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Interxylary phloem and xylem rays are the

structural foundation of agarwood resin

formation in the stems of Aquilaria sinensis

Peiwei Liu, Xingli Zhang, Yun Yang,

Chun Sui, Yanhong Xu & Jianhe Wei

Structure and Function

ISSN 0931-1890

DOI 10.1007/s00468-018-1799-4

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Interxylary phloem and xylem rays are the structural foundation

of agarwood resin formation in the stems of Aquilaria sinensis
Peiwei Liu1,2   · Xingli Zhang2,3 · Yun Yang1 · Chun Sui2 · Yanhong Xu2 · Jianhe Wei1,2

Received: 25 September 2018 / Accepted: 11 December 2018

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

Key message  The formation of resin in the wood of A. sinensis was observed, and the results showed that the interxy-
lary phloem, together with xylem rays, provided a structural foundation for the formation of agarwood resin.
Abstract  Agarwood is a costly resinous wood harvested from wounded Aquilaria trees and has been widely used in medi-
cine, incense, and perfumery. A defensive response of Aquilaria to various wounds has been shown to be the key reason
for agarwood formation; however, our understanding of the anatomical basis of agarwood formation is still fragmentary. In
this study, we examined the structural characteristics of A. sinensis wood and its relationship with agarwood formation. The
results showed that interxylary phloem together with xylem rays is the main tissue that contains living parenchyma cells in
the wood of healthy A. sinensis and that the main reserve substance in these parenchyma cells is in the form of starch grains.
After Agar-Wit treatment, these starch grains undergo a series of changes and are eventually converted into agarwood resin;
the non-starch polysaccharides and phenols are some of the intermediate products in the process of agarwood resin forma-
tion. The resin initially forms and mainly accumulates in the parenchyma cells of the interxylary phloem and xylem rays.
The results indicated that the interxylary phloem and xylem rays in the wood are not only the primary location of agarwood
resin formation but also the main accumulation site. The stored starch grains might be the material underlying the formation
of the resin.

Keywords  Aquilaria sinensis · Agar-Wit · Interxylary phloem · Xylem ray · Agarwood resin


Agarwood or eaglewood is the most expensive wood in the

world with diverse applications in medicine, perfumery,
Communicated by Sano. incense, and ornamentation across the Middle East, South
Asia, Japan and China (Xu et al. 2016; Elias et al. 2017).
* Jianhe Wei As the main source of agarwood, Aquilaria trees have high economic value; therefore, its natural resources have been
Key Laboratory of State Administration of Traditional severely depleted. All Aquilaria species are listed in Appen-
Chinese Medicine for Agarwood Sustainable Utilization, dix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endan-
Hainan Branch of the Institute of Medicinal Plant gered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Cites 2004).
Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Because only wounded trunks or branches of Aquilaria
and Peking Union Medical College, Haikou 570311, China
trees can produce agarwood, people have developed vari-
Key Laboratory of Bioactive Substances and Resources ous techniques for producing agarwood, such as partly
Utilization of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Ministry
of Education & National Engineering Laboratory breaking the trunk, making holes by drilling and inocu-
for Breeding of Endangered Medicinal Materials, Institute lating with fungi (Guangdong Institute of Plant Research
of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy 1976; Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991; Pojanagaroon
of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, and Kaewrak 2005; Faizal et al. 2016); however, these
Beijing 100193, China
methods do not have predictable results due to a lack of
Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy understanding of the plant structure and response system
of Sciences), Jinan 250353, China

