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Present Indefinite Tense

1. जजन वाक्मों के अॊत भें ता है , ती है , ते है आदद शब्द आते है ऐसे वाक्मों को
Present Indefinite Tense के वाक्म कहते है ।

2. इस प्रकार के वाक्यों में verb की Ist form का प्रयोग करते है ।

3. केवऱ Third Person Singular (He , She , it , Singular noun ) मे

ही verb की First form के साथ s/es जोड़ते है ।

4. तथा Plural Subject के साथ Verb की first form का ही use करते है ।

Structure -
Affirmative Sentences
Sub + V1 (s/es/ ) + object.

Examples -
1. कुत्ते अजनबफमों ऩय बोंकते है .
- Dogs bark at strangers.
2. भोहन का बाई झूठ फोरता है .
- Mohan's brother tells a lie.
3. तुभ अऩने पऩता की आऻा भानते हो
- You obey your father.
4. भझ
ु े कबी कबाय स्कूर के लरए दे य हो जाती है
- I seldom get late for school.
5. याभ सदा सत्म फोरता है
- Ram always speaks the truth.
6. वह अऩन्रे फच्चो को भयती है
- She beats her child

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7. हभ शननवाय को लसनेभा हॉर भें फपल्भ दे खने जाते है ।
- We go to watch a movie to cinema hall on Saturday
8. वे शाभ को भैदान भें हॉकी खेरते है ।
- they play hockey in the ground in the evening
9. वह फेईभानो से घणाा कयता है ।
- He hates dishonest persons.
10. भेयी भाॉ भुझसे फहुत प्माय कयती है ।
- My mother love me very much.
11. भै सुफह ताश खेरता हूॉ।
- I play the cards in the morning.
12. हभ नदी भें नहाते है ।
- We bath in the river.

Negative Sentences
Sub + do / does + not + V1 + object.

Examples -
1. सोहन झूठ नहीॊ फोरता है |
- Sohan does not tell a lie.
2. भें शाभ को ताश नहीॊ खेरता हूॉ |
- I do not play the cards in the evening.
3. तुभ ददन भें नहीॊ सोते हो |
- You do not sleep in the day.
4. हभ नदी भें नहीॊ नहाते है |
- We do not bath in the river.
5. मे रड़के सड़क ऩय नहीॊ खेरते है |
- These boys do not play on the road.

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6. सोहन अऩना ऩाठ माद नहीॊ कयता है |
- Sohan does not learn his lesson.
7. भें नहीॊ जानता हूॉ |
- I don't know.
8. वे शाभ को भैदान भें हॉकी नहीॊ खेरते है ।
- they do not play hockey in the ground in the evening
9. वह फेईभानो से घणाा नहीॊ कयता है ।
- He does not hate dishonest persons.
10. भेयी भाॉ भुझसे फहुत प्माय नहीॊ कयती है ।
- My mother does not love me very much.
11. भै सुफह ताश नहीॊ खेरता हूॉ।
- I do not play the cards in the morning.
12. हभ नदी भें नहीॊ नहाते है ।
- We don't bath in the river.

Single Interrogative Sentences

Do / does + Sub + V1 + object.

Examples -
1. क्मा तम्
ु हाया बाई रीरावती भें ऩढाता है ?
- Does your brother teach in lilawati ?
2. क्मा भें झठ
ू फोरता हूॉ ?
- Do i tell a lie ?
3. क्मा छात्र गारी दे ते हैं ?
- Do students abuse in school ?
4. क्मा तुम्हाये पऩताजी दे श की सेवा कयते है ?
- Does your father serve the country ?

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5. क्मा अननर आगया भें यहता है ?
- Does Anil live in Agra.
6. क्मा सोहन पुटफॉर खेरता है ?
- Does Sohan play football.
7.क्मा हभ गाने सन
ु ते हैं ?
-Do we listen songs ?
8. क्मा वह तुम्हे गणणत ऩढाता है ?
- Does he teach you math ?
9. क्मा वह फेईभानो से घणाा कयता है ?
- Does he hate dishonest persons ?
10. क्मा भेयी भाॉ भुझसे फहुत प्माय कयती है ?
- Does my mother love me very much ?
11. क्मा भै सुफह ताश खेरता हूॉ ?
- Do i play the cards in the morning ?
12. क्मा हभ नदी भें नहाते है ?
- Do We bath in the river ?

Double Interrogative Sentences

Wh.word + Do / does + Sub + V1 + object.

