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外研社 飞二马人J


Students' Book

L. G. Alexander (英 I _>.
Julia Alexander ( 英 Roy Kingsbury ( 英 ) 由

@ 外语教学与研究出版社

> ,

Students' Book


L. G. Alexander (英)斗
Julia Alexander ( 英 Roy Kingsbury (英)吾

Rh ianwen Roberts (瑞典) 插图

~ :0:忧13剧






教材简介 届擅自赢Þ
讯们?…V叫、 ~;i

全套教材共分为 3个级别,每个级别含学生用书、练习册、教师用书和课堂用带。
家路易 · 亚历山大、朱莉娅 · 亚历山大和罗伊 · 金斯伯里专为中国 8-14岁的青少年以及英
每级学生用书分为人 B两个分册,每分册由 15个单元组成,每个单元有两课 : 第 1 课
语初学者编写。整套教材分为3个级别,每个级别的学生用书和练习册分为A 、 B两个分册。
~' 《新概念英语青少版》在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,更加强调语法
用书后面均附赠-张 M 阳光盘和一张动画 DVD光盘,方便学生课后自学时使用。

外,教材针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料。课文以 91点刁册

一个英国家庭以及他们的朋友的故事 为主线 , 语言精练幽默。精心设计的昕力、口语、阅 每本学生用书均配有相应的练习册,为每单元设计了 3 页的书面练习。这些练习形式

读和写作练习帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语知识和能力,使他们能够逐步充满自信地运 多样,不仅可供学生在课堂上使用,也可以当作家庭作业留给学生,让他们在课下巩固所
。完善的教学体系 教材的编写理念、编写大纲,每种练习活动的作用,并提供了非常详细的教学步骤,大大
全面的知识和技能体系帮助学生系统地学习英语语法、词汇和语音,全面提升他们的 减轻了教师的备课负担。

昕、说、读、写能力。教材内容涵盖了我国新《英语课程标准》对中小学生的知识和能力 尤其值得一提的是,教师用书中提供了更多的语言材料和教学资源,如:每单元的语
要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了他们实际交际运用的需要。 音练习中不仅包括了学生用书中已有的例词、例句,还有更多的词语和句子供练习使用,
让教师更加自如地掌控课堂教学。每级教师用书附赠两张 MP3光盘,除了学生用书中的所
教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排, 由 浅入深,注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容
。动画 DVD
每本学生用书附赠的动画 DVD 光盘生动地呈现了每单元的主课文以及歌谣和歌曲,
。清晰的故事主线 让学生在观看有趣的动画片的过程中理解课文情景、记住关键语言点,并增强他们的学
所有课文都基于一个英国家庭和他们的朋友间发生的曰常故事,语言材料真实地道、 习兴趣。
精练幽默,向学生介绍当代英国文化的同时 , 也帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养他们
O i采 堂用带
的跨文化交际意识 。
除了每本教师用书附赠的教学 MP3外,本套教材还提供了课堂用带方便教师选用。课
。丰宫的教学支持 堂用带中包括所有的对话(或课文)、语音练习、句型练习、昕力练习、昕写、歌曲和歌
内容详备的教师用书,为教师提供完整的教学方案,帮助教师快速掌握授课方法,节 谣,以及"听、说和写"练习的录音。
省备课时间和精力 。 每单元均配有丰富的练习活动,便于教师创造性地运用教材,灵活掌 本套教材的全部录音由英国 BBC专业人士分角色录制,以英式发音为主 , 同时根据角
控教学进度。 色需要加入少量 的美式发音,让学生适当接触不同的 口 音,培养他们全面的语音意识和跨
全套教材配有出自国外画家之子的大量彩色插图,人物形象活j发生动,版面设计时尚 青少年的内心世界是多姿多彩的,他们 需要置身于令他们身心愉悦的环境中去体验语

清新,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力 。 言、接受语言、领悟语言、使用语言。可以说,令人耳目一新的《新概念英语青少版》正
为他们提供了这样的环境。 我们相信,通过学习《新概念英语青少版》这套非常实用的教

材 , 青少年朋友定能体验到英语学习的快乐,收获丰硕的学习成果!

所有音像产品均由 BBC专业人士录音,发音地道纯正、生动传情。

• Unit 26
School reports
Unit 27
Pocket money
B 录 成绩单 零花钱
Lesson 51 …"……..........……82 Lesson 53 …·…............……..90
Lesson 52 …"………........……86 Lesson 54 ….. .… …...… . ..… ·川 94
Unit 16 Unit 17
What's your middle name? A cuckoo in the nest Unit 28 Unit 29
鸟富 中 的布谷鸟

She doesn't even exist! No one's better than Pau l!
Lesson 31 …·…"…....….......… 2 Lesson 33 ..........................….10
Lesson 32 …...............…......… .6 Lesson 34 ..……"……...… ........ 14 没人比保罗好!
Lesson 55 ......……"….......… 98 Lesson 57 . .… … …… … …… 川 106
Lesson 56.. … ....….......…..什 02 Lesson 58 …...........……...... 110

Read the labe l! A problem with squirrels Unit 30

看标签! 松鼠问题
A giant squid
Lesson 35 ……...…..…"…….. 18 Lesson 37 ..………"….........…..26
Lesson 36 …............…… .......22 Lesson 38 ……·………"………… 30
Lesson 59 …......………...…. 114
Lesson 60 ………川…"……… 118
Unit 21
An ordinary life The weather forecast Rhymes and Songs ..…...............……………........…………......……........……… 122
平凡的生活 天气预报 Vocabulary …...…........…........……........….........….......……"……………….......……126
Lesson 39 ….......…............…34 Lesson 41 …............…·……… 42 Appendix ..……........…………..…….......…………...…·….......……..…………............131
Lesson 40 .........…"………… .. 38 Lesson 42 ………"………… ....... 46

Unit 22 Unit 23
I always behave myself! Qui恒恒" ... and qui恒 striking!
我会规规矩矩的! 相当高 . .. .. . 也相 当引 人注目!
Lesson 43 .………"….........… 50
Lesson 45 ..………"….......…·… 58
Lesson 44 …"…·………………54 Lesson 46 …"….........…...…… 62

Unit 24 Unit 25
A quiz Karen saves some money
小测验 卡伦省了些钱
Lesson 47 !.. . . .…川....... . …… . 66 Lesson 49 …·……"…….........… 74
Lesson 48 …·………....…·…70 Lesson 50 …...……….......…….. 78
What's your middle name?
你的 中名是什 么? KAREN: Then , Daisy called m巳
on my mobile ,
and w巳 talked about
the w巳巳k巳nd.
LESSON W巳 discussed plans for Sunday.
Th巳nw巳 finished the call.

SEZEEE噩噩噩噩噩 '叶门

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: Where were Karen's car keys?

WILLIAM: Is th巳re som巳thing wrong ,

KAREN: It 's OK. 1' m being silly.
WILLIAM: That' s impossible. KAREN: Then 1 looked for my car keys.
You'ren巳ver silly. 1 looked in my bag ,
KAREN: Oh , but 1 缸丑 1 in my coat , in the kitchen ,
l' m silly all the time 巳verywh巳re.
Believe me! WILLIAM: And wher巳 W巳r巳 th巳y?

KAREN: 1 did something very silly

this moming .
1 picked up som巳 shopping
in town.

出叫 i

TTHnt ngmmK0

YLMbm mwmm



vd 缸

ii1 I ttl nH-






1 arrived hom巳

at about 10 0' clock ,
and parked the c缸 in the driv巳.
1 unlockl巳d the hous巳 。
with my house keys.

3 @

2 3

[!~(A'*'ít"èi:J')i4ii(.l陌生词和短语】 .ω[íi.)n!lþjjt.1?01
O An酬叫u创
ωtions 呻
a bou
middle name / 'mldl ,nel m! compound n plan /plæn/ n. 计划 , 安排
中名(名和姓中间的名字 ) eve叩where / 'evriwe~/ adv. (place) 各 创)
a Example: Karen'、S silly all the time , ÌSn't she? Yes , she 怡
i s.

wrong /ml] /αdj 有问题的 处,到处

1 She did something silly this morning , 5 Daisy called her on her mobile ,
impossible /Im 'poslba l! adj. 不可能的 key-ring /'ki :nl]/ n 钥匙圈 didn't she? didn't she?
all the time adν (time) 一直 finger !'fIl] g~/ n. 手指 2 She picked up some shopping in 6 They discussed plans for Sunday,
park /pa:k/ν 停放(车辆) silliness /'sIlinas/ n 愚 蠢 ,糊涂 town , didn't she? didn't they?
drive /draIV/ n. ( 从私人住宅通往大街的) for example /f~r Ig'za:mpal! adv. 3 She didn't arrive home at 12 , did she? 7 Karen looked everywhere for her
车道 (connectiνe) 例击。 4 She arrived home at about 才 o o'clock , car keys , didn't she?
unlock /An'lok/ ν. 开 (某 物 ) 的锁 keep /ki:p/ v 保存,保留 didn't she? 8 The keys were in her hand ,
discuss /dl'skAS/ v. 讨论,商议 weren 't they?

b) Example: Did Karen pick up some shopping at a ρiend's house?
No , she didn' t. She picked up some shopping in town .
1 Did she arrive home at about 4 Did they talk about last wee k?
[[~叫随111m课文注释】 go'clock? 5 Did they discuss plans for Monda y?
2 Did she park the car in the stree r? 6 Then did she look for her house keys?
3 Did Polly call her on her mobile? 7 Were the keys in her handbag?
1 18 there something wrong? 通常我们在疑问句中用 anythiI毡,但当提问者是在期
待肯定的回 答 时,可以用 something 。 c) Example: What did Karen do this morning? She did something very silly.
2 1am ←?当 am 后没有其他的词时,不 能用其缩略形式 I' m o 1 What did she do in town? 7 What did they discuss?
3 on my mobile 一 各种通讯工具,如 radio , TV , phone , computer 等,与介词。n 搭配, 2 What time did she arrive home? 8 Where did Karen look for her car
表示 " 在(收音机 、 电视、电话、电脑等)上" 。 3 Where did she park the car? keys?
4 sil1iness 其形容词形式是 sil1y 0 4 What did she unlock the house with? 9 Why does she say ‘ 四 lliness" is my
5 Who called her on her mobile? middle name'?
6 What did they talk about?

廉 伦 廉伦

然后黛百打 了 我 的手机,我们讨 Ask questions about tl削ext. 根据课文提问。

怎 么 了 , 卡伦。 1 卡伦
没什 么。我真傻。 论周末的事 ,讨论周日的计划 。 Example: Karen / pick up / shopping / town / this morning? (When ...?)
不可能,你不傻啊。 然后挂了电话。 A : Did Karen pick up some shopping in town this morning? B: Yes , she did.

唉 ,我是的 l 我一直很傻。 相 信 i A: When did she pick up some shopping in town? B: This morning.
我! l 卡伦 然后我找我的车钥匙 ,在 提包里 1 she / arrive home / 才 O 口 'clock? (When ...?)
制时 dUM

找 、 在上衣里找 、在厨 房 里找 ,
前 。 同L

2 she / park / car / drive? (Where .. .7)




上 面刊道


卡伦 到处都找遍了 。 3 Daisy / call her / mobile7 (Who ...?)


钥匙 在 哪? 4 they / discuss plans / Sunday7 (What ...7)

忖 车
口 了 门

卡伦 就在我手里 l 钥匙环就 套 在我 Ask each other these questions. 互相提问 。

在 家

的小手指 上 。威廉 "傻" 是我

的 中名 l 1 Are you ever sill归 Do you ever do anything sill归 What , for example7
2 Have you got your own house keys7 Where do you keep them?



叫 5
16 (sixteen)

重 P川Iilll叫语音 I


m 创 U


LHU 叶u


- cleaned his teeth
after breakfast
/tI asked ( qa

discussed fini shed hel ped

(before breakfast)
looked parked picked watched
/d/ arrived breathed called 17 (seventeen) 70 (seventy)
clea ned
enjoyed showed tu rned used

V 句'
L !~r:kí".j.) i' ~*j , (, 1 Æi ~陀ssions 生词和短语 j
called her parents showed us their flat
at lunchtime lat 'IAntJtmml adv. (time ) clean Ikli:nl v. 清洁 at the weekend last week
干 按 时间 tooth Itu:91n. (pl. teeth )牙 齿 (on Monday) (yesterday)
at teatime lat 't i:talml αdν (time) 下午 茶 collection Ib 'lekJ"nl 凡收 藏品
18 (eighteen) 80 (eighty)
时间 boyfriend I'b:llfrendl n . 男 朋友

区 ‘ l;l;l剖íIl怡lill川
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。
parked in the road finished the job
A: Did she turn on the TV at lunchtime? yesterday three weeks ago
3 A: When did she turn on the TV?
(last week) (last month)
B: No, she didn't. She turned on the TV at B: She turned on the TV at teatim e.
teatlme 19 (nineteen) 90 (ninety)
4 A: What did sh e.巧you do at teatime?
2 A: Did you turn on the TV at lunchtime? B: Shell turned on the T\/.
B: No, I didn' t.
A: Did you turn on the TV at teatime? 5 A: When did shelyou turn on the TV?
B: Yes, I did. B: Shell turned on the TV at teatime

, looked at her photo collection discussed th巳 tnp

six weeks ago
(six months ago)
ay巳 ar ago

(l ast winter)

6 7
:~vmWhi iiMWI!'2l叫面练叮l
Patterns 句型
Listen to the recording , and choose the right answers. 听录音,选择正确答案。
Wilbur is Albi巳 's 一一一一 4 It's your birthday! 一一一一!
飞 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 6 , and write out in full numbers 1 and 5 . 参照
第 6 页的句型练习 , 用图片中的信息套用句型 1 和 5 , 写出完整的对话。
a) friend b) broth巳r a) Happy New Year
c) cousin d) relative b) Many Happy Retums
2 Albie was 65 years old 一一一一 c) Congratulations
飞 e Sentence Table 句型列表 a) on Thursday b) two w∞ks ago d) WI巳11 done
Write sentences like the examples , using the wor ds in the table. 仿照例句,用表格中 c) yesterday d) on Tuesday 5 Albie sends it to Wilbur.
的词写句子。 3 Wilbur always sends Albie a) back b) again
a) ajok,巳 c) over d) also
飞飞 I discuss巳d the doctor at 9 o'clock. b) a present 6 Wilbur did it 一一一一·
cleaned us th巳ir holiday photos last weekend. c) a birthday card a) last b) first
He tumed on our homework six months ago. d) a note c) then d) now
parked my bicycle for m巳 yesterday 巳venmg.

She showed som巳 shopping late last night. ( W巾 Questions 写问题 t
picked up th巳 t巳levision last September. Write good questions for the answers , like the example. 仿照例句,根据回答写出合
We finish巳d in London at lunchtime 适的问题。
\ arrived th巳 holiday on Sunday nigh t. Example: '::Lt扣 en did ne finisn tne iob'[ He finished the job last weekend.
They called the car in th巳 street yesterday. 123456
? No , sh巳 didn 't call h巳r boyfriend. She ca11巳d her parents
? 1 cleaned my teeth aft巳rdinn巳r last night.
Examples: ~Ne called tne doctor 口 n Sundav niant
飞 ? Yes , they show巳d it to us. It' s a beautiful hous巳, isn't it?
He c1 e口 ned mv bicvcle for me I口st wee k:.end ?WI巳 discussed the holiday before lunch.
?Mycark巳ys? They were in my handbag

\ø Guided Summary 总结
? We finished lunch at 4 0' clock in th巳 aftemoon!
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 31 , to make one
paragraph . 完整回答以下关于第 31 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。
[,!'/mgrm"mwø 选择填空 】
1 Who did something very silly this 5 Who called her on her mobile?
moming? What did th巳y talk about? Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
2 Where did sh巳 pick up som巳 (Use .. ., and) Lesson 3 1.从 a 、 b 、 E 和 d 中选出正确的答案填空,然后查看第 31 课的课文。
shopping? 6 What did they also discuss?
1 I 一一 som巳thing
very silly this moming. (pic. 2)

3 What tim巳 did she arrive home? 7 Th巳n what did Karen look
a)had b)did c)picked d) was
Wher巳 did she park the c缸? ev巳rywhere for?
2 I 一← home at about 10 o'clock. (pic. 3)
(Use .. ., and) 8 How did she feel? Why? Where
a) p缸ked b) did c) arrived d) w巳E巳
4 What did she do with h巳r house was th巳 key-ring?
3 We _ _ plans for Sunday. (pic . 4)
飞 keys? (Us巳.., because)
a) talk巳d b) had c) did d) discussed
4 Thenl 一一_my cark巳ys . (pic. 5)

…一, 一时…一一一一 a) looked b) looked at c)look巳dfor d) looked in

白白叫~ ...,;;- γ

5 They were _ _ my hand! (pic. 6)

a) in b) at c) for d) on

8 9
A cuckoo in the nest
鸟窝 中 的布谷鸟
Aft巳r twe1v巳 days , the young cuckoo

~ _.-卢
hatch巳d. The 1ittle birds hurried to get
food for the baby cuckoo

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: Who are all enthusiastic
birdwatchers now? 昕录音,然后回答问题:现在谁是观鸟爱好者?

Ken's neighbours watch巳d excit巳d1y.

Paul' s fath巳r , K巳n Bruce is an engin巳巳r 20 The baby cuckoo picked Up th巳 other
eggs 巳asily with its back , and pushed
He's a1so an 巳nthusiastic birdwatch巳r.
th巳m out of the nes t. The birds returned
and push巳d food into its mouth. After
twenty days ,出e cuckoo was 巳norrnous!
25 On 6th May, it open巳d its wings. In a
moment , the nest was empty. The show
Last spring , two 1ittle birds appear巳d 明las over.

in his gard巳n. Ken insta11ed a webcam ,

5 and invit巳d his n巳ighbours to 10g on.
Everyone watch巳d enthusiastica11y.
Soon , there was a 1ittl巳 nest. Then ,
anoth巳r bird arrived. It was a cuckoo.
The cuckoo watched patiently. Thr巳巳
10 littl巳 eggs appeared in th巳 nest.

Ken's neighbours are a11 enthusiastic

birdwatch巳rs now , of cours巳!
Th巳 cuckoo wait巳d.Sudd巳n1y , sh巳 had
her chanc巳 .Th巳 mother wasn't th巳r巳
The cuckoo darted to the nes t. In two
seconds , th巳re was a fourth egg besid巳
15 th巳 other three .


10 11

U[~hV;'i"'l'iTP t*'ílel ;f:J ']i4iMIil二生词句军堕」

[ [eJI"II削 lij.J.L!24tiÜ!1

cuckoo /'kuku:/ n. 杜码,布谷乌 chance /tJa :n s/ n . 机会 o Answer questions about t he text . 根据课文 回 答 问题 。
nest /nest/ n 乌窝 ,巢 dart /da: t/ v 急冲 a) Example: Ken Bruce is an engineer, isn't he? Yes , he is.
engineer / ,end31 'm;)/ n. 工程师 second !' sek:m d/ 凡(时间的)秒 He's an enthusiastic birdwatcher, 6 The young cuckoo hatched after
enthusiastic /m ,8j u:zi 'æstr k/ adj . A且感兴 hatch /hætfl v 破 先 而出 , 孵出 isn't he? twelve days , didn't it?
趣的 excitedly /Ik 'sart ldli/ adv. (manner) 激动 2 Two little birds appeared in his 7 Ken's neighbours were excited ,
birdwatcher / ' b3: d , W DtJ:;,/ 凡观乌者 池,兴奋地 garden , didn't they? weren't they?

appear /:;, 'pr :;,/ ν. 出现 easily /'i:zr!i/ adν. (manner) 容易地 He installed a webcam , didn't he? 8 They watched excitedly, didn't they?

V AA『仄 -u
install /m'st;): 1I ν. 安 装 push /puJ/ v. 才在,椎动 A cuckoo arrived one day, didn't it? 9 On 6th May, the young cuckoo
webcam / 'webkæm/ n. 网 络摄像机 out of /'aut ;)v/ prep. ýr The cuckoo waited patiently, didn't it? opened its wings , didn't it?
invite /1口 'var t / v 邀请 enormous /I ' n;):m;)s/ αdj 巨 大的,极大的 10 The show was over, wasn't it?
log on / ,Iog 'Dn/ ν +αdv. particle wing /Wlfj/ n 翅膀, 翼
ku )
(intransitil冽登录 in a moment / 10:;' 'm;)um:;,nt/ adν ( time) Example: Is Ken an enthusiastic tennis player?
No , he isn't. He's an enthusiastic birdwatcher.
enthusiastically /叫协 : zi 'æs tI kli/ adν. 片刻 ,瞬 间
(manner) 很感兴趣地 show /J:;,u/ n . 演出 Did two birds appear in his garden 5 Did the baby cuckoo eat the other

p 剖t甜怡
a ie
圳Iy / 'p
仰 e巾
旧ltli/ α dρv. (m
叫 r吵) 叶 be over /bi : ':;, uv:;,/ v. + adv. particle last winte t1 eggs?

egg /旭eg/ 几
n -蛋 (intrans itiνe) 结束
Did Ken install a telephone? 6 Did the cuckoo open its wings on
Did the cuckoo Iisten patiently? 16th May?
suddenly !'SAdmli! adv. (time) (manner) 突然地

Did the young cuckoo hatch after two 7 Are Ken's neighbours enthusiastic
days? animal watchers now?

F--叩主辛辛a- c) Example: Who is Ken Bruce , and what do四 hedo?

He's Paul's father, and he's an engineer.
a cuckoo in the nest - 这句 话在本 i果课文 中 的意思就是飞窝 中的布谷 鸟..但作
What appeared in his garden last 5 The cuckoo darted to the nes t. Then
为固定短语, 是指某人长期逗 留在一个他本不属于、也不受欢迎 的地方。 spring? how many eggs were there?
invit巳 这里的用 法是 invite someone to do

au7 ,。。
2 invited his neighbours to log on - 2 What did Ken install? When did the young cuckoo hatch?
somethin g 。
3 Which bird arrived and watched the Who watched excitedly?
3 get food - get 这里的意思是 "得到、获得 " 。 nest? When did the young cuckoo open its
4 How many eggs were there in the wings?
保罗的爸爸,肯-布鲁斯是 一 名工程师,他 也 是观鸟爱好者。
去年春天,花园里来了两只小鸟。肯安了 一台 网络摄像机,并让邻居上网观
看。大家都很感兴趣。不久,出现 了 一个小鸟窝,然后又来了一只鸟, 一 只布谷鸟。
e Ask questions abol川削ext. 根据课文提问 。
布 谷鸟耐心地观察着。之后鸟窝 里出 现了 3 个小 鸟蛋 。 Example: Ken / install / webcam / garden? (What ...?)
A: Di d Ken install a webcam in his garden? B: Yes , he did.
布谷鸟 等待 着 , 突然 ,她的机会 来 了 。鸟 妈妈不在 窝里。 布谷鸟冲向 鸟窝。
A: What did Ken install in his garden? B: A webcam.
两秒钟后 , 3 个蛋 旁边多了?个蛋 。
12 天后, 小布谷乌孵出来 了 ,小鸟急忙给它找食。

three eggs I appear I nest (How many ...?)

