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26 Algebra and Number Theory

Then a,d(x)= a,'ay +a,'ax +a,'a,x+..+a,'a,-1x"+a


=bo +br+ b,x*+. +b,-1x+x"

is a monic polynomial
and a d(x) is also a g.c.d offx) and gr).

Suppose d,) and d,(r) be two monic polynomials,

which are the g.c.d's of fr) and g{)
[treading d,(x) as gea)
Then d,) divides d,r)
(Treating d,(x) as ged
and d ) divides d,)
d()= u d,(r) for some u * 0 in F.
Since both d,() and d(x) are monic polynomials by using equality of polynomials and by equating

the leading coefficients, we get


Hence the g.c.d is unique, when it monic.

Definition 2.12 Ifthe g.c.dofflx) and g(r) e Fx) is 1,then fAx) and g(r) are called relatively prime.
and in Fx], then there exist polynomials a(r) and blr) in Flx
relatively prime
IfAx) gtx)

such that

at) fx) + blr) g(t) = 1

As in the case practical way of finding g.c.d of two polynomials is by applying Euclidean
of integers, a
algorithm successively, which is given below.
Theorem 2.8 Let F be a field and fr), gtr) ¬ Flx}, where glc) *0 and deg glx) s degfr).

Applying the division algorithm, we write

Ax)= 4,(r) gtr) + r,t), degr,) < deg glr)

glr)=4(r)r)+r,(r), deg r,r)< deg r,()

rr)=9,0T) 7z(r) +rz(r), degr,)< deg r,()

r)=4,*) r,0) +rax) degr r)< deg r,t)

)=9 (r)rs(«)+a(«). deg(x)<deg («)

degr,(x) < degr,-1(x)

(r)+h+(*), a()=0
Then r,(x) is the last non-zero remainder.
It can be seen that r,(x) is the g.c.d of fx) and gr).
Finite Fields and Polynomials 2.27


Find the g..d of

x+x+2x+x+1 and 3-1 over .
Ax)= x*+x' +2x +x+1
str) =x*-1
and deg gr) < degflx)
Divide flx) by g{r) by division algorithm
x3-1+ r3+2x2+x+ 1 2x2+2x+2) x3-1
-x x3+x2 +x
+x -x-x-1
-1 -2-x-11
fx)= (x+10x° -1)+2(x +x+1), deg(2x +2x+2) < deg(x* -1)
(x-1 x +x+1)
The last nonzero remainder is x* +x+ 1, which is the gcd.


Definition 2.13 Characteristic of a ring R is the least positive
we write char
integer n such that na 0 vae Rand =

(R) n. If no such
positive integer exists, then R is said to have characteristic 0.
For example,
1. The ring (Z, + ) has characteristic 3.
InZ= {0, 1,2}. 1+1+1 =3()) =0(mod 3)
:. Characteristics is 3 2+2+2= 3(2) =0(mod 3)
3(a) =0 V ae Zg
i.e., char(Z,) =3
More generally, characteristic of the ring (Z2,, t, ) is n
2. (Z,+,) and (Q, +, ) are rings.
For any a e Z (or Q), there is no
positive integer n such that na =
0 V a e Z (or O).
'char(Z) = 0 and char(Q) = 0.
2r] is an infinite ring, but it has characteristic 3.
2.28 Algebra and Number Theory

Theorem 2.9 The characteristic ofa field (F,+, ) is either 0 or a prime

Proof Let (F, +, ) be a field.

If char(F) 0, then there is nothing
= to prove.
Ifchar(F) *0, then let char(F) = n.
To proven is a prime.
Suppose n is nota prime,then n =P4, where I <p<n, I<q<n.
i.e., p and q are proper factors of .
Since char(F) = n, we have na = 0 Vae F
Take a =
1, then n 1 = 0 (1 is identity of F)
(pg) 1 =0 ( p .1)(q 1)=0

: (pq)1 = 1+1+1++l = (1+1+.+ )(1+1+.+1)|

Pq terms p terms terms

Since F is a field, F is an integral domain and so, it has no divisor of zero.

either p 1 =0 or q. 1 =0
Since p and q are less than n, it contradicts the definition of characteristic of F.
. n is a prime number.