Examples -
1. तम्
ु हें कौन ऩढाता है ?
- Who teaches you ?
2. तुभ कौन से फकताफ ऩढ़ते हो ?
- which book do you read?
3. आऩ कहाॉ यहते हो ?
- Where do you live ?

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4. तुम्हाया बाई क्मा कयता है ?
- What does your brother do ?
5. तम्
ु हायी भाताजी यसोई भें क्मा ऩकाती है ?
- What does your mother cook in the kitchen?
6. वे सव
ु ह के सभम क्मा खाते है ?
- What do they eat at morning time?
7.तुभ क्मा कयते हो ?
-What do you do?
8. तुभ कहाॉ यहते हो ?
- Where do you live ?
9. तुभ क्मा खाते हो ?
- What do you eat ?
10. तुम्हाये ऩाऩा कहाॉ कयते हैं ?
- What does your father do?
11. वे कहाॉ यहते हैं
- Where do they live?
12. हभ क्मों नहीॊ ऩढ़ते हैं ?
- Why do we not study?


1. Daily habits, Scientific fact , proverb को फताने के लरए Present

Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग कयते है
As -
1. I brush my teeth daily. ( daily habit )
2. Water freezes at 0o centigrade. ( Scientific fact )
3. A bad workman quarrels with his tool. ( Proverb )

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2. Here औय there से शरू

ु होने वारे exclamatory Sentences भें -
Here comes sanchit , our most promising player!
There goes the last bus !

3. Newspaper के Headline भें -

India defeats Argentina by two goals.
The prime minister inaugurates the annual trade fair.

4. Imperative Sentences भें -

Go out and lock the door.
Switch off the lights, please.

5. To express a future event already planned.

My flight takes off tomorrow morning at 6:30.
The president leaves for Berlin on 15 aug.

6. Commentary कयते सभम -

Rohit hits the ball towards the silly mid off. the ball passes over the
fielder's head and crosses the boundary line.
1. भैं अऩना ऩाठ माद कयता हूॉ।
I learn my lesson.
2. सीता एक भधयु गीत गाती है ।
Seeta sings a sweet song.
3. भोहन घय जाता है ।
Mohan goes to home.
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4. वे स्कूर जाते है ।
They go to school
5. भैं एक ऩस्
ु तक ऩड़ता हूॉ।
I read a book.
6. वह सड़क ऩय दौड़ता है ।
He run on the road.
7. तभ
ु एक ऩत्र लरखते हो।
You write a letter.
8. हभ हॉकी खेरते है ।
We play hockey.
9. वह झूठ नही फोरता है ।
He does not tell a lie.
10. सीता एक भधयु गाना नही गाती है ।
Seeta does not sing a sweet song.
11. वह एक ऩत्र नही लरखता है ।
He does not write a letter.
12. भैं अऩना ऩाठ माद नही कयता हूॉ।
I do not learn my lesson.
13. वे हॉकी नही खेरते है ।
They don't play hockey.
14. तभ
ु एक साइफकर नही खयीदते हो।
You don't buy a cycle.
15. तभ
ु स्कूर नही जाते हो।
You do not go to home.
16. क्मा यपव घय जाता है ?
Does Ravi go to home ?
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17. क्मा वे खाना खाते है ?
Do they eat the food ?
18. क्मा वह फकताफ ऩड़ता है ?
Does he read a book?
19. क्मा यपव घय नही जाता है ?
Does Ravi not go to home?
20. क्मा वह एक ऩत्र नही लरखती है ?
Does he not write a letter ?
21. क्मा हभ हॉकी नही खेरते है ?
Do we not play hockey?
22. क्मा वह सड़क ऩय दौड़ता है ?
Does he run on the road?
23. क्मा तुम्हायी भाॉ तुभसे प्रेभ कयती है ?
Does your mother love you?
24. तुभ स्कूर क्मों नही जाते हो ?
Why do you not go to school?
25. वह महाॊ क्मों आती है ?
Why does she come here?
26. हभ हॉकी क्मों नहीॊ खेरते है ?
Why do we not play hockey?
27. वह सड़क ऩय क्मों दौड़ता है ?
Why does he run on the road?
28. तभ
ु कौनसी ऩस्
ु तक चाहते हो ?
Which book do you want?
29. योहन योज कहाॉ जाता है ?
Where does Rohan come daily?
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30. वे फकतनी ऩें लसरें चाहते है ?
How many pencils do they want?
31. तम्
ु हाये घय प्रनतददन कौन आता है ?
Who comes to your house every day?

