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Tomas Claudio Colleges

Morong, Rizal

Assignment #2

What is Creativity?

According to California State University, Northridge that

creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or
recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be
useful in solving problems, communicating with others,
and entertaining ourselves and others.
Creativity is the use of our imagination and the ability to
come up with fresh or new ideas that are unique to what is
considered normal or traditional.
Creativity as a 21st Century Skill

Innovation and

problem foundation
solving for success

e a w ide range of idea
creation techniques

Demonstrate originality and

inventiveness in work

Develop, implement and communicate

new ideas effectively

CENTURY Disc over n ew an d e x citin g
CREATIVITY things thro ug h a big ge r p ictu re
What is creative writing?
Creative writing is an expressive form of literature in which the writer intends to

narrate a story or convey a message in an artistic way, and unlike formal essays,

creative writing is subjective and make use of your own imagination and emotion

to portray a message.

It is a form of writing that goes beyond the traditional realms of normal,

professional, academic or technical forms of writing. Instead, it encompasses a

number of different genres and styles across a whole range of fields of both

fictional and non-fiction writing like storytelling, playwriting, poetry, prose,

journalistic and more.




to make connections to others
to carry out a writer's and to contribute to human
compelling desire to thought and culture and to
imagine, invent, explore, establish and deepen human
or share. contact


to both entertain and share

human experience, like love
to satisfy the creative soul.
or loss.
Builds confidence
Self-expression of artistic values
Empathy and communication skills.
Enhance language skills.
Allow you to develop your own unique voice and share
perspective without limitations.
Stimulate your imagination.
MEMBERS: Panguito, John Brixter
Jerre Mae
Ang, Loraine
Ilocso, Aira
ry A r ia ne
y Ann Lucena, Ma
Lanon, Mar
a . Ka t rin a
ayka Bundang, M
Espejo, M

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