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Bell’s Adjustment Inventory

By R. K. Ojha
Purpose of the Test: To measure adjustment of students.

Adjustment is the main component part of human life.

Adjustment can be defined as “the process of finding and adopting modes of behavior suitable to
the environment or to the changes in the environment.”

Adjustment, in psychology, the behavioral process by which humans and other animals maintain
an equilibrium among their various needs or between their needs and the obstacles of
their environments.
Adjustment is a process that helps a person to lead a happy and contented life while maintaining
a balance between his needs and his capacity to fulfill them.

Nature and Process of Adjustment:

 Adjustment as achievement:
‘Adjustment as achievement’ means how efficiently an individual can perform his duties
under different circumstances.
If we perceive adjustment as achievement, we have to set criteria to judge the quality of
adjustment. Four criteria have been evolved by psychologists to judge the adequacy of
adjustment. They are the following:
 Physical health
 Psychological comfort
 Work efficiency, and
 Social acceptance
 Adjustment as process:
‘Adjustment as a process’ lays emphasis on the process by which an individual adjusts to his
external environment. It is important, especially from teachers’ point of view. Students'
adjustment largely depends on their interaction with the external environment in which they
live. They always try to adjust to it. Piaget has studied the adjustive process from different
Piaget uses the term assimilation and accommodation to represent the alternation of oneself
or environment as a means of adjustment.
A person who carries his values and standards of conduct without any change and maintains
these in spite of major changes in the social climate is called assimilator.
The person who takes his standards from his social context and changes his beliefs in accordance
with the altered values of the society is called accommodator.
In order to adjust successfully in society a person has to resort to both the devices
i.e., assimilation and accommodation.

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Characteristics of a well-adjusted person:
A healthy and well-adjusted person should possess/display some observable behavioral patterns.
These behavioral patterns must be according to the social expectations of an individual. These
patterns are as follows:
 Maturity in thinking
 Emotional balance
 Warm and understanding towards others
 Free from tension due to routine events
 Independent in decision making

Difference between Adjustment and Maladjustment:

People of all ages have needs which they try to satisfy when they are unable to satisfy their
needs, they feel frustrated. Such situations call for adjustment. In most cases the human beings
are able to adjust themselves successfully. Adjustment may be defined as the process by which a
living organism maintenance a balance between its needs and desires and the circumstances that
influence the satisfaction of its need.
‘Maladjustment’ is a process whereby an individual is unable to satisfy his biological,
psychological or social needs successfully and establishes an imbalance between his personal
needs and expectation of the society resulting in the disturbance of psycho-equilibrium.
Maladjustment is one's inability to adjust oneself to external and internal barriers. It is a process
of behaving in a wrong way to the conflicting situations. So instead of solving the existing
problems its leads to new problems.

Contemporary test:
I. Emotional, Social and Educational Adjustment of Visually Handicapped Students of
Special Schools students:
The objectives of the investigation are to the educational, social and emotional adjustment of
boys and girls of visual handicapped Students of special school of Faridabad. Samplings
were selected through random sampling techniques, the sample of the study consisted of 100
Students (50 from boys’ area and 50 from girl’s area) studying in class VI to VIII. Data was
collected with the help of adjustment inventory (standardized) by Dr. A.K.P Sinha (Patna)
and Dr. R.P Singh (Pune) (AISS). two special blind school from in and around Faridabad
division of Haryana State. By the application of mean, standard deviation, and t-test indicated
is no significant difference between the educational social and emotional adjustments of
special school Students belonging to boys and girls.

II. Emotional Intelligence and Adjustment Among Adolescents:

This research paper is an attempt to find the levels of emotional intelligence and adjustment
among adolescents. The present study consisted of 100 samples equally divided into two
groups (boys and girls) further these two groups are divided into two subgroups high socio-
economic status (HSES) and low socio-economic status (LSES). The adjustment inventory
constructed and standardized by Dr. H.S. Asthana and emotional intelligence scale developed

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and standardized by Schutte et al. was used for data collection. Mean, S.D, SED and t-test
were applied for data analysis. The results reveal that insignificant difference was found
between emotional intelligence scores of boys and girls while as significant difference was
found between adjustment scores of the same group. Also, insignificant difference was found
between emotional intelligence scores & adjustment scores of HSES and LSES students.