भैं प्रनतददन अऩना ऩाठ माद कयता हूॉ | क्मा वह अऩने पऩता के साथ आगया
जाती है ? अच्छे पवद्माथी अऩने लशऺकों का सम्भान कयते हैं | क्मा हभ
पुटफॉर नहीॊ खेरते हैं ? सोहन स्कूर क्मों नहीॊ जाता है ? क्मा नेहा एक भधयु
गीत गाती है ? भेया दोस्त प्रनतददन लसनेभा जाता है | हभ योज़ाना सुफह टहरने
जाते हैं | वह अऩनी दोस्त को प्माय नहीॊ कयती है | क्मा वह गह
ृ स्थी का सफ
काभ कयती है ? अच्छी रड़फकमा फयु ी रड़फकमों की सॊगनत ऩसन्द नहीॊ कयती हैं
| सुयेश का बाई तुभको गारी क्मों दे ता है ? तुम्हाया धोफी सही से कऩड़े नहीॊ
धोता है | क्मा वह प्रनतददन दार नहीॊ खाता है ?
(hints : माद कयना - learn, सम्भान कयना - respect, भधयु गीत - sweet
song, गह
ृ स्थी का काभ - domestic work, सॊगनत - company, धोफी -
washerman, गारी दे ना - abuse)

I learn my lesson daily. Does she go to Agra with her father?

Good students respect their teachers. Do we not play football?
Why does Sohan not go to school? Does Neha sing a sweet
song? My friend goes to cinema daily. We walk daily in the
morning. She does not love her friend. Does she do all the
domestic work? Good girls do not like the company of bad girls.

(Follow Jaideep Sir – YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook Page)

Why does Suresh's brother abuse you? Your washerman does
not wash clothes properly. Does he not eat pulses every day?

1.He loves to play basketball.
2.He goes to school.
3.Does he go to school?
4.She writes an e-mail to her best friend.
5.He thinks he is very handsome.
6.It usually rains every day here.
7.It smells very delicious in the kitchen.
8.We generally sing songs all together.
9.We go to a gallery every Sunday.
10.Does he write an email?
11.The sun rises at the east.
12.She goes to work by car.
13.It doesn’t rain here in the summer.
14.We cook every day.
15.We go to the gym club together.
16.You have a big house.
17.Do we know each other?
18.They sleep in the afternoon.
19.When do they usually talk to each other?
20.The children are at home.
21.The earth goes round the sun.
22.George brushes his teeth twice a day.
23.He gets up early every day.
24.They speak English in USA.
25.I like reading detective stories.
26.I like geography and science.
27.She doesn’t study German on Monday.
28.Does she live in Paris?
29.He doesn’t teach math.
30.Cats hate water.
31.Every child likes an icecream.
32.My mother never lies.

33.The Earth is spherical.

34.She doesn’t use a computer.
35.It snows a lot in winter in Russia.
36.We live in Texas.
37.You go to holiday every summer.
38.Do you like spaghetti?
39.My daughter does the laundry.
40.My brother takes out the trash.
41.The course starts next Sunday.
42.She swims every morning.

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43.I don’t wash the dishes.
44.We see them every week.
45.I don’t like tea.
46.When does the train usually leave?
47.She always forgets her purse.
48.You don’t have children.
49.I and my sister don’t see each other anymore.
50.They don’t go to school tomorrow.
51.She wants to be a dentist.
52.Cows eat grass.
53.My cat runs very fast.
54.She has a beehive full of bees.
55.My son lives in London.
56.They don’t have any money.
57.She plays basketball.
58.He catches the train every morning.
59.My sister works at the theater.
60.Michael doesn’t work.
61.How often do you see George?
62.She doesn’t see Peter every day.
63.My boyfriend loves this song.
64.My father doesn’t speak good English.
65.He goes to football every day.
66.California is not in the United Kingdom.
67.The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.
68.Julie talks very fast.
69.My brother’s dog barks a lot.
70.Does he play tennis?
71.The train leaves every morning
at 18 AM.
72.Water freezes at 0°C
73.I love my new pets.
74.We drink coffee every morning.
75.My Dad never works on the weekends.
76.She doesn’t teach chemistry.
77.I do love my new pets.
78.Mary brushes her teeth twice a day.
79.He drives to work.
80.Mary enjoys cooking.
81.She likes bananas.
82.You don’t listen to me.
83.I run four miles every morning.
84.They speak English at work.
85.The train does not leave at 12 AM.
86.I have no money at the moment.
87.Do they talk a lot ?
88.Tomorrow early morning first I go to morning walk.
89.Does she drink coffee?
90.You run to the party.

