can be sure of its importance; but adyton, would not have been out of place in the
when it comes to details we have to accept the Lebanon. Another is the small third-century
fact of a gap at the heart of our subject. private bath-building at Brad (Roman Barade),
To fill that gap we have sadly little from the the curvilinear plan and vaults of which derive
other cities of northern Syria. ^^ What we do unmistakably from metropolitan practice [211c]
have, instead, is the often outstandingly well and look forward in their turn to the small bath-

preserved remains of the innumerable small buildings that were one of the more distinctive
country towns and villages which occupied the legacies of Roman to Early Muslim architecture
higher ground inland from the coastal plain, in Syria.'*" It must represent the taste of some
midway between Antioch and Aleppo.^'' This wealthy city-landlord. Such intrusive buildings
was the countryside which supported the great were, however, exceptional. The great majority
classical cities, and it conveys an extraordinarily ring the changes on the very simple range of
vivid picture of what, under fortunate circum- building forms that constitute the construc-
stances, Roman civilization could mean to the tional repertory of this whole local group.

humble dweller in the provinces - a picture all Domestic architecture bulks large, thanks to
the more remarkable in that a great many of the its use of exactly the same architectural vocab-

surviving buildings date from the fifth and sixth ulary and durable materials as the public build-
centuries, a time when over much of the Roman ings. Most of the surviving houses date from the
world civilization was crumbling fast. The late fourth to sixth centuries, but they repeat forms
date of so many of the actual buildings does not that were already established on the spot in the
matter greatly in the present context, since those Early Empire. The basic unit was a rectangular
architectural forms that are not specifically building, one room thick, subdivided by trans-
Christian seem to have changed very little since verse partitions, or rows of posts, and almost
Early Imperial times; and although much of the invariably opening along one long side, usually
architecture of these grass-roots communities is the south side, on to a portico. In what is

of greater interest to the social than to the probably rightly regarded as its primitive local

architectural historian, it does inevitably reflect form, the roof was flat and the span no larger
many aspects of contemporary urban practice. than could be achieved with the poor local
The basic architectural forms were extremely timber. The village houses at Taqle [2 11 a]
simple and were determined by an abundance of illustrate a developed and modestly prosperous
good building stone and a tradition of fine version of the type (fourth to fifth centuries)
craftsmanship in handling it. Except for the with the dwelling-rooms in an upper storey over
apses and semi-domes of bath-buildings and the stable. As early, however, as the first century
churches, the buildings were uniformly recti- A.D. the introduction of the classical gabled roof
linear, with gabled, or occasionally flat, roofs with tiles made possible the development of the
and marked tendency to build upwards
a clearly more spacious, better built versions which
rather than outwards. Towers and two-storey, characterize the wealthier houses from the Early
or even three-storey, buildings are a com- Empire onwards, as at Banaqfur in the first

monplace. Another regular feature is the por- century [21 ib] or Benabil in the second. These
tico, sometimes conventionally classical in its were regularly two storeys high, with a double
more commonly translated into an
detail, far portico along the facade, and they normally
open framework of alternately vertical and opened on to a square courtyard, around which

211. Buildings in North Central Syria.

Elevations and plans.
(a) House at Taqle, fourth century;
(b) house at Banaqtur, first century;
(c) bath-building at Brad, third century

might be grouped storage-towers, and other

service buildings. The type remained in use,
little changed, into late antiquity.

The public buildings, including the earliest,

pre-basilican churches, both in plan and in
general appearance represent a closely related
development. Such, for example, were the
bazaars, rows of small shops opening ofFthe rear
wall of a portico and regularly two storeys high.
The resemblances to the hellenistic stoa can
hardly be accidental, and one of them, at

Babisqa named. Very

(a.d. 536), is in fact so

similar in form were the inns {pandocheia). Yet

another related type of public building was the

andron, consisting of a gabled hall with one or wall of the mosque), which in turn was enclosed
more porticoed annexes. This seems to have within a vast outer enclosure, measuring some
been an all-purpose community meeting-place, 325 by 450 yards and encircled by double
and one such hall, at Me'ez, dates from as early colonnades. Begun presumably under Augus-
as A.D. 29. Even such an alien type as the bath- tus, the temple and temenos were well ad-
building was in time assimilated to local prac- vanced by A.D. 15-16."^^ The principal surviving
tice, as we see at Serdjilla (a.d. 473) and Babisqa elements belong to the temenos, and these offer
(fifth to sixth centuries). a glimpse of an architecture which, though
As seems to have happened so often in the classical in intention and in much of its detail
classical world, it was only commemorating
in (notably the handsome Corinthian order of the
the dead that this very homogeneous practical propylaea),^^ still embodied many traditional
architecture found scope for real individuality. features, including 'Egyptian' mouldings and
Tall paired columns (Sermada, a.d. 132); tetra- merlon parapets. Among the several antici-
pylon monuments crowned with pyramidal pations of later Romano-Syrian practice we may
roofs (Dana, Brad, second to third centuries) or, note the towers at the outer corners of the
later, domes (Tomb of Bizzos at Ruweiha, sixth facade, the rectangular columnar exedrae facing
century); gabled sarcophagi perched on lofty on to the courtyard and, more generally, the
plinths in the manner of Asia Minor; gabled characteristic relationship of propylaea,
tempietti (Babutta, first century; Ruweiha, temenos, and temple. This was one of the great
384); rock-cut tombs and facades; square towers monuments of the Early Imperial East, and had
with tall pyramidal roofs (Rbe'ah, second cen- more of it come down to us no doubt the later
tury), following a type which was widespread in story of Roman architecture in central and
Syria (Hermel) and Cilicia (Diokaisareia) and southern Syria would be much easier to read.
which was echoed as far afield as Italy and
North Africa - these are some only of the forms
that were in recurrent use over many centuries.
They illustrate once again the difficulty of fitting
into neat, orderly categories a funerary architec- The picture conveyed by this rapid survey of
ture in which so large a part was played by the architecture of coastal Syria and its im-
quirks of personal taste. mediate environs, though often deficient in
detail, is in its broad lines clear and consistent.
About the hellenistic cities, the main source of
pre-Roman classical influence, we are sadly ill-
Damascus, well watered and situated at the focal informed; but even in this, the area of closest
point of central Syria, has paid the price of a and most continuous contact with the rest of the
long and prosperous history in the almost total Mediterranean world, we see that in the
loss of its classical monuments. Little more can countryside outside the cities native traditions

be made out than the outline of a typically and ideas were still powerful. The balance
hellenistic, gridded street plan; superimposed varied sharply in accordance with historical,
upon it a pair of Roman colonnaded streets, one geographical, and social circumstances, but
of them the 'street called strait' of the Acts of the Persian, hellenistic, and native Semitic tradi-
Apostles; the probable positions of the agora tions were still factors to be reckoned with in
and the theatre; and, on the site of the Um- Roman times. The pattern of Roman influence,
mayad Mosque, the scanty remains of the city's sketched at Antioch by Caesar, took substantial
principal shrine, the Temple of Jupiter Damas- shape under Augustus, notably at the hands of

cenus. This stood near the west end of a Herod, whose example may well have been
symmetrical porticoed temenos (now the outer followed by the rulers of other client princi-

palities along the frontiers.'^-' It was based on the impregnable basin within the mountains of
introduction, both from the Greek world and Edom, is best known for the rock-cut tombs
from Italy, of a number of new building types, which honeycomb the surrounding The cliff's.

and even building techniques, and these, at monuments of the town itself have received far
various social levels and in varying degrees, less attention. They included an aqueduct, a

seem for the next hundred years or so to have central colonnaded street, a theatre, a large
constituted the principalRoman contribution to peripteral Corinthian temple, a small prostyle,
an architecture which in many respects was still hexastyle temple, a streetside nymphaeum (akin
firmly rooted in its own recent past. The next to, but smaller than, that of Gerasa), bath-
turning-point came early in the second century, buildings, and, at the west end of the street, an
and in this case the medium was a new material, elaborate triple arch leading into the temenos of
marble, and the main source of inspiration the Qasr el-Bint (Qasr Fira'un), the large temple
Romano-provincial architecture of western Asia which is the principal monument still upstand-
Minor. ing within the city.
It is against such a background that one has to The chronology of the monuments of Petra is
view the development of Roman architecture The traditional view, followed by
along the frontiers of Syria, southwards and many modern scholars, is that the great majority
south-eastwards towards the Red Sea and the of the very distinctive architecture of Petra
Arabian desert, and eastwards towards Meso- antedates the Roman annexation of the province
potamia. of Arabia in 1 06, having taken shape under King
With the tangled political history of the first Aretas II, who ruled in the late first century B.C.,
of these areas under the Early Empire we need and his immediate successors. On this view the
not concern ourselves in any detail. For a time in architecture is late hellenistic in date as well as

the early first century B.C. the whole region east in character, based on models established in the
of Jordan and south of Damascus had been part late hellenistic courts of Egypt and of Syria,
of the kingdom of the Nabataeans, who con- models which are thought also to have inspired
tinued to rule the southern part as client kings the Palazzo delle Colonne and other similar
until its annexation by Trajan in a.d. 106. Of the buildings in Cyrenaica."^"^ The same evidence
rest, the village-dwellers of the mountains and can also be interpreted as indicating that the
plains of the Hauran, although retaining close great majority of the actual buildings now-
cultural and commercial ties with the Na- visible within the town date from after the
bataean kingdom, were until a.d. 93 part of the annexation, and that a substantial part of the
domain of Herod and his successors; whereas tomb series, including the most elaborately
the strip of country immediately to the east of classicizing facades, are a great deal later than
the Jordan, the principal area of prior hellen- supporters of the traditional view would main-
ization, was in 63 B.C. organized into a loose tain. It is this latter reading which the present
confederation often cities, the Decapolis, which writer believes to be, on balance, the more
long retained a considerable measure of inde- probable and which is followed in the para-
pendence within the framework of the newly graphs that follow. But it must be emphasized
constituted province of Syria. The whole area is that those who prefer to follow the traditional,
very rich in remains of the Roman period, the early chronology will find themselves in good
outstanding surviving sites being those of Petra, company ."^^
the capital of the Nabataean kingdom, and of Although the rock-cut tombs of Petra are in

Gerasa (Jerash), one of the cities of the Deca- detail very varied, they fall into a well defined
polis. Throughout the period the main source of typological sequence. This is based on the form
classical influence was probably Damascus. of the facade, which is quite independent of that
Petra, romanticallv situated in an almost of the actual tomb-chamber, and is charac-
330 •

212. Hcgra (Medaein Saleh), rock-cut Nabatacan mausolca

of the third quarter of the first century

terized by the use of a shallow, almost two- portrays the truncated upper part of a similar
dimensional relief as a means of representing tower-tomb, just as if it were part of a separate
real, three-dimensional architectural schemes. building set back from, and looking across, an
The basic native form is that of the rock-cut independent fa9ade [212]. All of these forms are
tower, a form of tomb-architecture which was represented in a series of rock-cut tombs at

widespread in the hellenistic and Roman East, Hegra (or Egra), the modern Medaein Saleh, in
and which is vividly represented, for example, the northern Hejaz, which was an important
in the cemeteries of Palmyra. The ornament is road station and police post on the trade route
very simple, the two principal recurrent forms southwards from Petra; and since they are all

being the 'crowstep' crenellation (later sim- found more or less indiscriminately throughout
plified into a V-shaped crowning motif of two the thirty dated tombs at Hegra, which range
outward-facing stepped triangles) and the from A.D. 1-75, they may be accepted con-
'Egyptian' cornice, both motifs which we have fidently as representing forms that were already
seen to be characteristic of late hellenistic current at Petra by the beginning of the first

Lebanon, and which had a long currency at century a.d."*'

Petra. The second stage is characterized by the There is, on the other hand, no trace at Hegra
introduction of such classical elements as angle- of the third typological stage of development,
pilasters and simple capitals"*'' and doorways whereby the classicizing elements already pre-
with derivative classical mouldings, which in- sent on a small scale in the doorways were taken
clude small pedimental gables and Doric trig- and applied to the whole facade, thus creating
lyph friezes; and in the more elaborate versions the typical 'temple' tomb, with two or, in more
there is an added, attic-like upper storey, which elaborate examples, four pilasters, or columns.

B^^ \



213. Petra, rock-cut mausoleum of ed-Deir, possibly early second century.

The facade is 151 ft (46 m.) wide and 125 ft (38 m.) high

supporting a full-scale classical frieze and a in precisely the same sense as the Third Style
pediment. It would seem that as late as 75 painted architectural schemes at Pompeii a
temple tombs were not a familiar feature of the century earlier, or such contemporary pheno-
funerary architecture of Petra. Whether they mena as the marble facades of western Asia
had come into use before 106 is, in the context, a Minor, the stucco tomb interiors of Rome, and
question of less importance, since there is no the adyton architecture of the temples of the
hint of any sharp break in the development; but Lebanon. These can all be seen to have obeyed
on the evidence at present available it is likely an inner evolutionary logic, which was at the
that many of the more elaborate temple tombs same time shaped also by precedent. Decorative
of Petra are those of the wealthy Romano- schemes that were first developed in the court
Nabataean burghers of the second-century city. architecture of the hellenistic age might find
The final stages of the development followed themselves repeated almost verbatim, in

a predictable course. The only substantial ad- another medium and in an entirely different
ditions to the repertory were the broken pedi- context, two centuries later. The resemblance of
ment and the circular pavilion with a conical these tombs to the hellenistic prototypes is often
roof. The distinctive Nabataean capitals, the uncannily close; but it is the product of an
urn-like finials, the Doric friezes with large discs evolution far longer and more complex than
in the metopes, the quarter-columns on the many scholars have been prepared to allow for.
inner faces of the angle-pilasters, all these were Viewed in this perspective, the tomb fa9ades
inherited from the previous phase. What was of Petra can be seen to be the late, eccentric
new was the scale and elaboration of the de- manifestations of a long-established tradition.
velopment of these motifs. This was 'baroque' The facade of the tomb known as ed-Deir [213]

will serve to illustrate two of the most tell-tale impressive; but for all the sophistication of the
aspects of this phenomenon. In the lower storey basic tradition, there is also more than a touch of
the doors and windows are theoretically credible the barbaric about its manifestations at Petra.
as the details of an inner wall glimpsed between Of the buildings within the city only two, the
the columns of the fa9ade, as we see them arch and the standing temple, call for brief
already in the columnar tombs of the preceding, The
notice. arch, recently partly restored, is a
classicizing phase. The upper storey, on the monument of Roman type, with the three
other hand, is carved in the round and might archways framed by pilasters and semi-columns
well be taken to derive directly from the real on one side and on the other by columns placed
architectural scheme of which it is a repre- on free-standing moulded plinths."^^ As in many
sentation - until one looks at the windows, outlying Syrian arches, however, the propor-
which reveal it as a retranslation into three tions are altogether unclassical, and a great deal

dimensions of a bas-relief decorative scheme of the detail too (e.g. the pilaster capitals and the
that had already begun to lose touch with its finezoomorphic Ionic capitals of the columns,
sources. Its vitality lies entirely in its response to and the quarter-columns adjoining the outer
its own very specialized local problems. The pilasters) is of typically Nabataean derivation.
other significant characteristic is that this tomb The Roman arch of Si' in the Hauran (c.

and its fellows are out of all proportion to the 150-75) and the East Arch at Bostra off'er many
models from which they derive. This explains points of resemblance. The temple, Qasr el-Bint
why no photographs can do justice to the sheer or Qasr Fira'un [214, 215], faced northwards
size of the facade of ed-Deir, 1 50 feet long by across the west end of a long, narrow temenos.
125 feet high (46 by 38 m.), larger than the west In front of it stood a square altar. The date of the
front of Westminster Abbey. It is enormously temple is controversial. The discovery of an

214 {opposite) and 215. Petra,

'Qasr el-Bint' temple with axonometric view.
The date is controversial, possibly a second-century
addition to a pre-existing Nabataean sanctuary

inscribed statue-base of King Aretas IV (9 The square plan, for example, is almost cer-
B.C.-A.D. 40), apparently in position against the tainly attributable to the influence of the square,
south wall of the temenos, has been widely box-within-a-box type of temple, of which there
hailed as indicating a date for the temple not is a fine example, ascribed to the first century
later than the beginning of the first century A.D., at Khirbet et-Tannur, barely 50 miles
A.D.^'' In reality all that has been demonstrated north of Petra.-^^ The broad cella can be
is that the temenos itself was in existence by that documented in north Syria from the Bronze Age
date. With the examples of Baalbek "and of onwards and in the Roman period it was the
several of the lesser Lebanese sanctuaries before standard plan for the many small temples at
one/" it is difficult to exclude the possibility that Dura and at Hatra, in Mesopotamia, in several
the actual temple is an addition to a pre-existing cases combined with a tripartite adyton." The
open-air temenos, of which the principal feature tripartite sanctuarywas used widely both within
had been an altar. Whatever its date, it presents pagan Roman Syria and beyond the frontiers,
an even more extraordinary mixture of classical and it has long been recognized as the source of
and Oriental elements. In classical terminology this typical feature of the Christian churches of
it may be described as tetrastyle in antis, Syria." Good late-second-century examples in
standing on a wide podium with frontal steps; the Hauran are the Tychaeon (Temple of
the facade may well have been of conventional Tyche) at es-Sanamen (a.d. "igi) [223] and the

pedimental form, and the encircling entabla- temple at Slem, 20 miles north of Bostra. Yet
ture, with its console cornice and Doric frieze, another typical feature of Syrian temple design
was of classical derivation. In plan, however, the is the flat, terraced roof.'''* The evidence for this
building was almost exactly square (105 feet; is most clearly displayed in the temple at Dmeir
32 m.) and in elevation, if one includes the (a.d. 149) near Damascus. This curious build-
podium, very nearly cubical, the ceiling of the ing has two identical fa9ades, superficially pedi-
cella being no less than 60 feet (18 m.) above the mental with an arch framed between the two
inner pavement level. The cella was divided inner pilasters, but in reality consisting of two
from the pronaos by a massive cross-wall with a pairs of angle-towers, each framing a central
huge central doorway, and was itself further vaulted porch. One of these towers contained a
subdivided into a narrow transverse hall which staircase, and all four rose above the pediments
ran the full breadth and height of the building, and must have been connected along the flanks
and a triply divided sanctuary, or adyton, of of the temple by a parapet enclosing the flat roof
which the two lateral compartments were two over the cella.

storeys high and colonnaded, framing the lofty The plan of Dmeir is obviously eccentric in a
central recess that housed the cult-statue. Stairs number of respects; but the terraced roof can in
led up to the galleries and to the roof, which was fact be seen to be a feature of many more

terraced. How exactly the superstructure was conventionally classical temple buildings in
finished we do not know, but analogy suggests Syria, among them the temples referred to
the likelihood of a frontal gable backing against above, at Slem and at es-Sanamen. In the
a tall enclosing parapet-wall. An interesting former the two angle-towers, both of which
feature of the construction is the extensive use contained staircases, were at the front and
of timber string-courses and tie-rods, no doubt flanked a distyle porch, the pilasters and col-
intended as a precaution against earthquakes. umns together constituting a gabled facade;
Many features distinguish this remarkable above this the outer angle-pilasters rose clear to
building from conventional classical practice, carry a second, horizontal entablature, which
and almost without exception these can be seen ran right round the building, enclosing the
to stem from architectural forms and usages that terrace. At es-Sanamen the towers were at the
had wide currencv also in the non-Roman East. back, over the lateral chapels, and the porch was

of conventional prostyle form. The dispositions of the earlier building. They recall Herod's
vary greatly in detail; but once the fact of these temple at Samaria, and allowing for the differ-
flat roofs is accepted, they can be recognized ence of site the Early Imperial sanctuary at
with confidence on a great many other sites - in Baalbek. Another early building at Gerasa, also
the Lebanon possibly even in the Temple of known to have been Ionic, was the temple
Bacchus at Baalbek, almost certainly in a dozen thought to have been dedicated to the Na-
lesser temples; in the Hauran in the Temple of bataean divinity Dushara, later demolished to
Zeus at Kanawat; in the Temple of Bel at make way for the Christian cathedral.

Palmyra [232]; in the temples of Zeus and of Apart from these rather scanty traces of
Artemis at Gerasa; and in the mountains of earlier work, the city as one sees it today is a
Moab, east of the Dead Sea, in the temples at product of the 150 years following the middle of
Dhat Ras, Mhayy, and Qasr Rabbah, of which the first century a.d. The first step in its creation

the two last-named are noteworthy also as was the layout of a new and far more ambitious
possible precursors of the scheme of the third- street plan and the establishment around it of a

century entrance portico at Baalbek. The func- new circuit of walls and gates, of which at least
tion of these terracesmust have been liturgical. one, the North- West Gate, was complete by 75.
It is by no means unlikely that in some measure The walls enclosed a polygonal area on both
they correspond to, and took the place of, the banks of the River Chrysorhoas, the main town
tower-like altars of earlier practice. being terraced up the sloping spurs on the west
At Gerasa one is, superficially at any rate, in a bank. The axis {cardo) of the new layout was a
very different world. Although there had cer- colonnaded street running northwards from the
tainly been a native community here, probably 'forum', and this was crossed at right angles by
on the hill to the north of the 'forum' opposite two transverse colonnaded streets {decumant),
the Temple of Zeus, it was formally refounded which were carried across the river on bridges.
as a city under the name of Antioch-on-the- Both the cardo and the decumani were designed
Chrysorhoas by IV of Syria
Antiochus and partly carried out in the Ionic order, as also

(175-164 B.C.); would probably be

and while it were the porticoes that were added at about the
easy to exaggerate the impact of this event on same time around the 'forum' [216]. The latter
the externals of daily life, the contacts estab- was an irregular oval space just inside the South
lished then, and subsequently as one of the cities Gate, between the probable site of the hellenis-
of the Decapolis, did undoubtedly predispose tic city and its principal sanctuary, the Temple

Gerasa to the acceptance of the classical forms of Zeus, and it may well in fact have been a
that dominate the surviving remains. ^^ market for the caravans coming in from the
For a time the establishment of Rome in south. Yet another first-century building (under
Syria seems to have made remarkably little construction in the reign of Domitian, 81-96) is

difference. Excluded as it was from the terri- the great South Theatre, beside the Temple of
tories of Herod and his successors, the Deca- Zeus, a building of typically 'Western' type^^
polis may well have become something of a and one of the earliest surviving theatres in
backwater. The first certainly attested enter- Syria. The emphasis on the Ionic order in
prise under Roman rule is the rebuilding of the almost all these early buildings confirms the
temple and temenos of Zeus. The actual temple evidence from the Lebanon that this was the
was again rebuilt in the mid second century; but dominant order in late hellenistic Syria. It also
we know that its predecessor, already building indicates that, although economically and
in A.D. 23 and still not complete in 70, was of the socially Gerasa was at this time very closely
Ionic order, and that the site and layout, with linked with the Nabataean kingdom, architec-
the temple at the head of a long flight of steps turally its contacts were with the classical world.

leading up from a porticoed forecourt, are those The real turning-point in the history of

Gerasa was its incorporation in io6 within the was converted into a circular piazza with an
newly annexed province of Arabia. The first act elaborate tetrastyle monument in the centre;
of the new government was to lay out a network the Temple of Artemis and its precinct were

of fine roads - the only Trajanic monument as rebuilt and enlarged, with a solemn processional
yet identified at Gerasa is, appropriately way heading up to them; the precinct and
enough, the North Gate (115) [235B]," facing propylaea of the adjoining 'Cathedral' Temple
down the road to Pella and to the cities of the were remodelled and, between the two, there
coast - and within a short time the tide of was added in 191 a richly adorned fountain
romanizing prosperity was in full flood. The building. Other buildings of the later Antonine
emperor Hadrian spent part of the winter of period were the North Theatre {c. 16 1-6); the
129-30 at Gerasa; and although the solemn great West Baths; a new temple. Temple 'C';

216. Gerasa, ()\al pia/za, third quarter of the first century.

Foreground, part of the South Theatre, ternp. Domitian (81-96)

addition on this occasion of a new city quarter and, a mile outside the town, the festival

seems to have proved a somewhat empty gesture sanctuary of Birketein, with ritual pools and a
(the new South Gate and the archway delimit- festival theatre.
ing it are the only monuments that were The central monument of all this was the
certainly completed), the next few decades saw a temple of the city's protecting divinity, Artemis,
transformation of the already existing town. which today still dominates the whole site. It

The I'emple of Zeus was rebuilt and ready for was a large (74 by 131I feet; 22.60 by 40.10 m.)
dedication in 163. In the middle of the town the Corinthian building, hexastyle peripteral in
and southern sections'of the cardo were
central plan, with a deep porch and standing on a very
widened and converted to the Corinthian order, tall(14 feet 2 inches; 4.32 m.) podium. Stairs
and later again one of the major intersections beside the main door indicate a terraced roof

behind the conventionally gabled porch, and monumental courtyard, which faced westward
within the cella the floor rose steadily westward on to the cardo, its curiously splayed, trape-
to the adyton and to the statue recess high in the zoidal plan being evidently designed to give an
rear wall; height was obviously an important uninterrupted view across the street to the main
consideration. The temple stood near the centre propylaea. At this point the temple complex was
of a rectangular temenos, 395 feet wide and 530 terraced high above the west side of the street,
feet deep (121 by 161 m.), which was enclosed the terrace wall being masked by a two-storeyed
on three sides by porticoes and on the fourth facade of shops; and in the centre of this fa9ade
side by the rear wall of a propylaeon, consisting stood the propylaea proper, a huge tetrastyle
of a portico running the full width of the porch of which the rear wall was in effect a triple

building at the head of a grandiose flight of stairs arch with square doorways and flanking aedi-

217. Gerasa, monumental approach to the Temple of Artemis,

third quarter of the second century

and flanked by pavilions, or low towers - very culae [217]. From this arch seven flights, each of
much as at Baalbek half a century later. The seven steps, led straight up to the forecourt, the
workmanship of the temple itself is fine but far whole of the far end of which was occupied by a

from elaborate. For its effect it relied instead on magnificent flight of twenty-seven steps, over
its magnificent situation and on the mounting 100 yards wide, leading up to the propylon of
height and growing architectural tension of the the temenos proper. It was not until one entered
approach up the processional way. This started the temenos that the actual temple, glimpsed
at a bridge across the river, from which a sloping from afar, would have been fully visible - again
ramp led up to a triple gateway. Beyond this lay one thinks of Baalbek or, in a very diff'erent

the east propylaea, consisting of a short stretch context, the approach to St Peter's in Rome
of colonnaded street leading in turn to a before the opening up of the Via della Con-

ciliazione - but the whole progress up the

processional way had been building up to this

The rebuilt Temple of Zeus was a somewhat
larger (octastyle) version of that of Artemis,
which it otherwise very closely resembled in
plan, differing mainly in the greater elaboration
of its detail, with pilasters along the inner walls
of the cella and deep aedicula-framed recesses
along the outer faces, between the columns.
These decorative aediculae, a regular feature of
the second-century architecture both of Gerasa
and of the Hauran, are yet another indication of
a close relationship with the architectural world
of Baalbek. Temple 'C was a much smaller
building and far less conventional in plan. Built
on what had been a cemetery area, it consisted of
218 (above). Gerasa, West liaths,
a rectangular, porticoed temenos, 65 feet wide
third quarter of the second century.
by 50 feet deep, of which the temple occupied
Hemispherical vault of dressed stone
the middle of the fourth side, its tetrastyle porch
projecting into the central space; the cella was 219 (opposite). Gerasa, fountain building, 191.
T -shaped, with a square inner sanctuary open- The hemicycie was vaulted with light volcanic

ing off a transverse hall. On the analogy of the scoriae

hellenistic Heroon at Calydon in Aetolia it has

been identified as the commemorative shrine of ture, and it is the materials and techniques that
some distinguished citizen; but in the context it constitute the main point of interest. In this case

seems far more likely to have been a superficially there can be no doubt that in their planning, laid
classicized version of the sort of T-shaped out symmetrically about a typically tripartite
temple that one meets at Dura and at Hatra, and frigidarium, the baths derive closely from West-
indeed, in slightly more elaborate form, in the ern usage, worked out in terms of local building
temple of Qasr el-Bint at Petra. Even at this practices. Another obvious intruder from Medi-
moment of enthusiasm for the externals of terranean lands is the nymphaeum beside the
classicism, the native element did not lie far cardo, built in 191 [219]. The central, semi-
below the surface. circular exedra and the two wings were both
The West Baths are chiefly remarkable for faced with a double order of columns, framing
the fine quality of the stone vaulting, which alternately rectangular and curved recesses; the
includes three instances of hemispherical vaults lower order was veneered with green Carystian
over square rooms [218J, possibly the earliest marble, imported from the Aegean, and the
surviving example of this feature in Syrian exedra was vaulted with a semi-dome of light
architecture.^^ In view of the exaggerated claims volcanic scoriae. ^'^ That fountain-buildings of
sometimes made about the Oriental origins of this sort were being erected also in the coastal
this particular architectural form, it is worth cities we know from the nymphaeum at Byblos,
emphasizing that fi)rmally identical spherical a typical marble style structure of about the
vaults were being built at this time in many same date. The closest formal parallel (without
parts of the Empire, in Italy in concrete, for the semi-dome) is the great Severan nym-
example, and in Egypt in mud brick. It was phaeum at Lepcis Magna in Tripolitania [260].
already a commonplace of Imperial architec- Another, and even more elaborate, example

within the Decapolis was the great nymphaeum Empire. As in the comparable country districts

beside the main street of Philadelphia (Am- of northern Syria described above, Roman
man). Yet another was that of Pella, which was civilization, once established, struck deep; but it

sufficiently remarkable to be recorded on the was in every sense of the word a provincial
city's coinage.^" civilization. Except for the capital, Bostra
(Bosra), very few of the native villages rose under
Roman rule to be more than small country
towns. Their architecture is of the greatest
The wave of prosperity which led to this interest to the social historian, but its impact
outburst of building in second-century Gerasa outside the province was slight. There was,
was part only of the tide of material well-being however, one important respect in which the
which flowed over the whole province of Arabia Hauran differed from north Syria, and that was
during the hundred years following its annex- in the very considerable innate artistic talent of
ation until checked by the military disasters its people, the Nabataeans. Under the stimulus
and political anarchy of the mid third century. of contact with the mature civilizations of the
We have seen something of the results of this hellenistic East they had already developed a
already at Petra. We have still to glance at the fine architecture of theirown; and although the
remaining district of southern Syria, the forms were derivative the spirit and the techni-
Hauran.^' cal skills were strikingly individual, and they
Here, somewhat paradoxically, it is the build- were quite vigorous enough to leave their mark
ings of the period before the annexation of the on the architecture of Roman Syria as a whole.
province that matter most in the wider context The outstanding monument of this early
of the historv of architecture in the Roman period is the great sanctuary of Si', the ancient


o 15m
o 30m

220. Seeia (Si'), Sanctuary of Ba'alshamin, late first century B.C., and South Temple,
late first century a.d. Plans and elevations

Seeia, in the mountains north-east of Bostra, ings {theatra) for sacred spectacles. The first of
near Kanawat [220]. This is dated by in- these had colonnaded terraces on either side and
scriptions to the last few decades of the first at the far end on the left, facing inwards, stood
century B.C., at a time when the Hauran had the Temple of Dushara. The plan of this was
recently been attached to the territories of very simple, a square cella within a square
Herod As built then, it consisted of a
the Great. enclosing wall, of which the facade was open in
processional way leading up to a triple gate at the centre, with two columns set in antis. The
the entrance to the first of two long, narrow, cellawas roofed, the outer corridor open, and
rectangular precincts, which served as the sett- the dominant feature of the fa9ade was the

carrying of the otherwise horizontal entablature frames, the telltale orthostat-and-capstone socle
up to form an arch over the central pair of of the triple gate - even if in the process it was
columns. From the outer courtyard a single, often so elaborated and transformed as to be
very elaborately sculptured doorway led into the barely recognizable. Side by side, however, with
inner temenos, which had porticoes on three the classical egg-and-dart, the kymation, the
sides, and on the fourth side, facing the en- key-pattern, and the palmette sima, there are
trance, the Temple of Ba'alshamin. This was other motifs that closely resemble the earliest
similar to its fellow, but rather more elaborate, architectural mouldings of Palmyra, which have
the fa9ade in this case being capped by a low been convincingly interpreted as following con-
pediment and framed between two low towers. temporary Parthian models.*'-' Notable among
The roof of the cella (as presumably also that of the latter is the variety and range of vine-scroll
the Dushara Temple) can be seen to have been patterns. The crowstep and the 'Egyptian cor-
carried on four internal columns. At some later nice', characteristic of the Phoenician coast-
date the sanctuary was enlarged by the addition lands and of early Petra, are conspicuously
of an outer courtyard, containing a temple of absent. In their place we have inverted foliate
more or less conventional prostyle tetrastyle column bases of Persian type. The first specific
form (the South Temple) and entered by an indication of the influence of Petra can be seen
outer monumental archway. in the use of 'Hegra'-type capitals in the later,

One could hardly ask for a more vivid prostyle temple, which can hardly be earlier
illustration of the complexity of the influences than the last years of Nabataean independence,
that were work upon the Syrian frontiers.
at and in the quarter-columns of the possibly even
Though this architecture of Si' was a direct later (r. a.d. 150.^) outer gate, which must derive

product of the more settled conditions estab- from those of the rock-cut facades of Petra. In
lished by Roman rule, the form of the two early the earlier phase the sources of classical in-
temples was as alien to classical thinking as the spiration must have lain elsewhere, in Herod's
whose honour they were built. The
divinities in northern territories. Rather unexpectedly, they
square-in-square plan, though widely distrib- do not seem to have included the Ionic capital.
uted in Nabataea (e.g. at Khirbet et-Tannur, Those of the earlier buildings are all of a
and at Sur and Sahr in the Lejja, a northern distinctive type which, like the earliest capitals
outlier of the Hauran), has long been recognized of Palmyra, derives from a free hellenistic
asprobably of Iranian origin, an identification version of the Corinthian capital.
confirmed by the excavation at Surkh Khotal The architecture of Si', though somewhat
in Afghanistan of just such a temple, built in barbaric, was fertile of new ideas. No less than
the late first or early second century a.d. by three of its characteristic features were to make
the great Graeco-Buddhist king Kanishka.^^ themselves felt far beyond the frontiers of
Though the square, enclosed form was sub- Nabataea. One was the central arching up of the
sequently given up in the Hauran in favour of architrave (the 'arcuated lintel' or 'Syrian
columnar temples of classical derivation, the arch'), of which this is the earliest known
proportions of many of the latter (e.g. Maiyamas example in a classical context; another was the
and Brekeh; cf. Qasr el-Bint at Petra) clearly framing of the facade between two equal towers.
reflect its continuing influence. The plan of the Both of these were devices with a long and
sanctuary as a whole, with its enclosed, axial important history of classical and medieval
layout,seems on the other hand to derive from Christian usage before them.^ Less momentous
the same hellenistic sources as the sanctuaries of in its results, though hardly less far-travelled,

central Syria; and this was certainly true of was the little ring of acanthus leaves inserted
much of the architectural detail - the col- between the shaft and base of a classical column.
onnades, the quasi-classical orders, the door- Originally perhaps a Ptolemaic Egyptian device.

221. Mismiyeh, 'Pracloriuni', 160 9. Drawing by l)c Vogue


this was picked up at Gerasa (e.g. the Hadrianic arch to the next. One sees this everywhere, in
Arch), entered the repertory of the marble- the houses, in the temples (beginning with the
workers of Asia Minor, and is found as far afield third temple at Si'), and in such public build-
as Rome (Temple of Venus Genetrix), Nimes ings as the late-second-century basilica at Shak-
(the Fountain Building), and Lepcis Magna (the ka, the forerunner of countless local Christian
Severan Basilica).^' It is not impossible that the churches of the same distinctive form. An
vine scroll too first entered the classical architec- alternative, which may well go back to
tural repertory through this door. Within its Achaemenid Persian models, was to lay the slabs
limitations this was an architecture of ferment upon a close-set system of columnar supports,
and considerable creative power. as in the two earlier temples at Si'. Both, as one
Locally, too, it established the essential pat- sees e.g. in the 'Praetorium' at Mismiyeh [221],
tern of building for the next hundred years. were well established local building types.
When, after the creation of the new province, Another form of roofing, which had no local
prosperity flowed in, and with it the more precedents and must derive directly from
conventionally classical architectural types of Roman practice, was the concrete vault, built of
Roman Syria, the newcomers found already light volcanic scoriae. This is found sporadically
established the building practices and crafts- as early as the late second century, e.g. over the
manship which were to distinguish Romano- entrance hall of the 'Palace', a large public
Nabataean architecture from that of any other building, at Shakka (cf. the nymphaeum at

province of the Empire. Over a large part of the Gerasa, a.d. 191);^^ but it does not seem to have
area the local building stone was a hard volcanic gained wide currency until the emperor PhiHp
basalt, an intractable material in the handling (241-5) built the city of Philippopolis (Shehba)
and carving of which the Nabataean craftsmen on the site of his birthplace and endowed it with
had acquired an extraordinary skill. In the a grandiose bath-building in the Roman man-
absence of suitable timber, the ordinary method ner, with suites of rectangular, barrel-vaulted
of roofing was to build a series of transverse halls grouped symmetrically about two circular,
arches and to lay long slabs of stone from one domed caldaria [222]. Elsewhere in the Hauran

222. Philippopolis (Shehba), bath-building with vaulting of light volcanic scoriae, 241-5

(e.g. at Shakka) domes were achieved over The analogy with the faced rubblework of Asia
square rooms by laying courses of converging Minor is clear, and in the context of such
slabs across the angles, and it is suggested that buildings as the baths at Philippopolis and at
the domes themselves were not spherical but of Bostra, it too must derive ultimately from
a pointed elliptical profile, as in the still pre- Roman concrete, once again presumably by way
served church of St George at Zor'ah (515) and of the cities of the coast.
no doubt also in the similar but grander Side by side with this technical mastery of
cathedral church of St George at Bostra, built their difficult material the Nabataeans showed
three years earlier. Together with concrete also an extraordinary skill and taste in carving it,

vaulting one notes also the introduction of a new the crisply cut detail being made to stand out in

type of masonry, with a facing of coarse opus sharp, incisive contrast to the plain surfaces of
quadratum about a core of mortared rubble. the buildings as a whole [223]. Some of the most
effective items in their repertory were carried
over from the pre-Roman period, notably the
ubiquitous key pattern, but the choice and
treatment were, within the limitations of the
medium, scrupulously classical. The normal
order was Corinthian, but there are examples of
both Ionic (e.g. a streetside colonnade at Bostra;

the temple at Hebran, 155) and of a sort of

Composite (the temples at 'Atil, 151, and Slem).
A characteristic feature, shared with the de-
veloped mid-second-century architecture of
Baalbek and Gerasa, is the importance of the
decorative aedicula, often though not invariably
incorporating an upward-splaying shell-head
niche ('Atil, Hebran, es-Sanamen, Shakka, etc.;

cf. illustration 221). In the Hauran we find

rectilinear aediculae already in the temple at

Suweida,^^ a building which has been ascribed

to the first century B.C., before Si', but which is

in fact far more likely to represent the mutual

assimilation of native and classical traditions
under Herod's successors. It was a quasi-
Corinthian peripteral building, with a cella that
was almost square and eight columns down the
flanks, six across the facade, and seven across
the back. (This last feature, otherwise unique,
was repeated a century or so later in the
peripteral temple atKanawat, the Corinthian
columns of which were raised on high moulded
pedestals.) The ornament of the third century

22}. FLs-Sanamen, Tychaeon, 191.

Note the 'arcuated lintef {top right)
and the remarkably conservative nature
of the architectural ornament, including the use
of almost hellenistic models for the capitals


224. Bath-buildings in Syria. Plans, (a) Bostra, South Baths, probably third century;
(b) Antioch, Bath C, rebuilt in the fourth century following the second-century plan

reveals a development towards a drier, more and Philippopolis. Bostra, laid out by Trajan to
academic style; but it includes very few new be the capital of the new province, had a grid of
motifs, and there is scarcely a hint of influence fine colonnaded streets, with several arches and
from the 'marble ornament of the Syrian
style' gates, of which the East Arch, with its Na-
coastlands. It is only under the somewhat bataean capitals, may well be Trajanic. A street-
artificial conditions represented by Bostra and corner fountain-building was an ingenious
Philippopolis that one finds any trace of actual adaptation of that at Gerasa to an angled site,

marble imports, and then only for veneering. with a 'Syrian arch' frontal. The South Baths
Apart from the more elaborate, terrace- [224A], constructionally very similar to the
roofed and peripteral buildings mentioned in probably roughly contemporary baths at Philip-
the previous section, the temples were mainly popolis, are of patently Western derivation. The
quite small buildings, some with and some entrance hall, for example, with its apsidal
without the 'Syrian arch' fa9ade, and either recesses in the four angles of a circle or an
prostyle (the unfortunately fragmentary Der el- octagon inscribed within a square, is of a

Meshkuk, of 124; Brekeh; Maiyamas) or in antis characteristically Italian form, found already in
('Atil, Mushennef, 171; and, in rather
151; the bath-building of Herod's winter palace near
eccentric form,Hebran, 155). For other public Jericho and still current in 'Bath C at Antioch
buildings one has to look principally to Bostra [224B]. The concrete vaulting, on the other

hand, though inspired by Western models, can ment of this building was carried to its logical
be seen to have acquired a physiognomy of its conclusion a century later in the theatre at

own, incorporating at least one very unusual Philippopolis, which was even more compactly
form, a domical vault 30 feet square with a planned and omitted both the exedrae and the
central oculus, as well as an octagonal dome, 45 columnar screen of the scaenae frons.
feet in diameter, which is of such a daringly Bostra was not only the seat of provincial
shallow pitch that it would have been quite government but, in accordance with common
impossible to construct without the use of the practice along the eastern frontiers, it was also
light volcanic materials available locally. A large the garrison town of the legion III Cyrenaica.
street-front cryptoportico may also probably be Two of the surviving monuments probably
attributed to Western The handsome
influence. reflect this circumstance.^^ One is the 'Basilica',
second-century theatre, with its triapsidal a large, well-lit hall, which was part of a larger

stage-building and a colonnade at the head of complex of (probably) third-century date [225].
the cavea, is yet another monument of basically It was, exceptionally, timber-roofed in the con-
Western design. The somewhat austere treat- ventional manner; it had a single, concrete-

225. Bostra, 'Basilica', probably third century. Elevation and plan

^--&r^--g!;^ BBBQgQPB
i^^ H


vaulted apse at the far end, and it opened off the occasionally, but they were not native to the
end of a longitudinally colonnaded forecourt, or tradition. The houses faced inwards, and any-
There were external porticoes along the
street. thing up to half a dozen might open oft' the same
two flanks, below the windows. The whole irregular, enclosed courtyard. Exceptionally, as

scheme is very suggestive of a ceremonial at Medjel in the southern Hauran, this scheme
audience hall, comparable to the Constantinian was fitted into a neat, rectangular plan, like a

Basilica at Trier. For less ceremonial occasions Roman insula and perhaps copying urban prac-
there was the hall incorporated in the Talace'. tice. Usually, however, the grouping was more
This was a large rectangular building (120 by casual, about ahaphazard network of irregular
160 36 by 48 m.) of second-century date,
feet; open spaces, alleyways, and courtyards, which
the two main wings of which faced each other might be those of any Oriental country today.
across an internal porticoed courtyard. The Umm el-Jemal [226] and Busan offer examples
porticoes were of two storeys and the rooms of that have been published in some detail.^"

three, except for a monumental, trilobed hall

{triconchos) which occupied the full height of the

piano nobile in the middle of one side. This large
and obviously official building can hardly be
other than the residence of the military gover- Dura, the Greek Europos, was successively a
nor, with a domestic wing on one side and on the Greek, a Parthian, and a Roman town. Founded
other an official wing for the conduct of the day- by Nicanor about 300 B.C. and settled with
to-day business of the province. There are many colonists from Macedon, on the break-up of the
points of comparison with the third-century Seleucid Empire it passed in about 140 B.C. to
Palace of the Dux Ripae at Dura [229] and, two the Parthians, and except for a brief interlude
centuries later again, but still expressing the under Trajan it remained in Parthian hands
same duality of function in not dissimilar terms, until, in the sixties of the second century A.D., it

the Palace of the Dux at Apollonia in Cyren- was occupied by Rome. Septimius Severus,
aica.^'' c. 200, made it an important garrison town.
Finally, a word about the domestic architec- Fifty years later the pendulum swung again. In
ture which, as in north Syria (and for much the 256 it was besieged by Shapur, captured and
same reasons), varied remarkably little over the sacked, and then abandoned to the desert. The
centuries and which today constitutes a very emperor Julian hunted lions among its ruins.
high percentage of the surviving remains. The Though never a city of the first rank, its position
layout of the individual houses varies greatly, as one of the few readily defensible sites along
but can almost always be seen to be based on
it the great natural highway that led up the
combinations of the same two constructional Euphrates, from Seleucia-on-the-Tigris and
units, small rectangular rooms, the width of a the Persian Gulf to Antioch, gave it a consider-
single large roofing-slab, alternating with larger able strategic importance in moments of crisis

rooms that were roofed with the help of one or between East and West, and in times of peace a
more transverse arches, the latter because of stake in the valuable caravan trade up and down
their greater height frequently corresponding to the river and across the desert to Palmyra and
two storeys of the former. Three and even four Hatra. To us its unique importance is that,
storeys were not uncommon, with a flat, ter- alone among the cities of the frontier, it has been
raced roof, and in such cases the ground floors excavated on a scale and by methods which
were used for stabling and storage, the upper permit a real vision not only of what it was but

floors as living-rooms. A characteristic feature is also of how it grew to be what it was, and of the

the use of external, corbelled stone staircases social and cultural forces that determined that
[226]. Porticoes, as in north Syria, are found growth.
34^ •

226. Umm el-Jemal, house, third-fourth century.

Elevation, plan, and section

The first and most -powerful impression left alleyways and tortuous, shop-fronted dwellings.
by the remains of Dura is how remarkably In its last phase, under Roman rule, a little order
shallow and ephemeral was the architectural was established by the erection of streetside
impact of Greece. Apart from the continuing porticoes along the most important frontages
use of certain simple members such as columns and by the opening up of a small market square,
and door-frames, the only really durable legacy with shops grouped around it. But in all
of the hellenistic foundation was the town plan, essentials the city centre had long reverted from
laid out on strict Hippodamian lines with a its Greek beginnings into a busy Oriental bazaar
regular network of streets intersecting at right quarter [227].
angles to delimit a series of uniform insulae, Apart from the rather scanty remains of the
each twice the length of its breadth (230 by 115 official residences, the majority of the buildings
feet;70 by 35 m.), in accordance with normal from the period prior to the installation of a
Seleucid practice. The original builders of the Roman garrison are private houses and temples.
city made extensive use of Greek building The former were flat-roofed and mostly single-
materials and methods, including stone socles storeyed buildings, with the rooms grouped
for their walls, and by virtue of their superior irregularly around a small courtyard. This was
construction these walls tended to survive and essentially a local,. Mesopotamian pattern,
to be incorporated into later structures even closely analogous to the contemporary houses of
when these reverted, as they soon did, to the Hatra, the centre of a Parthian (and for a brief
normal local practice of building in mud brick while in the third century a Roman) client
and plaster. The last enterprise to be planned on principality, in the desert 180 miles to the
Greek lines was a rebuilding of the sanctuary of north-east of Dura and 60 miles south-west of
one of the city's patron divinities, Artemis, or, Mosul. The temples, too, find their closest
as she was known locally, Nanaia.^' This was analogies in the lesser sanctuaries of Hatra. ^^
undertaken after the Parthian occupation, and it The standard plan is that of a transverse hall,
was to have been a small peripteral temple in the with the cult-statue set in a smaller chamber
Greek manner; but in fact it was never com- opening oflf the middle of one long side, opposite
pleted,and shortly before 32 B.C. its place was the entrance. Often, though not invariably, the
taken by a new and more ambitious building of central shrine is flanked by two subsidiary
purely Oriental type, one of at least eight such chapels, an arrangement which was widely
temples to be built during the next two cen- copied in southern Syria, '"^ and which is one of
turies. The story of Seleucid Greek architecture several pagan themes that were to play an
in Mesopotamia is told in miniature in the important part in the architecture of the Chris-
agora. '^ This was planned to occupy eight tian period. The T-shaped sanctuary of the
insulae beside the intersection of the two main Temple of Dushara at Gerasa may well reflect

streets, with a double row of uniform shops the same tradition. At Dura and at Hatra the
facing outwards and inwards along one side and, central shrine is regularly set within a courtyard,
along two at any rate of the other three sides, a around which were loosely grouped smaller
single row of similar shops, facing inwards shrines, altars, treasuries, and residences for the
across the open central area and fronted by priests.

colonnades; alone among the buildings of Dura These temples might come to incorporate
it had a pitched roof, tiled in the Greek manner. classicizing elements such as, for example, the
In fact only one half of this scheme was ever tetrastyle porch that was added in the third

finished; soon there began the process of piece- century a.d. to the Temple of Bel (or the
meal rebuilding and encroachment which by the Palmyrene Gods) at Dura [228], where a pre-
second century a.d. was to transform the whole existing tower of the city walls prevented the
layout, open space and all, into a maze of narrow addition of the usual second flanking chapel.
350 •

228. Dura-Europos,
Temple of the Palmyrene Gods,
built into an angle of the city walls.
(a) Plans, first and early third centuries
(b) restored view, early third century

But such features were as superficial as the exercise of the commander's judicial functions.

classical names that were given to many of the As in the case of the residence of some other
divinities worshipped. Whatever the classical high officer near the praetorium, and of the
veneer, these were essentially native Semitic gods, praetorium itself, the whole layout represents an
from Babylonia, Mesopotamia, Arabia, northern alien, imported architecture, the analogies for

Syria, and Phoenicia, and their temples and which lie in the West. Local materials and
forms of worship were just as distinctively native building techniques imposed certain features
to this Mesopotamian frontier-land. Only the such as the flat roofs and the arches of the facade
Jewish and Christian communities stood aloof, (very reminiscent of twentieth-century Italian
adapting the architecture of existing houses 'colonial' architecture in Libya), but that was
to serve their special requirements.''^ The Mith- all. Even the unit of measurement was the
raeum, too, for all the Iranian origins of the cult Roman foot, instead of the local Semitic cubit.
of Mithras, may be considered as somewhat The roofs of Dura were normally flat, carried on
apart from the rest, having been introduced by timber rafters, which must have been imported
the Roman garrison and consisting at first only for the purpose down-river. Ceilings were of
of a single room within a private house. This plaster, laid on a framework of rushes and
was later rebuilt and enlarged, but the archi- sometimes curved Here and
to imitate vaulting.

tectural forms remained those proper to the there, too, the excavators found evidence of
rituals of this most cosmopolitan of cults, with vaulting both in mud brick and fired brick, used
'^ Mesopotamian manner, with the
little or no reference to local religious usage. in the age-old

The installation of a Roman garrison by bricks pitched on edge across the line of the
Septimius Severus involved the expropriation vault instead of being laid radially as in normal
of nearly a quarter of the area within the walls Roman work. The chances against the survival
and the building of barracks and officers' of such vaulting are heavy, and it must have
quarters, a headquarters building {praetorium) been more common
far in Syria than the
fronting on to a colonnaded street, a parade recorded examples would suggest. From Syria
ground, several bath-buildings, a small amphi- it spread to Asia Minor, to become (in fired
theatre for the recreation of the troops,'''^ and an brick) the standard vaulting technique of
official residence for the commander of the Constantinople. "^^
Euphrates frontier zone, the Dux Ripae.^*^ The Dura oflers us a vivid picture of the busy
last-named, added only a decade or two before Mesopotamian world that lay neither wholly
the city's destruction, was a building of some within nor wholly outside the Roman frontiers.
pretensions [229]. The residence proper oc- Its buildings, as such, have little to do with the
cupied one side of a shallow rectangular court- contemporary development of classical archi-
yard finely situated on the low cliffs overlooking tecture. They on the other hand, afford a
the river and flanked by two short, projecting valuable illustration of what often underlay the
wings. The central feature of the layout was an superficially classical forms of those parts of
apsed dining hall; the commander's private Syria that were in more immediate contact with
suite lay at one end, and opening off the other the Roman world; and the paintings on their
end there was a small bath-building. ''* Behind walls and their sculptures foreshadow much
the residential wing there lay a large peristyle that was to become the common artistic

surrounded by service rooms, servants' quar- language of later classical antiquity. This was
and a suite of reception rooms; and
ters, a stable, where the classical world and Iran met on
behind this again a second peristyle with two common ground, and it was here that many of
monumental entrances and a single large hall the religious and artistic ideas for which the
opening off it, which together were clearly architecture of late antiquity was the vehicle
intended for public ceremonies and for the first took shape.**'

229. Dura-Europos, Palace of the Dux Ripae

(residence of the commander of this sector of the Euphrates frontier),
first half of the third centurv. Axonometric view

PALMYRA commerce ran, Seleucia-on-the-Tigris.^^ Our

only knowledge of the earliest architecture of
Palmyra, situated in the heart of the Syrian Palmyra comes from deposits of architectural
desert at a point almost equidistant from Dam- mouldings, capitals, and other details found in
ascus and Emesa on the one hand and the contexts that can be dated (in round figures) to
Euphrates near Dura on the other, was the the second half of the first century b.c.*^ These
fortunate possessor of an abundant water sup- reveal a late, fanciful, hellenistic architecture

ply. It was the far-sighted exploitation of this that had absorbed a large number of alien, non-
fact, coupled with the establishment of stable classical elements, for which (in the absence of
rule in Syria by the Romans, which made comparable excavated material from Seleucia
possible Palmyra's meteoric career as a great itself or from the trading stations of the Persian

merchant city. By setting up and policing a Gulf) the closest parallels are with such far-
system of regular caravan routes, she was able to flung outposts of hellenism as Ai Khanoum,
offer to the merchants engaged in the fabulously Gandhara, and Matura, in India. The architec-
rich luxury commerce between the Roman ture of pre-Roman Palmyra was that of a
world and Asia a safe and direct outlet to the western outpost of an orientalized but still

ports of Phoenicia. For a brief moment in the recognizably hellenistic East, and it started with
third century a.d. the virtual eclipse of Roman a bias towards classical forms and solutions.
military power in the East enabled Odenaethus During the early years of the first century a.d.
of Palmyra and his wife Zenobia to exercise de there was a sharp change of orientation. This is
facto rule over Syria and much of Anatolia and clearly reflected in the earliest of the surviving

Egypt. But this was a fleeting and, in the event, monuments of the city, the great sanctuary of
disastrous moment of glory. The city was Bel [230]. Like Baalbek, it was a long time
captured and sacked by Aurelian in 272, and building. In its finished form the temple stood
henceforth its only importance was as a within a quadrangular enclosure surrounded on
legionary fortress within the new frontier sys- allsides by colonnaded porticoes, of which that
tem established by Diocletian. on the west side, opposite the temple doorway,
The architectural language of Palmyra is a was considerably taller and incorporated a
mannered, but in its essentials orthodox, pro- monumental entrance; within the courtyard, on
vincial classicism, strikingly and surprisingly either side of the axis, stood the altar and a large

differentfrom that of Dura when one re- basin for ceremonial purification. The temple
members how many and close were the links [231] was dedicated in a.d. 1,2. The three lower
between the two cities. The difference is only in colonnades of the precinct were added towards
part to be explained by Palmyra's closer and the end of the
first century, the west colonnade

more continuous political connexions with under Hadrian or Antoninus, the propylaea
Rome and by its abundant supplies of a fine under Marcus Aurelius or Commodus.^
building stone. In part also it was the product of In its original form the temple stood upon a
a very diff'erent historical background. Dura, for stepped platform in the Greek manner, which
all that it was an official Scleucid colony, rapidly was altered to the present low podium when the
took its place within an older world in which surrounding precinct was laid out in its de-
local Semitic influences were strong enough to finitive form. Viewed from ground level, from
absorb and to orientalize the Macedonian sett- the outside, it was a fairly conventional, octa-
lers. As a city Palmyra was, on the other hand, a style, peripteral building of classical type, ex-
creation of very recent date, and, in so far as cept that the entrance was placed in one of the
there was any pre-Roman tradition of monu- long sides, slightly off-axis, with a complex
mental architecture, it must have been that of door-frame inserted between two of the col-
the great hellenistic city through which all its umns of the peristasis, and that the classical

230. Palmyra, from the air. In the foreground, the Sanctuary of Bel. Left distance, tower tombs

231. Palmyra, Temple of Bel, dedicated m }2, from the south-east


cornice was capped by a parapet of crowstep and cut into the flat lintel above is a shallow,

merlons in the old Persian manner [232]. But saucer-like false dome, carved in the one case
the resemblance to a classical temple was only with a representation of Bel at the centre of the
skin-deep. Behind the conventional triangular firmament. There is much about this curious
pediments, instead of a pitched roof there were layout that awaits explanation, but a great deal is

terraces, accessible from within by turreted doubtless due to the anomalies inherent in the
staircases set in three of the four angles of the attempt to express the requirements of the local
cella; while inside, two small inner shrines cult within the framework of an orthodox
{thalarnoiY'" faced each other down the length of classical architecture. The remarkable thing is

the cella-building from the heads of two tall, that already as early as the twenties of the first
opposed flights of steps. Each is framed between century a.d. the prestige of Rome should have
the projecting shoulders of the staircase wells. reached so far as to make the attempt worth

232. Palmyra, Temple of Bel, dedicated in 2>2, (a) restored view and (b) plan

making. Like the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek, Temple of Bel was built in a.d. 32 the im-
this building affords graphic evidence of the mediate models, though tending towards an
architectural impact of the new political situ- orthodox Vitruvian classicism, still retained
ation; but whereas at Baalbek the dominant elements of the freer, more fanciful treatment of
new classicizing influence seems to have been the hellenistic age. By the end of the first

that of metropolitan Rome, at first or second century, however, orthodoxy was as firmly
hand, at Palmyra the immediate source of established here as it was at Baalbek; and
inspiration was the late Seleucid and early although the figure sculpture of Palmyra re-
Roman-period architecture of Antioch.^^ mained to the end obstinately 'orientaF in spirit,

The subsequent history of Palmyrene archi- the architecture of the great age of Palmyrene
tecture follows a predictable course. A study of prosperity was no less firmly linked with that of
the Corinthian capitals^^ shows that when the the rest of Roman Svria.

m m

•1 w w w w w w A fi w w w w r»

20 m
358 •

i ;

I}}. Palmjra, colonnaded sti d Lcnlun

JL'-f"! «il
234. Palmyra, arch, 220, and part of the second-century colonnaded street

The feature of Palmyra that first strikes the the red granite columns had been transported all

eye and the imagination of every visitor is its the way from Aswan; and, at the east end of
colonnaded streets [233] - so much so in fact the second, central section, by a fine triple
that it is worth recalling that Palmyra was in no archway. The tetrakionion monument recalls

way exceptional in this respect among the cities the very similar monument at Gerasa, a city

of the Roman East, nor was it necessarily one with which the oval colonnaded piazza at the
of the earliest. It is possible that the colonnades south end of the shorter, but unusually spacious
of the north-east street at the west end of the (70 feet; 22 m.), transverse street at the west end
town date from the end of the first century;^^ of the town offers another link. The archway
but the main axial street, 35 feet (11 m.) wide [234, 235A], built in 220, was wedge-shaped in

and about three-quarters of a mile in length, was plan, a simple but effective device of which the
not started until the second century; the central Roman world seems to have made surprisingly