Author's personal copy

(Chong et al. 2014). Based on our current understanding Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
of the mechanism of agarwood formation (Zhang et al.
2010; Zhang 2013; Gao and Wei 2016), we invented an The wood slices were cut into blocks (2–3 mm3) with a
efficient technique for producing agarwood, called the razor blade to expose the transverse, radial or tangential
whole-tree agarwood-inducing technique (Agar-Wit), in surface. The blocks were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for
which the agarwood inducer is transported throughout 4 h and then washed three times by 0.1 mol/L phosphate
the Aquilaria tree, creating wounds within the whole buffer solution(PH = 7.2). Finally the blocks were air-
tree. Agarwood forms around wounds over a period of dried for approximately 7 days at 37 °C, and then observed
several months (Zhang et al. 2012a; Liu et al. 2013). The under an SEM (JSM 6510LV, Japan) after gold coating.
agarwood induced over 6 months by this technique in A.
sinensis meets the requirements of the Chinese Pharmaco-
poeia, and the yield is 4–28 times higher than that obtained Histochemical staining
by conventional agarwood-inducing methods (Liu et al.
2013). For these reasons, this efficient technique has been The wood slices were cut into blocks (2 × 1 × 1 cm3) and
widely used worldwide. immediately fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde. Then, 60-µm
Considering the high value of agarwood, several groups thick sections were sliced from the blocks using a freezing
have focused on the anatomical basis of agarwood for- microtome (Leica CM1900, Germany). Five stains were
mation, which can help in agarwood sourcing. Previous used according to the method of Soukup (2005) and Li
reports have shown that the most obvious feature of the (1996). The sections were stained with iodine–potassium
wood of Aquilaria is the interxylary phloem (IP) (Rao iodide ­(I2–KI) to detect starch grains, whereas polysaccha-
and Dayal 1992; Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991; Zhang ride compounds were detected by staining with Periodic
et al. 2012b). But the exact role of the IP in agarwood for- acid-Schiff (PAS) reagent. The sections were stained with
mation is still not clear. In addition, there are distinct ideas Sudan Black B to detect the lipid compounds, whereas
about agarwood resin formation. Nobuchi and Siripatan- the phenolic compounds were detected using Millon’s
adilok (1991) believed that agarwood resin is synthesized reagent. To detect living cells, the sections were stained
by living parenchyma cells of Aquilaria, but Adams et al. with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). All sections
(2016) concluded that the resin is the product of fungi that were observed under a Nikon 80i light microscope (Nikon,
uses Aquilaria wood cells as raw material. Considering Japan).
the problems above, the process of agarwood formation
induced by Agar-Wit at the anatomical level was studied.
This information will contribute to clarify the anatomi- Semi‑thin and ultra‑thin sections
cal basis of agarwood formation and may help for further
improve techniques for producing agarwood. The wood slices were cut into blocks (1 mm 3) and fixed
in 3% paraformaldehyde plus 2% glutaraldehyde for 12 h
at 4 °C, followed by three washes in PBS. The specimens
were post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 8 h at room
Materials and methods temperature followed by three washes, and then dehy-
drated using an ethanol gradient and embedded in Epon
Plant materials and artificial agarwood induction 812 (SPI Supplies, USA). Polymerization was conducted
at 35 °C, 40 °C, and 60 °C for 24 h each. Subsequently,
The experiment was carried out in Xinglong county, Wan- the specimens were sliced into 2-µm sections using a ultra-
ning city in Hainan Province, China (18°44′N,110°12′E). microtome (Leica EM UC7, Germany). After staining
Twenty-seven 3-year-old healthy A. sinensis trees with with Toluidine Blue O or PAS or Sudan black B, the sec-
uniform base diameters (3 ± 0.3 cm) were used. Accord- tions were observed under a Nikon 80i light microscope.
ing to the Agar-Wit technique (Liu et al. 2013), a 50 mL According to the results of the semi-thin sections, ultrathin
agarwood inducer was injected into the xylem tissues sections (90 nm) were cut using diamond knives (DiA-
through a small hole with a diameter 5 mm, 20 cm above TOME, Switzerland), stained with lead citrate and uranyl
the ground. After 5  days, 10  days, 15  days, 1  month, acetate, and observed by transmission electron microscopy
2 months, 3 months, 5 months, and 12 months, 2-cm thick (FEI Tecnai G2, USA).
wood slices were collected from 20 cm above the hole.
Three trees were repeated in each time. Three healthy A.
sinensis tree served as the controls.

Author's personal copy

Three‑dimensional structure of the wood parenchyma cells, sieve tubes, phloem rays, and phloem fib-
ers (Figs. 1b, 6a). The outer region of the phloem is com-
A three-dimensional structure of A. sinensis wood was prised of 1–4 layers of larger polygonal parenchyma cells
created using Adobe Illustrator CS5 based on the images known as the connective tissue (Fig. 6a). The thin-walled
and statistical data. cells that connect with some of the xylem rays are the interx-
ylary phloem rays (Figs. 1b, f and 3b). The xylem rays and
interxylary phloem rays represent the lateral conductive tis-
Results sue in wood, and the cell wall of the latter is thinner and
unlignified compared to the former (Fig. 1c–e). In addition
Structural characteristics of healthy A. sinensis wood to starch grains (Fig. 1d, e), crystals were also observed in
the thin-walled cells described above (Fig. 1b). Addition-
Similar to other species of Aquilaria, A. sinensis wood is ally, thick-walled fibers in the inner region of the IP were
mainly composed of four parts: interxylary phloem (IP), observed (Figs. 1b, 3a, 6b). Moreover, the inner regions of
xylem rays (XR), vessels, and wood fibers (Fig. 1a, 2). The the IP also contained several sieve tubes (Fig. 2).
IP is a typical anomalous tissue that is island-shaped and Safranin and fast green staining showed that the IP and
evenly distributed in A. sinensis wood (Fig. 1a, b). Fully dif- XR were the major tissues containing parenchyma cells in A.
ferentiated IP may consist the following typical structures: sinensis wood (Fig. 3a, b). DAPI staining revealed that these