1. The characteristic ofa ring need not be a prime. For example char(z) =6, which is not a prime.
2. The characteristic of a finite field is a prime number P.
3. The fields (Q. +, ), (R, +, ) are of characteristic zero.

Theorem 2.10 The number of elements of a finite field is p", wherep is a prime number and n is
a positive integer.
AU 2013, 2018
Proof We know forprime p, Z, is a field having p elements and char(Z,) =p, since pa 0 Vae l,
a =

Consider the polynomial f(x)

r - x in Z, e]. Now the derivative fr) p'z"'-1

Since char(Z) =p, char

(2,x) =p and so, pg{r) =0 V gtr) E 2,]
Hence pr =0p"xP- =0
f'x) = -l, a constant polynomial.

Hence fr) and f'(x) have no common root.

Hencefr) has no multiple roots.
i.e., the roots of flx) are all distinct.
If K is the smallest extension field containing all the roots of flx)
i.e., K is the splitting field offr).
Then r ) has p" distinct roots in K.
In K, let Fbe the set of all elements satisfying fr).
Finite Fields and Polynomials 2.29

i.e F=laeK|a =a CK
Hence F has only p" elements.
We now prove F is a field.

Let a, be F. Then aP=a and bP =b

(ab =aPbP :a-b b-aVabeK]
ab a-beF

(a+bP a +p'C, aP-b+ p'C, a2.6


using binomial expansion]
Since char(K) P as Z, SK]
paP - b = 0, r=1,2,3,..

(a+b=a +b
=a+b a+beF

Similarly, (a-bP=a-b a-beF

. Fis a subfield of K.
Hence F is a field having p" elements.


Proof Let F be
finite field with I as identity and 0 as zero element
The char(F) =p, a prime number (by Theorem 2.9).
Thenpa =0Vae F.
Consider the set of elements in FF.
S={1,2 1,3.1,..,p 1 =0}
The elements of S all distinct, since F is without divisions of zero
For, ifr 1 =s 1, 1 Sr, s <p, then (s -r) 1 =0
For any xeF,
((s-r)1)x, where s-r<p.
(s-r)x =0x= 0

Which contradicts the char(F) =p

S has p distinct elements of F.
IfF= S, then |FF p' and the resultfollows.
Otherwise, S, is strictly contained in F.
2.30 Algebra and Number Theory

Therefore there exists an element a e

Let S ={ma +n-1|0< m,n S p} be subset of F

and 1SISp (Since m =

1, 2,..,p and n =
1, 2,...,P)
If |Sk p', then there will be repetitions of elements in S.

Let mma+ n 1=m2a+na :1

-ma)a =(n -n2).1
With 0<m,m2,m,n2 S p and at least one if (m -ma) and n -m is *0

If m -m 0, then (m -m2 )a
= =

-)1= 0 with|n-"l<p
= (2 -m)1)r = Ox = 0

Which is a contradiction to char(F) =p

Ifn, -n, 0 , then (n,-n)1) = 0 (m-m,)a = 0 with |m, - mal <p.
Since a 0, arl exists in F.
m-ma ) a-a"' = 0 a"' =0 (m -m2)-1 =0

For any x e F, as above (m -m2)x = 0.

Which is a contradiction.
Hence neither m, - m, nor n2-n is 0

( 7 ma )a = (n2 -nm)l * 0

Choose k eZ", such that 0 < k<p

k(m -m2) = l(mod p)
Then a =
k(mm -m2 )a k(n -n2):1

and a e
So which is again a contradiction.
Hence |SFp and if F=S, the theorem is proved.
If not, S, is strictly contained in F and so there exists b e
Proceed with b as a above. F-S.
Then S ={!b+ ma +nl |0< 1,m,n< p will have order p.
Since F is finite, this process after finite number of
steps, has to come to an end.