235. (a) Palmyra, arch, 220, at the junction of the second-century colonnaded street
and the very wide processional avenue to the sanctuary, projected but never completed;
(b) Gerasa, north gate, 115

section was added in the third century, and the little use. (The only comparable monuments
easternmost section, leading to the Temple of that come to mind are the north gate at Gerasa
Bel, though planned was never completed. It [23 5b] and the elegant arch on the harbour-
falls into three sections, the changes in direction frontage at Ephesus.)*^^ At two points recent
of which were masked, respectively, by a gran- excavations have revealed fountain-buildings in
diose monument consisting of four square the form of apses with flanking recesses fronted
platforms set in a square and each carrying a by tetracolumnar facades that spanned the
tetracolumnar pavilion {tetrakionion) of which lateral porticoes. \ striking feature of the whole

complex was the rows of brackets projecting two flanking walls were crowned with stepped
from the columns on either side, to carry merlons. The temple itself dates from the
statues, a practice for which one can find second half of the first century a.d., while the
parallels elsewhere in Syria (Apamea) and in precinct which most unusually
Cilicia (Pompeiopolis, Diokaisareia), though were of the Doric order, were added on various
nowhere on such a large scale. However upset- occasions during the second century. The
ting to the classical purist, it offered an orderly Temple of Ba'alshamin, externally a building of
and not unattractive alternative to the clutter of more or less conventional classical design, pro-
civic statuary at ground level with which most style tetrastyle with a deep Corinthian porch
classical cities were content. and pilasters along the sides and back, is a
The theatre and the agora were both second- relatively late addition to a much older sanc-
century foundations which suffered badly when tuary. The earliest feature of this, certainly in

the city was hastily refortified in the third existence by a.d. 17, was a near-rectangular
century. The former was a conventional build- open temenos at the north-east end of the
ing of rather academic 'Western' type, the most complex. This nucleus was extended and pro-
notable feature being the sector of colonnaded gressively classicized by the addition (before 33)
streetwhich followed the outer curve, providing of a portico, which in 67 was converted into a
a ready-made alternative to the porticoes for the large peristyle courtyard; by the enclosure of
shelter and refreshment of spectators which one corner of the early temenos to form a rather
regularly accompany theatres elsewhere. The rudimentary, roofed temple; and finally {c. 130)
latter, a square porticoed enclosure of Hadrianic by the conversion of the original temenos into a
date, was more unusual in that it incorporated, Rhodian peristyle. The present temple building
along the east side, a basilican hall, a type of dates from 130, while the peristyle courtyard to
building which never achieved the same popu- the south-west of it was added between 137 and
larity in the eastern half of the Empire as it did 179. An unusual feature of the second-century
in the west. In this case it may have been, in temple is the inclusion of a large window in each
whole or part, a kaisareion, associated with the of the side walls of the cella, a wholly unclassical
imperial cult.*^" feature which reminds us that, like the temples
Other surviving monuments are the temples of Lebanon and southern Syria, this was
ofNabo and of Ba'alshamin; the remains of a thought of as the audience hall and dwelling-
number of houses; a public bath-building; the place of the divinity. The elaborate adyton,
towers of the cemeteries; and the military based on Lebanese models, incorporated a
headquarters established by Diocletian at the receding apsidal central feature with oblique
west end of the city. doorways leading into a pair of angle chapels.
The Temple of Nabo faced south but was The bath-building, a Diocletianic addition, is

in other respects a temple of conventional remarkable principally for the surprising con-
Romano-Syrian type, a hexastyle peripteral servatism of its layout, around a central peristyle
building of the Corinthian order set on a lofty court. One room was octagonal, all the rest
podium in the centre of a trapezoidal, porticoed rectangular. The better-class houses, the only
temenos.**' In front of the steps stood the great ones yet explored, were also of typically hellen-
altar, a square, box-like structure with sur- istic peristyle design. ^-^ The tower-tombs strike
rounding columns, closely comparable to those a grimmer, more personal note. Though of little
found on some of the Lebanese sites, and architectural interest in themselves, they re-
beyond this again a monumental propylaeon. mind us that the roots of this idea, which in one
The cella was of simple rectangular plan, with a form or another spread to almost every corner of
raised platform at the north end and traces of a the Roman world, lay in the ancient East. Other
stair, leading presumably to a terraced roof. The tombs, many of them elaborately painted and

carved, took the form of hypogea or of pedi- the 'Chapel of the Standards'. Although the
mental classical temples. evolution of this building isevident, stemming
Under Diocletian what was left of the city from the typical military encampments of the
became a garrison town, with the troops quar- earlier Empire, of which that at Lambaesis will

tered alongside the native population within a serve as an appropriately monumental example,
greatly reduced circuit of walls. The so-called there is also much here in common with such
'Camp of Diocletian', at the south-west end, is contemporary civil buildings as the palace at
the principia, or headquarters building, of the Antioch and Diocletian's residence at Spalato.
garrison. Like the contemporary camp at In the starkly militaristic climate of the late
Luxor, it was laid out around two colonnaded third century it is hardly surprising that in many
streets, which intersected at right-angles and led respects the distinction between monumental
up to an open space, dominated on the west side military and civil architecture was becoming
by a wing of military offices and, in the centre. increasingly hard to draw.*'^


EGYPT country, the roots of whose civilization ran so

deep and nurtured a plant so oddly resistant to

Despite their manifold diversity, the countries many of the blandishments of classical civili-

of the ancient East presented a certain funda- zation, was in some way different from all other
mental unity in their reaction to the stimulus of regions of the ancient East of which Rome
classical culture. The same cannot be said of found herself heir. If one compares the architec-
North Africa. Here we are confronted by the ture of Upper Egypt in the classical period with
heirs to three distinct ancient civilizations, all of that of almost any other province of the Roman
which in differing manners and degrees con- Empire, one cannot but be impressed by its

tinued to make themselves felt throughout the staunch preference for the tried forms of tra-
Roman period. In Egypt the hellenistic Greek dition, expressed in the time-honoured building
culture of the Ptolemies had overlaid, but even materials of the country, dressed stone and
at its most sophisticated had never succeeded in mud-brick. The inhabitants of Philae, wishing
eradicating, the stubborn traditionalism engen- to honour Augustus, might erect in 13-12 B.C. a

dered by two millennia of Pharaonic rule. In more or less conventionally classical building, a
Cyrenaica the enduring substratum of pro- prostyle tetrastyle temple with a shallow porch
vincial taste was hardly less tenacious of its and a mixed Corinthian-Doric order. (Illus-

metropolitan Greek origins. The whole of the tration 236 shows a similarly classicizing build-
rest of North Africa, west of the Greater Syrtis, ing, the Hadrianic Temple of Serapis at Luxor.)
had for many centuries been part of the com- But the adjoining 'kiosk' of Trajan, a century
mercial empire ruled by Carthage; and although later, was still very largely native Egyptian in

the fact of Punic rule did not leave so im- style [237]; and as late as 296 the near-by Arch
mediately distinctive a mark on the outward of Diocletian, with its slightly parabolic arches
forms of architecture and the other arts, it did and boldly blocked-out mouldings, had ab-
constitute the basis of a broad unity of thought sorbed the external forms, but hardly anything
and taste that extended along the whole central of the spirit, of conventional classicism.'
and western seaboard, from Tripolitania in the Romanization did, of course, make itself felt

east to the Atlantic coastlands of Morocco in the in a great many fields. Two small nymphaea of
west. classical type flank the processional approach at

Roman Egypt, from the moment of its Dendera; a house of the Roman period at Edfu
annexation after the death of Cleopatra, oc- had a private bath-building in the Roman
cupied among the provinces
a singular position manner; and the Diocletianic camp at Luxor,
of the Roman Empire. The fact that it was ruled for all its almost literal incorporation of the
by a viceroy responsible directly and solely to Pharaonic temple buildings (one of the temple
the emperor may be explained very simply by halls, which was later used as a church, became
the anxieties and fears of the last years of the for a while the chapel for the legionary stan-
Republic, when there had been a real danger of dards), was itself laid out on a four-square
the effective centre of the Roman world shifting classical plan, with intersecting colonnaded
eastward, as it was to do three and a half streets and a tetracolumnar monument at the
centuries later under Constantine. But it also intersection. Locally, within and beyond the
reflects Roman awareness that this strange frontiers, the Romans left a substantial legacy of
364 •

236 {opposite^ above). Luxor, Temple of Serapis, 126

237 {opposite, below). Philae, 'Kiosk' of Trajan, c. 100

238 {above). Karanis, House C65, built of mud brick with timber details
and {top right) pitched brick vaulting

architectural forms and building practices to the saucer-domes, many of them carried out in a
flourishing Christian and pagan civilizations of pitched-brick technique requiring a bare mini-
late antiquity. But in terms of the architecture of mum of timber shuttering, anticipate one of the
the Roman world as a whole Upper Egypt was, most distinctive features of Early Byzantine
and remained, a backwater. building practice [238].
The one group of buildings that deserves In the hellenistic cities of the Delta things
mention - not because it was in any way must have been very different. Here the almost
unusual, but because its excavation was, for total loss of the remains of Roman Alexandria
once, well observed and documented - is that of constitutes a gap in our knowledge hardly less

the small townships of Karanis and Soknopaiou serious than that of its great sister metropolis in
Nesos in the Faiyum. The mud-brick houses, the east, Antioch. There are descriptions of the
with their scanty use of timber and even scantier city and of such individual monuments as the
use of stone, afford one of the very few surviving Pharos, the library, and the great first-century
examples of a building material and of building synagogue; but such literary descriptions afford
techniques which have all too rarely come down notoriously slippery ground for the student of
to us but which were in fact in widespread use in architecture and can at the best be used to
many parts of the Mediterranean Roman world. supplement the picture to be gained from the
In particular, the barrel-vaults and shallow surviving monuments. The disjecta membra of

the classical city show that for a time the 239 and 240 {opposite). Cyrene, Caesareum,
architecture of Roman Alexandria retained a a Hellenistic building adapted to its Roman purpose

in the late first century B.C., air view and plan.

decided flavour of the rather mannered hellen-
The basilica is a modification
ism of the previous age. But there are hints of
of the first century a.d., the central temple
influence from Italy, as, for example, in the an addition of the second century
introduction of the ubiquitous Roman-style
bath-building or in the high podium of a small
Ionic tetrastyle temple in the suburb of Ras el- basilica complexes are known from several other
Soda.^ Subsequently, in the later Empire, the sites within the Greek-speaking world, and at

capitalsand other architectural members pre- least one of these, at Palmyra, seems to have
served in the museum and elsev^here include a been associated with the imperial cult and may
high proportion of 'marble style' decorative be tentatively identified as the Kaisareion of
material, most of it in Proconnesian marble. In local epigraphy. Other well preserved examples
this respect Alexandria was evidently subject to are atKremna, in Pisidia, and at Smyrna [186].
the same all-pervading influences as the coastal In more general terms one may suspect the
cities of southern Asia Minor and Syria and the influence of the same tradition in Rome too, not
rest of the North African littoral. only in such direct manifestations of the ruler
One of the most influential of the lost cult as the Porticus Divorum of Domitian [20]
buildings was the Kaisareion, erected by Caesar but also perhaps even in the planning of the
in 48-47 B.C. a few months before the lost Imperial fora. All these were porticoed monu-
building of the same name in Antioch. It seems ments, enclosed and inward-facing, and the
to have been a large, inward-facing temenos allocation of the post of honour in the first such
surrounded by porticoes, and it has been plau- forum to a temple of Venus Genetrix, divine
sibly argued that it derived from some such ancestress of the Julian family, came as near to

monument as the temple enclosure, classical in expressing the sentiments of the ruler cult as
its details but in its layout still essentially contemporary opinion in Rome would have
Pharaonic, which was erected c. 240 B.C. by the permitted. There were, of course, other in-
garrison of Hermoupolis Magna in honour of fluences at work as well. But it would have been
Ptolemy III and Berenice.^ The Alexandrian natural for Caesar, in planning his forum, to
building in its turn seems to have exercised a have drawn upon his own recent experience in
powerful influence on the architectural forms Alexandria and in Antioch. If so, this, one of the
adopted elsewhere in the Roman world, includ- most widely diff"used schemata of Roman
ing the capital, for the purposes of the newly Imperial architecture, appears as an ultimate
instituted ruler cult. At Cyrene a building product of the hellenistic influences that had
identified as a gymnasium of the second century shaped so much of the architecture of the
B.C. was remodelled and rededicated to Augus- previous century. It is significant of the sub-
tus as a Caescireum, or Kaisareion [239, 240]. If sequent shift in the architectural centre of
this gymnasium is correctly equated with the gravity within the Roman world that the known
Ptolemaion of several local inscriptions, the later Kaisareia, all of them in the eastern
transformation was both simple and logical. It provinces, should have incorporated basilicas, a
comprised a rectangular open space, some 170 specifically Western type of building which, in
by 265 feet (51 by 81 m.), surrounded by Doric the context, must almost certainly reflect the
porticoes, with a series of chambers opening oft' prestige of the last of the Imperial fora in Rome,
one long side, which were later rebuilt as a the Forum of Trajan and the Basilica Ulpia.
basilica of which the whole of one end was The life and art of Egypt seem to have
occupied by a large semicircular exedra.^ (The exercised a peculiar fascination on Roman
temple in the middle of the open area is a later, minds at all levels and in all periods. Some of the
second-century addition.) Comparable forum- resulting products, such as the famous Bar-


L ,

r ^<



10 20 30 m •

1 i
L rJ

berini mosaic at Praeneste (c. 80 B.C.), with its of Cyrene itself has been excavated as well as
lively scenes of Egyptian life and fauna dis- considerable areas of Ptolemais and Apollonia,
played within a framework of rich Nilotic there are few Roman buildings that are of more
landscape, are of a quality that must reflect than local significance. One such, the Caesar-
closely the decorative tastes of the Ptolemaic eum at Cyrene, has been described above. Its

court; and although many more bear the stamp retention of the Doric order is characteristic of
of an artificial convention comparable to the the staunch conservatism of that city. As late as
'chinoiserie' of a later age, it was a convention of the time of Hadrian Doric was employed for the
a remarkable durability and resilience, which reconstruction of the Temple of Apollo, de-
continued to make itself felt in painting, stucco- stroyed a few years earlier during the great
work, and mosaic throughout the Roman Jewish revolt.^ Used monumentally, Corinthian
period. There was also a lively commerce in makes its first certain appearance in the large
Egyptian obelisks, sphinxes, fountain basins, public bath-building erected by Trajan within
and ornamental statuary. Augustus set the the sanctuary of Apollo (or possibly in its

fashion by transporting two large red granite restoration by Hadrian, after the same revolt).

obelisks from Heliopolis, one of which he The capitals of this are typical 'marble style'
erected on the axis of the Circus Maximus, the importations from Asia Minor; but although
other as a sundial in the Campus Martius. In all such importations constitute one of tfie stylistic

no less than forty-two such obelisks are known sources of the series of small Corinthian temples
to have been imported by successive emperors. and other public buildings erected at Cyrene in
This commerce owed much to the popularity of local stone during the course of the second
the cults of Isis and Serapis, whose sanctuaries century,^ they do not seem to have been as
in Rome, Benevento, and elsewhere have numerous or to have made the same impact as in
yielded a rich haul of architectural sculpture and most other coastal provinces of the eastern and
statues, both originals and copies. central Mediterranean. Throughout its later
Finally we may note the development of an history Cyrene maintained close commercial
important export trade in such highly prized and sentimental ties with Athens. The bulk of
Egyptian building stones as the red granite of the imported marble (Cyrenaica itself has no
Syene (Assuan), the imperial porphyry of the supplies) is Attic, and it would not be surprising
Jebel Dokhan in the eastern desert, and the grey if further research were to reveal architectural
granite ('granito del foro') from the near-by links, too, with Athens and with mainland
quarries of Mons Claudianus. The Flavian Greece.
Palace, the Basilica Ulpia, the Pantheon, the Ptolemais, a hellenistic coastal foundation,
great court at Baalbek, the Severan forum and and Apollonia, the port of Cyrene, were more
basilica at Lepcis Magna, are a few only of the up-to-date in their tastes and artistic con-
great monuments of the Empire for which the nexions. In their domestic architecture in
vast monolithic columns, weighing up to 300 particular they seem to have been more open to
tons, were shipped all over the Mediterranean the influence of hellenistic Alexandria, an in-
basin. As a source of luxury building materials fluence which received fresh impetus from the
the quarries of Egypt were second only to those prosperity that followed the Augustan Peace.
of Greece and of Asia Minor. The most significant monument in this respect
is the so-called 'Palazzo delle Colonne' at

Ptolemais [241]. This was a wealthy private

residence, occupying the greater part of an
Roman Cyrcnaica, unlike Egypt, was a poor elongated rectangular insula.' The whole build-
province, richer in history than it was in fine ing was terraced upwards on substructures to
contemporary monuments; and although much counter the natural slope of the site, and the

241. Ptolemais, 'Palazzo delle Colonne'.

Probably first half of the first century A.D
Axonometric view from the north-east,
looking southwards

main residential quarters too were developed in vertical development imposed by the crowded
elevation, with rooms and colonnades of very urban conditions of Alexandria. The plan is

differing height and a second storey over the essentially that of a typical late hellenistic
main peristyle - an echo presumably of the peristyle-house, with a large room (the oecusY

for domestic use opening off the middle of the province. Several other Early Imperial houses
south side, and opposite it (in this case) a second of the same general character, though less

and larger oecus more public occasions, the

for elaborate, have been identified at Ptolemais; at
roof of which was supported on an internal Cyrene itself the first-century nucleus of the
ambulatory colonnade in a manner reminiscent rich 'House of Jason Magnus' falls within the
of the similarly derived Second Style architec- same general category, though the planning is
turalschemes of Late Republican Italy. Other more relaxed; and there are remains of similar
rooms and offices were grouped around a workmanship both at Teuchira (Tocra) and at
second, smaller peristyle, and a bathing-suite Apollonia. At the other extreme stands the
was added later at a lower level, behind the building at Ptolemais which has been variously
shops that occupied the northern frontage. The identified as an odeion and a council hall
architectural ornament was lavish, with pave- {boideuterion), the stage-building of which was
ments of mosaic and of shaped marble tiles {opus absolutely plain except for the conventional
sectile) and richly carved architectural schemes three doors, which opened directly on to the
carried out in the soft local stone and surfaced orchestra. Whatever its original function (and
with stucco. Among the characteristic motifs it could it not have served both purposes?), it was
must suffice to notice the heart-shaped angle later converted to theatrical use by the addition
piers; the free interchange of Doric, Ionic, and of a wooden stage, and later again (as frequently
Corinthian elements, and the juxtaposition of elsewhere in late antiquity) by the water-
orders of different heights; the columns that proofing of the whole orchestra to provide
spring from a calyx of acanthus leaves (a for aquatic displ; The magnificently sit-

Ptolemaic motif that found its way also into uated Greek theatre at Cyrene was similarly
Syria and sporadically elsewhere);^ the arch converted by the elimination of the stage and
springing from the two ends of an interrupted the deepening of the rock-cut orchestra to form
horizontal architrave;'" the fa9ade in the form of the arena of a small amphitheatre. Cyrene had in
a false portico, with Ionic half-columns carrying all no less than four theatre-like buildings (two
a Doric architrave and framing large rectangular are visible in illustration 239), some of which
false windows scheme recalls that of
(the must certainly have been designed as places of
Herod's palace at Masada and the House of the public assembly. Hippodromes Cyrene and at

Figured Capitals at Utica); and the broken Ptolemais remind us that Cyrenaica was famed
pediments framing independent pedimental for its horses. Ptolemais possessed in addition
aediculae within the setting of a miniature two other theatres and, unusually for an Eastern
columnar screen in a manner that clearly fore- province, an amphitheatre.
shadows the marble columnar screens of Asia
Minor. All this has very close affinities with the
decorative architecture portrayed in the wall-
paintings of Pompeii. Whatever its date, the West of the Great Syrtis one enters a world very
Palazzo delle Colonne may be regarded as diflerent from Egypt and Cyrenaica. Here the
exemplifying the sophisticated late hellenistic Greeks never succeeded in establishing a foot-
domestic architecture from which so many hold; from Tripoli to Cadiz and across the sea to
elements of the decorative taste of Roman Italy Sardinia and western Sicily Rome was heir not
and the Mediterranean provinces were .more or to Greece but to Carthage, and the language,
less directly derived. where it was not Punic or Berber, was Latin. If
In Cyrenaica, too, this seems to have been a Cyrenaica was essentially a part of the hellenis-
specifically domestic style, to be contrasted with tic East, Roman Africa (as it is convenient to
the more conservatively classical style of public term the whole of this territory, from Tri-
architecture. It was widely represented in the politania westwards) belonged no less decisively

to the Western world. Thirteen centuries of Roman'. To disregard this fact is to dissociate
Arab rule have overlaid but have not succeeded the art of Roman North Africa from the setting
in entirely cancelling this distinction. of daily life and thought within which it was
Roman Africa is almost embarrassingly rich created and by which it was conditioned.
in monuments. Not only did classical civili- Two cities about the early development of
zation strike deep, but the circumstances of the which we happen to be unusually well informed
country's subsequent history have favoured the are Lepcis (or Leptis) Magna and Sabratha, two
survival of many of its ancient cities and of the three cities from which the territory of
buildings. And yet, with a few notable excep- Tripolitania took its name. Both were in origin
tions, these buildings are more remarkable as Carthaginian trading-stations (emporia). Exca-
documents of a vanished civilization than for vation has shown that Sabratha was the site of a
any great artistic originality. The architecture seasonal, harbourside trading post as early as the
here remained to the end largely derivative. fifth century B.C. Lepcis was founded even
Why was this? There can be no single answer, earlier; but although the site of the Punic
but one of the most important reasons lies settlement known, on the west bank of the

undoubtedly in the historical background of the sheltered wadi-mouth which constituted the
territory and its peoples. At the time of the first harbour, the earliest extant remains are of the
Greek and Phoenician colonies, the indigenous Augustan Age, when the quarter immediately
inhabitants of North Africa were still to all inland from the primitive nucleus was laid out
intents and purposes in the Stone Age; and on a neat rectangular grid around an open space,
whereas the Greeks in Cyrenaica brought with the forum, and along the axial street which
them a vigorous, proselytizing art of their own, struck inland on a gentle curve, following the
the Phoenicians were a people singularly devoid line of the higher ground to the west of the wadi.
of any artistic talent. As craftsmen they were Individual buildings within the forum area were
skilful, borrowing freely from others, and as later rebuilt or embelHshed. But the subsequent
merchants and middle-men they carried their establishment of a new and far more magnificent

wares all over the western Mediterranean; but as forum on another site meant that the Old
creative artists they had little of their own to Forum retained to an unusual degree the broad
offer. If the remains of the art and architecture lines of its Early Imperial physiognomy right
of the Phoenician colonies in the west are only through pagan antiquity. Better than any other
now beginning to be recognized and discussed, similar complex in North Africa, it offers a
it is largely because of their essentially de- picture of the Roman architecture of the pro-
rivative, colourless character. This is partic- vince in the earliest, formative stages of its

ularly true of the later pre-Roman period, when development.

the distinctively Oriental influences had The oblique alignment of the north-east side
dwindled and the primary source of con- of the Old Forum must derive from that of some
temporary inspiration was the hellenistic art and building, or buildings, of the Punic city [242].
architecture of South Italy and Sicily. The The rest is strictly rectangular. Along the north-
subsequent advent of Roman rule has almost west side stood three temples. The smallest of
inevitably tended, in consequence, to obscure these, the North Temple {c. 5 b.c.-a.d. 2),
the local contribution to amixed civilization of served as the model for its larger neighbour,
which so many of the externals were obstinately which was built between a.d. 14 and 19 and
and uniformly classical. And yet, as any student dedicated to Rome and Augustus. Both made
of the history, language, and institutions of use of the magnificent silvery-grey limestone
Roman North Africa is at once made aware, this which was to remain the characteristic building
was as much a 'Romano-Punic' or 'Romano- stone of Lepcis for over a century; both were
African' civilization as that of Gaul was 'Gallo- peripteral on three sides only, in the Italian
372 •



242. LepcisMagna, Old Forum. Laid out in the last quarter of the first century B.C.
and developed principally during the first century a.d. Plan

manner; both employed an order with highly Roman architecture at Lepcis, and the proxi-
distinctive Ionic capitals, and instead of the mate source of the capitals and angle piers (not
customary columns at the outer angles of the to be confused with the similarly shaped but
facade there were heart-shaped angle piers. All inward-facing angle piers of everyday hellenis-
of these arc recurrent features of the Early tic practice) is probably Late Punic rather than

Italian. For all the superficial classicism of these proper, opposite the entrance to the basilica, on
buildings, it was in part at any rate a classicism an earlier alignment. A temple-like building set
at one remove from source. The Temple of within a porticoed enclosure upon a raised
Rome and Augustus is of interest also for its platform, it seems in origin to have been of Early
elaborate vaults and twin cella, and for the Imperial date. As at Sabratha, the seating
design of the podium, which rose sheer from the followed the canonical model of the Roman
forum paving, with twin flights of steps in- senate house, with two longitudinally facing
corporated in the flanks, just as in the Temple of tiers of low steps.
Venus Genetrix Rome. Similar platforms are
in The Old Forum at Lepcis Magna, like the

a feature of a number of North African temples agora at Corinth, is an excellent example of the
(e.g. Althiburos and Gigthis in Tunisia; Sab- sort of monumental unity which sound basic
ratha; Timgad), and in this instance the survival planning and the use of congruous materials
of two carved ships' prows {rostra) establishes enabled Roman architects to achieve, often over
beyond dispute that the purpose was to furnish long periods of piecemeal growth. Moreover,
a platform for orators. Another feature common though derived exclusively from South Italian

to many Early Imperial monuments in Tri- classical sources, either directly or else through
politania is that the architraves seem to have Late Punic imitations, this was an architecture
been of wood. that reflected admirably the solid civic qualities
Alongside the Temple of Rome and Augus- of the local mercantile aristocracy. The donors
tus, with the pavement of the lofty podium of these buildings bore names like Iddibal,
carried across the street between the two on Balithon (Ba'alyaton), and Bodmelqart. The
arches so as to form a single platform, was the dedicating magistrates were still the Punic
Temple of Liber Pater, or Dionysus, the Punic sufetes, and the dedicatory inscriptions were
Shadrap. This was the earliest building of the written in Neo-Punic script as well as in Latin.
whole group, being built originally of the soft More than a century later the Lepcis-born
quaternary sandstone which, faced liberally emperor Septimius Severus spoke Latin with a
with stucco, was the pre-Augustan building strong Libyan accent, and his sister spoke it so
stone of Lepcis. Opposite the two, some time badly that she had to be sent back to her native
before the middle of the century, was added a city.

basilica (the 'Basilica Vetus'), a building which, Such a society responded rapidly to the
though sited transversely so as to balance the opportunities of the Augustan Peace. Lepcis
bulk of the two main temples, internally was of grew apace. Before the end of Augustus's reign
the longitudinal South Italian type found at another 275 yards of the axial street towards the
Pompeii and at Corinth, the main entrance lying south-west had been incorporated as the basis
in a small secondary piazza opposite the curia. for the street grid of a whole new quarter, and
Then, and not until then, in a.d. 53-4, the before a.d. 27-30 almost another 400 yards
central area of the forum was given monumental south-westwards again, bringing the limits of
form by the addition of limestone porticoes on the city to the point where the Arch of Septi-
three sides pavement of magnificent
and a mius Severus later stood. The monuments that
limestone slabs. This was followed, along the mark the stages of this rapid growth are a market
south-west side, by an enclosed precinct and building (8 B.C.) and a theatre (a.d. 1-2), both
temple of Cybele (71 2), by a temple of built on the outskirts of the area hitherto
Trajanic date which was later converted into a developed, and a porticoed facade, the Chalci-
church and, tucked into the western corner, by a dicum, built in a.d. 11-12 to mask one of the
small porticoed shrine in honour of Antoninus resulting irregularities of plan [244]. The
Pius (153). The curia, the meeting-place of the market [243] is an outstanding example of the
municipal council, lay just outside the forum Pompeian type of macellum, with a central pair

244. Lepcis Magna, main street, showing {left) the fa9ade of the Chalcidicum, 11-12,
remodelled in marble in the second century, and beyond it the Arch of Trajan

245. Lepcis Magna, octagonal market pavilion {tholos), Romano-Punic, 8 B.C.

Its counterpart was rebuilt on a circular plan in the early third century

of pavilions enclosed within a rectangular open cally Imperial Roman architectural scheme.
space, around which, between a.d. 31 and 37, Other noteworthy features are the small tetra-
was added an encircling portico. The south-east style temple (dedicated to Ceres Augusta) at the
pavilion was rebuilt in marble two centuries head of the cavea, North
as in several other

later, but its fellow [245] is still the original African theatres; ^^ the porticoed foyer beyond
Augustan structure, of fine grey limestone, with the stage-building,'^ as for example at Ostia and
a circular, windowed central chamber and an at Corinth; the colonnade around the head of

octagonal portico; as in the early temples of the the cavea, a feature repeated at Timgad,
Old Forum, the angle piers of the octagon are Thugga, and Cherchel; and the flooring of the
heart-shaped. There were no separate shops, orchestra, replaced in marble during the second
the market benches being ranged between the century but originally, as in Herod's theatre at

columns of the pavilions and along the outer Caesarea, of gaily patterned, painted stucco.
walls of the porticoes. The architectural models established at

The theatre [246, 247A], despite later ad- Lepcis under Augustus were maintained with
ditions and modifications, is another building remarkably little change throughout the first

that has retained a great deal of the Augustan century a.d. The ornament grew fussier, and the
structure, including the splendid sweep of the Corinthian order tended to displace the Ionic;
original grey limestone seating. The columnar but as late as Trajan the building material in fine

orders of the stage-building were replaced in monumental use was still the local grey lime-
marble in the later second century, but the plan stone. Then quite suddenly, under Hadrian, the
of it, a large, boldly curved, apsidal recess marbles of Greece and Asia Minor (and oc-
flanked by two similar but slightly smaller casionally of Italy) were introduced, and with
recesses, is original, affording valuable evidence them came craftsmen trained in the workshops
of the early development of this characteristi- of the Aegean world and of Rome. The impact

246. Lepcis Magna, theatre. The limestone seating is of a.d. 1-2,

the partially re-erected marble stage colonnade of the second half of the second century.
The lower columns on the left are not in their original position. The front rows of seating,
in front of the balustrade, were reserved for magistrates and local dignitaries


247. Theatres in Tripolitania.

(a) Lepcis Magna, a.d. 1-2;
(b) Sabratha, last quarter
of the second century


was Startling. The first building to have used detail. At Sabratha, for example, the local

columns and other architectural members of building stone was a friable sandstone that could
marble was the Hadrianic Baths [253], a large, only be used beneath a thick coating of stucco,
symmetrically planned complex of the 'Im- needing constant attention; already in late an-

perial' type, derivative from the great public tiquity there was very little left of the first-

bath-buildings of Rome, though with only a century city and its monuments. Lepcis was
very limited use of their characteristic concrete fortunate in this respect; and since it was also

vaulting. Within a few decades the new ma- wealthier than the average North African city,
terials and style had swept the field. After the its early expansion was correspondingly more
time of Hadrian there was not a single new rapid. Architecturally, however, the only im-
building of substance that did not make exten- portant respect in which it seems to have
sive use of imported marble, and a greatmany of differed from most of its neighbours was that,

the existing buildings were correspondingly like the recently refounded Carthage, it de-
remodelled - the porticoes and the two main veloped within the framework of an orderly city
temples of the Old Forum, the curia, the plan. In most of the older North African cities,

market, the theatre, and the Chalcidicum, to such as Hippo Regius (Bone), Tipasa, Thu-
enumerate only those already named above. burbo Mains, Thugga, and Gigthis, the
Almost overnight the buildings of Lepcis lost Roman-period town plan reflects rather the
the individuality conferred by local materials, impact of two quite distinct patterns, the tidy
techniques, and styles. The columns were now symmetry of the Roman monuments super-
imported ready-made, and the bases, capitals, imposed upon the more or less haphazard
entablatures, and other fittings were carved to growth of the pre-existing town.
standard classical designs and, at first, by the It is again to Tripolitania, to Sabratha, that
foreign workmen who have left their signatures one must turn for a well documented example of
upon them. In course of time the establishment the processes of transition. One's first im-
of local workshops came to give them a certain pressions of the old town adjoining the harbour
individuality of style, but it was only within the are dominated by the neat rectangularity of the
wider framework of an Imperial art that was as forum, but excavation has shown this to be in
much at home in Asia Minor or the Syrian fact a drastic rationalization of what had pre-
coastlands as it was in Tripolitania. Much of the viously been an irregular open space serving the
new architecture was rather dull, but it was late pre-Roman city as an occasional market-
ostentatiously expensive and it satisfied the place. In plan, or from the air [248], the pre-
pretensions of an age of material progress and existing layout is still clearly visible in the
civic prosperity. picturesque commercial and domestic quarter
The monuments of pre-Severan Lepcis - and between the forum and the harbour, and again
to those already mentioned must be added half a on either side of the main road leading inland
dozen lesser temples, as many honorary arches, from the forum towards the main east-west
an aqueduct and cisterns, port installations, an coast road. Only as one approaches the latter do
amphitheatre, a circus, several smaller bath- the individual city blocks assume the more
buildings, a monumental exercise ground {pal- regular shape of those to the south of it. A really
aestra)^ and sundry streetside porticoes, foun- strict rectilinear plan was adopted in the late
tains, and public lavatories - jointly and second century for the new quarter laid out to
severally offer a glimpse of what must have been the south-east of the old city, towards the
happening in innumerable other cities, great theatre. Here at Sabratha, as in the neighbour-
and small, along the coastlands of North Africa. ing city of Gigthis, the contrast leaps to the eye.
Not that one can often document the early Elsewhere, where the existing physiognomy of
phases of their growth in anything like the same the town was already more developed, as for

248. Sabratha, forum, first-second century, looking eastwards. Foreground the Capitolium {right)
and Temple of Serapis(?); middle distance Basilica (right) and Curia; far end (left to right) the Seaside Baths,
the East Forum Temple, and the Antonine Temple

example at Thugga, the individual monuments main door, a rectangular, apsed tribunal, which
had for the most part to develop piecemeal as served as a chapel for the Imperial cult. The
best they could within the framework of the only other monumental building was a small
existing urban scheme. temple, of pre-forum, possibly Augustan date,
As originally laid out in stuccoed sandstone standing in a colonnaded enclosure, just off the
towards the middle of the first century a.d. the north-west corner. The temple, free-standing
forum at Sabratha consisted of an elongated within the enclosure, was a small, box-like
rectangular open space, flanked along the two structure, wider than it was long, set on a low
sides by shops and enclosing near the east end a podium at the head of a flight of steps. Despite
large, gaily painted temple dedicated to Liber the widespread adoption of classical names and
Pater. Along the western half of the south side, other outward forms, native religious traditions
behind the shops, there was a basilica. In were still strong, and (as we shall see later in this

contrast to that of Lepcis this was of the Central chapter) temple architecture is one of the few

Italian 'Vitruvian' type,^"* symmetrical about fields in which Roman North Africa did in fact
the shorter axis and incorporating, opposite the display a certain originality.

249 [opposite). Sabratha, theatre,

reconstructed stage-building,
last quarter of the second centur>

During the course of the next three centuries in any way unusual in its own day as because the
all the forum buildings, with the single and discovery and accurate restoration to its full

presumably deliberate exception of the Temple height of the fa9ade of the stage-building has
of Liber Pater (which was rebuilt and enlarged made it possible to appreciate the visual subtle-
in traditional materials), were rebuilt wholly or ties of one of these elaborate columnar fa9ades
partially in imported marble. The innovations in a way that is quite impossible from even the
included the building at the west end of a large best paper restorations [247B, 249]. All that is

new temple, the Capitolium, presumably here, missing is the cofferedwooden ceiling, canti-
as normally elsewhere, symbolizing the city's levered forward over the stage, andthe facing of
achievement of some advance in civic status; the marble veneer that covered the wall surfaces
suppression of the rows of shops in favour of, in behind the columns. Rather surprisingly (for

the western half, two longitudinal porticoes Sabratha, though prosperous, was not a very
with imported columns of red Egyptian granite large town) it is one of the largest theatres to

and, on three sides of the eastern half, an have come down to us in Africa, with a

elaborate double portico of traditional hellenis- maximum diameter of 304 feet (92.60 m.)
tic type, with an outer Doric colonnade and an against the 290 feet (88.50 m.) of Lepcis, and
inner Ionic colonnade at twice the spacing;'^ the second only to that of Hippo [c. 325 feet). The
addition of a municipal council hall, or curia, plan of the stage-building closely resembles that
along the north side opposite the basilica; the of Lepcis, from which this theatre differs

rebuilding in more conventionally classical form principally in the greater elaboration of the
of the early temple at the north-west corner; and substructures of the cavea, incorporating an
the construction on either side of the main outer ambulatory corridor and embellished
street, just outside the forum to the south, of externally with a triple order in low relief, both
two new and typically 'marble style' temples, features that go back to the Roman tradition
one dedicated to Marcus Aurelius between a.d. represented by the Theatre of Marcellus.
166 and 169, the other added a few years later. The domestic and commercial architecture is

The Capitolium, the vaults of which were unusually well preserved and would repay far
perhaps used as strongrooms, was of con- more detailed study than it can receive here.
ventional classical plan except for the vertical The irregular insulae of the old town present all

front of the podium, forming a platform for the confusion and diversity of plan of a quarter
orators, and for a pair of square projecting that was continuously occupied for many cen-
chambers on either side of the porch. The two turies, with shops, dwelling-houses, workshops,
marble style temples were both prostyle build- and magazines jostling for position along the
ings standing in the Italian manner on lofty narrow streets. Shallow roadside colonnades
podia against the rear wall of a rectangular here and there gave shade to the buildings
enclosure, the two flanking porticoes of which behind, supporting the projection of the upper
ended in apses against this rear wall. The storeys to which the remains of staircases bear
Temple of Hercules, the Punic Melqarth, in frequent witness. The ground floors were reg-
the east quarter (a.d. 186) was of the same ularly of squared stone masonry, the upper
form. storeys of timber and mud-brick, and the rarity

The outstanding single monument of Sab- of roof-tiles suggests that the roofs were flat in

ratha is, of course, the late-second-century the Oriental manner. Interiors and exteriors
theatre, outstanding not so much because it was alike were faced with stucco, and in the better-
% Tk

L k.

class houses one finds the abundant remains of on long stone benches, and which were often
painting (including painted plaster vaults), lavishly ornamented with marbles and statuary
ornamental stucco mouldings, mosaic floors, (cf. illustration 250, in the Hadrianic Baths at

and even marble veneer. The rectangular in- Lepcis). Sewage, domestic waste, and rainwater
sulae of the new quarter {c. 180-90) repeat the alike were collected and discharged through
same schemes, but in a more orderly, planned large sewers laid beneath the paving of the
manner. The random columnar porticoes of the Domestic plumbing was confined to the

old quarter have become neat rows of columns more luxurious private houses. At Sabratha, for
fronting one or more sides of the insulae. On the example, there was an exquisite, mosaic-paved
outskirts of the town are the remains of several little bath-building (the 'Oceanus Baths')
rich peristyle-villas. attached to a rich suburban seaside villa near the
A regular feature of the town houses of eastern limits of the town. The general public
Sabratha, as elsewhere in North Africa, was the used the large, irregularly planned baths over-
incorporation of large cisterns for the storage of looking the harbour; and between these two
rainwater for domestic use. There was also a extremes there were numerous medium-sized
public supply brought in by aqueduct, but this establishments that were available on payment
was normally directed only to the public foun- or were reserved for members of certain privi-
tains (which were intended for practical use as leged groups. At Lepcis the 'Hunting Baths'
well as for decoration) and to the bath- [251] seems from its decoration to have be-
buildings. Attached to the latter, and flushed by longed for a while to the merchant association
their outflows, were public lavatories, which engaged in supplying exotic wild beasts to the
were of communal character, with accom- amphitheatres of the Roman world. Fortunately
modation for as many as sixty persons at a time for its credibility as a classical building erected

250. Lepcis Magna, Hadrianic IJaths, public la\at()r\


251. Lepcis Magna, Hunting Baths

late second or early third century.
Axonometric view and photograph

C Caldarium
F Frigidarium
S Services
T Tepidarium

c Caldarium
F Frigidarium
L Lavatory
S Services
T Tepidarium


252. Thenae, baths, second-third century. Plan

probably in the early third century, it is excep- in Tunisia [252], grouped around a central,
tionally well preserved, nearly up to the crown domed frigidarium, buttressed by four radiating
of its concrete vaults. Concrete was not a barrel-vaulted chambers, with smaller domed
material native to North Africa. It could be rooms in the four angles of the cross. '^ Outside
used, however, and on this occasion was used, to North Africa, too, such exposed vaulting was far

produce a building that patently derives from commoner than one's knowledge of conven-
the concrete architecture of metropolitan Rome, tional classical architecture might lead one to
but does so with a logic of application and a expect. The vaults were certainly visible, for
frankness of statement that are rare in the example, in the Baths of Capito at Miletus, or
capital. Its parentage must be sought in build- again at Bostra and Philippopolis. In this the
ings such as the Lesser Baths of Hadrian's Villa, early Arab bath-builders were simply following
but the plan of the interior has been rationalized classical practice. In Rome itself we lack un-
into an orderly scheme, eliminating the purely equivocal evidence, but the balance of prob-
extravagant in favour of a simple but effective ability is that even in the great Imperial bath-
juxtaposition of contrasting geometrical room- buildings the outer curvature of the domes was
shapes; and the exterior was simply a candid candidly displayed. The artistic implications of
restatement of the shapes within. this for a building such as the Baths of Caracalla
To the conservative citizen of Lepcis, nur- are considerable.
tured on the sober splendours of the Hadrianic Lepcis, already one of the wealthiest cities of
Baths, the Hunting Baths must have seemed a North Africa in its own right, had the good
quite extraordinary building. And yet, within fortune to be the birthplace of the emperor
the field of bath-building (for which the vault- Septimius Severus (193-21 1). During his reign
ing offered many practical advantages), this sort the city was embellished with a whole new
of architecture had a considerable vogue in monumental quarter, comprising an enclosed
North Africa. The actual vaults are rarely harbour, a bath-building, a colonnaded street, a

preserved; but with the example of the Hunting forum and basilica, and a piazza dominated by a

Baths before one, they can be confidently monumental fountain-building [253]. Another
restored in imagination.'^ An outstanding ex- Severan enterprise was the building of a four-
ample of the type is the bath complex at Thenae way {(luadrijrons) arch.

253. LepcisMagna, air view showing, in the foreground, the Hadrianic Baths;
in themiddle distance, the Severan Nymphaeum, Colonnaded Street, Forum, and Basilica;
and beyond them [left) the Old Forum and (right) part of the silted-up Severan Harbour
386 •

o 50m
254. Lepcis Magna, Severan Forum and Basilica, dedicated in 216. Plan

Except for the arch, a hurriedly erected and concreted rubble was used, faced with courses
very over-decorated structure, of interest more of small squared blocks and laced with brick or
for the content and quality of its sculpture than timber.
for its architectural design, these were all The forum [254] consisted of an open rect-
buildings of real distinction. The harbour was angular space measuring nearly 200 by 330 feet
an irregularly circular basin nearly 400 yards in (60 by 100 m.), at the middle of the south-west
diameter, with a lighthouse and a signal-tower end of which, framed by open columnar halls,
on the extremities of the two moles; along the stood a large temple dedicated to the Severan
wharves stood ranges of warehouses, fronted by family. The temple, which stood on a double
porticoes and two temples. From the waterside a podium at the head of a spreading flight of steps,
colonnaded street, nearly 450 yards long and was a towering octastyle building of solid
measuring 70 feet (21 m.) across the central Proconnesian marble with red granite columns
carriageway, led up to a piazza adjoining the [255]. The same note of opulence was reflected
Hadrianic Baths. On the south-east side of this in the colonnades that enclosed the remaining
street was a bath-building (as yet unexcavated) three sides, with columns of green Carystian
and on the opposite side the great Severan marble and gleaming white Pentelic capitals and
forum and basilica. The principal building bases. Along the south-east side an elongated,
material throughout was a hard yellow local wedge-shaped block of tabernae faced on to the
limestone, used in large dressed blocks and Colonnaded Street, and another on the north-
liberally supplemented with imported marbles east side masked the change of direction as one
and granites. For the more utilitatrian structures passed from the forum into the basilica. The
and for the relatively few curved features, a latter [256, 257] was a huge colonnaded hall,

255. Lepcis Magna, temple in honour of the Severan family, c. 216. Restored view

256. Lepcis Magna, Severan Basilica, dedicated in 216


with apses at the two ends of the central nave. afterthought) there was an enclosed street with a
This has a span of 62 feet (iq m.) and there were decorative flanking order along the north-east
galleries over the lateral aisles, giving a total layade. Yet another decorative order fronted the
height from floor to ceiling (assuming a shallow range of tabernae within the portico that faced
clerestory) of well over 100 feet (30 m.). A pair the temple, across the forum [258]. This was a
of bracketed orders encircled each apse (the rich, elaborate, and highly individual architec-
curious central feature in each case is an ture. Among its many distinctive features we
afterthought, of Severan date) and (another may note the liberal use throughout of inde-

257 {opposite). Lepcis Magna, Severan Basilica,

dedicated in 216. Restored view

258 {above). Lepcis Magna, north-east portico

of the Severan Forum, early third century

259 {left). Lepcis Magna, lotus-and-acanthus capital

from the Severan Forum, early third century,
made of Pentelic marble bv an Attic workman

pendent pedestals to give added height to the phasis on height and elegance and on the
orders; the graceful lotus-and-acanthus capitals qualities of fine masonry, set off by an elaborate
of forum and street [259], and the substitution use of coloured marbles and of rich, deeply
in both of arches for the horizontal architraves carved architectural ornament.
of traditional classical practice; the use both in That all this was the work of a single architect
the nymphaeum and in the basilica of small it is hard to doubt. Some of the site was ground
rings of acanthus foliage betw^een base and reclaimed from the wadi that ran through the
column; and throughout the complex, an em- middle of the town, but much of it had to be

adapted to the irregularities of pre-existing A lesser architect (and, be it admitted, almost

street frontages, and the unity of plan could only any architect trained in Rome) would have met
be achieved by a number of adjustments which such problems head-on by imposing an orderly,
bear the mark of a clearly defined architectural symmetrical plan upon the ground, as for

personality. Such, for example, were the angle- example in the great Imperial fora of the capital.
chapels of the basilica and the wedge-shaped The architect of Lepcis had the more sensitive
blocks of tabernae between the forum and approach that makes a virtue of the problems
basilica, and between the forum and the Col- posed by the site. One can see the same hand at

onnaded Street. The piazza is a copy-book work in the harbour, in the subtly receding
exercise in the resolution of such problems. planes of the steps and wharves of the east mole
Faced by the divergent orientations respectively and in the contrast between the stepping up of
of the street leading up to the theatre, of the the colonnades and the gentle slope of the mole
street (also colonnaded) that flanked the Had- itself. This was architecture in the grand
rianic Baths, and now of the Colonnaded Street, manner, but it was interpreted with a light touch.

the original intention was to build a circular That the architect was a newcomer to North
colonnaded piazza at the point of junction. Africa there can be no doubt, and everything
While still under construction this safe, but points to him having come (like many of his
somewhat neutral, device was scrapped in assistants, who left their signatures on the
favour of the bolder scheme of establishing a new masonry and architectural detail) from the
dominant axis by building a huge, eye-catching Greek-speaking world, probably from north-
fountain-building symmetrically across the western Asia Minor. The pedestal bases, the
angle between the two colonnaded streets [260]. distinctive masonry formula of the outer wall of

260. Lepcis Magna, Severan Nymphaeum, beginning of the third century,

viewed from the north-east end of the second-century palaestra

the forum and basilica, the Colonnaded Street, of an already existing urban civilization. For a

the screen-like fountain-building, the carved comparable vision of Roman city-life in areas

ornament, all these were typically and charac- where only the barest rudiments of such had
teristically 'Asiatic'. The lotus-and-acanthus existed before, we have to turn to the territories
capitals were Attic in design and in materials, that lie to the west. Here Timgad (the ancient
and the little acanthus ring between base and Thamugadi) and Djemila (Cuicul) will serve to

column, ultimately an Egyptian and Syrian present a picture of this other, but no less
feature, is found in Asia Minor. The arcaded characteristic, aspect of Roman achievement in
colonnades, anticipating by a century those of Africa.
Diocletian's palace at Spalato, had themselves Timgad, on the high plains of Algeria about
been anticipated in Hadrian's great temple at 70 miles south of Constantine, was founded by
Cyzicus. The only features that are unequivo- Trajan in a.d. 100 as a colony of military
cally Western are the basilica and the temple. veterans. Lambaesis, the new permanent camp
Here the architect's commission must have been of the Third Legion, lay only 15 miles to the
to follow Roman models, notably the Forum west, and Timgad itself was sited so as to control
and Basilica of Trajan; but the architectural one of the passes from the wild mountain
vocabulary, materials, and methods that he used country to the south. Such colonies had, how-
in carrying out his commission were those of his ever, another role. They were from the first

own background and training. intended also to be centres for the diffusion
In all this the Severan building programme at of Roman civilization in the one form that
Lepcis may be regarded as a logical extension the Romans really understood, that of the
and culmination of the artistic and commercial Graeco-Roman town of Mediterranean lands.
contacts built up in Tripolitania over the Apart from the military precision of its plan,
previous three-quarters of a century. Formally, this was the consideration that dominated the
like so much of this 'Imperial' or 'marble style' architecture of Timgad. As so often in the
architecture, a building such as the Severan frontier provinces, the original foundation must
basilica was in consequence thoroughly con- have relied heavily upon the building ex-
servative in spirit, a final flowering of the same perience and skills of military architects, active
Romano-hellenistic tradition as the Basilica or retired, to which the remains of Lambaesis
Ulpia itself. But Severan Lepcis was also a itself, a city in all but name and function, bear
portent for the future. The product of imperial eloquent testimony.
patronage, its almost total disregard of the old The site chosen was on gently rolling ground
regional frontiers foreshadowed the great im- within easy reach of an abundant water supply.
perial foundations of the later third and fourth The layout [261] was a textbook example of
centuries, which pushed these same tendencies orderly rectangular planning, based on a square
to their logical conclusion, creating an archi- of 1,200 Roman feet (about 1,165 English feet,

tecture that was neither 'Eastern' nor 'Western', or 355 m.) subdivided in each direction into
but truly Empire-wide in scope. For all their twelve equal city blocks (insulae), of which in
essential conservatism the Severan buildings at the event the westernmost row was, for some
Lepcis had within them the seeds of the new reason, never built. The only deviation from
creative impulses that were to come to fruition strict symmetry was that the main north-south
in the architecture of late antiquity. street (cardo) stopped at the geometrical centre
of the town, where it joined the main east-west
street {deciimanus). Beyond this point the
ground began to rise, and here, dominating the
Lepcis and Sabratha were both cities that rest of the town, were sited the principal public
acquired their Roman shape within the setting buildings. The total area was not large (about 25
392 •

261. Thamugadi (Timgad), air view, showing the regular chequerboard layout
of the original foundation (100) and the irregular development of the following half-century

acres), and busy suburbs soon grew up beside Apart from the forum complex, a theatre, and
the roads leading out from it. By the end of the one or more of the smaller bath-buildings (and
second century the population is estimated at possibly an open market-square, later built

12,000 15,000 persons. over), the entire available space w^as given over

to the houses of the settlers. These at first were with courses of small squared blocks and re-
solid, undistinguished, single-storey structures, inforced with larger squared blocks, which was
occupying a single insula or part of an insula and the regular African equivalent of the variously
facing inwards on to a courtyard. Shops of the faced concretes of metropolitan practice.'^
familiar taberna type occupied the better street Timber was evidently still available in quantity
frontages, and along the two main streets there from the mountains, and vaulting was the
were in addition streetside colonnades [263]. exception.
These were discontinuous at the street junc- The theatre, which is estimated as having
tions, in the Ostian manner; but being columnar seated between 3,500 and 4,000 persons, is a

and uniform throughout their length, rather building that might have been found in any one
than arcaded and carried on piers, the effect is of dozens of smaller African cities.^" The forum
very like that of the colonnaded streets of the too [262] followed familiar lines, but in this case

262. Thamugadi (Timgad), forum, 100. Plan

Eastern provincial cities.'^ The building ma- the stereotypes allowed for more variety of local
terials throughout were dressed limestone for interpretation. An almost square central space
the principal architectural features, and for the (140 by 165 feet; 43 by 50 m.) was entirely

rest a version of the mortared stonework, faced enclosed by Corinthian colonnades, except at

one point where the podium of a temple was The Trajanic colony prospered and expan-
carried forward, so as to form a platform for ded rapidly, and in the course of the second and
public orators. (It is a singular fact that this is third centuries it acquired a number of ad-
the only temple for which the original layout of ditional monuments and amenities. These in-
the city made any provision.)-' The basilica, cluded a Capitolium and one or two lesser
which occupied the greater part of the east side, temples, several monumental arches, two mar-
was a plain rectangular hall, 50 feet (15 m.) ket buildings, a public library, and several fine
wide, with decorative pilasters down the two public baths.
long walls; at the south end there was a raised The Capitolium dates probably from the
tribunal, and opening off the east side a range of latter part of the second century. It was finely
public offices. At the west end of the forum a situated just outside the south-west corner of
smaller rectangular hall, lavishly veneered in the early town so as to face obliquely across
marble and divided internally by steps and a towards the city centre, and by local standards it

columnar screen, was the meeting-place of the was a very large, commanding building. The
town council (curia), and there was a second, temple which stood against the rear wall

rather smaller hall, of unknown destination, at of a large porticoedprecinct, was hexastyle

the north-west corner, beside the temple. Col- Corinthian and peripteral on three sides, and it
umnar exedrae and shops occupied the two long was very tall in proportion to its width, with the
sides, those along the north side being in part at columns, themselves over 30 feet from pave-
any rate terraced out over the shops and the ment to capital, standing on a vaulted platform
large public lavatory which occupied the lower at the head of two flights of no less than thirty-
frontage, facing on to the main street. eight steps; the cella was subdivided into three
This was the destined centre of the city's chapels, one for each member of the Capitoline
administrative life, and much of its commercial triad. In all of this the Capitolium of Timgad
and social life too, and it followed a pattern was an almost aggressively Roman building, so
which, though derived in almost all essentials Roman in fact that one suspects it of copying
from Italian practice, was almost infinitely some well-known monument in one of the
adaptable to suit local circumstances. The coastal cities, perhaps even the lost Capitolium
ingredients were the open, paved piazza, usually of Carthage.-''
colonnaded; the basilica, either a plain timber- The 'Arch of Trajan' [263] belongs to a group
roofed hall (as here and at Cuicul and Ma- of monuments which was equally Roman in
dauros)^^ or colonnaded internally (as at Tipasa, origin, but which was rapidly becoming accli-
Sigus, and Thubursicu Numidarum);^^ the matized in no less distinctively African form.^^

curia, a smaller but luxuriously equipped cham- Arches are found in North Africa in large
ber, often with a forecourt or internal ves- numbers and of every degree of complexity,
tibule;-^ an official temple or temples; other from simple archways framed between shallow
municipal offices, such as a treasury or an pilasters, as at Verecunda (Marcouna) near

archive building; a tribunal for speeches or Lambaesis, up to the elaborately adorned four-
public appearances; and assorted fountains, way {quadrifrons) arches of Lepcis and Tebessa.
exedrae, statues, and shrines. At Timgad these At Timgad alone there were three other such
ingredients found expression in a plan which arches: a single archway framed on each face
escaped monotony by making effective use of a between four free-standing columns, erected in
gentle rise in the ground level; and because the honour of Marcus AureHus between 166 and
main lines of it must go back to the city's 169 across the Lambaesis road; another in 171
foundation, it offers an unusually clear picture across theMascula (east) road; and the North
of what were then held to be the essential (Cirta) Gate,completed in 149, each pier of
requirements of the civic centre of one of the which carried an inner pilaster and an outer
smaller provincial African towns. half-column. One can establish a classification
%^ ^»M^'

263. Thamugadi (Timgad), 'Arch of Trajan', late second century, and streetside colonnades

of these North African arches in terms of the commerce, are known from half a dozen other
number of arches, the number and disposition African sites, where they clearly played an
of the framing elements, and the use, or not, of important part in the daily life of the com-

free-standing columns, but elaboration is as munity.^"^ Of the two at Timgad, the Market of
often an index of means and taste as of chron- Sertius, built in the third century just outside
ology. The 'Arch of Trajan' at Timgad is the 'Arch of Trajan', was a building of some
certainly earlier than Severus, but probably not pretensions [264c]. Beyond an irregular fore-
much earlier, since the closest parallels are with court it consisted of an enclosed rectangular
the probably Severan arch at Lambaesis and courtyard, colonnaded on three sides and equip-
that of Macrinus (a.d. 217) at Diana Veteran- ped with stalls along the inner face of the fa9ade.
orum (Zana). The most singular element of its Across the far end a taller colonnade carried the
design is the segmental pedimental feature that gabled facade of an apsidal hall with seven
frames the aediculae above the lateral arches. radiating stalls round the curve. After the sober
Market buildings {macella) were another rectangularity of the Trajanic city the apse
feature of the Italian repertory that had reached strikes a refreshingly different note. But the real

Africa from Sicily or South Italy at an early date surprise, amidst all the banalities of provincial
- perhaps already in Punic times. The market at classical detailing, is the tall, narrow arcading of
Hippo Regius [264A] consisted of two distinct the inner fa9ade, resting on independent square
elements, a rectangular, colonnaded outer entablature blocks as if on so many detached
courtyard for temporary markets, and, opening architectural brackets.
off one side of it, an inner courtyard on the The East Market, within the old town, was
Pompeian model, with permanent stalls around another relatively late building, and it had an
three sides and a circular pavilion in the middle. even more unusual plan.^^ Behind an outer
Similar macellum buildings, with or without portico, with a range of market stalls on either
outer courtyards or pavilions and often contain- side of a central semicircular vestibule, were a

ing a statue or shrine of Mercury, the god of pair of small, partly intersecting, apsidal inner


264. North Africa, market buildings. Plans, (a) Hippo Regius (Hippone),
date uncertain; (b) Cuicul (Djemila), Market of Cosinius, mid second century [cf. 269];
(c) Thamugadi (Timgad), Market of Sertius, just outside the west gate
of the original settlement [cf 261], third century

courtyards, set side by side, facing forwards, a certain hesitancy, notably in the relation of the
and ringed with stalls. In this case the architect semi-dome to the vaulting (or timber roof?) over
was faced with the problem of inscribing an the first bay of the library hall; but on the whole
elaborately curvilinear design within the frame- the result is a reasonably successful compromise
work of a pre-existing insula; and even if the between old and new.
result suggests enthusiasm rather than ex- By the third century the ripples of the 'new'
perience, it is interesting and significant that he metropolitan architecture were evidently dis-
should have tried. Much the same situation turbing the calm even of these remote back-
confronted the architect of the library, the gift waters of Empire. In Africa, as elsewhere, a very
of a wealthy third-century citizen.^'' In this case important part in the introduction of the new
the solution adopted was to inscribe the library ideas must have been played by the bath-
proper, an elongated apsidal hall, between two buildings. No less than fourteen of various dates
rectangular chambers at the far end of a shallow and sizes have been identified at Timgad alone,
rectangular forecourt, porticoed on three sides and it was a poor town indeed that did not boast
and itself flanked by small reading rooms or three or four. No two are exactly alike, but
offices. Around the curve of the central hall, amidst an almost infinite variety of plan one can
framed between the marble columns of a pro- distinguish two broad trends, both of which, as
jecting order, were the recesses that housed the it happens, are well represented at Timgad. The

cupboards for the storage of the rolls, with a North Baths, built in the third century, was a
larger central recess for a statue of the emperor compact rectangular structure [265B] measur-
or presiding divinity. Here and there one detects ing 200 by 260 feet (60 by 80 m.), symmetrical

265. Thamugadi, (Timgad), bath-buildings. Plans.

( \) South Baths, mid second century;
(b) North Baths, third century

C Caldarium
F Frigidarium
L Lavatory
PAL. Palaestra
s Services
T Tepidarium


266. Carthage, Antonine Baths, 143-62. C Caldarium PAL. Palaestra

Plan. Of the shaded areas very Httle more than F Frigidarium s Services
the vauked substructures is now standing L Lavatory

about its shorter axis and patently derived from tatiously rectilinear in plan, the latter a tightly
the greatpubhc bath-buildings of Rome. The planned complex of ingeniously interlocking
Hadrianic Baths at Lepcis (123) was probably curves, which made use also of columnar
the first of these 'Imperial' bath-buildings in arcading, as in the Severan forum at Lepcis.
Africa, and was followed twenty years later
it The Timgad baths, though of rather sober
(143) by the great Antonine Baths at Carthage design, were spacious and workmanlike. They
[266], with its highly original and ingeniously were also the only building at Timgad to be
planned ring of interlocking hexagonal caldaria. faced throughout in brick, and it is probably
This was an enormous prestige monument, 650 right to detect the hand of an architect brought
feet long and lavishly equipped with mosaics in for the purpose.
and imported marbles, and it must have made a The South Baths, built in the mid second
great impression throughout the African pro- century on an irregular plot of ground just
vinces. Other known examples of the type are at outside the south gate, were different in almost
Cuicul (183) [267], at Utica, at Uthina, at every respect [265A]. They were of the far
Caesarea (Cherchel) (of Severan date), the commoner type with a single circuit of hot and
Licinian Baths at Thugga {temp. Gallienus, cold rooms, within which functionalism might
259 68), the late 'Large' Baths at Lambaesis, yield •
to a certain symmetry within the in-
and an unfinished mid-fourth-century(.?) bath- dividual rooms, or groups of rooms, but rarely,
complex at Lepcis.'" The buildings at Caesarea if ever, to a symmetrical treatment of the
and Thugga will serve to give an idea of the exterior. In the older towns this would be lost to
range of architectural possibilities inherent in sight among the houses of a crowded urban
the same basic type: the former very wide in quarter, as in the Summer Baths at Thuburbo
proportion to its depth and almost osten- Mains. Usually, however, these large buildings

were wholly or partly free-standing, and in that the angles with boldly projecting apses and
case there were two possibilities open to the curved exedrae. When one reflects that the
architect. He might still contrive to present a rooms of the actual bathing-suite were certainly
decorously monumental face to the outer world, vaulted, and that the vaults almost certainly had
as he did, for example, with some success in the exposed outer surfaces, as in the Hunting Baths
Large Baths at Madauros. The alternative at Lepcis, one can imagine something of the
adopted by the architect of the South Baths at impact of such a building upon the staid
Timgad was to make a virtue of the irregula- burghers of Timgad.-'^
rities of his site by deliberately laying out the At first glance nothing could resemble Tim-
rectangular framework of his building at 45 gad less than Cuicul (modern Djemila), 70 miles
degrees to the adjoining city grid and filling in to the north-west, on the old main road from

267. Cuicul, (Djemila), bath-building, 183. Plan (cf illustration 268,

the large building near the south-west end of the excavated area)


30 m
400 •

268. Cuicul (Djemila), air view, showing the original foundation (96 or 97)
laid out on a regular plan on the northern end of a steep spur and below, separated from it

bv the Severan Forum, the second-century and later city


Cirta (Constantine) to Sitifis (SetiO, Timgad (161) and a large bath-building of 'Imperial'
four-square and uncompromising on the edge of type (183); and a few years later the expansion
the plain, Cuicul clinging to the northern was given definitive shape by the conversion of
extremity of a narrow triangular plateau over- theopen space outside the old walls into a new
looking the heads of two plunging valleys, with and larger forum, dominated by an arch in
only the rudiments of a formal layout [268]. honour of the emperor Caracalla (216) and a fine
Between them they represent the two ever- temple to the reigning Severan dynasty (229).-'^

present poles of Roman city planning. But The architectural ingredients followed a fa-
although the buildings of Cuicul as a result Within the old town there were
miliar pattern.
display an animation and a sense of adventure themain street with flanking colonnades, the
that are sadly lacking amidst the bourgeois forum complex, a market building, a public
proprieties of Timgad, one has only to scratch baths occupying the greater part of one of the
the surface to find out how closely the two cities rectangular insulae, numerous private houses,
resemble each other. and (in this respect unlike Timgad) two
This is hardly surprising. Like Timgad, temples. The forum square was colonnaded
Cuicul was a military colony, founded only along two sides, and along the other two sides
three years earlier (96 or 97) to control an were a basilica in the shape of a plain rectangular
important road up through the mountains of the hall with a raised tribunal at one end, a large
Kabylie. Like Timgad again it prospered, and it Capitolium with tripartite cella, and a curia
grew rapidly in the only direction that was building with an internal vestibule. The Market
physically possible, southwards up the ridge. By of Cosinius [264B, 269] was a typical macellum
the second half of the century the buildings with porticoes and stalls grouped around an
outside the walls already included a theatre open square with a central hexagonal pavilion.