Fig. 1  Structural characteristics of healthy A. sinensis wood. a ing parenchyma cell with starch grains (S) in IP and fusiform XR. f
Transverse section showing island-shaped IP and multiple radial Radial section showing XR connected with IP. C crystal, IP interxy-
vessels(V). b Transverse section showing phloem fibers (PF), phloem lary phloem, PF phloem fiber, PR phloem ray, S starch grain, V ves-
rays (PR) and crystal (C) in IP. c Tangential section showing stripped sel, WF wood fiber, XR xylem ray. Scale bar = 500 µm in a; 100 µm
IP, fusiform XR and vessels(V). d, e Tangential sections show- in b, c, e, f; and 10 µm in d 

Author's personal copy

Fig. 2  3D reconstruction of the


parenchyma cells were alive based on the positive staining The structural features of each layer were observed. In the
in the nucleus (Fig. 3c); SEM and ­I2–KI staining revealed decayed layer, the IP was almost destroyed; often, only holes
that there were many starch grains contained within these with some mycelia were observed in the original locations
parenchyma cells (Figs. 1d, e, 3d, e). PAS staining showed (Fig. 4c, d). In the agarwood layer, the IP and XR, as well
that some parenchyma cells also contained non-starch pol- as the vessels and wood fibers, were filled with brownish or
ysaccharides (Fig. 3f). In the transverse section, approxi- dark-brown resin (Fig. 4d). In the transitional layer, although
mately 3–7 phloem rays were connected with XR in one IP no resin was visible in the IP, occlusion was found in some
(Figs. 1b, 3d). In the radial section, the IP was strip-shaped vessels (Fig. 4d). The healthy layer showed a structure simi-
and intersected by numerous ribbon-shaped XR (Figs. 1f, lar to that of healthy A. sinensis wood (Figs. 1a, 4d).
3b, e). In other words, IP and XR combined organically to
form a living parenchyma cell network in the wood. Histological formation process of agarwood resin
in the agarwood layer
Stratified characteristics of A. sinensis wood
after Agar‑Wit treatment Agarwood resin mainly exists in the agarwood layer; there-
fore, histological changes in the agarwood layer were inves-
Healthy A. sinensis wood is yellowish-white. After Agar-Wit tigated. No brown substance was detected in healthy A. sin-
treatment, part of the wood in the centre of A. sinensis stems ensis wood (Fig. 5a). After 15 days of Agar-Wit treatment,
is altered significantly, with the degree of discoloration pro- a small amount of yellowish substance began to appear in
portional to the treatment time (Fig. 4a). The wood can be some parts of the interconnected phloem rays and xylem rays
divided into four layers from the inside to the outside based (Fig. 5b). After 30 days of treatment, a significant increase
on colour and relative position: decayed layer, agarwood was observed in the amount of yellowish substance in the
layer, transitional layer, and healthy layer (Fig. 4b). IP and XR (Fig. 5c). With prolonged treatment time, the IP

Author's personal copy

Fig. 3  Histochemical staining of healthy A. sinensis wood. a, b Safra- grains in the parenchyma cells of IP and XR. f PAS staining showed
nin and fast green stains showing IP and XR are the main tissues that starch grains (S) and non-starch polysaccharides (NP) in the cross
contain living parenchyma cells and their connected network. c DAPI section of IP parenchyma cells. Scale bar = 100 µm in a–e and 20 µm
staining showed bright blue fluorescence (arrow) in the nuclei of the in f 
parenchyma cells in IP and XR. d, e ­I2–KI staining showed starch