肯的邻居们很激动地观察着小布谷鸟用后背轻易地抬起另外 3 个蛋 , 把它 们

, qOAU 寸
young cuckoo I hatch I after twelve days? (When ...?)
推出了鸟窝。小鸟回来了,把食物塞进了小布谷 鸟 的嘴里。 20 天后 ,小 布谷鸟长 young cuckoo I push I other eggs I out of I nest? (What .. .?)
得 非常大了 5 月 6 号 , 它展 开翅膀 ,一会 儿,鸟窝 空了。表演 结束了 。 cuckoo I enormous I after twenty days? (How big ...?)
当 然 ,现在肯的邻 居都 成了观鸟 爱好者 了 l
12 13
303 313 330
LESSON the robbers Paul the police

图:何吵吵n 语音: I

hd/ 'da rted in'vited reco' mmen ded

'visited 'waited 'counted
counted the mon巳y invited Claire to a dance waited for the burglar

quickly polit巳Iy patiently
late last HIght yesterday early thIS IIIOIIIIng
W d… 阳 404 414 440
robber /' rob ;l/ n. 盗贼 , 抢劫者 badly /'bædli/ adv. (manner) 不好地 ,差 地 a young engíneer Nina Robert
count /kaunt/ v. 数 weight /we It/ n. 重物
quickly /'kWlkli/ adv. (manner) 迅速地 knock /nok/ v 敲击
dance /da :ns/ n. 社 交 舞会 loudly /'Iaudli/ adv. (manner) 大卢地
politely /归 'laI tli/ adv. (manner) 有礼貌地 piano /pi'æn;m/ n 钢琴
pOlice /p ;l '!i :S/ n 警 方,警察 the whole /õ<J 'h;ml! (+ singular n.)
carefully /'ke ;lf<Jli/ adv. (manner) 小心地 quant所er 所有的
quietly / ' kwa四t li/ adv. (manner) 安静地 ,
between /b 'twi :n/ prep. 在… 之间

installed our new TV opened th巳 door played footbalI

carefully quietly badly
a WEek ago last HIght last SatUEday

505 515 550

Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。 Paul's friend the neighbours the policeman
A: What did the robbers do lote last night? 4 (Not with picture 505)
8: They counted the money. A: When did the robbers count the money?
B Late last nigh t.
2 A: Who counted the money late last night? A: And did they count the money quickly?
8: The robbers did. 8: 陀s, theydid

3 A: Did the robbers count the money late 5 A: The robbers counted the money late
阳stnight? last nigh t.
8: 陀s, they did. They counted the maney 8: Yes, I knav以 They counted the maney picked up some weights watched th巳 nest knocked on the door
quick,凯 quickly. easily excitedly Ioudly
at the gym Iast week at lunchtime
|问 15

fn阳 Ex阴阳书面练习 t
The speaker stresses the word that reflects his or her point of view. Listen ωthe
oReferPatterns 句型
Practice on page 14, and write out in full numbers 3 and 4. 参照
to the Pattern
recording , and underline the stressed words. 说话者会强调反映其观点的词 。 听录
音 ,用下划线标出被强调的词 。
第 14 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 3 和 4 ,写出完整的对话。

-Iq i
1 don't have much bread in the house , but there's p1enty of rice .
C1aire didn't have many friends a year ago .

"q J
f) Guided Summary 总结 We don't eat much meat , but we 1ike to 巳at som巳.

Write complete answers to these questions about the first part of the text in Lesson 33 , 1 don't have much time , but 1 can manage a few minutes.
to make one paragraph. 完整回答以下有关第 33 课课文第一 部分的问题,并将答案连 Th巳y don't have much time for going to the gym.

ζU 吁,。。
We don't have much time before th巳巳xams , but we're going to b巳 OK.
Vikki doesn't eat much choco1a旬, because sh巳 doesn't 巳at between mea1s.
1 What does Ken Bruce do? Wh at 4 How dideve巧one watch? Lucy didn't eat many choco1ates, because she shared them with the boys.

Jack didn't have much sleep 1ast night , but he's fee1ing all righ t.

kind of birdwatcher is he? 5 What was there soon? But then what

kind ofbird arrived? Pau1 and C1aire wentωthe Marathon Party 1ast night , so they didn't have
(Use ..., but ... also)
much sleep.
2 Wh at appeared in his garden 1ast 6 How did th巳 cuckoo watch the nest?
spring? 7 Soon, how many little eggs appeared [ [ìfil;l川he Questions a川[ll..'j'i'I:Tí>'问答搭配 E
3 What did he install? What did he m 出巳 nest? What did the cuckoo do?
Can you match the questions on the left with the answers on the right? Write them
invite his neighbours to do? (Use ..., and)
down. 你能从右栏中找出左栏中问题的回答吗?把它们写下来 。
(Use .. " and)
A Questions B Answers


Did you p1ay tennis 1ast week? Yes , I did , but they weren't there.

今年 1JAHT
Guided Composition: Last Weekend ft文:上个周末 Did you count the p巳op1e there? Yes , sh巳 did. I t' s great!
It 's Thesday. Write a short conversation between you and some friends. You ask each Whendid th巳y finish the job? Yes , I did , but 1 p1ayed very bad1y.

外 CJ
of them 'What did you do at the weekend?' or ‘ How did you spend the weekend?' and Who tumed on th巳 radio? Lucy did.

they answer. Use these notes for their answers. Write about 90 words. 今天是星期 二 : Did she show you her n巳w car? They finished it 1ast Friday.

写一段你和几个朋友之间的对话,你问每个人 "What did you do at the weekend?"

Did you knock on their door? Yes , 1 did. There were about a
或 "How did you spend the weekend?" ,他们用下面的信息回答。字数为 90 词左右。 hundr巳d.

Saturday aftemoon / football [ M州1 r:'Iït .t.jl四选择填空 ;
watch TV / Saturday 巳vemng
Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
visit grandparents / Sunday moming Lesson 33. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选出正确的答案填空,然后查看第 33 课的课文。
play the piano / Saturday morning
Sunday aftemoon I help father in the g缸den 1 K巳n Bruce is an engine巳r. He's a1so 一一_ birdwatcher. (lines 1-2)

watch birds in the gard巳n I the whole weekend a) enthusiastic b) an enthusiastic c) 巳nthusiastical1y d) the enthusiastic
discuss holiday plans I .Saturday aftemoon 2 The cuckoo watched __' (lin巳 9)
a) patient b) pati巳ntly c) a patient d) at pati巳ntly
3 Th巳 litt1e birds 一一_
to get food for the baby cuckoo. (lines 17-18)
a) talked b) watched c) appeared d) hurried
, 4 Th巳 baby cuckoo picked up the other eggs 一一_ with its back. (lines 20-21)

a) politely b) easily c) quietly d) sudd巳nly

16 17

Read the label!

VIKKI: 1 needed to 巳at something
1 looked in my lunchbox
LESSON and discovered the Crispy Trolls.

程宝宝E壁雪暨暨.,雪 。
Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: When did Vikki feel really sick?

Lucy: Do you want one of thω巳, Vikki?

VIKKI: No , thanks!
1 at巳 some of those
about a y巳ar ago. VIKKI: 1 ate four Crispy Trolls ,
Once was enough! one after another.
At the same time
@ Ir巳ad the lab巳1 on the packet. Oo

Lucy: VVhy?VVhathappened?
VIKKI: 1 miss巳d breakfast that morning ,
because 1 did my piano practic巳
befor巳 school.
Mum gave me my lunchbox ,
andlw巳nt for the bus.

VIKKI: Then 1 felt really sick! Yuk!

Honestly, Lucy,
this stuff isn't food.
11's chemistry
VIKKI: On the school bus Read th巳 label!
1 felt a bit sick.
1 always feel sick on buses , anyway.


18 19
~ß 35
CI阳tU:.. ..llbl.民.Illiì生词和短语 J [ [emJ制(ï!,líL*l:;H圳[ill]对话练习 1-
label / 'lelba1i n. 标签 Yuk! /jAk/ 阴阳r. -Æ! o Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。

miss /mls/ ν. 错过 honestly /'olllstli/ adv. (viewpoint) a) Example: Vikki ate some Crispy TrolJ s about a year ago , didn't she? Yes , she did.

lunchbox / 'IAntJb oks/ n 午餐饭盒 (manner) 诚实地 1 Once was enough for her, wasn't it? 5 She discovered the Crispy Trolls in
2 She missed breakfast that mornin日, her lunchbox. didn't she?
anyway /'eniwel/ adv. (focus) 无论如何 stuff /StAf! n. 东西
didn't she? 6 She didn't eat ten. did she?
discover /dIS'kAV ::J/ v 发现 chemistry !'kemlstr Ì/ n. 化学;化学药品 Mum gave Vikki her lunchbox , didn't 7 She only ate four, didn't she?
at the same time / ::J t ð ::J 'selm 'tal m! adν plane /plem/ n. 飞机 she? B She read the label on the packet ,
4 Vikki felt a bit sick on the bus , didn't didn't she?
(time) 同时
she? 9 She felt really sick then , didn't she?

b) Example: Did Vikki eat some Crispy TrolJ s about a month ago?
No , she didn't. She ate some about a year ago.
1 Oid Vikki miss lunch that morning? 4 Oid she eat fourteen Crispy Trolls?
t 1~r;'lE:l叫随 T创课文注释 】 2 Oid Vikki's dad give her her lunchbox? 5 Oid she read the label on the bottle?
3 Oid she feel sick in her mum's ca r? 6 Is the stuff food?
1 1 did my piano practice 一当表示习惯性、有规律地做某事时,可以用 do +名词
代 替单独 的动词,如用 do 出e dishes (洗盘子 ) ,而不是 wash up ,用 do my piano
c) Example: What doesn't Vikki want? (She doesn't want) a Crispy Troll.
practice ,而不是 practJse plano 。
1 When did she eat some Crispy 5 What did she discover in her
2 one àfter another -一 固定短语,意 为"一个接一个"。
Trolls? lunchbox?
3 read - read 一词的过去式形式不变,但读作 /red/ 。 2 Why did Vikki miss breakfast that 6 How quickly did she eat the Crispy
4 Yuk! 一表示厌恶的感叹词。 morning? Trolls?
3 What did her mother give her? 7 What did she do at the same time?
4 How did she feel on the bus? 8 What did she call the stuff?

f) Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提问。

露西 你想来 点吗, 薇姬? ! 薇姬 我得 吃点儿东西, 于是 看了看午
Example: Vikki / eat / Crispy Trolls / a year ago? (When ...?)
薇姬 不用了,谢谢!我一年前吃过一 餐盒,发现了脆脆卷。
A: Did Vikki eat some Crispy TrolJs about a year ago? B: Yes , she did.
些。一次就够了 l A: When did Vikki eat some Crispy Trolls? B: About a year ago.
薇姬 我吃了 4 个,一个接一个地吃,
1 miss breakfast / do piano practice I before school? (Why .. .?)
露西 为什么?怎么了? 一 边吃一边看包装 上 的标签。
2 she I feell sick I the school bus? (Where ".?)
薇姬 那天早上我没吃早饭,因 为上学 3 she I eat I four Crispy Trolls I one after another? (How many ".?)
前在练钢琴。妈妈给了我午餐盒, 薇姬 然后我觉 得 很恶心 l 坯l 老实 4 she I read I label I packet I same time? (What ...?)
我就去 坐校车了 。 说, 露西,这东西不是吃的 1 全
是化学物质 。看看 标 签吧!
o Ask each other these questions. 互相提闷。
薇姬·在校车 上我有 点恶心。不 过, 我 1 00 you ever feel sick on a bus , in a car or on a plane? What do you do about it?
坐车时总 会觉 得恶心。 2 00 you take a lunchbox to school/college/work? What do you have in it?
, 3 00 you ever read the label on packets of food? Why? I Why not?


20 21
110 120
Ken Robert

sat in th巳 gard巳n put a sh巳lfup
yest巳rday at lunchtim巳 today
Ipsl Itsl Iksl chops perha ps / pa rts waits 1 box s ix ate an apple put some books on it
Ispl 1s t! Iskl crisp / waste best must 1 a sk desk
130 140
the boys WilI iam

[NewW叫~*h"I..!4ÐE臼tt:l叫词和短语 I
sell /sel! ν 卖, 出售 page /pe1d3/ n. 页

t-vhM( a
mut -tt

nkz mn Eao sym ron


川 Sm

chemical !'kemlk;;>l! n 化学品



library /'lmbr ;J ri/ n . 图书馆



盯扯 一





世沪?括嚷守 席艺艺

u - -- …… . … E


… …


az回 ractice 'ãJ~..圃
150 160
Jack Polly
'二 p

Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。

A: What did Ken do yesterday? 3 A: Did Ken sit in the garden yesterday
B: He sat in the garden and ate an and eat an apple?
。pple. B Yes, hedid
drov巳 to th巳 airport went to the library
2 A: When did Ken sit in the garden? 4 A: Did you sit in the garden yesterday? a fortnight ago yesterday afternoon
B: He sat in the garden yesterday. B: ?它5, I did.1 sat in the garden and ate fiew to Paris read a book
an appl巳
, 可'.t"~<"'叨,幢嚣=引凹",....W - ",m. " ' _"'_~__ " "_ -,. ,.-'血H归带呵'~'é;牺 m~~..""- ,,,.巾 <n,. ___
俏。凰/叫..-啊 -,, ~.~岖阳市吁哩。,Y,飞『
170 180
Karen Paul
Study these irregular vèrbs
Simple past Infinitive Simple past
buy bought go went
come cam巳 put put
do did r巳ad /ri:d/ r巳ad /red/
driv巳 drove ride rode
eat at巳 se巳 saw
f巳宇l f巳lt sell sold rode into town came home late
k fiy H巳W Slt sat on Wednesday last night


did some shopping had a shower



Patterns 句型
Listen to the recording , and write in the missing words. 听录音,写出缺少的词。
飞 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 22 , and write out in full numbers 1 and 3. 参照
第 22 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 1 和 3 ,写出完整的对话。
A French London
go to Victoria
飞 e Guided Summary 总结 Station. H巳 London 4莲..='"毡,

Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 35 , to make one well , but he 一一一 abus across
paragraph. 完整回答以下有关第 35 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 th巳 road.1t Number 8 bus ,
with th巳 words ‘ Vicωria Station'
1 Why didn't Vikki want a Crispy 5 Did she need to eat something or .He d

Troll? (U se ..., because) not? What did she look in? Wh at did across the road and

2 Wh at did she miss that moming? she discover? the bus. The bus off.
Wh en didshe do her piano practice? (Use …, so and ..., an d) The visitor
(Use ..., because) 6 How many Crispy Trolls did she sur巳 about th巳 route. ‘ Excus巳
3 Who gave her her lunchbox? What eat? What did she read at 仕le sam巳 me ,' to another
did she go for? (Use ..., and) time? (Use ..., and) .‘ Wher巳
4 How did she feel on the bus? 7 Then how did sh巳 fe巳l? bus going?
Th巳 man said ,‘ Bank of England.'
Ð Guided Composition: Yesterday 作文:昨天
‘ 1t 一一一一 "Victoria Station" on the front ,' the poor Frenchman _ __
Writeou串 this conversation between Paul and Claire. They're talking about yesterday.
‘ Y巳s ,' answer.‘ 1t 一一一一 "1ndia" on the wheels
Complete it using verbs from the box below and put them in the past form. You must
use some more than once. 保罗和克莱尔正在讨论昨天的事,用下面框内动词的过去 But this is to Kolkata!'
PAUL: 1 had a very busy day yesterday
CLAIRE: 1 一一一一一_ a busy day , too. [ ! \llmrtm叫~[If:j选择填空】
PAUL: Wh y? What did you do?
CLAI阻 :WI巳1l, 1 一一一一_ my homework for coll巳ge.And1 一一一一_ some pages Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
of a book. Then 1 一一一一_ some shelves up in my room and my Lesson 35. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中逃出正确的答案填空,然后查看第 35 课的课文。
\ books on them. What did you do?
PAUL: 1 into town and a haircu t. That in the 1 1 一一_ some of those about a y巳ar ago. (pic. 1)
a) 巳at b) am eating c) ate d) eats
moming. And then yesterday aft巳moon1 一一一一_ my old bicycle and
2 Mumgave 一一_ my lunchbox , and 1 went for th巳 bus. (pic. 2)
一一-一一_ a new one. It 's great!
a)- b)tome c)forme d)me
CLAIRE: You were busy , weren' t you!
3 On the school bus 1 一一_ a bit sick. (pic. 3)
PAUL: Yes , and then in th巳巳V巳ning 1 一一一一_ a good programme on TV. 1t was
a) f,巳el b) felt c) am feeling d) feels
about chemicals in food.
4 1 at巳 four Crispy Trolls , one 一一_ another. (pic. 5)
CLAIRE: 1 一一一一一_ that , too. It _←一一一_ good , wasn't it?
a) for b) and c) to d) after
5 一 the sam巳 time 1 read the label on the packet. (pic. 5)
sell go have put do be watch read see buy a) To b) At c) In d) With
, 6 一一二, Lucy, this stuff isn't food. 1t's chemistry. (pic . 6)
a) Politely b) Easily c) Honestly d) Quietly

2忏 25
A problem with squirrels
POLLY: That night , a squirrel broke into
松鼠问题 th巳‘ squirrel-proof' bird feede r.
It at巳 all the nuts.
The squirrel's tummy
LESSON becam巳巳normous.
ANNIE: Oh , no! Don't te11 me!

CE至 ening and Understand ing DJT :t.J JIM 院

Li sten to the recording , and then answer this question: What did Polly take back ωthe
shop? Why? 听录音,然后回答问题:波莉把什么拿回商店了?为什么?

POLLY: Did you s巳巳 my new bird fe巳d巳r , POLLY: The n巳xt day , 1 went into th巳 kitch巳n .
Annie? What did 1 see?
ANNæ: yí邸, 1 did. 1 saw it last week A dead squirrel in my bird feeder ,
outsid巳 my kitch巳n window!
ANNæ: That' s awfu l!
Wh at did you do?

POLLY: W巳 11 , 1bought it b巳caus巳 ofthe lab巳1.

It said ,‘ This bird feed巳r is squirrel-proo f.'

11 @ POLLY: 1 cut it down , and put it in a bag.

Th巳n 1 took it back to the shop.

They gave me my mon巳y back.
ANNIE: But what's the us巳 of that?
ANNIE: Yes , you told me that. POLLY: 1 wanted a squiη巳l-proofbird feeder ,
POLLY: We11 , 1 brought it hom巳. and 1 haven't got on巳!
1 put lots of nuts in it
And 1 hung it
outsid巳 the kitchen window.


26 27
h~'A'G'J时t;I;]品1:1二再马白白 t [ ~制 [.ieH"l~叫m 对话练习 E
squirrel l'skwlr;;11! n . 松鼠 tummy l't Amil n.lfamiliarlinformal for o Answer questions about tl比 text. 根据课文 回答问 题 。
bird feeder Ib3:d 'fi:d;ll n 喂 乌器 stomach) ( 非正式)肚子 a) Example: Di d Annie see Polly's new bird feeder? Yes , she did.
because of IbI 'koz ;l vl prep 因为 dead Ided! adj. 死 的 1 Did Polly buy the bird feeder because 5 Did the birds eat all the nuts?
squirrel-proof l ,skwlr;;11'pru:fl aφ 防松 cut down l'kA t 'daunl v. + adv. particle of the label? 6 Did a squirrel eat all the nuts?
鼠的 (transitive) 剪 下 2 Did Polly put lots of grapes in the bird 7 Did Polly cut down the bird feeder and
nut IMtl n 坚采,采仁 use Iju:sl 凡 效 用,益处 feeder? ta ke it back to the shop?
hang IhæIJI v. 悬挂 price IpraIsI 凡 价格 , 价钱 3 Did she put lots of nuts in it? 8 Did she cut down the squirrel?
outside I ,aut'sal d! prep 在…..的外面 head Ihedl 凡头 , 头部 4 Did she hang the bird feeder in the 9 Did they give Polly her money baclσ
break Ibrel k! v. (simple past broke) 打破, more Im;):1 quantiJ币er (comparative ofmany, kitchen?
弄坏 , 闯入 much) 更多 的
b) Example: Did Annie see tbe new bird feeder yesterday?
break into v. + prep 闯 入 wild IwaIid! a功野生的,天然的 No , she didn't see it yesterday. She saw it lasl week.
11-1 1 Did Polly buy it because of the price? 4 Did the squirre l' s head become
2 Did she put ten nuts in the bird enormous?
tNωon the Text 时忌】 feeder? 5 Did they give her more nuts in the
3 Did the birds eat all the nuts? shop?
1 well 一 英语对话中经常会用 ~U well , 这时的 well 没有什么 实在的意义 ,只是表示
c) Example: What did Annie see last week? (She saw) Polly's new bird feeder.
要开始说话 , 类似中 文 中 的"嗯 " 。
1 What did the label on the bird feeder 5 How many nuts did it eat?
2 squirrel-proof 一 " 防松鼠的 "g proof 一 意为哺 …. .. 的 " 可以用来合成复合词 ,
say? 6 What happened to the squirre l' s
如布vaterproof (防水的 )和 bulletproof (防弹 的 ) 。
2 What did Polly put in the bird feeder? tummy?
3 That' s awful! - that 指代前面的一整句话。
3 Where did she hang it? 7 Polly found the dead squirrel the next
4 What' s the use of that? 一 比 What use i s that? 更常用 。 4 What broke into the bird feeder? day. What did she do with it?
When? 8 What happened in the shop?

波莉 第 二 天,我到厨房 去 。我看 到 了
8 A sk questions about the text. 根据课文提问 。
波莉。安妮 , 你见过我的新喂鸟器了吗?
Example Polly I buy bird feeder I label? (Why ...?)
安妮 见 过 了 ,上 星期看到了。 什么。 厨 房窗 户外 的喂鸟器 里有 A: Did Polly buy the bird feeder because of the label? B: Yes , she did.
只死 松鼠 l A: Why did she buy the bird feeder? B: Because of the labeI.
波莉 我 是 因为标签 上 写着 " 防松鼠喂 安妮 太可怕 了 l 你怎 么办 了中 1 Polly I put nuts I it? (What ...?)
鸟器"才买的。 2 squirrell eat I nuts? (What ...?)
波莉 我把它 剪 下来 ,放到一 个包 里, 3 Polly I see I dead squ irrel I bird feeder I kitchen window? (What ...?)
安妮 是 , 你 告诉过 我了 。 把它拿 回了 商店。 他们 给我 退钱
波莉 我把它拿回家,往里面放了很多 了。 ø A sk each other these que蜘ns. 互相提 问 。
果 仁 ,把它挂在 了 厨房窗 户外 面。 安妮 但这又有 什么用呢 ? 1 What did you do last weekend? Where did you go? What did you see?
波莉 我想 要一个防 松 鼠喂 鸟器 ,可还 2 Do people in China hang bird feeders in the garden?
波莉 当 天晚上 ,一 只松 鼠闯进 了 这个 是没 有 i 3 What wild animals do you see near your home? Do people give nuts and other
"防松鼠"喂鸟器 , 把果仁全吃了。 food to wild animals like squirrels? Why? I Why not?
安妮 唤 ,不 l 别 说了 !

28 29
500 600
Study these
Robert William
irregular verbs
LESSON lnfinitive Simple past
bring brought
get up got up
glve gave
leave left
盯le et met
run ran
said went to bed early got up late
slept slept well went to work late
Voicing and vowel length ice/eyes write/ride plate/pl ayed sleep
took last night yesterday morning
ha tlhad backs/bags tell told
700 ------- - ---唰---……--------------
wm won 800
wnte wrote Claire Paul

[ l~tMI'4t{.]i.t.*jí('I..:J:m蚓11 生删去告 E
90 to bed fixed phrαse 上床睡觉 joke !d 3;)uk/ n 笑 t舌

early /' 3: 1i/ adv. 早地 studio / ' s tju:di ;::, u/ n 工 作室,录 音室

outside / ,aut' sald/ adv. (place) 在外面

wrote a lot ran fast
sleep /sli:p/ v. (s imple pαst s lept) 睡 觉
did well in th巳巳X缸n won the race
exam / 1 日 ' zæ m/n 考 试,测验 hear /hl;)/ v 听见 yesterday afternoon on Saturday
fast /fa: st/ adv 快地,迅速地 a lot / ;::, 'Iot/ qlla nt析er 4且多 ------------- --------- ------------
900 1,000
the teacher Polly

Ask and answer questions . 问 答 练习 。

A: Did Robert go to bed early last night? 4 (Only with pictures 500, 600 and 700)
came into class met a friend in town
B: Yes, he did. A: Did Robert sleep welllast night? told ajoke said h巳110
A: Did he sleep well? B: Yes, he went ω bed earl如 one day last week one day last month
B: Yes, he did so of course he slept well. --- - ------帽--…· ----.‘------------- - -----刷----…--
1,100 1 ,2 00
Daisy Karen
2 A: What did Robert do last night? 5 A: What did you do last night?

B: He went to bed early and (he) slept B: I went to bed early and (1) slept well.