269. Cuicul (Djemila), Market of Cosinius, mid second century,

with remains of a central pavilion and {left) table of standard measures [cf 264B]. Cf. illustration 268,
in the old town, opening off the main north-south street just north of the original forum

270 (a). Bulla Regia, In it, as at Lepcis, one can see the city's official
House of the Hunt, third century.
weights and measures. Of the temples, that of
{left) plan and section of the underground
Venus Genetrix was unusual in having only the
residential suite for summer use,
{right) plan at ground level
porch and steps projecting from the rear wall of
a colonnaded precinct; the other, a long, narrow
prostyle building of unknown dedication, stood
free within a porticoed enclosure. A number of
fine peristyle courtyard-houses with handsome
mosaics are of later date, replacing the simpler
residences of the earlier settlers. Peristyle
houses of this type, usually with a principal
living-room, the triclinium, dominating the
courtyard and with a greater or less emphasis on
compactness of planning in accordance with

pressures on building space, were typical of the with two equally prominent residential storeys
better-class town houses of North Africa.There (perhaps for summer and winter use), to

were a great many local variants, ranging from the more commonplace, relaxed layout of a

the extraordinary houses of Bulla Regia [270A, b], building such as the second-century 'House of

270 (b). Bulla Regia, House of the Hunt, third century.

The light-well peristyle of the underground suite
404 •

271. (a) Althiburos, House of the Muses, second century;

(b) Volubilis, House of Venus, mid third century. Plans

F Fountain
5 10 15 20 25m

the Muses' at Althiburos, in Tunisia [271 a], houses shared with the bath-buildings and other
which was free-standing in its own grounds, or public architecture was the wealth of the poly-
that of 'Venus and her Court' at Volubilis, in chrome mosaic ornament of pavements, walls,
Morocco [27 IB], built towards the middle of the and vaults. Here at any rate was a field in which
third century as part of a city quarter of well- North Africa broke fresh ground, preparing the
planned residential insulae. Illustration 272 way for one of the most characteristic aspects of
shows a town house of the same general type at late antique architecture.
Tipasa, in this case terraced out so as to take Apart from its magnificent setting, terraced
advantage of a sloping, seaward-facing site and into the steep eastern slopes, the theatre of
incorporating shops at ground level within the Cuicul, of the same order and size and seating
streetside porticoes. The detailed disposition capacity as at Timgad, was a rather ordinary
varied greatly with the wealth of the owner and building. The baths of 183 [267] display far
with local circumstance, but the basic type is more originality - in their clever adaptation of
remarkably uniform. ^^ A feature which these the 'Imperial' plan to an unusually narrow site,

272. Tipasa, house with streetside porticoes

overlooking the sea, third century. Plan


273 {opposite). Cuicul (Djemila), this part of Roman Africa urban civilization was
Temple of the Severan family, 229 a vigorous growth.^"*
The preceding pages have described in some
detail four North African cities about which we
happen to be unusually well informed. Two of
in the diamond-shaped scheme of oblique vistas these, Lepcis Magna and Sabratha, give us a
that runs right through from the main entrance picture of Roman urban life in an area where
to the main axial caldarium, and in the (for the Rome was building on foundations already
date and place) remarkably sophisticated use of established by the Carthaginians. Here one can
internal curvilinear forms. Once again one get some idea of the continuity of development
suspects an architect brought in for the purpose. of the architecture of Roman North Africa; and
The New Forum was dominated by two build- also (because these were harbour towns in close
ings, Arch of Caracalla (which narrowly
the everyday contact with many other parts of the
escaped transport to Paris in 1842) and the Mediterranean) an idea of some of the outside
Temple of the Severan Family [273]. The latter influences by which that development was
was a prostyle tetrastyle building with an almost conditioned. The other two, Timgad and Cui-
square cella, set against the rear wall of a square cul, were new foundations, involving the impo-
enclosure with colonnades down the two long outward forms of Roman life on
sition of the
sides. The plan is that of dozens of North which such amenities had hitherto been
areas in
African temples; but the site and the raising of few or non-existent. Their architecture was
the temple itself on a very tall podium at the bound at first to be derivative; and because they
head of three flights of monumental steps give it were remote from the main creative centres,
an authority and a dignity that transcend the new ideas were slower to penetrate. Neverthe-
commonplaces of the familiar everyday for- less, Roman civilization, once established, put
mulae. This is one of those buildings which, down deep roots. The Christian architecture of
without any particular intrinsic distinction, are Timgad and Cuicul lies outside the scope of this
nevertheless just right in their context. volume; but, no less than the monuments of the
One other aspect of the architectural history Antonine and Severan Age, it is a product of
of Cuicul deserves brief mention. In many cities what had gone before, the ultimate justification
of North Africa the third quarter of the fourth of the vision and sound good sense of the Early
century was a period of surprising building Imperial founders of these cities.

activity. Not only do we find many public One could continue the catalogue almost
monuments, including pagan temples, under- There are the surviving monu-
going restoration, but even new buildings, such ments of the great coastal cities, Carthage,
as a granary at Rusicade (Philippeville). Cuicul Utica, Hippo Regius (Bone), Tipasa, Caesarea
had its share of impressive Christian buildings (Cherchel), cities which, like Lepcis and on a
on the south hill, but it also acquired (364-7) a more modest scale Sabratha, were the principal
large new civil basilica, a rectangular hall with a exponents in Africa of a larger Mediterranean
single apse at the far end on the model of the culture and the immediate source of much that
contemporary audience Another basilican
halls. we find in the often better preserved cities of the
hall of the same general form was added at about interior.Of the latter, many of which developed
the same date beside the Arch of Caracalla and from pre-Roman communities (a fact that is
was almost certainly a cloth-market {basilica very evident in their tortuous streets and irreg-
vestiaria). Inscriptions refer also to a portico ular layouts), the number of those that have
named after Gratian (d. 383). All this took place preserved considerable remains of their Roman-
at a time when in many parts of the Empire civic period architecture is almost embarrassingly
life was going rapidly downhill. One sees that in large - Gigthis, Mactar, Madauros (the birth-

:^^ !

274. Sufetula (Sbeitla), forum and Capitolium,

the latter comprising three distinct temples, mid second century

place of Apuleius), Sufetula (Sbeitla) [274], We have already caught a glimpse of the local
Theveste (Tebessa), Thibilis (Announa), pre-Imperial architectural traditions that lay
Thuburbo Maius, Thugga (Dougga), Volubilis, behind the earliest surviving architecture of
to name only some of the more substantial. Lepcis Magna and Sabratha. As one moves
Then again there were the small country towns westwards towards the more immediate orbit of
which, without ever achieving formal urban Carthage they become very much more ap-
status, did in fact take on much of the outward parent. For a long time the building materials
appearance of their grander neighbours; one and techniques in everyday use, including the
among many hundreds that happens to have widespread use of stucco for superficial detail,

been fully explored is Castellum Tidditanorum, remained those of pre-Roman custom. To a

near Cirta. But although all these sites contain more limited extent this was true also of the
many buildings of interest, to pursue them in architectural detail. Here, understandably, the
detail would be to lose sight of the broader first casualties of increasing Roman influence
picture in a wealth of accessory detail. Instead, were those features that had little or no previous
the rest of this chapter will try to summarize a history of classical usage. Such were the Phoe-
few of the more general aspects of this Roman nician volute capitals and the very distinctive
North African architecture - its pre-Roman 'Egyptian' mouldings, both of which we have
inheritance, the successive outside influences to already met in use in Syria as late as the first

which it was subjected, and something of its century a.d.,^^ and which had found their way,

wider affiliations. through Phoenicia, to Sicily, Sardinia, and


North Africa at least as early as the fifth century As was often the case in the Roman world, it

B.C. Both figure, for example, on a tower-like was in the field of religion, in temples and
mausoleum of the second century B.C. at tombs, that the results of the native influence
Thugga, and in the cornice (in this instance with were strongest and most persistent. Among the
Doric columns and capitals) of the Medrecen, a very large number of Roman-period temples
great circular, tumulus-like mausoleum of one that have come down to us in Africa one can
of the Numidian kings, perhaps Micapsa (d. 1 18 distinguish two main groups. One is the typical
B.C.), not far from Lambaesis.^'' In Africa forward-facing temple of the Republican Italic

neither form seems to have survived long, if at tradition, normally prostyle or pseudo-peri-
all, into the first century a.d. The Ionic capital pteral and regularly standing on a podium at the
continued to be used at Lepcis, throughout the head of a flight of steps. This sort of temple is

century. In Tunisia, on the other hand, where found with almost monotonous regularity
the impact of Italy was stronger and more throughout the territory, either standing alone or
direct, its place was commonly taken by capitals else placed against the rear wall of a sanctuary
which seem to be more or less close copies of the enclosure, which was usually, though not in-
Italic Tuscan order, introduced in the early first variably, rectangular and very often colonnaded
century B.C. As late as the time of Trajan the (illustrations 275, 276, at Thuburbo). They vary
capitals of the forum at Thubursicu Numi- greatly in size and elaboration, from simple,
darum (Khamissa) and those of the streetside box-like shrines (e.g. Thibilis) to large temples
Timgad [263] were of this type.
colonnades of that are peripteral on three sides (Gigthis

275. Thuburbo Maius, Capitolium, 168

^^^ ^



276. Thuburbo Maius, unidentified temple, second halt of the second century

[277B], the Capitolium at Timgad) or even, shrine that was already familiar in Punic Africa.
exceptionally, on all Temple of
four (Cirta, the It must go back to the very old Semitic tradition
Caelestis at Thugga); but although the names of of a 'Holy of Holies', which was not so much a
most of the divinities worshipped (e.g. Mer- temple as a repository for sacred objects, set

cury, Saturn, Apollo, Caelestis) thinly conceal apart from the open sacred precinct within
those of the old native gods, the externals of the which the actual religious rituals took place.
cult have been almost totally classicized. The With the passage of time the distinction
Italic origins of this distinctive type are em- between the Tunic' and the 'Roman' types,
phasized by its total absence from Cyrenaica. never very sharply drawn, became increasingly
The other recurrent group is most readily blurred - as in very similar circumstances it did
defined as consisting of a sacred enclosure with a in Gaul. The columns of an
substitution of the
small inner shrine opening otY it, at the same open exedra (Sufetula, Thugga) for the doorway
level or at most up one or two steps. Good of the primitive enclosed cella (Temple of the
examples of such temples are those of the Cereres at Thuburbo Maius; cf. the Temple of
Cereres at Thuburbo Maius [277A], the temple Mercury in the same city, and perhaps also the

at Sufetula that was later converted into the North-west Forum Temple at Sabratha) was
Church of Servus, and the Temple of Saturn at already a step in this direction. A further step
Thugga. To the same group belong the was to set the cellaon a podium, while still
Romano-Punic temple at Nora in Sardinia and leaving it projecting beyond the rear wall of the
one recently excavated at Lixus in Morocco.'' enclosure, as at Cuicul in the Temple of Venus
In at least one case, at Thugga, the Roman- Genetrix, at Theveste, at Thugga in the mid-
period sanctuary is known to overlie a Punic second-century Temple of Minerva, and in a
tophet, and there can be little doubt that such temple dedicated in 162 to a group of divinities
buildings expressed in classical terms a type of at Lambaesis [277CI. It only remained to bring

277. North Africa, temples.
(a) Thuburbo Maius, Temple of the Cereres, first century. Plan;
(b) Gigthis, Temple A (Capitolium?), second century. Plan;
(c) Lambaesis, temple dedicated in 162 to Aesculapius and a group
of other divinities.Restored view and plan

the cella within the framework of the precinct types - the basilicas and the state temples, the
and the resuking building was indistinguishable theatres and the aqueducts - these were all

from a 'Roman' temple within its precinct, a fact essentially Italian; and with the establishment of
which no doubt goes far to explain the wide military colonies and the founding of other new
popularity of this type of sanctuary throughout settlements the relationship received fresh em-
the territory. The temple at Lambaesis, with its phasis. There is more than a grain of truth in the
porch tightly framed between the convex in- view that a city such as Timgad was in con-
ward projections of a concave portico, is also, for ception a small Italian town transplanted to the
Africa, an unusually bold example of baroque frontiers.

planning. It bears a family resemblance to the By the early second century horizons were
elaborate Sanctuary of the Nymphs near Zag- beginning to widen. Italy and the western
houan [278], at the principal source of the great provinces continued to be Africa's natural outlet
aqueduct that supplied Carthage. ^^ (a more detailed study would reveal many points
Outside the field of religion, few of the ideas of contact with Mediterranean Spain), and the
that shaped the architecture of Roman Africa new concrete architecture began to make steady
were other than Italian. Already in Punic times inroads on the entrenched positions of pro-
the influence of Magna Graecia and Sicily had vincial architectural conservatism. At the same
been strong, and with the annexation of the time, however, an entirely new situation was
province of Africa in 146 B.C. Rome and created by the wholesale adoption of marble as
Campania also came directly into the picture. In the building material par excellence for monu-
the present state of knowledge it is not easy to mental use. The main supplies of fine marbles
assess the impact of Republican Italy in any and granites came from the Aegean and from
detail; but some at any rate of the building types Egypt, and with them came new traditions of
that were common later, e.g. the Italic podium craftsmanship and architectural decoration.
temple and the macellum, are presumably a Within a generation local materials and styles

legacy from this Republican phase. More disappeared from monumental use in the coastal
generally, the widespread acceptance of classical cities and their place was taken by an opulent,
forms and ideas as the natural medium of but for the most part rather dull, 'marble style'

architectural expression paved the way for the architecture, of which the norms were no longer
rapid development that followed the establish- provincial but Empire-wide. The Antonine
ment of the Augustan Peace. Baths at Carthage and the Severan buildings of
During the first century a.d. the materials Lepcis Magna together epitomize the con-
and building techniques were still very largely vergence of these two currents, from Italy and
those of the preceding phase, and wherever, as from the eastern Mediterranean. Though never
at Lepcis, one can view the architecture of this a creative centre in its own right, throughout its

period in a sufficiently broad perspective, it can history Roman Africa showed itself ready to
be seen to have retained and developed a receive and to put to good use the architectural
considerable individuality of detailed ex- creations of others, and its surviving remains are
pression. This had the makings of a genuinely an unrivalled exemplar of what the Empire
Romano-African architecture. But the building could mean in this respect.

278. Zaghouan, Sanctuary of the Nymphs,

at suppHed Carthage.
the source of the aqueduct that
Restored view




(A.D. 235 - 337)

With the murder of the last emperor of the stantine transferred the seat of government to
Severan dynasty, Severus Alexander, in 235 the his new capital of Constantinople.
Empire entered on a period of anarchy, civil Of Aurelian's two great enterprises, the walls,
war, and external disaster from which it was which with relatively minor variations were to
only finally rescued by the energy and ability of remain the defensive circuit of Rome down to
the great soldier emperors of the last two 1870, were begun in 270 or 271 after the
decades of the century. Beset on every side by incursion of a horde of Germanic tribesmen into
revolts and by incursions from beyond the the Po valley had shown that even the capital of
frontiers, their treasuries strained to the utmost the Roman world could no longer aftbrd to
by the requirements of their troops, the suc- disregard its own defences. It was a vast
cessive emperors had neither the time nor the undertaking. The total circuit is over 12 miles
resources to indulge in ambitious building (about 19 km.) in length, and despite a virtual
projects. Under Aurelian (270 5) the tide of mobilization of the building industry' the wall
adversity was temporarily stemmed; and took about ten years to build. It was i ij-13 feet
although the city wall which bears his name was (3.5-4 m.) thick at the base and in its original
a matter of urgent necessity, his great Temple of form 25I feet (7.8 m.) high, with a continuous
the Sun on the edge of the Campus Martins was open wall-walk, protected by a parapet and
a monument in the best tradition of imperial merlons. Square towers projected at intervals of
patronage. But Aurelian was assassinated in 100 Roman feet (97 English feet, or 29.6 m.). In
275, and the only architectural event of note addition to numerous posterns there were eight-
during the next decade was the disappearance of een principal gates, each with one or two stone
several venerable monuments in a fire which arches, flanked by two-storeyed semicircular
swept the north end of the Forum Romanum in towers and surmounted by a windowed gallery
283. It was not until 284 that Diocletian finally tohouse the mechanism of the portcullis [279].
succeeded in restoring the authority of the Only the actual gateways were of stone. Else-
central government and ushered in the last great where the material throughout is concrete faced
building phase of Rome before, in 330, Con- with brick, almost all of it re-used material.

279. Rome, Porta Appia,

as originally constructed, 275-80

280. Rome, Porta Appia (Porta San Sebastiano),

in its present form the work of Honorius and Arcadius, 403

Evidently the organization of the state-owned Palladio's plan shows a circular temple in the
brick industry had broken down completely centre of a large rectangular enclosure (413 by
since Severan times. At various later dates, 284 feet; 126 by 86.4 m.), the single entrance to
notably under Maxentius and again under which lay at the north end, in the middle of one
Arcadius and Honorius in 403, the walls were short side, and was itself approached through
heightened and most of the gates strengthened the vestibule set in the middle of one of the two
or rebuilt [280]. apses of what he shows as an elongated forecourt
No Roman monument so aptly
other single with opposed apsidal ends. It is difficult to judge
symbolizes the changed role of Rome within the the credibility of such a plan out of its architec-
Empire. Hitherto the military architecture of tural context (which alone could explain, for
the frontiers had impinged very little upon the example, the ninety-degree shift in the con-
civil architecture of the Mediterranean pro- ventional relationship between forecourt and

vinces. Now for the first time we find the inner precinct), but most of the detail is

architecture of the frontiers transported to the plausible enough. The inward-looking inner
capital. Furthermore Rome was only one of precinct (which must have been porticoed,
innumerable European cities which found though it is not so shown in Palladio's plan) and
themselves faced suddenly with the need to the central position within it of the temple, both
defend themselves in grim earnest against the have good Syrian precedents, including the
menace from the north. The tide had turned great Temple of Bel at Palmyra itself [230, 231];

and was everywhere beginning to flow in re- the columnar exedrae opening oflf the inner
verse. As for the Aurelianic walls of Rome, the precinct might well have been borrowed from
very fact of their building must have made an Vespasian's Temple of Peace; and the circular
immense impression upon contemporary temple, the scale of which can be judged from
thought and taste, and it can be no accident that the eight porphyry columns (height 22I feet, or
the clean, functional lines of their towers and 6.88 m.) which Justinian took from it to use in

gates foreshadow so much that is most charac- his church of Hagia Sophia, would have been as

teristic of the late architecture of the capital. symbolically appropriate to its purpose as, a

Aurelian's other great enterprise, the Temple century later, were the cruciform plans of Early
of the Sun (Sol), was no less symptomatic of its Christian architecture. The plan of the fore-
age. It reflects the same broadly monotheistic court,on the other hand, and the double demi-
trend of religious thinking, Eastern in origin, as columnar order with broken pediments which
was manifest also in Christianity. Even the adorned it patently derive from Trajan's
dedication recalls such nearly contemporary Forum, and the scanty surviving remains of the
monuments as the Christ-Helios mosaic of the architectural decoration echo that of the Baths

Vatican cemetery and the Sol Invictus coinage of Caracalla, where Aurelian is known to have
of Constantine himself. The occasion for the undertaken repairs after a fire. For all its

temple's foundation and the funds for its unusual features, Palladio's plan is perfectly

building were furnished by Aurehan's recon- credible as an early manifestation of that same
quest in 273 of Zenobia's short-lived Oriental far-ranging eclecticism of which the Imperial
empire of Palmyra. Of the classical buildings foundations of Constantine were shortly to offer
nothing is now visible. They lay just to the east so many striking examples.
of the modern Corso, beneath and near the The work of Diocletian (284-305) was, by
church of S. Silvestro, and our knowledge of contrast, broadly conservative in its taste. His
them is derived almost entirely from a plan and Curia, or senate house, rebuilt after the fire of
drawing made by Palladio in the sixteenth 283, followed very closely the time-honoured
century, when quite a lot must still have been lines and proportions of its Domitianic and
standing [281]. Julian predecessors. Internally it was a plain
4l8 •

Ci n !r\

1 ^
281. Rome, Aurelian's
Temple of the Sun (Sol), 275 80. Plan, after Palladk

rectangular hall, with low steps for the seating of the three large windows which were yet another
the senators running down either side towards legacy from its historic predecessors. The se-
the dais of the presiding magistrate and with a verity of the pediment as one sees it today,
coffered timber ceiling, the height of which, half constructed of brick with small travertine con-
the sum of the length and breadth, still observed soles, was lightened in antiquity by a facing of
the Vitruvian prescription for the acoustics of stucco which once covered the entire fa9ade.
such a building. The unusual proportions were Traces of this, imitating drafted masonry, can
deliberately emphasized by contrasting the still be seen just below the horizontal entabla-
severely plain upper walls, lit on three sides by ture. A singular feature of the cornice is the
single windows just below ceiling height, with progressive angling of the consoles as one
the three pairs of columnar aediculae and the approaches the corners. One meets this in

rich polychrome marbling of the lower walls and painting at a very early date, but I know of no
floor. I'Yom the outside, as one sees it today [15], earlier example in real architecture.
it looks bleak and strangely out of proportion, Diocletian's great bath-building on the high
but one has to remember that in antiquity, ground north-east of the Viminal was begun in

flanked by the Basilica Aemilia and the Secre- or soon after 298 and completed in 305-6. It

tarium (now Pietro da Cortona's

Senatus followed closely the scheme established by the
church of SS. Luca e Martino), one saw little Baths of Caracalla, from which it differed
more than the pedimental fa9ade, dominated by principally in the more uniform distribution of

the secondary structures around the perimeter

(one of the angle rotundas survives as the
church of S. Bernardo) and in the greater
simphcity and tighter planning of the huge (785
50m by 475 feet; 240 by 144m.) central block [282].
In particular one may note the opening up of the


f 1 I
f vista down the whole length of the long axis, a
and shade viewed
tantalizing alternation of light
between receding pairs of columns; the neat,
efficient planning of the service courtyards; the
alternation of enclosed rectangular and curvi-
1 I
linear spaces along the shorter axis; and, most

strikingly of all, the substitution of a rect-

angular, cross-vaulted caldarium with four pro-

jecting apses for the great domed rotunda of the
Baths of Caracalla. If the latter building had

14 »
i t i.t i.
AAA^ 4 marked the coming of age of this most ambitious
of all Imperial building types, the Baths of
Diocletian certainly represent its full maturity.


2^h. Rome,
Baths of Diocletian,
c. 298-305/6. Plan

c Caldarium
F Frigidarium
PAL. Palaestra
T Tepidarium
,20 •

283. Rome, Halhs ot Diocletian, (.298 305/6.

The central hall remodelled as the church of Santa Maria dcgli Angeli

From the outside, the baths rehed for their identical cellas. This work, which was carried
effect almost exclusively on the marshalling of out entirely in brick-faced concrete, veneered
the masonry masses.^ The interior on the other from floor to ceiling with fine marbles, was built
hand was as rich and varied as the exterior was up against the inner faces of the Hadrianic cella
simple. At one extreme we have the three tiers of walls (the excellent tufa masonry of which was
elaborate columnar exedrae ranged along the long ago robbed away for re-use elsewhere)
stage-like buttresses and re-entrants which con- [284]. The most striking innovation, in the past
stituted the fa9ade of the frigidarium towards often wrongly attributed to Hadrian, was the
the swimming-pool {natatio), and which are the replacement of the simple transverse wall of the
subject of one of the best known of Piranesi's earlier temple by two apses, placed back to back,
prints; and at the other, the grandiose simplicity while along the two side walls and in the
of the great triple-vaulted frigidarium, con- shoulders and flanks of the apse there were
verted by Vanvitelli on the designs of Michel- decorative columnar aediculae, similar to those
angelo into the church of S. Maria degli Angeli of Diocletian's Curia and of the swimming-pool
[283]. Like the Pantheon this is a building to be fa9ade of his bath-building. A striking and
experienced, not described. The vistas have unusual feature is the lozenge-shaped coffering
been closed, the glow of marble and mosaic very in the semi-domes of the apse. Even more
largely replaced by paint. But for all its muted elaborately shaped coffering, faced with stucco,
tones, one can still catch a glimpse of one of is recorded as having adorned the vaults of the
these greatRoman interiors under something Nova.
central hall of the Basilica
approaching Roman conditions. Of complex of Maxentian buildings
The last of the pagan emperors of Rome, beside the Via Appia [285] partial excavation of
Maxentius (306-12), was another prolific buil- the villa has revealed an apsed audience hall
der. Nothing is now visible of the restoration of fronted by a long transverse corridor, as at
the offices of the senate (Secretarium Senatus) Piazza Armerina [312]. As so often in late
which was the complement and completion of antiquity the imperial residence was accom-
Diocletian's work on the Curia itself; but at the panied by a circus, which is estimated as having
other end of the forum, on the Velia, the held about 15,000 spectators, and which offers
surviving remains of the cella of Hadrian's an unusually detailed picture of one of the
Temple of Venus and Rome are almost entirely racecourses that played such a large part in the
his work, undertaken after a fire in 307; and the social, and frequently also the political, life of
same fire made way for the last and greatest of later antiquity. The architectural niceties were
his architectural enterprises, the Basilica Nova, many. Here one can see, for example, the
the great basilica which Constantine completed ingenious irregularities of plan which ensured a
and which, despite its much diminished ruins, fair start for the competitors in the outer lines;
still contrives to dominate the whole surround- the starting-gates {carceres) set between the
ing scene. Another important group of build- traditional pair of flanking towers {oppida)\ the
ings, beside the Via Appia, included a suburban two turning-points (metae) at either end of the
residence, a racetrack, and a large family mau- central barrier (spma), which was placed well
soleum. Maxentius is also credited with the first off-axis so as to allow for the crowding of the
! substantial modifications and additions to the initial lap; the imperial box, overlooking the
Aurelianic walls. finishing line, and a second box near the middle
The walls and outer colonnades of Hadrian's of the opposite side for the use of the judges and
Temple of Venus and Rome seem to have organizing officials; the entrances and exits for
escaped serious damage in the fire and the ceremonial parades of the contestants; and
Maxentius's restoration consisted principally of on the central point of the spina, in imitation of
remodelling radically the interiors of the two the Augustan obelisk in the Circus Maximus,
422 •


284. Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome,

cella as restored by Maxentius, 307-12


285. Rome, Via Appia {top left) and the Circus, the Mausoleum {at the far end of the Circus),
and {to the right of the Circus) remains of the Villa of Maxentius, 307-42

the site of the Egyptian obehslc which Maxen- (r. 300) beside the Via Praenestina [287, 288],
tius brought from Domitian's Temple of Isis in and both were somewhat academic copies of the
the Campus Martius and which Innocent X in Pantheon. There were, however, significant
165 1 retransported to the city to adorn Bernini's differences. Unlike the Pantheon, of which little

fountain in the Piazza Navona. Constructionally more than the gabled porch was visible from the
the building is of interest for its bold use of long, narrow enclosure in front of it, these
alternate courses of bricks and of small tufa buildings were free-standing, to be viewed from
blocks and for the large hollow jars used to all angles; each of them stood on a tall podium,
lighten the mass of the vaulting that carried the within which were housed the funerary vaults;
seating [286], both characteristically late fea- porch and rotunda were bound closely together
tures which are discussed in greater detail later by the continuous lines of the podium and
in this chapter. entablature mouldings; and the height of the
The adjoining mausoleum was a circular, interior was increased in relation to the diameter
domed structure with a deep, gabled, columnar and given greater emphasis by treating the inner
porch, set in the middle of an arcaded quadri- face of the drum as a single decorative order. In
porticus. It resembled the Tor de' Schiavi common with many other imitations of the

286. Rome, Circus of Maxentius, 307-12, showing typical late masonry

with alternate courses of brick and small squared blocks of tufa, and, incorporated in the vaulting,
large earthenware jars {pignatte). The rows of holes are for scaffolding timbers

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287 and 288. Rome, Mausoleum of Tor de' Schiavi, c. 300.

(above) View and plan, after Durm;
(below) possible alternative reconstruction of facade
289 and 290. Rome, Basilica of Maxentius, 307-12, completed by Constantine after 312,
with {opposite) reconstructed view of the interior as originally planned by Maxentius

Pantheon at all periods these buildings posed remains of large hollow jars in a concrete core at

(and were not altogether successful in resolving) the junction of porch and drum; and although
problems which, by a happy instinct or by sheer there is no other known example of the use of
good fortune, the architect of the Pantheon had such a feature on this monumental scale in the
been content to let go by default. But it is architecture of pagan Rome, one hesitates to
symptomatic of the age that the problems exclude such a possibility. By contrast, the
should have been faced at all. Among other arcading of the rectangular precinct which
interesting innovations are the insertion of four encloses Maxentius's building, with the piers
circular into the upper part of the and arches masked by the half-columns and
drum of the Tor de' Schiavi, in place of the entablature of an engaged decorative order, is a

traditional central oculus, and, even more re- deliberate archaism, harking back to Late Re-
markable if it can be substantiated, the possi- publican and Early Imperial models.
bility that the porch of the same monument was The outstanding monument of Maxentius's
vaulted and may therefore have had a centrally- reign was the basilica (the Basilica Nova) which
arched fa9ade in place of the conventional flat he planned on the eastern slopes of the Velia,
architrave. The suggestion* is based on an beside the Via Sacra [289, 290]. Left unfinished
eighteenth-century painting, which shows the at his death, it was completed by Constantine,

and by any reckoning it was one of the great was rectangular, but very soon after its con-
architectural achievements of classical anti- struction (the masonry of the two phases is
quity. In all essentials the plan was that of the indistinguishable) it was converted to the
central hall of one of the great 'Imperial' bath- curved shape, decorated with columnar niches,
buildings, stripped of all its surrounding struc- of which the rather battered remains can still be
tures and with the emphasis placed on the long made out through the overlay of medieval
axis by the addition of a porch at the east end masonry. The entablatures of the two projecting
and opposite it, at the west end, a shallow apse fa9ades were bracketed out over the columns,
destined to house a colossal statue of the but what if anything these carried above cornice
emperor. Constantine subsequently switched level there is nothing to show."^ An unusual
the axis, adding a porch in the middle of the feature of the order is the placing both of the
south long side and throwing out an apse from columns of the facade and of those framing the
the rear wall of the exedra opposite it. great bronze doors (which are still those of the
The central nave measured 260 by 80 feet (80 original building) on pedestal-like plinths, of a
by 25 m.), its three soaring cross-vaulted bays, type which had been common in the eastern

115 feet (35 m.) from floor to crown, springing provinces for two centuries, but which is almost
from the bracketed entablatures of eight huge unknown in the monumental architecture of
fluted Proconnesian marble columns, equally Rome itself before this date.
spaced, four and four, down the two long sides Neither the coin evidence nor the very
and framing the arches of three gigantic, inter- confused medieval traditions of a 'Templum
connected barrel-vaulted exedrae. It is the three Romuli' in this area in themselves justify the
exedrae on the north side which are still identification of this building as a temple to the

standing. Their structural function was to memory of Maxentius's infant son, M. Valerius
buttress the central nave; but at the same time Romulus, who died in 309. On the other hand, it
they were so very much an integral part of it immediately adjoins the area which Maxentius
that, despite the inevitable bulk of the four main is known to have rebuilt after the fire of 307; the
piers, one would have been principally con- masonry is very like that of the Basilica Nova;
scious not of the internal subdivisions, but of and, whether or not one places any reliance on
the unity of the whole. This effect of spatial the fragment of a Constantinian inscription
unity was enhanced by the virtual equipoise shown by Panvinio in a drawing of the fa9ade,
between the single long axis down the central the fact that the latter was remodelled so soon
nave and the three transverse axes across it. after construction would tally very well with
Yet another building that is traditionally Constantine's known interest in the frontages
attributed to Maxentius, probably rightly facing on the Via Sacra. If not the work of
though often for the wrong reasons, is the so- Maxentius, it was certainly built very soon
called 'Temple of Romulus', immediately to the afterwards; and in the context it is hard to

west of the Basilica Nova.^ Converted in the suggest any other than purely aesthetic reasons
sixth century into the vestibule of the church of for the modifications to the fa9ade - a deliberate
SS. Cosmas and Damian, it consisted of a exploitation of the contrast between convex
domed rotunda, the entrance to which, instead rotunda and concave forecourt, both framed
of being housed in the conventional manner between the projecting wings. This last flower-
within a projecting porch, was flanked by two ing of pagan architecture is full of tantalizing
narrow, almost tangential wings, across the might-have-beens.
fronts of which two pairs of columns constituted The defeat and death of Maxentius by
the actual facade towards the Via Sacra. The Constantine in 312 did not immediately spell
rotunda was lit by four large windows set on the the end of imperial munificence in Rome. That
diagonal axes, and from it two doors led into the only followed when, tired of the hostility of the
flanking halls. In its original form the courtyard wealthy pagan aristocracy, Constantine found-

ed, and in 330 formally dedicated, his new history and personality, to the world that was
capital on the Bosphorus. During the early years passing. Besides the completion of the un-
of his reign Constantine was as active as his finished buildings of Maxentius, no account of
predecessor had been; and while some of this thelast phase of pagan architecture in Rome

activity, such as the building of the new would be complete without a mention of
cathedral church of Rome, was specifically Constantine's Arch, his Baths, and the two great
associated with the requirements of the newly imperial mausolea of Tor Pignattara and S.
enfranchised Christian religion (and is dis- Costanza.
cussed in another volume), there was much that Constantine's Arch [291], buik to com-
belonged also, like Constantine's own complex memorate his victory over Maxentius, was

Rome, Arch of Constantine, completed in 315


completed in 315. The design follows closely the Arch of Constantine found themselves out
that of theArch of Severus at the west end of the of their depth. Their scant success is a measure,
Forum Romanum, from which it differs prin- not of the artistic decadence of the age, but of
cipally in its more dignified setting and pro- the shift that had taken place in decorative taste.
portions, in the more telling disposition of its With the exception of its narrative panels, the
sculptured ornament, and in the triple articu- Arch of Constantine is an evocation, perhaps a
lation of the attic in correspondence with the deliberate evocation, of an age that was already
pattern of the archways beneath. The relief obsolescent a century earlier.
panels are partly contemporary and partly, like Another building which, though carried out
the statues pf captured barbarians along the contemporary idiom, belonged to
in a strictly

attic, taken from a series of earlier public the age that was passing is the bath-building
monuments, and together they constitute a which Constantine built early in his reign on the
unique repertory of the official sculptural art of Quirinal, near the Temple of Serapis. Much of
the capitalfrom Trajan to Constantine. Under- this complex was still standing at the beginning
standably enough they are usually discussed in of the seventeenth century [292], and the plans
terms of their more specifically sculptural qual- and drawings made by Palladio and du Perac
ities, and the Constantinian narrative panels in show that, despite the omission of several
particular are praised or blamed as an illus- familiar features owing to the limitations of the
tration of the profound changes in the aims and site, it was still in all essentials one of the great
conventions of official relief sculpture during Imperial series, developed symmetrically about
this period. But although the narrative panels an axial succession of swimming pool, three-bay
would have distressed a Roman of the old school frigidarium, quadrilobate tepidarium (flanked
as deeply as they did the late Bernard Berenson, by service courtyards), and large, circular cal-

there can be no serious doubt that they repre- darium. Quite apart, however, from a general
sent the creative main stream of one of the most tendency to develop the curvilinear elements of
vigorous currents in early-fourth-century art. the familiar plan (which may be no more than a

A more fruitful subject of criticism is the reaction against the unusually severe recti-
technical ineptitude of those elements, such as linearity of the Baths of Diocletian) there are
the panels of the pedestals of the columns or in several details which distinguish it from the
the spandrels of the arches, which directly copy earlier members of the series. In particular one
earHer models. Their poor quality has nothing may note the three apsidal plunge baths of the
to do with the alleged decadence of the age: it is circular caldarium, lit by multiple windows and
simply that the production of large-scale relief closely akin to thecolumnar exedrae of the
sculpture had ceased in Rome some eighty years 'Temple of Minerva Medica'; also the marked
earlier. The narrative panels were made possible emphasis not only on the central nave of the
by the presence in the capital of a lively frigidarium at the expense of the lateral exedrae
contemporary school of sarcophagus carvers, but also, within the central nave, on the central
with whose work, both in scale and style, they bay - a deliberate exploitation of the central-
have much in common. On the other hand, with izing tendencies already noted in connexion
the ever-increasing austerity of architectural with the Basilica Nova.

exteriors and the ever greater reliance upon Of the two imperial mausolea built by Con-
coloured marble, stucco, and mosaic for in- stantine, Tor Pignattara, beside the Via
teriors, there was now little or no scope for Praenestina, was originally destined for Con-
relief-carving in the grand manner. This was a stantine himself, although in the event it was
genre which was all but extinct in Rome by the used only by his mother, Helena. It was a simple
middle of the third century,^ and it is small but grandiose adaptation of the circular type
wonder that the sculptors of the larger panels on (diameter 66 feet 2 inches; 20.18 m.) already

established by the mausolea of Tor de' Schiavi

and of Maxentius. Instead of the gabled porch,
however, it was entered by a doorway opening
off the end of the nave of the adjoining martyr-
church, also Constantinian, of SS. Peter and
Marcellinus; and the upward-reaching tenden-
cies of the earlier buildings were given full play
by heightening the drum and opening in it eight
292. Rome, Baths of Constantine, c. 320. large, round-headed windows. Corresponding
Plan, after Palladio to these on the outer face were eight even larger,
scalloped recesses. The dome has fallen, but the
C Caldarium
F Frigidarium
spring of it can be seen to have been lightened
T Tepidarium by the use of the large, hollow jars {pignatte)

from which the monument takes its name, and

there are traces of the mosaic which once
N ^^ covered it. Up to the spring of the dome the
walls were faced with panels of coloured marble.
Architecturally the most interesting feature of
this building is the scalloping of the outer face of
the drum, a development which had already
been foreshadowed in the Baths of Caracalla and
in the annex to the 'Temple of Venus' at Baiae
(p. 168). We same exploitation of curve
see the
and countercurve in the little 'Temple of
Romulus' in the Forum Romanum; and about
this date, or soon after, the scalloped window-

recesses were copied in another well preserved

rotunda, the 'Tempio della Tosse', which was
the vestibule of a wealthy villa in the plain just
below Tivoli.
The mausoleum of Helena was still in its

essentials a building in the pagan tradition. That

of Constantine's daugher, Constantina (now the
church of S. Costanza), had already crossed the
divide. In place of the soaring simplicity of Tor
Pignattara, its plan, with its barrel-vaulted and
arcaded ambulatory buttressing the central ro-
tunda [293], looked forward to a long series of
centrally planned churcheswhich were inspired
initially by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
But it was still a pagan building in one impor-

tant respect: neither the surviving decorative

mosaics of the ambulatory nor the more elab-
orate figured designs of the destroyed dome
mosaic owed anything to Christianity. They
were made by workmen whose fathers had
worked in the Baths of Diocletian, and their
432 •

293. Rome, Mausoleum of C.onstantina ('Santa Costanza'), second quarter of the fourth century,
showing the surviving mosaics of the ambulatory vault

great-grandfathers in the Baths of Caracalla. of nine projecting apses, continuous except at

They offer a unique ghmpse of an aspect of the entrance, which occupies the tenth side. The
pagan classical architecture which elsewhere has apse opposite the door is slightly larger than the
perished almost in its entirety. rest, and the two pairs of apses on the transverse
The most elaborate of the series of late axis were open to the exterior through triple
rotundas in and around Rome is the pavilion in arches carried on columns. The drum, too, was
the Licinian Gardens, better known as the decagonal, lit by ten round-headed windows,

294. Rome, pavilion in the Licinian Gardens ('Temple of Minerva Medica'),

showing the brick ribs incorporated in the vaulting and (below the vault)
the backing for the original marble veneer. Early fourth century

'Temple of Minerva Medica' [294-6]. The and the transition to the dome was accom-
gardens belonged to the emperor Gallienus plished simply by merging the angles of the
(259-68), but brick-stamps show that the build- decagon inwards to form a circle. The latter was
ing is of the early fourth century, modified very ingeniously constructed of light materials about
soon after construction in order to buttress signs a framework of brick ribs, and it offers an
of settlement. Strictly speaking, it is not circular unusually clear picture of how one of these late

but decagonal (diameter 80 feet; 25 m.), with the vaults was built. The ribs were constructed of
lower parts of the walls broken out to form a ring small pieces of brick, laid one upon the other in

295.Rome, pavilion in the Licinian Gardens, from a drawing by Franz Innocenz Kobell, 1780,
when some of the brick ribbing was still standing independently

bands that were linked horizontally

vertical Gordians for example, in the Baths of Dio-
by numerous rather larger cross-pieces. The cletian, and in the Basilica Nova. Superficially it

ribs rose concurrently with the surrounding bears a certain resemblance to the ribbing of a
concrete envelope, and at frequent intervals, Gothic vault, and this resemblance has some-
corresponding to the upward progress of the times been taken to imply a close similarity not
dome as a series of concentric rings of ever- only of function but also of theoretical intention.
diminishing diameter, the work was capped by a This is certainly mistaken. That these brick ribs
continuous layer of large tiles. By this means the were developed in the first instance with any
whole mass of the dome was partitioned into clear idea of distributing the load of the vault
small, virtually independent compartments, down certain predetermined lines can be dis-
greatly facilitating construction and at the same proved by even the most cursory examination of
time ensuring the localization of any settlement their relationship to the vaulting of which they
that might take place during drying-out. are a part.^ Many break off short before reaching
Brick ribbing similar to that just described is the crown, others side-step to right or left or are
a feature of the vaulting of many of these late interrupted by the tile capping of the adjoining
pagan buildings in the capital, in the Villa of the fill. It is quite certain that they rose pari passu

296. Rome, pavilion in the Licinian Gardens, early fourth century.

Plan. Original construction in black; added masonry shaded

with the accompanying envelope of light tufa of the vault as a differentially constructed fabric
concrete, and there can be very little doubt that within which the structural stresses might be
their primary function was to simplify the channelled along certain predetermined lines.

processes of construction. This fact does not, of But if so, it was a characteristically cautious,
course, preclude the possibility that they did in empirical approach, based, not upon theory, but
practice prove to be a source of strength within upon observation of the results of building
the vault as a whole, or that contemporary processes that had been adopted initially for
architects should have become aware of this. quite other reasons.
Illustrations of the Minerva Medica vault prior As late as the beginning of the fourth century
to 1828 do in fact show several of the upper ribs it would be true to say that the factors prin-
still standing independently of the envelope cipally determining the stability of a Roman
[295]. A few years later the dome of S. Costanza vault were still the quality of the mortar and of
is said to have incorporated eight ribs of solid the foundations. By this late date the former
brick. ^ It looks very much as if architects may could almost be taken for granted in the volcanic
indeed have been moving towards a conception regions of Central Italy. The real enemy was

settlement. Any fractioning of the unitary en- cletian, each within the span of a single decade.
velope of the vault was immediately liable to set Of the constructional techniques characteris-
up centrifugal pressures far greater than those tic of the period there is not much that need be
inherent in the initial design. The prudent added to what has already been said in con-
architect allowed for this; and the history of nexion with the individual buildings. Most of
Roman concrete-vaulted architecture, from the them represent no more than the taking into
Flavian Palace and the Pantheon onwards, is full general use of devices that were already known,
of instances of buttressing added to remedy if not fully exploited, at an earlier period.
some such structural defect, real or imaginary. Already in the second century the alternation of
The Licinian Pavilion itself underwent sub- courses of brick and tufa had figured extensively
stantial modification in this sense quite soon in Hadrian's Villa and in the Villa of Sette Bassi,
after its construction. But, whatever the con- but it was only now promoted to occasional

structional refinements, the essential character- monumental use and did not become general
istics of the vaults built in the Rome of until even later. Brick ribbing had been used as
Maxentius and of Constantine were still those of early as Flavian times in the barrel-vaults of the
Roman concrete-vaulted architecture in its Colosseum and sporadically, though sparingly,
Early Imperial heyday. on a number of subsequent occasions (e.g. in the
If one turns to survey as a whole this last Severan substructures of the Palatine). The use
phase of architectural activity in pagan Rome of specially selected light materials, such as
one cannot fail to be struck by two things: by the porous tufa or even pumice, for the aggregate of
complete triumph of brick- faced concrete as the the vaults already appears in a highly sophisti-
standard constructional medium, and by the no cated form in the Pantheon. All these were
less complete assurance and virtuosity with familiar techniques now brought into syste-
which it was handled. Except for a few monu- matic use. Perhaps the most notable innovation
ments of purely traditional character, such as was the use of large jars to lessen the weight of a
the triumphal arches, squared stone masonry is concrete mass at such bulky points as the spring
hardly found after the middle of the second of a vault, as in the Villa of the Gordians, the
century. In its superficial appearance the later Baths of Diocletian, and the Circus of Maxen-
brickwork, with its ever-increasing dependence tius. This is a device that was to play an
on re-used materials and the occasional alter- important part in the Early Christian architec-
nation of courses of brick and tufa, cannot ture of Central and Northern Italy. Other late

compare with that of the earlier period; and vaulting techniques which were already current
although Diocletian's reorganization of the elsewhere, but which do not seem to have
brickyards for a while reversed this trend, the reached pagan Rome, are the use of interlocking
results of this did not outlast the slump that tubular tiles and the employment of brick, the

fi)llowed Constantine's decision to transfer his one North African innovation, the other
capital to Constantinople. But one only has to derivative ultimately from the Roman East and
glance at gigantic spans like those of the Basilica recorded from as near home as at Spalato, in the
Nova to realize
that this was a purely superficial Palace of Diocletian.
deterioration.These builders were complete So far as concerns the forms of architecture,
masters of their material; and if they were this was, as in so many other fields, an age of
content with a rather cheaper, rougher finish transition. With the hindsight of later know-
than would have satisfied a more leisurely age, ledge it is easy to regard it as a mere prepci ratio
this was a small price to pay for the technical and evangelil, paving the way for the triumph of
organizational advances which made it possible, Christianity and the emergence of the highly
for example, to erect the Aurelianic walls or individualized Early Christian architecture of
the whole huge complex of the Baths of Dio- the following century. Such a view, however,

disregards the nature and strength of the forces disadvantage in that the sort of effect that the
of architectural change that were already at Late Roman builders were aiming at is very
work before the time of Constantine, both in hard to judge on a drawing-board: it needs to be
Rome and (as we shall see in the next and last experienced, and that is precisely what in most
chapter) in the Empire as a whole. It was the cases we cannot now do. Nevertheless one is
crisis of the third century quite as much as the probably on safe ground in regarding the
triumph of Christianity which marks the tran- Basilica Nova, for example, as having been a
sition of the classical world to late antiquity. very impressive as well as merely a very large
In Rome any architectural development was building. There was nothing new in this exploi-
almost bound to turn upon the fuller exploita- tation of the quality of size. The Colosseum, the
tion of the constructional and aesthetic possibi- Pont du Card, the Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek
lities of concrete. The first phase of feverish, are among the many distinguished Roman
seminal experiment was long over and had been precedents, and they all stem from a capacity
followed, since the middle of the second cen- which the Romans at all times possessed in
tury, by a long period of consolidation and abundance, the engineer's complete mastery of
rationalization. Now, as the new architectural his materials.
stereotypes took firm hold, there was a renewed Another characteristic which this Late
moment of rather restless, experimental de- Roman architecture shared with earlier periods
velopment. Broadly speaking, one might char- is its constant striving after height. The sensi-
acterize it as dominated by a determination to which had put the classical temple on to a

explore the spatial possibilities inherent in such podium and the classical order on to a tall plinth
relatively newly established types as the domed found fresh expression in the handling of
rotundas and the great cross-vaulted central interior space. If we take the interior pro-
halls of the Imperial bath-buildings, at the portions of the Pantheon as a norm, the sub-
expense of the inherited commonplaces of an sequent history of this characteristically Late
older classicism. With this was coupled a Roman type is inter alia, as we have seen, one of
steadily growing awareness of the formal pro- an ever-increasing emphasis on the vertical
perties inherent in the brick-faced medium as a component. In this case the technical prerequi-
means of developing a monumental architecture site was the ability to pierce the drum, so as to

that was independent of the norms imposed by provide lighting at clerestory level, without
the use of the traditional orders. But there was impairing the stability of the dome. This had
no single, clear-cut stream of development. already been achieved in the 'Temple of Venus'
Rather there were a number of complementary atBaiae and in the Baths of Caracalla, and by the
and even contrasting streams. To the extent that end of the century the older form, with a central
it was only when these converged to supply the oculus, was already obsolete. The Curia of
needs of the new religion that the overall pattern Diocletian represents the same idea. In this case
acquired shape and purpose, the conventional the proportions were inherited; but the dispo-
view of these buildings as setting the stage for sition of the inner windows just below the very
Christianity is a legitimate one; but it neglects high ceiling certainly suggests a deliberate
what was minds of the men who built
in the exploitation of the contrast between the em-
them. What at the time were the aims and phatic horizontal lines of the lower part of the
objectives of the architects of late pagan Rome? hall and the soaring simplicity of the coffered
In the first place, it would be naive to ceiling above.
disregard the fact that some of these buildings The central plan continued to play an impor-
were very large. The line that separates gran- tant part in architectural thinking, as indeed it

deur from mere grandiosity is a delicate one, had done from the moment that architects
and the student of Roman architecture is at a started to occupy themselves seriously with the

problem of interior space. The serial grouping more traditional classicism was still spoken on
of the halls of bath-buildings had already made occasion, particularly in contexts where a cer-
them aware that the impact of such enclosed tain conservatism was appropriate; but the more
space could be notably enhanced by putting it in closely one examines the individual instances,
direct, provocative relationship with the space the more one is made aware that this was no
beyond it; and already in the Pantheon we find a longer a living idiom but a dialect inherited, and
remarkably sophisticated use of the exedrae set even on occasion deliberately revived, from the
in the thickness of the perimeter wall to give an monuments of Rome's own past. The imitation
illusion of opening outwards. But despite this, of the Pantheon and of Trajan's Forum in the
and despite the rhany experiments in the same gabled porches of the imperial mausolea and in
sense in Hadrian's Villa, the idea was not the decorative orders of Aurelian's Temple of
immediately and systematically followed up, the Sun; the revival of a scheme obsolete since
and the central-plan building par excellence, the Flavian times for the porticoes around the
rotunda, remained essentially a self-enclosed, Mausoleum of Maxentius (and in Diocletian's
autonomous unit. The opening up of windows palace at Spalato); the rendering of a traditional
in the drum in place of the single, spatially theatrical stage-building in terms of the col-
neutral central oculus was a step towards a more umnar aediculae of contemporary decorative
balanced, outward-looking treatment; but it is usage in the swimming-pool fagade of the Baths
not really until the early fourth century, in the of Diocletian: these are a few only of the most
Licinian Pavilion, that we find a decisive break striking instances of an almost antiquarian
with tradition. Once again the elements of the attitude to the use of the famiUar externals of an
plan, the multilobed rotunda and the curved older classicism. We shall meet it again in the
columnar exedrae, can be seen to go back to architecture of the provinces during the same
Hadrianic precedents; but only now were they period.
brought together in a direct, vital relationship. It is easier to document this breakdown of the
Through the arches of the arcaded, columnar old exterior values than it is to define any
exedrae the observer within was brought into positive and consistent trend towards a new
immediate contact with the world beyond. "^
exterior aesthetic. A ready acceptance of the
Within a generation the architect of S. Costanza functional logic of the new material was not in
had introduced the parallel idea of a continuous itself sufficient to produce a satisfactory answer,
arcaded ambulatory around the central domed as we can see very clearly from the bleak,
area; and soon after the middle of the fourth barrack-like elevations of three of the four sides
century, in the church of S. Lorenzo at Milan, of the central block of the Baths of Caracalla
we find the two ideas converging within a single [64]. Only on the south fa9ade of the same
building. The way was open for one of the most building do we find the succession of large
fruitful models of Early Christian architecture, windows used with some success as a frame and
leading eventually to S. Vitale in Ravenna, to foil for the projecting mass of the central

SS. Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople, and rotunda. It is perhaps the growing taste for
even to Hagia Sophia itself. these large windows (made possible by the more
Right down to the end of the pagan period it general use of lead-framed panes of window-
was the interiors of these buildings that were the glass or its equivalent) which offers the most
predominant consideration of forward-looking consistent clue to the development of an exterior
architects. Even if it be an exaggeration to say aesthetic in this late pre-Christian period.
that the exteriors were simply left to take care of Grouped (as in the fa9ade of the Curia) or
themselves, in very few of them does one feel spaced out in orderly lines [85], they could be
that the architect was primarily concerned with used to give life and movement to the large,
this aspect of his building. The language of a blank, exterior surfaces; and the scalloped

framing recesses of the Tor de' Schiavi reveal a bold pattern of rhythmically alternating voids
growing awareness of their more subtle aes- and sohds. Working essentially from the inside
thetic possibilities. We see this again very outwards, late pagan architecture had already

clearly in a building such as the Basilica at Trier, arrived at its own equivalent of the older
described in the following chapter. Whereas it classicalscheme based on column and archi-
could be argued that the external window- trave. The familiar comparison between this

pattern of the Basilica Nova, for example, is building and the early-fifth-century church of
determined primarily by the lighting require- S. Sabina shows how far, in this respect too.

ments of the interior, that of the Trier Basilica is Christian architecture started where pagan
based unmistakably on the deliberate choice of a architecture left off.