F=S.- for some r eZ"

Fl=1S- l=p
Hence the number of elements of a finite
field is p"', r ¬ Z*.
Finite Fields and Polynomials


pefinitlon 2.14
Definition Let s(x) e Fx] and s(r) * 0 and flr). g(r) e Flx]. We say that fr) is
congruent to g{r) modulo s(r) and write flr) =
g(r) (mod s(x)) if s(x) divides x)- gr)
i.e. Sr)-gr) = qx) s{r) for some qlr) ¬ F\x]
We prove that this relation of congruence of polynomial is
The equivalence class of fr) is denoted by [Ar)]
an equivalence relation on F[x].

Sx= {t(x) ¬ F[x]|f)= (x)(mod s(x)}

We define addition and multiplication of congruence classes as in Z
s]+[etx)]=[s(«)+ «t]
and lg)]= [fst)
Since deg[s(x)+ g()]s max {degf(x), degg(x)}
We can find the equivalence class for [flx) +g)].
Where as deg f(x)g(x) 2 deg s(*) and so fx) g()] = [r)], where r(x) is the remainder when
fx) gr) is divided by s(x).
For example,
Let s(x) = ** +x+leZ2[x]

Then [0]={(*)* +x+1D|(t)eZ,x]}

[1]={(Mx +x+1)+1|tr) E Z2lx1}

x= +x*1)+x|()e Z,r}
x+1]= {(EXx* +x+1)+x+1|(x)EZ2[x]}
Suppose flr) e Z,{«), then by division algorithm
x ) = q ) s(x) + r{x)

where rlx)=0 or deg r{x)< deg s(r)

Sx) = r(x)(mod s(x))

So, to determine all the equivalence classes, it is enough we consider the possibilities of rx).
Here M)=0 or deg r{x) <2 deg r(x) =0 or 1
r(x) = ax+b; a, be Z2 = {0,1}

So, only two choices each for a and b.

2.32 Algebra and Number Theory

Hence there are four possibilities for r(r).

They are
1. Take a = 0,
b 0, then r(x) =0
2. Take a = 0, b= 1, then r(r) = |
3. Take a = 1, b=0, then r{r) =x
4. Take a= 1, b = 1, then r(x) =x+1
the only equivalence classes are [O], [1]). [x]. + 1] in Z, t]
Hence the set of equivalence classes is {[0]. [1], E], [x +
Definition 2.15 Ideal of a ring
Let (R, +, ) be a ring. A non-empty subset I of a ring is called an ideal of R,
if i) for all a, be I, we have a-bel
and (ii) for all r E R and a e I, we have ar, ra E .

Note An ideal is always subring, but

a a subring is not an ideal. Ideal is something more than a
1. In any ring R, {0} and R are ideals
2. For any positive
of R. The ideal {0} is called the trivial ideal.
integer n, the subset n Z= {0, tn, t2n, ...,} in the ring (Z, +, -) is an ideal of Z
For example:
(Z, +, ) is a subring of (0, +, ), but it is not an ideal,
because if we take 2 e
Zande, then

Definition 2.16 Factor ring

Let Ibe an ideal
of the ring R. Then the set
r+I|reRis a ring under addition and multiplication
defined as

(a+1)-(b+I)= ab+ Va,be R.
This ring is called factor
ring or quotient ring and is denoted by R/I.
Definition 2.17 Principal ideal
An ideal generated by
single element a is called a
principal ideal and is denoted by <a>.
Thus <a> =
{ra |re R}
Then quotient ring is R/<a>.
Now we state a theorem without
proof for polynomials.
Theorem 2.11 Let
F=2,p is a prime and fr) be an irreducible
polynomial of degree n
then i s a field having p" element, <fx) > is the ideal
over 2,
<f(x)> generated by Str).
Finite Fields and Polynomials 2.33


Construct a field consisting of four

(Hint: Using the irreducible binary polynomial x2+x +11 AU 20131
Z,= {0, 1}
and Sx)=x+x+le Z,«]
AO) = 1*0
A1)=1+ 1+l =3* 1(mod
2) 0
fx) is irreducible over Z.

Z,x] Z,[x] is a field having 22 = 4 elements.