3 (Only with pictures 500, 600, 700 and

left home early brought a CD home
A: Why'd id Robe们leep 附IIlast 呵ht? took Nina to the studio

gave it to Robert
, B: Because he went to bed early. last Thursday ten days ago

30 31
Patterns 句型
飞 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 30 , and write out in full numbers 2 and 3. 参照
Li sten to the recording , and answer the questions . 听录音, 回答问题。

矶'h atdid Annie buy?

q--句3A 且丁『J 瓦U 叮 J
第 30 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 2 和 3 ,写出完整的对话。 When did she buy it?
When did they bring it to her house?
飞 e Guided Summary 总结 Did th巳y insta11 it for her?
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 37 , to make one What else did they do?
paragraph. 完整回答以下有关第 37 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 What did Annie do straight away?
Can Annie put the machine on again now?

Wh at did Po11y buy last week? 7 Wh at did she see the next day Why? / Why not?
2 Why did she buy it? What did the outsid巳 her kitchen window?
label say? (Use ..., because) 8 Where did she take the squirrel? Across

tizJfO 句/nyhU 句JA 斗 ζJfo

3 Didsh巳 take ithom巳 or not? Did they give her her mon巳yback 1 b … 一一 an巳w coat yest巳rday .
\ 4 Wh at did she put in it? Where did or not? (Use ..., an d) We went to town 一_ Saturday.
she hang it? (Use ..., an d) 9 Was she happy or not? What did The squirrel was _ _ the bird feede r.
2 3 We're going 0一 _ this evening.
5 Wh at broke into the bird feed巳r that sh巳 want? Wh at didn't she have?
You can hear. Clean your e一!

night? (Use ..., because and ..., and) H巳 s_ _ _ his old car last week.
What did it eat? What happen巳d to
5 6 7 Wes一一 in the garden and talked.

His fa出自 is accountant.
its tuìnmy? (Us巳.. . , αnd)

He was hungry,一_ he had an apple.
9 10 11 He at巳 a lot and b ill.
飞 ø Gitided Composition 作文 12 Down
Write some sentences about a day out. Answer some or all of these questions. 写几个有 13 14 15 1 Heb一一 一_ his 1eg last week
关外出的一天的句子,回答下面几个或全部问题。 2 Sh巳 h一一一 the bird fe巳d巳r outside

She p_ _ the squirrel in a bag.

1 Where did you go? (To the b巳ach , to town , to a famous plac巳?) When did you
This chocolate is 50% c
1 Iw一 一一_ some emails last night.

2 Who did you go with? (With your family , or with friends?)
11 1 d_ _ _ _ to co11ege this moming.

She g_ _ _ us som巳 money for lunch

" 叫‘
3 How did you get there? (By car? By bus? By boat? Or did you walk?)
[也出M We 一一 _ a good film at th巳 cmema .

4 Whattim巳 did you get up? What time did you 1巳avehome?
5 What was the weather like?
Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
飞 6 Who did you see? What did you do?
Lesson 37. 从 a 、 b 、 E 和 d 中选出正确的答案填空,然后查看第 37 课的课文。
7 What ti日1巳 did you get home?
8 Do you want to go there again? Why? / Why not? 1 W巳11 , 1 二一一 it because ofthe label. (pic. 2)
a) buy b) bought c) bring d) brought
2 And 1 hung it 一 th巳 kitchen window. (pic. 3)
帆吨静静睛常咽带埠哩静啦~咱~理?曹 时阳照摆摆黑黑黠如明P守鸣然宫附事飞~怒何时哪,ti~"t?~~.:%踏雪思事如
a) for b) out of c) into d) outsid巳
3 That night , a squirrel brok巳 一一→ the ‘ squirrel-proof' bird feede r. (pic . 4)
, a) in b) off c) into d) to
rh 4 Then 1 一一_ it back to the shop. (pic. 6)
a) tak巳 b) bring c) took d) brought
32 33
An ordinary life
平凡的生活 NINA: In an office job ,
1' 11 work r巳gular hours.

LESSON ⑩ 1' 11 go home in th巳 evenmg.

Listen to the recording , and then answer these questions: Who will Nina meet one day?
What will they have together? 听录音,然后回答问题:尼娜某天会遇到谁?他们在一

NINA: 1 want to te11 you some由mg ,

Daisy. NINA: 1' 11 cook beautiful m巳als

DAISY: What is it , Nina? and eat them with my friends.

And l' 11 sleep in th巳 same bed

every night

NINA: This will be my last

fashion shoo t.
I' m going to get an ordinary job
in an of且ce
DAISY: But why , Nina?
You'r巳 a very successful mode l.
Why do you want to change?
@ NINA: And mayb巳, one day ,
1' 11 meet the right man.
lj And we' l1 hav巳 an ordinary life togeth巳r
NINA: I' m successful now. It'l1 b巳 won d巳rfu l!
But 1 won't always
be successful.
And 1 want an ordinary life. 。


3叫 35
[… Words and 阳[4'tit.,ti~!J#:m和短语 1;. 岳重m…
will /w Il/ aux. v. (negative: won't /'w;o,untl) wondeñul / ' WA口d;o,fa1! adj . 令人惊喜 的 , o Answe叫uestions about tI削ext. 根据课文回 答 问题 。
将要 奇妙的 a) Example: This will be Nina's last fashion shoot, won't it? y,咽, it will.
fashion shoot / 'fæJ;o, n 'Ju:t/ n 时 装拍摄 unsuccessful /, Ans;o,k' sesf a1! aφ 不成 1 Nina's going to get an ordinary job in 5 In an office job , she' lI work regular
successful /s ;o, k' sesfa1! adj 成功 的 功的 an office , isn't she? hours , won't she?
regular /'regju\;o,/ adj. 有 规 律 的 2 She's a very successful model , isn't 6 She' lI cook beautiful meals , won't
she? she?
3 She won't always be successful , will 7 She won't sleep in a different bed
she? every night, will she?
( Nω 。n the Text 阳注释 】 4 And she wants an ordinary li旬, doesn't 8 She' lI sleep in the same bed every
she? night, won't she?
1 I want to tell you something 一一 注意 want to do something 和 tell someone something
b) Example: W iII this be Nina 'sfirst fashion shoot?
的用 泣 。 No , it won't. It'1I be her /a st fashion shoot.
2 This will be 一 情态动词 will +动词原形构成一 般将来时, 表示对将来的预测 。 和 1 Is she going to get an unusual job? 5 Will she sleep in a different bed every
2 Is Nina an unsuccessful model? night?
前面讲到 的表示将来计划的 going to 相比 , will 对将来 的预测更不确定 。 3 Does she want a specia/life? 6 Will she meet the wrong man?
3 maybe 一表示可能性的副词,通常放在句首 , 修饰整个句子 。 4 In an office job , will she work late in 7 Will they have an unusua/life?
the evening? 8 Will it be awful?

c) Example: Why will this be Nina's last fashion shoot?

参考译文 Because she's going to get an ordinary job in an of自由.

1 What kind of life does Nina want? 5 Where will she sleep every night?
尼娜 我要告诉你一 些 事 情 ,黛 西 。 尼娜 在办公室 工 作会 有 规律的工作 2 W hat hours will she work 6 Who will she meet, maybe , one day?
黛西 什么事,尼娜 9 时间 , 晚 上 可 以 回家。 in an office job? 7 What kiríd of a life
3 Where will she 90 in the evening? will they have together?
4 What will she cook , 8 What will that be like?
尼娜 这是我最后一次 拍 时装 照 了。 尼娜· 我会做可 口 的 饭菜 ,和朋友一
and who will she eat them with?
我要找一份普通的 办公室 工 1 起吃 , 每天晚 上 能睡在 同一张

可 是为 什 么 , 尼娜? 你是 一 名 ;
1 床上 。 e A sk qu estions about t he text. 根据课文提问。
Example: this / Nina's last fashion shoot? (Whose ...?)
很成功的模特 ,你为什 么 想要 j 尼娜 也许 , 有一 天我 会 遇 到 合 适 的 A: W iII this be Nina's last fashion shoot? B: Yes , it will.
A: ,可hose last fashion shoot will this be? B: Nina's.
改变? 男人,我 们会一起过 平凡的生
活。那就太棒 了 l 1 Nina / going / get / ordinary job / office? (Who …?)
2 Nina / want / ordinary life? (What kind ...?)
尼娜 我现 在 是很成 功 ,但我 不 会 - i
3 Nina / cook beautiful meals? (What kind .. .?)
直成功 。 我想过 平 凡 的 生 活。 1
4 Nina / sleep / same bed / every night? (Where .. .?)

ø YO刷
can you ask him or her? 你在 和朋 友 聊天,他或她想换工作 。 你会 问他或她什么
问 题?

Examples: What do you want to do? Why do you want to change your job? Wh ere do you
, want to work?

36 37
1 ,002


EFPmhuncMUon 语音 E
do some shopping go to the cinema
Elision of plosives want to change last Monday sωyou ín town meet you outside
tomoITow the day after tomorrow
won't she friend s
- - ----------…------- ----…….-帽-------- ----------- --…怕"…~------- ------------
1,003 1 ,004

[阳 ~"'L.]ì."*"1.14:J.]ì4}i(.]íM 生询和短语】
promise /'promIs/ v 承诺 , 答应 abroad 烛 ' bro:d/ adv. (p lace) 到 国外,在国
spend /spe nd/ ν 度过( 时间 ) 外
ticket / 'lIkI t/ n 车 票 apa叫ment /;;, 'pa:tm;mt/ n. (mainly AmE.>
pay for /'peI ,f ;;,/ v. + prep . (transitive/ BrE. fl at) 公寓 buy a new car spend a week in Spain
zntranslll 时) 付 (款) take you with me get you a ticket , too
nextMonday nextApril

1,005 1 ,006
应 .,\ Pattern Practice 句型练习E
Ask and answer questions. 问 答 练习 。
A: What are you going to do tomorrow? 3 A: You're going to do some shopping,
B: /'m going to do some shopping. 。 ren 'tyou?

B: Yes, Iam. 00 you want to do some

R 时
hye -
ol 'krs

at-n Ium
vdOZ n


2 A Are you going to do some shopping shopping, to口 y c t

work abroad


tomorrow? A: Yes. /'11 see you in town. xt E get you a job , too

next year
B Yes, I a厅1.
A: Can I come, too? 4 A: Are you going to do some shopping -町------咱------------------------------------田"币-----------------------------
1,007 1,008
B: Yes, of course. /'/1 see you in town tomorrow?
B: ?它s, Iam. And /'11 see you in town

Study this Past Future
Past Future last winter next winter
yesterday tomoITow last wee kJ month next w巳ekJmonth
the day before the day after last year n巳xt year


创叭 'w



rIt drive to London

nu 负u
yesterday tomoITow 1 eny
the we巳k before last the we巳k after next
ny nLLA 3 m 1t take you with m巳

last Monday nextMonday the month/year the month/yem

the week after next


last July next July before last after n巳xt
38 39
[~"'A1tIJ:TiI..:(4ií4l.1@ 书面练习 】
Listen to the recording , and answer the questions. 听录音,回答问题。
o Patterns 句型
Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 38 , and write out in full numbers 3 and 4. 参照 1 The story happened a few years ago.
第 38 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 3 和 4 ,写出完整的对话。 How old was Lucy at the time?
Where did the fami1y go?
飞 8 Guided Summary 总结 Wh at did Karen have in the basket?
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 39 , to make one Did Lucy 1ike them?
paragraph. 完整回答以下有关第 39 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 What did Karen want to do?
Did William agree?
飞\ 1 Wh o is Nina talking to? 5 Wh at will she do in an office job? Was Lucy sick?
2 What w i11 this be , her first or her 1ast (regu1ar hours / home in the Did she 1earn?
fashion shoot? evening / beautifu1 mea1s / eat with
3 What kind of a job is she going to friends / same bed every night)
飞 get , and where? 6 Wh en w i11 she (maybe) meet the
Can you match A's statements and questions on the left with B's responses on the
4 Is sh巳 a successfu1 mode1 now , or right man? Wh at kind of a 1ife w i11
right? Write them down. 你能将 A 栏中的陈述与 B 栏中的回应搭配起来吗?把它们
not? Wi11 she a1 ways b巳 successfu1 ? they have together? (Use ..., and)

What kind of a life does she want?


副刊 47·?m
·由川 ωLmω

MmJ 川刷



(Use ..., but and ..., and)

1 NO , I won't. You're right.

F 时叫
山川 km
2 2 I' m not sure. 1' 11 stay at home , 1
o Guided Composition 作文 think.

叫 -MO-m

This is a page of your diary. Write a conversation between you and a friend about next

3 No , I' m not. 1 went to bed ear1y 1ast


week. (Today is Saturday, 1st July.) 下面是你日程表中的一页。假设今天是 7 月 1 日 nigh t.

剑 nn
元 k


Wi11 it? Lucky you!




1 w i11! I' m very tired.
且且x Begin like this and continue it: 根据下
Yes , and this is for you from Ann.
Sunday 2nd Day out in tne country witn 而且!民
Choice 选择填空 ..1
T亏、 岛10nday 3rd 7 .30 Go to 廿 eatre witn
FRlliND: Can you com巳 to a party next Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
J口 ne
Friday evening? Lesson 39. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选出正确的答案填空,然后查看第 39 课的课文。
You: No , I' m sorry. 1' 11 be in
Th esday 4th Take þnotograþns for
London This 一_
my 1ast fashion shoot. (pic. 2)
Dαisy-all day
飞 FRIEND: Can you come to the beach on a) b巳 b) going to be c) will be d) was
Wednesday 5th 10.30 dentist" s 2
Wednesday morning? Wh y do you want 一一_? (pic. 2)
2.3 0 -3. 30 Mυsic Ie.且on
You: No , 1 can' t. 1' 11 b巳 at the a) change b) changed c) wi11 change d) to change
Thursday 6th Morning - take Nina to dentist's. Sorry. 3 I' m succ巳ssfu1 now. But 1 一一_ a1ways be successful. (pic. 3)
a Þ扣。,to 5卡 oot and wait FRIEND: Wh at about next Tuesday? l' m a) w i11 b) am not c) won't d) not
Friday 7th Day in London. st口y in notel going to driv巳 to London. Do 4 In an office job , _一_ regu1ar hours. (pic. 4)
Saturday 8th Back from Lo叫on you want to come? a) 1 work b) 1' 11 work c) I' m working d) 1 worked
AfteFnoon-footbql| You: 5 And maybe , one day,一_ the right man. (pic. 6)
a) 1 meet b) 1 met c) 1' 11 meet d) I' m going to meet

The weather forecast Rain will com巳 in gradually
from th巳 south w巳 st
天气预报 this ev巳mng.
The whol巳 country will have

some rain show巳rs
in th巳 n巳xtthr巳e days
Some of them will be heavy.
l >1

Ciii1固 ng and U 固醒 nding DJT 皿

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: 明That will the weather be like
next week? 听录音,然后回答问题:下周天气会怎么样?

ANNOUNCER: And now it' s 且V巳 to

nme ,


andtim巳 forthe w巳ather forecas t.

Temp巳ratur巳 s will rise
Let's goov巳:r to Carla Dane to 12 degr巳巳 sC巳lsius
at th巳 London Weather Centr巳. in th巳 day. Night temp巳ratur巳S
Carla. will fa11 to 4 degre巳 sC巳lsius.
@ It will feel cold over th巳 hills.

FORECASτER: Thanks John , and good moming!
Last month was
unusually cold and dry.
But a11 that will change And the outlook
in th巳 n巳xt few days forn巳xt w巳巳k巳nd:

@ the 吐1I巳巳 w's- warm , wet

and windy.

And that' s
From today, th巳 wind will blow
your weather forecas t.
from th巳 south w巳 st.
Back to John at the studio.
It will bring in warm 但r
from th巳 Atlantic.
Andw巳 '11 hav巳 some rain.

a叫吵二rmJ)ìf:4"i4ii 1 。叫词和短语 E - Guided onver则叫话练习 1-
forecast !'f:l :ka:st/ n. 预测,预报 air /e ;1/ n 空气,大气 o Ans阳W

叫 伊
q u
n 呻 bo
u 趾
e直刘t. 根据课文回 :答答 |问可题
announcer /;1 'nauns;1/ n 播音员,节目主持人 rain /rem/ n 雨
a Example: !t 's now 白ve tωo nine , isn't it? Y.囚, it is.
go over to /g;1U ';1 UV ;1 tu/ v. + adv. gradually /'græd3UBli/ adv. (manner) (focus)
participle + prep 转到 逐渐地
11'5 time for the weather forecast , isn't it? 5 The whole country wi l1 have rain
2 Last month was unusua l1 y cold and in the next three days , won't it?
forecaster /'f:l :ka:st ;1/ n. 预报员 rise /raIZ/ν. 上升
dry, wasn't it? 6 Temperatures wi l1 rise , won 't they?
the next few quant(声er 接下来的几个 degrees Celsius /dI'gri:z 'selsi ;1 s/
3 That wi l1 change in the next few days , 7 But night temperatures wi l1 fa l1,
wind /wmd/ n 风 tempera阳阳 measurement 摄氏度
won't it? won't they?
blow /bl ;1U/ v. 吹 fall /f:l:1! ν 下降
4 From today, the wind wi l1 blow from 8 11' 11 feel cold over the hi l1 s , won't it?
south west /sau6 'west/ n. 西南 outlook /'autluk/ n. 前景,展望 the south west , won't it?
bring in /,br叼 'm/ν. + adv. particle (transitive)
b) Example: Is the weather forecaster's na皿e Carla Pane? No , it isn't. It's Carla Dane.
1 Was last month unusua l1 y warm and 5 Wi l1 the whole country have snow
we t? showers in the next three days?
:课文磊丁l 2 From today, will the wind blow from
the north?
6 Wi l1 temperatures rise to 12 degrees
Celsius at nigh t?
3 叭li l1 it bring in cold air? 7 Wi l1 it feel warm over the hi l1 s?
1 Let's go over - Let' s 一 是 Let us 的缩写形式,是第一人称复数的祈使句形式, 4 Wi l1 rain come in quickly from the 8 Do we hear the outlook for
但在使用肘, Let' s 和Let us 是有区别的 Let's do something 表达建议,所有人一 south west? the whole of next week?
起亲做某事,而 Let us do something 是一种请求,请求别人允许"我们"做某事。
。 Example: Where is Carla Dane? (She's) at the London Weather Centre.
2 go over - over 一 可以和肘, come 等动词构成短语,表达"越过"的含义。
3 in the day - day 这里的意思是"自天"与 night (晚上)相对"在白天"是 1 What was the weather like 5 What wi l1 the whole country have
in the day , "在晚上"则为 at night 。 last month? in the next three days?
4 f,四1 cold - feel →在这里的用法类似 be 动词,后面加形容词作表语 s 这样的词 2 Where will the wind blow from? 6 What will day and night temperatures
还有 seem , sound , become , taste , smell 等。 3 What air wi l1 it bring in do?
from the Atlantic? 7 What wi l1 it feel like over the hi l1 s?
参考译文 4 When wi l1 rain come in 8 What are the 'three w's'?
from the south west?
播音员 现在 是 8 点 55 分 ,是 天 1 今 晚,降雨 会逐 渐从西南 部 开始。
气 预报时间 。我 们转到 伦 i
敦气象 中 心的 卡 拉 - 戴恩。 i
接下来的 3 天全 国都会有 阵雨,有
时雨 会 很大 。
e Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提 |词。
Example: all that / change / next few days? (When ...?)
A: WiII all that change in the next few days? B: Yes , it will.
白 天 气温会升 至 12 摄氏 度, 夜间
A: When will all that change? B: In the next few days.
天 气 预报员 谢谢 , 约翰 , 早上好 l 气 温会降到 4 摄 氏度 。 山区会感觉
上 个 月十 分干冷, 接 下来 寒冷。 1 it I bring in / warm air / Atlantic? (vV hat .. .?)
的 几 天情况会有所 变 化。 2 rain / come in I gradua l1 y / south west I evening? (What ...?)
预计 下周 末天气会 是 3W一一温 3 temperatures / rise / 12 degrees Celsius / day? (When ...?)
从 今 天起, 会 刮起西南风, 暖 、湿润、 有 风 。 4 outlook / next weekend / warm , wet and windy? (What ...?)
风会从 大 西洋带来 暖 空
气 ,也会 带来一 些 降雨 。 天气预 报 就到这里。下面回到演播 ø TalkabO\川le weather in this part of China today,阳norrow and next w础 . Ask
室的约翰。 each other questions like this: What's the weather Iike today? 明'hat will it be Iike
, tomorrow/next weekendlnext week? 说说你所在的地区今天、明天和下周的天气 ,
并互 相提问,如:今天天气怎么样?明天/下周末/下周怎么样?


AJa B Ib

LESSON \\•--

they you
Weak forms : prepositions
move hous巳 look for a n巳w job
'time fo r the 'forecast 'rain fro m the 'south 8 t the 'studio ayear aw巳ek

------ - --国--副--_.…"……-------刷 -- ----…- -- --四-------.四……----- --

C/c D/d

<New Words and Expressions 生词和短语]

move / mu : v /ν,移动,搬家 la5t /la:st/ adv. (time) 最近一次地

yet /jet/α仙 . (time) 还没有,尚未 train /trem/ 凡火车

时 如锁","",N 哑"!"',^,. ~""",~,,!啕俨γ丁穿俨 V

he sh巳
fiy to Paris go to the theatre
amonth twowe巳ks
- ---帽…--------------------------------------帽----------------】
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。 E/e F/f

A: When will they move house? 4 A: What are they doing?

B: Th ey '11 probab!y move house in a B: They're moving hous巳
year's time. A: When did they move house !ast?
B: They moved house !ast a year ago.
2 A: Will they move house soon? A: And when will they m口 ve house
B: No, they won't move house ye t. again? th巳y she
A: When will they move house? B: They'lI probab!y move house again have a holiday buy some new clothes
B: !n a year甘 time,! think in a year's time. six months six weeks
--------…-----一 一一←-- --明------幡------嗣------ --
…一一→--- ------------------嗣-------------
G/g HIh
3 A Did they move house a year ago?
B: No, they didn't
t, ~:~?Y this
Past Future
A Are they moving house now? ; a 蜘川meago in a short time
B No, they aren't. amoment ago in amoment
A: WiII they move house in a year's time? a few minutes ago in a f,巳w minutes' time
B: Yes, they will. 民 an hour ago in an hour's time
twow巳巳ks ago in two w巳巳ks' tim巳
We l/, ! think they will. he t--n
, a month ago in a month's time
tell them that old joke
two years ago in two years' time n" fi LU t

half an hour

叫6 叫7
tl'lliI阳 Exercises 书面练习 】
oReferPatterns 句型
to the Pattern Practice on page 46 , and write out in full numbers 2 and 4. 参照
I ." Look at the picture , Iisten to the
recording , and answer the questions.
看图片 ,听录音,然后回答问题 。
第 46 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 2 和 4 ,写出完整的对话。
1 What does Rob巳rt want his fath巳r to
\ 9 Sentence Structure 句子结构 do?
Will that be easy for William?
Write in the missing words , and then look at the text in Lesson 4 1.写出下面句子所缺 2
Why? / Wh y not?
的词,然后查看第 41 课的课文。
12345678 3 What wiU William try to do?
Last month 一_ cold and dry. (pic. 2) 4 1s Robert 巳nthusiastic about 由 is?
But a11 that 一 in th巳 一一一一_ days. (pic. 2) Why? / Why not?
一一_ today , th巳 wind 一一 blow 一←一 the south wes t. (pic. 3) 5 Who watched the big matches with
Rain 一 com巳 10 一一 from 一一 south w巳st. (pic. 4) his dad?
The __ country _ _ hav巳 some rain 一一 m 一 next thre巳 days . (pic. 4)
Temperatures will 一一- 一一一 12 degrees_一_ in the day. (pic . 5)
Night temperatures 一一一 一一一 to 4 一_ Celsius. (pic. 5)
And the 一一一 一 next weekend: th巳出ree w's - warm , 一一 and 一一一 (pic.6) Write good questions for the answers , Iike the example. 仿照例句,根据回答写合适
飞 的问题。

oWriteGuided Summa句总结
complete answers to these questions about Carla Dane's weather forecast in
Example: Where did you go/What did you do yesterday?
y,臼terday? 1 went to town.
? She's buying som巳 new shoes.
Lesson 钮, to make one paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 41 课中卡拉 · 戴恩的天气预
? Next month? 1' 11 probably have a holiday.
? Yes , he bought a new car three months ago.
1 What was the w巳ath巳r like last 5 Wh at will the whole country hav巳 10 ? Yes , 1 read the label , and 1 felt sick!
month? Wh at will happen in the next th巳 next three days? How many of ? No , 1' m not going to drive to London. 1' m going to go
few days? (Use ..., but) th巳m wi11 be heavy? (Us巳... , an d) 678 by train.
2 From today , wh巳:re will the wind 6 What will temperatures rise to , in th巳 ? Yes , 1' m goin也 to look for a n巳w job after my holiday.
blow from? day? Wh at will night temperatures ? 1t' l1 probably snow tomorrow.
? He did very well in th巳 exams.
3 What air will it bring in from th巳 fall to? What wil1 it feellike over th巳
Atlantic? Will w巳 hav巳 som巳 snow hills? (Use ..., and and ..., so)
or some rain? (Use ..., an d) 7 What is the outlook for next
4 When will rain come in gradually W巳巳kend? Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
from the south west? Lesson 41.从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第 41 课的课文。
lLet' s 一_ over to Carla Dane at the London Weather Centre. (pic. 1)
。 Guided Composition: Holidays 作文:假日
Write a short conversation between you and some friends. You ask each of them ‘ What a)go b)say c)talk d)send
\ 2 Last month was 一_ cold and dry. (pic . 2)
are you going to do in your holidays? Where will you go? What will you do?' and they
answer. 写 一 段你和一些朋友之间的短对话 。 你问每个人 " What are you going to do a) quietly b) badly c) unusu a1 1y d) easily
in your holidays? Where will you go? What will you do?" 他们回答 。 3 From today , the wind 一-一位'Om the south wes t. (pic. 3)
a) blows b) 览 blowi吨。 will blow d) is going to blow
4 lemp巳ratures will 一_to 12 degr巳巳 s Celsius in the day. (pic. 5)
, a) go b) rise c) com巳 d) fiy
5 And that' s your weather 一一一. (pic. 6)
a) look b) outfìt c) outlook d) forecast
叫8 问9

I always behave myself!

