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1. Learning Activity: Hands-on

activities (Experiential Learning)

Creating Animal Habitats - students will choose

an animal to research, learn about the animal’s
habitat, and then replicate the animal's habitat
using household items. They can choose to
create a miniature replica, or a kid-sized habitat.
In this activity, students will be able to develop
their researching and creativity skills, while also
having fun thinking from the perspective of an
animal in the wild.
2. Learning Activity: Science


Explore Soil Erosion - In this activity, learners will

experiment with the idea of soil erosion, which is the
washing or blowing away of soil. Students will also
hypothesize about ways to help prevent soil erosion.
Throughout the experiment, the teacher will ask
questions that will inspire the student to think about
soil erosion, as well as to consider more ways to make
discoveries and draw conclusions about soil erosion.
Note: This assignment requires preparation and about
a week or so for the grass to grow.
The teacher will then explain to the students that soil
is found on the uppermost layer of the Earth’s crust.
Soil is a mixture of four main ingredients: weathered
rock, long-dead plants and animals, air, and water. Soil
is important because it provides a place where
organisms and bacteria can live. Plants rely on soil for
nutrients, water, and mineral salts. Plants in turn
provide the oxygen we breathe, the food we eat, the
clothes we wear, and the foundation and building
materials we use to make our homes. We could not
meet our basic needs without soil.
3. Learning Activity: Build your model
(Hands-on Experience)

In this learning activities, Ask the students to

build their own model using the scientific
knowledge they have acquired and teacher can
provide supportive guidance.
Students will be creative in making models and
designing their own imaginative means of testing
them. This is the right approach to find the
scientist in them and helping them to discover
and explore science every day.
3. Learning Activity: Build your model
(Hands-on Experience)

For instance, learners will involved themselves in

composting by following easy and Earth-friendly
steps! Young environmentalists will enjoy
learning why and how to compost as they create
their own kitchen compost pail, explore the items
they can put in their compost and the items to
exclude, and then help with the process of filling
their compost, turning it, and observing the
changes that occur. This will help the learners to
grow their observation and critical thinking skills
while getting them involved in the gardening
And during the application process, they will know
about these answers on these questions:
Why do people compost?
Why do some things decompose (break down),
whereas other things stay the same (man-made
vs. natural)?
What are some materials that may not
decompose? How do you know?
Connection to the Real World Questions :
How can composting help us grow more food to
eat? Why do you think composting is good for
the Earth?
4. Learning Activity: Taking
the classroom out into the
real world
Go to the school garden and observe a dying
flower and how to bring back to life. Doing
this they can apply what they've learned and
put to use. (They could possibly help their
mother on how to take care of their plants)
5. Learning Activity: Sport-based
Where teachers can used sport such as basketball to
see how physics works that makes learners see how
they can apply physics in real life.
Group 3






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being attentive!

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