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1st Level Airachee - Fighter

Airachee Racial Traits

Talons: The Airachee have formidable and outsized taloned feet. These count as natural
weapons: Talons - Exotic Melee Weapons - Finesse - Light - 1d4 Slashing Damage

War Cry - 3 x per Long Rest - Bonus Action - 1x Mile Range - 1d6+2 Temporary Hit Points
to an Ally: As a Bonus Action, and a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Charisma
Bonus, you can unleash a piercing, shrill war cry to inspire and rally your allies. This war cry is
audible to everyone within a mile radius. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can
hear you. That creature gains Temporary Hit Points equal to 1d6 + your Proficiency Modifier.

Quadradextrous - Equally Dextrous with hands and feet You are equally proficient with your
hands and your taloned feet. This allows for you to attack from above while flying. Even
dexterously shooting bows - diving with lances - all wielded by your feet alone. Note - You need
not necessarily be flying as this could also work while climbing - hanging from a rope or a
banister - etc Note - This ability could come into play outside of combat as well - lockpicking
windows while hanging off rooftops - picking up small creatures to take flight
Clipped Wings - 2x per Short Rest - Use Any One of These Abilities:
Note - You must have both hands entirely free. You cannot be wearing heavy armor or be
holding a shield or be over-encumbered
*Hover - Entire Movement Cost - 2x Rounds
Duration: You lift off and head straight up at a
steady pace. You rise to a maximum height of 30’
and can remain hovering there, with strong steady
wing beats, for a number of rounds equal to your
Proficiency Bonus
*Soar - Entire Movement Cost - 60’ Flying: You
launch into the air with a leap and take off in a
flurry of feathers. You move 60’ flying however you
would like to break it up, i.e., 40’ vertical and 20’
horizontal - 10’ vertical and 50’ horizontal Note -
you cannot descend while soaring
*Glide - ½ Movement Cost - Descend: You
spread your wings and glide gently downward
from a great height. You descend 60’ a round and
can move 15’ horizontally for every 10’ so
descended. If you land you do so safely and
without damage Note - you must land in an
unoccupied and open space
*Dive Bomb - Entire Movement Cost + Attack
Action - +1d4 Force Damage per 10’: Make a
Melee Attack as part of this Action - Can only be
used once per Turn - Plummet straight down
attacking a target within Melee Range. You
descend a maximum of 60'. For every 10’
descended add an extra 1d4 Force Damage on a
successful hit. On a miss you yourself take 1x
point of Force Damage for every 10’ descended
Note - you must land in an unoccupied and open
*Descent -Reaction - Requires no use of
Clipped Wings - Descend Safely: If at the end of
your Turn you have no remaining uses of the
Clipped Wings Ability, or if you no longer wish to
use this ability next Turn, but you remain aloft,
then you must spend your Reaction to
immediately make a controlled descent and float
to the ground. You descend straight down at a rate
of 60’ per Round and if you land you receive no
damage. Note - you must land in an unoccupied
and open space Note - if for whatever reason you
have no Reaction you fall the full distance at full
speed and take the appropriate falling damage
Eat Like a Bird: You must eat your own weight in
food everyday or suffer the following deficits which
are cumulative Note - These deficits ought be
flavored as a desperate pecking at everything to see
if edible, plaintive shrill cries for food, etc:
*-2 per day of missed food to your Strength Ability
*-2 per day of missed food to all Strength Ability
Checks and Saving Throws
*-1d4 per day of missed food to Total Hit Points
*These accumulated deficits are removed
immediately after eating your weight in food for each
day’s meal missed

Bird Bones: Because of hollow bones you gain the following abilities and deficits:
*Vulnerability to Bludgeoning Damage
*Fragile - You damage easily and heal more slowly. You have a maximum number of Hit Dice
available for healing equal to ½ your level (rounded down and a minimum of 1x). You still
receive Hit Dice after a Long Rest same as usual but never more than ½ your level
A Proud People: You gain the following abilities and deficits:
*You receive Disadvantage on all Deception Checks. You are a straight shooter. Oftentimes
naively so. If asked if another warriors sword fighting skills are formidable you will answer
honestly. This is true whether you are answering the question regarding a soldier’s swordplay or
that of a Prince. Note - failures should be flavored as brutal, but not necessarily ill intentioned,
*You take great offense at any disrespect toward yourself or the Airachee people in general. If
such disrespect is heard or observed by you, then you will not hesitate to react. If you wish to
ignore the slight then you must make a Willpower/Charisma Check DC10 (or harder at DM’s
*Once pledged to a cause or a course of action you must make a Willpower/Charisma Check
DC10 (or harder at DM’s discretion) in order to change course, even in light of clear evidence
that your course is unwise or your trust misplaced. On a success you can take a step back and
begrudgingly reassess. On a failure you forge ahead with stubborn determination