WILLlAM: And how long will it last?
Lucy: For two and a halfhours.

LESSON It 'll finish at 10

⑨圃EEEE圈踵酣睡蹲 ~,,,.

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: Who will take Lucy to the dan啤e ,
and who will pick her up? 听录音,然后回答问题 : 谁会送露西去舞会?谁会去接她?

Lucy: Dad , there was a danc巳 at school

last month , and 1 clidn't go.
Ther巳 '11 be another on巳
WILLlAM: All right , Lucy.
n巳xt Friday night
Your mother will take you there ,
and 1' 11 pick you up
Can 1 go?
Be at the school gat巳S
WILLlAM: Who' l1 b巳 at the danc巳?
at 10 0' clock sharp.
@ Is that cl巳ar?

Lucy: It 'll b巳 a school ev巳nt

There will be som巳 French stud巳n饵,
but there won't b巳 any outsiders.
And our teachers will b巳 there , too.

@ Lucy: yí郎, Dad. Thanks.

WILLIAM: And Lucy ,
you wi11 behave yourself ,
won't you?
WILLlAM: That sounds reasonable Lucy: Of course , Dad. 1 always do!
What time will it start?
Lucy: At half past s巳ven

与 @

50 51


[N叫 Words and Expressi。叫词和短语I | têiii r; r:ti lij.] "'l#) i圳。n 对话练习 】
behave yourself/myself start /sto: t/ v 开始 o Answ叫uestions abo川
/bI 'helv jg' selflmaI' self/βxed phrase last /Io:st/ν. 持续,延续
a) Example: Lucy didu't go to the dauce last month , did she? No , she didn't.
(你/我)举止端正,行为规矩 sharp /f 0 :p/ adv 扩此时, αifter exp阳ssÎons 01
outsider /aut 'saldg/ n. 外人,非成员 de.卢刚te time) 准时,正 There' lI be another dance next Friday 6 The dance will start at half past 7 ,
sound /saund/ν 听起来 clear /khg/ adj 容易听清的,明白的 night , won't there? won't it?
reasonable / ' ri:z~ngb~l! αdj. 正当的, 2 11' 11 be a school event, won't it? 7 And il'lI last for two and a half hours ,
3 There will be some French students won't it?
at the dance , won't there? 8 William will pick Lucy up
伽阳W稿酬呗棚阳唰隅脚确嗖男性拥阴阳伊嚓"机地回精明惆脚嘟峨脚τi 明剧吨~嘿捋螃窍军穹在立了肿,
4 There won't be any outsiders , at 10 o'clock sharp , won't he?
will there?
5 Lucy's teachers will be there ,

( 1~1il(:t....jliiW1lmJ课文注释 】 ~ .
won't they?
~ -. :;: ,,/"
b) Example: Was there a dance at schoollast week?
No , there wasn 't. There was a dance at school last month.
l I always behave rnyself! 一"我总是很规矩的! ''; behave well/badly 意思是啃为(不)
Will there be another dance 4 叭Ii ll
it last for three and a half hours?
得体, (不)守规矩"。
next Saturday night? 5 Will William take Lucy there?
2 how long will it last - how long 用来对一段持续的时间提问。
2 Will there be some German students 6 Must she be at the school gates
3 pickyou up 一这里 pick sorneone up 的意思是"开车去接某人"而不是唯起"。
at the dance? at 11 o'clock sharp?
4 You will behave yourself , won't you? 肯定句后的反意疑问句为否定 (won't
3 Will it start at half past 9?
you?) 。用降调问出反意疑问句时,通常是提问者在期待肯定的回答。
c) Example: Where was there a dance last month? (τhere was a dance) at schooJ.

7,。 onu

参专译文 When was there a dance at school? Who will take Lucy there?

When will there be another dance? 叭Iho will pick her up?
Who will be at the dance? What time must she be
露西 爸爸,上个月学校的舞会我没去。 威廉. 会开多长时间? How many outsiders will there be? at the school gates?
下周五晚上还会有一场,我可以 露西 . 两个半小时。 10 点结束。 What time will it start? 10 Who will behave herself?
去吗? How long will it last? 1才 Who 'always behaves herse lf'?
威廉 舞会 上有谁? 威廉 好吧,露西。你妈妈送你去,我
会去接你。 10 点钟准时在学校大 e Ask questions about the t刚.根据课文提问。
露西 这是学校活动,会有一些法国学 门口等 着,明白了吗 ? Example: be / another dance / Friday night? (When 川?)
生,但不会有校外的人。我们的 A: ,司vill there be another dance next Friday night? B: Yes , there will.

A: When will there be another dance? B: Next Friday night.

老师也会在。 是的,爸爸。谢谢。

』呵,ιqJUA 哼
露西, 你会规规矩矩的,是吧? it / start / half past 7? (When ...?)
威廉 听上去还行。 什么时候开始? 当然,爸爸,我总是规规矩矩的| it/ last/ two and a half hours? (How long ...?)
露西 7 点半。 Lucy's mother / take I there? (Who ...?)
Lucy / be / school gates /10 o'clock sharp? (When ...?)

Ð Ask questions. 提问。

A friend went to see a play in a theatre , or a film at the cinema. What questions
, can you ask him or her about it? → 个朋友去剧院看了一场戏剧,或去电影院看
了部电影,你会问 他或她什么问题?

52 53
ω 时也拍
叫树划时 '叫
j p/'

F/f G/g


eo qua HU AUndVJ

eA 川
hu a lecture a meetin 2:


Word stress 'student
this evening this aft巳rnoon
,,‘ erEt on 5 - 6/ an hour 3-5/ two hours

HIh I1i

[~11叫rmIilii!!4,)j4~i (,h@ 生词和短语]

lecture /'lektf;l/ n. 讲应 over /';lUV ;l/ prep. (measurement) 超过

till /tI1! prep 直到,至 motor /'m;l ut ;l/ adj 汽车的

until /An't J1/ prep 直到(呆个时间)为止 exhibition /, eksI'blf"n/ n 展览,展览会 a party adanc巳
tomorrow night next Saturday night
concert /'kDns ;l t/ n 音乐会
8 - about midnight / 9-1 1.30/
叫……… Y ,,~吼………~时叫
about four hours two and a h a1 f hours

J/j KIk

Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。

A: Will there be a lecture this afternoon? 4 (With pictures F-K only)

B: No, there won't. A: When will the lecture start?
A: Will there be a lecture this evening? B: 1t'1I start at 5 o'clock, and last (foο
a play a conc巳rt
B: Yes, there will an hou r. tonight on Sunday
7.00-about 9 .00 / 7 .3 0-just aft巳r9 .30/
2 A: Will there be 口 lecture soon? 5 (With pictures Land M) about two hours just over two hours
B: Yes, there'lI be one this evening. A: When will the motor show open?
L几 M1m
A: How long will it last? B: It'lI open on the 15th, and last (foο
B: It'lI last (for) an hour. tw口 weeks

3 A: Will there be a lecture this ~vening?

B: Yes, there will
A: Will itlast long?
B: 1t'lI last from 5 till/until6 a motor show an art exhibition
n巳xtmonth in the summer
15th-30th / 1st June-31st August /
twowe巳ks three months


[L'.'l"ifrnIjI ;4:(4 i tiJ "-144 书面练习 I
Patterns 句型 Look at the picture , listen to the recording , and answer the questions. 看图片,听录音,
飞 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 54 , and write out in full numbers 2, 4 and 5.
参照第 54 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 2 、 4 和 5 ,写出完整的对话。 1 Who 's the winner in an international

今/M句3A 『卢、d
What will happen on 14th July?
飞 e Sentence Table 句塑列表 Does Kar巳n want to go?
Use the words in the table to write six sentences like the example. 仿照例句,用表格 Does Karen have the right clothes?
中的词写出 6 个句子。 Who is cl巳ver about that kind of thing?
: a lecture 出is aft;巳,moon : half an hour.
: a dance : on Sam-day : 45 minutes. :且也 叫
: a football match : tomorrow 巳vemng : an hourand
\ Ther,巳 will be : a me巳ting : next week and it willlast : a half. Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right. Write them down. 将左
: a concert : next mon出 : three hours. 栏中的问题与右栏中的回答搭配起来,并把它们写下来。
: a programme : in a week's time : a long time.
A Questions B Answers
about ants : tonight : from7to8. 123456

Will you be ready at 7.30? Just over two hours , 1 think.

今缸 句34
When will you look for a n巳w job? Not many. About twenty.
Example: 1下 ere will be a concert on Saturdav and it will I口st tnree 卡 ours How long will the play last? Yes , I will.
Are you going to se巳 her tomorrow? Yes , v巳ryw巳ll , thank you.

气 dfo
飞 ø Sentence Structure 句子结构 Did you sleep well? No , th巳 day after tomorrow.
Complete these sentences , using the notes in brackets. Then refer to the text in How many will th巳re be at the l' lllook for one in a month's time.
Lesson 43. 用 括号中的信息完成下面的句子,然后参看第 43 课的课文。 party?
1 Dad , th巳r巳... (dance / school / last month / not go) (pic. 1)
2 Th巳r巳.. (French stud巳nts / not / outsiders) (pic. 2)

3 Your mother ... (take / there / 1 / pick / up) (pic. 5)

4 B 巳... (school gates / 10 / sh缸p) (pic . 5)
Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
飞 。 Guided Summary 总结 Lesson 43. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第 43 课的课文。
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 43 , to make one
1 Who'll be 一一 the dance? (pic. 1)
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 43 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一 段话。
a)on b)to c)at d)in
1 When was there a dànce at school? 4 Who will be there , too?' 2
\ There will be som巳 French students , but there won't be 一_ outsiders . (pic. 2)
Wh o didn't go? (Use ..., but) 5 引That tim巳 will it start? How long
a) some b) much c) any d) a lot
2 When will th巳re be another on巳? will it last? (U se ..., and) 3 tim巳 will it start? (pic. 3)
Who wants to go to it? 咱 6 Can Lucy go , or not? Who will take
(Use ..., an d) a) When b) What c)How d) Where
her th巳re? Who will pick her up?
、飞 4 And 一一一一 long will it last? (pic. 4)
3 Will th巳re be som巳 Italian , or some When? (Use ..., but and ..., an d)
French students at 由e danc巳 ?Will 7 And must Lucy b巳 silly, or must she a) when b) wh巳re c) what d)how
th巳r巳 b巳 any outsiders? behav巳 h巳rself?
5 Be at th巳 school gat巳s at 10 o'clock 一_' (pic. 5)
(Use ~ . . , but) a) sh町p b) 巳xact c) right d) spar,巳
町、…… 叩……响,"",,'''1'>'叫叫

56 57
Quite tall ••• and quite striking!
DAISY: 1 get th巳 plcture
Is there anyon巳 special?
lESSON CLEO: There's Sandy.
She's quit巳 tall .
DAISY: How tall?

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: How tall is Sandy? 听录音, 然

DAISY: ... SO , CI巳0 , that' s the news .

Canyou s巳ndme 0 0000

yourN巳w Faces file? CLEO: She's on巳 metre 巳ighty-two.

CLEO: Of course , Daisy DAISY: What height is that?
I' ll s巳nd a messenger. Just a moment ...
OK , it' s about five foot eleven.
@ That' s v巳ry tall.

CLEO: How far is it to your house
<3 fromhere?
DAISY: I t' s about 45 miles.
CLEO: That' s not far.
You'll have the pictures
飞 @ by two o'clock.

CLEO: Yes , she's quite striking

I' ll s巳nd the fil巳 now.
DAISY: Thanks , Cleo.
I' ll hav巳 a look.
DAISY: Good. What are they like?
I' ll call you tomorrow.
CLEO: 矶Tell , all th巳 girls ar巳 qmte young.
CLEO: Thanks , Daisy. Bye!
On巳 of them is very young.
Her mother comes with her.

58 59
: 1~t:ß'lf"fc:m~*',"liiif!4.]j4't1[.]íW 生词和短语 】
striking /'stral kIl)/ adj. 极为漂亮的 , 引人 anyone /'eniWAn/ pron 任何人 o Answerqu回tions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。
注目的 height /hmt/ 凡高,高度
a) Example: Daisy wants CIeo to send her her New Faces 自le , doesn't she? Yes , she does.
send /send/ (sb . sth.) v. (ditransitive) 送,寄 foot /fut/ n. (measurement) 英尺
1 Cleo will send it with a messenger, 4 AII the girls are quite young ,
face /feIS/ n 脸,面 JL have a look βxed phrase 看 一看
won't she? aren't they?
file /fa Il/ n 档案,文件 later /'Ieltg/ adv 较晚地 , 后来 2 It' s about 45 miles from Daisy's house 5 Sandy's quite tall , isn't she?
messenger !'mes.;>nd3g/ n. 送信人,信使 centimetre /'sentI ,mi:tg/ n. 厘米 to Cleo's office , isn't it? 6 She's one metre eighty-two ,
3 Daisy will have the pictures isn't she?
Howfar ...? …有多远?
by 2 o'clock , won't she? 7 Sandy's quite striking , isn't she?
b) Example: Does Daisy want Cleo's Old Faces 自le?
No , she doesn' t. She wants her New Faces 自le.

f~…仙r:IIt:'rn课文注释 1-
1 Will Cleo send a photographet'? 4 Is Sandy quite tall?
2 Is it about 95 miles from Daisy's 5 Is Sandy one metre eight-nine?
house? 6 Is that about five foot seven?
1 the news ~ news 一词虽为复数形式,但后面的动词和指代 news 的代词都用单数 3 Will Daisy have the pictures 7 Will Daisy call Cleo 归tertoday?
形式。 by 12 0' clock?
2 How far ...? 询问距离的问句,相当于 What's the distance ... ?。
Example: What does Daisy want Cleo to send her? Her New Faces file.
3 by two o'clock ~ by 介词,与时间词连用,意为"不迟于,在 … …之前 " 。
4Ii训叫icture ~ get the p比ture 一 固定短语,志为 7 解情况" 。 How far is Daisy's house from Cleo's 4 How tall is Sandy?
office? 5 When will Cleo send the file?
5 且ve foot e1even 不是 five feet eleven 。英语中的度量词在大子 1 的数字后用复述
2 When will she have the pictures? 6 When will Daisy call Cleo?
形式,如 six inches , two metres 等等,但 foot 除外,如 four foot ,
3 How old are all the girls?

参苦译文 e Ask questions abol川削ext. 根据课文提问。

Example: Cleo / send / messenger? (Who ...?)
黛西 …·好 ? 克 利 奥 , 就是这个消 黛百 我明白了。有什么 很特别的吗 ? A: W iI\ Cleo send a messenger? B: Yes , she will.
息。你能把你的 " 新面孔 " 文 克利 奥 桑迪。她相当高 。 A : Wh o will Cleo send? B: A messeng皿
件送来吗? 黛西 多高。
1 Daisy's house / 45 miles / Cleo's office? (How far ...?)
克利 奥 当然,黛西。我会派 人送去。 2 all / girls / young? (What ... like?)
克利奥 1 米 82 。 3 Sandy / one metre eighty-two? (How tall ...?)
克利奥你 住 的地 方 离这 儿 多远。 黛西 那是多高 ? 稍等……哦 ?大 约 4 Sandy / striking? (What ... like?)
黛西 。 大约 45 英里。 5 英尺 11 英寸。非常高。
克利奥并 不 远。你两点前会拿到 相 片 o ø Ask each other these questions. 互相提问。
: 克利 奥是的 , 她相 当 引人注 目 。 我现 1 How far is it from here to your house/apartment?
黛西 好 。 她们 怎么样? 在就送文件 。 2 How do you get here? Do you walk here or come by bus or car?
克利 奥 嗯,女孩们都很年轻, 其中一 黛西 谢谢 , 克 利 臭。我 会 看看 的 。 3 How far is it from here/this town or city, to Paris or London?
个年机她妈妈和她一起 ! 叫你打电话 4 How tall are you (in metres and centimetres)?
来的。 克 利 奥谢谢,黛西。再见 l

60 61

KIk L/I M/m


/巳I get le s s W e st wet heaven l e忧er
leII g a te ta ke w a ste w eight la ter pa per

tall-building high-mountain wide - road

quite tall , . very high quite wid巳
height- 320 metres height - 8 ,844 metr巳s width-15 metres

[I ~ t4!l!J!cl.] it t.'i? It.1 时essions 生词和短语 J

j N/n % P/p

building /'b Il dI lJ/ n. 建筑 物 ,房屋 depth /dep8/ n. i采度

mountain /'maunt:m/ n. 山 ladder /'læd;l/ n. 梯子
high /haI/ adj . 高 的 length /le lJ 8/ n. 长度
wide /wald/αφ. 宽 的,宽 阔的 parcel /'pa:s;;oVn . 邮包,包裹
width /wld8/ n . 宽度 kilo /'ki:l;lu/ n. (非 正 式)千元,公 斤
deep /di:p/αdj. 深的 end /end/ n. 未端,终点

主翼挚立尘吕立 lf;'N将略带斡W~~:-;:;兰、~;碍糟电鸭森恩作吨阴~~~辄呻妇

〈噩噩醋噩噩噩噩噩噩噩 deep-river
very de巳P
very long
quite heavy
d巳pth-30 metres length-6metres weight-5KIlos
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。

Patterns 1- 3 with pictures K- P Patterns 4- 6 with pictures Q-S Q/q R/r S/s
A: How tall is that building? 4 A: How 旬r is the airport 什om here?

B: It's 320 metres. That 's quite tall. 8: The airport is five miles from here. Ca iro

2 A: Wha t's the height of that building? 5 A: How far is it from here to the airport? \军9
It looks quite tall. B: It's 而vemiles.

B: It is quite ta ll! It's 320 met[es.

6 A: Is it 臼r from here to the airport?
3 (Not with picture P) B: No, it's quite near. / 陀s, it's a long
A: That building's 320 metres tall.'s ••• miles. .
8: Really? / Is it?That's quite ω111 far 一 from here far - from London f缸仕om Cairo
, to the airport to Beijing to Mumbai
qU! te near-5 miles a long way - 5 ,054 miles quit巳 a long way - 2 ,699 miles

62 63

[l'mIIm问问书 】 C}
o Patterns 句型
飞 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 62 , and write out in full numbers 1 , 2 and 5.
Listen to the recording , and answer the questions.

参照第 62 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 1 、 2 和 5 ,写出完整的对话。 Does Daisy want Clai陀、 opinion7

qh 竹、UA斗
Which model does Clair巳 ask about7
\e Guided Summary 总结
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 45 , to make one
How old is the mode17
Is Daisy going to giv巳 her ajob7
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 45 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。

l What does Daisy want C1eo to 4 Wbat' s her nam巳 7 Is she quite t a11
sendher7 or quite short7 (Use ..., and) 国酣睡睡眼眶圄噩噩噩噩

2 How far is Daisy's hous巳 from 5 How ta11 is she 巳xact1y7 Is sh巳 ugly
Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right. Write them down. 将左
C 1eo's of且c巳 7 Wh o will C1eo or qmt巳 striking7 (U se ..., αnd)
栏 中 的问题与右栏中的回答搭配起来,并把它们写下来。
send7 When will Daisy have the 6 Wh at will Daisy have a look at7
@飞 plCωres7 (Us巳..., so and ..., and) When will she c a11 Cle07 A Questions B Answers

3 Are a11 the girls quite young or (Use ..., and) 1 What's the 1ength of that ladder7 Yes , h巳 's about 1 metre 90.

quite old 7 Is ther巳 anyone special 2 How far was it from the station to About 3 hours , 1 think.
or not7 (U se ..., but) your hote17 In 3 weeks' time

飞飞 He 's a ta11 boy, isn't he7 No , not this 巳vening.


Guided Composition: An email介omBeijing 作文:来自北京的电子邮件

Was the river very de巳p 。 I t' s exactly 10 kilos!

ζJ fO
Paul's friend , Steve , is a professional photographer. He's on holiday in Beijing. How long wi11 the concert last7 Yes , it was about 10 metres deep ,
Yesterday, Paul received this email from him. Read it first , then do the exercise below. When can you pay me7 1 think.

飞飞 保罗的朋友史蒂夫是一名专业摄影师。他在北京度假。昨天,保罗收到他的这封电 Wh at' s the weight of th巳 parce17 7 It's only 2 metres long.
子邮件。读邮件,然后做下面的练习。 Will there be a m四ting this 8 It was quit巳 a long way.

From: Steve Sent: 22 March ... 12:30

To: Paul Subject: Holiday news!

Hi , Paul!
Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
Having a fantastic holiday - h巳re - Beijing - but working , too. Yesterday
moming - got up early - w巳nt to the Summer Palac巳. Very famous
L酬。n45. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第 45 课的课文。
buildings , gardens and lakes - beautifu l. Took lots of photos! Going to stay How _ _ is it to your house from here7 (pic. 2)
ti11 巳nd of month. See you in London early April a) wid巳 b) long c) far d) high
All 出eb巳st , 2
气 - - have the pictures by two o'élock. (pic. 2)
Steve a)You b)Yolfm c)You did d) You' l1
3 1 get the picture. Is there _ _ specia17 (pic. 4)
ajs?meone b)omc)anyone d)ones
'\ Now write out the email in full. Begin like this: 现在, 完整写出这封电子邮件。这样 4 She's one metre eighty. two. What 一_ is that7 (pic. 5)
开头: a) height b) width c) length d) d巳pth
qt 5 Thanks , Cleo. 1'11__ a look. (pic . 6)
Hi , Paul!
I' m fi. aving a fantastic holiday , but ... a)want b)do c)look d) have

6忏 65

A quiz
小测验 Lucy: Is it?
ROBERT: Yes. They're both long rivers.
1t isn't obvious , is it?
LESSON Lucy: No. !t 's a good question.

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: How many people are there to
the square mile in Australia? 听录音,然后回答问题:澳大利亚的人口密度是每平方

ROBERT: Lucy, I' m writing a quiz

for my class , ROBERT: Which continent has
and 1 want to tηit ou1. 出巳 lowest population density?
Can 1 try it out on you , please? Lucy: Goodness , Robert!
Lucy: O K. 1 don 't know!

ROBERT: Which is the highest mountain

in th巳 British Is1es?
Lucy: !t 's Ben N巳vis , of course!

ROBERT: No! 11's a trick question.

