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Scenario 1: Interviewing for a new job.

(1) Interviewer (Sam): Well Mike, you come to us QUITE highly

recommended from your previous company. Could you go ahead and tell
us a little bit about yourself and perhaps, what you would bring to our

(2) Candidate (Mike/confident): OH CERTAINLY! Right off the bat let me go

ahead and say you WON’T find a more hardworking and dedicated
employee, which is to say you can ALWAYS count on me to get the job

(1) Interviewer (Sam): Hmmm, that’s great to hear but I was hoping you
could be a little more SPECIFIC and give us a real example, something like
when you demonstrated your work ethic at your last job?

(2) Candidate (Mike/excited): Well Sam, as they say, “once in a blue moon”
everyone makes mistakes, but even if every cat has nine lives, I’m not
someone who will EVER drop the ball on you. If you need me here at
3:00AM to start work, I’LL be here. If you need me to drive 45 minutes to
pick up your favorite coffee, I’LL be here. If you need me to take care of
your kids and wash your car while you go on vacation, who do you think
will be there to take care of business? Me, Mike Smith.

(1) Interviewer (Sam/confused): Riiiiight….Okaayyyy then. We will go ahead

and end the interview here, and you can expect a call from us in the future,
when we’ve had enough time to make our decision.

(2) Candidate (Mike salutes; serious ): I look FORWARD to hearing from

you again.
Scenario 2: Explaining why you’re late to work

(1) Boss (Trang/Angry) Đuc! You’re 20 minutes late AGAIN! Work starts
here at 8:00 o’clock, so why are you just arriving at your desk now?

(2) Employee (Đuc/anxious) I’m SO sorry miss Trang. I tried getting here on
time but the traffic was TERRIBLE this morning.

(1) Boss (Trang/Angry) I don’t care what your excuses are. I want you here
at EIGHT o’clock sharp each and every morning, where I can keep an eye
on you. Not 8:07, not 8:02, EIGHT o’clock! Do I make myself clear?

(2) Employee (Duc/Scared) Yes, of course Miss Trang! It WON’T happen

again, I promise.

(1) Boss (Trang/Angry) Good, see to it that it doesn’t, or I’ll find someone
ELSE, someone who understands the meaning of being on time. Now get
to work!

(2) Employee (Duc/Relieved) Thank you Miss Trang, I won’t let you down,
even if I have to go down in flames, I’ll make sure I leave no stone
unturned and get cracking right away.

(1) Boss (Trang/Annoyed) Just get to work…

Scenario 3: Gossiping about a coworker with a friend

(1) (Minh/whispering) Hey Phong, did you see Miss Trang today? She looks
like she REALLY gained some weight over the summer.

(2) (Phong/whispering) I thought I was the ONLY one who noticed? She
must be FIVE kilos heavier, where did all that weight come from?

(1) (Minh/whispering) I bet you she’s ALMOST 60 kilos by now, who would
have thought she’d put on so much weight like that after only one year!

(2) (Phong/whispering) Well have you SEEN what she brings for lunch
every day? It’s UNBELIEVABLE. Yesterday I saw her carrying fried
chicken, bubble tea, ice cream, and she EVEN drank two Red Bulls!

(1) (Minh/Whispering) Wow, she’s never going to get married at this point,
not when she’s eating like THAT…I mean, REALLY, it’s not ROCKET
SCIENCE. Oh well, no skin off my teeth if she doesn’t get her act together.

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