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COURSE CODE : SPS411 / 113


1. This question paper consists of ONE (1) part with 65 questions.

2. Answer ALL questions in the Objective Answer Sheet provided.

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Answer ALL questions.

1. Which of the following is the best definition of physiology? (C1)

A. The microscopic study of tissues and cells.

B. The study of how the body works.
C. All the chemical processes that take place in the organelles of the body’s cells.
D. The body’s automatic tendency to maintain a relatively constant internal

2. What does the word “homeostasis” refer to? (C1)

A. The steps leading to repair of a blood vessel and the coagulation of blood.
B. The maintenance of internal body conditions within narrow limits.
C. The controlled response that opposes the influence that caused it.
D. The production of blood cells in active bone marrow

3. Homeostasis usually returns the body to a healthy state after stressful stimuli by (C2)

A. negative feedback.
B. positive feedback.
C. means of the immune system.
D. means of the nervous system.

4. Which of the following statements is true concerning feedback mechanisms? (C2)

A. Positive feedback mechanisms always result in excessive damage to the host.

B. Negative feedback mechanisms tend to increase the original stimulus.
C. Negative feedback mechanisms work to prevent sudden severe changes within
the body.
D. Blood glucose levels are regulated by positive feedback mechanisms.

5. The “anatomical position” could be described as which of the following? (C1)

A. Lying down prone.

B. Lying down supine.
C. Standing displaying the ventral surface of the body.
D. Standing with arms and legs abducted.

6. To which of the following does the “tissue level” of structural organisation refer? (C2)

A. Atoms, ions, molecules and electrolytes.

B. Mitochondria, ribosomes, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum.
C. Nephron, alveolus, villus, lobule.
D. Muscle, nervous, connective, epithelial.

7. To which bones does the word phalanges apply? (C1)

A. Fingers and toes.

B. Wrist and ankle.
C. Ankle and foot.
D. Fingers and hand.

8. Which bones are located distal to the elbow and proximal to the wrist? (C1)

A. The carpals.
B. The radius and ulna.
C. The tarsals.
D. The humerus.

9. Passive membrane transport processes include (C1)

A. movement of a substance down its concentration gradient.

B. movement of water from an area of low concentration to an area of high
C. consumption of ATP.
D. the use of transport proteins when moving substances from area of low to

10. The body system that distributes oxygen and nutrients to cells and carries carbon
dioxide and wastes away from cells is the (C2)

A. respiratory system.
B. cardiovascular system.
C. endocrine system.
D. urinary system.

11. Which of the following are survival needs of the body? (C2)

A. Nutrients, water, movement, and reproduction

B. Nutrients, water, growth, and reproduction
C. Water, atmospheric pressure, growth, and movement
D. Nutrients, water, atmospheric pressure, and oxygen

12. Which of the following is not within the axial division of the body? (C2)

A. Chest
B. Abdomen
C. Head
D. Shoulder

13. To what movement is the term “extension” applied? (C1)

A. Extension is where the angle between two long bones is decreased by

muscle action.
B. Extension is an action performed to stretch (extend) a muscle.
C. Extension is where the angle between two long bones is increased by muscle
D. Extension occurs when an antagonistic muscle is allowed to contract.

14. The directional term “superior” in anatomy means which of the following? (C2)

A. Cephalic.
B. Ventral.
C. Closer to the top of the head.
D. Closer to the skin surface.

15. What is meant by the term flexion (or to flex)? (C2)

A. Flexion is where the angle between two long bones is decreased by muscle
B. Flexion is an action performed to stretch (extend) a muscle.
C. Flexion is where the angle between two long bones is increased by
muscle action.
D. Flexion is caused by the action of contracting a muscle.

16. Which of the stated relationships is correct? (C2)

A. The heart is inferior to the clavicle.

B. The shoulder is distal to the carpals.
C. The phalanges are proximal to the metacarpals.
D. The eye is medial to the eyebrows.

17. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the ears and the tip of
the nose? (C2)

A. The ears are medial and posterior to the tip of the nose.
B. The ears are lateral and posterior to the tip of the nose.
C. The ears are medial and anterior to the tip of the nose.
D. The ears are lateral and anterior to the tip of the nose.

18. When the body is standing in the “anatomical position”, which of the following is true?

A. The radius is lateral to the ulna.

B. The radius is medial to the ulna.
C. The radius is proximal to the ulna.
D. The radius is distal to the ulna.

19. Which plane of the body divides it into dorsal and ventral regions? (C1)

A. Transverse.
B. Axial.
C. Frontal.
D. Sagittal.

20. The dorsal body cavity contains which of the following organs? (C1)

A. The brain.
B. The brain and spinal cord.
C. The brain, spinal cord and heart.
D. The brain, spinal cord, heart and kidneys.