ROBERT: Wh a1's the longest riv巳r AustraI ia's a continent ,
in th巳 world? and it has only six people
Lucy: I' m not sure. to the square mile.
Is it the Nile , or the Amazon? But obviously ,
ROBERT: !t 's the Nile. the answer is ‘ Antarctica' !
1 looked it up y巳sterday.
The Nile is longer
than the Amazon.
< @ 。
66 67
IewWo叫~l川t3"i4ii rt1叫词和短语 ]
quiz /kWIZ/ n. 问答比赛;小测验 trick question /tnk 'kwestJ<?n/ compound n. o Answer questions about the text . 根据课文回答问题。

try out (on) ν. + adv. particle (t ransitive) 陷 i钟问题(看似容易其实困难的问题) a) Example: Robert's writing a quiz for his cIass , isn't he? Yes , he is.

(+ prep. + object) 试一试 square mile /skwe ;:, 'maIi/ compound n. 平 Robert wants to try it out on Lucy, 5 The Nile is longer than the Amazon ,
than /ðæn/ conj. (comparison) 比 方英里 doesn't he? isn't it?
2 The highest mountain in the British 6 Australia is a continent , isn't it?
continent /'kontm;:,nt/ n. 大陆,洲 obviously !'obvi;:, sli/ adv. (viewpoint)
Isles is Ben Nevis , isn't it? 7 Australia has only six people to the
low /I;:,u/αdj. 低的 (manner) 明显地 The longest river in the world is the square mile , hasn't it?
population density /, popju'leIJ<?n 'dens It i/ answer /'o :n s;:,/ n 回答, 回复 Nile , isn't it? 8 Robert's question was a trick
4 Robert looked it up yesterday, didn't question , wasn't it?
compoundn. 人口密度
畸挥挥回事~' 哩"咱 告霄 哥曹 咱可自呵霄,酬'警-配 j盼霄鸭霄~晴曙万霄
b) Example: Is Robert writing a book for his cIass?
No , he isn't. He's writing a quiz for his cI ass.
Does Robert want to try out his quiz Did Robert look it up last wee k?
on Claire? Is the Amazon longer than the Nile?

[ I~[ôl(4... m.1rn'II t:rn课文注咀 2 Is Ben Nevis the highest mountain in Does Australia have around sixty
!:J the world? people to the square mile?
3 Is the longest river in the world the
the highest mountain - the highest -一形容词 high 的最高级形式,最高级用于两个 Amazon?
c) Example: Wh at is Robert writing for his c1ass? (He's writing) a quiz.
the: long - longer 一一 the longest 。
才 Who does he want to try it out on? 4 When did Robert look up the answer?
2 ' the Nile/the Amazon 河流、海洋等专有名词前要用定冠词 the ,并可以省略
2 Wh ich is the highest mountain in the 5 What' s the answer to his last
nver , ocean 或 sea ,如出e (River) Thames 、 the Mediterranean (Sea) 、吐1巳 Pacific (Ocean) 等。
British Isles? question?
3 six people to the squ缸emile-to 一介词,用来表示比例,例如 1:2 即 one to two 。
3 What's the longest river in the world 6 How many people are there to the
the Nile or the Amazon? square mile in Australia?
e Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提问。
罗伯特 我在给我们班写一份测
露 西, 露西 是吗? Example: Ben Nevis / highest mountain / the British Isles? (Which 川?)
试题, 想试一试,你能来试一 罗伯特 是的。这两条河都很长, 答案 A: I s Ben Nevis the highest mountain in the British Isles? B: Yes , it is.
试吗? 不太明显,是吧? A: Which is the highest mountain in the British Isles? B: Ben Nevis (is).
露西 好。 露西 是的。这个问题不错。

Nile / longest river / world? (What ...?)

, qOAU 『
Nile / longer / Amazon? (Which river ...?)
罗伯特 不列颠群岛上最高的山是什 罗伯特 哪个洲人口密度最低? 是
Antarctica / answer to / last question? (Why ...?)
么。 露西 天哪 , 罗伯特,我不知道|
Australia / six people / square mile? (How many ...?)
露西 当然是本尼维斯山 1 澳大利亚吗?
Ð Ask each other t hese q阳tions 互相提问。
罗伯特· 世界上最长的河流是什么? 罗伯特 不是 l 这是个陷阱问题。澳大
露西 我不太确定。是尼罗河还是亚 利亚是一块陆地 1 每平方英里 Wha t' s the longest river in China? How long is it? Which towns and cities does it
马孙河 P 只有 6 个人。但很明显,答案 flow through?
是"南极洲" 2
罗伯特 是尼罗河。我昨天查过了的。 Which is the highest mountain in China? How high is it? Where is it?
尼罗河比亚马孙河长 。

68 69
』刷防i (48
P/p Q/q

重1 阳i íiU .tí4 j


忧由中tm …

以 kdm
4 一出
-D Wdrm S-tE mwAPm

呻吐 a+tLH

旧 nu
33Y 151

g 问 m t …

仙 "ra

丘 'nt

此职 工


lies light long blouse g lass believe

α …
Wu ­

Irl right rlse w rong bread 什 uit a m ve


E … E …- m

…- … -

Rlr S/s

(NewWords a川E3.]i~~i[.] ,~4 生词和短语 I

in fact 1m 'fæktl adv. (viewpoint) (Jocus) 实 uncle l'AlJ kal! n. 伯父,叔叔
际上 untidy IAn'taldilαdj 不整洁的

d 附 -B
competition l ,kDmp :l 'tifanl n . 比赛 person l'p3:sanl n. 人 Lth kULut

一 -b·t


June - hot month

brave Ibrelvl adj. 勇敢的
July - hotter t


August - the hottest --
ofthe year

区 patte川ß'ì'6t句哇22 T/t 嘈吃~A U/u

Ask imd answer questions . 问答练习。

A: 80b 's 0 tall boy. 4 (Not with pictures R and 5)

8: 陀s, but John 's taller than 80b A: Who 's the tallest boy in our c/ass?
8: Dan is. Dan 's the talles t.
2 A: 80b, John and Dan are all tall.
8: Yeι butDan主 the tallest of the three. 5 A: John 's taller than 80b. Jane - brave girl Uncle Ron - nice man
8: You're righ t. 8ut Dan's taller than John. Mary- brav巳r Uncle Bill- nicer
3 A: Who 's taller - 80b or John? / In fact, Dan's the tallest boy in our c/ass Ann - the bravest Uncle Tim 一 the nicest
Which is hotter- June or July? in th巳 class in the world
8: Oh, John's the taller of the two. /
Oh, July is the hotter of the two V/v W/w

I矿'叫,S睛tu吨d如y t啃h臂'eTTse adjectives

'… v …~~,~",,~-…


ta11 ta11er bravIT

strong strongIT mcer
long longer l缸ger

hot hot坚主 pretty prett岳王

Susan - pretty girl Pete - untidy person
, ~- big bigger untidy untidi阜Z Liz - prettier Anna - untidier
thin thin!旦旦E dirty dirt岳王 Nina 一吐le prettiest Bob - the untidiest
m 出e studio in the of且ce
70 71
?再n …叫面练习】
\ oReferPatterns 句型
to the Pattern Practice on page 70 , and write out in full numbers 1 and 5. 参照
Look at the picture , listen to the recording ,
and answer the quωtions. 看图片,听录音,
第 70 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 1 和 5 ,写出完整的对话。 然后回答 问题。

What is Ben N巳vis?
飞 e Guided Summary 总结

句,"々3A 斗气
Wh atdid som巳on巳 discover on top?
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 47 , to make one
How long is the easiest route?
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 47 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。
Wh at' s the weather like on Ben Nevis?
l What is Robert writing for his Is the Amazon longer th创1 出eNile , Wh at ar巳 volunt巳ers doing now?

class? Who do巳 sh巳 want to try it or is the Nile longer than
out on? (Use ..., and) th巳 Amazon?
• • • 1 "币10 is th巳 s man in th巳
2 Wh at is his first question? What (Use ..., but)
飞飞 is the answer , of course? 6 Wh at is Robert' s last question? 2 3
All right.
(Use .. ., and) 7 Is it a trick question , or an easy He acak巳 and drank some tea.
3 What is his second question about? question?
1111She' s taller 一一一 _you!
4 When did Robert look it up? 8 What is Australia? How many 4 5 6 7
How is th巳 Nile?

What is the answer? (Use ..., and) people does it have 8 H巳 's brave , and she's brave , 一一­
5 Are th巳 Amazon and the Nile both to the square mile? It 's mine. It b巳longs to 一一 -
9 10
long or short rivers? But what is th巳 answer? Sh巳 's the p一一一一一一一_ girl here.
(Us巳.., and and ..., but)
11 12 Down
6) Guided Composition: A Quiz 作文:小测试 1 She isn't tall. She's s than
日1巳 1
Write a dialogue between you and a friend. You ask the questions with Who ...? , 14 2 He' s the tallest 一 一 the three boys .
\ Which ...? or What ...? using the notes below. The friend answers . 写一段你和 一位朋 3 You have two of these. You can s巳巳
友之间的对话。你用下面的信息提出 Who …?, Which …?或 What ...? 等问题,你的 with th巳m

KO 叮/00
朋友回答。 Not short.
7890u12 Cairo is the b一一一_ _ _ city in Africa.

longest riv巳r - the world? short巳stmonth - th巳 y巳ar? The t巳acher cam巳 the room a

longest river - China? hottest month - the y巳ar - China? moment ago.

JA-- 气 d 瓦U

high巳st mountain - the world? cold巳st season - the year - China? 11 H巳 ' s got a new shirt and t一一­
highest mountain - China? tallest student - our class? 13 Hello.

biggest country - the world? biggest city - Britain?
small巳st country - the world? largest city - China?
Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
Begin the dialogue like this: 对话开头如下: Lesson 47. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确答案填空,然后查看第 47 课的课文。
You: Which is the longest riv巳r in th巳 world? 1 Can I try it 一一_ you? (pic. 1)
FRIEND: Th巳 Nile. It' s long巳r than th巳 Amazon.
~) in for - b) outon c) out for d) in to
You 2 I looked it 一-y巳st巳rday. (pic. 3)
a) for - -b) at c) out d) up
3 theNile IS longer二_ theAmazon . (pic. 3)
~)to. b)than c)for d) that
, 4 I~' t obvious , _ ' _? (pic. 4)
a) IS lt b) isn't it c) won't it d) was it



Karen saves some money

卡伦省了些钱 WILLIAM: Which onedo you prefer,
KAREN: 1' 11 have the rnicrofibre one.
LESSON 1t isn't as 巳xpenslv巳
as the linen one.

应Listening and Understandin 听力理解 ]|

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: Which suit doωKaren prefer?

M 沪巳也
K uvdToFtroe







Mt 出 n



WILLIAM: Are you sure?

1 can 't te11 the difference ,
but you can
@ 1 want you to be happy with i t.

WILLIAM: They're both the same

They're both th巳 sam巳 slze.
They're both the same colour.
And they're both the same
styl巳 .

@ KAREN: That' s OK.

1' m saving money on th巳 suit.
Sonow 1 want
KAREN: They both look the s缸丑e ,
but th巳y'r,巳 ve巧r di旺巳r巳nt to buy a pair of shoes
to go with it.
in quality.
One is made of linen ,
and the other 。
is mad巳 of rnicrofibre.
The microfibr巳 one
@ is ch巳aper than th巳 lin巳n one .

7问 75

〔1~[4'éi"j.)i.r-*',('I=:t.]j4}ir+1叫吨Z』 言而从~.叫哪…"
v雨雨…一… "'w 句…

save /serv/ν. 节省, 节约 linen /'hn;J日/n 亚麻布 o Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。

suit /su:t/ 凡套装 microfibre /'malkr ;Ju ,farbg/ n 微纤维 Example: Both suits are the same size , aren't they? y,咽 , they are .
prefer /prr' Í3:/ v 史喜欢 as ... as /gz/ adv. (comparison) 与 一样
Both suits are the same colour and 7 Karen will have the microfibre suit ,
on the right /rar t! adv. (place) 在右边 difference /'drf;;>rgns/ n. 差异, 不同之处 the same style , aren't they? won't she?

They both look the same , don't they? B William can't tell the difference , can
on the left /left/α dv. (place) 在左边 go with v. + prep. 与……相配

nJA 斗 phυno
They're di他 rent in qual邸" aren't they? he?
style /starl/ n 风格 the other /凸i 'Aðg/ pron 另一个 One of the suits is made of linen , isn't it? 9 Karen's saving money on the suit,
The other is made of microfibre , isn't it? isn't she?
quality /'kwDlrt i!凡质,质量 The microfibre one is cheaper than 10 Now she wants a pair of shoes to go
the linen one , isn't it? with the suit , doesn't she?
.,.;:)隅费帽喃喃祭钦~::吐 慧眼界曾密

b) Example: Are the two suits different?

亨 . ,<" No , they aren't. They're both the same.

4lqL 。OAU寸
111EEE噩噩琦 曾P
Are they dii厅erent colours?
Are they different styles?
Does Karen prefer the linen suit?
Is Karen spending a lot of money on
Are they the same in quality? the suit?
1 They're both/they both look 一- both 意为"两者都"在句中位于 be 动词后,主 Is the linen one cheaper than the 7 Does Karen now want to buy a
microfibre one? dress?
2 The one … th巳 other ..一"一个另 一个'\这一固定结构用来对比两个事物。 c) Example: How many suits is Karen looking at? (She's looking at) two.
3 ,as expenslve as - as ... as 一意为"和……一样……"用来进行两个事物间的同

How are the two suits di忏erent? 6 Who can't tell the di仔'erence between
级比较。 What are they made of? the suits?
4 tell the difference 一固定搭配, 意为"分辨出不同"。 Which is the cheaper of the two? 7 What does William want Karen to

Which suit does Karen prefer? be?
Is the microfibre suit as expensive 8 What does Karen want to buy now?
参考译文 as the linen one?

卡伦 这两套套装你更喜欢哪套, 威 威廉 你喜欢哪套,卡伦? e Ask questions abol川le text. 根据课文提问。

廉?左边的还是右边的中 卡伦 我要那套微纤维的, 没有亚麻的 Example: two suits / different / quality? (How ...?)
那么贵 。 A: Are the two suits different in quality? B: Yes , they are.
A: How are the two suits different? B: (They ' re different) in quality.
威廉 它们是一样的。 尺寸一样、 颜色

4tqLqJA 斗
microfibre suit / cheaper / linen? (Which ...?)
一样、款式一样。 威廉 你确定吗。 我看不出区别, 但你 Karen / have / microfibre one? (Which ...?)
看得出来。 我想让你高兴 G William / want Karen / be happy with it? (Who ...?)





去 ·是纤

量 套的

Karen / saving money / suit? (What ...?)


ø Ask questions. 提 问。

卡伦 没关系。我在套装上省些钱, 去

买一双和套装相配的鞋。 ~ma~ine you and a friend are buying clothes. What questions can you ask himl
her/the shop amistant?What questions can hdSEEdthe shop assistant ask you?

S/s T/t

重 , Pronunciati叫音 J

cheap bicycles heavy parcels

/tr/ trip trees trick true country pnce weight
/dr/ drawer dress drinks drive children --- - -- --_.国- - -------- - ----圃"…--------------------……---…------ 甸…-
U/u V/v
/tJ/ chance check cheese chop kitchen
/d3/ g ym joke jug JUlce pYJamas

[New Words and 阳essions 生词和…短语 I

a little (+comparative adj./adv.) adv. (degree) vase /Vo: z/ 凡花瓶 wide roads tall vases
少量,少许 age /eld3/ n 年龄 width height
almost !':J:!m:lωt/ adv. (degree) 几乎,差不多
W/w x/x

应 Patte川句型练习 J
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。

A: Those bicyc/es are both cheap 4 A: Are those two bicyc/es the same price?
8: i它s, but the one on the left 8: No, they aren't the same price long skirts large shoes
is cheaper than the one on the righ t. One's cheaper than the other. leng也 slze
--- - 喃---------明…-----------------
2 A: 80th of those bicyc/es are cheap. 5 A: Is the bicyc/e on the right ZIz
8: Yes, but the one on the right as cheap as the one on the left?
isn't as cheap 8: No, but it 's almost as cheap.
as the one on the left.

3 A: Is the bicyc/e on the left

the same as the one on the right?
&lt3notqufte 的 esame

It 's a little cheaper. young men old buildings

age age

78 79
F111卢…5 书面练习】 MilI y or J ilI y?

oRefer to the Pattern Practice on page 78, and write out in fu

Patterns 句型
Il numbers 1 and 2. 参照
Listen to the recording , and answer the questions. Then write in
the missing words. 听录音,回答问题,然后填入所缺的词。
第 78 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 1 和 2 ,写出完整对话。 1 Can th巳 twins' mother te11 the difference between them?
2 How can she do that?
e Sentence Table 句型列表
Use the words in the table to write six sentences like the example. 仿照例句,用表格 Milly and Jilly 一一_ twins. They 一一_ ten years old. They
中的词写 6 个句子。 go 一一 same school and 一一一一一 both same c1 ass.
One 一一一一一一_ exactly like 一一一一一一 . They look_一一一
same and they sound 一一_same. They 一一← in the same

suit : as cheap way and th巳Y 一一一一一一_ in the same way. Their , Mrs. Strong , has
picture is 1bigg巳r j as j j myit? 一一一一一一 with them. She 一-一一一一一 one tWÍn 一-一-一一 other.
building : : as good ‘ How 一一一_ your mother ?' she says.
This : ladder … '~""1 sma11er (.......1 that one over there , ~ ‘ Oh , that' s easy ,' Mi11y 一一一一·
parcel : as ta11 ‘ Yes ,' Jilly says. 二一一一 different names.'
skirt isn't 1older than is it? ‘ So 一一一一一一_ is Mi11y?' says Mrs. Strong. answer at the same
camera : as expenSIVe : time. ‘一一一一一 l' they say.

Example: 刊 is sKi rt isnt as Qood 的 that one over there. is 巾

o Sentence Structure 句矛结构

Can you match the questions on the left with the answers on the right? Write them
down. 你能把左栏的问题与右栏的回答搭配起来吗?把它们写下来。
Complete these sentences , using the notes in brackets. Then refer to the text in
Lesson 49. 用括号中的信息完成句子,然后参看第 49 课的课文。 12345 A Questions B Answers

Are their two sons th巳 sam巳 age? No , one's black and th巳 oth缸 's blue.

Which ... (two suits / you / prefer)? (pic. 1) ~at's the weight of that par臼1?

"1dA『气 d
No , ours is older than theirs.
They both ... (look / s缸丑巳/ but / different / qu a1 ity) (pic. 3) Howde巳P is the river her巳? I t' s quite heavy. It' s about 15 kilos.

The microfibre ... (cheaper / linen one) (pic. 3) Are your houses th巳 same age? No , one's older than the other.
Are these two bags the same colour? Oh , it' s not v巳ry deep at a11.

It isn't ... (expensive / lin巳n one) (pic. 4)

。 Guided Summary 总结
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 49 , to make one
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 49 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。
Choose the correct answer to fiIl the blank a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in

Lesson 49. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确答案填空,然后查看第 49 课的课文。

What is Karen looking at with 5 Which is cheaper than which?
William? 6 Which one does Karen prefer? 1 wtuch of thESEtwo suits--- J WIlliam?(pic l)
2 How are they the same? (size / Why? (Use ..., because) a)will you pmfer b)you prefer c)do you prefer d)dId you prefer
colour I'sty le) 7 What is she saving on the suit? They both look thesame , but they're very difTerent 一_ quality. (pic. 3)
3 Doth巳y look the same òr not? Now what does she want to buy a)fOI b)iIIC)to d)of
Areth巳y th巳 sam巳 or di旺erent in to go with it? (Use ..., so) The microfibr巳 one is cheaper 一_ the linen one. (pic. 3)
quality? (Use ..., but) a).than b)as C)for d) that
4 What is one made of? What is th巳 ItISIIL二 the linen 0阻 (pic.4)
othEImade of?(Use .., and) ?引) so ex
enslve 盼b) 部
a se
曰 xp
阳I阳巳 cο) ex
呻 pensl
lV町e创 d) as expensive as
的二 _t阳
J 一<1y b) speak c) t巳11 d) t a1k

80 81
School reports Lucy: Your reports are qmt巳 good , Flora.
成绩单 FLORA: But not as good as yours and Vil面 's.
You're both clev旺巳r than me.

Lucy: Well , Vikki always comes top.
LESSON She's the cl巳verest girl
in the school.

图匡I!阳1甘巾tm! E'd.1
d们 川!1"mJ由阳
h ωe
s 。
否,-:;--~;品τ有军再再百丁丽;;耶茨 '

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: Who's the best gymnast? 听录音,

FLORA: What' s your r巳port 1ike , Vikki?

VIKKI: I t' s all right. VIKKJ: You're the best gymnast , Flora.

FLORA: Can 1 have a look? 1 always come bottom in Sports.
VIKKI: OK. Look!
‘ Sports: Vikki tries hard.'

FLORA: Wow, Vikki!
Listen to this , Lucy!
‘ English excellent , French 巳xcellent ,
岛1aths 巳xcellent , Music exc巳II巳nt ,
Geography 巳xcellent ...'

Everything is excellent!


VIKKI: I t' s a joke!

j Ofcourse 1 仕y hard.
But obviously not hard enough!

Lucy: 1 know!
Vikki's report is always
better than min巳. 。
FLORA: And your report is always
better than mine

82 83
[ 1~[4't*g(.)i.r-*j,[.Ièi3.]i4{1[.]'~ì 生词和短语 :

report /n 'p :J :t / n 报告 (+ prep. + αdj.) (在 ·方面)最好 o Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。
excellent / 'eks;;.!;mt/ adj 优秀的,卓越的 come bottom in /kAm 'bDt ;J m ,m/ v. + adv
a) Exarnple: The girls are discussing their school reports , aren 't they? Yes , they are.
Geography /d3 i ' 口 gr;Jfi! n 地理 particle (阴阳旧的ive) (+ prep. + n.) 在 方
Everything in Vikki's report is 5 She's the cJ everest girl in the school ,
everything /'evri9IIJ/ pron. 一切事物,凡事 面最差 excellent , isn't it? isn't she?
come top (in) v. + adv. particle (intransitive) enough /I 'nAf/ adv. (degree) 足够地 , 充分地 2 Vikki's report is always beUer than 6 Flora's the best gymnast , isn't she?
Lucy's , is 门 't it? 7 Vikki always comes boUom in Sports ,
3 And Lucy's report is always beUer doesn't she?

than Flora's , isn't it? 8 Vikki tries hard , doesn't she?

4 Vikki always comes top , doesn't she? 9 It isn't hard enough , is it?

i卢e臼吟s … b) Exarnple: Is Vikki terrible at English? No , she isn't. She's excellent at English.

Is Lucy's report always better than 5 Is Flora the cJ everest girl in the
Víkkí垃? school?
1 the best 形容词 good 的最高级形式, good - better - best。
2 Are Flora's reports excellen t? 6 Is Lucy the best gymnast?
2 Maths 是 Mathematics 的简写,美式英语写作 Math 。词形为复数,但接单数动词。
3 Is Flora cJ everer than Lucyand Víkkí? 7 Does Vikki always come top in
3 Try hard - hard 这里是副词,意思是"努力地"。 4 Does Vikki always come botfom? Sports?
4 Not hard enough - enough 一程度副词,修饰形容词或副词,放在形容词和副词
c) Exarnple: What are the girls talking about? Their school reports.
才 What is Vikki's report li ke? 5 Who's the cJ everest girl in the school?
2 Whose report is always better than 6 Where does Vikki always come in
参考译文 Lucy's? Sports?
3 And whose is better than Flora's? 7 What does her Sports report say?
弗洛拉 你的成绩单怎么样,薇姬。 露西 你的成绩单很不错,弗洛拉。
4 Where does Vikki always come in the 8 How hard does Vikki try?
cJ ass?
薇姬 还好。 弗洛拉 但没有你的和薇姬的好。你们
弗洛拉 我能看看吗? 都比我聪明。 e Ask questions abo刷he text.根据课文提问。
薇姬 好。 露西 嗯,薇姬总是第一,她是全校
Example: Vikki's reports / excellent? (What
最聪明的女孩。 A: Are Vikki's reports excelIent? B: Yes , they are.
弗洛拉·哇,薇姬 | 听这个, 露西 "英 A : What are Vikki's repor臼Iike? B: They're (alI) excellent.