<f)> <x*+x+1>
To find the four elements
Thisfieldconsists ofthe different equivalence classes of mod+x+ 1) in Z,[r]
Consider fr) E Z,{«] and x +x+ l e Z,«].
By division algorithm,
S)=q(r)M** +x+1)+r{x)
where either r ) = 0 or deg r{r) < deg ( + x +2) =2

deg r(r) = 0 or 1

Hence rtx) =
ax +b, where a, b e Z
Since Sa)-rr) = q)(r* +x+ 1)
Ax)=rtx) mod (r+x +1)

So, to find the equivalence classes mod(r+x+ 1), it is enough to find the possible valuesof
r{x)=ax +b.
If a=0, b=0, r(r)=0
If a = 0, b= 1, x) = 1

If a = 1, b= 0, r(x) = x

If a =0, b=1, rr) =x+

the equivalence classes are [0], [1], [»], x+ 1]

the 4 elements ofthe field Z2x] are [0]. [1). x]. r+1]

2.34 Algebra and Number Theory

In the above example 1, find el
In the above example 1, we have proved
Zalx] is a field having the four elements
[O]. [1]. r), [x + 1], where [0] is the zero element.
The non-zero elements [1], [x]. [x +1] form a group under multiplication, because Z,{x]_
is a field. <x+x+1>
We write [a] as a.

]= 1, x] =x and [x +1]=x+1 - 1 = 1(mod2)]

xX=x*= (r+ 1) mod (r* +x+ 1)

x(x+1)=r+x= 1 mod (r* +x +1)

+1)-r+1) =x*+2x+1
x+x+1+x=xmod(x +x+ 1)

x x+1

x+1 x+1
Since 1 is the identity
We find x(x+ 1) = 1
inverse ofx is x +1 = [x+ 1]

InZ,r], str) =x* +x +2. Show that s(x) is irreducible over Z and construct the field
What is the order of this field? <s(r)>

Given s(x) =x+x +2 in Z,[x] and Z= {0, 1,2}
Now s(0) =2*0
s(1)= 1+
1+2=4 =1(mod 3) *0
s(2) =22 +2+2 8 2(mod 3) *0
s(x) has no root in
Hence s(x) is irreducible in
Z,[a] is a field
< s(x)>
Since deg s(x) 2, this field has 3 =9 elements.

This field consists of9 different

equivalence classes (mod s(x).
Finite Fields and Polynomials 2.35

Letfx) e ZZr]
fx)= qlr)r +x + )+ r(x)
where r(r) =0 or
deg r(x) < deg (+x+ )=2 deg r(r) is 0 or 1.
x ) = ax +b,
a, be Z
the different equivalence classes mod(r +x+
Each of a and b can take 3 values from and so,correspond
to the different values
of r{x).
They are
Z, there are 3 3 9 values for r(x).

1. If a = 0,
b0, then r(x) =0
2. If a = 0,
b= 1, then r(x) =1
3 If a = 0, b 2 then r(x) = 2
4. If a =1, b= 0, then r{x) =X
5. If a = 1, b= 1, then r(r) =x+1
6. If a = 1,
b 2, then r(x) =x+2
7. If a = 2, b= 0, then r(x) = 2x
8. If a = 2, b= 1, then r{x) = 2x +1
9. If a = 2, b 2, then r{x) = 2x +2
the nine equivalence classes are [0]. [1], [2], [x], [x +1],[x + 2], [2x]. [2x + 1]. [2x+2]
. = {[O], [1), [2]. Lx],[x+1},[x+2], [2x], [2x+1]. [2x +2]}
the order of the field is 9.
1.., the number elements is 9.