and XR in the agarwood layer were filled with an abundance that it might be non-starch polysaccharide (Fig. 6d). The
of the yellowish substance, and the surrounding vessels and amount of this substance in the IP and XR increased gradu-
fibers were filled with the brown substance (Fig. 5d). After ally and was highest 60 days after Agar-Wit (Fig. 6e). Sub-
1 year of Agar-Wit treatment, the colour and lustre of the sequently, this substance reacted with PAS and became less
brown substance (Fig. 5e) were similar to those of high- abundant until it finally was no longer detectable (Fig. 6f).
quality agarwood; hence, it was considered agarwood resin. Another new substance appeared in the IP and XR paren-
chyma cells after Agar-Wit. This substance exhibited yel-
Transformation of substances during the formation low autofluorescence and reacted with Millon’s reagent,
of agarwood resulting in a dark red colour (Fig. 5m, n), indicating the
possible presence of phenols. After 30 days of Agar-Wit,
Some histochemical tests were used to follow substance this substance began to appear in the IP and XR (Fig. 5g)
changes during the formation of agarwood resin. The first and gradually increased to a maximum level approximately
and most typical change after Agar-Wit treatment was a sig- 3 months after Agar-Wit (Fig. 5h). The level of this sub-
nificant reduction in the abundance of starch grains (Fig. 6a, stance by gradually decreased until it was no longer detect-
b). After 15  days, the starch grains nearly disappeared able (Fig. 5i, j).
(Fig.  6b). Moreover, a new substance appeared, which Unlike the above substances, one substance increased
reacted with PAS, resulting in a burgundy colour, indicating continuously after Agar-Wit. This substance might have

Author's personal copy

Fig. 4  Stratified structures of
A. sinensis after Agar-Wit treat-
ment. a A. sinensis stems after
15 (upper figure) and 90 days
(lower figure) of treatment; the
arrow points to the agarwood
layer. b Transversal surface
of the A. sinensis stem after
150 days of treatment, where
the layers from the inside to
outside are the decayed layer
(DL), agarwood layer (AL),
transitional layer (TL), and
healthy layer (HL). c Void IP
with mycelia (long arrow) in
the decayed layer. d Transverse
section showing the structural
features of the above four layers.
DL decayed layer, AL agarwood
layer, TL transitional layer,
HL healthy layer. Scale bar
= 400 µm in b, 100 µm in c and
200 µm in d 

been a lipid because it reacted with Sultan black B, resulting black osmiophilic substances were observed in these paren-
in a black colour. After 15 days of treatment, a small amount chyma cells.(Fig. 7c). After 60 days of treatment, black
of lipids appeared in the corner of parenchyma cells in the osmiophilic droplets appeared in the plastids (Fig. 7d). In
IP and XR (Fig. 6g). After 60 days of treatment, additional addition, many grey osmium substances first appeared in
lipids appeared in the centre of the parenchyma cells in the small vacuoles (Fig. 7e) and then accumulated in the large
IP and XR (Fig. 6h). After 1 year of treatment, the IP and central vacuole(Fig. 7f).
XR were completely filled with lipids (Figs. 5o, 6i).
It should be noted that the substance changes above
mainly occurred in the agarwood layer around the decayed Discussion
layer. In fact, the substance in one agarwood layer also
showed a similar change pattern. For example, in the 1-year- The xylem structure of Aquilaria is the most important part
old agarwood layer, the IP, XR, and some vessels surround- to study because it is the basis of agarwood resin formation
ing the decayed layer were dominated by lipids (Fig. 5o); and accumulation (Chong et al. 2014). The wood structure
however, polysaccharides (Fig. 5l) or phenols (Fig. 5j) were has been reported for A. sinensis (Zhang et al. 2012b), A.
predominant around the transition layer. crassna (Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991), A.agallocha
To further observe the above transformation of sub- (Rao and Dayal 1992), A.malaccensis (Adams et al. 2016;
stances, transmission electron microscopy on the paren- Mohamed et al. 2013), and A. beccariana (Wheeler 2011;
chyma cells in IP was carried out during the early forma- Insidewood 2004). These results suggested that the wood
tion of agarwood. In the healthy trees, a great deal of starch structures of Aquilaria trees are similar, and the most obvi-
grains were discovered in the parenchyma cells of the IP ous feature is the IP. Although the physiological role of the
(Fig. 7a). After 30 days of Agar-Wit treatment, these starch anomalous tissue in plants is not clear (Robert et al. 2011;
grains disappeared and cytoplasm increased. At the same Carlquist 2013), the present study indicate that the IP plays
time, many mitochondria (Fig. 7b), plastids (Fig. 7c) and an important role in agarwood formation.