语优秀,法语优秀,数学优秀, 薇姬 弗洛拉,你的体育最好。我的 1 Vikl

k<i's 陪
叩 阳
p o叫 / always better I Luc

音乐优秀,地理优秀…"都 体育总是最差的。看 l 2 Lucy and Vik陆仪kiυ/ both cleverer /川

<1 FI阳
町ra? (Wh阳
O o .. . ?η)
3 Vikki / cleverest girl / school? (Who ...?)
是优秀 l "体育薇姬很努力。"
4 Vikki / come bottom / Sports? (Who …?)
露西 我知道!薇姬的成绩单总是比 i 薇姬 开玩笑 l 我当然很努力,但很
ø Ask each other these questions. 互相提问。
我的好。 明显 1 还不够努力 l 1 What was your last schoo l!college report like?
弗洛拉 而你的成绩单总是比我的好。 2 What were you good or excellent at? What were you not very good at?
, 3 How good are you at English/Maths/Sports/Chinese?

8问 85
Il i

应函丽二M阳语音 〕
very good indeed
Weak forms: prepositions the best of al1
'betler th8 n 'mine the 'best e f 'all 8 S 'good 8 S 'yours she came top ! first
-…- -------唰-----喃…--------喃---
2nd 3rd 4th
Ann Bob Lucy

[缸presslons 生词和短语j
indeed !rn'di:d/ adv. (intensifier) 确实,实在 compare /k ;l m'pe ;l/ v. 比较
fairly /'fe ;l li/ adν. (degree) 相当地 term /t3:m/ n 学期 very good good quite!fairly good
b巳tter than Bob's bett巳r
than Lucy's better than Ti日1 、
rather /'ra:ð;l/ adv. (degree) 相当,颇 inch /rntfl n 英寸 not as good as Viklà 's not as good as Ann's not as good as Bob's
poor /p 'J:/ adj. 不足的,缺少的 kilometre !'k Il;l, mi:t ;l/ n. 千米, she came second he came third she came fourth
---- --- --------- ---------------------------
5th 6th 7th
Tim Flora Jobn

g .Pattern Pr二二.句型练习】
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。
rather poor bad very bad
A: What was Vikk i's report like? 3 A: Whatw,口 5 Ann's report like?
better than Fl ora's not as bad as John's not as bad as Ro口 's
B: It was very good indeed. B: It was very good. worse than Lucy's worse than Tim's worse than Flora's
A: Where did she come in the exams? A: How did it compare with Bob's? he came 且fth she came sixth he came seventh
B: She came top/firs t. B: It was better than Bob's. -…-- ----一 一--- 一一
--- -四---- - --- 啕"…~ ----------------
- ---------…------…------------------ --- -
A: And how did it compare with Vikki's? Ron
2 A: What was Ann'sreportlike? B: It wasn't as good as Vikk i's.
B: It was better than Bob主一
but it wasn't as good as Vikki's.




irt et/t




86 87

o Patterns
to the Pattern Practice on page 86 , and write out in full numbers 1 and 2. 参照
Listen to the recording , and fill in the boxes. Then
answer this question: Di d Karen buy the dress? 昕
七u 民={>

第 86 页的句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 1 和 2 ,写出完整的对话。 录音,填表格。然后回答问题:卡伦买裙子了吗? |巳 hJth

Size 8 10 12 14 hip =会
\ f) Sentence Structure 句子结构 bust 32 inches
:11411l{JJli Complete these sentences , using the notes in brackets. Then refer to the text in W aJ st 27 inch巳s
Lesson 5 1.用括号中的信息完成句子,然后参看第 51 课的课文。
Vikki's ... (report / bett巳r /min巳) (pic . 3)
Your reports ... (good / Flora / not as good / yours / V虫挝、) (pic . 4) F e Questions ~fii]~
You're ... (both / cl巳verer / me) (pic. 4)
She's ... (cl巳verest / school) (pic. 4) Write good questions for the answers , like the example. 仿照例句,根据回答写出合
飞 1 ... (always / bottom / Sports) (pic . 5) 适的问题。

ø Guided Summary 总结
Example: Y:::J..h仗's the matter with Lucv? Or 出丘ι且.L Lucy isu't very well.
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 51 , to make one 1 7 John's report7 It was exce l1ent!
\ paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 51 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 2 7 He came top .
3 7Th巳 prettiest girl her巳 70h , Nina!
l 引Those 'S chool report is v巳ry good 4 Who are cleverer than Flora 7 Who
always comes top7 Who is th巳 4 7 From here to the college , it' s about two kilometres.

h\ 2 1s 巳V巳rything excellent or terrible 7 cleverest girl in the schoo17 7 1 prefer that red car over there
(Begin with Infact , ...) (Use ..., and and ..., because) ? That riv巳r's about two metr巳s deep.

3 1s her report always bett巳r 5 Who is th巳 best gymnast7 Who 7 The tallest boy in th巳 class7 Tim is.
than Flora's or Lucy's7 1s Lucy's always comes bottom in Sports7 7No , h巳 isn't as good as me in English.
飞 report always better or worse than (Use ..., and)
Flora's7 (Use ..., an d) 6 Do巳s sh巳 try hard or not7 1s it @í回国jtt1 tgJ盟军g
obviously hard enough7
(Use ..., but) Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in

Lesson 51.从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d ,然后查看第 51 课的课文。
Guided Composition: A School Report 作文:成绩单
you are writing a school report about a friend. Finish these sentences , and l What' s your report 一一一, Vikki7 (pic. 1)
add one or two more if you want to. 假设你在写 一位朋友的成绩单。完成下面的句子, a) good b) do c) lik巳 d) well
\ 可以增加一两句话。 2 Vikki's report is always better 一一_ mine. (pic. 3)
123456 ~than ~~ ~so

Last term he/she ... And in Music ... d) of

3 Well , Vikki always 一一一 top. (pic. 4)
He/She came ... in th巳 class But in Sports ..
\ He/She was much bett巳r ... He/Sh巳 is th巳 best/worst ... a) likes b) go巳s c) do巳s d) comes
He/Sh巳 will do/must do better next
4 Sh的 the 一_ girl in th巳 school. (pic. 4)
1n Maths ...
1n English .. . term a) clever b) cleverer c) clev巳r巳st d) clever indeed
1n Chinese .. . 5 1 always come bottom 一一_ Sports . (pic . 5)
a)for b)in c)to d) on
88 89
Pocket money
ROBERT: You a1ways sp巳nd
零花钱 yo旧 pocket money
at the beginning of th巳 mon由.
Lucy: 1 know!
LESSON And you always save yours.
You're a good boy,
C, Li stening and Understanding DJT1JII~
儿叫 赐F
and I' m a bad girl!

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: When will Lucy pay Robert
back? 听录音,然后回答问题:露西什么时候还罗伯特钱?

Lucy: Hav巳 you got any money, Robert?

ROBERT: A 1ittle. Why?
Lucy: Can you 1end m巳 some? Lucy: Please , Rob巳rt!
Just for a w巳巳 k. 1' 11 pay you back on Saturday.


ROBERT: How much do you want?

Lucy: Just a few pounds.
Wel1, ten pounds , actua11y

ROBERT: A11 right then.
ROBERT: Ten pounds! That's a 10t! But only for a few days .
Lucy:Thanks!Youycth巳 best!
Why haven't you got
your own money?
We both get the same
every month. 。
Lucy: yiω , but you've a1 ways got
mor巳 money than me
pocket money /'pokrt ,mAnr/ compound n own /;)un/ αdj 自己的 o Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。

beginning /b 'grnu)/ n 开端,开头 a) Example: Robert's got a Ii ttle money, hasn't he? Yes , he has.
pay back /'pel 'bæk/ v. + adv. particle 1 Lucy wants to borrow some , doesn't 5 Lucy always spends hers at the
lend /Iend/ (sth . to sb.) v. + prep. (transitive)
(transitive) 偿还 she? beginning of the month , doesn't she?
borrow /'bor;)u/ (sth . from sb .) ν. + prep 2 She wants a few pounds , doesn't she? 6 Robert always saves his , doesn't he?
pound /paund/ n. (正)英镑
actually /'æktJu;)li/ adv. (jocus) (νiewpoint) (transitive) 向采人借呆才知 3 Actually, she wants ten pounds , 7 . Lucy will pay Robert back on
doesn't she? Saturday, won't she?
4 Robert and Lucy both get the same 8 He' lI lend her ten pounds for a few
pocket money every month , don't days , won't he?

b) Example: Does Lucy want to lelld some money 10 Robert?

[ l~r;H'iJ;l川~m! 课文些雪】 No , she doesn't. She wants to borrow somefrom Robert.
1 Ooes Lucy want twenty pounds? 4 Ooes Robert always spend his?
1 a little 一"一些"修饰不可数名词。 afew 也表示"一些"修饰复数可数名词。 2 00 they both get the same pocket 5 Will Lucy pay Robert back in a
2 That' s a lotl 一 注意 , a lot (of)通常用在肯定句中,而在否定句和疑问句中通常用 money every week? month's time?
3 Ooes Lucy spend her pocket money 6 Is Robert going to lend Lucy the
much (修饰不可数名词)或 many (修饰复数可数名词) 。
at the end of the month? money for a few weeks?
3 on Saturday 一表示"在"星期几或 τ' 某个日期,用介词。n ,如 onMonday ,
。 Example: How much money has Robert got? (He's got) a Iittle.
on 1 Mav o
4 yi…e 也已 bestl - ~p Yo内 ωest friend in 耻 worldl (你是我最好的朋友!)是 1 What does Lucy want him to do? 4 Why has Robert always got more
2 Exactly how much does Lucy want? money than Lucy?
年轻人常用的侄语 。
3 How often do they both get the same 5 When will Lucy pay Robert back?
pocket money? 6 How long is he going to lend her the
参考译文 money for?

露西 是的 , 但你总是 比 我钱多。
露西 你有钱吗 ? 罗伯特甲 e As k questions abOl川le text. 根据课文提|词。
罗伯 特 有一点。怎 么了 中
Example: Lucy / want / borrow / ten pounds? (How much ...?)
露西 你 能借我点 吗甲 就借 一个星期。 t 罗 伯特。 你总是在月 初就把零花钱花 了。 A: Does Lucy want to borrow ten pounds? B: Yes , she does.
露西 我知道 l 你总是存着。你是个 A: How much does Lucy want to borrow? B: Ten pounds.
好男孩,我是个坏女孩 l 1 both / same pocket money / month? (What .. .?)
2 Robert / always got / more / Lucy? (Who...?)
露西 就 几 英镑。嗯 , 实际 上 需 要 3 Lucy / spend / pocket money / beginning / month? (When ...?)
露西 求你 了, 罗 伯 特 l 我 周六还你。
10 英镑。 4 Lucy I pay / Robert / Saturday? (When ...?)

罗伯特 10 英镑 l 太多了 l 你自己怎么 罗伯特 那好吧。但只借儿夭。 o Ask each other 伽seque蜘ns. 互相提问。
没有钱?我们每个月都有 一 样 露西 谢谢 l 你最好了 l 1 How much pocket money or spending money do you have every week?
2 What do you buy with your money-chocolate/sweets? magazines? clothes?
多的钱 。 3 00 you ever lend things or money to friends? 00 you ever borrow things or money

from friends? Why? / Why not?
Ala B/b

L邸。N ⑩
Robert Paul Lucy

he/her/his/him Does he a'gree? 'Lend her the 'money. I' v巳 got
a little I' v巳 got
less money I' v巳 got
the least
She 'paid him 'back. money. than Robert has money.
D/d E/e 嗣~----------
- -----
Lucy Paul Robert

h~tN;Tj!fl.]a.(.*jll.lèF!J.)i4ii[.]'M 生词和短语 ]
cost /kost/ v. (simple past cost) 花费

I' ve got a lot of I' ve got more fruit I' ve got the mωt
fruit. than Lucy has . fruit.
--…------- 帽 -------------
〈擅部由盟圃噩噩 G/g
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。

Patterns 1 and 2 with pictures A - F Patterns 3 and 4 with pictures G- L

1 A: How much money has Robert got? 3 A: How many books has Robert got?
B: He's got a little money. B: He 's got a few.
A: What about Paul and Lucy? A: What about Lucy and Paul?
I' v巳 gota few I' ve got fewer books I' ve got the few四t
B: Paul主 got less money than Robert, B: Lucy's got fewer than Robe斤,
books. than Robert has books
and Lucy 's got the least and Pau l's got the fewes t.
J/j - - ------ - --嗣-- ---嗣--- - ----- - --帽-------
Robert Lucy
2 A: Have you got any money? 4 A: Have you got any books? Paul
B: Yes, I've got a little. But Paul 's got less B: Yes,/'ve got a 命w.ButLucy甘 got 而ewer
than I have, and Lucy 's got t Fi e leas t. th口门 I have, and Paul 's got the fewes t.

, I' ve got a lot of I' ve got more clothes I' ve got the most
cloth巳s. than Robert has. clothes.

9马 95
1... Read the text and look at the pictures.
。 Patterns 句型
Then Iisten to the recording , and make

Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 94 , and write out in full numbers 2 and 4. 参照
notes about what each speaker says. 读
第 94 页的句型练习。用图片中的信息套用句型 2 和 4 ,写出完整的对话。
f} Write Out the Conversation 完成对话 2 Yvonne Chance. Ag巳d 58. Head t巳acher.
Read this conversation , complete it with words and phrasωfrom the box below, and
write it out.读下面的对话,用框内的词和短语完成该对话。 Vikki and Lucy d巳cided to do a
web-log about women. Their question
Karen and William are in front of a shop. Th巳y are looking in th巳 window.
was this: 'What do womeÌ1 really
、 WILLIAM: Karen , look at thos巳 vases. Th町 're beautiful. But look at (1) 一一一 want?' They interview巳d som巳
KAREN: YI凶,由巳y are (匀 , aren't th巳y? successful wom巳n , and posted theiI
WILL队M: They aren't a11 expensive. (3) are (4) oth巳rs.
answ巳rs on the Web
KAREN: That' s becaus巳 some aren't (5) others! Anyway ,

(6) money have you got on you?
WILLI刷: 1 haven't got much mon巳y with me. 1 never hav巳 (7) mmy 3 Jun巳 Warren. Aged 73. Ret町巳d writer.
pocket. You know that.
KAREN: I' ve gρt (8) than you , 1 think! But w巳 can only buy one.
Which one (9) ? That large red one or the tall blue one?
WILLIAM: Oh, the ta11 blue one . It' s (10) 耻 large red one , 1 think.
KAREN: YI郎, it is. I t' s (11) of a11 of them. And it costs

(12) the large red one , too. I' m going to buy it f,ωyour
WILLIAM: Thank you , de缸. That' s very kind! 1 Katy Page. Aged 35. Magazine editor
... .............. 4 Bonnie Blyth . Aged 26. Winner of th巳
the b巳st expenslve ......
much mon巳y ch巳aper than Round-Britain yacht race.
th巳 pnces l巳ss than do you prefer as good as
how much
a few ofth巳m more money

ø Guided Summary 总结
Choose the correct answer to fill the blank - a , b , c or d. Then look at the text in
Lesson 53. 从 a 、 b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第 53 ìi果的课文。
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 53 to make one
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 53 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 1 Have you got any mon巳y, Robert? 二__' Why? (pic. 1)

1 How much money has Robert got? 3 How often do they both get th巳 a)Much b)A littk c)Any d)A hw
2 H川n川 do you want? Just __ pounds. (pic. 2)
What does Lucy want him to'do , just same? Why has Robert always got
more than Lucy? What does he do a) more b) a little c) manv d) a few
for a week? (Use ..., and) 3 Yo叭realways got--momy thanmelpIC3)
2 How much does she rea11y want? with his? (Use ..., but and
飞部 a)much b)many c)IIIom d)most
Does Robert und巳rstand or not? ., because and ..., and) 4
I川a川l阳ys 叩
删 阳∞叫阳创们
ke t 川

酬町n1览e叮y 二 巾

I吃g oft加

(Use ..., bμt) 4 Will Lucy pay him back on Saturday y Io b)at c)on d)for
or not? Does h巳 agree or not? 5 凹
Ple臼as优巳, Rob巳此叫一一 you back on Saturday. (pic. 5)
, (Use ..., so) a)I pay b)rll pay C)I'm paying d) I' m going to pay

She doesn't even exist!
她甚至不存在! Lucy: Anyway, who's your favourite?
ROBERT: Leena Lang .
She's th巳 most beautiful girl
in the world , and the cl巳verest.

Listen to the recording , and then answer this question:For Robert , who isthe cleverest,
most beautiful girl in the world? 听录音,然后回答问题:对罗伯特来说,谁是世界上

ROBERT: Why do you have all th巳 se post巳rs

in your room , Lucy? Lucy: Leena Lang! That' s crazy!
Lucy: B巳caus巳 1 like th巳m. She's just someone
m a computer game.
ROBERT: 1 don't care . She's th巳 best det巳ctive
@ and th巳 best martial arts mast巳r

剧升 -dm


α-3 门。




E ·

E C .11·1
旧 EH




MY 且

Lucy: But she isn't fi巳al!
She do巳sn't even exist!
ROBERT: She does
ROBERT: Who's this , anyway?
Lucy: It 's Jonno. She's as real as Jonno any day!
H巳 's the best singer in the world.
And he's the most handsome

ROBERT: That' s silly
Lucy: No , it isn't!

98 99
剧@f 55
FewWords and 时吨些堕J fGui削1Wf.]IW~叫
even /'i: v:;m/ adv. σocus) 甚至 computer game /bm'pju:t ;J gelm/ o Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。
exist /Ig 'ZISt/ v 存在 compoundn 电脑游戏
a) Example: Lucy Iikes posters in her room. Yes , she does , doesn't she?
poster /'p;mst ;J/ n 海报 care /ke ;J/ v . 关心,操心 The posters aren't in Robert's room . No , they aren't, are they?
ceiling /'si:h l)/ n. 天花板 detective /dl'tektlv/ n 侦探
1 Lucy put a big face on the ceiling. 6 She isn't a teacher.
singer /'SI I);J/ n 歌唱家 martial arts master /'ma:SG> 1a: ts 'ma:st ;J/
2 Jonno isn't a photographer. 7 She's a detective and martial arts
favourite / 'fe!V;:mt/ 凡最喜爱的人或物 compoundn 式术大师 A 3 He's a singer. master.
crazy /'krelzi/ adj. 发疯的,愚蠢的 chess /巾归国际象棋 / 4 Leena Lang is Robert's favourite 8 She isn't someone in a chess game
阿甲喃喃-均相哪跚俐隅,例如树叶W仰伊即停啊刷刷帷榈阳帽、呻啦'珩双引明~n;明穹伊守 5 She's the most beautiful girl in the 9 She's in a computer game
一一 world

b) Example: Are the posters in Robert's room? No , they aren't. They're in Lucy's room.

1 Is there a big foot on the ceiling? 4 Is Leena Lang the ugliest girl in the
2 Is Jonno the worst singer in the world?

tN……t 课文磊】 3
Is he the uglies t?
5 Is Leena the worst detective and
martialarts master?

1 Whydoyou ...? -why 一询问原因的疑问词,通常用 because 回答 why 引导的问句。 c) Example: Where are Robert and Lucy? (They're) in Lucy's room.
2 all these posters - all 一放在所修饰的代词之后面,如 them all ,或所修饰的名词 What is there on the ceiling? 5 What kind of game is she in?
的前面,如a11 these posters 。 2 Why did Lucy put it there? 6 Is she a singer or a detective?
3 吐1巳 most hruidsome/the most beautiful 一多音节形容词和许多双音节形容词的最高级 3 Who is Jonno? 7 How real is she (for Robe时)?
要在形容词原形前加 the most ,比较级要在原形前加 more ,如 handsome - more 4 Who is Robert's favourite?
handsome - the most handsome o
e Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提|词。
参考译文 Example: Lucy / lot / posters / room? (Why 川?)
A: Has Lucy got a lot of posters in her room? B: Yes , she has.
A: Why has she got a lot of posters in her room? B: Because she Iikes them.
罗伯特 你为什么在房间里挂这些海 露西 那你 最喜欢谁?
报,露西? 罗伯特 丽娜 ·兰。她是世界上 最漂亮 1 Jonno 1 best singer 1 world? (Who ...?)
露面 . 因为我喜欢它们。 的女孩,也 最聪 明。 2 Leena Lang 1 beautiful girll world? (Who...?)
3 Leer旧 Lang 1just someone 1 computer game? (Who ...?)
看那张 大脸,真傻。 露西 。 丽娜兰!大疯狂了!她只是
罗伯特 4 Leena Lang 1 as reall Jonno? (Who …?)
你为什么把它贴在天花板 电脑游戏中的人物。
上? 罗伯特 我不在乎。她是 最好的侦探,
ø Ask each other these questions. 互相提问。
露西 因为我喜欢它。
1 Who's your favourite actor/actress/singerlfilm star? Why?

罗伯特 那这是谁呀。 露西 。 但她并不 真 实 l 她甚至不存 2 What kind of posters or pictures do you like? Have you got any in your room?
琼诺。他是世界上最好的歌 在 1 3 Do you e时oy computer games? Which do you play? How often?
手,也是最帅的 o 罗伯特· 她是真的。她就和 琼诺一样
真傻。 真实 ! 。 Ask questions. 提问。
露西 不是的| Imagine you are talking to a famous actor, actress or singer. What questions can
, you ask him or her? 假设你在和一位著名的演员或歌手谈话。你会问他或她什么


、 Frank

life lot wi ll ing file ill mi lk
knife n ot wi nning fi n d fi n e in
more intelligent more hard-working more popular
less hard-working more ... than the others
less popular less intelligent She's the most
than Prank than Mary than Jane student in the c1 ass
【 NewW。时5 and 阳tþt.-t1 rì1叫词和短语 I
-------------------------… ←一 一 一一一二
-------------------- 一一二
一 一一- - ---------------- 一一一
intelligent /m 'telI d3ant/ a功。有才智的 exciting /lk's aJ tI I) / a叫j 令人兴奋的
hard-working / , ho:d'W3 :kI I)/αdj 努力工作 powerful / ' pau~fal/αdj. 强大的 KIk L /l M1m N/n
的 comfortable /' kAmft ;:, bal! αdj. 在f月民的 Paul's book Claire's book Flora's book Robert's book
opinion /~'pmj;m/ n 观点, 看 法 reliable jn 'I al;;> bal! α叫j 可 靠 的,可信赖的
think of /'8I I) k ~v忡. + prep. + object 怨起 stage /steld3/ n 舞 台
popular /'pnpjul?/ adj. 受欢迎的

mor,巳 eXCItmg more expenslve more ínteresting less .. . than the others
less expensive less interesting less 巳XCltJng
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。 1t's the least ...
than Claire 's than F!ora's than Paul's of them a11
(Not with pictures J, N and R) 3 (Not with pictures J, N and R)
A: Is Jane intelligent? A: Jane 's more hard-working than Frank
----------四--- - ------ 一一一…
…一一---------回国圃. --明------- - ----- --四-----…---- 一一- 一…
B: Well, she's more intelligent than Fr,口 nk. B: Oh, no, she isn't! She 's more intelligent 一 …一-一 - ----…- - - - ---- - ---
A: Is she hard-working? than Frank, but she isn't as 。/0 P/p Q/q Rlr
Tom's car Jim's car John's car
B: She 's less hard-working than Frank. hard-working. Sam's car

2 (Not with pictures J, N and R) 4 (With picture叫, N and R)

A: What's your opinion ofJane? / What A: They're all intelligent
do you think ofJane? B: Yes, they are, but Vikki's more
B: We l/, she's more intelligent than Frank, intelligent than the others. She主 the
but less hard-working most intelligent student in the c/ass.
more powerful more comfortable more reliable more ... than th巳 others
, less comfortable less reliable less powerful !t 's the most … car
than Jim 、 than John's than Tom's
‘ 4世
on the road



Patterns 句型
飞 Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 102 , and write out in full numbers 3 and 4. 参照
Look at the picture, listen to the recording, and answer the
questions. 看图片,听录音,然后回答 问 题。"
第 102 页 的 句型练习,用图片中的信息套用句型 3 和 4 ,写出完整的对话。
2 How much were the socks?
Can you describe them?
f) Guided Summary 总结 Who did the socks belong to?
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 55 , to make one Wh y is he so important?

paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 55 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。 Why did the buyer want them?