In the find field Z3lx] with 9 elements (Refer worked example 3 above), find
) x+2]{2x+2]+ x+1]
(i) (2x+ 11*+2
(ii) 12x+117

Given Z3[x]_ is a finite field with 9 elements.
i) To find r+2][2x+2]+Ix +11
Now x+2][2+2]=|2x+6x +4
-2 +0x+4 : 6 O(mod3)]
2.36 Algebra and Number Theory

For, 2

x2tx+2 2x2+4
-2x =x 2= 1(mod 3
x +2][2x +2]+ [x+ 1] =[x]+ r+ 1]
(ii) To find [2r+ 11? x+2]= [4x2+4x+ 1x+ 2
[x 1]x +2] [: 4=
1(mod 3)]
2+x+2) x2+x + 1
-I =2 (mod 3)

+x+1]= [2]
We get
2x+1+2] =

[2]x +2]
= [2x+4]

= [2x+1]
(ii) Now consider [2x+1][2x] = [4x2 + 4 ]

=-2]= [1]
Since 4 =
1(mod 3), r +x=-2(mod x+x +2), and-2= 1(mod 3)
[2x+1]2x]=[l]={2x+1] =[2x]
1. Determine whether the
following polynomials are irreducible over the given fields
(a) r2+x +1 over Zg, Zs, Z
b)+x+1 over Z
(c)+3r -x+1 over Zs AU 20131
2. Find the remainder when
fx) 3x3 8x4+-x*+ 4x 7 is divided by g(x) =x +9 in Z,)
= -

3. Let ffx) =* +r+r+x+le

Z,{«]. Is it reducible in Z,[x]?
(Hint:0, 1 are not roots offlx). So first degree factors suppose it has 2nd degree factors
ax +br+ cx + d). Which leads to contradiction. then (r*
Sofl) is irreducible in Z,r].
Let flx) =*+6¬ Z a), writefx) as a product of irreducible polynomial Z,
Show that x +X +4 is irreducible over
6. Use Euclidean algorithm
for polynomial to find gcd of Ax) =**+2r+2x+2, g(x) =
213+ 2x+
x+1 in Z,[r].
7. How many monic
polynomial in Z,[x] have degree 5?
8. Show that s(x) =
x+1 is reducible in Z,[x]. write the factors.
Finite Fields and Polynomials 2.37


1. (a) ** +x+1
is reducible
over Z
is irreducible over
is reducible over
+xs+1 is
b) irreducible overZ.
(c)+3x2 - x+ 1 is irreducible over Zg.
2. Remainder is f-9) =f2) = 6 (mod 11).
3. Irreducible over Z.
4. fx) (x + 3) (x + 5) (r +6) over Z.

5. Use direct calculation to show it has no roots in

6. gcd is x + 2x + 1.
7. Any monic polynomial
of degree 5 is a0 +a,x +ax+a,r +a+*,
where a e Zg {0, 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7}
each a, can be chosen in 8 ways.
No of polynomials = 8.
8. x+I =(r+ 1) (x+ ) (mod 2).


1. Let Fbe field. Can F[x]
a be a field? Why? AU 20131
Ans. No

We know F[x] is an integral domain.

Let flr) =xe F], then flr) * 0 and it has no multiplicative inverse.
Suppose gx) = a +ajt + a , " is the inverse then

xgl)=1 x{4,t a , + 4 ) = 1 +0x +0x + . +Ox+

.1 =0, which is a contradiction.

So flx)= x has no inverse.

Flx) is not a field.
2. If fx) 7x+ 4x+ 3x2 +x+4 and g) 3«s+ 5x

x)+ s ) and deg (fr) +gl«).

+6r +1 belong to Z,lr], then find

Ans. Given Ax)= 7* + 4x3+ 32 +x+4 and gtr)= 3x3+5x2 +6x+1

Since 7= O(mod 7),
x)= Oxd+ 4x3 +3x2 +x+4
= 4x3+3x+x +4
x)+glr) =7x+8x2+7x +5 ( 8 1(mod7)]
= Ox3+lx+0x +5
= x+5
deg flr) +gtr) = 2
2.38 Algebra and Number Theory

3. How many polynomials are there of degree 2 in Z1,r?

Ans. We know Z1 = {0, 1,2, 3, 4,... 10}

Any polynomial of degree 2 in Zk] is

of the form a, + a,x + a
where a , 0 , ag. a. 42 ¬ Z11

The number the number of choices of

of polynomials correspond to a, aq, a, in Z
each and a, in 10 ways.
a and a can be chosen in 11 ways
2 is 112 (10) 1210.
of degree =

t h e number polynomial
4. Find the number of polynomials of degreen in Z,2lr|.