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91.You have some schoolwork to do.
92.Do you eat ice cream?
93.The train leaves in ten minutes.
94.Do pigs like milk?
95.California is in America.
96.Penguins live in the Antarctica.
97.Nurses work in clinics and hospitals.
98.Alex works for 7 hours every day.
99.I do not like meat.
100.They go to a gallery every Saturday.

1. वे भयीजों को यक्तदान कयते हैं ।
2. लसऩाही चोय को ऩकडता है ।
3. भामावती हय सार इरेक्शन रडती है ।
4. आसभान भें लसताये चभकते हैं
5. कुछ रडके नदी भें स्नान कयते हैं ।
6. एक रडकी टोकरयमाॊ फेचती है ।
7. भैं योज़ाना अऩनी छत ऩय ऩतॊग उडाता हूॉ ।
8. वे खेत जोतते हैं ।
9. रड़फकमाॉ अऩना गह
ृ कामा अच्छी प्रकाय कयती हैं ।
10. हभ योज़ाना यात को फपल्भ दे खते हैं ।

1. They donate blood to the patients.

2. The police man catches the thief.

3. Mayavati contests election every year.

4. The stars shine in the sky.

5. Some boys take bath in the river.

6. A girl sells the baskets.

7. I fly the kite daily on my roof.

8. They plough the field.

9. The girls do their homework properly.

10. We watch film at night daily.

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1. प्रधान भॊत्री जी स्टे ज ऩय बाषण नहीॊ दे ते हैं ।

2. वह प्रनतददन स्नान नहीॊ कयता है ।
3. मे रडके सडक ऩय नहीॊ खेरते हैं ।
4. याधा अऩना ऩाठ माद नहीॊ कयती है ।
5. भेया बाई क्रेडडट काडा नहीॊ यखता है ।
6. भेये दोस्त भुझे ऩत्र नहीॊ लरखते हैं ।
7. हाथी ऩेड ऩय नहीॊ चढता है ।
8. वह हभाये घय कबी नहीॊ आता है ।
9. मह रडका ऩतॊग कबी नहीॊ उडाता है ।
10. चऩयासी घन्टी नहीॊ फजाता है ।


1. The prime minister does not deliver speech on the stage.

2. He does not take bath every day.
3. These boys do not play on the road.
4. Radha does not learn her lesson.
5. My brother does not have credit card.
6. My friends do not write letter to me.
7. The elephant does not climb in the tree.
8. He never comes to our home.
9. This boy never fly the kite.
10. The peon does not ring the bell.

1. क्मा गाॉव भें ठॊ डी हवा चरती है ?

2. क्मा तभ
ु योज़ाना ददल्री जाते हो ?
3. क्मा भुकेश भधयु गीत गाता है ?
4. क्मा पवद्माथी कऺा भें शोय भचाते हैं ?
5. क्मा ऩॊछी आकाश भें उडते हैं ?
6. क्मा फादर हवा भें तैयते हैं ?
7. क्मा रडके भैदान भें फक्रकेट खेरते हैं ?
8. क्मा याहुर अऩनी भम्भी से पोन ऩय फातचीत कयता है ?

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9. क्मा सन
ू ाय अॉगठ
ू ी फनाता है ?
10. क्मा फढई एक सुन्दय भेज़ फनाता है ?


1. Does the cold wind blow in the village

2. Do you go to Delhi everyday ?
3. Does Mukesh sing sweet song ?
4. Do the students make a noise in the class ?
5. Do the birds fly in the sky ?
6. Do the clouds float in the air ?
7. Do the boys play cricket in the field ?
8. Does Rahul talk to his mother by phone ?
9. Does the goldsmith make the ring ?
10. Does the carpenter make a beautiful table ?

Interrogative Sentences(जब वाक्य के बीच में question हो)

1. तुभ कहाॉ यहते हो ?

2. तभ
ु को कौन ऩढाता है ?

3. तुभ अऩना गह
ृ कामा कैसे ननऩटाते हो ?

4. तुभ यात को कौनसी फपल्भ दे खते हो ?