Why has Lucy got a lot of posters 5 Is she the ugliest and sílliest girl
in the world , or is she the cl巳v巳rest
比空些liIl剧时丙丁 Across Napoleon 1, 1769-1821
in her roöm?
2 Where is th巳re a big face? Is there and the most beautiful girl in th巳 I 2 3 4 1 4th = f
world? 5 yhEII 咛出eir birthday川hat are the
or isn't there a picture of Jonno in

Wh at does Lucy say about her?

her room , too? (Use .. .. an d) 6

ili-- 5 Do you wa阳r叭hing 巳一?
3 What does Lucy say about him? Does Robert care or not? (Begin 6 1 s_ _ my old teacher yest巳rday.

OU'i 句J
Does Rob巳rt agree or not? (Begin with Lucy says. '...' and use .. .. but) Not shut
8 9

with Lucy says , '...' and use .. .. but) 7 For him , what is she? Is she as real I' ve got C _ _ _ friends than vou
4 Wh o is his favourite? as Jonno or not? (Use ..., an d) 10 This is good. That one's b
11 12
oWriteGuided Composition: The Best in the 胁rld 作文:世界上最……

a short paragraph about your favourite singer, actor or actress , star or pop
1 Jane's friends bought a few books. but
13 Janebought the t '
group. Use these notes if you want to. 就你最喜欢的歌手、演员、影星或流行乐团写

' 2JA 『E 叮/QJ
He always r- - -JFJdkon his bike
IOU W巳ar 1t on your head.
!w一_ at the concert last Saturday
飞飞 1 His/Her name Jonno IS a s
2 Where he/she comes from Tom's a bad studen t. He's th巳 w

What he/she looks like student in our class. 一 -­

11 AC_ = Notmanv

What he/she does

12 K巳n ínstalled a 二 _ cam in his garden
气 dζU

Most popular singer/actor ... in Chin a!in th巳 world

Most beautiful/h andsome .. . Mm叫

Much better/nicerlstronger/prettier/mor,巳 handsome , etc. than ...

Choose the correct answer toalI the blank - a , b , c or d-Then look at th text in

Have a picture of himlher ...

Lesson 55. 从 a、 b、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第 55 课的课文。
Saw himlher on TV/i n a fi lIp/in a show/on stage ... Heard himlher on radio …
I Why dId you put it---the ceiling?(pic-2)
10 Want to meet himlh巳r
功UP b)In c)out d) on
2 neL-SInger m the world-(PIC - 匀'
You might begin Iike this: 你可以这样开头:
a)a good b)a better c)the best d) well
My favourit巳 p1nger15··-He/Shecomes from. .., and he/sheis very handsome/ 3 She's the--girl in theworld , and th clemmst (pic 4)
beautifu l. a)mo?t handsorn巳 b)prettIer c)most beautiful d) bett巳r

4 she,sJust--mamnpllt巳r game. (pic . 5)
…… 叫一…叫 时叮叮W

il} un巳 b) girl c) someone d) lady

10 马

No one's better than Paul!

没人比保罗好! CLAIRE: Tom won the high jump.
H巳 jumped 1.49 metres.
That was 3 c巳ntrmetres higher
LESSON than all the others

Listen to the recording , and then answer this qnestion: Where did Phil come in the long

jump? 听录音,然后回答问题:菲尔在跳远中得了第几名?

CLAIRE: Paul is a fantastic athle旬 , Linda.

Hecom巳s first in ev巳rything.
CLAlRE: And Phil cam巳 first
LINDA: H巳 was always a strong runner. in the long jump
He jumped further than anyone.
@ He broke his personal record.

CLAIRE: In the Championships last y巳缸, @

the '800 metres' was a very fast race.
But Paul ran the fastest.
He was 15 seconds faster
than his nearest rival.

CLAlRE: They're all fantastic , really!

LINDA: Yes , they are.
But no one's bett巳r
than our Paul!
LINDA: Ther巳 wer巳 a lot of his friends
in th巳 Championships ,
W巳r巳n't there?
CLAIRE: Oh , yes! Th巳y a11 did very w巳11 。



106 107
(阳 Words and xpressl。陌生词和短语 ] I0 Answer questions about the text. 根据课文回答问题。
a) Example: Paul's a fantastic athlete. Yes , he is , isn't he?
rival /'raI v.?1! n. 竞争对手 longjump n 跳远
He comes first in everything. Yes , he does , do臼n't he?
highjump n 跳高 personal /'P3:S.?Il.?1! α功,个人的,私人的
1 He was always a strong runner
6 Tom won the high jump
2ln the CharmoMIps lastyear, the
7 He jumped 3 centimetres higher than
?曹棉黝酣嘿酣鞭素食j嚣窍攒带孩'. 凯咄吧T呼?叫句古~V,""""有?喃喃需W
'800 metres' was a very fast race all the others.
3 Paul didn't run the slowes!.
4 He ran the fastest 8Phll came flrst ln the long jump.
9He jumped further than anvone-
5 AII his friends did very well indeed in
10AH the athletes amfantastt1
the Championships

fNotes on the Text 课文注释 】 b) Example: Does Paul come second in everything?
No , he doesn 't. He comesρrst in everything.

1 15 seconds faster/3ωntimetres higher 一"快 15 秒" / "高出 3 厘米"。形容词的比 1 Was the '800 metres' last year a very
s/ow race?
3 Oid Tom win the long jump?
较级前可以加一些数量词或短语,以更具体地进行比较。 4 Oid Phil come fhird in the long jump?
2 Was Paul fifty seconds faster than his
2 1.49 metres -一读作 one point four nine metr目。 nearest rival?
3 All the others 一一 others 一一代词,指代 the other competitors 。
4 broke - break 的过去式,读作!br:Juk/ 。 c) Example: Who is a fantastic athlete? Paul (is).
1 How good is he in everything?
4 How much faster was he than his
2 Which race was very fast in last
参专译文 nearest rival?
year's Championships? 5 What height did Tom jump?
3 Who ran the fastest?
克莱尔 保罗是很棒的运动员,琳达, 克莱尔 哦,是的!他们其实都很棒。 6 How did Phil do in the long jump?

克莱尔 汤姆赢了跳高,跳了 1 米 49 ,
比其他人高了 3 厘米。
e Ask questions about the text. 根据课文提问。 l1
Example: ‘ 800metres , /Iast year /hst race?(How fast -J) f
克莱尔 在去年的锦标赛中, 800 米赛 j 克莱尔 菲尔跳远得了第一,比其他人 A: Wasthe ‘ 800 metres' last year a very fast race? B: Yes, it was.
跑很要求速度,但保罗跑得最 i 跳得都远,还破了个人纪录。 A: How fast was the ‘ 800 metres' last year? B: (It was) very fast.
快,比他后面的选手快了 15 í 1 Paul / run / fastest? (Who ...?)
秒。克莱尔 他们真的都很棒 l 2Tom /jump/149metres?(How high ?)
3PNl/jump further /anyone7(Who ?)'
琳达 是的,但谁也没有我们的保罗
4Phll/break /pe「Sona|record?(VVhlch record ?)
琳达 他的很多朋友也参加了锦标 好|

赛,是吧? o Ask each other these questions. 互相提问。

00 you enjoy sports? Which sports do you like best? 00 you watch them or do them?

。 Ask questions. 提问。




应 pmunchti??五l
Paul ran Tomjumped
v illage driv er e v ent inv ite faster than Dan
jvj v ase v ery higher than John
w me w orse alw ays the fast巳st 出e highest
jwj we w est wheel
Q/q Rlr

the other day /ði 'Að<l 'del/ adv. (time) 前几 paint /pemt/ v. 绘 画 , 画
dress /dres/ν. 穿衣服 Philjumped Claire arrived

lose /lu:z/ v 输掉 further/farther than anyone earlier than Paul
definitely /'deÍl nltli/ adv σocus) (manner) the fur由estlf.缸th巳st the earliest
明确地 rt楚地

Ask and answer questions. 问答练习 。

A: Paul ran very 币。st the other day. 4 A: Did Dan run very fast? Flora played WiIliam worked
B: Yes, he ran faster than Dan (did). B: Quite fast, but he didn't run as fast as better than Vikki harder than Sam
Paul (did). 出e best th巳 hardest
------------- - -- - 一一一
… 一一一----------------
2 A: Did Paul and Dan run 币。st? U/u V/v
5 (Not with pictures U and V)
B Yes, they both ran 旬到
but Paul ran faster than Dan. A: Did Paul run 句ster than Dan?
B: Yes, he did. He definitely ran the
fastes t.
3 A: Did Paul run 而口sterthan Dan?
B: Oh, yes. Much 旬ster!

Lucy painted WiIliam dress巳d

, more carefully more quickly
thanRob巳rt than Karen

o Patterns 句型
Listen to the recording , and complete the sentences. 听录音 ,
Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 110, and write out in full numbers 2, 4 and 5. 完成句子。
1 Jack is crazy about
参照第 110 页的句型练习 , 用图片中的信息 套用句型 2 、 4 和 5 ,写 出完整的对话 。
时 cars 丁) music
e Match A and B 搭配 A 、 B 栏
c) CDs d) his own car
2 Jeff' s car is less 二一 than J础'二
Write out A, and complete each sentence or question with the correct words from B.
a) smart b) clever
从 B 栏 中 逃出合适的词语完成 A 栏中的陈述或问题。
c)g?od d)expensive
A B 3 Jeff is • than Tom.
b) morl巳 successful

Sh巳 can run ... of all the people here. a) more intelligent

Tom works the hardest ... .. reliable in our road. c) older d) happier

, 竹、u
This computer game is ... .good as mineq 4 10m 一一 to walk.

This car is the most ... .. comem 出巳巳X缸ns? a) liked b) didn't like
My sister is much more .. ... worse than last year. c) likes d) like

dU 句/00
My English report was ... .. popular than 1 缸n.
Where did Robert ..
Is your Maths report as ..
... much faster than 1 can.
...more 巳xciting than yours.
ø Sentence 串tructure 句子结构 ZZZ叫
Complete these sentences , using the notes in brackets. Then refer to the text in
Lesson 57. 用括 号 中的 信 息完成句子,然后 参看 第 57 课的课文 。 12345
Example: tI old is Robert todail. Robert? He's ten today.

:hs , I 创 And 1 wo削 ha毗r than a11 the 0阳s!
-iq ,"句

H巳 was ... (seconds / faster / nearest riv a1) (pic. 2)

Oh , yes! They ... (did / well indeed) (pic . 3) ?Y创盹叫,J创 an巳 W创叫tl阳巳吨 She 盯 arr叫 m
圳 rl阳har山1


That was ... (centimetres / higher / all / others) (pic. 4)
And Phil ... (first /l ong jump) (pic. 5)
? She was 3 s巳cond
山s 臼
f:ast巳臼r than 由
th巳 other gir1 s in the race.
。 Guided Summary 总结
Write complete answers to thωe questions about the text in Lesson 57 , to make one
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于 第 57 课课文的问题 , 并将答案连成一 段话 。
E L.叫mltífþj 选择填可|
Choose the corrprt
How good an athlete is Paul? 6 How much high巳r did hejump mmcE n e MIltheblank- 呐, c or d. Then I州 at 伽 text i
2 Where does he come in than a11 the others? Lesson 57. 从 a 、 b、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空,然后查看第 57 谍的课文 。
巳verything? 7 Wh ere did Phil come in the long
2 俨
∞O nh;r:r叫川

hiiβs 阳阳…
3 In 出e
Championships last year, jump?
what was a very fast race? Who ran 8 How far did he jump? What did he 2
the fastest? (Use ..., but) break? (Use ..., and)
一J、 叫飞矶?……凡飞牛…
:川 牛
e町r巳 al阳
O创t ofh恼lis
咀 fri巳叫
he巳 Cααh 阻叫

创∞n盹ips , _ _ ? (pic 匀

4 How much faster was he than his
nearest ri val?
9 Are they a11 fantastic or not? Who
is b巳tter than ‘ our Paul'?
地:j;tcentim32;tt叶53:12 … t 出巳Y
• 5 What height did Tomjump? Did (U se ..., but) 4 d) fewer
He ---hIS personal record.(PIC 5)
he win or lo~e the high jump? a)did b)brokeplmnn
d) had
a (Use .. ., an d) 5 But no 0肘 '8 一)二 than our Paul! (pic. 6) 叮 n' 1J1..1

a)good b)better c)best

d) the best
A giant squid
巨型鲸鱼 ROBERT: It 's 9 metres long.
WILLIAM: Nine metres ... that' s about 30 feet
That' s as long as a London bus!

搞茵茵暨暨暨暨暨EEZE 。
Listen to the recording , and then answer this question: How long is the giant squid? 听

ROBERT: 1 bought New Scientist magazin巳

this week , Dad.
WILLIAM: Did you? ROBERT: 1 know.
1'11 give you th巳 mon巳y forthat.
Its eyes are as big as plates ,
How much did you pay for it? and its suckers
ROBERT: Itcost f3.70 (也re巳 poundssev巳nty).
are as big as a man's leg.
@ WILLIAM: That's amazing.

WILLlAM: Her巳 you ar巳.

I 巳njoy New Scientist , too.
1' 11 read it after you.

@ ROBERT: Can w巳 go and s巳e it , Dad?

WILLIAM: Ì'I邸, of course
We'll go on Sunday moming.
ROBERT: Ther巳 's a pi巳C巳 in it , Th巳 rest of the farnily
about a giant squid. will be at the athletics .
I t' s on show
at the Natural History Mus巳um. 。

11 问 115
~I I 翅
(~'Á'lëTlH>..,Iít.1 时时…彗理暨] FEEE哩理:
giant squid l 'd3a l~nt SkWldl compound amazing I的neIZIl) 1 adj 令人惊异的 , 了不 o A nswer questions abol叫削ext. 根据课文回答问题。
n. 巨型主L 鱼 起的
a) Example: Robert bought New Scientist magazine this week , didn't he? Yes, he did.
scientist I 'SaI :JntIstl n 科学家 the rest of lð :J 'rest :J vl quantifier
on show lon ' f甜I adv. (place) 在展出 (distributiνe) 其余的 William will give him the money for it , 5 It's on show at the Natural History
won't he?
eye /mln 眼睛 ear II~I n 耳朵 Museum , isn't it?
!'regj ul~lil adν(如quency)
2 The magazine cost 王 3.70, didn't it? 6
sucker I 'SAk :J1n 吸盘 regularly It's nine metres long , isn't it?
3 William enjoys New Scientist, too ,
(manner) 有规律地,定期地 7 And its eyes are as big as plates ,
doesn't he?
aren't they?
叫咱捐W 忡忡栅 ....,.~:啕明白'响 R
4 There's a piece in it about a giant 8 Robert and William will go and see it
squid , isn't there?
on Sunday morning , won't they?

am盟圃酣睡鹦堕V b) Example: Did Robert buy New Artist magazine this week?
No , he didn't. He bought New Scientist magazine
1 Oid it cost 王 3. 50?
1 bought - buy 的过去式,读作 Ib::l :tl 。
5 Is 9 metres about 13 feet?
2 Ooes William hate New Scientist?
6 Are its ears as big as plates?
2 give you the mon巳Y for that - for 介词 , 表示目的 。 3 Is there a piece in it about a giant bin♂
7 Are its eyes as big as a man's lea?
3 Here you are 一在递给别人东西时通常要说的一句话。 4 Is the squid 19 metres long?
8 W iII they go on Monday morning?
4 on show 意为"在展出"。记住其他一些由 on 构成的短语 on holiday (在假
期中) , on sale (特价) 0 c) Example: Which magazine did Robert buy this week? (He bought) New Scientist.
5 I! 's 9 m巳treslong 数字和表示度量 的词可合为一个复合形容词,放在名词前修饰
How much did he pay for it? 5 How big are its eyes?
名词 , 这时数词和度 量词间有连字 符,且度量词要为单数,如 a 3-hour lunch 。 2 Wha t' s in it this week? 6 And what about its suckers?
3 Where is the giant squid on show? 7 When will Robert and William go and
4 How long is it?
参考译文 see it?

罗伯特 爸爸 , 我买了本周的 〈 新科 ! 罗伯特 它 有 9 米长 。 e A sk questi ons abOl川削ext. 根据课文提问。

学 家〉杂志 。 i 威廉 9 米 … … 大 约 3 0 英尺。和 伦
Example:Robert / New scientistmagazine / this week?(Which ··?)
威廉 是吗 ? 我把钱给 你 。 你 花 了 1 敦的 公 共 汽 车一样长 1
A:Did Robert buy New sctendst magazine this week?B:Yes, he did.
多少 钱? A:Which magazine did Robert buy this week?B:New SCaenh-s t.
罗伯特 3 . 7 英镑。 ; 罗伯特 我知道 。 它的眼睛有盘子那
1 magazine I cost I f3 .70?
么 大,吸盘像 人 腿一样粗。 3 squid I 9 metres long? (How long ...?)
(How much .. .?)
威廉 。 给 。 我 也 爱看 〈 新 科 学家 〉。 威廉 太 不可思 议 了。 4 eyes I big / plates? (How big ...?)
2 piece in itl giant squid? (What...?)
你看完我看 。 5 they go I Sunday? (When ...?)
罗伯特 我 们 能去看看吗,爸爸 ? ø Ask each other these questions. 互相提问。
罗伯 特 里面有一篇关于巨型鲸鱼的 ; 威廉 当然。我 们 周日 上 午去 。 到
时 家里其他 人会 去 看田径比
1Do you read a magazine regularly?Do you ever buy a magazlne?What?When?
文 章 。这只统鱼 在 自 然 历史
When did you last buy one?
博物馆展览。 赛。
2Can you get magazines ln English?How much do they cost?
3Do you ever go to a museum?Where is your nearest museum?Whatzs itlIke?
, When did you last go there?

LESSON ⑩ R1r S/s T/t

3理EE司 How muchare

由ey/is it?
they/does it
Word stress natio ' nality 'chem istry fan 'tastic compe 'tition cost?
What' s the price those postcards thatCD thatTV
of ...? 80p each fl2 .50 $1 ,500
very/quite cheap quite/ra也er expenslve very expensive

(N二w Words and Ex ressions 生词和短语 )

1 postcard /'p:mstk口 :d/ n 明信片 squid /SkWld/ n . 量ι 鱼 U/u V/v W/w
weigh /WeI/ v. 重量有

How much does

he/she weigh?

矶'hat's his/her
出atman that woman
Ask and answer questions. 问答练习。 that workman
62 kilos 70 kilos 94 kilos
very thin rather fat
A: How much do those postcards cost? / Patterns 3 and 4 with pictures R, S and very fat
How much ore those postcards? Tonly
B: They cost 80p each. 3 A: What 's the price of those postcards?
B: They're 80p (each)
A How much (each)?! XJx Y/y
2 A: How much do those postcards cost? Z/z
B: They're 80p each. They're very/quite B: 80p. They're very/quite cheap
4 A: How much did you pay for those
How much does it

B: I paid 80p each for them. / They cost
巩'hat's th巳 weight
80p each. of ...?
that parc巳l that box of fruit that suitcase
half a kilo 5 kilos 25 kilos
quit巳 light rath巳Theavy very heavy


118 119

阶I'm阳 IMdWH..M 书面练习】
。 Patterns 句型
'因理理' Listen to the recording , and answer the questions. 听录音,
回答问题 。
Refer to the Pattern Practice on page 118, and write out in full numbers 2, 3 and 4. fl

参 照第 118 页的句型练习 , 用图片中的信息套用句型 2 、 3 和 4 , 写出完整的对话 。
When did the study begin?

How old were the children then?

飞 f} Sentence Structure 句型结构 Do fatter children a1 ways eat more
Completeth凶;esentenc凶 using the notes in brackets. Then refer to the text in L臼son 59. than thinner children?
用括号中的信息完成句子,然后参 看 第 59 课的课文。 4 Did the fattest children get thinner

ur ρ m
kbThu (dAUhd
tli dM later?

l ,, UU

sm 唱 he-cn




、, 9" 叶J
1 How much ... (you / pay / it) (pic. 1) 3 f
5 Thin children and fat children behave
n nb ‘

飞 2 Th巳r巳 's .. . (piec巳/ giant squid)

- 1。


differently, don't they? Wha t' s the

, ,,‘

(pic.3) 4

r3 diffì巳rence?

\ ø
Guided Summary 总结
Write complete answers to these questions about the text in Lesson 59 , to make one t
paragraph. 完整回答以下关于第 59 课课文的问题,并将答案连成一段话。
Can you match the questions on the left with the answ‘
1 Which magazin巳 did Rob巳rt buy 4 How long is it? How big are its down 你能把左栏的问题与右栏的回答搭配起来吗?tJU]2可川削hem
this week? eyes? How big are its suckers? A Questions
2 How much did it cost? Do巳s (Use ..., aná) Your suitcase h heavy!How much B Answers
Wi1liam give him the money 5 Who wants to go and se巳 it? Can does it weigh? Well , it's more reliable 阳nmy old


, 句

for it or not? Do巳s he enjoy th巳 由ey go on Sunday morning or Does she play tennis welI?

, 句
3A 『
Yes , she plays better than 1 do
Where did you come in the race?

magazine , too? Sunday aftemoon? Where will the Oh , about 2 miles.
!fowmuchdoyou we助 now?

(Use ..., and and ..., because) rest of the farnily be? 1 came last
3 Is there a piece in it about a sma11 (Use ..., and and ..., because) 1S your car very reliable?

1 don't know - about 20 kilos. 1
squid or a giant squid? Where is How far is it from your house to the think.
coIIege? 6
the squid on show? (Use ..., aná) 1 only weigh about 60 kilos.

。 Guided Composition: A Piece in a Magazine 作文:杂志中的一篇文章

Write a short paragraph about a piece in a magazine. AßSwer these questions if you k坠些!ω 选择同|
want ω. 就某杂志中的 一 篇文章写 一段话。你可以回答下面的问题 。
Choose the correct answer to all the bIank-a, b, c or d-Then look t the text in

Lesson 59. 从 a , b 、 c 和 d 中选择正确的答案填空 ,然后查看第 59 课的课文。

h 阳部一巳hm



dl mddw






1 4 Was ther巳 an interesting piece in

this we巳k's/last we巳k's magazine? 1 How much did you __二 it? (pic. 1)


w·四川 -m

2 Wh at was it about? )buy b)pay c)cost
、 r


JI- d) pay for

;lttegl;21:可 i;ffi曰:(Pic2) 川III咆
l吆g …

5 w巳re th巳r巳 any drawings or




3 photographs with it?