The military crisis of the third century a.d. was was to dominate the history of the northern
one which shook the whole Empire to its roots. shores of the Mediterranean for the next seven
A few favoured areas, such as Asia Minor and or eight hundred years.
North Africa, escaped the full blast; but even The crucial single event in all this was the
there the financial difficulties of the time meant inauguration in 330 of Constantinople as the
that public building dropped to a mere trickle new capital of the Roman world. But one must
by comparison with the second century. Gaul, not forget that, inspired though Constantine's
Northern Italy, the Danube provinces, Greece, choice of site proved to be, the venture as such
and Syria were all ravaged by hostile armies; was no novelty. Within the last forty years there
and although Roman authority was eventually had been half a dozen new capitals established,
re-established and metropolitan Syria, for ex- formally or de facto, up and down the length of
ample, went on to enjoy another three centuries the Empire by the rulers of the Tetrarchy:
of prosperous life on the classical model, never Antioch, Nicomedia, Thessalonike, Sirmium,
again could the citizens of the Roman Empire Milan, Trier. All these were built very largely
face the future with the same unruffled assur- by local craftsmen, with local resources and with
ance as before. local materials; to this exent they represent the

Not surprisingly, the world that re-emerged culmination of the long processes of regional
from the holocaust was a very different world development which constitute the architectural
from that of the previous age. Nowhere is this history of the several areas of which they were
fact more apparent than in the relationship the capitals. But at the same time by the very
between Rome and the provinces. Italy had long circumstances of their foundation they tended
ago lost its pre-eminence over the other pro- to cut right across regional boundaries. Even
vinces, but in the second century Rome itself allowing for the differences of climate and
was still the unchallenged centre of the Roman craftsmanship, of methods and materials, the
world. Now it had been made painfully clear formal requirements of an imperial residence or
that this world was too large to be ruled with a public bath-building were very much the same
success by any single man ruling from any single in Syria as on the Danube or in Gaul. What now
capital. The solution adopted by Diocletian, a happened in varying degree in all these new
consortium of two senior and two junior em- capitals had been foreshadowed nearly a century
perors (the 'Tetrarchy'), despite its many in- earlier at Lepcis. The old regional barriers were
ternal stresses was successful in carrying the everywhere breaking down. Never before or
Empire over the crucial period of military, civil, since was the Mediterranean world nearer to
and economic reorganization. For a while in the achieving a real koine of architectural usage.
earlier fourth century the towering personality Two of the Tetrarchy capitals, Nicomedia in
of Constantine succeeded in re-establishing Bithynia and Sirmium near Belgrade, have left

once more a single central authority. Then, hardly any trace above ground, and two others,
without drama but finally and irrevocably, the Antioch and Milan, all too little.' About Trier
Empire once more broke into its two halves. and Thessalonike, on the other hand, we are
East and West, establishing the pattern which quite well informed, and we can supplement


this by reference to at least two other ultra- When Constantius chose it as his capital, the

wealthy residences of the same period, the city was still suffering from the effects of a dis-
palace at Spalato (Split) on the Dalmatian coast astrous incursion of the Franks and Alemanni in
to which Diocletian retired in 305, and the great 275-6. The city walls must have been built
Sicilian country house of Piazza Armerina. immediately after this disaster (if not indeed
already before it) and many of the older monu-
ments needed restoration. In addition Con-
stantius now started to lay out, and Constantine
Trier (Augusta Treverorum), strategically completed, a palace complex occupying many
situated on the Moselle in rear of the armies of insulae in the north-east part of the town. The
the Rhine, was chosen by Constantius Chlorus audience hall (the 'Basilica' or 'Aula Palatina') is

to be his capital when in 293 he was nominated still standing. There are also the substantial
by Diocletian to be one of the junior members of remains of a large new bath-building (the
the Tetrarchy, with a military and adminis- 'Kaiserthermen'), as well as traces of a circus
trative command stretching from the Straits of and of the residential quarters, on a part of
Gibraltar to Hadrian's Wall and from the Rhine which Constantine later {c. 326) founded a great
to the Atlantic. It was the residence successively double church, the first cathedral church of
of Constantius himself, of his son Constantine northern Gaul. Other monuments of the period
the Great, and of his grandson Constantine II, are the grandiose north gate of the city, the
and again later of Valentinian (364-75) and 'Porta Nigra', the exact date of which is dis-
Gratian (375-83), and it was not until 395 that puted, and the Constantinian warehouse of S.
the court was formally transferred to Milan and Irminio, near the river.
the headquarters of the military prefecture to The Basilica occupies the same site as an
Aries. During this period many of the most earlier and smaller, but similarly oriented hall,

distinguished literary and ecclesiastical figures which may have been part of the palace of the
of the age lived here, including Ausonius, regional procurator, destroyed in the incursion
Lactantius, Athanasius, St Jerome, St Am- of 275-6. The right-hand wall of the present
brose, St Martin of Tours, and St Augustine. building and most of the fa9ade are rebuilt,
For a century it was culturally as well as having been largely demolished when the build-
politically the first city of the West. ing was part of the adjoining bishop's palace;
Trier was one of the most prosperous, as well but, apartfrom certain details of the fa9ade, the
as one of the oldest, cities of northern Gaul. The main lines of the Constantinian building are [•

principal remains of the first three centuries of nowhere in doubt [297-9]. At first glance one
its history are the rectangular street plan, related would take this for a typical example of con-
to a bridge over the Moselle; the amphitheatre, temporary metropolitan, brick-faced concrete
originally of earth and timber but rebuilt in masonry. In reality it is built of solid brick, a
stone c. A.D. 100; a grandiose second-century seemingly unique example in the West of a

bath-building of the 'Imperial' type, the St method of construction which at this date we
Barbara Baths; a number of private houses, find only in the Greek East, and a striking
some with fine mosaics; and several important reminder of the ecumenical range of so much of
religious sites, including both the predomi- this official Tetrarchy architecture. Constantine
nantly Celtic sanctuary of Altbachtal and the himself, it will be recalled, had spent much of

more classicizing temple and terraced precinct his youth at the courts of Diocletian in Nico-
of Mars Lcnus on the slopes across the river. media and of Galerius in Thessalonike. With
This was a typically prosperous Gallo-Roman such patronage small wonder if ideas found it ,

city, with strong native overtones in the fields of easy to travel.

religion and of domestic building, but with a The basic design of the Basilica was very
public architecture that was essentially classical. simple: a severely plain, rectangular hall,

297- Trier, Basilica, early fourth century

measuring roughly 95 by 190 feet (100 by 200 galleries. The lofty ceiling was presumably
Roman feet; 29 by 58 m.) and, beyond it, a coffered, as now restored. The lighting came
projecting, flat-ceilinged, semicircular apse; an from two rows of large, round-headed windows,
elongated, single-storeyed, transverse fore-hall, which were continuous down the two long sides
or narthex, with a central porch opening on to and round the apse, their rhythm accentuated
the middle of one end of a large forecourt internally by a framing architectural scheme in
flanked by porticoes; and, bulking far larger in coloured marble. The intention of the whole
plan than in actuality, a pair of low, porticoed design was to carry the eye to the apse, where
courtyards flanking the main hall. The floor was the emperor sat enthroned and where a series of
of black and white marble and heated by mosaic-ornamented recesses lent a welcome
hypocausts, the outlet ducts of which were note of colour to the rather austere simplicity of
incorporated in the lower parts of the walls and the scheme as a whole. The impressive pro-
controlled from the lower of two outer service portions of the hall were further enhanced by an

2()H. 'I'licr, Hasilica, L-arl\ fourth ccntur\

ingenious series of optical devices. The win- ingly lower than that of the nave. The combined
dows of the apse are not only shorter than those effect of these devices, viewed through the
of the nave, but those of the upper row spring interrupting frame of the 'triumphal arch', is

from a horizontal line 4 feet (1.20 m.) below the that the eye, assuming a uniformity of size and
springing-line of the corresponding nave win- proportion between nave and apse, gives to the
dows; and in both rows the two central windows latter a depth and height considerably greater
are appreciably narrower than the outer pair. In than in fact it possesses. Even if one knows the
addition, the ceiling of the apse is correspond- trick (clearly visible in illustration 299A) one is


299. Trier, Basilica, early fourth century, (a) Reconstructed view of exterior; (b) plan

still deceived. There can be no doubt that the which frames the two rows of windows. In
optical effect isquite deliberate, and its use antiquity this vertical emphasis was tempered
in this building, unparalleled even in Rome, by the pair of timber galleries which ran along
is a measure of the architectural sophistica- the sides and around the apse, to service the two
tion of the provincial capitals of the Tetrarchy. rows of windows. There are obvious analogies in
The which was faced with plain
exterior, this arrangement with the two rows of blind
stucco, is dominated today by the vertical lines arcading which are such a conspicuous feature
of the tall, narrow arches of the blind arcading of the exterior of the contemporary horrea of S.

300. Trier, S. Irminio warehouses, early fourth century. Restored view

Irminio [300]. These are a pair of two-storeyed the middle of the second century, offered a
warehouses, each about 230 feet long and 65 feet notable local precedent. In its broad lines the
wide, with the main working entrances facing layout of Constantine's building followed that
inwards on to a long, narrow loading-yard of the St Barbara Baths, which in turn were
between the two buildings. Internally there closely derived from, though by no means a
were fourteen transverse bays, lit by narrow slit slavish copy of, the Baths of Trajan in the
windows, and the floor of the upper storey was capital. The main bathing-block {c. 450 by 400

carried on two longitudinal rows of stone piers.-' feet) was designed to occupy one half of the

The bath-building (the Imperial Baths, or elongated rectangular site, facing out across the
'Kaiserthermen') [301, 302] which occupied the large porticoed enclosure and low surrounding
southern extremity of the palace-complex was buildings that occupy the other half, in this
of a type already famihar in the provinces, a type respect conforming more closely to the model of
for which the St Barbara Baths, built soon after the gymnasium bath-buildings of Asia Minor

301 and 302. Trier, Imperial Baths ('Kaiserthermen'), early fourth century,
exterior of the main caldarium with {opposite, above) restored view and {opposite, below) plan



than those of Rome itself. There is no need to Constantinian building upon its predecessor lay
describe in detail the internal disposition of the in the far greater compactness of the design of
bathing-suite. The principal advances of the its main block, which was grouped tightly

C Caldarium
F Frigidarium
L Lavatory
PAL. Palaestra
T Tepidarium

303. Trier, Porta Nigra, probabl} early fourth century


around the main axis, and in its liberal use of The Porta Nigra [303] is the quintessential
lively curvilinear forms in place of the rather Roman gate, designed at all costs to impress the
banal, loosely organized rectilinearity of the wayfarer with the might of Imperial Rome.
earlier building. Another notable feature of the Such unusual features as it possesses are due
design was the grouping of all the services simply to the fact that, many of the late

(heating, drainage, service corridors, and stor- antique monuments of Rome, it represents a
age) within a self-contained cellar range below deliberate return to earlier Imperial models. In
the raised floor level of the bath itself.^ In the this case the models were first-century buildings
event these baths were never completed as such as the Porta Palatina at Turin [103] or, in

planned. Constantine's departure for the east in Gaul itself, the Porte Saint-Andre at Autun
316 led to an indefinite suspension of the work, [135], the only serious concession to con-
and when Valentinian (364-75) undertook to temporary military planning being the greater
complete them he did so on a much reduced robustness and depth of the towers, which were
scale, eliminating all except the tepidarium and carried backwards the full length of the square
the nucleus of the caldarium range, and enlarg- internal courtyard so as to flank the inner and
ing and simplifying the forecourt so as to consist the outer gates alike. The decoration too derives
of little more than four ranges of small square from the same models, from the arched open-
tabernae opening off a huge open courtyard. ings and framing orders of the galleries directly

over the carriageways of the earHer gates. In this THESSALONIKE (SALONICA)

case, however, the motif has been taken and
appHed, incongruously but with a certain bar- Thessalonike (Salonica), strategically situated
baric magnificence, to the whole structure, two on the Via Egnatia, the main Roman land route
rows of arches running right round the whole from Italy to the Bosphorus and to Asia, was
building and a third right round the towers, 144 already a town of importance when Galerius
arches in all. The extraordinarily crude finish of (293-311) chose it to be the capital of his
the masonry, sometimes cited as analogous to quarter of the Empire. At this point the Via
the sophisticated rustication of the Porta Mag- Egnatia runs roughly east and west, and to
giore in Rome [21], is accidental: the building accommodate his palace Galerius added a whole
was never completed. There is no independent new quarter on either side of it, along the
evidence to show exactly when in late antiquity eastern edge of the existing city. To the south
this gate was put up. On historical grounds the lay the palace proper, with a hippodrome
most likely occasion would seem to be either (circus) along the eastern edge of it; to the north
when the town and its defences were rebuilt lay the rotunda which was perhaps destined to
after the disaster of 275-6 or else during the be the founder's tomb, and which is now the
early years of Constantine's reign. The latter church of St George; and between the two ran a

date would better explain why, like processional way with an elaborate triumphal
Constantine's bath-building, it was left arch marking the point where it crossed the Via
unfinished. Egnatia [304].

304. Thessalonike (Salonica). (a) Mausoleum of Galerius and monumental approach to it,

including the arch of Galerius across the main colonnaded street to the city. Before 311. Restored views.
The superstructure of the arch and the detail of the rectangular hall are both hypothetical

(; A L E R I U S

304. Thessalonike (Salonica).

(b) The south-east corner of Roman Thessalonike,
showing the site of the palace and mausoleum
of Galerius in relation to the hippodrome,
the Via Egnatia, and the Byzantine city walls

The location of the palace alongside the

hippodrome, a relationship first established by
the Flavian Palace in Rome, was a regular
feature of the palaces of later antiquity (Antioch,
VIA Constantinople, Milan, Sirmium, Trier). Of the
palace itself, which lies beneath the modern
town, only scattered elements have been re-
covered. The most coherent of these is a
complex of which the central feature was a
peristyle courtyard, framed on three sides by
small rooms and isolated from the adjoining
rooms by a broad, encircling corridor; along the
east side, between the courtyard and the hippo-
drome, lay a large rectangular hall with an apse,
possibly an audience hall, and along the south
side, separated from each other by another
broad corridor, a bath suite, and a large octa-
gonal, domed hall nearly 80 feet (25 m.) in
diameter, with apsidal recesses in the eight
angles.^ The plan is curiously episodic, suggest-
ing a series of interlocking units rather than a
tightly coordinated scheme, but this impression
may of course be due to the limited area
exposed. Another known feature of the palace
was a rectangular transverse hall which abutted
on the south side of the arch, serving as a

vestibule to the colonnaded processional way

that led up from the arch to the ceremonial
enclosure surrounding the rotunda. Viewed
from the east or west the central archway
spanned the road and may well have carried
some sort of conventional superstructure as well

group of statuary. The two lateral

as the usual

archways, on the other hand, spanned the

footpaths within the flanking colonnades, pre-
cluding the normal, architectural development
of such an arch. Instead, the elaborate sculp-
tural ornament, recording Galerius's victory
over the Persians in 297, was concentrated upon
the vertical faces of the piers. The piers them-

304. Thessalonike (Salonica).

Part of the palace of Galerius

50 m

selves consisted of a marble facing about a core was carried out in veneer marble, with two
of mortared rubble, and the arches were of orders of pilasters and entablatures framing the
brick. recesses and, on the piers between the lower
Both in plan and in elevation the rotunda recesses, eight decorative aediculae, similar to

[305, 306] was in effect a free-standing version those found in the buildings of Diocletian and
of the caldarium of the Baths of Caracalla, with Maxentius in Rome. There are the substantial
eight large, radiating, barrel-vaulted recesses at remains of the original mosaics on the vaults of
ground level and, directly above them, eight the radiating recesses. Those of the dome date
similar but somewhat smaller recesses housing a from the conversion of the building into a
ring of large windows. Externally the shoulders church later in the fourth century, but they
of the dome were treated as an arcaded outer presumably replace an earlier series.

dome, and
gallery, buttressing the thrust of the The plan of the building and much of its

the essential rotundity of the monument was detail are unmistakably derived from Rome.
emphasized by the relative insignificance of the Not so its construction. In the absence of the
entrance porch. The decoration of the interior volcanic sands necessary for making Roman
452 •

concrete, the materials and techniques are those vaulting [307]. The bricks are of normal shape,
described in an earlier chapter (pp. 273 ff.) as but instead of being laid radially, parallel with
characteristic of Roman building in western the axis of the arch or vault, they are laid end to
Asia Minor and the northern Aegean. The walls end along the line of curvature. In crude brick
are built of a mortared rubble, laced with bands this was a technique that goes back to the
of brick and faced, partly with brick, partly with Middle Kingdom in Pharaonic Egypt and at

305-7. Thessalonike (Salonica), Mausoleum of Galerius (church of St George),

mainly before 311, the dome and its mosaics completed later, when it was transformed into a church.
The change of curvature has here been slightly exaggerated. Interior {opposite, above),
section and plan (opposite, below), and detail of vaulting

courses of small, roughly squared blocks of local least to the beginning of the first millennium
stone;and the arches and vaults are of brick. For B.C. in Mesopotamia. It called for the use of a
the most part the individual bricks are laid quick-drying mortar, and it had the double
radially in the traditional classical manner, in advantage of needing only a very light, movable
anything from one to three concentric rings, and scaffolding and of being, in consequence, very
so one sees them also in the substructures of the flexible in its application. So far as concerns the
hippodrome. But both in the arch and in the Mediterranean world, the story of this device
vaulting of the radiating recesses of the rotunda belongs rather to the history of Byzantine than
there are panels also of brickwork, 'pitched' in of classical architecture. But the fact that it is

the manner characteristic of most Bvzantine found both here and at Spalato, albeit on a very

modest scale, shows that by the end of the third the southern extremity of the rectangle, over-
century it was in fact already current in the looking the sea. The rest of the southern half
Aegean provinces; and its use at about this date, was occupied by two large rectangular pre-
or even slightly earlier, in the substructures of which faced each other across the 'Peri-

the basilica at Aspendos in Pamphylia [176] That on the left contained the emperor's

gives support to the suggestion that it derives mausoleum, that on the right a small temple and
ultimately, through the later classical architec- two small rotundas of uncertain character and
ture of x'\sia Minor, from the familiar mud-brick purpose. There was no gate. On the southern
forms of Syria and Mesopotamia.^ side there was no monumental gate, only a small

An unusual constructional feature of the postern. Otherwise the walls presented an un-
rotunda is that, whereas the lower part of the broken fa9ade towards the sea [310], crowned by
dome, to a height of 23 feet (7 m.), is a segment the arches of a gallery which ran the full length
of a hemisphere based on a centre situated on between the two corner towers, interrupted only
the level of the springing line, the upper part has by three small gabled pavilions.^

a different curvature, based on a centre about 6j For the plan of the residential wing, which
feet (2 m.) higher. By this means the builders was terraced out over lower ground, we are
were able to reduce the effective span from jg^ dependent largely on that of the still only
to62j feet (24.15 to 19 m.), corbelling the lower partially explored substructures. These indicate
part inwards without scaffolding and making a series of rectangular suites, physically sepa-
the pitch of the crown less dangerously shallow. rated by corridors and doubtless no less sharply
It was neglect of some such precautions that 250 distinguished in function. An emperor in retire-
years later brought the original dome of ment still had certain official and ceremonial
Justinian's church of Hagia Sophia crashing to duties. At Spalato the public rooms occupied
the ground. In the present instance the pattern the middle of the palace wing. On the central
of the later mosaics makes the change of axis a circular vestibule led directly into a large
curvature virtually invisible from the ground.^ rectangular hall, with a second doorway at the
far end on to the corridor-gallery beyond. On
either side of the central suite the same corridor
SPALATO (split)
gave access to two more large halls, both
The 'palace' which Diocletian built for himself evidently of an That to the
official character.

on the Dalmatian coast and to which he retired right (west) had an apse at the north end and two
in 305 was planned on very different lines [308]. longitudinal rows of piers or columns, and it was
It was not really a palace at all, in the sense of presumably a basilican audience hall; that to the

being part of a larger urban complex; it was an left was perhaps a triclinium. Beyond these, at
independent self-contained country residence, the two ends of the block, lay the domestic and
enclosed on all sides within a near-rectangular bathing suites.
(575 and 595 by 710 feet; 175 and 181 by 216 m.) There are obvious analogies between the
circuit of defences. The walls were guarded by planning of this building and that of the
projecting 'square and octagonal towers; from traditional Roman castrum, with its transverse
gates in the middle of the two long sides and of Via Praetoria and axial Via Principalis converg-
the landward (northern) short side two axial ing upon the praetorium, originally the actual
colonnaded streets converged upon the residence of the commanding officer and later
geometrical centre of the city. A shorter length the official ceremonial headquarters building.
of street, the so-called 'Peristyle', flanked by The formula was one that one would have found
open colonnades [309], continued the line of the in countless variants all along the frontiers of the
north-south street across the intersection and Empire, where the neat orderly planning of the
led up to the residence proper, which occupied military camps inevitably left its mark on the
SPALATO (split) •



308. Spalato (Split), Palace of Diocletian, c. 300-6. Plan



civil that grew up under their

settlements late starters, and it was only now that they really

At Timgad, for example [261], the

protection. began to acquire an architectural voice of their
forum complex occupied precisely the same own; and at the same time, from Gaul to the
position in relation to the T-shaped plan of the Levant, vast regions which for centuries had
city's main streets as the praetorium of the near- basked in comfortable security found them-
by camp at Lambaesis, the station of the Third selves thrust into close and urgent contact with
Legion from which the majority of the new military affairs and military ways. The Aure-
settlers were drawn. From the moment that lianic walls of Rome were symptomatic of a

Roman military architecture ceased to be a profound shift in the centre of gravity of the
matter of the temporary lodging of mobile units Roman world, a shift which affected every
and began to be concerned with the provision of aspect of civilized life, architecture included.
permanent barracks and other facilities for units The fortifying of the towns took the obvious
that might be established in one place for form of surrounding them with often hastily
decades, or even for centuries, the mutual devised, irregular circuits of walls. The villas

interaction of civil and military architecture had and farms of the open countryside presented a
become a lively factor in the architectural more varied problem and the answers were
development of the frontier provinces. correspondingly varied. In a few outlying areas,
The crisis of the third century gave fresh as in parts of northern Gaul, the wealthy villas

substance to this relationship. Many of the were simply abandoned. Elsewhere, for ex-
frontier provinces were, culturally speaking, ample in North Africa, one can trace the
SPALATO (split) •


309 {opposite). Spalato (Split), Palace of Diocletian, c. 300-6. 'Peristyle' or ceremonial courtyard
leading up to the entrance to the main residential wing

310 {below). Spalato (Split), Palace of Diocletian, c. 300 6. View of the seaward frontage
in the eighteenth century by Robert Adam

emergence of a variety of more or less defensible and hunting lodges represent a similar
building types, ranging from the well-to-do villa development.
with massive towers that figures so largely in the Diocletian's fortified villa at Spalato was thus
later African mosaics down to the small, square, not an isolated phenomenon. As a residence it

fort-like gasr (from the Latin castrum) of the can be seen to same current of events
reflect the
Libyan frontiers. Here and there along the as that which produced a whole series of
northern frontiers, a tendency to regroup into fortified villas, quasi-military in plan, which
larger defended communities can be seen to began to emerge on to the provincial scene
have been accompanied by the emergence of during the closing years of the third century. To
individual fortified buildings of quasi-mihtary what extent it established the type (as one may
character. There are a number of such villa or suspect in the case of the often-quoted fortified
estate centres in the central Danube area.'' An residence of Mogorjelo), and to what extent it

even more striking example is the fourth- merely embodied features that were already
century 'villa' at Pfalzel near Trier. This was a being developed elsewhere along the northern
lofty, square keep built around an open court- and eastern frontiers, only further work can
yard and defended by closely spaced, project- show. The creation of an age in rapid transition,
ing rectangular towers. It may have been a it may well have done both.At the same time,
country retreat for the emperor when in re- the scale and quasi-urban planning looked
sidence at Trier. In Syria the Byzantine castle of forward to the numerous small fortified town-
Kasr ibn-Wardan and the early Arab chateaux ships in the Danubian and Balkan provinces

which were the late Roman and early Byzantine palace did not occupy the whole of the fortified
answer to the problem of security against the enclosure. But there are obvious analogies with
ever-present menace of marauding tribesmen the plan of Spalato, and it seems not unreason-
from the north. ^° able to believe that this was indeed one of the
Another precedent that has sometimes been buildings which Diocletian and his architects
cited for the building at Spalatois the city and had in mind a few years later in planning his
palace of PhiHppopolis (Shehba) in southern Dalmatian residence.
Syria, the birthplace of the emperor Philip That an architect and workmen from the
(244-9). Historically Philip's work here affords eastern provinces were among those employed
a welcome chronological link between the build- in the building of Spalato there can be little

ing activities of Septimius Severus at Lepcis doubt. Among the elements that can be seen to
Magna and those of the Tetrarchy emperors in stem more or less directly from Syria or Asia
their several capitals. But it is clear that at Minor are the several instances of the use of the
Philippopolis the palace (about the details of Syrian 'arcuatedlintel' and the arcading of the

which we have very little information) was part columnar screens on either side of the so-called
only of a larger urban unit; and one suspects that 'Peristyle' [309]. The whole treatment of the
the latter's incorporation of two intersecting Porta Aurea [311] is typically Syrian, with its

colonnaded streets might have been matched in characteristic combination of an open arch with
any city of the eastern provinces that underwent a horizontal lintel, the bracketing out on con-
substantial rebuilding at this date. more A far soles of its decorative arcade, and the deliberate
plausible precedent is that of the palace which ambivalence of the receding planes of the wall
Diocletian built at Antioch, seemingly within surface, just as in the Temple of Bacchus at

the framework of a fortress begun by Valerian Baalbek [204]. The preference for fine, squared-
(254-9) on the island opposite the hellenistic stone masonry, extending even to the barrel-
city.The remains of this palace and of the vaulting of the small temple, points in the same
adjoining new quarter lie deep beneath the silt general direction. So too does the use of brick
of the Orontes, but they are described by the vaulting, which includes examples of the same
fourth-century writer Libanius, whose descrip- 'pitched' brickwork as at Thessalonike and an
tion deserves quotation:^''The whole of it is an ingenious variant of the same technique in the
exact plan, and an unbroken wall surrounds it dome of the mausoleum, which is built up of
like a crown. From four arches which are joined superimposed, interlocking fans of brickwork,
to each other in the form of a rectangle [i.e. a converging upwards towards the crown. '^ For
tetrapylon], four pairs of stoas [i.e. four col- the immediate inspiration for all these features
onnaded streets] proceed . . . towards each one would have had to look east of the Aegean,
quarter of the heaven. Three of these pairs to Asia Minor or to Syria. At the same time,
running as far as the wall, are joined to its however, there are other elements that point no
circuit, while the fourth is shorter but is the less unmistakably westwards. The design of the
more beautiful . . . since it runs toward the mausoleum, for example, octagonal externally
palace, which begins hard by, and serves as an with a projecting gabled porch and circular
approach to it. The palace occupies ... a fourth internally, with eight alternately rectangular
part of the whole [island]. It reaches to the and apsidal recesses, falls squarely within the
middle, which we have called an ompholos [i.e. series of Roman imperial mausolea described in
to the tetrapylon].' Libanius adds that at the far the previous chapter. Other features for which
side the wall was crowned by a colonnade the known parallels lie in Italy rather than in the

offering a view over the river and the suburbs East are the circular vestibule (as in the 'Tempio
beyond. Adjoining it was a hippodrome. The della Tosse' at Tivoli) and the framing of the
plan was certainly not a neat rectangle, and the arches of the seafront gallery between the half-
SPALATO (split) •


311. Spalato (Split), Porta Aurea, r. 300-6. Restored view

columns of an applied decorative order, an of these features: the very fact that they could
archaism employed also in the courtyard of the meet and mingle so freely is a sufficient in-
Mausoleum of Maxentius and on the Porta dication of the geographical fluidity of ideas and
Nigra at Trier [303]. The known precursors of motifs which is so characteristic of the monu-
the apsed audience hall also belong to the West. mental architecture of the Tetrarchy. This is a

In the present state of knowledge it would be building that belongs exclusively neither to East
unwise to insist on the immediate source of any nor West.

PIAZZA ARMERINA mosaics, was first excavated it was widely

believed to be the country retreat of Diocletian's
When the great villa at Piazza Armerina, with its colleague, Maximian. On balance this now
astonishing series of nearly 400,000 square feet seems unlikely. The date of construction may
(35,000 sq. m.) of polychrome, largely figured well be as much as a quarter of a century later,

312. Piazza Armerina,

villa, early fourth ecntury
Axonomctric view

perhaps c. 320-30, and the owner is more Hkely consisting of a miniature semicircular courtyard
to have been some very wealthy member of the (sigmn), with two bedroom suites and a small
pagan aristocracy who possessed estates in triclinium; to the south lay an independent
North Africa.'^ ceremonial wing (iv) with a trilobed triclinium
UnHke Spalato, Piazza Armerina, situated in {triconchos) and an oval, porticoed forecourt;
a secluded valley of south-central Sicily, did not and projecting obliquely from the north-west
feel the need of defences. Instead of the com- corner of the peristyle there was a bath-suite (v).

pact, orderly planning of Diocletian's residence. Not all of this elaborate complex was laid out on

313. Piazza Armerina, villa, early fourth century.

General view of the central peristyle, looking towards the entrance

we have here the relaxed, single-storeyed sprawl a single occasion. There are several structural
of the old-style Italian country villa [312]. One abutments, indicating successive building cam-
can distinguish five principal elements within paigns or changes of detailed intention, and the
the layout. At the west end lay the monumental magnificent series of decorative floor-mosaics in
triple entrance and horseshoe-shaped forecourt particular must have taken years, if not decades,
(i);from this the visitor turned half-right into to complete. But, despite any such additions and
the main body of the villa, which comprised, in adjustments, there is a manifest unity of basic
roughly axial succession, a vestibule (iia), a intention about the whole design which argues
peristyle garden flanked by living quarters (lib) that it was from the outset planned in something
[313], a transverse corridor (iic), and a large very closely resembling the form in which it has
apsidal audience hall (iid); accessible from the come down to us. This is no rich man's whim,
south end of the corridor was a private wing (in) but the product of a clear-eyed, organic con-

ception of what was proper to the residence of a status of a positive architectural rationale. Sym-
great aristocratic landowner. metry is now something to be avoided at all

Two traditions in particular seem to have costs, or at best employed as a foil to emphasize
contributed to the overall conception of the the avoidance of the axial vistas of traditional
villa, as well as to its detailed treatment. One of classical planning. The forty-five-degree turn
these was that of the Italian country villa, as from entrance courtyard to vestibule, the block-
quintessentially interpreted in Hadrian's great ing of the onward vista from the vestibule by a
villa near Tivoli. Here, at Piazza Armerina, for domestic shrine [314], the slight but sufficient

314. Piazza Armerina, villa, early fourth century.

View from the vestibule across the central peristyle towards the basilica

all the much reduced scale, one can see the same shift of axis between the peristyle (with its

loose aggregation of quasi-independent suites of emphatically axial fountain pool) and the audi-
rooms, the same skilful exploitation of the ence hall, the steady rise in level from entrance
terrain to produce lively juxtapositions of con- to audience hall, all these are as deliberately
trasting axes. The principal differences are that contrived as the studiedly casual access from the
somewhere along the way the old intimate main complex to the triclinium group or to the
association with the surrounding landscape has bath suite.
been lost, giving place to an inward-turning The other recognizable strain in the pedigree
self-sufficiency; and that what had begun as a of the Piazza Armerina villa is the wealthy
picturesque disregard for the conventions of peristyle-villa of North Africa. Socially as well
formal symmetry has been promoted to the as geographically Sicily was almost as much a

part of Africa as of Italy. Many of the great the residences of the provincial landed aristoc-
patrician families had vast estates in Tunisia and racy is the triconchos. The bath-suite, too, is of
Algeria, and whoever was responsible for order- a type which, originating in Italy, had found
ing the mosaics of the great transverse corridor favour and been widely developed in North
(lie) must also have had a stake in the profitable Africa.
business of exporting exotic African beasts to How much of all this is a direct translation to
the amphitheatres of the north. The mosaics Sicily of contemporary African practice (which
too, with the exception of those of the great was at every stage itself influenced from Italy)
triclinium, are almost exclusively the work of and how much it represents an individual
mosaicists brought in from North Africa. Small interpretation, under more direct Italian in-
wonder that the architecture too should reflect fluence, of established African schemes, only
African precedents. Although we know all too further research will show. In either case Piazza
Httle about the wealthy villas of the African Armerina offers us a vivid glimpse of the
countryside, several lines of development were wealthy patrician villa of pagan antiquity on the
moving towards the sort of scheme adopted at eve of its extinction as a significant building
Piazza Armerina.^^ One (shared with many type. In the troubled centuries to come there
other provinces) was the increasing dominance was no longer any place for the open villas of an
of the triclinium as the focal point of domestic earlier, more expansive age. The future lay with
design. Another was the breaking out into looser Spalato rather than with Piazza Armerina. This
form of the tight rectangular perimeter of the is not to say that individual features of the latter

traditional peristyle-house. Both of these (and did not find a place within the new order. We
the transverse corridor separating the triclinium have remarked on the relationship
from the main peristyle complex) are features of between Spalato and the square pre-Islamic and
an approximately contemporary villa at Portus Islamic fortress-palaces of Syria, such as Kasr
Magnus, near Oran in Algeria [315]. Another ibn-Wardan (564) and Mschatta (eighth cen-
feature that seems to have first taken shape in tury). The central feature of both is a great
triconchos audience hall, and the link, directly
315. Portus Magnus, near Oran, or must in both cases be Con-
villa, c. 300. Plan stantinople, where two of the commonplaces of
later palace design were both foreshadowed at

Piazza Armerina the triconchos and the

TRICLINIUM semicircular porticoed forecourt, or sigma (so-
called from the Greek capital letter S, which at

this date was written like a Latin capital C). The

best known examples are the triconchos and
sigma which Theophilus (829-42) added to the
Great Palace; but as early as 447 we have a
reference to a triconchos, evidently an official

building, in the new capital; and the substantial

remains of the palace (416-18) include a com-
plex of circular and multilobed rooms opening
off" a great central sigma. ^^ At Ravenna we find

peristyle, apsed audience hall and triconchos

associated in the large, badly excavated building
just to the east of the church of S. Apollinare

Nuovo. Since 404 Ravenna had been the resi-

dence of the imperial court; and although the

identification of this building as the Palace of

Theodoric (d. 526) lacks any secure basis, this is the adjoining circus. Another is part of a bath-
undoubtedly the sort of context to which the building, thought to be of Constantinian date,
building must belong. As a social phenomenon, situated just inside the Vercelli Gate and con-
then, the Piazza Armerina villa may be one of sisting of a circular, domed caldarium with a

the last of its line. Architecturally, on the other number of smaller radiating chambers. Ravenna
hand, it foreshadows several important future has fared better, but it belongs decisively to the
developments in the history of ceremonial Christian world and, except for the palace
public building. referred to in the previous section, none of its

buildings are secular.

Tantalizingly fragmentary though they are,
the remains in North Italy tell a familiar story.

By the end of the third century the effective In Milan, the curvilinear, centralizing forms of
centre of power in Italy had moved away from the Vercelli Gate bath-building are in the same
Rome to the Po valley. For a time, until tradition as the Baths of Constantine in Rome;
succeeded by Ravenna, Milan was the most they were to be taken up later in the century
important city in the European West. Ausonius, {c. 370) and given fresh coherence and monu-
writing about 388, refers to the theatre, a circus, mentality in the great church of S. Lorenzo,
the double walls, temples, a palace, a mint, and a probably the palace church of the Arian em-
bath-building erected by Maximian,'^ and the peror and itself the head of a line that led
almost total loss of its late pagan architecture ultimately to S. Vitale in Ravenna.'' The
leaves a serious gap in our knowledge of the external buttress-like arcading of the church of
period. The imperial palace was a creation of the S. Simpliciano, built by the successor of St
second half of the third century and one of the Ambrose (d. 397), is a close repetition of that of
few surviving monuments is in fact a stretch of the S. Irminio warehouse at Trier and probably,
the city wall, together with a twenty-four-sided though only the ground-plan of these is known,
brick-faced tower, belonging to the extension of the very similar late antique warehouses at

that was made by Maximian (after 286) in order Aquileia and at Veldidena in Austria.'^ The
to bring within the defences a part of the new partly excavated villa at Desenzano [316] beside
palace quarter, including the palace baths and Lake Garda, with its curvilinear and polygonal

316. Desenzano, part of a rich villa, fourth century. Plan


room-shapes, its elaborate fountain courts and to view the question more dispassionately and in
polychrome mosaics, has many points in
fine a deeper perspective is due very largely to our
common both with Piazza Armerina and the late greater knowledge of the architecture of the
houses of Ostia. Most striking of all, as evidence immediately preceding period. Any detailed
of the wide variety of late pagan traditions analysis of the effective sources of early Byzan-
which at this time were converging upon North tine architecture lies outside the compass of the
Italy to shape the newly emergent Christian present volume;^" but few nowadays would
architecture, is the steady abandonment by the dispute that it was the product of a number of
latter of concrete vaulting in favour of lighter convergent traditions, some derived from
materials - the large pottery vessels of Rome Rome, some from the Roman East, and some
itself, the brickwork of the Roman East, and the again from the other provinces, from the Aegean
interlocking tubular vaulting of North Africa.''' world, and from the new capitals along the
The picture that can be drawn from such northern frontiers. Some of these represent the
scattered fragmentsis bound to be itself frag- deliberate choice of the city's planners, others
mentary, but enough to show- that in such
it is were adopted almost unthinkingly as part of the
matters North Italy was right in the main inherited attitudes and skills of the age. To this
stream of architectural development. last category belong the building materials and
techniques of the new city, which were those
already current in the region of which Con-
stantinople was the natural centre: dressed
With the foundation of Constantinople a page of stone, faced rubblework, and, to an ever-
history was turned. That the full implications of increasing degree, brick, used both for vaulting
the event were apparent at the time to and as a solid building material in its own right.

C^onstantine's contemporaries, or even to At the other end of the scale there was a
stantine himself, we may well doubt. To most deliberate appeal to the traditions of the old
the new city must have seemed (and before capital, to its regional organization, its plan, and
Constantine's final break with the pagan aristoc- its major public buildings. The almost total

racy of Rome it would rightly have seemed) to destruction of the pre-Justinianic city makes it

be merely another of the new capitals called into very hard to judge how significant this reference

being by the conditions of the Tetrarchy. In the to Rome was architecturally. Many of the
context of the recent past it was no more than analogies were no doubt rather superficial. But
the culmination of tendencies already widely there is also a great deal in the surviving
manifest during the previous half-century. We architecture of the sixth century which derives
today can see that its foundation sealed the fate unmistakably from pagan Rome. It is a reason-
of the old pagan order; but it was within the able guess that many of the public buildings of
framework of ideas and traditions inherited Constantine's city were indeed interpretations
from the pagan world that the new city first took in local materials of the time-honoured monu-
shape. ments of the old capital.

During the first half of the present century Between those two extremes, and surely
there was much controversy about the sources bulking very large in the minds of Constantine
of Early Byzantine architecture, and in partic- and his advisers, lay the accumulated experience
ular as to whether it should be regarded as a of the last fifty years, gained at Antioch, at
product of the architecture of 'the West', i.e. of Nicomedia, at Thessalonike, at Sirmium, at

Rome and of Roman Italy, or of 'the East', in the Milan, and at Trier. In the late pagan architec-
sense of new forces and traditions at work in and ture of these cities the old distinctions between
through the provinces of the eastern half of the eastand west, between capital and province, and
Empire. The fact that we today are in a position between one province and another had already

gone far towards losing their meaning. At the that was moving steadily in the reverse direc-
beginning of the fourth century the ancient tion. The classical world was breaking up. The
world was as near as it had ever been to division of the Empire into east and west,
possessing an architecture that was truly cosmo- followed by the collapse of Roman rule in the
politan both in character and distribution; and it west and the rise of Islam, drove Byzantine
was this cosmopolitan tradition to which Con- civilization in upon itself. Increasingly cut off
stantinople seemed destined to be the principal from the west, it drew more deeply on its Greek
memorial. heritage, while Christianity gave it a new,
In the event, the facts of history and of theocratic content. But although the architec-
geography were to operate otherwise. Con- ture of Byzantium reflects the needs and aspira-
stantinople was founded at the end of a long tions of this new and very different world, it was
period during which the whole tendency of the also essentially and continuingly a product of its
age had been towards an ever-increasing unity own historic past. That past was the architec-
of culture and ideals. It was to develop in an age ture of the late pagan Roman Empire.

note: Other abbreviated titles are given fully in

the general bibliography or in the relevant
chapter bibliography.

A.A.A.S. Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes {Annales Archeologiqiies de Syrie)

Acta Rom. Suec. Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae {Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Jnstitutet i

AJ.A. American Journal of Archaeology
Anz. Archaeologischer Anzeiger (in Jf.D. A. L)
Arch. CI. Archeologia classica
B.A.S.O.R. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
B.C.H. Bulletin de correspondence hellenique
B. dArte Bollettino dArte
Blake (1947) Marion Blake, Ancient Roman Construction in Italy from the Prehistoric Period
Augustus. Washington, 1947

Blake (1959) Marion Blake, Roman Construction in Italy from Tiberius through the Flavians.
Washington, 1959
B.M.C. British Museum Catalogue [of Coins]
Bull. Comm. Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma
C.I.L. Corpus inscriptionum latinarum
C.R.A.I. Comptes rendus de lAcademie des inscriptions et belles lettres
Crema L. Crema, LArchitettura romana {Enciclopedia classica., in, vol. xii,

Archeologia {Arte romana) a cura di Paolo E. Arias). Turin, 1959

Dura The Excavations at Dura Europos. Preliminary Reports. New Haven, 1929-52
Forma Urbis La Pianta marmorea di Roma antica, Forma Urbis Romae, a cura di
Gianfilippo Carettoni, Antonio M. Colini, Lucos Cozza, Guglielmo Gatti.
Rome, i960
I.L.N. Illustrated London News
Itinerari Itinerari dei Musei e Monument i d' Italia. Rome, Libreria dello Stato
jf.D.A.I. Jahrbuch des deutschen archaeologischen Instituts

jf.O.A.I. Jahreshefte des Osterreichischen Archdologischen Institutes in Wien

Jf.R.S. Journal of Roman Studies
M.A.A.R. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
Mem. Line. Memorie del! Accademia nazionale dei Lincei
Mem. Nap. Memorie della Accademia d' archeologia., lettere e belle arti di Napoli
Mem. Pont. Memorie
Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia.,
Milet Th. Wiegand (ed.), Milet. Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen
seit demjahre i8gg. 18 vols, so far published. Berlin, 1906-

Man. Ant. Monumenti antichi

Nash E. Nash, Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome, 2 vols. 2nd ed. London, 1968

N.S. Notizie degli scavi di antichita

P.B.S.R. Papers of the British School at Rome

Platner-Ashby S. B. Platner, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome. Completed and
rev. by T. Ashby. London, 1929
P.W. Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopddie der classischen Altertmnswissenschaft

Rend. Pont. Atti della Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia, Rendiconti

R.M. Mitteihingen des deutschen archaeologtschen Instituts. Romische Abteilung
Scavi di Ostia Scavi di Ostia. In progress. Rome, 1953-
S.H.A. Scriptores Historiae Augustae


CHAPTER I yielded a striking picture of the variety of the work

undertaken by the different contractors, many of them
21. I. Suetonius, Augustus, 28. 3; the word used for using a mortar that in practice proved inadequate for
brick refers to sun-dried, not kiln-baked, bricks. The its purpose. The squared stone masonry of parts of the
Res Gestae (often referred to as the Moniimentmn Horrea, with its engaged Corinthian columns, is in the
Ancyranum, the most complete surviving copy being same tradition as that of the Theatre of Marcellus.
that inscribed on the walls of the Temple of Rome and 25. 5. The present Pantheon, long thought to be in
Augustus at Ancyra, the modern Ankara) were in- part the work of Agrippa, is entirely the work of
scribed on two bronze tablets beside the entrance to Hadrian, who reproduced the dedicatory inscription
the Mausoleum of Augustus. of his predecessor; cf. below, p. iii. The Agrippan
22. For dedications by private individuals under
2. building seems to have faced in the opposite direction,
Augustus, see Suetonius, Augustus, 29. 5, and Ta- with the door into the cella approximately beneath
citus, Annals, 1 1 1 . 72. A building specifically recorded that of the present building.
as having been paid for by Augustus himself ex 6. As early as 54 B.C. (Cicero, Letters to Atticus,
manuhiis is the Porticus Octaviae, a rectangular IV. 16. 14).
colonnaded enclosure adjoining the Theatre of Mar- 7. Pliny, Natural History, xxxvi. 38.
cellus and replacing the Republican Porticus Metelli; 8. The Diribitorium in the Campus Martius [cf.

presumably also the eighty-two temples claimed to 20], begun by Agrippa and completed in 7 B.C. , was
have been restored in 28 B.C., the year after his own reputed to have the widest span of any timber roof
great triumph. The Temple of Castor and probably ever built (Pliny, Natural History, xvi. 201). The
that of Concord also were rebuilt by Tiberius from the precedents are to be sought in Campania, including
proceeds of his triumph in 7 B.C. Of the buildings the Covered Theatre at Pompeii, built soon after 80
that are wholly or partly lost, the plans of the Temples B.C. For the roofing of the Odeion of Agrippa at

of Diana [61] (an adjoining fragment, now lost, is Athens, and for the Inner Propylaea at Eleusis, see

known from an old drawing) and probably of Nep- below, pp. 263 ff.

tune, of the Porticus Philippi and of the Theatre of 26. 9. had presumably been an open-air
Balbus are known from the Severan marble map. The theatre-temple complex of the old Italic type, repre-
Porticus Philippi adjoined and closely resembled the sented near Rome by the sanctuary at Gabii (see A.
Porticus Octaviae. The remains of the theatre, long Boethius, Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture
thought to be those of the Circus Flaminius, are now {Pelican History of Art) (Harmondsworth, 1979),
known to lie buried beneath the Palazzo Caetani (G. 165-6); F. Coarelli, Bull. Comm., Lxxx (1965-7), 69 ff
Gatti, Capitolium, xxxv (July i960), 3-12). The I o. For the pair of apsed halls {basilica e) flanking the
library housed in the Atrium Libertatis was yet stage-building, cf. the Augustan theatre at Iguvium
another inheritance from Caesar. (Gubbio), C.LL., xi, 5820.
23. 3. For the chronology of the surviving Augustan II. F^or illustrations see Boethius, op. cit., ills. 159,
buildings, see Gros, Aurea Tenipla, passim; also i44> 143-
Strong and Ward-Perkins, 'Temple of Castor', 4-5. 28. 12. The background of the figure sculpture is

The Augustan column bases of the Temple of Saturn, unmistakably Attic, whereas the acanthus scrollwork,
ibid., 5-12, plate ix, b. The Arch of Augustus in the though derived immediately from the workshops of
Forum Romanum awaits publication. Attica, stems ultimately from hellenistic Pergamon.
4. Agrippa's work of flood-control and consoli- For the Altar of Pity, see H. A. Thompson, Hesperia,
dation, though less grandiose in conception than XXI (1952), 47-82.
Caesar's plans for tackling the same problems (Cicero, 33. 13. Pliny, M^^/zr^/Z/Z/.f/o/y, XXX VI. 102. For the
Letters to Atticiis, xiii, 33a. 3), established a mean masonry of the temple, seeJ.R.S., xxxv 11 (1948), 1

level within the Campus Martins that was little altered 65-6, figure ID. For the caryatids and Pegasus capital,

throughout antiquity; see Shipley (Agrippa), passim, C. Ricci, Capitolium, vi (1930), 157-89, and G. Q.
and Blake (1947), 159-63. The detailed study of the Giglioli, R.Al., lxii (1955), 155-9; and for Attic
masonry of the aqueducts by Miss Van Deman details in general, P.B.S.R., xxx (1962), 18-25.

14. P.B.S.R., II (1904), plate 124, b and c. 42. 24. Blake (1947), 41-4. See below, p. 98.
34. 15. A further reconstruction in A . D 22 (Tacitus,
. 25. Roman brickwork was never more than a facing
Annals, ill. 72) seems to have involved mainly the to the concrete core within. The flat exposed surface
upper order of the central hall. usually conceals a triangular or irregular profile,

16. The 'Anaglypha Traiani' (G. Lugli, Roma designed to bite into the structure behind. See below,
antica, II centra nwnumentale (Rome, 1946), 160-4; Chapter 4.

Mason Hammond, M.A.A.R., xxi (1953), 127 83)

show the keystones of the facade arches carved as the CHAPTER 2
forequarters of chimaeras - a Greek architectural
motif found also in the Forum Augustum. 46. I . The surviving remains of the upper order of
37. 17. It has been suggested that this, rather than the Basilica Aemilia accord well with the date of the
the Temple of Divus Augustus, is the building with an Tiberian restoration recorded by Tacitus {Annals,
Ionic facade shown on a coin of Caligula; see below, p. III. 72). Pliny {Natural History, xxxvi. 102) admired
46. The only capital of appropriate date and scale it greatly.
found near the site is an engaged half-column 2. For the identification of the Ionic temple as that
capital of the Corinthian order (H. Kahler, Roniische of Apollo, see O. L. Richmond in Essays and Studies
Kapitelle des Rheingehietes (Berlin, 1939), Beilage 2, presented to William Ridgeway (Cambridge, 1913),
4); but, as the remains of the Temple of Saturn show 203-6. See also above, pp. 36-7 and Note 17.
(below. Note 22), a mixture of Ionic and Corinthian is 48. 3. For the recent excavations within the camp,
not unthinkable in such a context. For the plan of the principally of barrack blocks within the south-east
temple, see G. Carettoni, Rend. Pont., xxxix (1967), quadrant, see the short preliminary report by E.
69 ff. Caronna-Lissi in B. d'Arte, L (1965), 1 14-15.
39. Blake (1947), 165-6. Strong
18. and Ward- 4. See below, pp. 198 ff.

Perkins, 'Temple of Castor', 8-9. 5. By the second half of the century this was normal

19. A. von Gerkan {R.M., lx-lxi (1953-4), practice in building vaults of any substantial size, e.g.
200-6) and others have proposed a date late in the first in the Colosseum.
century a.d. But see Strong and Ward-Perkins, loc. 6. The aqueducts were completed by Claudius; see
cit. P- 52.
20. Cf the little Republican Temple of Veiovis; 7. ?\my. Natural History, xxxv I. iii.
perhaps also Agrippa's Pantheon. The plan of Con- 49. 8. The Temple of Cybele, built on the Palatine
cord was dictated by the space available. between 203 and 191 B.C. and restored on traditional
40. 21. For Quirinus, see Vitruvius, iii. 2. 7; re- linesby Augustus (above, p. 37), was a purely classical
stored by Augustus and dedicated in 16 B.C. Nothing building [14]. So too in its detail was the Sanctuary of
of it has survived. the Asiatic Divinities at Ostia (R. Meiggs, Ostia
22. Pseudo-peripteral: Apollo in Circo, Apollo Pa- (Oxford, i960), 356-9, figure 26); but the layout,
latinus, Saturn (?), Divus Julius {}). Prostyle: Magna around a large enclosed precinct, is that of a cult
Mater. Peripteral: the restored Temple of Minerva on whose mysteries had to be shielded from the eyes of
the Aventine [61] (see above. Note 2) and the three the profane. The precinct was probably established
small temples in the Forum Holitorium,
of which the under Claudius.
northernmost which see F. Casta-
is sine postico (for 51. 9. Originally published by G. E. Rizzo {Monu-
gnoli, R.M., LXii (1955), 139-43). For the orders of mentl della piltura antica: Roma, fasc. i) as the 'Aula
Saturn and Divus Julius, see Ward-Perkins, Isiaca di Caligola', it is now widely accepted that H.
P.B.S.R., xxxv (1967), 23-8. G. Beyen was right in attributing the paintings to the
41. 23. Whether or nr»t this close spacing was de- late Second Style, shortly before 20 B.C.; Studia

liberately chosen in order to emphasize visually the Vollgraf (Amsterdam, 1948), 11 ff. See also G.
detachment of the area so enclosed (so Gros,
sanctified Carettoni, A^.^"., xxv (1971), 323-6.
Aurea Templa, 108), such spacing was also a necessary 52. 10. F. Castagnoli, Bull. Conim., LXX (1942),
result of the general abandonment of timber in favour 57-73-
of stone or marble for the architraves of these large II. E.g. the Porticus Minucia (p. 55 and Note 14,

buildings. See Vitruvius, 1 1 1. 3. 5 on the use of timber below); a portico in the Claudian harbour at the Tiber
architraves in an areostyle order; but see also v. 9. 3, mouth (Lugli, Tecnica edillzia, plate xxxiii, 6).
where he contrasts the gravitas of temple colonnades 55. 12. Blake (1959), 84. Cf. Tacitus, Annals, xii.
with the siihtilitas of porticoes. In such a situation 57; Pliny, Natural History, XXXV I. 124. For the
practical and aesthetic considerations may well continued importation of pulvis puteolanus from
converge. Pozzuoli, see Pliny, Natural History, XV I. 202.
47 I

13. For the warehouses of Ostia, see below, p. 145. excavation (A. M. Colini, Bull. Comm., LXV (1937),
14. F. Castagnoh, Mem. Line, ser. 8, i (1948), 7-40) and of the Severan marble map {Forma Urbis,
175-80. For the surviving remains, see E. Sjoqvist, 73, plate xx; cf. Nash, i, figure 536).
Acta Rom. Suec, xii (1946), 47-153. 67. 5. The insertion of a taller, gabled porch into the
56. 15. See below, pp. 100 ff. line of was an architectural device already
a portico

16. B.M.C.: Empire, i, plates 43, 5-7, and 46, 6. familiar in other contexts, such as thegymnasia and
The type probably originated in South Italy; see the domestic peristyles of Campania (and presumably
J.R.S., LX (1970), 15-16. For the remains of a also of Rome itself); but used in this way, as a means of
building which may have been the Macellum Mag- integrating the facade of an independent pedimental
num, and which was recorded by Pirro Ligorio, see building into the scheme of its own columnar fore-

J. S. Rainbird and F. B. Sear", P.B.S.R., xxxix court, as was again a decade later in the Triclinium

(197 0,40-6. of the Domus Augustana [37], it appears to be a

17. Martial, vii. 34: 'quid Nerone peius.' quid newcomer to the monumental architecture of the
thermis melius Neronianis?' capital. Cf in the second century the market building
18. See below, pp. 73, 292. at Pozzuoli [96].
57. 19. See below, p. 59. 6. The superstructures were doubtless of timber on
20. M. Barosso, Atti del III Congresso nazionale di masonry footings, as described by Tacitus at Fidenae
storici delFarchitettura (Rome, 1941), 75-8. in AD 27 {Annals, v. 62) and at Piacenza (Placentia)
. . I

59. 21. Miss Van Deman's reconstruction of these in A. D. 69 {Histories, 11. 21). An amphitheatre of this
porticoes {A.J. A., xxvii (1923), 402-24; M.A.A.R., type is illustrated on Trajan's Column (Lehmann-
V (1925), 115-25) is discussed at length in Blake Hartleben, scene 100).
(1959), 44-6. The facades consisted of a rising series 68. 7. I owe these details to the courtesy of Dr
of arches framed between the semi-columns of an Claudio Mocchegiani Carpano, who will be publish-
engaged, probably Ionic order. The porticoes repre- work shortly. I estimate the
ing a full account of his
sent a monumental application of Nero's own town- volume of these foundations as approaching 10
planning regulations. million cubic feet {c. 300,000 cubic m.) of concrete.

61. 22. Tacitus, .-iww^^//^, XV. 42, where the architects, 8. See below, pp. 433 5. The brick arches in the
Severus and Celer, are characterized as 'magistris et vaults that span the vomitoria have been interpreted
machinatoribus'. Suetonius, Nero, 31, lists the as the remains of a prior skeleton vaulting-system that
mechanical marvels. Cf the phraseology in Seneca, enabled the workmen to operate simultaneously at
Letters, 90 (xiv, 2), 7 and 15. several different levels; but this is certainly mistaken.
23. Tacitus, Annals, xv. 43. They could never have stood, let alone carried a load,
24. an Augustan ordinance (Strabo,
Repeating independently of the rest of the vault.

V- 3- which had evidently been allowed to

7 (235)) 70. 9. For the awnings, see Durm, Baukunst, 687-9
lapse. The height was subsequently reduced by and figures 754 (Pola) and 755 (Nimes).
Trajan (Aurelius Victor, Epitome, 13. 13) to 60 feet. 73. 10. Reproduced by Nash, 11, figure 1280.
II. See also above, p. 56.

CHAPTER 3 75. 12. E. Sjoqvist, Acta Rom. Suec, xviii (1954),

104-8. See also below, p. 366.
63. I. B.M.C.: Empire, 168, nos. 721, 722; cf
11, 13. Colini, Bull. Comm., LXI (1933), 264.