21. What structure separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity? (C1)

A. The mediastinum.
B. The diaphragm.
C. The peritoneum.
D. The pylorus.

22. The lungs are located in the following cavities: (C2)

A. pleural, ventral, and thoracic.

B. pleural, dorsal, and abdominal.
C. pericardial, ventral, and thoracic.
D. mediastinum, thoracic, and ventral.

23. Select the most suitable statement related to the central nervous system (CNS)? (C1)

A. Paired spinal and cranial nerves

B. Carries message to and from the spinal cord and brain
C. Integration and command center
D. Involuntary and reflexive actions

24. All motor neurons are (C1)

A. interneurons.
B. multipolar.
C. bipolar.
D. unipolar.

25. Which neurons are unipolar? (C1)

A. Neurons in the central nervous system.

B. Motor neurons.
C. Neurons in the retina.
D. Sensory neurons.

26. The cells that produce nerve impulses is called (C1)

A. neurotransmitters.
B. nerves.
C. neurons.
D. neuroglia.

27. What is the name of the nerve cell structure that carries incoming impulses towards
the cell? (C1)

A. Dendrite.
B. Axon.
C. Cell body.
D. Ganglion.

28. The Nodes of Ranvier are (C1)

A. gaps in the myelin sheath.

B. sites of neurotransmitter storage.
C. where the nucleus of a neuron is located.
D. sites of myelin production.

29. What is the main function of the axons? (C1)

A. Protection of the nervous cells

B. Generate and transmit action potentials
C. Help formed the myelin sheath
D. Monitor the health of neurons

30. In the peripheral nervous system, which cells form the myelin sheath? (C1)

A. Ependymal cells.
B. Oligodendrocytes.
C. Astrocytes.
D. Schwann cells.

31. A space between a neuron and the cell it stimulates is called (C1)

A. synaptic cleft.
B. sodium–potassium gate.
C. synapse.
D. synaptic membrane.

32. Which nerve cells carry impulses from the brain to the muscles? (C1)

A. Sensory.
B. Afferent.
C. Motor.
D. Association.

33. During repolarization phase of an action potential, which of the following is the primary
activity? (C2)

A. Potassium ions are flowing into the cell.

B. Potassium ions are flowing out of the cell.
C. Sodium ions are flowing into the cell.
D. Sodium ions are flowing out of the cell.

34. Most all sensory impulses synapse in what structure on their way to the cerebral
cortex? (C2)

A. Basal ganglia
B. Corpus striatum
C. Hypothalamus
D. Thalamus

35. Which part of the brain controls the heart rate and breathing rhythm? (C2)

A. Pons
B. Midbrain
C. Medulla oblongata
D. Cerebellum

36. Which of the following is a result of parasympathetic stimulation? (C2)

A. Increased heart rate.

B. Dilation of the pupils.
C. Increased blood pressure.
D. Increased peristalsis of the digestive viscera.

37. Which statement is true of a multipolar neuron? (C2)

A. Has many axons attached to the cell body.

B. Is the major type of neuron in the peripheral nervous system.
C. All sensory neurons are multipolar.
D. Has many dendrites attached to the cell body.

38. Which of the three structures listed below constitute a nerve cell? (C2)

A. Dendrites, ganglion, myelin sheath.

B. Dendrites, cell body, axon.
C. Neuron, neuroglia, synaptic process.
D. Cell body, synaptic knobs, efferent fibre.

39. What is the depolarisation and repolarisation of a nerve cell membrane called? (C2)

A. Graded potential.
B. Action potential.
C. Resting membrane potential.
D. Threshold potential.

40. Which of the following is a characteristic of an action potential? (C2)

A. The signal is graded.

B. It results due to an influx of potassium ions.
C. It is an all or none response.
D. It results from an initial outflow of sodium ions.

41. Depolarisation of the cell membrane involves (C2)

A. Sodium channels opening to allow Na+ to flow in.

B. Potassium channels opening to allow K+ to flow in.
C. Chloride pumps quickly pumping large amounts of Cl− outside.
D. Electrical attraction between K+ inside and Cl− outside.