6 What can you rememb巳r about the 川 一二-二__ Natural History Mus巳um. (pic. 3)
piece? 引 -b)a c)the d) 扭
, 扭:kmrrofeetETFaL011212比 4)
a ) r s are as bIg as--一_leg. (pic. 5)
, ) man b) a man c) men's d) a man 's
1 London Bridge 2 Yours and Mine 4 Where were you yesterday?
(L巳 ssons 1 , 3 , 9) by Roy Kingsbury and Patrick O'Shea by Roy Kingsbury and Patrick O'Shea
l London Bridge is falling down , (Lessons 5 , 7 , 13 , 51) (Lessons 21 , 25 , 55)
Falling down , falling down. 1 Look around and you will see Where were you yesterday?
London Bridge is falling down , With a chick chick h巳re and a chick
Everything belongs to you and me. Yes , where were you yesterday? chick there ,
岛1y fair lady! Look around and you will find You weren't at work.
Here a chick , there a chick ,
2 Build it up with iron bars , This whole world is yours and it' s You weren't at hom巳.
Everywhere a chick chick.
lron bars , iron bars 日une. You weren't around yesterday. Old Macdonald had a farm ,
Build it up with iron bars , Everything that you s巳巳 Oh , dear! Dear lulie! E-I-E-I-O!
My fair lady! A1l belongs to you and me. Why do you lie to me? 2 Old Macdonald had a farm ,
3 Iron bars will bend and break , Every bird , every fiower , 1 want to go , but then 1 know , E-I-E-I-O
Bend and break , bend and break 巳very tree - 1 just can't live without you
And on that farm h巳 had som巳 ducks ,
lron bars will bend and break , They all belong to you and me . 2 Why were you in 由e park?
My fair lady! 2 Winter storms and April show巳rs 一 Yes , why were you in the park?
With a quack quack here etc.
4 Build it up with silver and gold , They are mine; th巳y're yours; yes , You weren't alone.
Old Macdonald had a farm ,
Silv巳r and gold , silv巳r and gold they're ours. Youw巳re on a bench
Build it up with silver and gold , Snow and sunshine , wind and s巳a With another man in the park. 3 Old Macdonald had a farm ,
My fairlady! 咱 All these things belong to you and Oh , dear! Dear lulie! etc E-I-E-I-O .
5 Silver and gold are much too dear , me. 3 Who was that man in your car?
Andon 由at farm he had som巳
Much too de缸, much too dear. Ev巳rything that you see etc. Yes , who was that man in your car? turkeys , E-I-E-I-O!
Silver and gold are much too dear , 3 Evening sun and ski巳s ofblue 一 H巳 wasn ' t your uncle.
With a gobble gobble here etc.
My fair lady! They belong to me and to you. He wasn't your dad
Ol d Macdonald had a farm ,
6 Build it up with sticks and stones , 1 am yours and you ar巳 mme. Yes , who was that man in your car? E-I-E-I-O!
Sticks and stones , sticks and stones. This whole world is ours-yours and Oh , dear! Dear lulie! etc. 4 Old Macdonald had a farm ,
Build it up with sticks and stones , mine! 4 Who were you with on th巳 beach? E-I-E-I-O.
卫tly fair lady! Everything that you see etc. Yes , who wer巳 you with on th巳
And on that farm h巳 had some pigs ,
7 Sticks and stones will wash away , b巳ach?
3 What are you going to be? E-I-E-I-O!
Wash away , wash away守 You were on the sand.
(L巳 sson 17) With a grunt grunt here etc.
Sticks and stones will wash away , Youw巳r巳 hand in hand
1 What are you going to be? Old Macdonald had a farm ,
My fair lady! With that same man on the beach
What are you going to be? E-I-E-I-O!
8 London Bridge is falling down , Oh , de缸 !De缸 lulie! etc.
I' m going to be a soldier; 5 Old Macdonald had a farm ,
Falling down , falling down.
That' s the life for me. 5 Old MacDonald E-I-E-I-O .
London Bridge is falling down ,
2 What are you going to be? (Lessons 29 , 47) And on that farm h巳 had a car,
My fair lady!
What ar巳 you going to be? I Old Macdonald had a farm , E-I-E-I-O!
I' m going to be a fireman; E-I-E-I-O . With a rattle rattle here etc.
, That' s the life for me. And on that farm he had some Old Macdonald had a farm ,
chicks , E-I-E-I-O! E-I-E-I-O!

122 123
6 As I was going to 8 t. Ives Ro11 over. 11 There were none in the bed , ,
(Lesson 33) So th巳y a11 ro11ed ov巳r , And no one said ,
As 1 was going to St. Ives , And one fe11 out. Ro11 over;
1 met a man with seven wives. 5 There were six in th巳 bed , Roll ov巳r.
Each wife had sev巳ns岛cks An d the litt1巳 one said , So no one rolled ov巳:f,
Each sack had sev巳n cats. Ro11 over; And no one fe11 ou t.
Each cat had seven kittens. Ro11 over
8 Good night, ladies
Kittens , cats , sacks and wives: So they a11 ro11ed over,
And one fe11 out. (Lesson 59)
How many were there going to St.
6 Ther巳 were five in the bed , 1 Good night , ladies!
Andth巳 litt1e on巳 said , Good night , ladies!
(This rhyme is a ‘ riddle\Answer:
Ro11 over:, Good night , ladies!
One - the speaker was going to St.
Ro11 over. W巳 're going to leave you now
Ives , and met the others: they were
So th巳y a11 ro11ed over, M巳rrily we roll a1 ong , ro11 along , ro11
corning towards him , and away 仕um
Andon巳 f巳11 ou t. along ,
St. Ives.)
7 There wer,巳 four in the b巳d , Merrily we ro11 along , o'er the deep
7 There were ten in the bed And the litt1巳 one said , blue sea.
(Lessons 37 , 41) Ro11 ov巳r; 2 Sweet dreams , ladies!
1 There were t巳nintheb巳d , Ro11 over. Swe巳t dreams , ladies!
And the litt1e one said , So they a11 ro11巳d over, Sweet dreams , ladies!
Ro11 over; And one fe11 out. We're going to leav巳 you now.
Ro11 over. 8 There were three in the b巳d , M巳rrily w巳 ro11 along , ro11 along , ro11
So they a11 ro11ed over, And th巳 litt1e one said , along ,
And one fe11 out Ro11 ov巳r; Merrily we ro11 along , o'er the d巳ep
2 There were nine in the bed , Ro11 over. blue sea.
Andth巳 litt1e one said , Soth巳y a11 ro11ed over,
Ro11 over; And one fe11 ou t.
Ro11 over 9 There w巳re two in th巳 b巳d ,
So th巳y a11 ro11ed over, And 由巳 litt1e on巳 said ,
And one fe11 ou t. Ro11 ov巳r;
3 Th巳rew巳re eight in th巳 bed , Ro11 over.
And the littl巳 on巳 said , So they both ro11巳d over,
Ro11 over; Andon巳 f巳11 ou t.
Ro11 over. 10 There was one in the bed.
So th巳y a11 ro11巳d over, And the littl巳 on巳 said ,
Andon巳 fe11 out. Ro11 ov巳r;
4 There wer巳 seven in the b巳d , Ro11 over.
And the litt1e one said , So he ro11ed over,
• Ro11 ov巳r;
, And he fe11 out. • Songs:γ'ours and Mine and Where were you yesterday? @ Roy Kingsbury
and Patrick Q'Shea (1979)

1 2刊
degree - fairly
fa lI - invite
a Ii ttle - boyfriend brave - definitely
degr臼 /dr'gri:/ n. 度 , 度数 2 1.41
density /'densrti/ n. 密度 24 .4 7 fal1/f:l :liν. 下降 2 1.41
a little (+ comparative adj./adν ) adv. (degree) brave /brerv / adj 勇敢的 24 .48
depth /dep8/ n 深度 23 .4 6 f盯 /fo:/ adj. 远的 23 .45
少量,少许 25.50
break /brerk/ν 打破,弄坏,闯入 19 .3 7
a lot quantifier 很多 19 .3 8 detective /dr'tektrv/ n 侦探 28.55 fashion shoot! 'fæJ<:>n 'Ju:t/ n. 时装拍摄 20 .3 9
break into v. + prep. 闯入 19.37
difference !'drf<:>rgns/ 凡差异,不同之 fast /fa: s t/ adν. 快地,迅速地 19 .3 8
abroad /g'bLJ:d/αdv. (place) 到国外,在国 bring in /, brrlJ 'rn/ν+α:dv.particle (transitive)
处 25 .49 favourite /'ferv<:>rr t/ n 最喜爱的人或
外 20 .40 带来 2 l.41 物 28 .55
actually /'æktJugli/ adv. (jocus) (νiewpoint) 实 discover /drs'kAVg/ v. 发现 18.35
building /'brldr lJ/ n. 建筑物 , 房屋 23 .4 6
discuss /dr'skAS/ν 讨论,商议 few /fju:/ quant~币er 几个些 2 1.41
际上 27 .5 3 16.31
care /k臼/ v. 关心,操心 28 .5 5
dress /dres/ v 穿衣服 29 .5 8 tì1e /farli n . 档案,文件 23 .45
age /erd3/ n 年龄 25 .5 0
carefully /'kegf<:>li/αdv. (manner) 小心 自nger !'frlJ gg/ n. 手指 16 .3 1
air /eg/ n 空气,大气 2 l.41 地 17 .34
drive /drar V/ n. (从私人住宅通往大街的)车
道 16 .3 1 foot /fut/ n. (measurement) 英尺 23.45
a1 most /':l! lmgus t/ adv. (degree) 几乎 , 差不 ceiling /' s i:Ir IJ/ n 天花板 28.55 t町阳配a
多 25 .50 ear /rg/ n 耳朵 30 .5 9
Celsius /' selsigs/ n 摄氏度 2 l.41
ear1y !' 3:liJ adν 早地 19.38 F阳
町:r I'f:l:虫
ko创:s创tg/ n 预报员 匀1.4
2 剁
amaZlI皂角 'merzrlJ/ adj 令人惊异的,了不起 centimetre /'sentr ,mi:tg/ n 厘米 23 .4 5
Geography /础

i I n . 地理 26 .5 1
的 30.59 easily !'i: zrli/ adv. (manner) 容易地 17 .3 3
chance /tJoms/ n. 机会 17 .3 3
egg /eg/ n 蛋 17 .3 3 gIant squid /'d3argnt skwrd/ Conψound n. 巨
announcer /g'naunsg/ n. 播音员,节目主持 chemical /'kemrk<:>li n 化学品 18.36 型就鱼 30 .5 9
人 2 l.41 end /end/ n. 末端,终点 23 .4 6
chemistry /'kemrstril n 化学;化学药品 18 .3 5
engmeer /, end3r'nrg/ n. 工程师 17 .3 3 go over to /ggU 'gUVg tu/ν. + adv. particle +
answer /'omsg/ n. 回答,因复 24 .4 7 chess /tJes/ n 国际象棋 28 .5 5 prep. 转到 2 1.41
anyone !'eniWAn/ pron 任何人 23 .45 enorrnous /r'n::>:rngs/ adj 巨大的,极大
c!ean /klim/ v 清洁 16.32
的 17.33 gradually /'græd3u<:>li/ adv. (manner)伪cus) 逐
anyway /'eniwer/ adν (jocus) 无论如 c!ear /k Irg/ aφ. 容易听清的,明白的 22 .4 3 渐地 2 1.41
何 18 .3 5
collection /kg'lekJ<:>n/ n 收藏品 16 .3 2 enough /内Af/ adv. (degree) 足够地,充分
地 26 .5 1 hang /hælJ/ν 悬挂 19.37
apartment /g'p a: tmgnt/ n . (mainly AmE. > comfortable /'kAmftgb<:>li adj. 舒服的 28 .5 6
enthusiastic /rn ,8ju:zi 'æstrk/αφ 很感兴趣 hard-working /, h a: d'W3:krlJ/ adj. 努力工作
BrE. flat) 公寓. 20 .40 comp缸。 /kgm'peg/ v. 比较 26 .5 2 自-:; 28 .5 6
appear /g'prg/ v. 出现 17 .3 3 的 17.33
competition /, kompg'trJ<:>n/ n 比赛 24 .48
enthusiastical1y /rn ,eju: zi 'æstrkli/αdν hatch /hætJ/ν. 破壳而出,孵出 17 .3 3
as /gz/ adv. (comparison) ~样 25 .49 computer game /kgm'pj u:tg gerrn/
(manner) 很感兴趣地 have a look fixed phrase 看→看 23 .45
badly /'bædli/ adv. (manner) 不好地,差地 compoundn. 电脑游戏 28 .55
17.3 3
head /hed/ n 头,头部 19 .3 7
17.34 conce此 /'konsgt/ n 音乐会 22 .44 even !'i: v<:>n/ adv. (jocus) 甚至 28 .5 5
he町 /hrg/ν. 听见 19.38
be over /bi: 'gUVg/l人+ adv. particle continent /'kontrngnt/ n. 大陆 , 洲 24 .47 ev叩hing !'ev曲叼/ pron →切事物,凡
事 26 .5 1
height /hart/ n 高,高度 23.45
(intransitive) 结束的 17 .3 3 cost /kost/ ν 花费 27 .5 4
herself /hg' self/ pron 她自己 22 .4 3
because of !b r'koz gv/ prep 因为 19.37 count /kaunt/ν 数 17.34 everywhere /'evriweg/ adv. (place) 各处,到
处 16 .3 1 high /har/ 叫j 高的 23.46
beginning /br'grnr lJ/ n 开端,开头 27 .5 3 crazy /'krerz打 αdj 发疯的,愚蠢的 28.55 history /'hrst <:>ri/ n. 历史 30 .5 9
behave !b r 'herv/ν 表现,行为举止 22 .4 3 exam /rg'zæm/ n. 考试,测验 19 .3 8
cuckoo /'kuku:/凡杜鹊,布谷鸟 17 .3 3
between !b r'twi:n/ prep. 在· 之间 17 .3 4 excellent!' eks<:>bnt/ σφ 优秀的,卓越的 26.51 honestly /'Dnrstli/ adv. (viewpoint) (manner) 诚
cut down ν. + adv.particle (transitiJ叫剪 实地 18 .3 5
bird feeder /b3:d 'fi: 由/凡喂鸟器 19.37 下 19 .3 7
excítedly /rk'sartrdli/ adv. (manner) 激动地,
兴奋地 17 .3 3 lmpossible /rm'pDsrb<:>1! αφ: 不可能的 16.31
birdwatcher /b3:d ,wotJg/ n 观鸟者 17.33 dance /doms/ n 社交舞会 17 .3 4
ín fact /m 'fækt/ 耐
价v. (ν川t 川
blow /blgu/ v 吹 2 l.41
dart /da:t/ v. 急冲 17.33 exciting /rk' sarÍIIJ/αψ. 令人兴奋的 28 .5 6
上 2μ4 .4钊
borrow /'borgu/ (sth. from sb.) ν + prep dead /d巳d/αdj. 死的 19 .3 7 e吵阳l/, eksr 叫<:>n/ n 展览,展览
会 22 .44
Illch /m t J; n 英寸 26 .52
(transitive) 向某人借某物 27.53 deep /di:p/ adj 深的 23 .46
exist /rg 'zrst/ν. 存在 28 .5 5 indeed /m'di: d/ adv. (intens(斤er) 确实,实
bottom !'botgm/ n 最低的部分 26.51 de且nitely /'defrnrtli/ adv. σocus) (manner) 明 在 26 .52
boyfriend /'b:)j frend/ n.( 男朋友 16.32 eye /m/ n. 眼睛 30 .5 9
确地,清楚地 29 .5 8 Illstall/m'st :J:1! ν. 安装 17.33
42 face /fers/ 凡脸,面孔 23.45
Ill tel1igent /m'teIr d3<:>n t/ adj 有才智的

, fairly !'fegli/ adv. (degree) 相当地 26 .5 2

126 invite /m 'vart/ v. 邀请 17.33


joke - myself nest - pound powerful - spend squid - whole

joke Id3aukl n. 笑话 19 .3 8 nest Inestl n. 鸟窝,巢 17 .3 3 powerful I'pauafall adj. 强大的 28 .5 6 squid IskwI dI n 鳞鱼 30.60
jump Id3Ampl n 跳跃 29 .57 nut /nA tI n. 坚果, 果仁 19 .37 prefer Ipn'f3 :1 v 更喜欢 25.49 squirrel/'skwIrall n. 松鼠 19 .3 7
keep Iki: pl v 保存,保留 16 .3 1 obviously!'obvi<l slν adv. (viewpoint) (manner) price IpraIsI n 价格,价钱 19 .3 7
squirrel-proof l ,skwIwl'pru:fl adj. 防松鼠
key-ring l'ki :n1] 1 n. 钥匙圈 16 .3 1 明显地 24 .47 promise l 'promIs! ν. 承诺,答应 20 .40 的 19 .37
kilo l'ki:laul n. ( 非正式)千克,公斤 23.46 on show lon 'J<lul adν . (place) 在展出 30.59 push IpuJI ν 推 , 推动 17 .3 3 stage IsteId31 n 舞台 28 .5 6
kilome位e I' krla ,mi:tal n 千米,公里 26 .5 2 opinion l <l 'pmj <lnl n. 观点,看法 28.56 qu a1ity I'kwohtil n 质,质量 25 .49 start Ist a:tI ν 开始 22 .43
knock InDkl v 敲击 17.34 other !' Að <ll : the other pron 另 一个 25 .49 quickly / ' kwrldilαψ . (manner) 迅速地 17 .3 4 striking l'straIkI I] ! adj 极为漂亮的,引人注
label !'leIbal! n. 标签 18 .3 5 out of !' aut av I prep 夕卡 17 .3 3 quietly l 'kwaI <l tlil adv. (manner) 安静 目的 23.45
ladder I'lædal n . 梯子 23.46 outlook I'autlukl n. 前景 , 展望 2 1.41 地 17 .34
studio I' stju:di <l ul n 工作 室,录音室 19 .3 8
last II口 :s t/ adv 最近一次地 21 .42 outside l ,aut'saI dI prep 在…..的外 quiz IkwIZI n. 问答比赛:小测验 24.47 stuff IStAfl 凡东西 18 .3 5
ν 持续,延续 22 .4 3 面 19 .37 rain IreI nI n. 雨 2 1.41
style /starl! n 风格 25 .49
la忧r 1'le It al adv. 较晚地,后来 23.45 adv. (place) 在外面 19 .3 8 rather I'm:凸<ll adv. (degree) 相当,颇 26.52 successful /sak'sesfall 叫j 成功的 20 .3 9
lecture !' lekt Jal n. 讲座 22 .44 outsider laut 'saId<l! n 外人,非成员 22 .43 reasonable I ' ri:zanabaν adj. 正当的,合理 sucker l' SAk <l1 n 吸盘 30 .5 9
left Ileftl αφ· 左的,左边的 25 .49 over !' <l uv <l l prep . (measurement) 超过 22 .44 的 22 .43
suddenly l ' sAdanlil αdv. (time) (manner) 突然
lend /Iendl (sth . to sb.) v .+prep. (transitive) 借 own l<l unl adj 自己的 27.53 regular / 'regjulal adj. 有规律的 20 .3 9 地 17 .3 3
某物给某人 27.53 page IpeId31 n. 页 18 .36 regularly I'regjul <llil adv 价equency) (manner) suit Is u:tl n 套装 25 .49
length /le1] 81 n 长度 23 .4 6 paint Ipemtl v. 绘画,画 29 .5 8 有规律地,定期地 30.59 teatime l'ti:taIm! n. 下午茶时间 16 .3 2
library l'lmbraril 凡图书馆 18 .3 6 P缸'Cel/ ' pa: sall n 邮包,包裹 23 .4 6 reliable In 'laI <l ball adj 可靠的,可信赖 term It3:ml n 学期 26 .5 2
linen I' hnanl n 亚麻布 25 .49 park /pa:k! v 停放(车辆) 16.31 的 28.56
than lðænl conj. (comparison) 比 24 .47
log on / ,lD9 ·DWV+pdv particle (EntrapZSEttve) patiently l'peIJantlil adv. (manner) 耐心 report 1口 'p':!: tI n 报告 26.51
由此 of 1'8I l] k <lvlν . +prep.+ 啕ect 想起 28 .56
登录 17.33 地 17 .3 3 r田t:由e rest of lð <l 'rest <l vl quantijier 其余的 ticket l'tIkItI n. 车票 20 .40
lose Ilu:zl ν. 输掉 29 .5 8 pay back I ' p巳I 'bæk! ν+ adv. particle 人,剩余部分 30.59 till It Il I prep . 直到,至 22 .44
loudly !'laudlil adv . (manner) 大声地 17.34 (transitive) 偿还 27 .5 3 right lraItl adj. 右的 , 右方的 25.49 tooth Itu:81 凡 (pl. tee由)牙齿 16 .3 2
low Ilaul adj 低的 24 .47 pay for l'peI , f <ll v.+ prep. (transitive/ rise IraIzI ν. 上升 2 1.41 train ItreI nI n. 火车 2 1.42
lunchbox l' IAntJbDksl 凡午餐饭盒 18 .3 5 intransitive) 付(款) 20 .40 rival !'raIvall n 竞争对手 29.57 trick Itnk! n . 陷阱 24 .4 7
lunchtime l'IAntJtaun! n. 午餐时间 16 .3 2 person !, p3:sanl n. 人 24 .4 8 robber I'mb <ll n 盗贼,抢劫者 17.34 try out (on) v. + adv. particle (transitive)
martia1 arts l'm a: Jal a: tsl n 武术 28 .5 5 personal !'p3:sanall adj. 个人的,私人 save IseIvl v 节省,节约 25 .49 (+ prep.+o句ect) 试一试 24 .4 7
master I' m a: stal n 大师 28 .5 5 的 29 .5 7 scientist I'SaI <l ntIstl n 科学 家 30 .5 9 tummy l'tAmil n 肚子 19 .3 7
messenger !'mesand3a! n 送信人,信 piano Ipi'æn <l ul n. 钢琴 17.34 second I'sek <l ndl n. ( 时间的)秒 17 .3 3 un c1e l' Al] kall n. 伯父 , 叔叔 24 .48
{吏 23 .45 plan Iplæ n/ n . 计划 ,安排 16 .3 1 sell /sell v. 卖,出售 18 .3 6 unlock IAn' lo k/ v 开(某物)的锁 16 .3 1
microfibre l'mmkrau ,faIbal n 微纤维 25 .49 plane IpleI nI n. 飞机 18 .3 5 send Isendl (sb. sth.) v. (ditransitive) 送, unsuccessful / , Ans <l k'sesfall a功。不成功
middle l'mIdl! αdj。中间的 16 .3 1 pocket money compound n. 零花钱 27 .53 寄 23 .45
的 20 .3 9
miss ImIsIν 错过 18 .35 police Ip<l 'li:sl n 警方,警察 17 .3 4 sharp IJ a: pl adν 伪cus, q芦er expressions of untidy IAn 'taIdil adj 不整洁的 24 .48
moment I'maumantl n 片刻 ,瞬间 17 .3 3 politely Ip <l 'laItlil adν . (manner) 有礼貌 d吃卢刚ttime) 准时, 正 22.43 until IAll 't Ill prep 直到(某个时间)为止 22.44
more 1m':!:! quantijier (comparative ofmany , 唱 地 17 .34 show I J<lul n 演出 17 .3 3 use /ju:sl n 效用,益处 19.37
much) 更多的 19 .3 7 poor Ip':!:1 αdj . 不足的,缺少的 26 .5 2 silliness !' sIlinasl n 愚蠢,糊涂 16 .31 vase /V a:zl n 花瓶 25 .5 0
motor I'mautal adj. 汽车的 22 .44 popular I'popjul <l! a叫;.受欢迎的 28.56 singer I'SI I]<l1 n. 歌唱家 28 .5 5 webcam I'webkærnl n . 网路摄像机 17 .3 3
mountain I'mauntanl n 山 23 .46 population l ,popju 'leIJanl n. 人口 24.47 sleep Isli:pl v 睡觉 19 .3 8 W目前 IweII v 重量有… … 30.60
move /mu:v! ν- 移动 ,搬家 2 1.42 postcard I'p <lustka:d! n. 明信片 30 .60 sound Isaundl v 听起来 22 .43 weight IweItl n. 重物 17 .3 4
museum Imju: 'ZI <l ml n~ 博物馆 30.59 poster I'paust <ll n 海报 28 .5 5 south west Isau8 'westl n 西南 2 1.41 whole: the whole lð <l 'h <lull quantijier 所有
• myself ImaI'selfl pron. 我自己 22 .4 3 pound /paundl n. ( 正)英镑 27 .53 spend Ispendl v. 度过 (时间) 20 .40 的 17 .34

128 129

wide • wing wonderful - Yuk!
wide /waJ d/ adj. 宽的,宽阔的 23.46 wonderful /'w And;lf;;>Vαdj 令人惊喜的,奇
width /wld8/ n 宽度 23 .4 6 妙的 20 .3 9
wild /wa Ild/ adj. 野生的,天然的 19 .3 7 wrong /ro Tj/ adj 有问题的 16.31 P/aces and Peop/e
will /w Il/ au.x. ν 将要

20 .3 9 yet!jetl adv. (time) 还没有,尚未 Antarctica /æn 't a:ktIk;l/南极洲

时阳山 mhm2
制 m 咄咄啊趴园



21 .42

24 .4 7

HLZm户 mh川哑孔


阳历牙 W 可 M

U 然班自均

wind /wm d/ n 风 2 1.41


British Isl臼/, bntIf 'arlz/ 英国岛屿

yourself /j ;l 'self/ pron 你(们)自己

22 .4 3 24 .47 g F


wing /WITj/ n 翅膀 , 翼 17 .3 3

Yuk! /jAk/ inter. 胚 18.35 Cairo !'kaI;lr;lU/ 开罗 23 .4 6



龟 DH
Glasgow!'gla:zg;lu/ 格拉斯哥 24 .4 8

曰 "~v
Liverpool !'!rv;lpu:l/ 利物浦 24 .4 8

Mumbai /mAm 'bail 孟买





Students' Book

K.. -曹 E 量:IP....~-.rrL咀事刷酣睡蝙 华

n -晶西面理 = u 胃.""捆在a 梅准>1~5级的要求

.....,," ------一一-- -…---町回


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