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Faculty of Maritime Engineering

and Marine Sciences

Naval engineering program

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

Instructor: José R. Marín L.

Syllabus and class rules
May 17th, 2022

1. Credits: 2 (2h theory + 1h practice / week),

Pre-requisite: Mechanical Vibrations (oscillation multi-degree of
freedom systems)

2. Platforms for online classes:

i. Zoom for class sessions (Tue 16-17h30 & Th 1……),
ii. Teams to store course class sessions and class log, and,
iii. AulaVirtual for homework, and
iv. Closed-book evaluations and project presentations will be given
in person.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… Syllabus:

3. Course (catalog) description: In this advanced level course the linear

response of q ship to irregular waves is studied. It starts by reviewing free
and forced oscillation of systems with one and several degrees of freedom.
Then added mass to simple bodies is calculated using potential flow
theory. Also, coupled heave and pitch oscillations, and uncoupled roll are
studied under the action of regular waves. Following the response of a
system to a random excitation is analyzed, and finally it is applied to the
case of the ship subject to irregular waves.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… Syllabus:

4. Textbook(s): E. S. Lewis, Principles of Naval Architecture, vol. III. Alexandria,

VA: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), 1988.

i. W.Thomson & M.Dahleh, Theory of vibration with applications. Pearson, 1997.

ii. R. Dean and R. Dalrimple, R., Water wave mechanics for engineers and
scientists. Singapur: WSPC, 1992.
iii. E. Lewandowski, The Dynamics of Marine Craft: Maneuvering and
Seakeeping. Singapur: World Scientific Publishing Co, 2004.
iv. J. Newman, Marine Hydrodynamics. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1977.
v. A. Lloyd, Sea keeping – Ship behavior in rough weather. Sawston, Cambridge:
Ellis Horwood limited, 1999.

Printed class notes: they will be available starting next week.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… Syllabus:

5. Course Objectives: Through the study of Ship Dynamics the student will
be able to:
i. Analyze the response of a ship as a rigid body in the vertical plane in regular
waves solving their coupled differential equations of motion.

ii. Analyze irrotational flows to calculate the added mass for simple geometries
and the main characteristics of gravitational waves.

iii. Analyze the linear uncoupled roll motion of a ship in regular waves by
solving its differential equation of motion.

iv. Statistically evaluate the motion of a ship in irregular seas through the
calculation of the response spectrum.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… Syllabus:

6. Topics covered: (number of lecture-hours):

I. Oscillation of systems with various degrees of freedom (3)
II. Application of potential flows (5)
III. Oscillation of the ship in the vertical plane (6)
IV. Uncoupled roll ship motion (4)
V. Introduction to the vibratory random response (4)
VI. Response of the ship to irregular seas (6)

Final project will require application of module on Ship Dynamics from

MaxSurf which will be explained in class. It is highly recommended to
have enough skills in Excel to be able to handle data and plots.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… Syllabus:

7. Course evaluation
Course grading 1st Eval. 2nd Eval. 3rd Eval. 1
Exam 100%
Quizzes 30+35% 30%
Assignments & Lab reports (obligatory) 35% 35%
Project (Oral presentation & report) 35%
Total 100% 100% 100%

1 Thethird evaluation must be considered of Extreme urgency. Student is

urged to approve the course with the first two evaluations.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… Syllabus:

… 7. Course evaluation

There will be 3 in-person evaluations: after chapter II, after chapter III
(exam week), and after chapters IV and V. In general, each evaluation
is not cumulative, but they are well related.
We will have 3 experimental in-person Lab. sessions: 1. several dof
oscillation, 2. roll damping, and 3. random response. Groups will be
organized by students themselves with 3 members, but there must be
at least one person from outside GYE and a woman.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

online class regulations:

i. For safety reasons, a course assistant will grant permission to enter each
session, so plan to get in the waiting room of Zoom some minutes before
class starts. Class sessions will be video recorded and posted in the Teams
platform, so you may check them later. Student assistance will not be
controlled. You may leave the class at any time you need but try to write a

ii. During class sessions, to avoid interruptions keep your microphones

turned off, and if you need to communicate with the instructor use either
the chat in Zoom or use the “raise hand” option. When the instructor call
your participation, please start by saying your name.

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

… online class regulations:

iii. Assignments will be posted in the AulaVirtual and students have to

load (scanned in pdf format) in this platform their work, including
number of hours employed to complete them. Homework is obligatory,
and a 20% discount per day will be imposed for late submittal. Every
assignment will have a due date and limit date to load your work, and
after that the system will not accept your work. So, deadlines to upload
homework in the Sidweb have to be strictly observed, but if you have a
personal inconvenient, please let us know about it.

Take this page, insert your signature and send it back to us:

I hereby certify that course content and regulations were discussed in class: …………..…….…………….

Ship Dynamics NAVG1027

Office hours (via Zoom platform):

José R. Marín L., jrmarin@, Mo: 20h30-21h30, Z: 633 245 0675

Faculty assistants:
J. Isaac Mendoza, jorismen@, Tu & Th 9-10 am, Z: 0959062018

Course assistants:
Geovanna C. Quinde, gcquinde@ Tu & Wed 10-11am, Z: 453 587 0632

Viva el Ecuador!

i. Try reduce the number of points from time registers in

assignment 6.
ii. Podr[ia tenerse Constr. Met[alicas antes de Disenho? Se podr[ia
revisar el contenido de Constr. Met[alicas, empezar con
escantillonado, y dejar al final la parte de soldadura.

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