Nash, II, 532, figure 657. For the earlier temple, see 77. 14. Gabriella Fiorani, Qjiaderni delF Istituto di
Boethius, op. cit. (Chapter i. Note 9), 46. Topografia Antica, V (1968), 91-103, for a preliminary
65. 2. A. M. Colini,yW£'w. /'ow/., VII (1944), 137-61; study of the modifications to, and extensions of, the
A. Prandi, // Complesso moniimentale della Basilica western part of the forum complex. In its original,
Celimontana dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo (Rome, 1953), Caesarian-Augustan form the temple backed directly
373 420. against the slopes of the saddle of higher ground
3. Boethius, op. cit., illustration 164. which at that time still linked the Quirinal and the
66. 4. The word templiim in Latin signifies not a Capitoline hills (see below, p. 86). Trajan's massive
building as such but an area duly sanctified by ritual landscaping operations left it free-standing within a
procedures, perhaps best translated in the context as north-western extension of the forum area, which
'the Precinct of Peace'. Within it stood the aedes, the own forum.
served to adapt the plan to that of Trajan's
temple proper in the English sense of that word, a 15. F. Castagnoli {Arch. CI., xii (i960), 91-5)
distinction which is well expressed by the architec- interprets the stepped feature as the base of the cult-
tural form adopted. The evidence of the scanty statue within the temple. A coin of a.d. 94-6
remains now visible is supplemented by that of {B.M.C.: Empire, 11, 241, plate 67, 7; Nash, 11, 66,

figure 753) indicates a circular columnar building of that the column of red Egyptian granite which was
conventional type. erected in the Campus Martins to commemorate
78. Listed by Blake (1959), 124-31.
16. Antoninus Pius and which bears an in-
(d. 161),
17. Many other buildings have been attributed to scription recording that it was 50 Roman feet long and
Rabirius (see MacDonald, 127-9), some no doubt quarried in 105, was probably a left-over from the
correctly; but this is the only one for which there is construction of this temple; and that the temple,
specific ancient authority (Martial, Epigrams^ v 1 1. 56). though not formally dedicated until after the death of
80. 18. Opinions as to the roofing of the large Plotina (probably in 121), was an integral part of the
Domitianic state halls range from a belief that all had original project and was already substantially com-
concrete barrel-vaults (so, for example, MacDonald, plete in 113.
56-63; Wataghin Cantino, 66 9) to the suggestion 94. T^T,. The only buildings in Rome specifically
Aula Regia was in fact a courtyard open to the
that the attributed to ApoUodorus are the Baths of Trajan, the
sky. The problem is one to which there can be no forum, and a lost odeum (Dio Cassius, lxix.
clear-cut, decisive answers. The writer's own con- 4). But the markets and forum are so essentially com-
clusions are coloured by the belief that this was an plementary that it is hard to believe that they were not
ambitious, experimental architecture in which the in conceptiorkat any rate the work of a single mind.
resources of the new building methods were being For the bridge over the Danube, see Procopius,
pushed to the limits. The effective spans of the four Buildings, IV. 6. 12 i3;cf. Dio Cassius, lxviii. 13; it
halls, allowing for such features as internal supporting was of timber on stone piers. It is illustrated on
columns, are: basilica, 48 feet (14- 5 m.); Aula Regia, Trajan's Column (Lehmann-Hartleben, scene 99).
95 feet (29 m.); Triclinium, 95 feet (29 m.); vestibule, 34. The military layouts sometimes cited as the
72 feet (22m.) from east to west, or loi feet (31 m.) model adopted by Trajan should be regarded rather as
across the longer, but far more substantially but- a parallel phenomenon, both being derived in the first

tressed, north-south span. instance from models which were originally developed
83. 19. Though heavily restored, much of this wing in Late Republican North Italy, and which were

is still upstanding as a result of its incorporation into widely copied in the new cities of the European
later buildings, the last of which was the Villa Mills, provinces; see below, pp. 175-7.
built by a member of the English banking family and 35. See Leon, op. cit. (Bibliography), passim. The
one of the very few neo-Gothic buildings in Rome. suggestion of M. E. Bertoldi (Studi Miscellanei del
20. For the significance of such gardens, see below, Seminar io di Archeologia . . . deW Universita di Roma,
p. 202. 1 1 1 (1962), 27-31) that this is the result of a Hadrianic
84. 21. The vaulted structures within the hall, cited rebuilding of the Forum Augustum creates more
by Tamm, 81, appear to be later insertions. difficulties than it resolves.
22. Aurelius Victor, Epitome de Caesaribus, 41.13;
cf.Ammianus, xxvii. 3. 7. CHAPTER 4
85. 23. Dio Cassius, lxix. 4. i.
24. For which Nero had made provision in a 97. I. There were of course later exceptions, as for
separate building, the short-lived gymnasium (above, example the theatre at Ostia. With the transfer of the
P- 56). 'framed arch' motif, however, to the new building
25. Forma Urhis, 79, plate XX 1. 1 1 materials it lost the illusion of a robust functionalism
26. \s sho'^n on coins {B.M.C.: Empire^ 11, no. 471, which characterizes all its previous manifestations,
plate XI, 189). The characteristic segmental pedi- from the Tabularium and the Temple of Fortuna at
ments are echoed locally in the second-century Praeneste to the Stadium of Domitian. The Early
mausolea of the Isola Sacra cemetery. Imperial tradition was revived in the third century;
86. 27. Lionel Casson,y./?. 5"., LV (1965), 31-9. see below, p. 438.
28. Ammianus, xvi. 10. 15. 98. 2. PVmy, Natural History, XVI. 202.
87. 29. B.M.C.: Empire, m, 99, no. 492. 99. 3. Boethius, op. cit. (Chapter i. Note 9), illus-
30. P. von Blanckenhagen,y(?Mr«tf/ of the Society of trations 144 and 161.
Architectural Historians, xiii (1954), 23-6. 4. The spacing of the courses often, but by no means
31. A much-cited coin, showing the column invariably, corresponds with that of the successive
crowned with an eagle, is an early, programmatic putlog (scaffolding) holes.
issue, struck before the column was complete; see J. B. 100. 5. The planks of the shuttering were not un-
Ward-Perkins, Aiehinges Paul Collar! (Lausanne, commonly replaced or supplemented by tiles (cf.
1976), 348 9. Lugli, Tecnica edilizia, plate ccvi, 1-2). Good early
8q. 32. See Ward-Perkins, art. cil., 349-51, arguing examples of this technique, which greatly simplified

the carpentry involved, can be seen in the Domus today towards the Canopus [50], in antiquity it was
\urea, in the Colosseum, and in the Markets of masked by a screen wall with three large arches.
Trajan. Arches, doors, windows, and recesses of all 110. 15. See C. F. Giuliani in Qjiaderni delF Istituto
sorts continued to be framed in brick, the frames di Topografia Antica, viii (1975), 3^53-
playing a part during the actual processes of con- 111. 16. Bloch, op. at. (Note 12), 102-17. W. D.
struction similar to that of the facing of the adjoining Heilmeyer's claim that the Pantheon was designed by
wall-surfaces. Apollodorus and begun under Trajan (J.D.A.I., xc
6. See above, pp. 59 if. (1975), 316-47) is right in stressing the highly
7. In this description of the residential complex of professional quality of the construction and the strong
the Golden House I have, to avoid confusion, retained element of styHstic continuity between its architec-
the conventional terminology based on the notion of a tural detail and the later work of Trajan's reign. This
building with two wings symmetrically disposed is not the work of a gifted amateur - the emperor. But
about a recessed central courtyard. Since the recent Heilmeyer's argument refines unduly on the degree of
researches of Laura Fabbrini it is virtually certain that chronological precision implicit in such evidence. In
there was (or that provision was made for) a second the early years of Hadrian's reign, before his quarrel
recessed courtyard, to the east of the 'east' wing, and with Apollodorus (p. 123), it would have been very
beyond, this again, presumably, another wing, thus natural for him to have turned to his predecessor's
constituting a tripartite facade symmetrical about the chief architect; and, as we have seen above (p. 75) in
octagon. There was also, at any rate in the central connection with the reconstruction of the Forum of
wing, an upper storey. These findings, which greatly Caesar, workshop traditions did not necessarily dis-
enhance the architectural role of the octagon and of its solve overnight from one reign to the next. Hadrian's
superstructure, were reported to the Pontifical Aca- amateur status as a builder is of small relevance when
demy in 1978 and a full publication is in preparation. it comes to assessing his influence as an exceptionally
loi. 8. The first known monument in Greece to well-informed patron.
break with tradition in this respect was, significantly, 114. 17. IV. 8. 3. and V. 10. 5.
Agrippa's Odeion in the Agora at Athens (p. 265). For the compositional scheme of the coft'ering,

9. 5. 1217; cf. A. W. Van Buren

Varro's aviary: 1 1 1. with twenty-eight ribs, see T. Kurent, 'The Modular
and R. M. Kennedy, J. R.S., ix (1919), 59-66. The Composition of Roman Water-Wheels', Archaeo-
fragment of the Domus Transitoria preserved under metry, x(i967), 29-34.
the Temple of Venus and Rome (p. 57 [24] already ) 19. A. Maiuri {B. d'Arte, x (1930-1), 241 52)
indicates an awareness of the possibilities implicit in argues for an Augustan date. The construction of the
the new architecture. For Caligula's urban villas, see dome, with an aggregate of large, irregular chunks of
above, p. 48. tufa laid radially, is still in the Republican tradition.
10. See above, pp. 78 ff. 20. The earliest recorded example is Caligulan (p.
105. II. For later survivals in the provinces of the 48)-
same vaulting pattern, see the Cluny Baths in Paris 118. 21. See J. B. Ward-Perkins, 'Tripolitania and
and, in Tunisia, the Central Baths at Mactar and the the Marble Trade\ jf.R.S., xli (1951), 89-104; also
Summer Baths at Thuburbo Mains. in Enciclopedia dell' Arte Antica, iv (1961), 866-70.
107. 12. Cf. pp. 204 6 and illustrations 123 and 124. 22. See below. Chapter 5, Note 17.

[he successive building phases of the villa can be 23. The present design of the upper order dates
determined in considerable detail from the brick from 1747. The original form is shown in illustration
stamps (H. Bloch, BoUi laterizi e la storia edilizia 55, and a short section has since been so restored.
romana (Rome, 1947), 102-17). Recent work is 120. 24. See F. B. Sear, Roman Wall and Vault
V showing that there were many changes of plan during Mosaic (Heidelberg, 1977). To wall mosaic was later
construction. added the coloured marble intarsia which found such
109. 13. That the d'Oro octagon
walls of the Piazza vivid expression in the Basilica of Junius Bassus and in
cannot have carried a concrete vault shown by F. is the fourth-century building outside the Porta Marina
Rakobin Gnomon, xxxiii (1961), 243-50. It remains at Ostia (G. Becatti, Edificio in opus sectile fuori Porta
a possibility that there was some sort of superstructure Manna {Scan di Ostia, vi) (Rome 1969)).
in lighter materials.

14. Hence the slighting reference to Hadrian's CHAPTER 5

'pumpkins' {KokoKbvx(x.i) in Dio's account (lxix. 4)

of Hadrian's quarrel with Apollodorus. F. E. Brown 123. I. For the original design of the two identical

in Essays in Memory of Karl Lehmann (New York, cellas, placed back to back and separated by a simple

1964), 55-8. Although the semi-dome is wide open transverse wall, see A. Barattolo, R.M., lxxx (1973),

243 fF.; Bull. Comm., lxxxiv (1974-5), ^2>2> ff- The the Sun, which lav farther to the north (see below, p.
apses were a Maxentian innovation. The statement 417).
that the layout was based upon a double square (E. 17. The largest recorded Roman column is one of
Mufioz, La Sistemazione del tempio di Venere e di grey Egyptian granite lying in the Mons Clau-

Roma (Rome, 1935), 16) is only an approximation to dianus quarries, which measures just over 62 Roman
the truth. The plan appears to have been designed in feet (18 •40 m.) and weighs an estimated 268 tons: T.
the Greek manner in terms of multiples of a basic Kraus and J. Roder, Mitteilungen des deutschen ar-
module, in this case the diameter at ground level of a chdologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo, XV ill (1962),
column [c. 6 feet; i-87m.). Strictly applied this 113. The columns of the Pantheon and of the Temple
resulted in 19 equal intercolumniations along the of the Deified Trajan, both of mixed red and grey
flanks, but only 9 across the facade; see A. Barattolo, Egyptian granite, measured 40 and 50 Roman feet
R.M., Lxxxv (1978), 397-410. respectively (11 •80 m. and 14 •75 m.), those of Baal-
2. Dio Cassius, lxix. 4. 3. F. E. Brown, Essays in bek, of Syrian limestone, fractionally over 56 Roman
Memory of Karl Lehmann (New York, 1964), 55-8. feet (16 •64 m.).

3. As very persuasively suggested by D. E. Strong, 18. P. von Blanckenhagen, Flavische Architektur

'Late Hadrianic Ornament', 133. (Berlin, 1940),90 9.
124. 4. ibid., 129 and 142-7. 135. G. Mancini, N.S. (1923), 46-75; E. L.

5. The column-shaft was probably a left-over from Wadsworth, M.A.A.R., iv (1924), 64-8.
the building of the Temple of the Deified Trajan fifty 138. 20. Wadsworth, loc. cit., 69-72 (Tomb of the
years earlier; J. B. Ward-Perkins, Melanges Paul Valerii) and 73-8 (Tomb of the Pancratii).
Collart (Lausanne, 1976), 345-52.
6. Strong, op. cit., 123-6. CHAPTER 6
126. 7. But see Chapter i, Note 17; also p. 46.
8. N. Goodhue, The Lucus Furrinae and the Syrian 141. I. See G. Becatti, Scavi di Ostia, vol. i. For the
Sanctuary on the Janicuhim (Amsterdam, 1975). Sullan city, see Boethius, op. cit. (Chapter i. Note 9),
128. 9. The map, a remarkably accurate vertical illustration 123, pp. 18 1-3.
projection at a scale of approximately 1 1250 (according 143. 2. Vitruvius, v. 9.

to Gatti, in Forma Urbis, 206, it was 1 1240), dates from 3. In Campania had been anticipated at
this practice
between 203 and 211. Illustrations 61-2 show three least a at Pompeii. For
century earlier in the Basilica
characteristic sections; cf. also illustration 20. the stoa-like porticoes of similar form enclosing the
130. 10. There is no adequate recent survey. E. Republican forum at Minturnae, built soon after 191
Brodner, Untersuchungen an den Caracallathermen B.C., see J. Johnson, Excavations at Minturnae, i

(Berlin, 195 1) is useful for the part which it covers, but (1935). 44-51-
is almost certainly mistaken in its belief that the 145. 4. For the wooden viae porticatae of Late
palaestrae were roofed. Republican Rome, see K. Lehmann-Hartleben in
II. So also the placing of the windows in shallow, P.W., 2, 3, s.v. 'Stadtebau', 2059-60. There was a

scalloped recesses, so as to admit more light; cf. Tor symmetrically planned street with flanking arcades
Pignattara, below, pp. 431, 438 9. This feature had inside the Porta Nigra at Trier. The colonnaded street
been anticipated Campania, at Baiae, in the annex
in at Lepcis Magna (pp. 390-1) was an intruder from the
to the 'Temple of Venus' (p. 168). East, the work of an architect from Asia Minor. For
132. 12. 'Septizodium' rather than 'Septizonium' streetside porticoes of substantially Ostian type in the
{Forma Urhis, 67 and plate XV 1, fragments 8a and b).
1 Western provinces, see below, pp. 239 (Gaul) and 393
Cf. C.LL., VI. 1032, and G.-C. Picard, Monuments et (North Africa).
Memoires Plot., Lii (1962), 77-93. 147. 5. For multi-storeyed houses at Tyre, Strabo,
13. S.H.A., Severus Alexander, xxv. 7. XVI. 2. 23. The multi-storeyed houses of Ephesus
14. Dio Cassius, lxxvii. 16. 3. (below, p. 296) are a rather special case, being terraced
134. 15. Reproduced by Nash, i, figures 663 (Sol up steeply sloping hillsides.
Invictus) and 664 (Juppiter Ultor = B.M.C.: Empire, 148. 6. Barracks of the Vigiles (fire brigade) (Region
VI (1962), 134, no. 208). ii, 5, i): P. K. Baillie-Reynolds, The Vigiles of Imperial
16. and Van Heemskerck's and du
Palladio's plan Rome (Oxfi)rd, 1926), 107-15 (but it was never a
Pcrac's drawings of the remains still visible in the private house; Meiggs, Ostia, 305, note 4). The House
fifteenthand sixteenth centuries are reproduced by of the Triclinia (Region i, 12, i), headquarters of the
Nash, II, figures 1160, 1165, and 1168. F'requently collegium of builders. The Horrea Epagathiana et

but mistakenly identified as Aurelian's Temple of Epaphroditiana (Region i, 8, 3), built presumably by

two well-to-do freedmen of these names: A^.^. (1940), reminds us how much the architecture of the Central
32. Later warehouses, e.g. Region i, 8, 2; ii, 3, 2; Baths at Pompeii, with their large, southward-facing
ii, 12, I ; and at Portus. windows, owed to the recent introduction of this
151. 7. The gable of the Capitolium reached about material. See above, p. 151.

70 feet above pavement level, suggesting that some of 8. The earliest surviving broken pediments in real

the adjoining buildings may have approached the architecture seem to be in the Doric Nymphaeum
statutory height-limit of 60 feet established by Trajan beside Lake Albano (usually attributed to the first
(Victor, Epitome, 13. 13); see p. 61 and Note 24 century B.C.) and in the Palazzo delle Colonne at
thereto. For the circular temple, C. C. Briggs in Ptolemais in Cyrenaica, the date of which is con-
M.A.A.R., VIII (1930), 161-9 (but a Constantinian troversial (see below, p. 370). The ultimate source of
date cannot be accepted). For the sanctuary of Cybele, the motif is hellenistic.

G. Calza, Mem. Pont., vi (1943), 183 ft. 9. Vitruvius, vii. 5. The description of Ptolemy's
8. Such public lavatories were regularly situated pleasure-barge by Kallixeinos of Rhodes is preserved
near bath-buildings or fountains so as to take advan- by Athenaeus 204d 206c, ed. Kaibel, 1887); see F.

tage of the outflow of waste water; two more can be Caspari,y.Z).J./., xxxi(i9i6), 1-74.
seen in illustration 73. For a study of the Forum Baths 166. ID. For Capua and Pozzuoli see A. Maiuri in
in terms of the technical problems involved in heating Mem. Nap., in (1953). The earliest of all permanent
them, see E. D. Thatcher, M.A.A.R., xxiv (1956), amphitheatres may well have been at Capua, where
169. Of the smaller, privately owned baths {balnea) there was a famous gladiatorial school. For the
one in the Via della Foce (Region i, 19, 5) off'ers an partially timber amphitheatres of North Italy, S.

unusually complete fourth-century example of a type Aurigemma, Historia, vi (1932), 159.

best represented in North Africa and at Piazza 11. P. Marconi, Verona romana (Bergamo, 1937),
Armerina. loi 14; L. Beschi, 'Verona Romana, monumenti', in i

9. G. Calza, Architettura e arti decorative, ill Verona (Verona, i960), 456-75.

e il siio territorio, I

(1923-4), II. Pola: A. Gnirs,/0..^./., xviii (1915), Bb. 163-76.

12. Pozzuoli: Maiuri, Campi Flegrei, 24-8; Dubois,
Pouzzoles antiques, 286-314; C. De Ruyt, Piiteoli:

studi di storia antica, I (Pozzuoli, 1977), 128-39.

157. I. The evidence is fully discussed by Maiuri in 13. For the excavations at Baiae, see A. Maiuri in B.
U ultima fase. d'Arte, X (1930-1), 241-53; and xxxvi (1951),
158. 2. The so-called Third and Fourth Pompeian 359-64. A detailed survey, directed by M. E. Bertoldi,
Styles. Though named after and best studied at awaits publication.
Pompeii, these do in fact represent far wider con- 167. 14. The circular room of the Stabian Baths,
temporary trends. later converted into a frigidarium, was built as a

160. 3. Nero's short-lived gymnasium in Rome, laconicum; see H. Eschebach, R.M., lxxx (1973),
which appears to have been a building independent of 235 42, where he documents archaeologically the
the Thermae Neronianae, may have served a com- inscription C.J.L., x. i, 829.
parable purpose; see above, p. 56. 173. 15. See below, p. 226.

4. So too in the provinces. Cf. the agora at Corinth 174. 16. For the hellenistic mixed order, see S.
and the forum at Sabratha (below, pp. 255 ft", and Stucchi, U Agora di Cirene, I (Rome, 1965), 201-2.
378-80). 177. 17. For similar streetside porticoes at Ostia, see

161. 5. For wooden constructions and fittings, see P- 143-

specially the accounts of the more recent excavations 18. Grenier, Manuel (see bibliography to Chapter
here and atHerculaneum, by Spinazzola and Maiuri. 9), III. I, 380-2.
162. 6. The macella of Rome are known from the 19. M. Mirabella Roberti in Storia di Brescia, i

literary sources (see Platner-Ashby, s.v. 'Macellum'), (Brescia, 1961), 249 59; cf. G. Saletti, Museo Bres-
from representations on coins (above. Chapter 2, Note CHino Illustrato, i (Brescia, 1838). Preserved within the

16), and from the Severan marble plan. For the platform of the later Capitolium are the substantial
diffusion of this type of market building in the remains of a row of four small, apparently identical.
provinces, see below, p. 395; dXso J.R.S., lx (1970), Republican temples facing axially down what was
15-16, and the writer's account of the Market Theatre presumably already the open area of the forum.
at Cyrene, forthcoming in Libya Antiqua. Dating from the early first century B.C., this is an at
164. 7. The discovery of a glass window still in present unique example of the models from which the
position in the Suburban Baths at Herculaneum fora of the Imperial age were developed.

20. A similar projection of the basal plinth appears 13. G. Lugli, Bull. Comm., LV (1927), 139-204. A
already in Augustan times on the monument of La fine early-first-century B.C. platform villa is currently
Turbie (above, p. 171). being excavated at Sette Finestre, near Cosa.
21. See R. G. Goodchild, Antiquity^ xx (1946), 196. 14. A. Gnirs,7'.0..^./. between VII (1904), Bb.
70-7. 131-41 and XVIII (1915), Bb. 99-158.
179. 22. See below, pp. 297 ff. 198. 15. Punta Barbariga: H. Schwarb, Schnften der
Balkankormnission, 11 (1903). Campanian paintings of
architectural landscapes: the fundamental publication
is still that of M. Rostowzew, R.M., xxvi (1911),
187. I. Maiuri, £/ToA/«o, 280-302. I 186.
2. Vitruvius, vi. 3. 9. For the basilican oecus 16. Maiuri, Capri, 66-9.
aegyptius and other similar exotic room-forms, see 17. ibid., 29-56.
Maiuri in Studies Presented to D. M. Robinson, i (St 201. 18. ibid., 56-65.
Louis, 1951), 423-9. 19. Porticus Pompeii: Forma Urbis, 104-6, tavola

3. One of the factors which made the opening-up of xxxii; cf. Propertius, Elegies, 1 1. 32, 11-16. Porticus
the old atrium-house possible was the adoption of Liviae: Forma Urbis, 69-70, tavola xviii; cf. Pliny,
window glass, a development said by Seneca (d. a.d. Natural History, xiv. ii.

65) to have taken place during his own life-time 202. 20. G. Lugli, Melanges d'arclieologie et dliistoire

{Letters, 90. 25). de I'Ecole franfuise de Rome, LV (1938), 5-27; now

188. 4. As the Pompeian house lost its stereotyped convincingly identified by H. G. Beyen {Stiidia
layout, so the terms oecus, tahlnuim, and triclinium lost I V>//?/7//( Amsterdam, 1948), 3-21) as the town house

the precision of their earlier meanings; the distinction of Agrippa and Julia (19-12 B.C.).
becomes largely one of archaeological convention. For 21. Gvima\,Jardins, passim. Varro, while criticizing
the subsequent emergence of the triclinium as the the fashion for gymnasia and other hellenizing fancies
principal room of the Roman house, see L Lavin, Art in the villas of his day {On agriculture, 1 1, intr.), had a

Bulletin, XLiv (1962), 5; also below, p. 463. 'palaestra' in his own

Tusculum (in. 13). For
villa at

5. Maiuri, Ercolano, 302-22. the 'hippodrome' of Pliny's Tuscan villa, see Letters,
190. 6. A. Maiuri and R. Pane, La Ccisa di Lorein V. 6. 32-3. Cicero's villa at Tusculum had a favourite

Tihiirtino e la Villa Diornede in Ponipei (Rome, 1947), terrace known as 'the Academy'.
5-9- 22. Blake (1959), 40 I.
192. 7. R. Lanciani, Mon. Ant., XV I (1906), 266. 2}. ibid., 41-2. Nero was dining here in 60 (Tacitus,

Becatti, 'Case Ostiensi', 23-5, figure 22. Annals, xiv. 22).

8. R. Meiggs, Ostia (Oxford, i960), 237 ff. The two 24. Lugli, M^\ (1946), 60-83.
fundamental articles are by G. Calza in Mon. Ant., 203. 25. Lugli, Bull. Comm., xlv (1917), 29-78;
XXIII (1914), 541-608, and in Architettura e arti XLVI (1918), 3-68; XLVII (1919), 153-205; XLVIII
decorative, ill (1923-4), 3-18 and 49-63. (1920), 3-69.
193. 9. This and the following references are to the 26. Lugli, Forma Italuie: Regio i, vol. i, 2, 65-76
plan of the Regions and insulae of Ostia appended to and map 3;G. Jacopi, A'^.^. (1936), 21 50.
Scavi di Ostia, i. 204. 27. Bloch, op. cit. (Chapter 4, Note 12), 117-83
10. The 'balconies' {maeniana), carried on project- and especially 182-3. To the first phase of the
ing segmental arches [e.g. 76], do not always cor- construction (a.d. 118 25) belong certainly the
respond with the floor levels inside the building, and nucleus of the and the complex of
East Palace
many of them seem anyway too narrow to have been buildings associated with the Stadium. Pending the
functional. For the regular exposure of the brickwork, publication of more detailed studies of the individual
see Calza, Mon. Ant., xxiii.2 (1914), 577-8. buildings by Fricdrich Rakob and his collaborators
195. II. The 'peristyle' and 'portico' villas, re- and by various members of the Istituto di Topografia
spectively, of Swoboda's classification. It should be Antica, it is premature to speculate further about the
emphasized that where, as here, the distinctions are layout of the villa as a whole and about the many
far from clear-cut, any classification is bound to be changes of plan which it underwent during the
largely a matter of convenience; and that some sort of twenty-odd years of its construction.
platform {basis villae) is a regular teature of the seaside 206. 28. The names actually attested (S.H.A., Had-
portico villas [cf. 95]. rian, XXVI. 5) are those of four buildings in Athens
12. N.S., XIX (1965), 237-52; P.B.S.R., XXX I II (the Lyceum, the Academy, the Prytaneum, and the

(1965), 54-69. Definitive publication imminent. Stoa Poikile), the Vale of Tempe in Thessaly, and the

great Sanctuary of Serapis at Canopus in Egypt; also city wall, the gates, and the sewers (murum, partus,
'the Underworld'. cluacas fecerunt: C.LL., v, 3434). These and a water
29. Letters^ V. 6. 15. supply were the first priorities of good city planning.
30. There is no adequate publication of this impor- 221. 5. The exclusion of wheeled traffic from the
tant building. forum area was regular Roman practice.
31. T. Ashby, P.B.S.R., iv (1907), 97-112; N. 6. R. G. Goodchild, Antiquity, xx (1946), 70 7; also

Lupu, Ephemeris Dacoromana^ vii (1937), 117-88; //e.^-., Lx(i97o), 7 II.

Bloch, op. cit. (Note 27), 256-68. 222. 7. See below, pp. 227-8.
210. 2>^. There is a solitary example of this high 8. Gallia Cisalpina was not formally incorporated
lighting at Pompeii, in the triclinium of the House of into Italy until 42 B.C.
the Menander, rebuilt between 62 and 79; A. Maiuri, 223. 9. Occasional uses of opus reticulatum (e.g. in

La Casa del Menandro (Rome, 1933). the aqueducts of Lyon) represent quirks of local taste,
T,i^. Villa of the Quintilii: T. Ashby, Ansonia, iv copied directly from Italy.

(1909), 48 88. Le Mura di S. Stefano: T. Ashby, ID. But by no means invariably. Mr R. M. Butler, to
R.M., XXII (1907), 313-23; cf P.B.S.R., XXIII whom I owe this observation, cites Carcassonne,
(1955), 66, plates xvii, xviii; xlv (1977), 227-51. Nantes, Rennes, Sens, Toul, Bavai, and Jublains as
34. Nash, s.v. 'Amphitheatrum Castrense' (i, instances of town walls where the tile-courses do not
13-16), 'Sessorium' (11, 384-6), and 'Thermae penetrate the full width of the core. In the aqueduct of
Helenae' 454-7).
(11, Los Milagros at Merida in Spain (p. 216) the tile-
35. Limited excavation within the area of the courses appear to be continuous through the core.
residence has disclosed, incorporating or replacing the II. See above, p. 173. For the priority accorded to
remains of three earlier periods, an audience hall and a the building of a city wall, cf. above. Note 4.
long transverse corridor, both reminiscent of Piazza 224. 12. In Rome, for example, the buildings on the
Armerina; G. Pisoni Sartorio and R. Calza, La Villa di Capitol must have been supplied in this way. A part of
Massenzio sulla Via Appia (Istituto di Studi Romani, the water supply at Lincoln may have been similarly
1976). pumped from a spring at the foot of the hill; F. H.
36. See above, p. 192 and Note 7. Thompson, Archaeological Journal, CXi (1954),
37. Reg. iv, 3. Becatti, 'Case Ostiensi', 1 14-17, 106-28; but see Wacher, Towns of Roman Britain,
figure 14. 125-32.
212. 38. Reg. i, 14. Becatti, loc. cit., 105-7, figure 4. 225. For the syphons on the 45-mile-long Had-

39. E.g. the triple-arched windows of one of the rianic MontPilate aqueduct (Aqueduc du Gier) at
houses of a mosaic from Thabraca (reproduced by Lyon, see Grenier, Manuel, iv, 129 36. Aries, ibid.,
Becatti, figure 51). 85. The second-century B.C. aqueduct at Alatri in
40. Doro Levi, Antioch Mosaic Pavements (Prince- Central Italy was already of this type {C.LL., x. i,
ton, 1947), figure 26. 5807; cf P.B.S.R., XXIII (1955), 115-23).
14. Two bridges over the Danube are illustrated on
CHAPTER 9 Trajan's Column: a bridge of boats (Lehmann-
Hartleben, scene 4) and Apollodorus's bridge below
214. I. In Latin usage Hispania or Hispaniae ('the the Iron Gates, which had masonry piers and a timber
Spains') covered the whole Iberian peninsula. It superstructure {ibid., scene 99); cf. also scene 131, an
comprised the three provinces of Baetica in the south, all-timber bridge over a lesser river. Vitruvius (v. 12.

Lusitania in the south-west, south of Oporto, and 2-6) describes how to lay foundations below water,
Tarraconensis, covering the whole of the north and using wooden coft'er-dams {arcae).
north-east. 226. 15. SeeGrenier, Manuel, in, 305 22. Al-
216. 2. The projecting string-courses had a practical though much has been made of Vitruvius's recom-
as well as an aesthetic purpose, namely to support mendation (v. 9. 5-9) that public porticoes be used for
scaffolding during construction or repairs. The aque- the storage of commodities such as fuel and salt, the
duct still serves Seville. vaulted substructures must in most cases have been
3. C.LL., II, 761. For Apollodorus's bridge see primarily a matter of constructional convenience, as a
below, Note 14; also above, Chapter 3, Note 2^. means of providing a level, upstanding platform for
220. 4. Cf. the inscription on the original Porta dei one of the city's major civic monuments. See the
Leoni at Verona (above, p. 179), in which the four writer's comments in Les Cryptoportiques dans
commissioners charged with refounding the city on its r architecture romaine (Ecole Fran9aise de Rome,
present site record that they built and completed the 1973), 51-66, in which there are also detailed accounts

of the cryptoporticocs of Aries (with a highly imag- 24. Cf. the fine terraced town house at Aix-en-
complex) and of Reims;
inative reconstruction of the Provence described by Benoit in Gallia, v (1947),
also of Coimbra (Aeminium) and of Conimbriga in 98-122. This had a large inner peristyle and a small
Portugal. entrance peristyle of 'Rhodian' type, i.e. with one
227. 16. I am indebted to Pierre Gros for advance portico taller than the rest, as regularly at Delos and in
information about his detailed study of the Maison Cyrenaica.
Carree, now published; see Bibliography, s. v. Amy, 241. 25. At Anthee the overall length of the two
R., and Gros, P. He dates its completion to the very enclosures was 650 yards (600 m.) and the area
beginning of the Christian era. The identification and enclosed by the residence and farm buildings was of
chronology of the temple at Vienne are based on the the order of 25 acres; Grenier, Manuel, 11, 845.
readings of what are interpreted as two successive Among the most completely documented of the large
dedicatory inscriptions, of which only the holes for the villas of the Somme area are the villa at Estrees-sur-
pegs of the bronze letters have survived; see Grenier, Noye, 7 miles south of Amiens (Agache and Bruart,
Manuel, 1, 396-7. If correctly read, these show the
1 1 Atlas, 60; 440 yards (400 m.) long); and the two villas
temple to have been dedicated to Rome and Augustus, at Warfusee-Abancourt, 13 miles east of Amiens

before the latter's death in a.d. 14, and rededicated (ibid., 131; 330 and 440 yards (300 and 400 m.) long

shortly after A.D. 41 to the Deified Augustus and to respectively). For Cachy, 9 miles south-east of
Livia. It used to be thought, on similar evidence, that Amiens, ibid., 40. These and many others are further
the Maison Carree too was rededicated in a.d. 12, discussed in R. Agache, La Somme preromaine et

after being built originally by Agrippa between iq and romaine (Amiens, 1978), 279-387. For the large villa
12 B.C. {ihid., 147-9), but this is not correct. of similar plan at Odrang in the Mosel area, near
17. F. Benoit, Rivista di.studi ligiiri, xviii (1952), Trier, seeWightman, Roman Trier, 143-5.
219-44. 26. The wealthy villas of Gallia Belgica, for ex-
18. A remarkable example, revealed by air- ample, virtually come to an end after the third
photography at Ribemont-sur-Ancre, north-east of century. But in many other regions (e.g. in the district
Amiens, is nearly half a mile (750 m.) in length; R. around Metz and again in the south-west; evidence
Agache and B. Bruart, Atlas d'archeologie aenenne de conveniently summarized in chapter 4 of Percival,
Ptcardie (Amiens, 1975), iio-ii. The square Gallo- The Roman Villa) villas were reconstructed or con-
Roman temple (Augustan), with two rectangular tinuously occupied right through the fourth century.
forecourts, stands at the head of an elongated monu- 242. 27. Wightman, Roman Trier, 145-8. The villa

mental enclosure, splayed slightly outwards, with a of Montmaurin (see Bibliography) good example
is a
theatre (Neronian) and a bath-building (Trajanic) on of the residence of a wealthy late Roman landowner in
the central axis and flanked by other large buildings. south-western Gaul.
231. 19. See below. Chapter 13 and Note 12 thereto. 246. 28. A. M. Schneider and W. Karnapp, Die
234. 20. The 'Reihentyp' of Krencker's classification Stadtmauer von Iznik (Nicaea) {Istanbuler For-
(D. Krencker and E. Kriiger, Die Trierer Kaiserther- schungen, ix) (Berlin, 1938).
men (Augsburg, 1929), 177). For the two types, cf. the 29. Conveniently summarized in Enciclopedia dell'
South Baths at Conimbriga in Portugal (pp. 217-18), Arte Antica, iv, Tjz-s. Detailed interim reports
where the Augustan bath-building, of derivative annually in the local review, Karinthia 1. ¥ov the
Pompeian form, was replaced under Trajan by a more forumat Virunum, see 7.i?.6'.,LX(i97o), 13, figure 13;
elaborate, axially-disposed 'Reihentyp' complex. Aholdi, Noricum, 87-90, figure 6.

236. 21. This account follows the chronology pro- 248. 30. The building here illustrated, which re-
posed by Gros, Gallia, xxxvii (1979), 55-83. H.
P. placed a Trajanic structure, is dated by the excavators
RoUand had suggested an early Augustan date for the to the mid second century; Mocsy, Pannonia and
arch at Glanum, but this is far too early. Upper Moesia, 11 1 and note 119, with bibliography.
22. Amy, L'Arc d'Orange, plates 6 and 64. To be 249. 31. Seuthopolis, near Koprinka, the capital city
distinguished from the 'arcuated lintel' of contem- of Seuthes III, excavated and then submerged by a
porary Syrian practice. See below, Chapter 12 and dam: see P. Dimitrov and M. Cicicova, The Thracian
Note 64 thereto. City of Seuthopolis {B.A.R., Supplement 38) (Oxford,
237. 23. G. Brusin and V. de Grassi, // Maiisoleo di 1978). The remarkable contemporary painted tomb at
Aquileia (Padua, 1956). Sarsina: A. Aurigemma, nearby Kazanlak, fi)und and preserved intact, has a
Palladio, I
(1937), 41-52. Nettuno: G. Giovannoni, corbelled brick vault, as did one of those at Koprinka.
Roma, XXI (1943), 378 9. Cf. the destroyed 'Three Hoddinott, 93 7 (Seuthopolis) and 97-103 (tombs at
Monuments' of Terni, N.S. (1907), 646-7. Kazanlak and Koprinka).



32. For the latest state of the excavations of the The conclusions of the earlier excavators arc cur-
forum at NicopoHs-ad-Istrum, see T. Ivanov, rently the subject of a wide-ranging general revision at
'L'Agora de NicopoHs ad Istrum, d'apres les nou- the hands of C. K. Williams; the broad picture stands
velles recherches', Arheologiya, xix (1977), 16-29 (in unchanged, but there will be considerable modifi-
Bulgarian, with a French summary). cations of detail. I am indebted to Susan Walker for
250. 33. A great deal of this material has been the information that the Captives Fa9ade is now
excavated since the Second World War, and most of it believed to be Severan; and that fresh epigraphic
awaits definitive publication. Short accounts of most evidence shows the long-accepted attribution of the
of the sites here referred to will be found in R. second marble phase of Peirene to the munificence of
Hoddinott, Bulgaria in Antiquity (London, 1975), Herodes Atticus to be mistaken. From her own
which also lists (p. 18) the Bulgarian archaeological observations she tells me that the accepted restoration
periodicals that contain interim reports of some of of the three great exedrae that characterize the final

them. For Chatalka, see D. Nikolov, The Roman Villa major reconstruction of the fountain court at Peirene
at Chatalka, Bulgaria {B.A.R., Supplement 17) (Ox- (G. P. Stevens, A.J. A., xxxviii (1934), 55-8) as
ford, 1976). For the Stara Zagora baths, see idem, having been concrete-vaulted is also mistaken. They
Arheologiya, x (1968), 43 ff. Several other mineral presumably had flat timber ceilings at two levels.

spring establishments have been recorded, one of 257. 2. See below, pp. 371 ff.

them, near Haskovo, yielding traces of pre-Roman 258. 3. See below, p. 349 and illustration 227.

The Ivailovgrad
use. villa is also referred to under the 4. For similar market buildings in North Africa, see
name of Marina. PP- 373-6, 395-
251. 34. See Gabriella Bordenache, 'Attivita edilizia 5. The Greek agora had been gravel-paved, as was
a Tomi', Dacia, N.S. iv (i960), 255-72, notably the that of Athens right through the Roman period. For
remains of two buildings dedicated in a.d. 116- 17 the use of Italian-type mouldings at Corinth, see L. T.
and in 16 1-2 respectively. Shoe in Essays in Memory of Karl Lehmann (New
252. 35. I am indebted to Prof. John Wilkes and to York, 1964), 300-3. For the Italian origin of the
the excavator. Prof M. Suic, for information about colonists, Pausanias, ii. i. 2.

this as yet rather inaccessibly published site. 6. Only four certain examples seem to have been
253. 36. Sticotti's account of this building is careful recorded from Asia Minor, at Aspendos, Ephesus,
and his arguments for dating it appear convincing; but Kremna, and Smyrna. In mainland Greece, see the
one would welcome independent evidence of so recently discovered North-West Basilica in Athens, a
notable an innovation at this early date. rectangular building of Hadrianic date, with an
internal ambulatory colonnade and an external portico
CHAPTER 10 fronting on to the north-west corner of the Agora; see
Hesperia, XL (1971), 261-5, and XL 11 (1973), 134-8.
NOTE. For the architecture of Greece prior to the 260. 7. In the matter of access to the seating, the
Roman period, see A. W. Lawrence, Greek Architec- Theatre of Marcellus in Rome [4] and those at Lepcis
ture {Pelican History of Art), 3rd ed. (Harmonds- Magna and Sabratha in Tripolitania [247], all of them
worth, 1973). built on level ground with access to the seating by way
255. I. For the individual buildings at Corinth of staircases incorported in the substructures, are
referred to in the pages that follow, see the following more characteristic of normal Roman practice than
volumes of Corinth: the theatre at Orange [163B]. At Orange, built up
I, I (1932). Topography, the Lechaion Road, the against a steep, rocky hillside, not only were the
Propylaea, the Julian Basilica. confornicat tones suppressed, but the seating could only
I, 2 (1941). Northwest Stoa and Shops, the Captives be reached by external staircases discharging into the
Fa9ade, the Peribolos of Apollo, Temple E. portico at the head of the cavea. At Verona, in a
3 (1951). The Lower Agora, including the build- somewhat similar setting, the confornicationes were
ings along the West and Central terraces. retained, but here too access to the seating was by way
Temples E K. The Market. of an external staircase which entered the cavea half-
4 (1954). The South Stoa and its Roman way up.
successors. 8. For the porticus post scaenam, see Viti-uvius, v. 9. i
5 (i960). The Julian and South Basilicas. 261. 9. B. Saria, Anz. (1938), 81-148.

I, 6 (1964). The Springs of Peirene and Glauke. 262. 10. For theatre-amphitheatres, used for hunt-
II (1952). The Theatre, the Odeion. ing spectacles (venationes), see Dio Cassius, LXXV 11 1.
See also individual articles in Hesperia. 9. 7 {Osaxpa xvvrjyszixdc), and Richard Stillwell in


Corinth^ 1
1, 7; and for their adaptation for aquatic that on the east face 'This is the city of Hadrian, not of
displays {xoXviifii]Opa), see John Chrysostom, In Theseus': Inscriptiones Graecae, 1 1^, 5185. The central
Matthaeum Homiliae (ed. Migne, Patrologia^ i860), compartment of the upper order was divided into two
VI I, 7; also G. Traversari, Gli Spettacoli in acqiia nel by a transverse slab of marble, presumably to house
tcatro tiirdo-antico (Rome, i960). statues of Theseus and of Hadrian respectively. The
263. II. As suggested to me by Professor H. A. arch was most probably completed in time for the
Thompson. It lies directly opposite the bema. dedication ceremony of the Olympieion in 132. A few
12. See Pausanias, I. 20. 7. years later a pair of arches, identical both in design and
265. 13. The 'Tower of the Winds' (so-named after in dimensions, were set up at Eleusis by the Pan-

the appropriately oriented representations of the eight hellenes, in honour of Demeter and of Antoninus
principal winds on the upper frieze) or 'Horologion of Pius.
Andronikos': Travlos, 28-37; H. S. Robinson, 269. 22. M. A. Sisson, P.B.S.R., xi (1929), 50-72;
A J. A., XLVii (1943), 291-305. The nineteenth- Travlos, 244-52.
century observatory at Oxford embodies a close 2T,. See above, p. 32.
replica of this building. For the water clock, see D. J. 271. 24. See below, pp. 388-9 and illustration 258.
de Solla Price, A J. A., lxxii (1965), 345-55. The 25. At first sight the plan suggests that this building
Temple of Rome and Augustus: Travlos, 494-5. carried a semi-dome, and it is commonly so restored;
14. Travlos, 28-37. This now became the city's e.g. by R. Ginouves in J. Des Gagniers and others,
commercial agora. For its possible South Italian Laodicee dii Lykos: le nymphee (Quebec-Paris, 1969),
connections, see above, p. 258. 138. But although some of these apsidal nymphaea
15. A J. A., Lxvi (1962), 200; Agora Guide'' (1976), certainly were vaulted (e.g. Gerasa [219]), a fact
140. may be rightly interpreted as a lingering legacy of the
16. H. A. Thompson, Hesperia, xix (1950), 31-141; origins of such buildings in caves dedicated to the
Travlos, 365-77. For the identification of the adjoin- Nymphs, it is equally certain that some did not (e.g.

ing building as the Gymnasium of Ptolemy, see the Severan Nymphaeum at Lepcis Magna [260]). On
A J. A., Lxix(i965), i-]-]; Hesperia, xxxv (1966), 41. balance, the very considerable height of the walls
Lecture halls of comparable size were added in the implied by the quantity of statuary displayed within
Roman period to the old gymnasia of Epidaurus and the building at Olympia, coupled with the failure of
Pergamon. the excavators to find any trace of fallen vaulting,
267. 17. Travlos, 387-91. Its roof, burnt in 86 B.C., suggests that it belonged to the latter group, without a

was restored by Aristobarzanes Philopator (65 52 semi-dome. For the programmatic nature of the
B.C.), the work being entrusted to a mixed team of statuary displayed in such buildings, cf. the nym-
architects, one Greek and two Italians, Gaius and phaeum built by Plancia Magna within the South
Marcus Stallius. Like Decimus Cossutius (p. 263) the Gate at Perge (below, pp. 300 2).
latter probably came from Campania (the name 26. That it was roofed seems certain. The
Stallius is South Italian), a region whose architects nineteenth-century excavators found the marble seat-
seem already to have acquired a reputation as spe- ing badly calcined byfire, and a thick layer of ashes

cialists in such work. and carbonized wood covered both stage and seating;
268. 18. See above, p. 25. see Travlos, 378. Timbers of the necessary size were
19. For the successive stage-buildings, see Travlos, available - at a price. Pliny {Natural History, xvi.
548. 200) records one in Rome, a left-over from the roofing
20. Aqueduct (begun in 125 and completed in 140): of the Augustan Diribitorium, which was too Roman
Travlos, 242. Houses: 392-401. Bath-buildings:
ibid., feet (nearly 30 m.) in length and i\ Roman feet (45
ibid., 180-90. The facade of the aqueduct reservoir cm.) in section. Begun after 160, the Odeion of
was still standing in the mid fifteenth century, when it Herodes was in use when seen by Pausanias in 176.
was seen by Cyriacus of Ancona. It consisted of a 27. Recently, however, Roman-period architecture
tctrastyle Ionic propylon of which the central opening has begun to attract more attention in its own right,
was arched. It is significant fi)r local taste that this e.g. at Nicopolis and at Argos, where R. Ginouves has
followed the older, hellenistic tradition of an arch published a valuable pioneer study of Roman brick-
flanked by two independent architraves (see above, p. work Greece {Le Theatron a gradins droits et l odeion

236 and Chapter 9, Note 22), not the arcuated lintel as d\4rgos (Paris, 1972), appendix pp. 217-45). ^ wall
represented, for example, in the Temple of I ladrian at built of solid brick and dated to the second century is

F4ihesus. reported from the harbour buildings at Kenchreai

21 Travlos, 253-7. The inscription on the west face {Archaeology, XV II (1965), ill. p. 194), suggesting the

reads 'This is Athens, the ancient citv of Theseus'; infiuence of contemporary Asia Minor.
. .


272. 28. Notably the mid-second-century monu- 9. D. M.Robinson, /i.y..^., xxvm(i924),435 44;
ment, now dismantled, known as 'Las Incantadas', Art Bulletin, ix (1926), 5-69.
which incorporated a Corinthian facade with a much 281. ID. Since 1967, a period of intensive excavation,
smaller order of pseudo-caryatid figures above it. P. consolidation and publication has brought into much
Perdrizet, Monuments et Memoires Plot, xxxi (1930), sharper focus our picture of the architectural develop-
5i-9o;LuciaGuerrini, .4rfA. C/., xiii (1961), 40-75. ment of what was probably the most influential single
29. G. Roux, B.C.H., Lxxvm (1954), 160 2. architectural centre in the Greek-speaking world. The
overall impression conveyed is one of a vigorous
CHAPTER I I continuity of local development, a development
within which the language of traditional classicism
273. I. See J. B. Ward-Perkins in D. Talbot Rice was continuously being reinterpreted to meet the re-
(cd.). The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors quirements of contemporary taste.
(lulinburgh, 1958), 11, 52-104, discussing many of 1 1 Several of the great hellenistic foundations (e.g.
the buildings referred to in this chapter. A provincial the Didymaion near Miletus) were still being com-
\ ariant of opus caementicium; cf. Pliny, Letters, x. 39, pleted in Roman times, closely following the original
describing the walls of the new gymnasium at Nicaea designs. G. Gruben, Athenische Mitteilungen, lxxvi
as 'caemento medii facti nee testaceo opere [i.e. brick (1961), 155-96 suggests a similar history for the great
facing] praecincti'. This whole correspondence (Let- Temple of Artemis at Sardis. Such situations did
ters, X. 37 40) offers a vivid glimpse of provincial much to ensure the survival of traditional motifs and
architectural practice in relation to that of Rome. styles of craftsmanship.

274. 2. Ephesus, aqueduct of Pollio: Forschnngen, 12. f.O.A.L, XXXVII (1932), Bb. 54-61. Keil,
III (1923), 256-63; Keil, Fiihrer^, i33~4- Miletus, Fiihrer'\ 124 For the dedication to Titus
7, figure 67.
bath-buildings: below, Note 31. Miletus, nym- rather than to Domitian, see M. Wegner, Das romische
phaeum: below, Note 38. For the early influence of Herrscherbild: Die Flavier (Berlin, 1966), 26.
metropolitan Roman architecture in Asia Minor, see 13. R. Naumann, Der Zeustempel zu Aizanoi (Ber-
j. B. Ward-Perkins in Proceedings of the X In- lin, 1979).
ternational Congress of Classical Archaeology (Ankara, 14. G. Perrot, Revue archeologique (1864), 350-60;

1978), 11,881-91. B. Ashmole, Jfournal of the Warburg and Courtauld

275. Simple vaulting was very common in the
3. Institutes, xix (1956), 179-91, and Proceedings of the
The harbour mole at Elaeusa
coastal cities of Cilicia. British Academy, xlv (1959), 25-41.
(\yas) is of a strength which suggests that suitable 282. 15. Alterthiimer,v (iHgs)-
xolcanic sand may have been imported. 16. D. E. Strong, P.B.S.R.] xxi (1953), 131-3.
276. 4. Great Palace, 1
1, 90-5. The locus classicus for 283. 17. f. O.A.I. XL IV (1959), 264 6; Keil, Fiih-

tliis sort of vaulting is Karanis in Egypt; see below, p. rer^, 1 18-20. The dedicatory inscription shows that it

365 and illustration 238. was almost certainly begun in the final years of
277. 5. Y..'QocWm^Qr'mNeuedeutscheAusgrabungen Trajan's reign and dedicated, after his death, to
iiii Mittelmeergehiet und im vorderen Orient (Berlin, Artemis, Hadrian, and the People of Ephesus, in A D .

1959), 136-8. For the masonry. Great Palace, 85 11, 117-18 or 118-19; see E. L. Bowie, Zeitschrift fiir
and plate 30. A full report is said to be in preparation. Papyr. Epigraphie, viii (1971), 137 ff., and M.
Th. Wiegand in Abhandlungen der deutschen
6. Worrle, Anz. (1973), 470-7. For the 'arcuated lintel',
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Phil. -hist. see D. F. Brown, A.J. A., xlvi (1942), 389-99. It
Klasseiig^i). Temple and sanctuary (for the latter see derives ultimately from ancient Mesopotamia; see also
below, pp. 284-5 '^rid illustration 182), long thought below. Chapter 12, Note 64. To be distinguished from
to be mainly the work of Antoninus Pius, are now the somewhat similar hellenistic device of resting an
shown to have been begun by Hadrian, c. 131, and independent arch on the two ends of an interrupted
well advanced before his death in 138; C. Habicht, trabeation (Crema, 142-3).
ilterthiimer, v 1 1
1, Die Inschrtften des Askle-
3 (1969): 18. Jf.O.A.L, XX II I (1928), 265-70. Keil, Fiihrer',
pieions; cf. M. Le Glay, 'Hadrien et I'Asklepieion de 105-8.
Pergame', B.C.H., c (1976), 347 72. 19. See above. Note 5. The apse dates from its

278. 7. The immediate source may well have been conversion to a church.
the provinces of the lower Danube, where similar 284. 20. Milet, I. 7, 180-210.
masonry, with alternating bands of mortared rubble 285. 21. yM/to, I. 7, 229-61.
and of brickwork, was in widespread use (see p. 249). 286. 22. Ephesus, ngorx. Forschungen, iii. 1(1923),
280. Anz. (1932), 233-49. Adjoining
8. it was a 1-168; Keil, Fiihrer\ 94-8. Aphrodisias, odeion:
colonnaded street. I.L.N. (27 February 1965), 23. Nysa, Gerontikon: W.

von Dienst, Nysa ad Maeandrum (J.D.A.I., Erganz- of Bithynia {Fetters, x. 39), the terms gymnasium and
Lingshefte, x) (1913); K. Kourouniotes, Archaiolog- balinemn appear to be interchangeable.
ikon Deltion, vii (1921-2), 1-68 and 227-41. 31. A. von Gerkan and Fr. Krischen, Fhermen und
23. I owe to Caroline Williams the observation that Palaestren {Milet, i.
9) (Berlin, 1928).
the early dates commonly cited for some of these 296. 32. Altertiimer von Pergamon, \ I {ig22i),^o-g2.
streets do not stand up to critical examination. At Hierapolis: Krencker and Kriiger, op. cit. (Note 20 to
Diokaisareia in Cilicia, for example, there is no Chapter 9), 288-95. Aphrodisias: G. Mendel,
architectural evidence for a Tiberian street of this C.R.A.I. (1906), 159-78.
type; and the Lechaion road at Corinth was probably T^T^. Pending a definitive publication, see V. H.
first colonnaded on one side only in Claudian times, Strocka, Die Wandmalereien der Hanghduser in
and only by the end of the first century was it Ephesos {Forschungen, viii, i, 1977), and interim
colonnaded symmetrically on both sides. The broad, reports m J. O.A.I.
open avenues (plateiai) of hellenistic planning lent 34. J. B. Ward-Perkins,/i?.^., XLi (1951), 89-104.
themselves to such piecemeal development. For the 297- 35- In theatrical architecture the stage building
Arkadiane, see Forschimgen, i (1906), 132-40; Keil, of the theatre at Aphrodisias (r. 40-30 B.C.) is still

Fiihrer^, 7i~3- firmly rooted in hellenistic forms.

288. 24. Smyrna: R. Naumann and S. Kantar in 36. West Gate of the agora: Forschungen, 1 1 1
Kleinasien und Byzanz {Istanbiiler Forschungen, XV 1
1) 18-39; Keil, 73-4; the Gateway-arch:
(1950), 69-114. Ephesus: W. Alzinger, Augusteische f .O.A.I. VIII (1905), Bb. 69. Miletus, West Market

Architektiir in Ephesos (Vienna, 1974), 24-37; cf. Gate: Milet, i, 7, 69-155.

jf.O.A.L, L (1972-5), Beiblatt, 270-9. The bilingual 299. 37. Mansel, Ruinen von Side, 109 21; see also
dedicatory inscription records its construction by C. below, p. 300.
Sextilius PoUio, the builder of the aqueduct (above, p. 38. Milet, I.
5 (1919).

273), i.e. between 4 and 14. 300. 39. Side: Mansel, op. cit., 90 i. Abb. 71-2
25. Forschungen, v, i (1953); V. M. Strocka, Pro- (temple) and 66 74, Abb. 48-57 (fountain). Perge,
ceedings of the X
International Congress of Classical South Gate: Lanckoronski, i, 60-1. Attaleia, mau-
Archaeology (Ankara, 1978), 11, 893-900. Celsus was soleum: ibid., 11-12.
almost certainly dead by a.d. 114, and his grandson 40. Temples at Side: Mansel, op. cit., 77 86. Saga-
who completed the building, had already held high lassos: Lanckoronski, 11, 130, 145-9.
local office in 90. The Library and the almost exactly 41. Anz. (1975), 49-96.
contemporary Temple of Hadrian (above, p. 282) 302. 42. .'iwc. (1956), 99-120; cf. Y^ws. (1975), 49-96

show a marked stylistic advance on such other, earlier for the nymphaeum at the head of the axial street and
Trajanic monuments in Asia Minor as the Nym- for the macellum.
phaeum at Miletus (c. 100) [192] and the Trajanic 43. Lanckoronski, i, 85 124. For the aqueduct:
fountain building Ephesus itself (before 114), and
at Ward-Perkins, P.B.S.R., xxiii (1955), 115-23; also
Strocka suggests that one of the workmen had been above, p. 225.
employed in the Trajanic building programme in 304. 44. See above, p. 276 and Note 4.
Rome. There are interesting library buildings also at 305. 45. am
indebted to Professor James Russell

Nysa (Von Dienst, loc. cit.) and in the Asklepieion at for information about this important site and for
Pergamon (Wiegand, op. cit. above. Note 6). permission to reproduce illustration 199, based on a

291. 26. Forschungen, ii (1912). Keil, Fiihrer^, survey by Thomas D. Boyd. For a well illustrated

87-93. There was also a small second-century theatre, interim account, see Antike Welt, v 1
1, 4 (1976), 2-20.
or odeion, near the Magnesia Gate, Keil, Fiihrer^,
130-2. For the so-called 'Eastern' and 'Western' CHAPTER 12
types of theatre, see above, pp. 260-2. For the theatre
at Aspendos, below, p. 302. 309. I. A picture of the topography and architecture
292. 27. F. Kraus, Bericht iiber den VI Interna- of Roman Apamea is beginning to emerge from the
tionalcn Kongress fiir Archdologie (Berlin, 1940), Belgian excavations, although it is heavily overlaid by
387-93- late antique building and the architecture mostly
28. See above, pp. 56, 85, 160. awaits detailed study. For useful general accounts, see
29. Maccanico, 'Ginnasi romani'; also Keil, Fiih- the two Colloques Apamee de Syne, 1965 8 and
rer^,56-61, 74-86, and 141-2. For a restored drawing 1969-71, ed J. and J. C. Baity (Brussels, 1969 and
of the Vedius Baths, showing exposed barrel-vaults, 1972). The town was divided into four roughly equal
see Miltner, Ephesos, Abb. 68. quadrants by a broad, north-south colonnaded avenue
295. 30. To the younger Pliny, writing as governor crossed at right-angles by somewhat narrower col-

! onnaded avenue. As at Palmyra, the colonnades of the by J. B. Pritchard in A.A.S.O.R., xxix-xxx (1955),
former were added piecemeal, starting at the north 1-49 and xxxii-xxxiii (1958), 1-58. It identifies
gate in 1 16/17 and reaching the central crossroads c. an earlier, pre-Herodian palace complex, built mainly
166. The theatre, of normal Syrian type, is ascribed, of mud brick faced with painted stucco; and it de-
on rather slender evidence, to the second half of the monstrates clearly that in the Herodian buildings the
second century. distinction between stone, concrete, and mud brick is

i 2. Seleucia is described by Roman writers as a great one of function, not of date. Josephus {Jewish War, i.

i city, with a population of 600,000, and as having 407) records that, as at Jerusalem, the complex
retained a great deal of its classical culture. See Pliny, included halls named Kaisareion and Agrippaion.
Natural History, and Strabo, xvi. 2. 5.
vi. 122, 313. II. Y. Yadin, Masada, Herod's Fortress and the
3. Antioch and harbour-town of Seleucia Pieria,
its Zealots' Last Stand (London, 1966). The closest
Apamea, and Laodiceia; also no doubt Damascus. parallels for the handsome polychrome mosaics of the
Paradoxically, it is the Greek colonial foundations on entrance hall of the upper palace are with Delos. M.
the periphery, outside the Roman frontiers, that are Avigad and others. The Archaeological Survey of
just as likely to yield buildings of specifically Greek Masada, 1955-1956 (Jerusalem, 1957), is still useful.
type; e.g. the little ashlar-built distyle in antis 12. V. Corbo, 'L'Herodion di Gebel Fureidis',
builtby Seleucus III on the island of Failaka, off Stadium Biblicum Franciscanum, Liber Annuus, x 11 1

Kuwait (K. Jeppeson, Kuml. Arbog for Jysk Arkeo- (1962-3), 219-77; XVII (1967), 65-121; E. Netzer,
logisk Selskab (i960), 153-98). Israel Exploration Journal, xxii (1972), 247-9.
4. See pp. 347-52- 13. I owe to Dr Y. Tsafrir the following references
310. 5. For Herod's activities as a builder, see to important articles in Hebrew: on Herodion, E.
Josephus, Jewish War, passim, and especially i. Netzer in Qjidmoniot, xxiii-xxiv (1973), 107-10; on
401-25 ( = 1. 21.1-11) describing his work at Jeru- Cypros (another fortress-palace in the desert above
salem (401-2; 161-83), Samaria (403), Paneion
cf. V. Jericho; cf. Josephus, i. 417), E. Netzer in Qadmoniot,
(404-6), Jericho (407), Caesarea (408 1 5), Antipatris, xxx-xxxi (1975), 41-53. See also preliminary notes
! Anthedon, and Phasaelis (416-18), Herodion of recent excavations at Antipatris by M. Kochavi in
(419-21), other cities in Syria and Phoenicia (422), Israel Exploration Journal, xxv (1975), 246, and xxvi
and other Greek sites (423-5). For Gaba, ibid., iii. (1976), 52.
36. Cf. also Josephus, Antiquities, XV, passim, and 14. Hellenistic Dura, for example, did not have a
especially 8.1.5; 9.5-6. Some scholars credit him with theatre. An interesting outlier is described by F.
building the vast temenos over the tombs of the Wetzel and others in Das Babylon der Spdtzeit
patriarchs at Hebron, though this is not mentioned by {Ausgrabung der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft in

Josephus. For the life and personality of Herod, see A. Babylon, viii (1957), 3-22; cf. Colledge, Parthian
Schahil, Konig Herodes: der Mann iind sein Werk Art, figure 27). There was also a theatre at Seleucia,
(Berlin, 1969). the piers of which are said to have been of baked brick;
6. In trying to summarize this work, none of which C. Hopkins (ed.). Topography and Architecture of
have I much of which is accessibly published
seen and Seleucia on the Tigris(Ann Arbor, 1970), 26-7. We
only in Hebrew, I am very deeply indebted to the know nothing of the theatres referred to by Josephus
generous advice and help of Dr Yoram Tsafrir. at Sidon and Damascus. Several of the early sanc-
7. Most accessibly published in articles (various tuaries of the Hauran have porticoed forecourts
authors) in Jerusalem Revealed, Archaeology in the containing seating, which were designed for the
Holy ig68-igj4 (Jerusalem, 1975).
City, viewing of sacred spectacles and were known as
8. Samaria-Sebaste, (London, 1942), 123-9.
i theatra; e.g. Si' [220], Sur, and Sahr (Butler, South
311. 9. A. Frova and others, Scavi di Caesarea Syria, 379 fF., 428-30, ill. 371 and 441-3, ill. 337,
Maritima (Milan, 1965), publishing the cavea, but not respectively); cf. the antechamber to the Temple of
the stage-building, of the theatre. For the painted Atargatis at Dura (attributed by F. Cumont, Fouilles
stucco floor of the orchaestra, cf. the Augustan theatre de Doura-Europos (Paris, 1926), 183-5 to Artemis; but
at Lepcis Magna; and for its conversion to aquatic set Dura, Third Season, 11-13),which served a similar
shows see above p. 262. See also L. I. Levine, Roman purpose. There no architectural relationship what-

Caesarea, an Archaeological and Topographical Study soever between these and the contemporary classical
(Qedem, v. 2) (Jerusalem, 1975). theatres, although in course of time their place was
312. ID. E. Netzer, 'The Hasmonean and Herodian sometimes taken by buildings of conventional classical

Winter Palaces at Jericho', Israel Exploration Journal, type; e.g. in the popular festival sanctuary of Maiumas
XXV (1975), 89-100, amending and extending pre- at Birketein, near Gerasa (Kraeling, Gerasa, 159-67).
vious accounts by J. L. Kelso and D. C. Baramki and 15. Jewish War, I. 422.