Author's personal copy

Fig. 5  Histological observation of the formation of agarwood resin appear in the IP and XR. h After 90  days of treatment, autofluores-
after the Agar-Wit treatment. a–e Natural coloration of agarwood cence was higher in the IP and XR. i After 150  days of treatment,
showing the formation of a yellowish substance. a No brown resin autofluorescence began to decrease in the IP and XR (white arrow)
was visible in healthy A. sinensis. b After 15  days of treatment, a but appeared in some vessels and fibers (black arrow). j After 1 year
small amount of yellowish substance began to appear in the IP and of treatment, almost no autofluorescence was observed near the
XR. c After 30 days of treatment, yellowish substance (arrow) clearly decayed layer (white arrow); however, bright autofluorescence (black
appeared in the IP and XR. d More brownish yellow substance was arrow) was detected near the transition layer. k ­I2–KI staining showed
found in the IP and XR and was also visible in some of the sur- the remaining starch grains (arrow) in IP after 10 days of treatment.
rounding vessels (arrow) after 90 days of treatment. e After 1 year of l PAS staining showed polysaccharides in some IP (arrow) near the
treatment, the IP and XR, as well as some of the surrounding ves- transition layer. m, n Millon’s reagent showed phenols in the ves-
sels and wood fibers, were filled with the brown substance. f–j The sel (V) and parenchyma cells (arrow) after 150  days of treatment. o
autofluorescence of agarwood layer under 450–490  nm excitation. f Sudan black B staining showed lipid in IP, XR and some vessels after
No autofluorescence in the parenchyma cells of the IP in healthy A. 1 year of treatment. Scale bar = 100 µm
sinensis. g After 30  days of treatment, autofluorescence began to

IP and XR may be not only the primary location of agar- that can synthesize agarwood resin (Mohamed et al. 2013;
wood resin formation but also the main accumulation site. Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991). The present study fur-
Following evidences are advanced in support of this per- ther shows that the living parenchyma cells in the wood of
spective. First, several studies have reported that the liv- A. sinensis almost distribute in the IP and XR, and these two
ing parenchyma cells in Aquilaria wood are the only cells tissues combine organically to form a living cell network

Author's personal copy

Fig. 6  Histochemical observation of the formation of agarwood resin the parenchyma cells in the XR and part of the IP. e After 60 days of
after the Agar-Wit treatment. a–c Toluidine blue staining. a After treatment, a large amount of NP appeared in the IP and XR. f After
5  days of treatment, the number of starch grains (S) in the paren- 150  days of treatment, the level of polysaccharides in the IP was
chyma cells of the interxylary phloem (IP) and xylem rays (XR) was reduced significantly. g–i Sudan black B staining. Black coloration
significantly lower. b After 15  days of treatment, the starch grains indicates lipids. g After 15 days of treatment, a small amount of lipids
in the parenchyma cells disappeared, and a small amount of dark- (L) appeared in the corners of parenchyma cells (arrow) and some
coloured substances appeared in the intersection of the parenchyma vessels (V). h After 60 days of treatment, a large amount of lipids (L)
cells in the XR and phloem ray (PR). c After 30 days of treatment, a appeared in the parenchyma cells in the IP and XR and in part of the
large volume of the darkly stained substance (arrow) was found in the surrounding wood fibers. i After 1 year of treatment, the IP and XR
parenchyma cells and the surrounding fibers. d–f PAS staining. Red were filled with lipids. NP non-starch polysaccharides, L lipids. Scale
coloration is indicative of polysaccharides. d After 15  days of treat- bars = 50 µm
ment, a small amount of non-starch polysaccharides (NP) appeared in

in the wood. Second, many reports have shown that the cells were observed and we believe these organelles may
brownish agarwood resin is concentrated mostly in the IP provide energy and sites for agarwood resin formation.
and XR, lesser in the vessels and fibers (Rao and Dayal Meanwhile, in these parenchyma cells, we also observed
1992; Mohamed et al. 2013; Faizal et al. 2016; Adams et al. three kinds of osmiophilic substances which are considered
2016). The present study and other studies further found that to be closely related with the agarwood formation (Nobuchi
the agarwood resin is initially formed in the parenchyma and Siripatanadilok 1991). These results imply that IP and
cells of the IP and XR and then plugged to the surrounding XR may provide site for the agarwood resin formation and
vessels and fibers (Guangdong Institute of Plant Research accumulation.
1976; Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991; Rao and Dayal The starch grains in the parenchyma cells of IP and XR
1992). Importantly, in the early process of agarwood for- may provide raw material for the formation of agarwood
mation, many mitochondria and plastids in the parenchyma resin. Firstly, the parenchyma cells in the IP and XR of

