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Total No. of Questions : 12] SEAT No.

P816 [Total No. of Pages : 4

[4458] - 402
B.E. (Civil) (Semester - I)
(2008 Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates :
1) Answer three questions from Section-I and three questions from Section-II.
2) Answers to the two sections should be written in separate books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Use of logarithmic tables electronic pocket calculator and steam tables is
6) Assume suitable data, if necessary.

Q1) a) What preliminary and final investigations should be conducted for the
selection of a dam site? [4]
b) Give classification of dams according to their use, hydraulic design and
materials used with examples. [4]
c) Discuss ‘dam safety and field monitoring’ of dams. [4]
d) Discuss different forces acting on an arch dam with the help of a sketch.[4]
Q2) a) Explain the principle of trial load analysis method of an arch dam with
the help of sketches. [4]
b) Discuss various types of instruments used in gravity and earthen
dams. [12]

Q3) a) What are the modes of failure and criteria for structural stability of gravity
dam. [8]
b) Discuss ‘Roller compacted concrete dam construction’ and ‘col-grout
masonary’ in gravity dam. [6]
c) Write a note on ‘seismic forces’ acting on a gravity dam. [4]

Q4) The following data refer to a non-overflow section of a gravity dam : [18]
a) RL of top of dam = 315 m
b) RL of bottom of dam = 260 m
c) Full reservoir level = 312 m
d) Top width of dam = 12 m
e) Upstream face is vertical
f) Downstream face is vertical upto RL 304 m and thereafter the d/s face is
sloped at 0.7H:1V.
g) Drainage holes are located 8 m away from u/s face
h) Unit weight of masonry = 23 kN/m3
i) Reduction of uplift at drainage hole = 50%
Determine factor of safety against overturning and sliding. Also, determine
maximum principle stress in the masonry of dam at the base. Consider only
water thrust, uplift and self weight. Check for full reservoir only.

Q5) a) Describe briefly various causes of failure of earthen dam. [4]

b) An earthen dam made of homogeneous material has the following data :
i) Coefficient of permeability of dam material = 5 × 10–4 cm/s
ii) Level of top of dam = 200.00m
iii) Level of deepest river bed = 178.00 m
iv) HFL of reservoir = 197.5 m
v) Width at the top of the dam = 4 m
vi) U/s slope = 3:1 and d/s slope = 2:1
Draw the seepage line if a horizontal filter of length equal to 25 m is
provided inward from the d/s toe of the dam. [12]
Q6) a) Explain the procedure of construction of a rolled-fill earthen dam. [4]
b) An earth dam is 20 m high and has a free board of 2 m. The coefficient
of permeability is 4 × 10–4 cm/s for the dam material and the flow net
study gives the number of equipotential lines 12 and streamlines 5.
Calculate the seepage flow per unit length of the dam. Also, draw the
labeled sketch of the dam showing the flownet. [8]
c) Discuss important construction equipments used in earth dam
construction. [4]

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Q7) a) State the fundamental difference between Khosla’s theory and Bligh’s
creep theory for seepage below weir. [8]
b) Following data was recorded from an ogee spillway.
i) Maximum reservoir level = 252.00 m
ii) River bed level = 230.00 m
iii) Maximum flood discharge = 5000 m3/s
iv) Downstream highest flood level = 235 m
v) Effective length of spillway = 400 m
vi) Coefficient C = 2.1
Determine the RL of crest of spillway and suggest a type of energy
dissipator for the spillway. [10]
Q8) a) Explain how the interrelationship between the jump height curve and tail
water curve decides the type of energy dissipation arrangement required
below a spillway. [8]
b) Mention the different types of spillway gates. Illustrate with neat sketches
any two types in common use. [5]
c) Draw a neat layout plan of a diversion weir and explain the function of
each component. [5]

Q9) a) Why is silt regulation necessary in head works and canals? Discuss in
detail the different methods of silt control at head works and canals. [6]
b) Describe important features of hydraulic design of cross- drainage
work. [6]
c) What do you understand by cross-regulator work? With the help of a
neat sketch describe a typical canal cross regulator. [4]
Q10) a) Design an irrigation channel to carry 50 cumecs of discharge. The channel
is laid at a slope of 1 in 4000. The critical velocity ratio for the soil is 1,1.
Use Kutter’s rugosity coefficient as 0.023. [10]
b) What are the various types of canal outlets? Describe an outlet with the
help of a neat sketch. [6]

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Q11) a) Explain the term ‘high water’, ‘mean water’ and ‘low water’ training of
rivers. Also, explain functions of any one type of river training works.
Give suitable sketches. [6]
b) A run-off-river station with an installed capacity of 20,000 kW operates
at 15% load factor when it serves as a peak load station. What should be
the lowest discharge in the stream so that the station serves as the base
load station? The plant efficiency is 80% when working under a head of
25 m. [10]
Q12) a) Name the important type of river training methods indicating the purpose
for which each type is adopted. [8]
b) The load on a hydel plant varies from a minimum of 15000 kW to a
maximum of 40000 kW. Two turbo-generators of capacities 25000 kW
each have been installed. Calculate : [8]
i) Total installed capacity;
ii) Plant factor;
iii) Load factor;
iv) Utilization factor.


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