314. 16. The pages that follow owe much to the Emir yard framed a sacred tree; it apparently represents a
Maurice Chehab, Director of the Department of change of plan. The original intention may have been
Antiquities of the Lebanon, and his assistant, the late to build a rectangular outer court the full width of the
H. Kalayan, for allowing access to the results of the inner courtyard (or else to extend the existing court to
recent work, much of it still unpublished. the propylaea).
17. It is nowhere stated in the sources that this was 25. The so-called 'arcuated lintel' or 'Syrian arch';
an official enterprise, but the scale of it hardly leaves see above, pp. 282-3; below, p. 341 and Note 64.
room for doubt. It is significant thdt the patron 26. R. Krautheimer, Early Christian and Byzantine
number of other Syrian cities, including
divinities of a Architecture {Pelican History of Art), 3rd ed. (Har-
the Tyche of Antioch, appear on the coffering of the mondsworth, 1980), 164-5. Foi" coins of Abila in the
Temple of Bacchus. For the character of the cult and Decapolis illustrating a similar facade, see H. Seyrig,
its date, see H. Seyrig, Syria, xxxi (1954), 80-96, Syria, xxxvi (1959), 60 2, plate xii, 1-4. See also
especially 96, note i below, pp. 337 and 339 ff., and Note 64.
18. (xi), 280. 12, ed. Schenk (Stuttgart, 1931), 50, 27. For the probable articulation of the inner fa9ade
cf. 494. in relation to the arcuated lintel of the facade proper,
19. Bulletin Musee de Beyrouth, (1937), 95 ff.
dii I cf. the Temple of Hadrian at Ephesus.
20. The evidence for von Gerkan's contention 28. Cf., for example, the lantern of Borromini's
{Corolla Ludwig Curtlus{igT,l)-, 55~9) that the present church of S. Ivo della Sapienza in Rome. But there is
podium is that of an earlier hellenistic building is no evidence that drawings of Baalbek were available in
not conclusive. It is more likely that the podium and Italy in Borromini's time.
peristasis are those of the Early Roman building, of 322. 29. The accounts of Kalat Fakra, Niha, and
which the forecourt in the original, simpler version some of the otherlesser sanctuaries given by Krencker
was planned to extend back to the seventh column and Zschietzschmann require some modification in
along either flank; that the podium was then re- the light of later work. For Machnaka, see H.
planned (though never in fact completed) so as to Kalayan, Bulletin du Musee de Beyrouth, xvii (1964),
afford a wide platform all round the existing temple 105-10. A larger, 13 feet (4 m.) square version of the
(or conceivably, though less probably, to carry the columnar type of altar has now been excavated in front
peristasis of an even larger, dodecastyle temple); and of the Temple of Nabo at Palmyra (A. Bounni,
that the forecourt in its re-designed, second-century Annales Archeologiques de Syrie, xv (1965), 127-35).
version was at meant to be extended so as to
first For the great tower at Kalat Fakra, see P. Collart,
enclose the temple on all sides, but that this plan too Syria, L (1973), 137-61. It is neither an altar nor a
was modified during construction, cutting it short mausoleum, though the form is closely related to some
along the line of the existing facade, as one now sees it. of the tower tombs discussed by E. Will {Syria, xxvi
See also D. Krencker, Anz. (1934), 268-86. (1949), 258-313). There is no evidence of a pyramidal
317. 21. The building most closely comparable to roof. It was probably terraced and built as a treasury.
Baalbek in size and proportions was Hadrian's temple 30. Niha, Temple A: Krencker-Zschietzschmann,
atCyzicus, which measured about 155 by 300 feet (47 106-15. The somewhat similar adyton of the Temple
by 92 m.) at stylobate level and was slightly taller from of Ba'alshamin at Palmyra must in this context reflect
base to capital; see above, pp. 281-2. the influence of Baalbek, not local Palmyrene usage.
22. The 'Tomb of Absolom' at Jerusalem (Durm, 31. E.g. Niha, Temple B (for which see Krencker-
Baukunst, figure 833) and a stray architrave bracket at Zschietzschmann, 116-18), the spring-side shrine of
Samaria {Samaria-Sebaste, i, 35 and plate 85. 1-2). Temnin el-Foka {ibid., 138-40), and Zekweh, which
23. E. von Mercklin, Das antike Figuralkapitelle is relatively late in date but of archaic design, ibid..
(Berlin, 1962), 27-30 and Abb. 109-31; and in R.M., 198 202.
LX-LXI (1953-4), 184-99. See also Proceedings of the 323. 1,2. ibid., 40-6.
British Academy, li (1965), 192 and plate lv (bull 325- 33- J- Lauffray, Bulletin du Musee de Beyrouth,
brackets at Hatra). The motif of the bull protome used VII (1945), 13-80; Seyrig, ibid., viii (1949), 155 8
as a bracket had, of course, already entered the wider 34. G. Downey, A History of Antioch, 154-7.
hellenistic repertory independently, though doubtless 35. D. Levi, Antioch Mosaic Pavements (Princeton,
from the same source; e.g. Stoa of Antigonus and the 1947). The promised study of the architectural
Fythion at Delos (A. W. Lawrence, Greek Architecture remains is still awaited.
{The Pelican History of Art) (llarmondsworth, 1957), 36. 'Bath C 1
224B] {Antioch, i, 19 31) is said to be a
figures 149, 152). rebuilding 350 400) on the same foundations as an

320. 24. One suggestion is that the hexagonal court- early-second-century building. The central octagonal

hall, inscribed within a square with apsidal recesses in Bint and on the Khasne, the richest of all the temple
the diagonal angles, has many Pompeian and Roman tomb facades, a somewhat evolved version of it was

precedents. The plan suggests vaulting, but if so it still in use in the middle of the second century on the
must have been in very light materials. pilasters of the monumental arch.
37. Antioch, 1 1
1, plan v 1 1 1 (p. 259); cf. the far more 47. The Hegra cemetery was
first published by RR.

! elaborate house at Daphni (no. i) in Antioch, 1 1

1, plan PP. Jaussen and Savignac, Mission archeologique en
! vii=Levi, op. cit., figure 26 (the 'House of Menan- Arable (Paris, 1909), 307-404. The most recent
! der'). For an exceptionally symmetrical house plan, analysis of the cemetery, with its many dated tombs

see Antioch, 1 1, 183 6 = Levi, figure 63 (second half of (A. Negev, Revue Biblique, Lxxxi (1976), 203-36), 1 1

the third century). claims to support the earlier chronology, believing the
326. 38. At Laodiceia (Latakieh), remains of col- total absence of the more elaborate, typologically
onnaded streets and a four-way arch: C. M. de Vogiie, more developed forms to be a matter of social status,
La Syne centnile, plate 29; J. Sauvaget, Bulletin not of date. But it is hard to believe that, if the
iFctudes orlentales, v (1934), 81-1 14. For recent work
i prestigious temple tombs of Petra had already been in
at Apamea, see Note i; cf. Butler, Architecture, 52-7. existence for half a century, or more, they would have
39. For the individual sites referred to in this area, left novisible trace on the architectural vocabulary of
sec Butler, North Syria, and Tchalenko. Cf. also the tombs of men of whom some were quite senior
krautheimer, op. cit. (Note 26), 146-7. military officials.
40. E.g. the hunting lodge of Caliph Walid I 332. 48. For the arch, see G. R. H. Wright, Palestine
(705-15) at Qasr el-Amr: K. A. C. Creswell, Early Exploration Qjiarterly (1961), 124-35; it is dem-
Muslim Architecture, (Oxford, 1932), 253-72. Cf. the i onstrably later structurally than the colonnaded
military bath-buildings at Dura {Sixth Season, street, which was certainly in existence by 114 (P. J.
(S4 105) and 'Bath E' at Antioch (Levi, op. cit., figure Parr, ihid. (i960), 130 ft.). The earliest surviving arch

100; Constantinian). to incorporate free-standing columns (a feature of the

328. 41. Seyrig, Syria, xxvii (1950), 34-7. arch at Petra) is the Arch of Hadrian {c. 130) at
42. Watzinger and Wulzinger, Abb. 18. Antalya (Attaleia) in Pamphylia (K. Lanckoronski,
329. 43. E.g. Commagene, the extraordinarily eclec- Stiidte Pamphyliens unci Pisicliens (Vienna, 1892), i,

tic quality of whose art is admirably exemplified in the 154 ff.).

pxat dynastic sanctuary of Nemrud Dag. Italian-style 334. 49. For the temple, see Wright, op. cit., 8-37;
opus reticulatum is reported from the city walls of the and for the most recent excavations, P. J. Parr and
capital, Samosata. It was used also in the tower tomb G. K. H. Wright, Syria, xlv (1968), 1-40. For the
of C. lulius Samsigeramos, a member of the royal inscription of Aretas IV, J. Starcky and J. Strugnell,
family of Emesa (a.d. 79-80). Revue Biblique (1966), 236-47.
44. For a convenient statement of the traditional 50. See above, pp. 314 ff.

\iew, see M. Lyttleton, Baroque Architecture in 51. N. Glueck, Deities and Dolphins (New York,
Classical Antiquity (London, 1974), 61-83. 1965), 73-160. For this well attested Nabataean form,
45. A decisive answer to the chronological problem see further pp. 339-41.
can only be given by systematic, large-scale exca- 52. See below, pp. 349.
\ meantime the terms of the problem have
ation. In the 53. Krautheimer, op. cit. ,151 and note 21.
been greatly clarified by the limited excavations 54. R. Amy, Syria, xxvii (1950), 82-136. Araq el-

undertaken by P. J. Parr and G. R. H. Wright, Emir, between Jericho and Amman, is now identified
summarized in Syria, XLV (1968), 1-40. as a temple of the same general type, begun by

330. 46. The distinctively blocked-out 'Nabataean' Hyrcanus and left unfinished on his death in 175 B.C.:
on the mausoleum of ed-Deir
capital, here illustrated P.'W. Lapp, B.A.S.O.R., clxxi (October 1963),
2 1 3] and on the tombs
Hegra, where it was the only at 3-38; cf. Butler, South Syria, 1-22. Cf. also coins of
form used [212], had a long life, going back at least to Capitolias in the Decapolis, depicting a temple facade
the beginning of the first century, if not earlier, and with angle-turrets above the pediment and what
still in use in Trajanic Bostra (see below, p. 345). In its appears to be an altar on the roof, above the cella
fully worked form it is a derivative Corinthian capital, (Seyrig,Syria, xxxvi (1959), 66-70, plate xii.
with elaborately carved scrollwork filling the whole of 614). For the temple at Dmeir, see Amy, art. cit.
the central field, a version of the 'heterodox' type of 335- 55- The general topography of Gerasa is ad-
Corinthian capital, which is analysed by D. Schlum- mirably shown in Atlas of Classical Archaeology, ed.
berger in Syria, xiv (1933), 233-317. Found in M. I. Finley (London, 1977), 223.
almost identical form and treatment on the Qasr el- 56. As defined on pp. 260 2.

336. 57. The wedge-shaped plan of this gate, with examples of what must in fact have been a common
two diverging facades, anticipates the more sophisti- practice.
cated third-century arch across the main colonnaded 347. 69. The use of the triconchos for the domestic
street at Palmyra (see p. 359). audience hall of the Residence at Bostra, and probably
338. 58. Other Syrian analogies: Creswell, op. cit. also Dura (Note 79),
at anticipates what was to
(Note 40), figures 382 (Mausoleum of Qusayr an- become a commonplace of the palace architecture of
Numajjis) and 386 (Samaria, pagan tomb). late antiquity, including Early Muslim Syria; cf.

59. No doubt from the Hauran, where there are below, p. 463. For the palace at Apollonia, see R. G.
(cf. below, p. 343).
similar vaults Goodchild, Antiquity, xxxiv (i960), 246 58; and in
339. 60. For the fountain buildings of Asia Minor, J.Pedley (ed.), Apollonia, the Port ofCyrene {Supple-
see p. 299. Lepcis Magna, p. 390. Amman: Butler, ments to Libya Antiqua, iv) (Department of Anti-
South Syria, 54-9. Pella: Seyrig, Syria, xxxvi quities, Tripoh, 1976), 245-65.
(1959), 42. 70. Umm el-Jemal: G. U. S. Corbett, P.B.S.R.,
61. 'The Hauran' may for convenience be used to XX V (1957), 39-66. Busan: Butler, South Syria,
describe the whole area, south-east of Damascus, of 336-40.
which the Djebel Hauran is the centre. Unless 349. 71. Rostovtzeff, 17-18. No detailed publication
otherwise noted the buildings referred to in this has yet appeared.
section are all published in Butler, South Syria. 72. Dura, Ninth Season, part 3.

341. 62.D: Schlumhevger, Proceedings of the British 73. Interim accounts of most of the temples at Dura .

Academy, xlvii (1961), 77-95. Preliminary reports are given in the Reports on the successive seasons; cf. ,\

annually in xht Journal Asiatique, from 1959. Rostovtzeff, 41-6. The only substantial publication of i

63. Below, p. 354 and Note 83. the excavations at Hatra (begun in 1950), by F. Safer '

64. For the 'Syrian arch' or 'arcuated lintel', see and M. A. Mustafa, is in Arabic (Baghdad, 1974), i

D. F. Brown, A.J.A., xlvi (1942), 389-99; Crema, though an English version is said to be in preparation.
142 3, 344-5. The motif first appears on Assyrian For a good summary, with some sketch plans, see H.
reliefs. The towered fa9ade stems ultimately from Lenzen in Anz. (1955), 334-75; cf. F. Safer in Sumer,
Persepohs; E. F. Schmidt, Persepolis (1955), 125, viii-ix (1952 3). The great temple complex is now !

figure 59. For its uses in Roman Syria, see above, pp. securely dated to the second century, not the first (a |

320 and 337. vital inscription had been misread), and it is certainly |

343. 65. R. Naumann, Der Qjiellhezirk von Nimes a temple, not a palace. The plan of the second (later i

(Berlin-Leipzig, 1937), 46-53; J. B. Ward-Perkins, hellenistic) Citadel Palace at Dura is plausibly re-
J.R.S., XXXVIII (1948), 64. stored as embodying a facade consisting of three great
66. Perhaps even as early as a.d. 160-9 over the open-fronted, barrel-vaulted halls {iwan). This is a

central bay of the military shrine (the 'Praetorium') at characteristically Mesopotamian plan, closely anal-
Mismiyeh (Roman Phaena) [221], seen and drawn by ogous to that of the huge central temple at Hatra, j

De Vogiie {La Syne centrale, plate vii) and other which in its turn reveals a reciprocal Western in- !

early travellers before was destroyed for its building

it fluence in its bold use, unique in Mesopotamia, of ,

stone; see also E. Weigand, Festschrift H. Bulk dressed masonry. In many respects Dura and Hatra
(Stuttgart, 1938), 71. The four corner bays were are complementary sites; see J. B. Ward-Perkins, '

roofed with flat slabs, the four arms of the internal Proceedings of the British Academy, Li (1965), 175-99.
cross with barrel-vaults, also of slabs, buttressing the 74. E.g. in the temple of 'Qasr el-Bint' at Petra (pp.
central bay. 332-4)-
344. 67. Butler, Architecture, 327-34. 352. 75. The house-church at Dura: Dura, Fifth
346. 68. In the West, military camps very commonly Season, 238-53; C. H. Kraeling, The Christian Build-
occupied virgin sites, forming a nucleus independent ing {The Excavations at Dura-Europos. Final Report,
of the civil settlements that grew up alongside or VIII. 2)(New Haven, 1967); Krautheimer, op. cit.
around them. In the East, where most of the impor- (Note 27-8. The synagogue: C. H. Kraeling, The
tant strategic sites had already been inhabited for Synagogue {ibid., viii. i) (New Haven, 1956).
centuries, it was common, though not invariable (cf. 76. Dura, Seventh and Eighth Seasons, 62-134.
Melitene and Satala in Cappadocia, both Flavian 77. Dura, Fifth Season, 201-37 (the praetorium);
foundations on new sites), to adopt a policy of Sixth Season, 49-63, 84-104 (bath-buildings). One of
integration, with the military installations often the latter in its original form dates back to the Parthian
widely scattered throughout the town. Severan Dura period and is one of the earliest tangible traces of
and Diocletianic Palmvra offer well documented Roman architectural influence on Dura.

78. Dura, Ninth Season, part 3, 1-25. 89. Kraeling, Gerasa, 117-23; Forschungen in

79. The larger room at the south end of the facade, Ephesos, III (1923), 172 88. The processional way
adjoining the private suite, was probably a domestic leading to the Temple of Bel, if built as planned,
audience hall of triapsidal (triconchos) plan; cf. Bostra, would have been nearly 130 feet (40 m.) wide.
p. 347. Unfortunately all but the side wall and one 360. 90. Interim account by Seyrig in C.R.AJ.
lateral apse have disappeared over the cliff. (1940), 237-49. For the basilica as a possible kai-
80. Dura, Sixth Season, 84 (Bath 7) and 266 M sareion, see P.B.S.R., xxvi (1958), 181-2.
(House of the Scribes). For its use in Asia Minor, see 91. A. Bounni and N. Saliby, A.A.A.S., xv (1965),
p. 277. 124.
81. Rostovtzeff, /)rt«/w. 92. For the reconstruction of the adyton, see P.
354. 82. Of which Palmyra was probably at the time Collart, A.A.A.S., xi (1969), 21-4.
a political protege (Appian, Civil War, v. 9). See also 93. They include an instance of the 'Rhodian' peri-
above, pp. 308-9 and Note 2. which one colonnade is taller than the rest.
style, in

83. Seyrig, Syria, xx i (1940), 277-337, discussing a 361. 94. Tower-tombs: E. Will, ^yrw, xx VI (1949),
deposit found in the precinct of the Temple of Bel, 87-116. Hypogea: e.g. the tomb of larhai (a.d. 108),
which included the earliest known Palmyrene in- Syria, xvii (1936), 229-66. Pedimental tombs: e.g.
scription (44 B.C.), and which almost certainly comes Tomb 86, with a hexastyle, pedimental fac^ade, Pal-
from the predecessor of the present temple. To this myra, I, 71-6; II, plates 38-44.
can now be added comparable material from the 95. The view that the 'Chapel of the Standards' is an
foundations of the Temple of Nabo and from deposits earlier temple converted to military use (e.g. En-
related to the earliest buildings of the sanctuary of ciclopedia dell'Arte Antica, v, s.v. 'Palmira') is not
Ba'alshamin; see below, Notes 91 and 92. generally accepted. For the successive wall circuits of
84. The date of the temple itself is given by an Palmyra, see N. Gawlikowski, Syria, li (1974),
inscription (J. Cantineau, Syria, xiv (1933), 170-4), 231-42; and for Palmyra as a garrison town, R.
that of the porticoes by a comparison (D. Schlumber- Fellman, Melanges Collart (Lausanne, 1976), 173-91.
ger, ibid., 283-317) with the capitals of such dated The bath-building beside the axial street dates from
monuments as the tower-tombs of lamblichos (a.d. this occasion. Luxor: U. Monneret de Villard, Ar-
83) and Elahbel (a.d. 103). Inscriptions on the chaeologia, xcv (1953), 96. Lambaesis: F. Rakob and
porticoes giving dates as early as a.d. 14 {ibicL, 291, S. Storz, R. M., Lxxxi (1974), 253-80.
note 4) are recut, replacing earlier texts - a common
Palmyrene practice. CHAPTER 13
356. 85. For the term thalamos, see Lucian's de-
scription {The Syrian Goddess, 31) of the temple at 363. I. L. Borchardt,^^-'^/-, XVII (1903), 73-90;
Hierapolis. cf. the small Hadrianic Temple of Serapis at Luxor,
357. 86. See E. Will, ^..^..^.^., XX 1(1971), 261-7; 1 tetrastyle and peripteral on three sides, built through-
also M. Colledge {The Art of Palmyra, 237-8: 'On to out of brick (J. Leclant, Orientalia, xx (1951), 454,
this quiet scene exploded the gigantic temple of Bel'), and XXX (1961), 183). For what is claimed to be the
emphasizing the impact of ideas and workmen platform of a prestige temple of Roman type begun
brought in from Antioch and possibly some of the (but not finished) by Cornelius Gallus in 2^,-22 B.C.
other coastal cities. Will demonstrates the influence at in the fortress of Qasr Ibrim, on the frontier towards
second hand of the second-century B.C. architect Nubia, see LE.N. (11 July 1964), 50-3. Kiosk of
Hermogenes (who was much admired by Vitruvius), Trajan: L. Borchardt and H. Ricke, Aegyptische
an influence that is reflected not only in the general Tempel mit Umgang (1938), 13 f. Arch of Diocletian:
proportions but also in such tell-tale details as the pair U. Monneret de Villard, La Nubia romana, 5-10,
of Ionic half-columns set between the angle pilasters figures 4-8. The extreme conservatism of much
of the two ends of the cella, an obvious vestigial Roman architecture in Egypt is well exemplified in the
reflection of the free-standing Ionic columns of a Augustan (23-10 B.C.) temple from Dendur, above
conventional pronaos and opisthodomos. x'\ Seleucid Aswan, now re-erected in New York: C. Aldred, The
liking for the Corinthian order is evident in the Temple of Dendur (Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Olympieion at Athens, which was commissioned by 1978); a full publication is in preparation.
Antiochus IV Epiphanes (see above, p. 263). 366. 2. LL.N. (19 November 1966), 32. A. Adriani,
87. See Note 84 above. Annuaire du Musee greco-romain d'Alexandrie, 1935-9
359. 88. Inscriptions of a.d. 76 and 81 may well be (1940), 136-48.
another instance of the disconcerting Palmyrene habit 3. Cf. also the yet earlier Ptolemaion, erected soon
of re-cutting earlier texts. after 304 b c by the Rhodians in honour of Ptolemy
. . I


and described by Diodorus (xx. 100. 4) as a long the auditorium (porticus in summa cavea) is a later
rectangular temenos with two inward-facing por- addition.
ticoes. I owe this reference to the late Eric Sjoqvist. 379. 14. Provisional account in Reports and Mono- i

4. For the originally late hellenistic date of this graphs of the Department of Antiquities in Tripolitania,
building, see S. Stucchi, Architettiira Cirenaica, 11(1949), 23. ;'

125-7. His identification of the enclosed temple as 380. 15. In this context presumably a legacy from
dedicated to the deified Hadrian {ibid., 244-5) I'^sts on pre-Imperial North African usage. This familiar
the slenderest of evidence. hellenistic type is recorded from South Italy (Mintur-
368. 5. S. Stucchi, Qjiaderni, iv (1961), 55 81; nae) and Sicily (Halaesa).
Architettura Cirenaica, 237-9. For other temples of 384. 16. Many of these vaults were built up on a

Roman Cyrene, see Stucchi, passim; also R. G. framework of tubular tiles, a technique that was i

Goodchild, J. M. Reynolds, and R. C. Herington, widely employed in Roman North Africa and Sicily,
P.B.S.R., XXVI (1958), 30-62 (Temple of Zeus), and whence it spread to central and northern Italy in late
R. G. Goodchild, Qjiaderni, iv (1961), 83-7 (the antiquity; see p. 465.
Valley Street excavations). Krencker and Kriiger, op. cit. (Chapter 9, Note

6. A well documented example is the Severan 20), 224-5, Abb. 317, after Anz. (1905).
rebuilding, in Proconnesian marble, of the courtyard 393. 18. In some African cities, e.g. at Sabratha,
building (a macellum?) which preceded the fourth- such streetside porticoes can be shown in some cases
century Market Theatre; see J. B. Ward-Perkins and to have carried projecting upper storeys; cf. Hercu-

S. Gibson, article forthcoming in Libya Antiqua. laneum [89].

7. The date is and pending controlled
controversial, 19. Corresponding to the 'petit appareil' of Roman

stratigraphic excavation it is likely to remain so. Some Gaul or the coursed rubblework of Asia Minor. In one
recent writers (e.g. H. Lauter m J.D.A.I., lxxxvi of its most characteristic versions, incorporating piers
(1971), 158-78, and M. Lyttleton, Baroque Architec- of larger blocks laid alternately vertically and horizon-
ture in Classical Antiquity^ 53^68) favour the hellenis- tally so as to bond with the smaller-stone infilling, this

tic date proposed by the original excavator, Gennaro is conventionally known as 'opus africanum' or, in
Pesce. The present writer (most recently in A.J. A., Italian, as 'opera a telaio' [cf. 269, the right-hand wall,
LXXX (1976), 322-4, reviewing Lyttleton) believes in shadow; the rear wall is a modern restoration,
firmly in the Early Imperial date proposed by A. von omitting the horizontal members]. technique The
Gerkan {Gnomon^ xxiii (1951), 341), R. Martin appears to have originated from the use of mud brick
{Revue des Etudes Grecques, Lxv (1952), 235-7), ^^^ or mud and rubble within a framework of dressed
others. For a full bibliography, S. Stucchi, Architet- stone orthostates.
tura Cirenaica, 217, note i. Stucchi prefers the later 20. It seems to have had a portico and a small temple
chronology, but has succeeded in further confusing at the head of the cavea and a single portico behind the
the issue (p. 216 and figure 5) by dreaming up an stage-building {porticus post scaenam), as at Thugga.
earlier structural phase consisting of three distinct For the upper portico, cf. Caesarea (Cherchel),
houses. The Palazzo does incorporate earlier struc- Lepcis, and Thugga (Caputo, // Teatro di Sabratha,
tures, but demonstrably not in the pattern proposed 50-6); and for similarly placed temples, above, p. 376
by Stucchi. and Note 12.

369. 8. In later Roman terminology the triclinium; 394. 21. There must have been some provision for
see above, p. 187. the imperial cult, either in the basilica or in one of the
370. 9. See above, p. 341; below, p. 389. rooms opening off the forum.
10. Common at Ptolemais. To be distinguished 22. Gsell, Aldaourouch, 66 and 71-2, plate xvii;
formally from the Syrian 'arcuated lintel'; see above, probably the 'basilica vetus' of Inscriptions latines
Chapter 11, Note 17. The latter form is also found in d'Algerie, 2135. Professor F. Rakob informs me that
the domestic architecture of Cyrenaica. the basilica at Simitthu (Hadrianic) was a plain hall
1 1 Goodchild and Kraeling in Kraeling, Ptolemais, with internal piers along the walls and an apse at either

89-93- end.
376. 12. G. Caputo, Dioniso, xiii (1950), 164-78. 23. Tipasa (unpublished; not Gsell, Monuments,
For other African theatre-temples, see E. Frezouls, figure 38) had longitudinal colonnades and an apse
'Teatri romani dell'Africa francese', Dioniso, xv flanked by 'chapels'. Sigus: Gsell, Monuments,
(1952), 90-101; Hanson, Roman Theater-Temples, 129-32, figure 37. Thubursicu: Gsell, Khamissa,
67 74, plate II.
13. The porlicus post scaenaiii of epigraphy; cf 24. See Merlin, Le Forum de Thuburbo Mams, 34,
Vitruvius, v. 9. i. The colonnade around the head of for a list of African curiae.

25. Carthage: C.I.L., viii, 1013. The known Af- 106-9), and the Baths (1919, 87-94, and 1921,
rican Capitoha are very varied, some with tripartite Ixvii).

cella (Cuicul, Thibihs, Thuburbo Maius), some single 404. 33. A. Merlin, Forum et maisons d' Althiburos
(Thugga), and at least one bipartite (Lambaesis). {Notes et documents, vi) (1913), 39-45; R. Etienne, Le
Sufetula [274] had three separate temples. A distinc- Qjmrtier nord-est de Volubilis, 77-80. Cf the 'House
tive local form has lateral projections flanking the of the Laberii'at Uthina in Tunisia: P. Gauckler,

cella, as at Abthugni and Althiburos: Cagnat and Monuments et Memoir es Piot, 1 (1896), 177-299. For1 1

Gauckler, i 18; Gsell, Monuments, 133-54; Gsell, a very compact, two-storeyed version of early date, see
Annonna, 70-3 (Thibilis); cf. Sabratha (above, p. the 'House of the Figured Capitals' at Utica, A.
380). Lezine, Karthago, vii (1956), 3-53. For a useful
26. For the arches and monumental gates of Algeria, repertory of pubHshed house plans in North Africa,
see Gsell, Monuments, 155-85. In Africa such arches see R. Rebuffat, Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire
were used indiscriminately across streets or street- (Ecole Fran9aise de Rome), lxxxi (1969), 659-729;
crossings, as gates into cities or into major sanctuaries Lxxxvi (1974). i,445~99-
(e.g. that of Mercurius Sobrius at Vazi Sarra, Cagnat 407. 34. Much of the evidence is epigraphic and is

and Gauckler, 68-9, plate xxi) or as independent conveniently assembled in Warmington, 35-40.
monuments (Arch of Caracalla at Volubilis). All but 408. 35. See A. hezine. Architecture punique: recueil
the simplest must be visualized as having normally de documents (Tunis, 1956). The excavations at
carried statuary. Carthage have amply confirmed the continuity of
395. 27. Hippo Regius: J. Lassus, Libyca, vii building and paving techniques from Punic into
With pavilion: Cuicul (below, p. 401)
(1959), 311-16. Roman times.
and possibly Thugga (Poinssot, Ruines de Doiigga, 409. 36. See now tall, tower-like tombs,
the pair of
33-4), where it opened off a large courtyard. Without concave triangular and crowned by a slender
in plan
pavilion: Gigthis (Constans, 'Gigthis', plate xi 1) and 1 pyramidal shaft, found at Sabratha and ascribed by
Thibilis (Gsell, Annoumi, 76-9, plate xix, 2). At the excavator to the early second century B.C. The
Thuburbo Maius (Merlin, 49-51) one whole side of elaborately carved ornament, finished in coloured
this forum is occupied by a Temple of Mercury and a stucco, includes Phoenician volute capitals ('proto-
market complex comprising a plain open courtyard, a Aeolic' capitals), an 'Egyptian' cornice, and Ionic
courtyard surrounded on three sides by shops, and a capitals of South Italian or Sicilian derivation. A. Di
partly covered, peristyle market. See further the Vita, R.M., Lxxxiii (1976), 273 85.
article forthcoming in Libya Antiqua (above, Note 6); 410. 37. A. Lezine, Architecture romaine, 99-118.
also Romanelli, 146-52. Lixus, information from M. Taradell.
28. A. Ballu, Les Ruines de Timgad: sept annees de 412. 38. Lambaesis: R. Cagnat, Mem. Pont., i

decouvertes (Paris, 191 1), 13-16; Romanelli, plate 108. (1923), 81-8. Gsell, Monuments, 140-3. Zaghouan: F.
396. 29. H. F. Pfeiffer, Al.A.A.R., ix (1931), Rakob, R.M., lxxxi (1974), 41-89. The aqueduct
157-65; Romanelli, 202-3, plate 153. was possibly begun by Hadrian; the Nymphaeum is
398. 30. Lezine, Monuments romames, 9-28, with dated on the basis of its ornament to c. 160-70. In
sketch-plans. Lambaesis: Krencker and Kriiger, op. North Africa, as in most other provinces, springs were
cit.(Note 17), 214-15, Abb. 295. Lepcis: R. G. very commonly regarded as sacred and accompanied
Goodchild, Libya Antiqua, 11 (1965), 15-27. Also by sanctuaries of greater or lesser elaboration.

Thysdrus (El-Djem): Bulletin Archeologique (1920),

465-71 The baths at Carthage are noteworthy for the
skilful relegation of most of the service areas to vaulted

corridors and chambers beneath the main platform, as 415. I. Malalas, Chr. XII, 299.
in the Kaiserthermen Trier (p. 448), as well as being
at 421. 2. Much, if not all, of the exterior was stuccoed,
an early example of the extensive use in Africa of fine including the mouldings.
imported stones, marble from Greece (Attica) and 426. 3. A. Eraser, A.J. A., lxxvii (1973), 45-8.
Asia Minor (Proconnesus), and red granite from Professor F. W. Deichmann tells me that tile-stamps
Egypt. prove the building, traditionally the tomb of the
399. 31. For many of these buildings, see Romanelli, Gordians, to have been erected c. 300.
170-90 and plates 128-42. 428. 4. This account based on an unpublished

401. 32. For further details of these buildings, see survey undertaken by the writer in collaboration with
interim accounts in Bulletin Archeologique (1911-21), Alfred Eraser. For the extensive bibliography con-
notably the Old Forum (1915, 117-23), the Market cerning this building and its identification, see Nash,
(1916, 218-34), the Temple of Venus Genetrix(i9ii, 11,268.

5. It is tempting to restore a split pediment, framing 457. 9. E.g. Siimeg and Fenekpuszta, near Lake
the dome behind; but there is no evidence for this. Balaton in Hungary: A. Mocsy, Pannonia and Upper
The akernatives are a pair of small gables or else a pair Moesia (London, 1974), 302, figures 49, 50.
of flat entablatures, perhaps embellished with statues 458. ID. E.g. Gamzigrad, a strongly fortified rec-
over the columns. tangular settlement laid out about two intersecting
430. 6. The from the Arcus Novus of Dio-
reliefs colonnaded streets, about forty miles north of Naissus
cletian (303-4), now Gardens, Florence,
in the Boboli (Nish). Excavation is revealing this as a palatial
must similarly have been looted from some monu- residence, probably the centre of an imperial estate,
ment of the first half of the third century. For the and thus a rather special case. But the model was
reliefs see H. Kahler, Zivei Zockel eines Triuniphhogens widely followed in other contexts. Gamzigrad was
im Boholigarten zu Florenz {Winckelmanmfeste^ xcvi) itself rebuilt by Justinian as a small fortified township.
(Berlin, 1936), a study which assumes them to be of 11.Libanius, Orations, xi. 204-7 (written in 360).
Diocletianic date. Once again there are close analogies with con-
434. As was clearly demonstrated by Cozzo.
7. temporary military architecture, notably the head-
435. 'Non ... a cassetta, ma veramente massivi in
8. quarters building of the camp established by Dio-
mattoni' (G. Giovannoni in Atti del II Congresso cletian at Palmyra.
Nazionale di Studi Romani (1931), 291, reporting 12. Durm, Batiktinst, figure 857. Crema, figure 753.

sondages by himself). For the semi-engaged internal orders within the

438. 9. Professor Rakob has pointed out to me that, mausoleum, cf. the late Severan circular temple at
here too, Hadrian's Villa anticipates later practice. Ostia {M.A.A.R., viii (1930), 161-9), and the
The winter triclinium known as the 'Latin Library' 'Tempio di Portunno' mausoleum at Portus (Crema,
was directly accessible from the garden through just 563 4. figure 745)-
such a columnar exedra. 461. 13. The identification of the owner as Max-
imian, first proposed by H. P. L'Orange {Symbolae
5 Osloenses, xix (1952), 114-28), and accepted by the
excavator, Gentili, is difficult to square with the
441. I. The current excavations at Sirmium (Srem- evidence (largely unpublished) of the associated pot-
ska Mitrovica) have revealed the location of the teryand of the mosaics, as viewed in the context of the
hippodrome, the foundations of the Licinian Baths, North African series. For a well balanced assessment,
and a rather indeterminate complex of rooms believed with extensive bibliography, see K. M. Dunbabin,
to be part of the palace. A richly appointed peristyle- The Mosaics of Roman North Africa (Oxford, 1978),
house with a separate bath suite is clearly a private 196-212 and Appendix v, 243-5.
residence. 463. 14. Notably in I. Lavin ('The House of the
442. 2. See above, pp. 229-30 and illustration 139. Lord'; see bibliography). There does not seem to be
446. 3. For possibly similar buildings at Aquileia any comprehensive recent review of the architecture
and at Veldidena in Austria, see below, p. 464 and of these buildings to match the rapid advance in
Note 18. The blind arcading of the exterior is a motif knowledge of the mosaics that were their most striking
that was picked up by the fourth-century architects of feature.
North Italy. 15. R. Naumann and H. Belting, Die Eu-
448. 4. Cf. the Antonine .Baths at Carthage. phemiakirche am Hippodrom zu Istanbul und ihre
450. 5. For a systematic bibliography of the known Freshen {Istanbuler Forschungen, xxv) (Berlin, 1966).
remains of the palace buildings at Thessalonike, see A. Cf. the accounts of the early-fifth-century palace of
Avramea in Tabula Imperii Romania sheet K 34, Lausus: I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Byzantinorum, i

Nahsus^cd.]. Sasel (Ljubljana, 1976), 143-4, s. v. r^os. (Bonn, 1838-9), 564, s.v. Kedrenos.
149-56. 464. 16. Order of Famous Cities, vv. 35-45.
454. 6. See above, p. 276 and Chapter 11, Note 4. 17. Krautheimer, 82-6, ill. 35.

7. Professor H. Torp informs me that the mauso- 18. S. Simpliciano: Krautheimer, ills. 39, 40. Aqui-
leum was apparently unfinished on the death of leia: M. Mirabella Roberti, Aquileia Nostra, xxxvi
Galcrius, and that the upper part of the dome was (1965), 45-78. Veldidena: A. Wotschitzky,.7.0..^./.,
only completed when it was converted into a church. XL IV (1959), Bb. 5-32. S. Irminio warehouses: see
8. Cf. the gallery of the palace at Antioch (p. 458). above, illustration 300.
Such galleries derive ultimately from the porticoes of 465. 19. Krautheimer, 185, 186.
the porticus villas, through buildings such as the villa 20. See R. Krautheimer's volume in The Pelican
of Sette Bassi (p. 208). History of Art {op. cit).

In the glossary which follows Greek terms are given in anta (-ae). Pilasters forming the ends of the lateral
their Latin form, where such is attested, or else in the walls of a temple cella. When the facade consists of
English form in common use. The extent of angli- columns set between two antae the columns are said
cization, especially as regards plurals, is a matter of to be in antis.

taste. The classical plurals are here added in brackets antefix. Decorative termination of the row of covering
to those words that are most likely to be met in this tiles {imbrices) laid over the joints between two rows
form. of fiat tiles {tegulae) of a roof.
Fuller glossaries will be found in W. B. Dinsmoor, apodyterium {-a). The changing room of a bath-
The Architecture of Ancient Greece (London and New building.
York, 1950), and in D. S. Robertson, A Handbook of ara {-ae). Altar.
Greek and Roman Architecture^ 2nd ed. (Cambridge, architrave. The horizontal element, of stone or tim-
1943). These should be consulted particularly for the ber, spanning the interval between two columns or
terminology of Roman architectural ornament, a great piers.

which is directly borrowed or adapted from

deal of araeostyle (Greek, araiostylos). With columns very
Greek architectural usage. For the names of the widely spaced. Vitruvius (ill. iii. 1-5) classifies

various types of building construction used in Rome colonnades in terms of the sizes of their intercolum-
and Central Italy, see further G. Lugli, La Tecnica niations relative to the base diameters of their
edilizia roniana con particolare riguardo a Roma e columns, as follows: araeostyle (more than three
Lazio, 2 vols (Rome, 1957), 48-50. diameters), diastyle (three diameters), eustyle (two
and a quarter diameters), systyle (two diameters),
and pycnostyle (one and a half diameters). Like so
abacus. The upper member of a capital. many Vitruvian classifications it is over-rigid, but
acropolis. Citadel (Latin, arx). the terms araeostyle and pycnostyle are convenient.
acroterium (-a). Ornamental finial(s) at the apex or arcuated lintel. Conventional term for the arching-up
outer angles of a pediment. of the members of a horizontal entablature over the
adyton. Sanctuary of a Syrian temple; also oc- central opening of a columnar facade, as in illus-

casionally thalamos (p. 356). tration 220 (Temple of Dushara). Originating in

aedicula {-ae). Diminutive ofaedes, a temple; whence a Syria, it is sometimes referred to as the 'Syrian arch'.

small columnar or pilastered tabernacle used Very common in the ceremonial architecture of later
ornamentally. antiquity.
agger. Rampart. arx. Citadel (Greek, acropolis). In Rome the name of
agora. The Greek-speaking equivalent of the forum. the northern part of the Capitoline Hill.
ala {-ae). Wings extending to right and left at the far ashlar. Regular masonry of squared stones laid in

end of the traditional atrium, in front of the horizontal courses with vertical joints.
tablinum. Obsolescent by the first century a.d. atrium {-a). The central hall of a traditional Italic
ambuhitio. Terrace for exercise. Cf. illustrations 119, private house. By the first century a.d. the atrium,
121. though still widely used in Italy and occasionally in
amphitheatre. Oval building with seating facing in- the provinces, was obsolescent as a contemporary
wards on to a central arena for gladiatorial or similar building type. In the Late Republican and Early
spectacles. Imperial atrium the central part of the roof sloped
anathyrosis. The smooth marginal dressing of the inwards towards a rectangular opening {compluvium)
outer contact band of a masonry joint, the central situated above a similarly shaped shallow fountain
portion being left roughened and sunk so as to avoid basin {impluvium). See illustration 115.
contact. attic.Upper storey, or block of masonry with inde-
andron. Room in a Greek house reserved for men. The pendent mouldings, situated above a cornice; e.g.
passage between two peristyles (Vitruvius, vi. vii. 5). illustrations 35, loi. It often served, notably on

In Roman Syria a public hall (see pp. 327-8). monumental arches, as a basis for statuary.

balneum, balineum {-a). Bath-building, public or pri- angular though commonly trapezoidal in plan. The
vate, of ordinary size, as distinct from the great layouts normally conform to one of two main types,
public baths {thermae). one with two parallel transverse streets {via prin-
basilica. In strict architectural usage an elongated and via quintana), the other characteristic of
rectangular building with an internal ambulatory many permanent camps, particularly under the later
enclosing a taller central area, or else with a central Empire, with two main streets intersecting at right
nave and lateral aisles, in either case lit by a angles.
clerestory; often provided with one or more apses or cavea. The auditorium of a theatre, so called because
tribunes. During the Empire the term came to be originally excavated from a hillside. The seating of
used of any hall that was basilican in plan, irrespec- an amphitheatre.
tive of its purpose; and also of any large covered hall, cella. The central chamber or sanctuary of a temple.
irrespective of its plan. cenaculmn. Dining-room; later an upper storey.
basis villae. The platform of a Roman villa. cenatio {-nes). General term for a dining-room.
baths {balnea, thermae). For the individual rooms of a chalcidicum.Monumental porch constituting the fa-
Roman bath-building, see caldarium, frigidarium, cade of some other building. In particular the porch
laconicum, natatio, palaestra, tepidarium; also hypo- in front of the short end of a basilica.
caust, musaeum, piscina, praefurnium, suspensurae, circus (Greek, hippodrome). Long narrow arena,
testudo. curved at one end (exceptionally at both ends), for
bessalis {-es). A small, multi-purpose brick, or flat tile, chariot racing.
two-thirds of a Roman foot {c. 20 cm.) square. clerestory. Upper row of windows lighting the nave of
Commonly used in the processes of constructing a a basilica, above the inner colonnades.
vault; also for the suspensurae of hypocausts. coffers {lacunar, -ana). The recessed elements of a

bipedalis {-es). See tegula. monumental ceiling or vault. Originally evolved in

bucraneum {-a). Decorative motif in the form of an ox- timberwork, coffering was later copied both in stone
skull (or bull's head), shown frontally. See illus- ceilings (e.g. in the peristasis of temples) and in

tration 13 (in metopes), 2 (on keystone). concrete vaulting. See illustrations 56, 298.
bustum. Enclosure for the performance of cremation colonia. Originally a military colony of Roman or
and the conservation of ash-urns. Latin citizens. Later the term was used to denote a

privileged form of municipal status.

caementa. The irregular chunks of stone or brick used columbarium {-a). Literally pigeon-cote, whence a
as aggregate in Roman concrete {opus caementiciinn). sepulchral chamber with rows of small recesses like
caldarium {-a). The hot room, or rooms, of a Roman nesting-boxes to hold the ash-urns.
bath. colymbethra. Tank for aquatic spectacles. See p. 262.
capital. The upper member of a classical column or comitium. Enclosed place of political assembly, no-
pilaster. tably that at the north-western corner of the Forum
carceres. The starting gate of a hippodrome or circus. Romanum.
cardo {-ines). In ancient usage the word (literally compluvium. See atrium.
'hinge', here visualized in terms of the earth's Composite capital. Form of capital embodying ele-
rotation) is attested only in the context of laying out a ments both of Ionic and of Corinthian usage, as in
countryside on the basis of a grid of intersecting field illustration 293 (nearest pair).
tracks {limttes) of which, strictly speaking, the concameratio {-nes). Vault, vaulting.
cardmes run from north to south, the decumani from confornicatio {-nes). Vault, vaulting.
east to west. Hence, by extension, often used as a ^consoles. The brackets supporting the projecting part
convenient term for the units of the grid of a formally of a fully developed Corinthian cornice. See illus-

planned city; and by a further, but more question- trations 16, 34. Also known as modillions.
two main streets of any town,
able, extension for the corbel. Stone bracket supporting a projecting feature.
whether they comply with the rules of surveying or Corinthian order. The commonest and most versatile
not. of the orders in Imperial Roman use. See illus-
caryatid. Sculptured female figure used instead of a trations 14, 52, 137, 204.
column to carry an entablature. See illustration g. cornice. The upper member, above the frieze and
The corresponding male figure is a telamon. architrave, of a classical entablature.
castellum aquae. The distribution point from which crypta. Subterranean gallery. Crypt.
the water delivered by an aqueduct was despatched cryptoportico. Underground vaulted corridor, often
to the various points of the town which it served. the substructure for a portico and lit obliquely
cast rum. Military camp, theoretically square or rect- through splayed apertures in the vault. The Latin

form, cryptoporticus, is attested only once and is flat arch. Composite lintel or architrave, built up of
better avoided. Crypta is a better Latin equivalent. voussoirs or of bricks laid radially as in an arch. See
ciibiciilum. Bed chamber. illustration 83.
ciinei. The wedge-shaped blocks of seating, divided by By Imperial times this early term for a
radiating passages, in a theatre or amphitheatre. monumental arch had been generally replaced by
curia. The meeting-place of the Roman Senate, arc us.
whence the assembly place of any municipal council. forum {-a). An open square or piazza for public affairs.
In Greek, hoiileiiterion. Market-place. The Roman equivalent of the Greek
dado. The lower part of a wall when treated dec- The middle member of an entablature, be-
oratively as a continuous plinth or wainscot. tween the cornice and the architrave. Often enriched
dccastyle. Consisting of ten columns. with relief carving (e.g. illustration i); whence any
deciimanus. See cardo. horizontal band so carved or otherwise ornamented.
dentils. Decorative motif of rectangular blocks in the frigidarium. The cold room of a Roman bath.
bed-mould of a cornice, or occupying the place of a
frieze; derivative from the ends of the joists carrying gymnasium {-a). By the first century a.d. the gym-
a flat roof. See illustrations i6, 34. nasium, originally a Greekwas rapidly
dhieta (-ae). Living-room. merging with the Roman bath-building, both as an
dia style. See araeostyle. institution and as an architectural form. In Greek
domus {-us). House. The well-to-do residence of a gymnasion remained the normal term for a large
single family, as distinct from the taberna of the public bath-building.
artisan and small tradesman and the apartment
houses (insulae) of the middle-classes. hellenistic. As a chronological term, used of the period
Doric order. The order of the Parthenon. In monu- between the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.)
mental architecture of the Imperial age it was little and the battle of Actium (31 B.C.). Culturally a term
used outside a limited range of conventional contexts to be used with caution since in many provinces,
(e.g. the lowest of the three applied orders of the particularly in the Greek-speaking world, there was a
Cx)losseum), but derivative versions were widely very substantial overlap into the early Empire.
used in domestic architecture, particularly in the hexastyle. Consisting of six columns.
western provinces. hippodrome. See circus.
drafting. The dressing back of one or more edges of a horreum {-a). Building for storage. Granary.
block of stone to facilitate the laying of a neat joint. hortus. Garden. Park.
Also used decoratively, to accentuate the pattern of house. For the parts of a Roman house, see ala, andron,
the jointing of an ashlar wall. atrium, cenaculum, cenatio, cubiculum, diaeta, fau-
ces, ianua, peristyle, tablinum, triclinium, vesti-
echinus.The convex moulding which supports the bulum; also compluvium, hypocaust, impluvium.
abacus of a Doric capital. The moulding, carved with hypocaust. Floor with an airspace beneath for the
egg-and-dart, placed under the cushion of an Ionic circulation of hot air.

engaged order. Decorative order projecting from, but lanua. The outer door of a house.
forming an integral part of, the wall against which it imbrex. Roof-tile, semicircular or triangular in section,
stands. 'Semi-engaged' when only the entablature is covering the joint between the flanges of two rows of
engaged and the columns are free-standing. flat roof-tiles {tegulae).
entablature. The horizontal superstructure carried by impluvium. See atrium.
a colonnade, or the equivalent superstructure over a impost. Block interposed between the capital and the
wall. arches of a columnar arcade.
epistyle. An alternative term for architrave (from the insula. Tenement or apartment house, as distinct
Latin epistylium (-a), the Greek epistylion). from a private house {domus). Also, in conventional
eustyle. See araeostyle. modern usage, a city block (see p. 192).
exedra {-ae). Semicircular or rectangular recess. mtrados. The inner curved face of an arch or vault.
extrados. The outer curved face of an arch or vault. Ionic order. The order of the Erechtheion. In rather
limited use in the Roman west, but still common in

fastigium. Roof or gable (pediment). many of the eastern provinces. See illustrations 32
fauces. The entrance to an atrium. The passageway (the middle order; cf. and 180.
illustration 3)

between an atrium and a peristyle. isodomic masonry. Ashlar masonry cut to standard

sizes and laid in uniform courses (see Vitruvius ii. opus africanum.Conventional term for a type of
viii. 5) masonry common in North Africa, in which a
framework of massive dressed stone uprights and
laaniicum {-a). The hot dry room of a Roman bath. horizontals is used to contain panels of lighter
limitatw. The laying-out of field-boundaries {/imites). masonry, such as mud brick or faced rubblework.
lotus-and-acanthm capital. A hybrid form first re- opus caementicium {structura caementicia). Roman con-
corded in the Tower of the Winds at Athens. Cf. crete masonry of undressed stones {caementa) laid in
illustration 259. a mortar of lime, sand, and, in Rome and Campania,
pozzolana (q.v.). By extension, any comparable
macellum. Market (strictly a meat market). mortared rubblework in the provinces, even though
maenianum. Balcony. made without pozzolana.
'marble style'. Style associated with the widespread opus incertum. The facing of irregularly shaped small
diffusion of marble as a building material in the blocks used with opus caementicium from the
second century a.d. second century B.C., and developed from the irregu-
meander. Key pattern, as in illustration 223. lar rubble facing of the previous century, as at Cosa.
merlons. The crenellations of a fortress wall. Used as a In its later stages, as the irregularities assumed a

decorative motif in Roman Syria. Cf. illustrations more regular pattern, it is known (in modern usage)
207, 212. as opus quasi reticulatum.

meta. Turning-point for the chariots in a Roman opus latericiiim. Masonry of crude brick.
circus. opus mixtum. Conventional name for opus caemen-
metope. The panel, plain or sculptured, between the ticium faced with panels or bands of reticulate and
triglyphs of a Doric entablature. brick.
modillions. See consoles. opus quadratum. Ashlar masonry, of large squared
module (Latin, modulus). The unit of length multiples stones laid in horizontal courses.
(or fractions) of which are used to establish the opus reticulatum. The successor to opus incertum
dimensions of an architectural scheme that is based (earliest known example the Theatre of Pompey, 53
on relative proportions. B.C.), w ith a facing consisting of a network of small
monopteros. A columnar building of circular plan that squared blocks laid in neat diagonal lines. From the
is roofed but contains no cella. Latin reticulum^ a fine net. Cf. illustration 51.
musaeum (-a). See nymphaeum. Also a room devoted opus sect He. Paving or wall decoration made of shaped
to the study or display of the arts. tiles of coloured stone or marble.
opus signinum. Floor of concrete varied by irregular
naiskos. Diminutive o^ naos. A small shrine. splinters of terracotta, stone, and marble. Used
naos. Shrine. In the Greek east the cella of a temple. conventionally also of any Roman waterproof con-
natatio. The swimming pool of a public bath. crete made with crushed brick.
nymphaeum {-a). w ith running water,
Originally a cave opus spicatum. Paving of small bricks laid on edge to
dedicated to the Nymphs. Whence, any artificial form a herringbone pattern.
fountain grotto {musaeum, spec us aestivus). By exten- opus testaceum. Masonry of Roman concrete faced
sion, any monumental public fountain-building (e.g. with fired brick.
illustration 219) or, particularly in later antiquity, a opus vittatum. Conventional term for opus caemen-
comparable fountain in domestic use (e.g. illus- ticium with a facing of courses of small squared
tration 129). blocks of stone (normally tufa) alternating with one
or more courses of brick. Often used also of the
octastyle. Consisting of eight columns. provincial masonry here referred to as 'petit

odeum (Greek, odeion). Small .roofed theatre, for appareir, but better restricted to metropolitan usage
concerts and lectures. and its immediate derivatives. The hybrid term
oecus (-/) (Greek, oikos). The principal living-room of 'opus listatum' (from the Italian 'opere listato')
a Greek house. Introduced into Roman domestic should be avoided.
architecture at the same time as the peristyle, the orchaestra. Originally the circular 'dancing floor' of a
oecus was frequently used as a dining-room {tri- Greek theatre; whence the corresponding semi-
clinium). Vitruvius (vi. iii. 8-10; cf. vii. 3) uses the circular space in front of the stage {proscaenium) of a
two terms almost indiscriminately, distinguishing Roman theatre.
four architectural types: Tetrastyle, Corinthian, The three
orders. distictive groupings (Doric, Ionic,
Egyptian, and Cyzicene. and Corinthian) of the elements (columns, capitals,

entablatures) of classical columnar architecture. An podium (-a). Platform, used most commonly of
Italic variant of the Doric order, described by temples or columnar facades; normally with mould-
Vitruvius (iv. vii. 1-5) under the heading otdispo- ings at top and bottom.
sitlones tmcanicae^ has been treated by many post- porticus in summa cavea. The portico commonly found
classical writers as if it were a distinct fourth order, running round the head of the seating of a Roman
but it is farfrom clear that the Romans so regarded it, theatre. Cf. illustration 197.
and it is wiser to use such terms as 'Roman Doric' or porticus post scaenam. The portico or porticoed en-
'derivative Doric'. Mixed orders (cf. illustration 13) closure commonly found behind the stage-building
were already in widespread use in late hellenistic of a Roman theatre.
times. pozzolana (Lmn, pulvis puteolanus). The volcanic ash
orthostat (or ort/wstate).Upright slab of stone; partic- of Central Italy, so named from Puteoli (Pozzuoli),
ularly of those used in the Greek manner to form the where its properties were first recognized; the
lower part of a wall, as in illustrations 172 and 179. material which gave Roman concrete its strength and
hydraulic properties. See p. 98.
palaeitra. Porticoed enclosure for sport and exercise. praecinctio. Horizontal passageway between the suc-
The Roman bath-building.
exercise yard of a cessive tiers of seats of a theatre or amphitheatre.
parascaenium The wings projecting forward from
{-a). praefurmum. The stokehole of a bath-building.
the two ends of the stage-building of a Roman principia. The headquarters building of a Roman
theatre. camp.
parados. Lateral entrance to the orchestra of a theatre. pronaus (Greek, pronaos). Porch in front of the cella of
pedalis. See tegula. a temple.
pediment. The end of a ridged roof,
triangular gabled propylaeum {-a). Entrance gate-building(s) to the
comprising the tympanum and the raking cornice enclosure of a temple or other monumental building.
above it. Also propylon, strictly a simpler version of the same.
pendentive. Concave triangle of spherical section, proscaenium. The stage of a Roman theatre, the space
constituting the transition from a square or poly- framed between the two projecting wings {para-
gonal building to a dome of circular plan (see scaenia) of the stage-building (scaenci) and its facade
illustration 218). Cf squinch. (scaenae frons).
peripteral. Having a continuous outer ring of columns. prostyle. Having a projecting columnar facade.
perlstasis. The ring of columns round a peripteral pseudoperipteral. As some of the
peripteral, but with
building. columns engaged instead of free-standing.
An open courtyard, or garden, surrounded
peristyle. piilpitum. The raised platform of the stage of a Roman
by porticoes. The central feature of a very widely theatre.
distributed type of hellenistic and Roman house. puteal. Stone well-head.
Also used by Vitruvius as the equivalent of peristasis. pycnostyle. See araeostyle.
'petit appareir Conventional
. name for the character-
istically Gallo-Roman type of opus caementicium, quadrifrons (Greek, tetrapylon). Monumental arch
with a core of mortared rubble and a facing of with two intersecting passageways and four fa9ades.
courses of small squared blocks of stone. See p. 223. quadriga. Four-horsed chariot.
Widely used in many other provinces and often, quadriporticus. Enclosed courtyard with porticoes on
from the second century a.d. onwards, laced with all four sides.
courses of brick.
piscina (-ae). Pool (literally 'fish-pool'). The plunge relieving arch. Arch incorporated within a masonry
baths of a Roman bath-building. mass in order to distribute the load above a potential

pise. Stiff clay used as a building material, laid within a point of weakness. See illustrations 79, 86.
shuttering of boards and regularly faced with stucco. reticulate {work).See opus reticulatum.
pitched brick. Brickwork laid edge to edge across the revetment. Superficial facing (e.g. of terracotta or
vertical curvature of an arch or vault, instead of marble) applied to a wall built of some other
radially as in normal western Roman usage. Ap- material.
parently an eastern innovation. See pp. 276, 453, and Rhodian peristyle. Peristyle of which one portico is

illustration 176. taller than the other three.

platea (Greek, plateia). Wide street or avenue, in Beam along the ridge of a roof.
ridge pole.
contrast to angiportus {-lis, Greek stenopos), a lane or The speakers' tribune of the comitium of the

alleyway. Forum Romanum, so called because it was ornamen-


ted with the prows (rostra) of the ships captured at tablinum {tabulmum). The central room at the far end
Antium in 338 B.C. By extension, any speakers' of an atrium, originally the main bedroom; record
platform. room (whence the name).
rmticalion. The use of masonry in its crude, quarry- tabularium. Archive building.
dressed state as a form of sophisticated decoration. Flanged roof-tile, or flat tile as used in
tegula i-ae).
opus testaceum masonry. Standard sizes include the
sarcophagus. Stone coffin. bipedalts (two Roman feet), the sesquipedalis (one and
scaena (Greek, skene). Stage-building of a Roman a half Roman feet), the pedalis (one Roman foot), and
theatre. The facade of it {scaenae frotis) formed the the bessalis (two thirds of a Roman foot).
backdrop of the stage (proscaenium). telamon. See caryatid.
segmental arch. Arch of which the curvature is temenos {-01). Sacred enclosure or precinct.
substantially less than a full semicircle. Cf. the templum. Originally the place marked out by an augur
central doorway in illustration 76. for the purpose of taking auspices. Whence any
semi-column. Half-column, of an engaged order or consecrated place, sanctuary, asylum.
composite pier. tepidarium {-a). The warm room of a Roman bath.
sesquipedalis. See tegula. tetrakionion. on four
Pavilion, or aedicula, carried
Sigma. Semicircular portico (from the late Greek columns. Monument consisting of four independent
capital S (sigma), which was written 'C'). See p. columns or groups of columns placed at a street
463- intersection.
suna. The crowning moulding (originally the gutter) tetra pylon. See quadrifrons.
of a cornice. See illustrations 16, 34. tetrastyle. Carried on four columns, e.g. of a fagade, of
sine postico. Vitruvian term for a temple peripteral on an aedicula, or of an atrium with columns at the four
three sides only, with a plain back wall or a back wall corners of the impluvium.
with short projecting wings. theatre. For the parts of a Roman theatre, see
siparium. Curtain. The curtain of a theatre, which was pp. 259-60; also cf. cavea, cunei, orchaestra, porticus
raised from a slot in the front of the stage. in summa cavea, porticus post scaenam, praecinctio,
socle. The lower part of a wall. Originally a con- proscaenium, pulpitum, scaena, siparium, vomi-
structional feature, in Roman times it was commonly torium.
treated as a purely decorative dado. thermae. Large public baths, as distinct from balnea.
soffit. The exposed undersurface of an architectural tholos. Circular pavilion, often in the form of a
member, especially of an architrave or arch. monopteros.
speciis. Cave. The channel of an aqueduct. torus. Rounded convex moulding; as (twice) in the
spina. The long, narrow dividing wall down the centre typical Attic column base (e.g. illustration 47).

of a circus. travertine. Silvery-grey calcareous building stone

squinch.Arched structure across the interior angle of a quarried near Tivoli and extensiveh used in Late
square chamber, to support the spring of a circular or Republican and Early Imperial Rome.
octagonal vault or dome. Cf. pendentive. Raised platform for formal official use.
stadium. A racecourse for foot-racing, from the Greek triclinium (-a). Originally a dining-room, so-called
stadton, a unit of 600 Greek feet, the length of the from the conventional arrangement of three ban-
course at Olympia. A stadium-shaped enclosure, as queting couches {klmai) around three sides of a

m a formal garden. square. In later Roman usage the principal reception

stele. Upright stone slab, as used for tombstones, for room, or rooms, of a house. See pp. 188, 463.
all kinds of sculptured reliefs, and for inscriptions. tnconchos. Room of trefoil or three-lobed plan.
stoa. The Greek equivalent of the Latm porticus. triglyph. Projecting member separating the metopes of
Praticularly of public buildings, often with multiple a Doric frieze and divided into three strips by two
colonnades and sometimes two-storeyed. vertical grooves.
stylohatc. I'he course of masonry, at ground level, tufa. The principal local building stone of Latium and
upon which the columns of a colonnade are seated. Campania, a concreted volcanic dust. The many
suspensurae. The supports for the raised floor of a qualities include capellaccio, peperino, and the
hypocaust. stones of Monte Verde, Grotta Rossa, Grotta Os-
systyle. See araeostyle. cura, and Gabi.
tympanum. The vertical wall-face of a pediment
taberna {-ae). Rectangular chamber opening directh beneath the raking cornice.
off the street and used as shop, workshop, or
habitation (or the lower classes. See pp. 146 7. ustriniim {-a). Place for burning corpses.

zr///w, ir/(^/r///w. The awning stretched above a forum, vonutonum {-a). Entrance to a theatre or aniphi-
a theatre, or an amphitheatre to protect the pubhc theatre.
from the sun voitssoir. Wedge-shaped stone forming one of the
vestibulurri. Vestibule; especialh of the entrance from units of an arch.
the street to the fauces of a house.
volutes. The spiral scrolls at the angles of an Ionic xystiis. Covered colonnade in a gymnasium. Enclosed
capital (as illustration 245) or a Corinthian capital (as garden.
illustrations 169, 184).