Ans. Z,2t] is of the form

Any polynomial of degree n in
a t at +ax +... +a--+a," Z,,[r]

where a * 0 , Gg, 1 . a 2 . a-1, , E Z12

and Z12 {0, 1, 2,3,..., 11}.

Each of a0, a. az., an_ can be chosen in 11 ways and a, in 11 ways.
t h e number of polynomials = 12". 11.

5. Find the polynomials Ar)»gtr)e Z1ze] such that degfx) = 5, degst) = 2 and degfr) gtr)=3

Ans. Let Ax)=4x+2x and gtr)= 3x in Z12r]

Then degfr)=5 and deg gx) =2
Now Ax) gr) = (4x4 +21) 32
= 12 x+ 6x3

6rs 1 2 =0(mod 12)]
degfx)glt) =3
6. Iffr) =x+3x + 1 and glr) =*+2x'+x+4 belong to Z<l«], then find the quotient and
remainder when glr) is divided by flx).
Ans. Given Ax)=x* +3x+1 and glx) =x+ 2x+x+4
Since Z {0, 1, 2,3, 4} is a finite field,
we divider g(x) by fx) by long division method keeping
in mind addition and multiplication are
performed under modulo 5.
x2+4x +2 :-l= 4(mod5)
-3 = 2(mod 5)
2+3x + 1 +2r3+x +4
x4+3x3 +x2 12 2(mod 5)
-8 2(mod 5)
4x3+4x2 +x 4 = 1(mod5)
2r2+2x +4
2x2+ 6x +2
the quotient is qlr) =x*+ 4x + 2 and the remainder is
r(x) =x+2
Finite Fields and Polynomials 2.39

1ff) =x+åre Z,,k), then find two different linear polynomials gtr) and hr) in
such that fx) =
g{r) h(x). 2y2b
Given fr)=r+4xe Zx]
Let glx) =x -

2 and h(x) 6
= x e

g(x) hx) = (x-2%x-6)
= r- 8x +12
But 8= 4 (mod 12) and 12 =(mod 12)
gtx) hx) =r+ 4r
Ar) = g ) hx)
8. Find the
remainder when fx) =315-8x +-x+ 4x-7 is divided by glx) =x+9 in Z,,el.
Ans. Given
fx)=3 8r +r-r+4x-7e Z] -

And gtr)=r+9=x-2 (9=-2 (mod 11)]

When fx) is divided by x - 2, the remainder is

S(2)=3-23-8-2 +23 -22 +4-2-7

96-128+8-4+8-7= -27 E 6(mod11)
. the remainder is 6 e
9. Test whether 2x+1e Z^lx] is a unit.
Ans. Consider (2r+12x+1) =47+4x+1
Ox+0x +1 = 1
( 4 =0 mod 4]
2r+1 is unit inZx] and its inverse is 2x+1.
10. How many monic polynomials in
Z,r] have degree 52
Ans. We have Z, {0, 1,2,3, 4, 5,6}

Any monic polynomial of degree 5 over Z, is a, +

where ag
1, a2, 43, ,¬ Z
Each coefficient can be chosen in 7
ways. So, all the five coeficients can be chosen in 7
The number of monic
polynomial is 7
11. What is the
g.c.d of flx) =x* +x+1 and glr) =x* +x+1 in Z,kr)
Ans. We know Z, {0, 1}
Given x) =x* +r+1 and gx) =x +x+ l

Now SO)= 0+ 0 + l = 1 *0

A2)=24 +23+1 =
16+8+1 =
25 =1 (mod 2) *0
2.40 Algebra and Number Theory

fx) had no root in Z,

fx) is irreducible over Z2.
g0) = 0+ 0+ 1 #0

&(1)=1+ 1+1 =3 =1(mod 2)

g r ) had no root in Z,.

gx) is irreducible over Z.

Hence fx) and glx) of irreducible over Z

t h e g.c.d is (flr), g(x)) = 1.

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