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1 Structure of the Atom

THE NATURE OF 2 The Electric Charge


Jane S. Malasador 4 The Electrostatic Field

Associate Professor V
Mindanao State University, General Santos 5 Potential Difference

6 Current

7 Current Flow

8 Sources of Electricity

Structure of the Atom ATOMS

❖ Matter – anything that has mass and
occupies space. It is composed of very small ❖ Atoms are composed of subatomic particles of
particles called ATOMS. electrons, protons, and neutrons.
▪ Classification: elements or compounds
❖ Electron – fundamental negative (-) charge of
❖ Element – all atoms are the same. electricity. Electrons revolve about the nucleus or
▪ Example: Aluminum, Copper, Carbon, Germanium, and center of the atom in paths of concentric “shells”,
Silicon. or orbits.
❖ Proton – fundamental positive (+) charge of
❖ Compound – combination of elements. electricity. Protons are found in nucleus. The
▪ Example: Water (consists of elements hydrogen and number of protons within the nucleus of any
particular atom specifies the atomic number of
that atom. Example: silicon atom has 14 protons
❖ Molecule – the smallest particle of any in its nucleus so the atomic number of silicon is
compound that retains the original 14.
characteristics of that compound.



❖ Neutron – fundamental neutral charge of electricity, is ❖ “Like charges repel each other; unlike
also found in the nucleus. charges attract each other.”
▪ Atoms of different elements differ from one another in the
number of electrons and protons they contain. In its natural state,
❖ A form of charge, designated positive, negative,
an atom of any element contains an equal number of electrons or zero, found on the elementary particles that
and protons. Since the negative (-) charge of each electron is make up all known matter. Particles with
equal in magnitude to the positive (+) charge of each proton, the electric charge interact with each other through
two opposite charges cancel. An atom in this condition is the electromagnetic force, creating electric fields,
electrically neutral, or in balance.
and when they are in motion, magnetic fields.
▪ A stable (neutral) atom has a certain amount of energy, which is
equal to the sum of the energies of its electrons.
▪ Energy Levels – electrons in different energies. The energy level
of an electron is proportional to its distance from the nucleus.
Energy levels of electrons in shells farther from the nucleus are
higher than those of electrons in shells nearer the nucleus. The
electrons in the outermost shell are called “valence electrons”.


❖ The fundamental characteristic of an electric
❖ The magnitude of electric charge a body charge is its ability to exert a force. This
possesses is determined by the number of force is present within the electrostatic field
electrons compared with the number of surrounding every charged object.
protons within the body. The symbol for the
magnitude of the electric charge is Q,
expressed in units of coulombs (C). A
charge of one negative coulomb, -Q, means
a body contains a charge of 6.25 x 1018
more electrons than protons. LOGO LOGO



❖ Due to the force of its electrostatic field, an

electric charge has the ability to do the work
of moving another charge by attraction or ❖ Current (I) is the movement or the flow of
repulsion. The ability of a charge to do work electrons. To produce current, the electrons
is called its POTENTIAL. When one charge is must be moved by a potential difference.
different from the other, there must be a ❖ Ampere (A) – the basic unit in which current
difference in potential between them. is measured.
❖ Electromotive Force (emf) – the sum of the ❖ One ampere of current is defined as the
differences of potential of all the charges in movement of one coulomb past any point of
the electrostatic field. a conductor during one second of time.
❖ Volt (V) – basic unit of potential difference ❖ Electricity can be termed as ELECTRIC
indicating the ability to do the work of CURRENT.
forcing electrons to move. Potential
Difference is called Voltage. LOGO

❖ Chemical Battery
▪ A voltaic chemical cell is a combination of materials which
are used for converting chemical energy into electric
energy. A battery is formed when two or more cells are
❖ The current is a drift of electrons from the connected. A chemical reaction produces opposite
point of negative charge, -Q, at one end of charges on two dissimilar metals, which serve as the
the wire, moving through the wire, and negative and positive terminals. The metals are in contact
returning to the positive charge, +Q, at the with an eletrolyte.
other end. The direction of the electron drift
is from the negative side of the battery,
through the wire, and back to the positive
side of the battery. The direction of the
electron flow is from a point of negative
potential to a point of positive potential. LOGO LOGO


❖ Thermal Energy
▪ The production of most
❖ Generator electric energy begins with the
▪ The generator is a machine in which electromagnetic formation of heat energy.
inductance is used to produce a voltage by rotating coils of Coal, oil, or natural gas can be
burned to release large
wire through a stationary magnetic field or by rotating a quantities of heat. Once heat
magnetic field through stationary coils of wire. energy is available,
conversion to mechanical
energy is the next step. Water
is heated to produce steam,
which is then used to turn the
turbines that drive the electric
generators. A direct
conversion from heat energy
to electric energy will increase
efficiency and reduce thermal
pollution of water resources
and the atmosphere. LOGO LOGO

❖ Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Conversion ❖ Solar Cells

▪ In an MHD converter, gases are ionized by very high ▪ Solar cells convert light energy directly into electric energy.
temperatures, approximately 3000 degrees Fahrenheit or They consist of semiconductor material like silicon and are
1650 deg Celsius. The hot gases pass through a strong used in large arrays in spacecraft to recharge batteries.
magnetic field with current resulting. The exhausted gases Solar cells are also used in home heating.
are then moved back to the heat source to form a ❖ Piezoelectric Effect
complete cycle. The MHD converters have no mechanical
▪ Certain crystals, such as quartz and Rochelle salts,
moving parts.
generate a voltage when they are vibrated mechanically.
❖ Thermionic Emission This action is known as the piezoelectric effect. One
▪ The thermionic energy converter is a device that consists example is the crystal phonograph cartridge, which
of two electrodes in a vacuum. The emitter electrode is contains a Rochelle salt crystal to which a needle is
heated and produces free electrons. The collector fastened. As the needle moves in the grooves of a record,
electrode is maintained at a much lower temperature and it swings from side to side. This mechanical motion is
receives the electrons released at the emitter. applied to the crystal, and voltage is then generated. LOGO LOGO


❖ Photoelectric Effect
▪ Some materials, such as zinc, potassium, and cesium
oxide, emit electrons when light strikes their surfaces. This
action is known as the photoelectric effect. Common
applications of photoelectricity are television camera tubes
and photoelectric cells.
❖ Thermocouples
▪ If wires of two different metals, such as iron and copper,
are welded together and joint is heated, the difference in
electron activity in the two metals produces an emf across
the joint. Thermocouple junctions can be used to measure
the amount of current because current acts to heat the

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