42. Which of the following substances CANNOT pass through the “blood-brain barrier”?

A. Steroid hormones.
B. Oxygen molecules.
C. Alcohol.
D. Potassium ions.

43. What sort of information does an afferent nerve pathway carry? (C2)

A. Memory information.
B. Sensory information.
C. Subconscious information.
D. Motor information.

44. Examples of hormones that are lipid soluble include (C1)

A. adrenaline.
B. glucocorticoids.
C. gonadal hormones.
D. antidiuretic hormones.

45. Endocrine glands (C1)

I. do not have ducts.

II. include the gonads.
III. are well-vascularized.
IV. release prostalglandin hormones.

A. I, II and III.
B. I, II and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
D. I, II, III and IV.

46. The pituitary gland secretes the following hormones. (C1)

I. Prolactin.
II. Growth hormone.
III. Thyroid hormone
IV. Antidiuretic hormone.

A. I, II and III.
B. I, II and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
D. I, II, III and IV.

47. The hormone that is released in response to low levels of calcium in the blood is the

A. testerone.
B. growth hormone.
C. parathyroid hormone.
D. Gonadocorticoid hormone.

48. Glucocorticoids are hormones released by the adrenal gland in response to stressful
conditions like long bouts of physical training and exercise. The function of this hormone
is to (C2)

A. regulate sodium and potassium ions.

B. regulate body temperature, sleep and appetite .
C. develop the normal response of the immune system.
D. increase blood glucose levels and reduce inflammatory response.

49. When the body is suffering from dehydration, the ______________ hormone is
released to instruct the kidney tubules to reabsorb and conserve body water, and to
increase blood pressure by constricting blood vessels. (C2)

A. oxytocin.
B. pancreas.
C. antidiuretic hormone.
D. gonadotropic hormone.

50. Catecholamine hormones like the epinephrine and norepinephrine, are released from
the (C1)

A. pineal gland.
B. hypothalamus.
C. adrenal cortex.
D. adrenal medulla.

51. These hormones increases the body’s metabolism rate, use of oxygen and calorigenic
ability. (C2)

I. thyroxine.
II. calcitonin.
III. triiodotyronine
IV. parathyroid hormone.

A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

52. When hormones are released due to the changes in the levels of nutrients and ions in
the blood, this stimulation is referred to as (C2)

A. neural stimuli.
B. humoral stimuli.
C. hormonal stimuli.
D. endocrine stimuli.

53. Glucagon is released in response to (C1)

A. low blood glucose levels.

B. high blood glucose levels.
C. very high blood calcium levels.
D. increased rate of cellular metabolism.

54. The testosterone hormone affects its target cells by using the _______ method. (C2)

A. positive feedback.
B. negative feedback.
C. direct gene activation.
D. second-messenger system.

55. Electrolytes that have positive charges are called (C1)

A. anions.
B. cations.
C. nonelectrolytes.
D. dissolved solutes.

56. Our bodies may lose water through (C1)

I. exhalation.
II. urine excretion.
III. sweat evaporation
IV. removal of the feces

A. I, II and III.
B. I, II and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
D. I, II, III and IV.

57. When we are exercising, we lose water and sodium. In order to control this loss,
hormones are released which increase the reabsorption of water and sodium in the
kidneys. These hormones include (C2)

I. renin.
II. aldosterone.
III. angiotensin I and II
IV. atrial natriuretic hormone.

A. I, II and III.
B. I, II and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
D. I, II, III and IV.

58. The movement of water out of cells is due to the ______________ which causes
osmotic and volume changes in the intracellular fluid. (C2)

A. increase in intracellular fluid solute content.

B. decrease in intracellular fluid solute content.
C. increase in extracellular fluid solute content.
D. decrease in extracellular fluid solute content.

59. When we refer to electrolytes as having a greater osmotic ability, this is referring to its
ability to influence (C2)

A. positively charged ions.

B. negatively charged ions.
C. chemical and physical reactions.
D. fluid shift from areas of lesser osmolality to greater osmolality.

60. The function of sodium in the body includes affecting (C1)

I. the resting membrane potential.

II. plasma volume and blood pressure.
III. intracellular and interstitial fluid volume.
IV. blood pressure and blood volume control mechanisms.

A. I, II and III.
B. I, II and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
D. I, II, III and IV.

61. If there is acidosis, this indicates that arterial blood pH is at (C1)

A. <7.25.
B. <7.35.
C. >7.25.
D. >7.35.

62. The bicarbonate buffer system uses the following elements to help reduce the effects
of acidosis and alkalosis on the intracellular and extracellular fluids. (C2)

I. Water
II. Carbon dioxide
III. Sodium bicarbonate
IV. Carbonic acid and its salts

A. I, II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. II, III and IV
D. I, II, III and IV

63. One of the signs and symptoms of dehydration is (C1)

A. oligria.
B. vomiting.
C. sever burns.
D. profuse sweating.

64. When we feel thirsty, this is due to the hypothalamus being stimulated by (C2)

I. lowered blood osmolality level.

II. increased renin hormones.
III. decreased blood volume.
IV. increase flow of saliva.

A. I and II
B. II and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

65. When we are exhaling carbon dioxide, hydrogen is removed as (C2)

A. air.
B. water.
C. protein.
D. bicarbonate ions.



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