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Iligan City National High School




Name ______________________________________ Grade & Section _________________

I. NATURE & ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION. Read the following statements and encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

1. Oral communication is the interchange of _____________ between the sender and receiver.
A. expression B. impression C. information D.
2. The effectiveness of oral communication depends on the speaker’s ability to use __________.
A. complex words B. simple language C. long sentences D. foreign language
3. The most common barrier to oral communication is _____________.
A. Emotional barrier B. use of jargon C. lack of confidence D. noisy
4. It is a more comprehensive model of communication where it illustrates a two-way process with
the inclusion of feedback and field of experience of both the sender and the receiver.
A. Schramm Model B. Transaction Model
C. Shannon-Weaver Model D. Aristotle Model
5. It is a one-way process of communication illustrating the use of gadgets but misses feedback as
one element.
A. Schramm Model B. Transaction Model
C. Shannon-Weaver Model D. Aristotle Model

(Numbers 6-10) Arrange the following statements in order to come up with a correct sequence of
the process of communication. Number them 1 to 6 on the space provided.
____6. The receiver sends feedback. ___9. The speaker generates an idea.
____7. The receiver gets and decodes the message. ___10.The speaker transmits a message.
____8. The speaker encodes the idea into words or actions.

Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
11. Encoding A. This refers to the content of communication.
B. It is the process by which the speaker converts
the message into groups of words, symbols,
12. Decoding
gestures, or sounds that present ideas or
C. It is the process by which the receiver interprets
13. Speaker the symbols used by the source of the message
by converting them into concepts and ideas.
D. This refers to the situation or environment where
14. Receiver
communication takes place.
E. It is the response or reaction provided by the
15. Channel
F. This refers to the person who receives a
16. Feedback
G. It is the medium in which the encoded message is
17. Barriers
H. This refers to the factors that affect the flow of
18. Context
I. This refers to the person who sends out a
19. Message

II. FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNICATION. Determine the function of communication shown in the
following utterances. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided:
A. Control; B. Motivation; C. Emotional Expression D. Social Interaction E. Information
_____20. The teacher announces, “Who are interested to be part of the Volleyball Varsity Team?
There will be a try-out tomorrow morning at the gymnasium.”
_____21. “It’s nice to see you Carla. How’s your trip to Boracay last summer?”
_____22. Parents’ Instruction to their child, “Wash the dishes now, or else I won’t allow you to go
to the party later.”
_____23. “Don’t give up, just hold on. Keep moving towards the attainment of your dreams.”
_____24. “I’m so glad that you came into my life.”
_____25. “You are not allowed to talk with your seatmates while the test is going on.”
_____26. The speaker ends her speech with this statement, “Life is short so live life to the fullest.”
_____27. Thank you for sharing your expertise with us. We really appreciate it.”

III. SPEECH CONTEXT. Identify the type of speech context that is highlighted in each of the
following pictures. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided. A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal C. Public D. Mass Communication

_____28. _____29. _____30.

_____31. _____32.

TYPES OF SPEECH STYLE. Determine what speech style is described in each of the
(A. Casual B. Consultative C. Formal D. Frozen E. Intimate) Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.
__________33. It is a speech style used between couples.
__________34. It is a speech style in which jargon, lingo, and street slang are usually used.
__________35. It is a speech style that uses standard and acceptable language, an example of which is
the communication between an employer and employee.
__________36. It is a speech style wherein the standard of correctness is high.
__________37. It is a speech style that remains unchanged for a long period of time, an example of
which is the Preamble of the Constitution.
For numbers 38-42, identify what speech style is illustrated in each of the following pictures.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided. (The same choices with numbers 1-

_____38. _____39. _____40.

_____41. _____42.


A. Identify the term being described in each of the following sentences. Choose your
answer from the list of words inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.
A. Speech Act B. Locutionary C. Illocutionary
D. Perlocutionary E. Performatives

Answer Statement
43. This refers to the social function of what is being said.
44. This refers to the resulting act of what is said based on Speech Act
45. These are verbs that execute the speech act that they intend to effect.
46. This refers to the actual act of uttering.
47. It is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.

B. Analyze the following statements in terms of their implied or indirect social function and
categorize according to Searle’s classifications of speech act. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided.
A. Assertive B. Directive C. Commisive D. Expressive E. Declaration
__________48. ``President R. Duterte is the best Philippine president ever.''
__________49. ``If God permits, I’ll marry you next year.''
__________50. ``I now pronounce you husband and wife.''

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.”

-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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