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Aqueducts. Washington, 1934. bibliography is cumulative over many years and has
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1959), in Blake and Taylor-Bishop, and in Nash. See
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delFArte Antica^ most of which list all the examples in ces), Crema, and Lugli, Centra. The bibliographies of

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with a substantial bibliography: are limited to works that are of particular importance
for the individual buildings or topics discussed in

'Anfiteatro' G. Forni (i, 374-90) each.

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WISEMAN, F. J. Roman Spain: an introduction to the Suppl. a Gallia). Paris, 1949.
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2a. Gaul: General Works 2nd ed. Basel, 1948.
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, . degli anfiteatri di Aries e di
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bibliography referring to the buildings of Roman d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, xiii-xiv (1964-5),
Gaul will be found in the relevant volumes of Grenier, 145-99-
Manuel. For the more important post-war excavations NAUMANN,R. Der Quellbezirk von N lines {Denkmdler
and discoveries, see also the annual accounts in Gallia. antiker Architektur, iv). Berlin, 1937.
The bibliography that follows is restricted to a few of PiGAN lOL, A. Les Documents cadastraux de la colonic

the more useful general works and monographs on romaine d'Orange (xv*" Suppl. a Gallia). Paris, 1962.
individual sites and monuments. Remains of marble plans recording the survey of
the territories of the colonia and details of the
assignment of the individual plots.

ROLLAND, H. Fouilks de Glanum {Saint-Remy-de- J.R.S. until 1969; now superseded by Britannia, i

Provence) and Fomlles de Glanum, ig47-s6 (F^ and (1970), in progress.

Xr Suppl. a Gallia). Paris, 1946 and 1958. For interim reports on the post-war excavations at
HOLLAND, H. Le Mausoke de Glanum {WV^ S\XT^\)\. a Verulamium (St Albans) and Corinium (Cirences-
Gallia). Paris, 1969. ter), see Antiquaries Journal since 1956 and i960,
HOLLAND, H. U Arc de Ghwiim (XXXF Suppl. a respectively.
Gallia). Paris, 1977. The bibliography that follows is limited to a few
SAUTEL, J. Vaison dans Fanliquite. 3 vols. Avignon, general works and to sites mentioned in the text.
1941-2, and Lyon, 1942.
WUILLEUMIER, P. Fouilles de Fourviere a Lyon (iv*^ CUNLIFFE, B. w . Roman Bath. Society of Anti-
Suppl. a Gallia). Paris, 195 1. quaries of London, 1969.
For the date of the theatre, see, however, A. Audin CUNLIFFE, B. w. Excavations at Fishhourne. Society
in Latomiis (1957), 225-31. of Antiquaries of London, 1971.
FRERE, S. S. Britannia. London, 1967. Second
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KENYON, K. M. 'The Roman Theatre at Veru-
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F. lamium', Archaeologia, Lxxxiv (1934), 213-60.
Mungersdorf (Romisch-Germanische Forschungen, LEWIS, M. J. T. Temples in Roman Britain. Cam-
vi). Frankfurt-am-Main, 1933. bridge, 1966.
For numerous other publications of villas and LIVERSIDGE. J. Britain in the Roman Empire. Lon-
farmsteads in the Rhineland, see Anz. (e.g. F. don, 1968.
Oelmann, 'Romische Villen im Rheinland' (1928), RADFORD, c. A. R. 'The Roman Villa at Ditchley,
228-50) and Bonner Jahrbiicher (e.g. H. Mylius in Oxon.', Oxoniensia, I (1936), 24-69.
cxxiii (1916) and cxxix (1924), two articles with RICHMOND, I. A. Roman Britain. London, 1963.
tentative restored views that have left their mark on RICHMOND, I. A

'The Roman Villa at Chedworth',

much subsequent work); also articles in Germania Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Ar-
and Trier er Zeitschrift. chaeological Society, Lxxviii (1959), 5-23.
Germania Romana: Romerstddte in Deiitschland, vols. I RIVET, Town and Country in Roman
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(i960), 214-94.
WIGHTMAN, E. M. Roman Trier and the Treveri. Sa. South-eastern Europe: General Works
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I'or Trier, see also Bibliography to Chapter 15. Much of the bibliography of Roman architecture in
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4. Britain scattered and difficult to locate, but for the provinces

of Noricum, Pannonia, Upper Moesia, and Dalmatia
Good classified bibliographies to the extensive and (an area corresponding to the modern Austria south
widely scattered literature of Roman Britain will be and east of the rivers Danube and Inn, Hungary south
found in the works of Richmond, Rivet, and Wacher, and west of the Danube, and most of Yugoslavia)
quoted below, and in W. Bonser, A Romano-British there now exist well documented general accounts in
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Hungarian Empire, see also J.O.A.I. For Bulgaria, Archaeological Institute of the Bulgarian Academy,
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(see below) is useful, though selective; Izvestiya na In Bulgarian, but liberally illustrated and with
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includes short summaries in other languages. The VIRUNUM
principal Romanian publication is Diicia {Recherches J.OA.L, XV (19 1 2), Beiblatt 24 36.
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(i924)-xii (1947), and new series since i
(1957). to Chapter 15.

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HODDINOTT, R. F. Bulgaria in Antiquity. London,
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teilung, vi). 191 3.

HISTRIA (a) General Works
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{Serdica: Materiaux et recherches archeologiques)., i. DELORME, J. Gymnasion. Paris, i960.
Especially pp. 243-50.

MAG IE, D. Roman Rule in Asia Minor. 2 vols. KRENCKER, D., and SCHEDE, M. Der Tempel in

Princeton, 1950. Ankara {Denkmdler antiker Architektur, in).

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T.A.D. Archaeology, 11, 11 11-33.
Annual reports of excavations and finds in Turkey, Also brief interim reports in A.J.A. since LXXii
published in the languages of the contributors. (1968).
Reports include Anemurium (by J. W. Russell) MACCANICO, R. 'Ginnasi romani ad Efeso', Arch.
since 1971; Aphrodisias (byK. T. Erim) since i960; CI., XV (1963), 32-60.
Hierapolis (by P. Verzone) since 197 1; Knidos (by MANSEL, A. M. 'Bericht iiber Ausgrabungen und
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Building Methods of Early Byzantine Architecture', Berlin-Leipzig. Especially the following:
in D. Talbot Rice The Great Palace of the
(ed.). I, 5 (1919) The Nymphaeum
Byzantine Emperors, 11 (Edinburgh, 1958), 52-104. I, 6 (1922) The North Market
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(h) Some Area Studies and Individual Sites MILTNER, F. Ephesos: Stadt der Artemis und des
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Altertiimer von Pergamon, I (1912)-. Berlin. NAUMANN, R. Der Zeustempel zu Aizanoi {Denkmdler
In progress. antiker Architektur, xii). Berlin, 1979.
ALZINGER, w. Augusteische Architektur in Ephesos NAUMANN, R., and KANTAR, s. 'Die Agora von
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ERIM, K. T. 'Recent Discoveries at Aphrodisias', mauer von Iznik {Nicaea) {Istanbuler Forschungen,
Proc. X Int. Congr. of Classical Archaeology, 11, ix). Berlin, 1938.
1065-76. VETTERS, H., and others. 'Grabungen in Ephesos
Forschungen in Ephesos verdjfentlicht vom Osterreichis- von 1960-69 bzw. 1970', f .O.A.I. , l (1972-5),
chen Archdologischen Inst i tut in Wien, i (1906)-. Beiblatt, 224 ff".

In progress.
GOUGH, M. 'Anazarbus', Anatolian Studies, 11 (1952), CHAPTER 12
jfahreshefte des Osterreichischen Archdologischen In- (a) General Works
stitutes in Wien (jf.O.A.L), i (1898).
In progress (containing year-by-year accounts of Annates Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes {Annales
the Austrian excavations at Ephesus). Archeologiques de Syrie), i (1951). Direction Ge-
KEIL, J. Fiihrer durch Ephesos. 5th cd. Vienna, 1964. nerale des Antiquites de Syrie. Quoted as: A.A.A.S.
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KLEINER, G. Die Ruincn von Mile I. Berlin, 1968. BUTLER, H. c. Publications of an American Ar-
Good classified bibliography. chaeological E.xpedition to Syria in i8gg—igoo, pt. 2:


Architecture and Other Arts. New York, 1903. PARR,P.J.,WRIGHT,G.R.H.,STARCKY,J., and

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Leiden, 1906-19. f.R.S., Liii (1963), 43-54.
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cal guide. Department of Antiquities, Cyrenaica, many of the excavated sites and buildings here
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1901. piSANi SARTORio, G., and CALZA, R. La Villa di
GSELL, and JOLY, c. a. Khaniissa, Mdaourouch,
s., Massenzio sulla Via Appia. Rome, 1976.
Announa, I, Khamissa (Thubursicu Numidarum); 11, RICHMOND, I. A. The City Wall of Imperial Rome.

Mdaourouch (Madauros); in, Announa (Thibilis). Oxford, 1930.

Algiers-Paris, 1914-22. stettler, M.jfahrbuch der Zentralmuseum, Mainz,
Karthago, I (1950). Paris, Centre d'etudes archeo- IV (1957), 123 ff.

logiques de la Mediterranee occidentale (formerly For the Licinian Pavilion.

Mission archeologique franyaise en Tunisie).
In progress. CHAPTER I
LESCHI, L. Djemila: antique Cuicul. Algiers, 1953.
LEZINE, A. Architecture romaine d'Afrique. Tunis, krautheimer, r. Early Christian and Byzantine
n.d. {c. 1961]. Architecture {Pelican History of Art) chapter ^ 3. 3rd
Libyca: Bulletin du Service des Antiquites de l' Alger le, i ed. Harmondsworth, 1979.
(1953) IX (196 1 ). Sirmium. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, i

MAREC, E. Hippone la Royale: antique Hippo Regius. (1971)--

Algiers, 1954. Jugoslav-American and Jugoslav-French exca-
MERLIN, A. Le Forum de Thuhurbo Mams. vation reports, in progress.
Tunis-Paris, 1922. WARD-PERKINS, J. B. In D. Talbot Rice (ed.). The
PICARD, G.-C. Civitas Mactaritana {Karthago, viii). Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors, 11, 52-104.
1957- Edinburgh, 1958.
PICARD, G.-C. La Civilisation de FAfrique romaine.
Paris, 1959. /. North Italy
poiNSSOT, c. Les Riiines de Dougga. Tunis, 1958.
RAKOB, F. 'Das Quellenheiligtum in Zaghouan und DUVAL, N. 'Que savons-nous du Palais de Theodoric
die romische Wasserleitung nach Karthago', R.M., a Ravenne.^', Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire de

Lxxxi (1974), 41-97. I'Ecolefranfaise de Rome, LXXii (i960), 337-71.

REBUFFAT, R. 'Maisons a peristyle d'Afrique du GHERARDiNi, G. 'Gli Scavi del Palazzo di Teodorico
Nord: repertoire de plans publics', Melanges a Ravenna', Mon. Ant., xxiv (1917), 737-838.
d'archeologie et d'histoire de F Ecolefranfaise de Rome., GHISLANZONI, E. La Villa romana in Desenzano.
LXXXI (1969), 659-724. Milan, 1962.
ROMANELLI, P. Topografia e archeologia dell Africa Storia di Milano (Fondazione Treccani, Milan), i

Romana {Enciclnpedia classica, iii, vol. 10, 7). Turin, (1953), parts 5 and 9: A. Calderini, 'Milano durante
1970. il Basso Impero' and 'Milano archeologico'.
THOUVENOT, R. Volubilis. Paris, 1949.
WARMINGTON, B. H. The North African Provinces 2. Piazza Armerina
from Diocletian to the Vandal Conquest. Cambridge,
1954- DUNBABIN, K. M. D. The Mosaics of North Africa,
196-212 and appendix v. Oxford, 1978.
CHAPTER 14 GENTILI, G. V. La Villa Imperiale di Piazza Ar-
(See also note at beginning of Section B, above, and merina {Itinerari, no. 87). Rome, 1954.
bibliographies to Chapters 1-5, particularly 4.) GENTILI, G. v.Lfl Villa Erculia di Piazza Armerina:
I mosaici figurati. Milan, 1959.
BARTOLI, A. Curia Senatus: lo scavo ed il restauro {I LAV IN, I. 'The House of the Lord: aspects of the role

monumenti romani, iii). Florence, 1963. of palace triclinia in the architecture of late antiquity

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chen Rundbauten in Rom', Anz. (1941), 733 48. (1962), I 27.

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Marsyns, viii (1959), 22-9. Sasel, Ljubljana, 1979, contains a map and excellent
bibliography of classical Thessaloniki, by A.
J. Spalato (Split) and Salona Avramea.

CLAIRMONT, c. w., and others. Excavations at 5. Trier

Salona, Yugoslavia {ig6g~i'g/2). Park Ridge, N.J.,
1975- EiDEN, H., and MYLius, H. 'Untersuchungen an
DUVAL, N. 'La Place de Split dans I'architecture du den spiitromischen Horrea von St Irminen in Trier',
Bas-Empire', Urhs (Split, 1961-2), 67-95. Trierer Zeitschrift, xviii (1949), 73-106.
HEBRARD, E., and ZEILLER, J. Spalato. Le Palais de GOSE, E. Die Porta Nigra in Trier. 2 vols. Berlin,
Diocletien. Paris, 191 1. 1969.
MARASOVIC, J. and t. Diocletian (sic) Palace. KRENCKER, D., and KRUGER, E. Die Trierer Kaiser-
English ed. Zagreb, 1970. thermen. Augsburg, 1929.
MARASOVIC, J., and others. Excavations in the REUSCH, w. Anz. (1962), 875-903.
Southeast Quarter ofDiocletian's Palace, Split. Town Summarizing recent work on the Aula Palatina,
Planning Institute, Split. Vol. i, 1972, and 2, 1976. with bibliography to 1962.
NIEMANN, G. Der Palast Diokletians m Spalato. REUSCH, w. Augusta Treverorum: ein Gang durch das
Vienna, 1910. romische Trier. Trier, 1965.
SCHULZ, B. 'Die Porta Aurea in Spahto\jf.D.A.I., REUSCH, w. Die Kaiserthermen in Trier. Trier,
XXIV (1909), 46-52. Landesmuseum, 1965.
4. Thessalonike (Salonica) - WIGHTMAN, E. Roman Trier and the Treveri. Lon-
don, 1970.
DYGGVE, E. 'La Region palatiale de Thessalonique',
Acta Congressus Madvigiani (Copenhagen, 1958), i,


1. Rome, Temple of Apollo in Circo, c. 20 B.C., frieze 21. Rome, Porta Maggiore (Fototeca dell'Unione,
from the interior of the cella (Comune di Roma, Rome)
Ripartizione 22. Rome, the Porta Labicana and Porta Praenestina

2.Rome, Porta Tiburtina, arch, 5 B.C., carrying the of the Aurelianic Walls(a.d. 270 82; modified by

Aqua Marcia (Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale) Honorius, a.d. 403, with many later accretions),
3 and 4. Rome, Theatre of Marcellus, dedicated in incorporating the Claudian archway at the Porta
13-11 B.C. Part of the outer facade (Fototeca Maggiore. Drawing by Rossini, 1829 (Fototeca
deirUnione, Rome) and plan, sections, and sectional dell'Unione, Rome)
view 21,.Rome, archway, a.d. 46, carrying the restored
5. Rome, Ara Pacis Augustae, dedicated in 9 B.C. Plan Aqua Virgo. Engraving by Piranesi (Fototeca
and axonometric view dell'Unione, Rome)
6. Rome, the Imperial Fora. Plan 24. Rome, junction of two corridors within Nero's

7 and 8. Rome, Temple of Mars Ultor, dedicated in Domus Transitoria, before a.d. 64, later incorpor-
2 B.C., and part of the Forum Augustum (Fototeca Temple of Venus and
ated within the platform of the
deirUnione, Rome), with restored view Rome. Plan and sectional view
9. Rome, Forum Augustum, c. io~2 B.C., caryatid 25. Rome, fountain court of Nero's Domus Transi-
order from the flanking colonnades (Comune di toria. Axonometric view
Roma, Ripartizione X) 26. Rome, Nero's Golden House, a.d. 64-8. Sketch-
10. Rome, Temple of Mars Ultor, dedicated in 2 B.C., plan of the probable extent of the park, showing the
pilaster capital (Comune di Roma, Ripartizione X) known structures
11. Coin of Augustus showing the Senate House 27. Coin of Vespasian depicting the Temple of Jupiter
(Curia), as restored in 44-29 B.C. (Fototeca Optimus Maximus Capitolinus, as rebuilt after a.d
deirUnione, Rome) 70 and rededicated in 75. It was again destroyed in 80
12. Rome, (a) Basilica Aemilia, rebuilt after 14 B.C.; (b) (Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome)
Basilica Julia, rebuilt between c.12 B.C. and a.d. 12. 28 and 29. Rome, Temple of the Deified Claudius
Plans (Claudianum), completed by Vespasian after 70.*

13. Rome, Basilica Aemilia, rebuilt after 14 B.C. The west fa9ade of the terrace and detail of upper
Drawing by Giuliano da Sangallo (Fototeca order (Professor Adriano Prandi)
deirUnione, Rome) 30. Rome, Templum Pacis (Torum of Vespasian'),
14. Relief, probably from the Ara Pietatis Augustae, 719. Restored view
dedicated in a.d. 43, depicting the fac^ade of the 31 and 32. Rome, Amphitheatrum Flavium (Col-
Temple of Magna Mater on the Palatine, restored osseum), inaugurated in 80. Plans, sections, and
a.d. 3 (German Archaeological Institute,
after sectional view, and exterior (Leonard von Matt)
Rome) T,^. Rome, Baths of Titus, inaugurated in 80. Plan,
15. Rome, Forum Romanum seen from the Palatine after Palladio

(Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome) 34. Rome, Temple of Venus Genetrix, rebuilt by

16. Rome, Temple of Concord, dedicated in a.d. 10. Trajan and dedicated in 113. Marble cornice block
Restored marble cornice block, now in the Tabu- from the pediment (Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome)
larium (Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome) 35. Rome, Forum Transitorium (Forum of Nerva),
17. Coin of Caligula, a.d. 37, showing an Ionic temple, dedicated in 97. 'Le Colonnacce', part of the
usually identified as that of the Deified Augustus decorative facade of the Templum Pacis (Fototeca
(Fototeca deH'Unione, Rome) dell'Unione, Rome)
18. Rome, Castra Praetoria, the north outer wall 36. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana), in-

(Fototeca delPUnione, augurated in 92. Plan
19. Rome, Underground Basilica beside the Via
Praenestina, mid first century a.d. (Fototeca
dell'Unione, Rome) *From this point onwards, all dates arc a.d. unless

20. Part of the Severan marble map of Rome otherwise noted.


37. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana), in- 61. Fragment of the Severan marble map of Rome
augurated in 92. Restored axonometric view (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
38. Rome, F'lavian Palace (Domus Augustana), in- 62. Fragment of the Severan marble map of Rome
augurated in 92. The courtyard of the domestic wing (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
(Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome) 63. Rome, Baths of Caracalla, 212-16 (Alinari)
39. Rome, Trajan's Market, r. 100-12. Axonometric 64. Rome, Baths of Caracalla, 212-16, north fa9ade of
view the central block (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
40. Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100 12. Interior of the 65. Rome, Baths of Caracalla, 212-16. Plan
market hall (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome) 66. Rome, Septizodium, dedicated in 203. Drawn by

41. Rome, Trajan's Market. Axonometric view Martin van Heemskerk between 1532 and 1536
42. Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12, and the former (P'ototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
Via Biberatica (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome) 67. Rome, coin of Alexander Severus, depicting
43. Rome, Trajan's Market, r. 100-12, facade of the Elagabalus's Temple of Sol Invictus, a.d. 218-22,
lower hemicycle (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome) after its rededication to Juppiter Ultor (Fototeca
44 and 45. Rome, Nero's Golden House, 64-8. Oct- deU'Unione, Rome)
agonal fountain hall (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome) 68 and 69. Rome, Vatican cemetery, Tomb of the
with axonometric view from below, section, and plan Caetennii, mid second century, interior (Reverenda
46. Rome, Flavian Palace (Domus Augustana), in- Fabbrica di S. Pietro) and axonometric view
augurated in 92. Domed octagonal room. Sections, 70 and 71. Rome, Via Appia, Tomb of Annia Regilla,
plan, and axonometric view from below wife of Herodes Atticus, third quarter of the second
47. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. The island villa ('Teatro century. Detail of moulded brick entablature (Mr A.
Marittimo'), 118-25 (P^ototeca deU'Unione, Rome) Davidson) and exterior (Dr Lorenzo Quilici)
48. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. The island villa ('Teatro 72. Ostia. Plan of central area
Marittimo'), 118-25 73. Ostia. Plan of a typical quarter, to the south of the
49. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. Plans, (a) Island villa forum
('Teatro Marittimo'), 118-25; (b) Piazza d'Oro, 74. Ostia, theatre and Piazzale of the Corporations.
pavilion and south-east end of the peristyle court, Before 12 B.C., with substantial later modifications.
125-33 Plan
50. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. The Canopus, after 130 75. Ostia, 'Horrea (granaries) of Hortensius',
(German Archaeological Institute, Rome) c. 30-40. Plan
51. Tivoli, Hadrian's Villa. Vestibule to the Piazza 76. Ostia, House of Diana, mid second century. South
d'Oro, after 125 (Mansell Collection) facade (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
52. Rome, Pantheon, c. iiS-c. 128. Restored view of 77. Ostia. (a) Barracks of the Vigiles, headquarters of
the facade the fire brigade, 117-38; (b) Horrea Epagathiana,
53. Rome, Pantheon, r. ii8-(. 128, fa9ade (A. F. warehouse, c. 145-50. Plans
Kersting) 78. Ostia, Horrea Epagathiana, c. 145-50. West fa-
54. Rome, Pantheon, r. 118 r. 128. Axonometric cade (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
view and section 79. Ostia, Capitolium, c. 120 (Fototeca deU'Unione,
55. Rome, Pantheon, r. ii8-r. 128, interior (after Rome)
Panini) (National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 80. Ostia, bath-buildings. Plans, (a) Forum Baths,
Samuel H. Kress Collection) c. 160; (b) Neptune Baths, 117 38
56. Rome, Pantheon, c. ii8-r. 128, interior (Leonard 81. Rome, Trajan's Market, c. 100-12 (J. B. Ward-
von Matt) Perkins)
57. Pompeii, I'oruni Baths, painted stucco decoration 82. Ostia, House of the Charioteers, shortly before
of vaulting (Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale) 150. Central courtyard (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
58. Rome, Via Latina, painted stucco vaulting in the 83. Ostia, House of the Lararium, second quarter of
Mausoleum of the Anicii, second century (Ander- the second century (P'ototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
son, Rome) 84. Ostia, south-western decumanus, looking towards
59. Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome, consecrated the Porta Marina. Second quarter of the second
135, reconstructed 305 11. Plan century (Fototeca deU'Unione, Rome)
60.Rome, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, begun 85. Ostia, House of the Triple Windows, third quarter
in 141. (a) As shown on a contemporary coin; (u) of the second century (I'ototeca dell' Unione, Rome)
restored view; (c) as the church of S. Lorenzo in 86. Ostia, row of shops (Regio IX, insula 15), mid
Miranda second century (J. B. Ward-Perkins)


Facade of an insula with a cookhouse on the

87. Ostia. 113. Herculaneum, House of the Mosaic Atrium, the
ground floor internal courtyard, shortly before 79 (Fototeca
88 and 89. Pompeii, forum, plan, and south end, dell'Unione, Rome)
looking across to the Building of Eumachia (Fo- 114 and 115. Pompeii, House of Loreius Tiburtinus,
tocielo, Rome) 62-79. View from the house (Fototeca dell'Unione,
90. Herculaneum, streetside portico, before 79 (Fo- Rome) and section and restored axonometric view
toteca deirUnione, Rome) 116. Rome, House on the Esquiline, probably first or
9 1 Morgantina, market building, c. 1 60 B.C. (Fototeca second century. Plan, after Lanciani
deirUnione, Rome) 117. Pompeii, Villa of the Mysteries. Plans, (a)
92 and 93. Pompeii, Central Baths, inner facade of the Second half of the second century B.C.; (e) before the
main wing, 63-79 (Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome), earthquake of a.d. 62
and plan 118. Francolise, San Rocco villa, early first centurv.
94. Pompeii, 'Third Style' architectural wall paintings Plan
in the House of Lucretius Fronto, mid first century 1 19. Island of Brioni Grande, villa of Val Catena, first-
(Anderson, Rome) second century. Plan
95. Pompeii, painting of a seaside villa from the House 120 and 121. Capri, Villa Jovis, built by the emperor
of Lucretius Fronto, mid first century (Fototeca Tiberius (14-37) (Allhem Publishers, Malmo,
dell'Unione, Rome) Sweden; photo H. Hammer) with sections and plan
96. Pozzuoli (Puteoli), market, second century. Plan 122. Albano, villa of Pompey, first century B.C.,

97. Baiae, 'Temple of Venus', second quarter of the remodelled in the first century a.d. Plan
second century (Fototeca dell' Unione, Rome) 123 and 124. Tivoli, Hadrian's villa, between 1 18 and
98. Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Capua), mausoleum 134, model (German Archaeological Institute,
('Le Carceri Vecchie') beside the Via Appia, prob- Rome) and plan
ably first half of the second century (Fototeca 125. Sirmione, 'Grotte di CatuUo', probably early
dell'Unione, Rome) second century. Plan
99. Pozzuoli (Puteoli), tomb beside the Via Celle, 126 and 127. Rome, Via Latina, Villa of Sette Bassi,
second century. Axonometric view c. 140 60, facade (from a photograph taken by
100. Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Capua), mausoleum Rodolfo Lanciani early in the century), and restored
('La Conocchia') beside the Via Appia, second views of villa, looking north-westwards, and of north
half of the second century (Fototeca dell'Unione, facade
Rome) 128. Ostia. Plans of houses and apartment-houses, (a)
loi. Susa, Arch of Augustus, 9-8 B.C. (Alinari) House of Fortuna Annonaria, late second century,
102. Aosta (Augusta Praetoria), laid out in 24 B.C. Plan remodelled in the fourth century; (e) House of Cupid

103. Turin (Augusta Taurinorum), Porta Palatina, and Psyche, c. 300; (c) House of Diana, c. 150; (d)
probably early first century. Restored view Garden House, 117 38
104. Velleia, forum and basilica, early first century, 129. Ostia, House of Cupid and Psyche, t. 300
from the air (General Giulio Schmiedt) (P'ototeca dell'Unione, Rome)
105. Velleia, forum, early first century. Plan 130. Segovia, aqueduct, variously dated to the early
106. Brescia (Brixia), model of the Capitolium, third first and to the early second century (A. F. Kersting)
quarter of the first century 131. Alcantara, bridge over the Tagus, 106 (German
107. Rimini (Ariminum), bridge, 22 (Fototeca Archaeological Institute, Madrid)
dell'Unione, Rome) 132. Conimbriga. (a) and (b) forum, (c) and (d) central
108. Verona, Porta dei Borsari, probably third quarter bath-building, late Augustan and late Trajanic
of the first century (Alinari) 133. Saint Remy (Glanum), courtyard house, first half
109. Ancona, Arch of Trajan, 115 (Fototeca of the century (J. B. Ward-Perkins)

dell'Unione, Rome) 134. Augst (x^ugusta Raurica), restored view of the

no. Herculaneum, the southern garden verandas of centre of the town, looking northwards, mid second
the House of the Mosaic Atrium and the House of century with later modifications
Stags, shortly before 79 (Fototeca dell'Unione, 135. Autun (Augustodunum), model of the Porte
Rome) Saint-Andre, after 16 B.C. (Mansell Collection)
III and 112. Herculaneum, House of the Mosaic 136. Pont du Gard, late first century B.C. (Fototeca
Atrium and House of the Stags, shortly before 79. dell'Unione, Rome)
Plan, and elevation and restored view of the south 137. Nimes (Nemausus), Maison Carree, c. a.d. i-io.

fa(;ade (Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome)


138. Autun (Augustodunum), 'Temple of Janus', 161. Doclea, forum and basilica, early second
second century (Foto Marburg) century, with later modifications. Plan
139. Trier (Augusta Treverorum). Plans and ele- 162. Corinth, agora, first-second century. Plan
Temple 38 in the Altbachtal sanctuary,
vations of (a) 163. Typical Greek and Roman theatres. Plans, (a)
second century; (b) Temple of Lenus-Mars, in its Epidaurus, mid fourth century B.C.; (b) Orange
latest, classicizing form, third century (Arausio), first century a.d.
140. Champlieu, Gallo-Roman sanctuary, c. 200. Plan 164. Stobi, theatre, second century a.d. Restored view
141. Lyon (Lugdunum), theatre and odeion, Hadri- of stage building and plan
anic (117-38) (H. Rutter, Lyon) 165. Eleusis, from the Inner Propylaea,
142. Aries (Arelate), amphitheatre, second half of the c. 50-40 Ward-Perkins)
B.C. (J. B.

first century a.d. (Fototeca delPUnione, Rome) 166 and 167. Athens, Tower of the Winds, or
143. Nimes (Nemausus), amphitheatre, second half of Horologeion of Andronicus, towards the middle of
the first century a.d. (Arts Photomecaniques, Paris) the first century B.C. (Alison Frantz, Athens), with
144. Bath-building at Saint Remy (Glanum). Plans: plan
(a) In its original form, second half of the first 168 and 169. Athens, Odeion of Agrippa, c. 15 B.C.
century B.C.; (b) as reconstructed in the second half Axonometric and restored views, and capital (J. B.
of the first century a.d. Ward-Perkins)
Gaul and the Rhineland. (a)
145. Bath-buildings in 170 and 171. Athens, Arch of Hadrian, probably
North BathsBertrand-de-Comminges
at Saint erected in 131 (Alison Frantz, Athens), view from
(Lugdunum Convenarum), second century. Plan; the east and restored elevation drawing
(b) Verdes, date uncertain (second century.^). Plan; 172. Athens, part of the facade of the Library of
(c) Badenweiler, thermal baths, original form of the Hadrian, 132 (Alison F'rantz, Athens)
buildings, probably first half of the second century. 173. Ephesus, Baths of Vedius, mid second century.
Restored view and plan Detail of the coursed rubble masonry (J. B. Ward-
146. Saint Remy (Glanum), arch and monument of Perkins)
the Julii, c. a.d. 10-20 and slightly earlier (J. B. 174. Miletus, Baths of Capito, mid first century (J. B.
Ward-Perkins) Ward-Perkins)
147. Orange (Arausio), monumental arch, built 175. Ephesus, Aqueduct of C. Sextilius Pollio, be-
shortly after 21 (A. F. Kersting) tween 4 and 14 (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
148. Vaison-la-Romaine (Vasio), House of the Silver 176. Aspendos, pitched brick vaulting in the substruc-
Bust, later first century. Plan tures of the basilica, end of the third century (Dr
149. Vaison-la-Romaine (Vasio), street and streetside M. H. Ballance)
portico, later first century (-J. B. Ward-Perkins) 177. Ephesus, Harbour Baths, part of the late-second-
150. Fishbourne, villa, third quarter of the first century bath-building (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
century. Plan 178. Nicaea (Iznik), city walls, between 258 and 269
151. Two Roman villas, second-third centuries (a) (German Archaeological Institute, Rome)
Anthee, near Namur; (b) Cachy, near Amiens 179. Ancyra (Ankara), Temple of Rome and Augustus
152. Ditchley, Roman villa and its dependencies, {temp. Augustus, 27 B.C. -a.d. 14) (A. F. Kersting)
revealed by air photography, c. 100 (Ashmolean 180. Aizani, Temple of Zeus, completed c. 125
Museum) (Michael Gough)
153. Koln-Miingersdorf, villa, in its fully developed 181. Pergamon, central hall of the Kizil Avlu, or
form, third century. Restored view and plan Serapaeum, beginning of the third century (J. B.
154.Nennig, villa, third century. Restored elevation Ward-Perkins)
and plan 182 and 183. Pergamon, Sanctuary of Asklepios
155. Chedworth, restored view of the villa, c. 300 (Aesculapius), c. 130 40 Plan of sanctuary and view
156. Magdalensberg, unfinished temple of Claudius of part of the vaulted substructures of the rotunda
and part of the forum (Fototeca deirUnione, Rome) at the south-east corner (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
157. Aquincum, ceremonial wing of the Governor's 184. Pergamon, Sanctuary of Asklepios (Aesculapius),
Palace, mid second century. Plan Corinthian capital of the thirties of the second
158. Nicopolis-ad-Istrum, agora, founded after 106 century (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
and nearing completion by the middle of the century 185. Ephesus, theatre, restored and enlarged in the
159. Stara Zagora (Augusta Traiana), thermal baths, second half of the first century, and the Arkadiane
161 9 (colonnaded street), fourth century (J. B. Ward-
160. Asseria, archway-gate, 112. Restored view Perkins)

186. Izmir (Smyrna), agora and basilica, mid second 207. Kalat Fakra, altar, first century B.C. or a.d. (J. B.
century. Partial plan and restored axonometric view Ward-Perkins)
of the north-west angle 208. Niha, interior of Temple A, late second century.
187. Ephesus, Library of Celsus, r. 117-20 (J. B. Restored view
Ward-Perkins) 209. Kalat Fakra, temple, late first or second century.
188. Ephesus, Library of Celsus, c. 117-20. Plan and Restored view
restored view of the interior 210. Seleucia-Pieri^, near Antioch. Plan of a Roman
189. Ephesus, Library of Celsus, r. 117-20. Restored house, early third century
model (Mansell Collection) and restored facade 21 1. Buildings in North Central Syria. Elevations and
(V. M. Strocka) plans, (a) House at Taqle, fourth century; (b) house
190. Ephesus, bath-buildings (gymnasia). Plans, (a) at Banaqfur, first century; (c) bath-building at Brad,
Harbour Baths, partial plan, probably late first third century
century, several times remodelled; (b) Baths of 212. Hegra (Medaein Saleh), rock-cut Nabataean
Vedius, mid second century; (c) East Baths, early mausolea of the third quarter of the first century
second century, remodelled temp. Severus (193-21 1) (Courtesy of the Saudi Arabian Embassy, Rome)
191. Ephesus, Harbour Baths, Marmorsaal, second- 213. Petra, rock-cut mausoleum of ed-Deir, possibly
century marble decorative wall-facing. Restored view early second century (A. F. Kersting)
192. Miletus, fountain-building (nymphaeum), c. 100. 2 1 4 and 215. Petra, 'Qasr el-Bint' temple (Elia Photo-
Restored view Service, Jerusalem) with axonometric view
193. Attaleia (Antalya), mausoleum overlooking the 216. Gerasa, oval piazza, third quarter of the first

harbour, first century (J. B. Ward-Perkins) century (Department of Antiquities", Amman)

194. Side, fountain-building, as erected in 71. Re- 217. Gerasa,monumental approach to the Temple of
stored view Artemis, third quarter of the second century (De-
195. Side. Plans of temples, (a) Small temple beside partment of Antiquities, Amman)
the theatre, first century; (b) Temple Ni, second 218. Gerasa, West Baths, third quarter of the second
quarter of the second century; (c) apsidal temple, century. Hemispherical vault (University of Yale)
third century 219. Gerasa, fountain building, 191 (A. F. Kersting)
196. Perge, South Gate (second century B.C..'' Augus- 220. Seeia (Si'), Sanctuary of Ba'alshamin, late first

tan?), remodelled into a nymphaeum between 117 century B.C., and South Temple, late first century
and 122 (J. B. Ward-Perkins) a.d. Plans and elevations
197. Aspendos, theatre, 161-80 (J. B. Ward-Perkins) 221. Mismiyeh, 'Praetorium', 160-9. Drawing by De
198. Aspendos, one of the two pressure-towers of the Vogiie (Syrie Centrale, plate 7)
third-century aqueduct (J. B. Ward-Perkins) 222. Philippopolis (Shehba), bath-building, 241-5
199. Anemurium, bath-building and adjacent pal- (University of Princeton)
aestra with an elaborate mosaic floor, second-third 223. Es-Sanamen, Tychaeon, 191 (University of
centuries Princeton)
200. Jericho, Herodian palace, late first century B.C. 224. Bath-buildings in Syria. Plans, (a) Bostra, South
(a) Restored sketch of the whole complex; (b) plan of Baths, probably third century; (b) Antioch, Bath C,
the ceremonial and residential wing rebuilt in the fourth century following the second-
201.Masada, 'Hanging Palace', before 4 B.C. (Yigael century plan
Yadin, the Masada Expedition, Israel) 225. Bostra, 'Basilica', probably third century. Ele-
202. Baalbek, sanctuary, begun early first century, vation and plan
completed c. 250. Restored view 226. Umm el-Jemal, house, third-fourth century.
203. Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter Heliopolitanus, first Elevation, plan, and section
century, the six standing columns of the south 227. Dura-Europos, bazaar quarter occupying the site
peristasis (G. E. Kidder Smith, New York) of the hellenistic agora, mid third century
204. Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, mid second cen- 228. Dura-Europos, Temple of the Palmyrene Gods,
tury, north side of the interior of the cella (G. E. built into an angle of the city walls, (a) Plans, first
Kidder Smith, New York) and early third centuries; (b) restored view, early

205. Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, part of the fore- third century

court, as rebuilt in the second century (J. B. Ward- 229. Dura-Europos, Palace of the Dux Ripae, first half
Perkins) of the third century. Axonometric view
206. Baalbeck Temple of Venus, third century. Plan 230. Palmyra, from the air (Institut frani^ais

and axonometric view d'archeologie, Beyrouth)



231 and 232. Palmyra, Temple of Bel, dedicated in 32 261. Thamugadi (Timgad), air view (Department of
(J. B. Ward-Perkins), with restored view and plan Antiquities, Algeria)
233. Palmyra, colonnaded street, second century (Dr 262. Thamugadi (Timgad), forum, 100. Plan
Hell, Reutlingen) 263. Thamugadi (Timgad), 'Arch of Trajan', late

234. Palmyra, arch, 220, and part of the second- second century, and streetside colonnades (G. E.
century colonnaded street (Dr Hell, Reutlingen) Kidder Smith, New York)
235. (a) Palmyra, arch, 220; (b) Gerasa, north gate, 264. North Africa, market buildings. Plans, (a) Hippo
115 Regius (Hippone), date uncertain; (b) Cuicul
236. Luxor, Temple of Serapis, 126 (Professor (Djemila), Market of Cosinius, mid second century;
Muller-Wiener) (c) Thamugadi (Timgad), Market of Sertius, third
237. Philae, 'Kiosk' of Trajan, ( . 100 (Photo Borel- century
Boissonas, Geneva) 265.Thamugadi (Timgad), bath-buildings. Plans, (a)
238. Karanis, House C65 (University of Michigan, South Baths, mid second century; (b) North Baths,
Kelsey Museum) third century
239 and 240. Gyrene, Caesareum, air view (Aerofilms 266. Carthage, Antonine Baths, 143-62. Plan
and Air Pictorial Ltd) and plan 267. Cuicul (Djemila), bath-building, 183. Plan
241 Ptolemais, 'Palazzo delle Colonne'. Probably first 268. Cuicul (Djemila), air view (Department of
half of the first century a.d. Axonometric view from Antiquities, Algeria)
the north-east 269. Cuicul (Djemila), Market of Cosinius, mid
242. Lepcis Magna, Old Forum. Plan second century (German Archaeological Institute,
243. Lepcis Magna, market, built in 8 B.C. Restored Rome)
view 270. Bulla Regia, House of the Hunt, third century.
244. Lepcis Magna, main street (J. B. Ward-Perkins) (a) plan and section at underground level and plan at
245. Lepcis Magna, market pavilion, 8 B.C. (German ground level; (b) the light-well peristyle of the
Archaeological Institute, Rome) underground suite (Sheila Gibson)
246. Lepcis Magna, theatre (German Archaeological 271. (a) Althiburos, House of the Muses, second
Institute, Rome) century; (b) Volubilis, House of Venus, mid third
247. Theatres in Tripolitania. (a) Lepcis Magna, a.d. century. Plans
1-2; (b) Sabratha, last quarter of the second century 272. Tipasa, house overlooking the sea, third centurv.
248. Sabratha, forum, first-second century (British Plan
School at Rome) 273. Cuicul (Djemila), Temple of the Severan Family,
249. Sabratha, theatre, reconstructed stage-building, 229 (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
last quarter of the second century (Professor 274. Sufetula (Sbeitla), forum and Capitolium, mid
Friedrich Rakob) second century (Professor Friedrich Rakob)
250. LepcisMagna, Hadrianic Baths, public lavatory 275. Thuburbo Maius, Capitolium, 168 (Josephine
(German Archaeological Institute, Rome) Powell)
251. Lepcis Magna, Hunting Baths, late second or 276. Thuburbo Maius, unidentified temple, second
early third century.Axonometric view and photo- half of the second century (Josephine Powell)
graph (J. B. Ward-Perkins) 277. North Africa, temples, (a) Thuburbo Maius,
252. Thenae, baths, second-'third century. Plan Temple of the Cereres, first century. Plan; (e)
253. Lepcis Magna, air view (British School at Rome) Gigthis, Temple A (Capitolium?), second century.
254. Lepcis Magna, Severan Forum and Basilica, Plan; (c) Lambaesis, temple dedicated in 162 to
dedicated in 216. Plan Aesculapius and a group of other divinities. Restored
255. Lepcis Magna, temple in honour of the Severan view and plan
family, c.216. Restored view 278. Zaghouan, Sanctuary of the Nymphs. Restored
256 and 257. Lepcis Magna, Severan Basilica, de- view
dicated in 216 (German Archaeological Institute, 279. Rome, Porta Appia, as originally constructed,
Rome), with restored view 275-80
258. Lepcis Magna, north-east portico of the Severan 280. Rome, Porta Appia (Porta San Sebastiano), 403
Forum, early third century (J. B. Ward-Perkins) (Leonard von Matt)
259. Lepcis Magna, capital from the Severan Forum, 281. Rome, Aurelian's I'emple of the Sun (Sol),
early third century (J. B. Ward-Perkins) 275 80. Plan, after Palladio
260. Lepcis Magna, Severan Nymphaeum, beginning 282. Rome, Baths of Diocletian, i. 298 305/6. Plan
of the third century (J. B. Ward-Perkins) 283. Rome, Baths of Diocletian, c. 298-305/6. The

central hall remodelled as the church of Santa Maria 297 and 298. Trier, Basilica, early fourth century
i degli Angeli (Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale) (Landesmuseum, Trier)

284. Rome, Temple of Venus and Rome, cella as 299. Trier, Basilica, early fourth century, (a) Recon-
restored by Maxentius, 307-12 (German Ar- structed view of exterior; (b) plan
chaeological Institute, Rome) 300. Trier, S. Irminio warehouses, early fourth
; 285. Rome, Via Appia and the Circus, the Mauso- century. Restored view
leum, and remains of the Villa of Maxentius, 307 12 301 and 302. Trier, Imperial Baths ('Kaiserthermen'),
(Fototeca deirUnione, Rome) early fourth century, exterior of the
main caldarium
286. Rome, Circus of Maxentius, 307-12 (Fototeca (Landesmuseum, Trier) and restored view and plan
deirUnione, Rome) 303. Trier, Porta Nigra, probably early fourth century
287 and 288. Rome, Mausoleum of Tor de' Schiavi, (Landesmuseum, Trier)
c. 300, view and plan, after Durm, and possible 304. Thessalonike (Salonica). Restored views
alternative reconstruction of facade 305-7. Thessalonike (Salonica), Mausoleum of Ga-
289 and 290. Rome, Basilica of Maxentius, 307-12, lerius (church of St George), mainly before 311.

completed by Constantine after 312 (Fototeca Interior (Hirmer Fotoarchiv, Munich), section and
deirUnione, Rome), with reconstructed view of the plan, and detail of vaulting (J. B. Ward-Perkins)
interior as originally planned by Maxentius 308-10. Spalato (Split), Palace of Diocletian,
291. Rome, Arch of Constantine, completed in 315 c. 300-6. Plan, 'Peristyle' or ceremonial courtyard
(Leonard von Matt) (Toso Dabac), and view by Robert Adam
292. Rome, Baths of Constantine, c. 320. Plan, after 311. Spalato (Split), Porta Aurea, c. 300-6. Restored
Palladio view
293. Rome, Mausoleum of Constantina ('Santa Cos- 312-14. Piazza Armerina, villa, early fourth century.
tanza'), second quarter of the fourth century Axonometric view, general view of the central
(x\linari) peristyle, and view from the vestibule across the

294. Rome, pavilion in the Licinian Gardens central peristyle (Fototeca dell'Unione, Rome)
('Temple of Minerva Medica'), early fourth century 315. Portus Magnus, near Oran, villa, c. 300. Plan
(Fototeca deirUnione, Rome) 316. Desenzano, part of a rich villa, fourth centurv.
295. Rome, pavilion in the Licinian Gardens, from a Plan
drawing by Franz Innocenz Kobell, 1780 (Fototeca
deirUnione, Rome)
296. Rome, pavilion in the Licinian Gardens, early The drawings and adaptations were made by Miss
fourth century. Plan Sheila Gibson

References to the notes are given to the page on which Anamur (Anemurium), 304-5 (ill. 199)
the note occurs, followed by the number of the Anazarbos, 305; amphitheatre, 290
chapter and the number of the note; thus, 484(12)^'' Ancona, Arch of Trajan, 179-80, 181 (ill. 109)
indicates page 484, chapter 12, note 26. Notes are Ancyra, see Ankara
indexed only when they contain information other Andronicus of Cyrrhus, 264
than bibliographical, to which there is no obvious Anemurium, see Anamur
reference from the text. Classical authors are indexed Anguillara, 'Mura di S. Stefano', 210
only if they are referred to in the text; divinities only if Ankara (Ancyra), 278-80; bath-building, 280, 292;
they themselves are the object of substantial Temple of Rome and Augustus, n^ 279 (ill. 179),
comment. 280, 281, 469(1)'
Announa, see Thibilis
Antalya (Attaleia), Arch of Hadrian, 485(i2)"*^; mau-
Abila, coins of, 484(12)2" soleum, 168, 299 (ill. 193); walls, 299
Abthugni, Capitolium, 489(1 3)^-^ Anthedon (Agrippeion), 309, 483 (12)^
Acharnai, Temple of Ares, 265 Anthee, villa, 241 (ill. 151)
Adam, Robert, 120 Antioch (on-the-Orontes), 305, 308-9, 313, 325-6,
x^damklissi, monument, 168 328, 357, 365, 441, 465, 484(12)'''; amphitheatre,
Adonis, 314 325; bath-buildings, 325, 345 (ill. 224), 485(12)"*";
Aemilius, M., 26 colonnaded street, 310, 313; hippodrome, 458;

Aeminium, Coimbra
see houses, 212, 325, (of Menander), 212; Kaisareion,
Aenona, see Nin 183, 325, 366; palace, 361, 450, 458, 490(15)^
Agrigento (Agrigentum, Akragas), Olympieion, 317 theatre, 325; see also Daphni, Seleucia
Agrippa, M. Vipsanius, 22, 23-5,41, 74, 98, 143, 22-i^^ Antioch-in-Pisidia, 280, 299
265,478(9)'^ Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King, 263, 335, 487(12)^^
Agrippeion, see Anthedon Antipatris, 309, 483(12)^'
Agrippina, Empress, 55 Antium, see Anzio
Ahenobarbus, L. Domitius, 22 Antoninus Pius, Emperor, 123, 124-6, 146, 292, 300,
Aix-en-Provence, terraced town house, 478(9)'"* 314, 373,480(10)^'
Aizani, Temple of Zeus, 281, 282 (ill. 180) Antony (Marcus Antonius), 21, 22
Akragas, see Agrigento Anzio (Antium), Nero's villa, 202
Alatri (Alatrium), aqueduct, 477(9) '•' Aosta (Augusta Praetoria), 171, 173-4 (ill. 102), 178;
Albano, 48; nymphaeum of Domitian, 114, 168, amphitheatre, 173, 174; arch, 173-4, 236; gate, 173,
475(7)**; Pompey's (later Domitian's) villa, 202-3 179, 222; plan, 173 (ill. 102), 222\ temple, 173;
(ill. 122), 210 theatre, 173, 231, 262; vaulted substructure, 226
Albano, Lake, 55 Apamea, 305, 309, 360, 482(12)', 483(12)-'
Alcantara, bridge over the Tagus, 216 (ill. 131) Apaturius of Alabanda, 164
Alesia, basilica, 221, 225 Aphrodisias (Caria), 280, 281, 296; agora, 286; am-
Alexander the Great, 268, 307 phitheatre, 290; baths, 296; odeion, 262; Temple of
Alexandreion, 309 Aphrodite, 281; theatre, 281, 482(11)^''
Alexandria (Egypt), 48, 51, 309, 365-6, 368, 369; Apollodorus of Damascus, 75, 85, 94, 105, 107, 123,
Kaisareion, 183, 366 216, 472(3)^\ 473(4)". 477(9)'^
Alexandria Troas, 273 Apollonia (Cyrenaica), 368, 370; Palace of the Dux,
Allonnes, baths, 235-6 347
Althiburos, Capitolium, 489(1 3)^"; House of the Appius Claudius, see Pulcher
Muses, 403-4 (ill. 271); temple, 373 Apuleius, 408
Ambrose, St, 442 Aquae Sulis, see Bath
Amelie-les-Hains, baths, 234 Aquileia, 171, 246; mausoleum, 237; warehouses, 464,
Amman (Philadelphia), nymphaeum, 338-9 490(15)'
Ammanati, 59 Aquincum, 247 9 (ill. 157)

Araq el-Emir, temple, 485(12)-^'* Athens continued

Arausio, see Orange Tower of the Winds, 264 (ill. 166), 265 (ill. 167), 267
Arcadius, Emperor, 87, 417 'Atil, temple, 344, 345
Architects, classical: see Andronicus of Cyrrhus, Attaleia, see Antalya
Apaturius of Alabanda, Apollodorus of Damascus, Attis, 49
Celer, Cossutius, Hermogenes, Hippodamos of Mi- Augst (Basel; Augusta Raurica), 220, 220-3 (i^- i34);
letus, Lacer, Rabirius, Severus, Stallius, Zeno basilica, 220-1, 221, 223, 225; bath-buildings, 222;
Architects, post-classical: see Adam, Ammanati, Ber- Capitolium, 177, 221; curia, 221; forum, 220-1, 225,
nini, Borromini, Michelangelo, Michelozzo, Pal- 252; market, 220, 221-2, 223; plan, 177, 220, 222-3;
ladio, Panvinio, Piranesi, Pirro Ligorio, Raphael, temples, 220, 221, 222, 230; theatre, 220, 221
Valadier, Vanvitelli Augusta Emerita, see Merida
Arelate, see Aries Augusta Praetoria, see Aosta
Aretas II, 329 Augusta Raurica, see Augst
Aretas IV, 334 Augusta Taurinorum, see Turin
Argos, 480(10)^^; nymphaeum, 272 Augusta Traiana, see Stara Zagora
Ariminum, see Rimini Augusta Treverorum, see Trier
Aristobarzanes Philopator, 480(10)''' Augustine, St, 442
Aries (Arelate), 219-20, 442; amphitheatre, 166, Augustodunum, see Autun
232-3 (ill. 142); baths, 233; bridge, 225; 'cryptopor- Augustus, Emperor, 21 ff., 48, 97, 98, 117, 143, 157,
tico', 173, 226, 478(9)'-'*; gate, 175, 223; theatre, 174, 162, 175, 177, 198, 214, 217, 219, 225, 227, 255, 256,
230, 231, 232 (ill. 142); water supply, 224-5 265, 279, 299, 324, 328, 363, 368
Ascalon, bath-building, 310 Aurelian, Emperor, 52, 354, 415, 417
Ashmunein, see Hermoupolis Magna Ausonius, 243, 442, 464
Asisium, see Assisi Authors, classical and Early Christian: see Apuleius,
Aspendos, agora, 302; aqueduct, 225, 277, 303 (ill. Augustine, Ausonius, Cato, Catullus, Cicero, Col-
198); basilica, 276 (ill. 176), 302, 454, 479(10)^; umella, Eusebius, Frontinus, Josephus, Lactantius,
cisterns,303-4; stoa, 299, 302; theatre, 260, 261, Libanius, Livy, Malalas, Martial, Pausanias, Philo,
291-2, 302 (ill. 197) Pliny the Elder, Pliny the Younger, Quintilian,
Asseria, archway-gate, 252 (ill. 160) Seneca, Strabo, Suetonius, Tacitus, Varro, Virgil,
Assisi (Asisium), 178 Vitruvius
Assos, 273 Autun (Augustodunum), 220, 223; Porte Saint-
Asti (Hasta), gate, 175 Andre, 175, 222, 223, 224 (ill. 135), 448; 'Temple of
Athanasius, 442 Janus', 227-8 (ill. 138), 230
Athens, 94, 255, 263-71, 273, 280, 368 Avenches (Aventicum), amphitheatre, 232; gate,
Agora, 265, 271, 272, 479(10)'' 174-5
Altar of Pity, 28 Avernus, Lake, 'Temple of Apollo', 168
Aqueduct, 268, 271 Ayas (Elaeusa), 305, 481(11)-^
Arch of Hadrian, 268 9 (ills. 170, 171), 297
Basilica, North-West, 479(10)^ Ba'al, 126, 132, 314
East quarter, 268 Baalbek, Sanctuary, 67, 126, 310, 3141!. (ill. 202), 323,
Erechtheion, 25, 257, 263, 265, 268 324, 335, 338, 344, 474(5)'', 484(12)'"; courtyard,
Gymnasium of Ptolemy, 265 314, 315 (ill. 202), 317, 319-20 (ill. 205), 324, 337,
Library (Stoa) of Hadrian, 67, 268, 269-71 (ill. 368; Temples (of Bacchus), 314, 317, 317-19 (ill.

