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Hizon, Leean A. Prof.

Marisa Baybay
BSED EN 2-1 EDUC 30023


1. Identify the following activities as applied to the four pillars of education and
explain briefly the reasons.
a. Encoding of test questions
 LEARNING TO DO because it puts knowledge and learning into
b. Attending seminars,workshop,and conference
 LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER because involves the development
of social skills and inter-personal skills.
c. Topping of the academic contest of a region
 LEARNING TO KNOW because it shows development of Knowledge
and Skills that are needed to function.
d. Riding in train - LRT or MRT
 LEARNING TO DO because of putting knowledge through Life skills
and competence.
e. Preparing rubrics for assessment
 LEARNING TO DO because it represents the skillful and creative
application of knowledge.
f. Adopting the policies of IATF during pandemic
 LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER because it show development of
social skills by valuing such as respect the policies that will really help
our country to be safe from viruses.
g. Cooking a special recipe for the family
 LEARNING TO DO because it includes skill development.
h. Joining a team for frontliners
 LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER because portray concern for others
and humanitarian action.
i. Being promoted in a job
 LEARNING TO BE because it completes fulfillment of man as an
individual, member of the family and as a citizen.
j. Mapping of topics discussed
 LEARNING TO DO because it involves the acquisition of Skills.

2. As an education student ,what preparation should you do in order to

meet the requirements for each pillar of education?
As an education student, the preparation that I would do to meet the
requirements for each pillar of education is to study the process of learning
each pillar because I know that in order to make progress or to achieve
something is to studying it. It will help me use/exercise my memory, attention
and critical thinking.

3. How will you implement the four pillars?

I will implement the four pillars by learning, practicing and adapting it first
to myself so that I can use my experiences of applying it in implementing
it.Those pillars will really add a lot of value to the relevance of curriculum
lessons and providing a quality education.

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