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@ Vocalulary: the learning process

A Complete the paragraphs with phrases from the box.

\ y'hen I first started playing guitaa it was very
difficult and it hurt my fingers. I felt that it pushed gave up beyond my comfort zone progressed
me (1) beyond my comfort zone . There push myself measure my progress take risks
were many times when I didn't feel like playing and I
almost (2) gave up . Then I decided that
I would tr'try to practice more systematically. I played
each piece of music a certain number of times and
recorded myself on my laptop so that I could
(3) measure my progress

Each week I tried a piece that was more difficult so

that I could (4) take risks by trying out new
techniques. Sometimes I played for my friends, which
was stress[ul, but it s good to (5) push myself
sometimes. When I listen to those recordings now, I realize
I have (6) progressed more than I thought.

e @ listen and c¡rcle the correct option

for each speaker.

1 The man líkes / doesn't like to take risks.

2 The woman glaes up / doesn't giae up easily.

3 The man llkes / doesn't like to push himself.

@ erammar: present perfect progressive

A Complete the table with the verbs from the box.

be believe do meet go have (= 6'¡¡¡ know like make play study want wr¡te

want knowing
have going

B There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.

1 They been going out for three months. 4 V\¡hat you have been doing recently?
They have been going out for three months. What have you been doing recently?

2 We have living here for two weeks. 5 Diane has been having her motorbike for one year.
we have had living here for two weeks. Diane has had her motorbike for one year.

3 He has been study hard lately. 6 I've been go out a lot with friends.
he has been studying hard lately
I've been going out a lot with friends

C.) ,n,, t

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