Description of the test:

Bell’s Adjustment Inventory by R.K. Ojha was prepared in 1968. The present adjustment
inventory prepared on the basis of Bell’s adjust Inventory (student form). With aim to measure
adjustment of students. This inventory includes four parts - Home, health, Social and Emotional.
Each part has 35 statements which are answered in Yes or NO.
1. Home adjustment:
Home promotes satisfaction and security. The degree of adjustment of an individual exhibits
in her behavior with others. So is the ease with home adjustment, if one is well adjusted in
home, most probably she must have been well adjusted socially because the adjustment in
different elds of life are related and effective to each other. So, the home adjustment of
students should be healthy one. The reaction of well and poor adjusted students hoe is clearly
seen in their behavior with their class fellows. A well-adjusted child will be more cherished
and happier in comparison to the poor-adjusted.

2. Health Adjustment:
Health also plays prime role in the development of one's personality. Sound health is the
source of satisfaction and adjustment. The person should be physically as well as mentally
healthy. Physically and mentally healthy person always feels herself well-adjusted in society
then the unhealthy one. An unhealthy person always cries for her weakness and could not
participate fully with others. Physically and mentally healthy person will be less guided by
emotions. This is known as the roof of personality. Such physically and mentally healthy
person feels themselves secure and content in their life.

3. Social Adjustment:
It is generally said that man is a social animal. In reference to this we may say that a person
develops his personality in her social environment, she tries to mold herself on according to
her society's social values and ideals and to achieve these values and ideals her activities and
behaviors will be same as other members of her society, in which she lives and where her
social needs and desires are satisfied and then she feels herself socially adjusted. Area of
social adjustment is influenced by social maturity of the person. Maturity in social
relationship means to establish good relations with family neighbor’s, playmates, class
fellows, teachers and other members of the society

4. Emotional Adjustment:

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A person is emotionally adjusted if she expresses emotion in a proper situation in a proper
form. An emotionally stable person may be well adjusted and emotionally unstable
conditions causes mental disorders and maladjustment. Emotional adjustment is essential for
creating a sound personality. It is the roof of personality adjustment and physical, intellectual
mental and esthetical adjustments are possible when emotional adjustment is made.

Psychometric Properties:
Reliability coefficient were determined by split half method and test- retest method.
Home Healt Social Emotional
Method h

Test-retest 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.92

The adjustment Inventory was validated against K.Kumar’s Adjustment Inventory.
Areas Home Health Social Emotional
Sr. No.

1 Home 0.72

2 Health 0.79

3 Social 0.82

4 Emotional 0.81

 Count the number of ‘Yes’
 For each Yes response 1 score is to be given.
 The total number of Yes scores thus make total score of the individual in the part.
 Yes = 1, No = 0

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Classification of adjustment in terms of categories:
 High School students
Range of scores
Home Health Social Emotional
Excellent 4 & below 2 & below 6 & below 1 & below
Good 5-7 3–4 7–9 2–4
Average 8 - 14 5–9 10 – 16 5 – 11
Unsatisfactory 15 – 17 10 – 11 17 – 19 12 – 14
Very unsatisfactory 18 & above 12 & above 20 & above 15 & above

 Intermediate students
Range of scores
Interpretation Home Health Social Emotional
Excellent 5 & below 2 & below 5 & below 1 & below
Good 6-7 3–4 6–8 2–4
Average 8 - 12 5–9 9 – 15 5 – 13
Unsatisfactory 13 – 14 10 – 11 16 – 18 14 – 17
Very unsatisfactory 15 & above 12 & above 19 & above 18 & above

 Degree Student
Range of scores
Interpretation Home Health Social Emotional
Excellent 3 & below Below 1 6 & below 2 & below
Good 4–6 1–3 7–9 3–5
Average 7 - 13 4 – 10 10 – 16 6 – 12
Unsatisfactory 14 – 16 11 – 13 17 – 19 13 – 15
Very unsatisfactory 17 & above 14 & above 20 & above 16 & above
 Post-graduate Students
Range of scores
Interpretation Home Health Social Emotional
Excellent 4 & below Below 1 6 & below Below 1

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Good 5-7 1–3 7–9 1–3
Average 8 - 14 4 – 10 10 – 16 4 – 12
Unsatisfactory 15 – 17 11 – 13 17 – 19 13 – 16
Very unsatisfactory 18 & above 14 & above 20 & above 17 & above

Application of test:
Adjustment during the period of adolescence will determine to a large extent what they will be as
a person as an adult. Adjustment implies a constant interaction between the person and their
environment, each making demands on the other. The test helps to determine the need for a more
dynamic type of guidance and counselling service to aid the process of student adjustment.