172),317-19 204), 320, 2^22, 335, 458, (of Jupiter Heliopolitanus),

Market of Caesar and Augustus, 258, 265 123, 282, 314, 316-17 (ill. 203), 357, 437, (of Venus),
Odeia: of Agrippa, 25, 265 8 (ills. 168, 169), 320-1 (ill. 206)
469(1)^, 473(4)^; of Herodes Atticus, 262, 271, Babisqa, bath-building, 328; bazaar, 327
480(10)^^; of Perikles, 267 Babutta, tomb, 328
Olympieion, 263, 268, 480(10)^', 487(1 2)^*' Badenweiler, bath-buildings, 234, 235 (ill. 145)
Stadium, 271 Baelo (Bolonia), Capitolium, 183, 218
Stoas: of Eumenes, 260; of Hadrian, see Library of Baeterrae, see Beziers
Hadrian Bagacum, see Bavai
Temples, 265; of Rome and Augustus, 264-5; ^^^ Baiae, 'Temple of Diana', 168; 'Temple of Mercury',
also Olympieion 114, 167-8; 'Temple of Venus', 168 (ill. 97), 431,
Theatre of Dionysus, 268 437, 474(5)"; villas, 164, 166

Balbus, L. Cornelius, 22 Canac, baths, 235

Banaqfur, houses, 326-7 (ill. 211) Capera, arch, 218
Bara, Arch of Licinius Sura, 218 Capito, Cnaeus Vergilius, 295
Barade, see Brad Capitolias, coins of, 485(12)'"'
Barcelona, Temple of Rome and Augustus, 218 Capri, 45, 48; 'Bagni di Tiberio', 198; Damecuta villa,
Bath (Aquae Sulis), baths, 234; Temple of Sulis 198, 201; 'Palazzo a Mare', 198, 201; Villa Jovis,
Minerva, 234 198-201 (ills. 120, 121)
Bavai (Bagacum), vaulted substructures beneath fo- Capua, amphitheatre, 166, 475(7)"^; mausolea, 168,
rum, 226; walls, 477(9)'" 169 (ill. 98), 170 (ill. 100)
Bede, the Venerable, 67 Caracalla, Emperor, 123, 126, 132, 280, 314, 320
Beirut (Berytus), 325; agora etc., 310; basilica, 259 Carcassonne, walls, 477(9)'"
Benabil, houses, 326-7 Carnuntum, 247-8
Benevento, arch, 179-80; Temple of Isis and Serapis, Carpentras (Carpentorate), arch, 236
368 Carrara (Luni), marble from, 22, 25, 28, }}, 36, 39,
Berenice, 325, 366 43-4,77,87, 117, 123, 227
Berenson, Bernard, 430 Carthage, 363, 370, 378, 407, 489(1 3)-'\ Antonine
Bernini, Gianlorenzo, 51, 52, 424 Baths, 398 (ill. 266), 412, 489(13)^", 490(15)-^; Capi-
Berytus, see Beirut tolium, 394
Beziers (Baeterrae), 220 Casinum, Varro's villa, aviary, loi
Birketein, Sanctuary of Maiumas, 336, 483(12)'"* Castellum Tidditanorum, see Tiddis
Bolonia, see Baelo Catena, Val, villa, 196 8 (ill. 119), 199
Bone (Hippo Regius), 378, 407; market building, 395, Cato, 193
396 (ill. 264); theatre, 380 Catullus, 171
Borromini, Francesco, 484(12)-** Cavaillon (Cabelio), arch, 236
Bostra (Bosra), 339, 345-7; basilica, 346-7 (ill. 225); Celer (architect of Nero's Golden House), 61, 471(2)^^
baths, 344, 345 6 (ill. 224), 384; East Arch, ^^2, 345; Celsus Polemaeanus, Caius Julius, 288-9, 482(11)^'
fountain-building, 345; 'Palace' hall, 347; St George, Champlieu, Gallo-Roman sanctuary, 230 (ill. 140);
344; streetside colonnade, 344, 345; theatre, 346 baths, 235
Brad (Barade), bath-building, 326, 327 (ill. 211); Chatalka, villa, 249
tetrapylon, 328 Chedworth, villa,
243, 245 (ill. 155)
Brekeh, temple, 341, 345 Cherchel (Caesarea), 407; baths, ^98; theatre, 376,
Brescia (Brixia), 171; Capitolium, 177-8 (ill. 106), 488(13)^"
221, 222; forum, 177-8, 221, 233 Chiragan, villa, 239

Brioni Grande, see Catena, Val Chlorus, Constantius, Emperor, 442

Brixia, see Brescia Cicero, 25, 193, 202, 263
Bulla Regia, houses, 403 (ill. 270) Cirta, temple, 410
Burdj Bakirha, temple, 326 Claudius, Emperor, 52-6, 85, 98, 177, 256, 295,
Busan, houses, 347 470(2)«
Butrinto (Buthrotum), odeion, 262; shrine of Aescu- Cleopatra, 21, 363
lapius, 253 Coimbra (Aeminium), 478(9)' "^

Byblos, colonnaded street, 325; nymphaeum, }!=:,, 338 Colchester, Temple of Claudius, 183, 222
Cologne, see Koln-Miingersdorf
Cabelio, see Cavaillon Columella, 193
Cachy, villa, 241 (ill. 151) Commodus, Emperor, 87, 124, 126, 146, 257
Caerwent, forum, 221 Como (Comum), gate, 174 5
Caesar, Julius, 21, 22, 25, 26, 1,1,^ 55, 219, 265, 325, Conimbriga, forum complex, 216-18 (ill. 1^2),
" ^«
328,366 ; 478(9)'-^'

Caesarea (Algeria), see Cherchel Constantina, daughter of C^onstantine, 431

Caesarea Maritima, ^09, ^10, 310-11, 313, ^^76, Constantine, Emperor, 129, 210, 313, 363, 415, 417,
483(12); 421, 426, 428, 428 ff., 441, 442, 446, 448, 449, 465-6
Caistor, forum, 221 Constantine II, Emperor, 442
Calahorra, 214 Constantinople, 87, 277, 352, 415, 429, 436, 441, 463,
Caligula,Emperor, 46, 48 51, 52, 83, 202, 268 465-6; Hagia Sophia, 273, 417, 438, 454; palaces,
Calvinus, Cnaeus Domitius, 22 450, 463; SS. Sergius and Bacchus, 438; Theodosian
C^alydon, I leroon, 338 walls, 277

Constantius II, Emperor, 86 Diana Veteranorum, see Zana

Cordoba, 214 Didyma, see Miletus
Corinth, 255-63 Diocletian, Emperor, 34, 354, 361, 415, 417, 436, 441,
Agora, 255 (ill. 162), 373, 475(7)-*
442, 454, 457, 490(I4)^ 490(15)"
Amphitheatre, 258, 290 Diogenes (Athenian sculptor), 25
Basilicas,258-9, 373; Julian, 256; Lechaion road, Diokaisareia (Cilicia), colonnaded street, 305, 360,
256, 257, 259; South, 256 482(11)^'; monument, 328
Baths, 257, 258; of Eurykles, 258 Ditchley,villa, 242 (ill. 152)

Bouleuterion, 256 Djemila (Cuicul), 391, 399-407, 407

Capitolium, 256 7, 257 Arch of Caracalla, 401, 407
Captives Facade, 257, 263, 299 Basilica, 394, 401, 407
Colonnaded streets, 257, 262-3, 482(11)^^ Bath-buildings, 398, 399 (ill. 267), 401, 404-7
Fountains: Glauke, 257; Peirene, 255, 256, 257, Capitolium, 183, 401, 489(13)-'
258, 271 Curia, 401
Market building, 162, 257, 258, 265 Forum, Severan, 400 (ill. 268), 401, 407
Monument of Cnaeus Babbius Philinas, 257 Houses, 401, 402-3
Odeion, 257, 258, 262, 271 Market of Cosinius, 396 (ill. 264), 401-2 (ill. 269),
Pantheon, 256, 257 489(13)''
Peribolos of Apollo, 257 Plan, 400 (ill. 268), 401
Shops, 256, 257, 258 Temples: Severan Family, 401, 406 (ill. 273), 407;
Stoas: North-West, 255, 257; South, 255, 256, 257 Venus Genetrix, 402, 410
Temples, 256-7; of Apollo, 255; C, 257; of Theatre, 401, 404
Hercules-Commodus, 257; of Hermes, 256, 257, Dmeir, temple, 334
258; of Poseidon, 257; of Tyche, 257, 258; see also Doclea, 252 3 (ill. 161)
Capitolium, Pantheon Domitian, Emperor, 37, 5 1, 67, 70, 72, 73-84, 98, iii,
Theatre, 258, 259, 260-1, 262, 376 132, 146, 203, 206, 291, 295, 335
Cornificius, L., 22 Dougga (Thugga), 217, 378, 378 9, 408, 410; Capi-
Cosinius, Market of, see Djemila tolium, 183, 489(13)^'; Licinian Baths, 398; market,
Cossutius, Decimus, 263, 268, 480(10)'^ 489(13)"; mausoleum, 409; Temples (of Caelestis),
C^ostanza (Tomis), 251 410, (of Minerva), 410, (of Saturn), 410; theatre, 376,
Cuicul, see Djemila 488(13)'"
Cybele, 49 Drevant, baths, 235
Cypros, fortress-palace, 483(12)'^ Dura-Europos, 308, 309, 347-52, 354, 483(1 2)'-*,
Cyrene, 388; Caesareum, 366, 367 (ills.
basilica, 259; 486(12)''**; bath-buildings, 485(1 2)-*°; bazaar quarter,
239, 240), 368; hippodrome, 370; 'House of Jason 258, 349, 350 (ill. 227); houses, 349; Palace of the
Magnus', 370; macellum(?), 488(13)^; Temple of Dux Ripae, 347, 352, 353 (ill. 229), 486(12)''^;
Apollo, 368; theatre, 262, 370, 475(7)'' temples, 334, 338, 349, 486(12)", (of Artemis), 349,
Cyriacus of Ancona, 281-2, 480(10)^° 483(12)'-*, (Mithraeum), 352, (of the Palmyrene
Cyzicus, 280; amphitheatre, 290; Temple of Hadrian, Gods), 349 52 (ill. 228)
281-2, 391, 484(12)^' Durocortorum, see Reims

Damascus, 308, 322, 328, 329, 483(12)'; agora, 328; Echmoun, 314
colonnaded street, 328; gymnasium, 310; Temple of Edfu, bath-building, 363
Jupiter Damascenus, ^20, :;28; theatre, 310, 328, Elaeusa, see Ayas
483(12)'-* Elagabalus, Emperor, 126, 132, 210
Dana, tetrapylon, 328 El-Djem (Thysdrus), 489(13)'°
Danube, bridges, 94, 472(3)-'^, 477(9)'-* Eleusis, arches, 480(10)^'; Inner Propylaea, 25, 33,
Daphni (suburb of Antioch), houses, 485(12)^^; thea- 263 (ill. 165), 268; Outer Propylaea, 282, 480(10)^';
tre for aquatic displays, 262 Telesterion, 10
Delos, 237, 478(9)^^ 483(12)", 484(12)" Emesa, ^08; sanctuarv of Ba'al, 126, i\2\ tower tomb,
Dendera, nymphaea, 363 485(i2r-'
Dendur, temple, 487(13)' Ephesus, 273, 280-1, 296
Der el-Meshkuk, temple, 345 Agora, 285-6
Desenzano, villa, 464 5 (ill. 316) Aqueduct of Pollio, 273, 275 (ill. 175)
Dhat Ras, temple, 335 Arch, 359

Ephesus continued Gerasa (Jerash), 329, 335-9, 339> 344

Arkadiane, 286-7 (ill. 185), 294 Arch, 343, 359
Basilica, 259, 288, 479(10)" Baths, West, 336, 338 (ill. 218)
Baths: East, 293 (ill. 190), 295; Harbour, 277 (ill. Fountain building, 329, 336, 338-9 (ill. 219), 343,
177), 286 293 (ill.
(ill. 185), 190), 294-5 (ill- 191), 345,480(10)^'
296, 297-9; Theatre, 294; Vedius, 274 (ill. 173), Gates, 335, 336, 359 (ill. 235)
292-4 (ill. 190), 295 Piazza, 336 (ill. 216)
Colonnaded street, 286-7 • Temples, 322; of Artemis, 335, 336, 336 8 (ill.

Gateways, 297 217); C, 336, 338; 'Cathedral', 336; of Dushara(?),

Houses, 296, 474(6)' 335, 349; of Zeus, 335, 336, 338
Library of Celsus, 277, 284, 287, 288-90 (ills. Theatres: North, 336; South, 335, 336 (ill. 216)
187-9), 292, 297 Germanicus, 45
Nymphaeum, 300, 482(11)^' Gigthis, 378, 407; market, 489(13)^^; temples, 373,
Odeion, 262, 482(11)-*' 409-10, 411 (ill. 277)
St John, church of, 273 Gisacum, see Vieil-Evreux
Temples: of Artemis, 317; 'of Domitian', 281; Glanum, see Saint Remy
of Hadrian, 282-3,-300, 480(10)^°, 482(11)-'; Gordian, Emperor, 146
Serapaeum(?), 283; of Titus, 281 Gortyna, bouleuterion/odeion, 262
Theatre, 259, 286 (ill. 185), 291-2, 297, 302 Gratian, Emperor, 407, 442
Epidaurus, odeion, 262, 480(10)"'; theatre, 259 (ill. Gubbio (Iguvium), theatre, 469(1)'°
Es-Sanamen, Tychaeon, 334, 344 (ill. zzt^) Hadrian, Emperor, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 87, 98, 105,
Estrees-sur-Noye, villa, 478(9)^^ i07ff., 121-4, 124, 146, 166, 183, 204, 206, 214, 263,

Eusebius, 75 268, 269, 282, 284, 306, 336, 368, 469(1)', 473(4)",
Evaux, baths, 234 481(11)"
Hadrian's Wall, 246
Failaka, temple, 483(12)-' Halaesa (Sicily), 488(13)'''
Fano (Fanum), basilica, 183; gate, 175 Halicarnassus, Mausoleum, 168
Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro, 48 Haskovo, thermal establishment, 479(9)'^
Faustina, Empress, 125 Hasta, see Asti
Fenekpuszta, 490(15)'' Hatra, 308, 309; bull capitals, 317; houses 349;
Ferentino (Ferentinum), market, 89 temples, 334, 338, 349, 486(12)", (of Shamash), 317
Feurs, theatre, 230 Hebran, temple, 344, 345
Fidenae, 471(3)" Hebron, tombs of the patriarchs, 483(12)''
Fishbourne (Chichester), villa, 239-40 (ill. 150) Hegra, see Medaein Saleh
Florence, Palazzo Medici-Riccardi, 52 Helena, Empress, 129, 430
Fontaines Salees, Les, baths, 234 Heliopolis, obelisks from, 48, 368
Formia (Formiae), villas, 196, ('of Cicero'), 41 Herculaneum, 120, 157, 161, 164, 475(7)^; gym-
Forum Augusti Vallensium, see Martigny nasium, 160; houses, 157-8, 186-9 (ills. 110-13),
Forum Julii, see Frejus 192, 202, 313; streetside portico, 161 (ill. 90);
Francolise, S. Rocco villa, 195, 196 (ill. 118) Suburban Baths, 164, 475(7)'; villas, 195
Frejus (Forum Julii), 220; gate, 175, 223; theatre, 230, Hermel, monument, 328
231 Hermes, Quintus Marcius, tomb of, 139
Frontinus, 98 Hermogenes (architect), 273, 279, 281, 282, 487(12)^"
Fucine Lake, 55 Hermoupolis Magna (Ashmunein), Temple of Pto-
lemy III, 366
Gaba, 309, 483(12)"^ Herod the Great, 309-14, 325, 328, 329, 335, 340, 341
Gabii, theatre-temple, 469(1)'' Herodes Atticus, 257, 262, 271
Gaeta, tomb of Munatius Plancus, 41; villas, 195, 196 Herodion, 309, 310, 313, 483(12)-^
Galerius, Emperor, 449 Hierapolis, 273, 280, 286, 296
Galilee, synagogues, 313-14 Hippodamos of Miletus, 281
Gallicnus, Emperor, 431 1lippo Regius, see Bone
Gallus, Cornelius, 487(13)' HispcUum, see Spcllo
Gamzigrad, 490(15)'" Histria (Istros), bath-building, 251

Honorius, Emperor, 417 Lambaesis, 391, 456; arch, 395; Capitolium, 183,
Hossn Sfiri, altar tower, 322 489(13)"; 'Large' Baths, 398; Praetorium, 361;
Hossn Suleiman, altar tower, t,22 Temple of Aesculapius and other divinities, 410-12
Hyrcania, 309, 310 (ill. 277)

Hyrcanus, 485(12)'^ Laodiceia, see Latakieh

Laodiceia-ad-Lycum, amphitheatre, 290
lader, see Zadar Latakieh (Laodiceia), 309, 483(12)^; aqueduct, 310;
Iconium, see Konya arch, 485(12)-'*; colonnaded streets, 485(12)-'**
Iguvium, see Gubbio Lepcis (Leptis) Magna, 132, 253, 257, 269, 282,
Innocent X, Pope, 424 371-8, 382-91 (ill. 253), 407, 408, 409, 412, 441, 458
Interamna Nahars, see Terni Arches: of Septimius Severus, 373, 384-6, 394; of
Isis, 49, 51, 85 Trajan, 375 (ill. 244)
Isola Sacra, cemetery, 472(3)^^ Basilicas: Severan, 343, 368, 384 6 (ills. 253, 254),
Istros, see Histria 386-8 256, 257), 390 I, 391; Vetus, 373

Italica, 214; amphitheatre, 218 Baths, 384-6, 398; Hadrianic, 378, 382 (ill. 250),
Ivailovgrad, 249-50 384, 385 (ill. 253), 386, 398; Hunting, 295, 325,
Izmir, see Smyrna 382-4(111. 251), 399
Izmit (Nicomedia), 250, 441, 442, 465 Chalcidicum, 373, 375 (ill. 244), 378
Iznik, see Nicaea Colonnaded streets, 384 6 (ill. 253), 386, 390, 391,
Jerash, see Gerasa Curia, 373, 378
Jericho, 310, 311-12 (ill. 200), 345, 483(12)^ Fora: old, 371 ff- (iH- 242), 378, 385 (iH. 253);
Jerome, St, 442 Severan, 319, 368, 384 ft", (ills. 253, 254, 258, 259)
Jerusalem, 483(12)^; Antonia, 310; Capitolium, 183; Harbour, 384-6 (ill. 253), 390
Palace, 310; Temple, 310; 'Tomb of Absolom', Market, 56, 162, 258, 373-6 (ills. 243, 245), 378
484(12)^'; viaduct, 310 Nymphaeum, Severan, 338, 384-6 (ill. 253), 389,
Josephus, 313,483(12)^ 390 (ill. 260), 480(10)2-^'
Jublains, walls, 477(9)'° Temples: of Ceres, 376; of Cybele, 373; of Liber
Julia Domna, Empress, 126 Pater, 373; North (Forum), 371-3; of Rome and
Julian, Emperor, 347 Augustus, 41, 183, 371-3; of the Severan Family,
Justinian, Emperor, 97, 417, 454, 490(15)'° 386, 387 (ill. 255), 391
Theatre, 373, 376-8 (ills. 246, 247), 378, 380,
Kalat Fakra, altar, 314, 7,22 (ill. 207), 484(12)^"^; upper 479(I0)^483(I2)^ 488(13)^0
temple, 323-4 (ill. 209) Libanius, 458
Kallixeinos of Rhodes, 475(7)*^ Limonum, see Poitiers
Kanawat, temples (peripteral), 344; (of Zeus), 335 Lincoln, water supply, 477(9)'^
Kanishka, King, 341 Livia, Empress, 52
Karanis, 365 (ill. 238), 481(11)-^ Livy, 171
Kasr ibn-Wardan, fortress-palace, 457, 463 Lixus, temple, 410
Kazanlak, painted tomb, 478(9)^' Lockleys (Welwyn), villa, 242
Kenchreai, harbour buildings, 480(10)^^ London, 220
Khamissa (Thubursicu Numidarum), basilica, 394; Lucera (Luceria), amphitheatre, 166
forum, 409 Lucus Feroniae, basilica, 183
Khirbet et-Tannur, temple, 334, 341 Lugdunum, see Lyon
Knidos, 281 Lugdunum Convenarum, see Saint Bertrand-de-
Koln-Miingersdorf, villa, 242, 243 (ill. 153) Comminges
Konya (Iconium), 278 Luni, see Carrara
Koprinka, painted tombs, 478(9)^' Lutetia, see Paris
Korykos, 305 Luxor, Diocletianic camp, 363, 487(12)''-''; Temple of
Kremna, basilica, 302, 479(10)''; Kaisareion, 366 Serapis, 363, 364 (ill. 236), 487(13)'
Kyrene, see Gyrene Lydney, shrine of Nodens, 227
Lyon (Lugdunum), 220; aqueducts, 220, 224,
Lacer, Gains Julius, 216 477(9)^,'^; odeion, 220, 231 (ill. 141), 262; Sanctuary
Lactantius, 442 of Augustus, 220; theatre, 220, 230, 231 (ill. 141)

Lysimachus, 281 Monte Carlo, La Turbie, 171, 476(7)-"

Montmaurin, villa, 478(9)''
Machnaka, altar, 314, 321 2, 322 Morgantina, market building, 162 (ill. 91), 258
Mactar, 407, 473(4)" Mschatta, fortress-palace, 463
Madara, villa, 249 Mummius, Lucius, 255
Madauros, 407-8; basilica, 394; Large Baths, 398 Mushennef, temple, 345
Magdalensberg, 246-7 (ill. 156)
Magnesia (on-the-Maeander), Temple of Artemis Nantes, walls, 477(9)'°
Leukophryene, 282 Naples, 157; odeion, 262
Maiyamas, temple, 341, 345 Narbonne (Narbo), 220; Capitolium, 227
Malalas, John, 314, 326 Narni (Narnia), bridge, 178-9
Mantua (Mantova), 171 Nemausus, see Nimes
Marano, mausoleum, 169 Nemi, galleys, 49
Marcianopolis, amphitheatre, 249 Nemrud Dag, sanctuary, 485(1 2)'*^
Marcouna (Verecunda), arch, 394 Nennig, villa, 242 3, 244 (ill. 154)
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor, 124 Neo-Pythagoreans, 49
Marseille (Massilia), 219, 237 Nero, Emperor, 48, 55, 56-61, 63, 65, 78, 162, 202,
Martial, 56, 78 268,476(8)^-'
Martigny (Forum Augusti Vallensium), 177 Nerva, Emperor, 75, 84, 123
Martin of Tours, St, 442 Nettuno, mausoleum, 237
Masada, 309, 310, 312-13 (ill. 201), 370 Nicaea(Iznik), 280, 281; gymnasium, 481(11)'; walls,
Massilia, see Marseille 246, 277-8 (ill. 178)
Matidia, Empress, 124 Nicanor, 347
Maxentius, Emperor, 95, 122, 210, 417, 421 9 Nicomedia, see Izmit
Maximian, Emperor, 460, 464, 490(15)'' Nicopolis (western Greece), 309, 480(10)^'^; odeion,
Mayen, villa, 242 262
Medaein Saleh (Hegra), Nabataean mausolea, i, ^o (ill. Nicopolis-ad-Istrum, 249, 250 (ill. 158), 250-1
212), 485(12)^^'^^ Niha, altar tower, 1,22; Temple A, 1,22, 323 (ill. 208);
Mediolanum, see Milan Temple B, 484(12)"
Medjel, houses, 347 Nimes (Nemausus), 220, 223, 229; amphitheatre, 166,
Medrecen, mausoleum, 409 177, 232-3 (ill. 143); aqueduct, 223-4; fountain
Me'ez, andron, 328 building, 343; gate, 175, 222, 223; Maison Carree,
Melitene, 486(12)^** 178, 218, 226-7 (ill- 137)^ shrine of Nemausus, 229
Melqarth, 132 Nin (Aenona), Capitolium, 252
Merida (Augusta Emerita), 166, 183, 214, 216, 477(9)'° Nora, Romano-Punic temple, 410
Metz, villas, 478(9)^" Novae, 249
Mhayy, temple, 335 Noviodunum, see Nyon
Micapsa, King of Numidia, 409 Nyon (Noviodunum), 220
Michelangelo, 105, 421 Nysa (on-the-Maeander), bouleuterion ('Geron-
Michelozzo, 52 tikon'), 183, 286; library, 482(11)^'
Milan (Mediolanum), 441, 442, 464, 465; bath-
building, 464; palace, 450, 464; S. Lorenzo, 438, 464; Octavian, Caesar, see Augustus, Emperor
S. Simpliciano, 464; 'Torre di Ansperto', 175 Odenaethus of Palmyra, 354
Miletus, 273, 281, 285; aqueduct, 274; Baths (of Odessos, see Varna
Capito), 274 (ill. 174), 295-6, 384, (of Faustina), 274, Odrang, villa, 478(9)''
294, 295, (Humeitepe), 274, 295; bouleuterion, 262, Oescus, 249, 251; bath-buildings, 249
267, 285, 313; Didymaion, 268, 317, 481(11)"; gate, Olympia, fountain building, 271, 272
297; markets, 258, 285; Nymphaeum, 268-9, 274, Oran, see Portus Magnus
284, 298 (ill. 192), 299, 300, 482(11)^^; Serapaeum, Orange (Arausio), 220; arch, 236, 237 (ill. 147);
283-4; Temple of Asklcpios, 285; theatre, 292 theatre, 231-2, 259 (ill. 163), 260, 479(10)'
Minturno (Minturnae), forum, 474(6)-', 488(13)''' Ostia, 121, 128, 135, i4iff'., 157, 210 12
Mismixch (Phaena), 'Praetorium', 342 (ill. 221), 343, Aqueduct, 145
486(12)'"' Barracks of the Vigiles, 140 (ill. 72), 146, 148 (ill.

Mithras, 49 77), 474(6)"

Mogorjclo, fortified residence, 457 Baths: Forum, 140 (ill. 72), 142 (ill. 73), 145, 146,

Ostia, Baths continued Palmyra, Colonnaded streets continued

150 (ill. 80), 151; Neptune, 140 (ill. 72), 150 (ill. 359-60, 483(12)', 486(12)"
80), 151;Via della Foce, 140 (ill. 72), 475(6)*^ Houses, 360
Capitolium, see Temples Kaisareion(.?), 366
Casette Tipo, 193 Military headquarters, 360, 361
Castrum, 141, 143 Temples: of Ba'alshamin, 360, 484(12)'"; of Bel,
Curia, 146 335. 354-7 (ills. 230-2), 417; of Nabo, 360,
Forum, 143, 146 484(I2)2^487(I2)«^
Granaries, see Warehouses Theatre, 360
Harbour, 55, 84, 98; see also Portus Paneion, 483(12)^; Temple of Rome and Augustus,
Horrea, see Warehouses 3091 310
Houses, 142 (ill. 73), 143, 145, 192, 208, 210, Panvinio, 77, 428
210-12, 326, 465; of the Charioteers, 140 (ill. 72), Paola, Lago di, Domitian's villa, 203
152 (ill. 82); of the Columns, 210; of Cupid and Paris (Lutetia), basilica, 225; Cluny Baths, 233,
Psyche, 140 (ill. 72), 21 1 (ill. 128), 212 (ill. 129); of 473(4)"; plan, 221
Diana, 140 (ill. 72), 146, 147 (ill. 76), 193, 211 (ill. Pausanias, 257
128); of Fortuna Annonaria, 140 (ill. 72), 146, 192, Pavia (Ticinum), 171
210, 210-12 (ill. 128); Garden, 211 (ill. 128); of the Peisistratus, 268
Lararium, 140 (ill. 72), 152 (ill. 83); of the Muses, Pella, nymphaeum, 339
193; of the Triclinia, 474(6)^; of the Triple Pergamon, 273, 280, 281 309, 469(1)'^; amphitheatre,

Windows, 140 (ill. 72), 154 (ill. 86) 290; baths, 296; colonnaded street, 286; gymnasium,
Insulae, 61, 82, 147, 151, 155 (ill. 87), 192, 192 3, 296; Kizil Avlu, see Serapaeum; library, 482(11)^';
210 odeion, 296, 480(10)'*'; Sanctuary of Asklepios, 277,
Magazzini Repubblicani, 143 284-5 (ills. 182, 183), 286 (ill. 184), 482(11)25;
Piazzale of the Corporations, 140 (ill. 72), 143, 144 Serapaeum, 277, 283 (ill. i8i);Traianeum, 123,282,
(ill. 74), 300 296, 300
Plan, 140 (ill. 72), 141, 142 (ill. 73), 145-6, 258 Perge, baths, 302; colonnaded street, 286; market,
Schola del Traiano, 140 (ill. 72), 146 302; South Gate (Nymphaeum), 300, 300-2 (ill.

Streets, 143, 153 (ill. 84), 163 196), 480(10)-^; stadium, 302; theatre, 302; walls,
Tabernae, i42(ill. 73), 143, 146-7, 151, i54(ill. 85) Perigueux (Vesunna Petrucoriorum), Temple of Ves-
Temples, 143, 183; Capitolium, 140 (ill. 72), 143, unna, 228, 230
148, 149 (ill. 79); of Cybele, Attis, and Bellona = Persepolis, bull capitals, 317; towered fa9ades,
Sanctuary of the Asiatic Divinities, 140 (ill. 72), 486(12)*'^

151, 470(2)*^, 475(6)"; of Isis and Serapis, 85; of ft'., 341; 'Qasr el-Bint (Qasr Fira'un)'
Petra, t^ii, 329
Rome and Augustus, 140 (ill. 72), 143, 148; round, temple, 322, 329, 332-4 (ills. 214, 215), 338, 341,
140 (ill. 72), 146, 148-51, 490(15)'^ 486(12)^-^; tombs, 136, 329, 329-32 (ill. 213), 341,
Theatre, 129, 140 (ill. 72), 143, 144 (ill. 74), 146, 485(12)^'
262, 376, 472(4)' Pfalzel, villa, 457
Warehouses and granaries, 45, 55, 78, 85-6, 145, Phaena, see Mismiyeh
146, 148; Epagathiana, 140 (ill. 72), 146, 148 (ill. Phasaelis, 309, 483(12)''

77), 149 (ill. 78), 474(6)*'; Grandi, 145, 146; of Philadelphia, see Amman
Hortensius, 145 (ill. 75) Philae, 363, 364 (ill. 237)
Philip of Macedon, 271
Palestrina (Praeneste), Temple of Fortuna Primi- Philip the Arab, Emperor, 314, 320, 343, 458
genia, 26, 41, 70, 120, 472(4)'; (Barberini mosaic), Philippeville (Rusicade), granary, 407

51, 366-8 Philippi, 271 2

Palladio, Andrea, 73, 105, 129, 134, 417, 430 Philippopolis, see Plovdiv and Shehba
Palmyra, 308, 309, 322, 341, 354-6i (iH- 230), 417, Philippus, L. Marcius, 22
486(i2)<'«, 490(15)" Philo, 49
Agora, 360 Piacenza (Placentia), 47I(3)^ amphitheatre, 166
Arch, 358 (ill. 234), 359 (ill. 235) Piazza Armerina, villa, 210, 262, 442, 460-4 (ills.

Bath-building, 360 312-14), 465, 475(6)', 477(8)^'

Cemeteries, 330, 355 (ill. 230), 360, 360-1, Piranesi, 52, 54 (ill. 23), 114, 421
487(i2)«^''*^^ Pirro Ligorio, 77
Colonnaded streets, 286, 305, 358 (ills, zt^^, 234), Placentia, see Piacenza

Plancus, L. Munatius, 22, 220; tomb, 41 Proconnesus, 250, 251, 300, 489(13)^°
Pliny (the Elder), 25, t,t„ 48, 67, 120, 202; (the Ptolemais (Cyrenaica), 368; amphitheatre, 370; gym-
Younger), 206, 481(11)' nasium, 310; hippodrome, 370; houses, 370; odeion,
Plovdiv (Philippopolis), 251; stadium, 249 262, 370; Palazzo delle Colonne, 329, 368-70 (ill.

Poitiers (Limonum), baths, 2}} 241), 475(7)', 488(13)'; theatres, 370

Pola, amphitheatre, 28, 166, 2T,y, Arch of the Sergii, Ptolemy III Euergetes, 366
179; Temple of Rome and Augustus, 178, 252 Ptolemy IV Philopator, 164
Pollio, C. Asinius, 22 Pulcher, Appius Claudius, 25, 263
Pollio, C. Sextilius, 273, 482(11)2^ Punta Barbariga, villa, 198
Pompeii, 118, 120, 157 ff., 258 Puteoli, see Pozzuoli
Amphitheatre, 158, 161, 166
Basilica, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 161, 259, 373, 474(6)-' Qasr el-Amr, hunting lodge of Walid I, 4^5(i2)'**'

Baths: Central, 151, 161, 163-4 (ills. 92, 93), 235, Qasr Ibrim, temple, 487(13)'
475(7)'; Forum, 119 (ill. 57), 158, 160, 161; Qasr Rabbah, temple, 335
Stabian, 158, 160,475(7)'"* Quintilian, 214
Building of Eumachia, 158-9 (ill. 88), 160 (ill. 89),
161-2 Rabirius, 73, 77, 78, 80, 83, 94, 121, 203
Capitolium, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 161, 183 Raphael, 61
Comitium, 158, 159 (ill. 88) Ratiaria, 249
Curia, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 162 Ravenna, 463, 464; 'Palace of Theodoric', 463-4;
Forum, 157, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 160 (ill. 89); Porta Aurea, 179; S. Vitale, 438, 464
(Holitorium), 158; (Triangular), 158 Rbe'ah, monument, 328
Gymnasium, 158, 160 Reims (Durocortorum), vaulted substructures be-
Houses, 128, 157-8, 185, 192; of Loreius Tiber- neath forum(.?), 226, 478(9)'''
tinus, 190-i (ills. 114, 115); of Lucretius Fronto, Rennes, walls, 477(9)'"
165 (ills. 94, 95), 198; of the Menander, 477(8)'-; Res Gestae Divi August i, 21, 25, 279
of the Vettii, 185; see also Villas Rhodes, Ptolemaion, 487(13)^
Lararium, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 162 Ribemont-sur-x\ncre, 478(9)'"
Markets, 56,' 158,' 159 (ill. 88), 162-3, 166, 258 Rimini (Ariminum), Augustan arch, 47, 179; bridge,
Odeion, see Theatres 178 (ill. 107)
Palaestra, 158, 159 60 Rome, 21 ff., 45 ff., 63 ff., 97 ff., 121 ff., 141, 157, 161,
PorticusTulliana, 158 415 ff-,44i
Tabernae, 146, 147, 162-3, 192 Amphitheatres
Tabularium, 162 Caligula, 67
Temples: of Apollo, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 161; Doric, Castrense, 129, 210
158; of Fortuna Augusta, 158; of Isis, 158; of Colosseum, 27, 28, 43, 59, 67 70 (ill. 31), 70, 71
Jupiter Meilichius, 158; of Venus, 158; of Ves- (ill. }2), 73, 74, 89, 117, 120, 166, 2}],, 436, 437,
pasian, 158, 159 (ill. 88), 162; see also Capitolium 470(2)\ 473(4)'
Theatres: Large, 158, 260; Roofed (Odeion), 158, Flavian Amphitheatre, see Colosseum
161, 262, 267, 469(1)" Nero, 56, 67
Tombs, 168, 169 Taurus, 22, 67
Villas, 195, i98;of Diomede, 189; of the Mysteries, Aqueducts, 23, 48, 52, 83, 98
189, 194 (ill. 117), 195; see also Houses Alsietina, 2T,

Wall-paintings, 59, 136, 158, 164, 195, 198, 297, Anio Novus, 52, 53 (ill. 21)
331,370 Claudia, 52, 53 (ill. 21), 83, 98
Walls, 93 Julia, 21,

Pompeiopolis, see Soloi-Pompeiopolis Marcia, 23, 24 (ill. 2)

Pompey, 41, 304, 308 Virgo, 23, 25, 48, 52, 54 (ill. 2}), 56, 66
Pont du Gard, 179, 224, 225 (ill. 136), 437 Arae
Portus, 85-6, 475(6)'', 490(15)'^; see also Ostia Pacis Augustae, 28, 29 (ill. 5), 52, 66, 178, 227
Portus Magnus (near Oran), villa,
463 (ill. 315) Pietatis Augustae, 37 (ill. 14), 52
Pozzuoli (Puteoli), 42, 55, 157, 158; amphitheatre, 70, Arches
166; harbour, 98; market, 166, 167 (ill. 96), 471(3)°^; Augustus, 22, 52, 236, 469(1)'
tombs, 169 (ill.
99) Constantine, 124, 429-30 (ill. 291) '

Praeneste, see Palestrina Germanicus, 45


Rome, Arches continued Rome, Circuses continued

Germanicus and Drusus, 45 Maxentius, 210, 421-4 (ills. 285, 286), 436
Marcus Aurelius, 124, 135 Maximus, 59, 72, 368, 421
Novus, 490(14)^ Colosseum, see Amphitheatres
Pons Mulvius, 179 Columbarium of the Freedmen of Augustus, 42
Septimius Severus, 38 (ill. 15), 134-5, 43° Columns
Titus, 57, 70-2, 73-4, 126, 180 Antonine (of Marcus Aurelius), 124
Atrium Libertatis, 22, 469(1)^ Antoninus Pius, 124, 472(3)"
Aventine, 22, 40, 78, 85, 126, 129 Trajan's, 86, 87, 124, 471(3)"
Basilicas Coraria Septimiana (guild building), 128
Aemilia, t,t„ 34, 35 (ill. 12), 36 (ill. 13), 43, 45, 67, Curia, 22, 33, 34 (ill. 11), 38 (ill. 15), 126, 183,
267, 470(2)' 417-18,421,437,438
Julia,33,34-6(ill. i2),38(ill. i5),43 Diribitorium, 50 (ill. 20), 469(1)'*, 480(10)^**
Junius Bassus, 473(4)-"* Esquiline, 52, 57, 59, 77, 78, 84, 162
Maxentius (Nova), 78, 95, 119, 421, 426-8 (ills. Fora
289, 290), 428, 430, 434, 436, 437, 439 Augustum, 25, 28 tr. (ills. 6-9), 42, 45, 67, 75, 77,
Neptuni, 23, 25 86, 94, 118, 121, 470(1)'", 472(3)^5
Nova, see Maxentius Boarium, 43
Ulpia, 30 (ill. 6), 86, 88 (ill. 39), 94-5, loi, 223, Holitorium, see Temples
225-6, 366, 368, 391 Imperial, 30 (ill. 6), 74, 75 ff., 182, 183, 366; see
Underground (Via Praenestina), 49 51 (ill. 19) also Augustum, lulium, Trajan's, Transitorium
Baths, 78, 105, 129 lulium, 30 (ill. 6), 75, 84
Agrippa, 23, 25, 50 (ill. 20), 56, 74, 120 Nerva's, see Transitorium
Caracalla, 56, 85, 129 32 (ills. 63-5), 134, 384, Romanum, 22, 30 (ill. 6), 33 ff. (ill. 1 5), 45, 74, 84,
417, 418-19, 431, 433, 437, 438, 451 125, 182, 236
Constantine, 429, 430, 431 (ill. 292), 464 Trajan's, 30 (ill. 6), t,2, 75, 84, 86-9 (ill. 39), 93-4,
Diocletian, 85, 105, 418-21 (ills. 282, 283), 430, 97, 125, 178, 182, 366, 391, 417, 438
43^434,436,438 Transitorium (of Nerva), 30 (ill. 6), 66 (ill. 30), 75,
Domitian, 132 76 (ill. 35), 77, 86, 177, 269
Helena, 210 Forma Urbis Romae, see Severan marble plan
Nero, 56, 73, 85, 105, 129, 475(7)' Fortifications {see also Gates, Walls)
Septimianae, 129 Castra Praetoria, 46-8 (ill. 18)
Sura, 85, 127 (ill. 61) Equites Singulares, camp of the, 134
Titus, 56, 59, 70, 72 (ill. i^,), 73, 85, 105 Gaianum, 48
Trajan, 56, 59, 73, 84-5, 105-7, 122, 129, 446 Gates (Portae; see also Fortifications, Walls)
Bridges Appia, 416 (ills. 279, 280)
Aelius, 121, 123 Labicana, 54 (ill. 22)
Agrippae, 23, 25 Maggiore, 52, 53 (ill. 21), 54 (ill. 22), 56, 66, 449
Neronianus, 56 Praenestina, 52, 54 (ill. 22)
Caelian, 56, 59, 63, 78, 162 Tiburtina, 23, 24 (ill. 2), 179
Campus Martins, 22, it,^ 25, 41, 51, '56, 74, 78, 124, Gymnasium, Nero's, 475(7)'
202, 368, 415, 469(1)^' ^472(3P Horrea
Capitoline, 63, 72, 74, 477(9)'^; see also Temples: Agrippiana, 23, 145,469(1)^
Capitoline Galbae, 145
Castra, see Fortifications Piperataria, 78
Cemeteries Seiani (of Sejanus), 45
S. Sebastiano, 135 Vespasiani, 78
Vatican, 85, 135-6 (ill. 68), 137 (ill. 69), 139, 417 Horti
Via Appia/Via Latina, 41, n6 9 (ills. 70, 71), Campus Martins, 202
168 Lamiani, 48
Circuses LucuUiani, 52, 202
Caligula, see Gaius Maecenas, 202
Domitian, 43 Sallustiani, 48, 120, 202
Flaminius, 22, 469(1)' Tauriani, 52
Gaius (Caligula), 48, 56 Variani, 128-9, 210

Rome continued Rome, Porticus continued

Houses and Villas, 78, 127, 128 (ill. 62), 145, 185, Philippi, 22, 469(1)-

192 Quirinal, 40, 75, 86, 89, 134, 430

Augustus, 37 Regia (Forum Romanum), 22
Esquiline, 192 (ill. 116) Rostra, 22, t,^, 33-4, 42
Farnesina (beneath), 202
Flavian family (Esquiline), 77, 185
Saepta, 22, 23, 25, 50
S. Costanza, see
(ill. 20), 55
Tombs and Mausolea
Gordians, 434, 436 St Peter's, 429
Grifi, dei (Palatine), 78, 85 SS. Peter and Marcellinus, 431
Livia, 185 S. Sabina, 439
Maxentius, see Palaces Secretarium Senatus, 421
Quintilii, 210 Senate House, see Curia
see also Sette Bassi Septizodium, 132, 133 (ill. 66), 299
Insulae, 128, 192 Severan marble plan, 22, 26, 50 (ill. 20), 51, 65, 67,
Isiac hall, 80 74, 77, 87, 127 (ill. 61), 128 (ill. 62), 135, 185, 258,
Janiculum, 126 469(1)'
Licinian Pavilion, see Temple of 'Minerva Medica' Sewers, 25
Markets Stadium, Domitian's, 56, 74, 97, 132
Macella, 475(7)^; Liviae, 162; Magnum, 56, 162 Stoa of Poseidon, see Basilica Neptuni
Trajan's, 30 (ill. 6), 88 (ill. 39), 89-94 (iHs- 40 3), Streets
loi, 107, 122, 147, 151 (ill. 81), 268, 223,473(4)'' Argiletum, 66
Mausolea, see Tombs Clivus Palatinus, 78
Meta Sudans, 78 Via Biberatica, 89, 91-2 (ills. 41, 42)
Mithraeum (S. Clemente), 85 Via Sacra, 59
Odeum, 472(3)'' Subura, 32, 66
Paedagogium, 83 Tabernae, 34, 78, 89 ff., 128 (ill. 62), 146
Palaces, Imperial Tabularium, 26, 43, 70, 72, 472(4)'
Domus Augustana, see Flavian Palace Temples
Domus Aurea, see Nero's Golden House Aedes Caesarum, 83, 132
Domus Tiberiana, 48, 78, 80, 83 Antoninus and Faustina, 125-6 (ill. 60)
Domus Transitoria, 57-9 (ills. 24, 25), 80, loi, Apollo in Circo, 22-3 (ill. i), 33, 41, 470(1)^'
118, 202 Apollo Palatinus, 25, 36-7, 41 46, 48, 80, 47o( i )'^

Flavian Palace, 37, 51, 52, 58, 59, 74, 78-84 (ills. Augustus, Divus, 46 (ill. 17), 126, 470(1)"
36 8), 98, 101-5(111.46), no, 120, 132, 134,202, Capitoline, 63 (ill. 27), 74, 183
206, 368,436,450,471(3)'' Castor and Pollux (Forum Romanum), 38 (ill. 15),
Nero's Golden House, 55, 56, 57, 59-61 (ill. 26), 39,40-1,42,45,317,469(1)-
67, 73, 78, 85, 89, 98, 100 I, 102 3 (ills. 44, 45), Claudianum, 55-6, 63-6 (ills. 28, 29), 67
120, 122, 123, 202, 203, 473(4)"^ Concord (P'orum Romanum), 25, 39, 40 (ill. 16),
Palatium, see Flavian Palace 45,46,469(1)-
Villa of Maxentius, 210, 421, 423 (ill. 285) Cybele, see Magna Mater
Palatine, 25, 36-7, 48, 51, 52, 58, 59, 77, 78 ff., 121, Diana (Cornificia, on Aventine), 22, 40, 127 (ill.

132, 185, 202, 436 61), 469(1)^

Palazzo del Montecitorio, 52 Felicitas, 52
Pantheon, see Temples Forum Boarium, circular temple ('of Vesta'), 43
Pincian, 52 Forum Holitorium, 37-9, 41, 470(1)--
Porticoes Hadrianeum, 124, 134
Gaius and Lucius, 34 Hercules and Dionysus, 132
Livia, 201 Hercules Musarum, 22
Pompey, 201 Isis and Serapis, 50 (ill. 20), 51, 74, 132, 368, 424
Porticus Janus, 39
Absidata, 77 Julius, Divus, 22, 25, T,T,,
39, 40-1, 470(1)^^
Divorum, 50 (ill. 20), 74, 183, 366 Jupiter Dolichenus, 126
Metelli, 74, 469(1 )- Jupiter Heliopolitanus, 126
Minucia, 55, 470(2)" Jupiter Optimus Maximus, .vCapitoline
Octaviae, 128, 469(1)^ Jupiter Ultor, see Sol Invictus

Rome, Temples continued Rome, Tombs and Mausolea continued

Largo Argentina, 50 (ill. 20) Hadrian, 121, 123-4
Magna Mater (Palatine), 37 (ill. 14), 470(1)^^, Helena, see Tor Pignattara
470(2)^ Maxentius (Via Appia), 210, 421, 423 (ill. 285),
Marcus Aurelius, 124 424-6,431,438,459
Mars Ultor, 28-32 (ills. 7, 8), t,t, (ill. 10), 37, 39, Plautii, 169

40, 227, 279 S. Costanza, 429, 431-3 (ill. 293), 435, 438
Matidia, 124 Tor Pignattara, 429, 430 i, 474(5)"
Minerva (Aventine), 127 (ill. 61), 470(1)-- Tor de' Schiavi, 424-6 (ills. 287, 288), 4^1, 439,
Minerva (Forum Transitorium), 77 489(14)'
Minerva Chalcidica, 50 (ill. 20), 77 Vestals, House of the, 84
'Minerva Medica' (pavilion in the Licinian Gar- Villas, see Houses
dens), 430, 433-5 (ills. 294-6), 438 Walls, Aurelianic, 23, 24 (ill. 2), 46, 47 (ill. 18), 52,
Neptune (Circus Flaminius), 22, 469(1)- 53 (ill- 21), 54 ('11- 22), 246, 415-17 (ills. 279, 280),
Pacis, 30 (ill. 6), 33, 59, 66-7 (ill. 30), 74, 76 (ill. 421, 436, 456; see also Fortifications, Gates
35), 128, 166, 269, 417 Warehouses, 55, 86; see also Horrea
Pantheon (Agrippa's), 23-5, 25, 74, 470(1)-°; Wharves, riverside, 86
(Domitian's), iii; (Hadrian's), 111-17 (ills. Romulus, M. Valerius (son of Maxentius), 428
52-6), 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 128, 168, 277, Royat, baths, 234
368, 424-6, 436, 437, 438, 469(1)', 474(5)" Rusicade, see Philippeville
Quirinus, 40 Ruweiha, mausoleum, 328; Tomb of Bizzos, 328
'Romulus', 428, 431
Saturn (Forum Romanum), 22, 41, 470(1)''^' Sabaudia, Domitian's villa, 120
Serapis, 132, 134; see also Isis and Serapis Sabratha, 217, 370, 378, 378-83, 391, 407, 408
Sol (Aurelian's), 415, 417, 418 (ill. 281), 438, Basilica, 183, 379 (ill. 248)
474(5)" Baths, 382; Oceanus, 382
Sol Invictus (Jupiter Ultor), 83, 132-4 (ill. 67) Capitolium, 41, 183, 379 (ill. 248), 380
Trajan, 87 9, 121, 122, 474(5)^' Curia, 373, 379 (ill. 248), 380
Veiovis, 74, 470(1)-° Forum, 379 (ill. 248), 380, 475(7)^
Venus Genetrix, 28, 75 (ill. 34), 77, 84, 296, 343, Streetside porticoes, 380-2, 488(13)"^
366, 373 Temples, 373; Hercules, 380; Liber Pater, 379, 380;
Venus and Rome, 57 (ill. 24), 59, 98, 121, 122-3 Marcus Aurelius, 380; North-West Forum, 410;
(ill. 59), 124, 282, 317, 421, 422 (ill. 284) Serapis, 379 (ill. 248)
Venus Victrix, 41 Theatre, 260, 261, 377 (ill. 247), 380, 381 (ill. 249),
Vespasian, 70-2, 73, 128 479(10)'
Vesta, 59 Tombs, 489(13)^^
'Vesta', see Forum Boarium Sagalassos, temple, 300
Theatres Sahr, temple, 341, 483(i2)'-*
Balbus, 22, 469(1)^ St Albans (Verulamium), 239; Park Street villa, 242
Marcellus, 22, 26-8 (ills. 3, 4), 28, 36, 42, 43, 68, Saint Bertrand-de-Comminges (Lugdunum Conve-
118, 2^1,, 380, 469(I)^ 479(10)' narum), 177, 221; 'basilica', 225; bath-building,
Pompey, 45 6, 68, 231, 297 234-5 (ill- 145)
Scaurus, 120, 297 Saint Chamas, bridge, 225
Tombs and Mausolea {see also Cemeteries), 135 6 Saint Remy (Glanum), 219, 22^,, 226, 237; arch and
Anicii, 1
19 (ill. 58) monument of the JuHi, 168, 236-7 (ill. 146),
Annia Regilla, 138-9 (ills. 70, 71) 478(9)-'; bath-building, 234 (ill. 144); bouleuterion,
Augustus, 25, 41, 123, 169, 469(1)' 226; courtyard houses, 219 (ill. 133), 237
Aurelii, 139 Salona, 252
Axe, of the (S. Sebastiano), 1 18-19 Salonica, see Thessalonike
Caecilia Metella, 41, 168, 171 Samaria (Sebaste), 309, 483(1 2)^ architrave bracket,
Caetennii (Vatican), 136 (ill. 68), 137 (ill. 69) 484(12)^2; Temple of Rome and Augustus, 309, 310,
Cestius, Pyramid of, 168 313,317,335
Constantina, see S. Costanza Samosata, city walls, 485(1 2)'*'
Flavian family mausoleum, 77 Sanxay, sanctuary, 227
'Gordians' (Via Praenestina), see Tor de' Schiavi Sardes (Sardis), Temple of Artemis, 481(11)"

Sardinia, 408, 410 Smyrna (Izmir), agora, 287-8 (ill. 186); basilica, 259,
Sarsina, mausoleum, 237 287-8 (ill. 186), 479(10)"; Kaisareion, 366
Satala, 486(1 2)^« Sofia (Serdica), 249
Sbeitla (Sufetula), 408; forum and Capitolium, 183, Soknopaiou Nesos, 365
218, 408 (ill. 274), 489(13)"; temple, 410 Soloi-Pompeiopolis, 305, 360
Sebaste, see Samaria Sounion, Temple of Athena, 265
Seeia, see Si' Spalato, see Split
Segovia, aqueduct, 215-16 (ill. 130) Spello (Hispellum), Porta Venere, 175; Porta Santa
Sejanus, 46
Seleucia (Cilicia), see SilifTce
Ventura, 179
Split (Spalato), Palace of Diocletian, 210, 252, 253,
Seleucia-on-the-Tigris, 347, 354; theatre, 483(12)''* 361, 391, 436, 438, 442, 453, 454 9 (ills. 308-10),
Seleucia (port of Antioch), 308-9, 483(12)-'; house, 463; Porta Aurea, 458 9 (ill. 311)
212, 325-6 (ill. 210) Sremska Mitrovica, see Sirmium
Seleucus I, 308 Stabiae, painting from, 198
Seleucus III, 483(12)^ Stallius, Gains and Marcus, 480(10)'''
Seneca, 214 Stara Zagora (Augusta Traiana), thermal baths, 249,
Sens, walls, 477(9)'" 251 (ill- 159)
Serapis, 51 Stobi, theatre, 261-2 (ill. 164), 262, 268
Serdica, see Sofia Strabo, 295
Serdjilla, bath-building, 328 Subiaco, Nero's villa, 202
Sermada, monument, 328 Suetonius, 48
SetteBassi, villa, 206-10 (ills. 126, 127), 436,490(15)*^ Sufetula, see Sbeitla
Sette Finestre, platform villa, 476(8)'^ Sulla, 141, 158
Seuthopolis, 249 Sumeg, villa, 490(15)'
Severus, Alexander, Emperor, 51, 56, 126, 129, 132, Sur, temple, 341, 483(12)'"*
146,415 Sura, Licinius, 218
Severus, Septimius, Emperor, 78, 80, 83, 126, 127-8, Surkh Khotal, temple, 341
129, 132, 134, 135, 146, 347, 352, 373, 384, Susa (Iran), bull capitals, 317
Severus (architect of Nero's Golden House), 61, Susa (Italy), Arch of Augustus, 171-2 (ill. loi), 174,
471(2)^^ 179
Shadrap, 132 Sutri (Sutrium), amphitheatre, 166
Shakka, basilica, 343; 'Palace', 343, 344 Suweida, temple, 344
Shapur, 347 Syllion, odeion, 262
Shehba (Philippopolis), 343, 345, 458; bath- Syracuse, amphitheatre, 166
buildings, 343 (ill. 222), 344, 345, 384; palace, 458;
theatre, 346 Tacitus, 46
Si' 341-3; arch, 332; Sanctuary of
(Seeia), Tammuz, 314
Ba'alshamin (and Dushara), 339-41 (ill. 220), ^4^, Taqle, houses, 326, 327 (ill. 211)
483(12)'^ Tarracina, see Terracina
Sicily, 408; see also Agrigento, Halaesa, Morgantina, Tarragona, aqueduct, 216
Piazza Armerina, Syracuse Tarsus, 305
Side, 282; city gate, 300; colonnaded streets, 300; Taurus, Statilius, 22
fountain, 299, 299 300 (ill. 194), 300; temples, 299, Tebessa (Thevestc), 408; arch, 394; temple, 410
300, 301 (ill. 195); theatre, 300, 302 Temnin el-Foka, temple, 484(12)"
Sidon, bull capitals, 317; theatre, 310, 483(12)'"* Termessos, odeion, 262
Sidonius Apollinaris, 243 Terni (Interamna Nahars), amphitheatre, 166
Sigus, basilica, 394 Terracina (Tarracina), Temple of Jupiter Anxur, 65,
Silchester, 221, 239 183; villas, 195
Silifkc (Seleucia),305 Teuchira, see Tocra
Simitthu, basilica, 488(13)" Thabraca, mosaic from, 477(8)^*^
Sirmione, 'Grotte di Catullo', 206, 207 (ill. 125) Thamugadi, see Timgad
Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica), 441, 450, 465, Thenae, baths, 384 (ill. 252)
490(15)' Theodosius I, Emperor, 87
Slem, temple, 334, 344 Theophilus, Emperor, 463

Thessalonike (Salonica), 271, 272, 441, 442, 449-54, Trier continued

458, 465; arch, 449 (ill. 304); hippodrome, 449, 450; Baths: Imperial ('Kaiserthermen'), 233, 442, 446-8
Mausoleum of Galerius, 449 (ill. 304), 451-4 (ills. (ills. 301, 302), 489(13)-^°; St Barbara,
442, 446
305-7); palace, 449 (ill. 304), 450-1 Circus, 442
Theveste, see Tebessa Houses, 442
Thibilis (Announa), 408; Capitolium, 489(13)^'; mar- Palace, 442, 450
ket,489(13)"; temple, 409 Porta Nigra, 442, 448-9 (ill. 303), 459, 474(6)^^
Thorikos, Temple of Demeter, 265 Temple of Lenus-Mars, 229 (ill. 139), 2^0, 442
Thrasyllus (astrologer), 201 Walls, 442
Thuburbo Maius, 378, 408, 409; baths, 398, 473(4)"; Warehouses of S. Irminio, 442, 445 6 (ill. 300), 464
Capitolium, 409 (ill. 275), 489(13)'''; forum, gymnasium, 310
Tripolis (Syria),
489(13)"; market, 489(13)^'; Temple of the Cereres, Turbie, La, see Monte Carlo
410, 411 (ill. 277); Temple of Mercury, 410, Turin (Augusta Taurinorum), 173; Porta Palatina,
489(13)^''; unidentified temple, 409, 410 (ill. 276) 174 (ill. 103), 179, 222, 448
Thubursicu Numidarum, see Khamissa Tusculum, villas of Cicero and Varro, 476(8)^'
Thugga, see Dougga Tyre, 310, 324-5, 474(6)-'
Thysdrus, see El-Djem
Tiberius, Emperor, 22, 39, 45-8, 48, 117, 183, 198, Umm el-Jemal, houses, 347, 348 (ill. 226)
202, 257, 280, 469(1)- Uthina, baths, 398; 'House of the Laberii', 489(1 3)-'-'
Tibur, see Tivoli Utica, 407; baths, 398; House of the Figured Capitals,
Ticinum, see Pavia 370,489(13)''
Tiddis (Castellum Tidditanorum), 168, 408
Timgad (Thamugadi), 391 ff., 401, 407, 412 Vaison-la-Romaine (Vasio), 237; House of the Silver
Arches, 394-5 (ill. 263) Bust, 238-9 (ills. 148, 149); street, 239 (ill. 149)
Basilica, 394 Valadier, Giuseppe, 72, 74
Baths, 392, 394, 396-9 (ill. 265) Valentinian, Emperor, 442, 448
Capitolium, 183, 394, 410 Valerian, Emperor, 458
Curia, 394 Vanvitelli, 105, 421
Forum, 392, 393-4 (ill. 262), 456 Varna (Odessos), bath-building, 249
Houses, 392-3 Varro, 162, 193
Markets, 392, 394, 395-6 (ill. 264) Vasio, see Vaison-la-Romaine
Plan, 391-2 (ill. 261), 394, 456 Vazi Sarra, Arch of Mercurius Sobrius, 489(13)^^
Streets, 393, 395 (ill. 263), 409 Vedius Antoninus, Publius, 292
Temples, 373, 394; see also Capitolium Veldidena, warehouses, 464, 490(15)-'
Theatre, 376, 392, 393 Velleia (Veleia), 171, 175-7 (ills. 104, 105), 182,
Tipasa, 378, 407; basilica, 394; house, 404, 405 (ill. 216-17, 223, 225
272) Verdes, bath-building, 235 (ill. 145)
Titus, Emperor, 67, 70-3, 73, 325 Verecunda, see Marcouna
Tivoli (Tibur), Hadrian's Villa, 105, 106 (ill. 47), Vernegues, shrine, 229
107-11 (ills. 48-51), 120, 121, 151, 168, 202, 204-6 Verona, 171; amphitheatre, 166, 233, 479(10)'; Arch
123, 124), 223, 384, 436, 438, 490(14)''; (Re-
(ills. of the Gavii, 180-2; Porta dei Borsari, 179, 180 (ill.
publican predecessor), 195; market, 89; Temple of 108), 222; Porta dei Leoni, 179, 222, 477(9)'*
Hercules Victor, 26; 'Tempio della Tosse', 431, 458 Verulamium, see St Albans
Tocra (Teuchira), 370 Vespasian, Emperor, 33, 55, 63-70, 73, 177
Tomis, see Costanza Vesunna Petrucoriorum, see Perigueux
Toul, walls, 477(9)'" Vetera, see Xanten
Trajan, Emperor, 72, 73, 75-7, 84-95, 123, 146, 177, Vieil-Evreux (Gisacum), baths, 235-6
214, 216, 249, 329, 345, 347, 368, 391, 409, 47I(2)'^ Vienne (Vienna), 220; odeion, 262; Temple of Au-
473(4)'^ gustus and Livia, 226-7, 478(9)'^; theatre, 231
Tralles, 280 Vindonissa, gate, 175
Trier (Augusta Treverorum), 441, 442-9, 465 Virgil, 171
Altbachtal sanctuary, 229-30 (ill. 139), 442 Virunum, 221, 247
Amphitheatre, 442 Vitruvius, 40, 42, 114, 143, 164, 183, 186, 187, 259,
Basilica, 347, 439, 442, 442 5 (ills. 297-9) 295, 379,4i8,487(i2)«^

Volubilis, 408; Arch of Caracalla, 489(13)-''; House of Zadar (lader), forum-complex, 216-17, 221, 252
Venus, 404 (ill. 271) Zaghouan, Sanctuary of the Nymphs, 412, 413 (ill.

Warfusee-Abancourt, villas, 478(9)-- Zana (Diana Veteranorum), Arch of Macrinus, 395
Welwyn, see Lockleys Zekweh, temple, 484(12)^'
Wroxeter, 221 Zeno (architect), 302 H
Zenobia of Palmyra, 354, 417
Xanten (Vetera), amphitheatre, 22,2 Zor'ah, St George, 344


m U

. -^i- ^ 'i^ "^ "^ ^

'Sate of this


The history of Roman Imperial architecture is one of tJi'e iiirter^ction of two

dominant themes - in Rome emergence of a new architecture based on

itself the

the use of a revolutionary new material, Roman concrete, and in the provinces the
development of interrelated but distinctive Romano -provincial schools. The
metropolitan school exemplified in the Pantheon, the Imperial Baths, and the
apartment houses of Ostia, constitutes Rome's great original contribution. The role
of the provinces ranged from the preservation of a lively hellenistic tradition to the
assimilation of ideas from the east and from the military frontiers. It was - finally -

medieval world.



COVER ILLUSTRATIONS /ro«r: Thugga, Capitolium ISBN 0-300-05292-8

(photo: A.F. Kersting).
Bach Rome, Via Latina, painted stucco vaulting in
the Mausoleum of the Anicii. \


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