5. मे रडके स्कूर कफ जाते हैं ?

6. फन्दय ऩेड ऩय क्मों चढते हैं ?

7. तुभ क्मा चाहते हो ?

8. तभ
ु सफ
ु ह सफ
ु ह फकसको ऩढाते हो ?

9. वह उसे इस तयह क्मों दे खता है ?

10. मह रडका वहाॊ योजाना क्मा कयता है ?

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1. Where do you live ?

2. Who teaches you ?

3. How do you finish your homework ?

4. Which film do you watch at night ?

5. When do these boys go to school ?

6. Why do the monkies climb on the tree ?

7. What do you want ?

8. Whom do you teach in the morning ?

9. Why does he look at her like this ?

10. What does this boy do there daily ?

1. क्मा याधा एक भधयु गीत नहीॊ गाती है ?

2. तभ
ु अफ ददल्री क्मों नहीॊ जाते हो ?

3. अफ पवद्माथी अऩने गुरू का सम्भान क्मों नहीॊ कयते हैं ?

4. क्मा आसभान भें लसताये नहीॊ चभकते हैं ?

5. क्मा वह अॉग्रेज़ी नहीॊ ऩढता है ?

6. तुभ फकसको नहीॊ ऩढाना चाहते हो ?

7. क्मा मे रडके फक्रकेट नहीॊ खेरना चाहते हैं ?

8. तभ
ु को कौन नहीॊ ऩढाता है ?

9. पुटफॉर कौन नहीॊ खेरते हैं ?

(Follow Jaideep Sir – YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook Page)

10. वह अफ महाॉ क्मों नहीॊ आता है ?

Translation :-

1. Does Radha not sing a sweet song ?

2. Why do you not go to Delhi now ?

3. Why do the students not respect to their teacher ?

4. Do the stars not shine in the sky ?

5. Does he not study english ?

6. Whom do you not want to teach ?

7. Do these boys not want to play cricket ?

8. Who dose not teach you ?

9. Who do not play the football ?

10. Why does he not come here now ?


1.They sleep in the afternoon.

2.When do they usually talk to each other?
3.The children are at home.
4.The earth goes round the sun.
5.George brushes his teeth twice a day.
6.He gets up early every day.
7.They speak English in USA.
8.I like reading detective stories.
9.I like geography and science.
10.She doesn’t study German on Monday.
11.Does she live in Paris?
12.He doesn’t teach math.
13.Cats hate water.
14.Every child likes an ice cream.
15.My mother never lies.

16.The Earth is spherical.

17.She doesn’t use a computer.
18.It snows a lot in winter in Russia.
19.We live in Texas.
20.You go to holiday every summer.
21.Do you like spaghetti?
(Follow Jaideep Sir – YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook Page)
22.My daughter does the laundry.
23.My brother takes out the trash.
24.The course starts next Sunday.
25.She swims every morning.
26.I don’t wash the dishes.
27.We see them every week.
28.I don’t like tea.
29.When does the train usually leave?
30.She always forgets her purse.
31.You don’t have children.
32.I and my sister don’t see each other anymore.
33.They don’t go to school tomorrow.
34.He loves to play basketball.
35.He goes to school.
36.Julie talks very fast.
37.My brother’s dog barks a lot.
38.Does he play tennis?
39.The train leaves every morning at 18 AM.
40.Water freezes at 0°C
41.I love my new pets.
42.We drink coffee every morning.
43.My Dad never works on the weekends.
44.She doesn’t teach chemistry.
45.I do love my new pets.
46.Mary brushes her teeth twice a day.
47.He drives to work.
48.Mary enjoys cooking.
49.She likes bananas.
50.You don’t listen to me.
51.I run four miles every morning.
52.They speak English at work.
53.The train does not leave at 12 AM.
54.I have no money at the moment.
55.Do they talk a lot ?
56.Tomorrow early morning first I go to morning walk.
57.Does she drink coffee?
58.You run to the party.
59.You have some schoolwork to do.
60.Do you eat ice cream?
61.The train leaves in ten minutes.
62.Do pigs like milk?
63.California is in America.
64.Penguins live in the Antarctica.
65.Nurses work in clinics and hospitals.
66.Alex works for 7 hours every day.
67.I do not like meat.
68.They go to a gallery every Saturday.
69.My sister works at the theater.
70.Michael doesn’t work.

(Follow Jaideep Sir – YouTube, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook Page)

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