 BAI manual
 Test booklet
 Stationary
 Wooden screen

The Bell's Adjustment Inventory is a self-report of the individual's life and adjustment as he has
experienced them. This inventory is designed to measure the various levels of adjustment on 4
areas of adjustment, namely, Home adjustment, Health adjustment, Emotional and social
adjustment. This inventory consists of 4 parts of 35 statements. The subject has to choose
between the alternatives as “yes” or “no”. There is no time limit but the test takes around 20-25
The individual taking test is seated with proper arrangements. The E is ready with the required
materials and then the rapport is built with the S. The instructions are read out from the manual
to the S by the E. The data is collected, Later the scorings is done and result and conclusion are
Before administering test, the S is made clear about the purpose of collecting the data and is told
that the result of test would be kept strictly confidential so that the S can respond the test items
without any hesitation.

The E ensured the setup was made properly so the scoring manual is not visible to the S.
The S was asked to be honest with responses and necessary doubts were cleared before
administering the test.
Case History:
Mr. AP is 22-year male studying in the final year of bachelors in engineering from YTIT Karjat.
He belongs to middle class family. He is unmarried and lives in Thane with his mother and
younger sister, who is diagnosed with ADHD and autism she also has diabetes hence the
maximum of the expense is on medicines. His father passed away when he was 13 years old
since then he started working in the family business of wedding decoration and bears the

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responsibilities of his family. The monthly income of the family is 30/- k. The subject describes
himself as matured, responsible and loves his family a lot. He shares a great bond with his
mother and considers her best friend. He is like a father figure for his young sister who is
currently in the first year of Arts. He has a huge friend circle with some friends of his same age
while some are much older. He often likes to go out for short trips with his family and friends.
He said that they often have much financial problems at month end but they manage out with
some savings they had.

This inventory consists of 4 parts. 35 statements are given in each part. Two alternatives ‘Yes’
and ‘No’ are given against each statement. If you wish to answer the statement in Yes i.e., you
agree with the facts given in the statement then put a cross (*) in the box given below ‘Yes’. if
your answer is negative i.e., you do not agree with the facts given in the statement then put a
cross (*) in the box given below ‘No’. Though there is no time limit, still try to answer all the
statements quickly.

Result table:
Area Home Health Social Emotional
Scores 6 7 19 13
Interpretation Good Average Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory

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Adjustment refers to the behavioral process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs against
obstacles in the environment. Adjustment is a process by which an individual learns certain ways
of behavior to cope and adjustment with the situation which he/she attains through harmony with
his/her social environment.

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The present study aimed to measure adjustment of students in the 4 areas namely Home
adjustment, Health adjustment, Emotional and social adjustment. The subject scored 6 in home
adjustment which was interpreted as good according to the scoring table of degree students. he
scored 7 in health adjustment which was interpreted as average whereas the scores of social and
emotional were 19 and 13 respectively interpreted as unsatisfactory. The self-perception of the
subject doesn’t support the result in the area of social and emotional adjustment. The subjects
seem to be more introvert and has trust issues. His emotional bond is weak with his family and
friends. He needs to grow his efficacy in communication and need to trust his family and friends
more to build his emotional and social life.

The subject scored pretty well in home and health adjustment but unsatisfactory in social and
emotional adjustment, his results didn’t poise the description he gave about himself. The test
though proved to be effective in knowing the adjustment problems in regards to his social and
emotional life. He needs to be motivated to change the preexisting maladaptive patterns into
more useful and self-satisfying ways of responding to the environment.

Introspective report:
He enjoyed answering the questions. He completed the questionnaires in approx. 20-25 minutes.
He attempted all the statements. He felt some of the questions were too much twisted. Except
some questions which he found difficult the rest of the test was good.

Bell. H.M. The adjustment inventory. Palo Alto, Stanford University, Stanford University Press,
Kusum Agarwal (2003); „A comparative study of adolescents level of Adjustment in relation to
the academic success and failure.”
Indian Journal of psychometric and education. Vol34 (2) July 172-176 ISSN-
Parmar Gira B. (2012) “A study of adjustment of the secondary school students international
indexed & referred research, Journal, June 2012, ISSN- 0974,2832, RNI, RAJBIL 2009/29954,
Vol/IV ISSUE 41.

Debriefing Session:
The subject perceived the test as personality. He said that the test was helpful to him as with the
statements he got to know himself better as well got a self-time from his busy schedule. He
complied that he would love to take such tests in future.

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