Far Traveler Background

All Eyes on You: Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your
appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go,
which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued
by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.
You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for
you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a
few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and people
Fighter Abilities
Second Wind - 1x per Short Rest - Bonus Action - Regain
1d10 +1 HP’s : You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw
on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus
action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before
you can use it again.

Fighting Style - Archery: +2 Bonus to Attacks Rolls with Ranged


Combat Tactics:
Battle - You are the Sniper! Your +7 To Hit is tied for highest in
the party. You should not miss. Your basic battle plan ought be
stay in the back and pick off the already wounded (4-11
Damage). You don’t have a great Armor Class (14) and are very
Vulnerable to Bludgeoning Damage. If under pressure, take to
the air and hover out of reach. If in melee do a one-two punch
with your Talons (5-11 Damage). Your Lance is reserved for
Dive Bombs

Mobility - Though limited your Clipped Wings Ability makes of you the most mobile
member of the party. Fly over walls. Get into trees. Fly over defenders to take out spell
casters and dangerous but squishy targets. Your Clipped Wings Ability refreshes after a
Short Rest and so you ought use it 2x most prolonged battles Note - The way Clipped
Wings is written you are oftentimes going to want and use it back to back across 2
Turns, i.e, Turn #1 = Movement to Soar 10’ Forward and 50’ High and use your Action to
shoot your bow and your Bonus Action for War Cry Turn #2 = Movement to Dive Bomb
and Bonus Action to Switch from Bow to Lance and Action to Attack! Turn #3 Leave the
Lance stuck in and either retreat back and switch back to your bow, or wade forward
and make a multi-attack with your Talons

Descent - Note that your Descent only requires your Reaction and not a usage of your
Clipped Wings Ability (unless you want to move forward while doing it in which case you
would need to use Glide). Just be certain not to use your Reaction for anything else
while in the air and out of Clipped Wing uses or you will plummet to the ground and
incur 1d6 Bludgeoning (bad news for you!) damage per 10’ fall! ! !
War Cry - You have a powerful tool to aid you Allies with your War Cry. It bestows them
with 3-9 Temporary Hit Points (which is huge at 1st Level). Be careful though as you can
only use it 3x per day. Note - this is not actual healing and disappears after 1x minute

Self Heal - You’ve got one of the best Self-Heals in the game with Second Wind and you
ought be able to use it most battles as it refreshes on a Short Rest. Don’t be afraid to
take a little damage. You are vulnerable but Fighter Hit Points are good and you can heal

Dive Bomb - This is your Nova Attack, but you aren’t great at it (+1 To Hit). Get 60’ in the
air and next Turn plummet down on a target for with your Lance 1d12-1 + 6d4 Damage!
(6-36 Damage!) while remaining safely 10’ away Note - Here at 1st Level it might be
hard to get the full 60’ and you might need settle for 50-40’. By 5th Level you will have 3x
uses of Clipped Wings and this will be yet more effective.

Roleplay Tactics:
General - You aren’t really the utility guy in the party, but you have your uses. Your
Perception is good and at higher levels it will be very very good because of Expertise
(+6 at 5th Level - +8 at 9th - etc). In general it would be fun to play as the ‘Noble Savage’.
Haughty - distrustful of outsiders - loyal to a fault of allies - easy to offend and able to
back it up - sure of oneself for good reason - perceptive but quiet - reserved in general
but a good time when drunk - gullible - easily fooled by the townsfolk - etc

All Eyes on You - Use this Feature to your Advantage to gain the attention and impress
the local yokels. But also play into the deficits of being an outsider. Scr*w up local
customs - misuse cutlery - ‘What is an Inn?’ - ‘Who are you to order me around? What is
a Sultan?’

Noble Savage - Your high intimidation (+5) should make this fun!

Eat Like a Bird & Bird Bones - The Racial Deficits aren’t meant to be a punishment in so
much as fun to play. You are proud but unfortunately fragile. You need to eat and have a
hard time concentration when food is around. Have a good time with these!

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