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W02 Application Activity Template: Pacing Guide

Name: Milton Bonilla

Step 1 - Chart Your Pace

Use this template to create a pacing guide that will work for you. Include any activity on this guide that relates to your ability to complete the
requirements of your schoolwork every week. This should include studying, but it can also include activities that are impacted by your studying. In
short, write a pacing guide that will help you plan your weekly time so you can succeed in your courses.

Go on to pacing guide template on next page 

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Activities Time Activities Time Activities Time Activities Time Activities Time Activities Time Activities Time

Church 2h Work 9h Work 9h Work 9h Work 9h Work 9h Fiancée 8h

Family Time 3h Read 1h Read 1h Read 1h Read 1h Read 1h Read 2h

scriptures scriptures scriptures scriptures scriptures scriptures

Scriptures and 2h Fiancée 2h Fiancée 2h Fiancée 2h Fiancée 2h Fiancée 2h Prepare for 2h

Come, Follow Sunday

Choir Practice 2h Pathway 2h Pathway 2h Pathway 2h Pathway 2h Pathway 2h Personal time 2h

Personal time 4h Personal time 1h Personal time 1h Personal time 1h Personal time 1h Personal time 1h Review 1h
to rest homework

Go on to Step 2 
Step 2 - Reflect
Answer the following reflection questions. Give at least one insight based on a personal experience, for each answer.

1. Will the strategy of pacing lead you to greater academic success? Why or Why not? (Keep in mind that what works for one individual might
not work for another. You may suggest in your paragraph an alternate time management strategy that you feel will work better for you.)
Personally, having a pacing guide helps me a lot to organize my ideas and have a better understanding of what do I have to do with my
homework. The las few days I’ve been through a difficult time and I really feel how I didn’t follow my pacing and it felt like a disaster. I think if I
dedicate a little time every day to my assignments will help me at the end of the week and I won’t have a lot to do but just little efforts make
greater things.

Procrastination means putting off a task until it is almost too late or it is too late to complete it.

2. Describe a time when procrastinating has caused you to receive a lower grade on an assignment, a test, or final grade in a class.
Before taking pathway Connect, I didn’t apply myself to study correctly. I just tried pass my classes and not learn at all. After six months of
“taking classes” I failed every single course I was taking at the University because I could finish all my homework and study for my midterms. I
simply couldn’t study and complete my 6 month’s homework in 2 weeks. After that I decided to pay my own education and I apply for Pathway
Connect, making this the best decision I ever made.

3. How can procrastination with school-related assignments prevent you from completing your educational goals?
If I hadn’t procrastinated myself, I would be graduated already from the university in my country.

4. What changes do you need to make in order to improve your study habits?
I already organize my educational life and follow a pacing guide. Something else I could do is to be one step ahead of the possible mishap I
could have.

5. What distractions contribute to procrastination in your life?

Social media, streaming services, sleep.

If you desire, you may enjoy this 15 minute humorous talk on procrastination.
Step 3
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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