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Department of Architecture

College of Art & Design

University of the Punjab

Bachelors Final Year Project


Noor Fatima
Roll no. B. Arch-15-18

Silent Architecture
Silent Architecture
“Silence of architecture is the reaching out for the truth”

“Design is not making beauty; beauty emerges from selection, affinities, integration,
and love to have the silence” ( Khan et .al.1958)

Light is rather related to emotions; it may create or break moods and affects human behavior.
Natural Light is a gift of God and said to be the soul of nature. So how it’s possible that the
Supreme Art; Architecture is not related to light. Light reveals our physical world but it also
makes it possible to express and show to the mind’s eye, things that eludes the physical one.
So my study revolves around the different aspects and effects of Light in Architecture that are
not only physical but also metaphysical. My research is inspired by a famous architect Louis I
Kahn. I will try to interpret his philosophy into my design with addition of my own notions.

Motivation: (Literature review)

Sunlight is probably the most powerful design element in architecture. Sunlight being
constantly changing produces ‘drama’ and ‘dance’ which brings out the true nature of Form
and Texture. Solid forms increase the interest of their own by the complex pattern of their
own shadows and that shadow becomes the integral part of their own form. Hence light is the
giver of all presences. My research is inspired by a famous architect Louis I Kahn. I will try
to interpret his philosophy into my design with addition of my own notions.

Research questions: (problem statement)

 How our ‘desire to express our silences’ is related to Light, the most divine aspect of
 How Natural Light brings life into architecture?
 How to introduce maximum Sunlight in a building in hot climate?

“Light displays its brilliance only against a backdrop of

Tadao Ando

Aims and Objectives:

 To prove the importance of Theory and Philosophy in Architecture.
 To study the nature of Light, Silence and Darkness.
 To study the ‘spirit’ of architecture and role of light in making any space: speak.
 To improve the overall attitude, satisfaction and well being of building user.
 To Design Monumental and spiritually inspiring buildings.
Thesis statement:

“Our journey begins as tiny ray of light from Allah, our goal is to reflect back
towards Him through tangible means”

Significance of the project lies in the deep understanding of the relation of architectural
spaces and forms, structure and light, & light and silence of architecture in creating
monumental architecture. The use of practical considerations of natural light in changing the
overall ambiance of space, that can be applied to any kind of structure.

The procedure:
As my research tends to be more philosophical, I will be needing more written data in the
form of books and scholarly articles. Moreover, interviews and informal discussions with the
experts will help in conducting the research.

 Phase I will include Qualitative data (metaphysical approach)

 Phase II will include Quantitative data (physical models study)
 Phase III will include the Final Design (union of tangible and intangible)

Scope of the project:

 Master plan
 Detail planning of one main structure( if more than one)
 Facade design
 Light shadow analysis through models

Building typology:
 Culinary School
 Khanqah

Research methodology:
 History is a great teacher, so the study of ancient buildings and observation of the role
of Light in them would be the first mile stone.
 Then the literature review of published works (Books on Architecture) along with the
philosophical ideas (Books/Novels) regarding concerned topic will help to clarify my
research question.
 Formal and informal discussions with teachers, experts within country (or if possible
with international experts online) as well as fellow students (having interest in
 Study and observation (Case studies) and analysis of new buildings designed with
Light being the main design aspect.
 Then I will make Physical study models (or 3D models on software) to have even
more clear idea of blending Philosophy into Architecture. To study the feel of light
entering a space from different perspectives.
 Photography of Light (will help me feel the soul of light), Light and Architecture and
Light and Darkness will be continued throughout my research.

Collection of data:
Data will be attained from:

 Internet (Architectural record)

 Libraries
 Experts and related people
 Case studies (local & international)
 Physical models (conceptual 3D models)
 Art (painting, sculpture)
 Interviews:
 Of professors of Philosophy of different universities.
 Architects related to History
 Architects into writing filed
 Professional architects

Selection of data:
 After finalizing the type of building, I will review the previous work and study the
SWOT then I will filter the appropriate data that will be suitable to fulfill my aim of
the study.
 Also I’ll acquire the help of my instructor/expert.
 In this step I will clarify my area of research.

Interpretation of data:

 Previous filtration of data will help me achieve some quality data that will need
 At this step I will be able to Interpret philosophical/qualitative data into physical
language of Architecture.
 Conclusions will be derived and will be directly implemented into the Architectural
 This phase will be continued with Design phase and my study will be internally cyclic
as I will review physical study models while designing the final product.

 “Silence and light” lecture by Louis Kahn
 “Between Silence and Light” Book by John Lobell

Architects that worked with ‘Silence’:

 Louis I Kahn
 TadaoAndo
 Le-Corbusier
 Mies Vander Rohe
 Daniel Libeskind
 Charles Chorrea

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