Author's personal copy

Fig. 7  Cytological observation of the parenchyma cells in the IP after (arrow) were formed in the plastids. e After 60  days of treatment,
the Agar-Wit treatment. a Starch grains(S) in the parenchyma cells grey osmiophilic substance (arrow) accumulated in the vacuoles (Va).
in the unwounded IP. b After 30  days of treatment, the parenchyma f After 60 days of treatment, osmiophilic substance (arrow) accumu-
cells contained dense cytoplasm and more mitochondria (M). c After lated in a large vacuole(Va). ER endoplasmic reticulum, M mitochon-
30  days of treatment, black osmium substances (arrow) appeared dria, Va vacuole. Scale bar = 10 µm in a; 1 µm in b–e; 2 µm in f 
in cytoplasm. d After 60  days of treatment, black osmium droplets

healthy Aquilaria trees contained abundant starch grains agarwood formation, and the starch grains in the IP and XR
(Rao and Dayal 1992; Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991; may provide a raw material foundation for these changes.
Zhang et al. 2012b). After wounding or applying the Agar-
Wit treatment, these starch grains were gradually hydrolysed
and eventually disappeared (Guangdong Institute of Plant Conclusion
Research 1976; Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991). Adams
(2016) pointed out that the metabolic byproducts of starch In this study, the structural characteristics of A. sinensis
hydrolysis may be involved in agarwood resin synthesis wood and its relationship with agarwood formation were
(Adams et al. 2016). On the other hand, Nobuchi (1991) studied. The results showed that the IP and XR intercon-
detected many phenolic compounds and a small amount nected to form a living parenchyma cell network in A. sin-
of lipids in A. crassna wood after the starch grains disap- ensis wood. After Agar-Wit treatment, the starch grains in
peared (Nobuchi and Siripatanadilok 1991). The present the parenchyma cells of IP and XR underwent a series of
study showed that after the starch grains were degraded, changes and were eventually converted into agarwood resin;
non-starch polysaccharides initially appeared and then grad- the non-starch polysaccharides and phenols were some of
ually vanished, with a concomitant increase in the amount the intermediate products in the process of agarwood resin
of phenolic substances. Afterwards, the amount of phenolic formation. The resin initially forms and mainly accumulates
substances gradually reduced and finally, many lipid sub- in the parenchyma cells of the IP and XR. Therefore, we
stances were detected. These results imply that the proper- speculate that the IP and XR in A. sinensis wood provide
ties of the resin gradually changed during the process of a structural and material foundation for the formation of

Author's personal copy

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Author contribution statement  PL: participated in the Liu YY, Chen HQ, Yang Y, Zhang Z et al (2013) Whole-tree Agar-
experiments, analyzed the data, and drafted the manuscript. wood-inducing technique: an efficient novel technique for produc-
ing high-quality agarwood in cultivated Aquilaria sinensis trees.
XZ and YY: performed the experiments. CS and YX: par- Molecules 18(3):3086–3106
ticipated in the design of the study and analysis of the data. Mohamed R, Wong MT, Halis R (2013) Microscopic observation of
JW: participated in the design of the study and revised the ‘Gaharu’ Wood from Aquilaria malaccensis. Pertanika J Trop
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Nobuchi T, Siripatanadilok S (1991) Preliminary observation of Aqui-
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Acknowledgements  This work was supported by the funding from Pojanagaroon S, Kaewrak C (2005) Mechanical methods to stimulate
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Development Special Project (ZDKJ2016004), the National Natural sana) trees. Acta Hortic 2(676):161–166
Science Foundation of China (81673549, 81703651), the Ten Thousand Rao KR, Dayal R (1992) The secondary xylem of Aquilaria agal-
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Soukup A, Votrubová O (2005) Wound-induced vascular occlusions
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interests. chemical nature. New Phytol 167(2):415–424
Wheeler EA (2011) InsideWood—a web resource for hardwood anat-
omy. IAWA J 32(2):199–211
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