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It was still very early in the morning. I'm jolted awake by a strange but soothing voice.

I rubbed
my eyes and saw a lady wearing a hat and a long skirt with a waistcoat. It was as if someone
from the 1860s had been teleported to my room. I wasn't familiar with the individual, but he or
she appeared to be someone I knew. "I'm taking you for a walk through the garden," she
explained. "OK, I'm not going anywhere with a stranger, who are you, and how are you in my
house, who let you in?" I asked, perplexed. "You don't remember me?" she asked, surprised.
"No, you appear to be someone I know, but I don't," I replied. "Well, you must remember
obsessively reading about my sisters and me, don't you?" I recognised it right away as "Jo
March," one of my favourite characters. "YOU ARE JO MARCH?" FROM THE LITTLE
WOMAN?" I nearly died of happiness, I exclaimed. "Come on, let's get to the garden before the
sun comes up."

I just couldn't believe it. "How is she still alive in the twentieth century, is she even real?" I felt as
if I were dreaming. "What's going on?" I was so perplexed that I couldn't help but ask more
questions. "Are you serious?" I inquired, and she replied, "Yes, I am." "How could this possibly
be true?" "How are you-," "all your questions will be answered once we get to the garden."
Nothing outside felt like where I lived because it was so green everywhere. "Let's climb up that
cliff," she suggested. We made it to the top.

We gazed up at the beautiful skies. She was talking about what life was like after her book was
published. "You must believe in yourself and fight for what you want; trust me, once you learn
how to do that, you will achieve everything you desire." The sun was rising, and it felt so bright.
"How's life over there?" I inquired. She had vanished. All I could feel was the wind. I wish I could
have spent more time with her; she could have taught me so much. "Goodbye," I said, wishing I
could have spent more time with her because she could have taught me so much. I could hear
something ringing, which was both annoying and disturbing. I awoke when I noticed my ceiling.
"It was all a dream." "It wasn't real," I told myself. Then, while making my bed, I came across a
letter that said,
"It was a pleasure meeting you.

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