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Reg. No.


Question Paper Code : X10940

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, april/may 2021

Sixth Semester
Petroleum Engineering
pe 8603 – Reservoir engineering – II
(Regulations 2017)
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks
Answer all questions
Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Define porosity.
2. Define permeability and how to calculate gas permeability by Klinkenberg effect.
3. What do you mean by Critical point ?
4. What are the main uses of the drill stem tests (DST) ?
5. What do you mean by the drainage and imbibition curve ?
6. Explain the inflow performance relationship.
7. What are the uses of the Material Balance Equation (MBE) ?
8. Explain the Edge-water drive and Bottom-water drive.
9. What we can determine by the pressure buildup test ?
10. What do you mean by the pressure drawdown test ?

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Calculate the pressure difference, i.e., capillary pressure and capillary rise in
an oil-water system from the following data : (1 dynes/cm2 = 1.45*10–5 psi)
θ = 25º, ρw = 1.0 gm/cm3 ρo = 0.72 gm/cm3, r = 2*10–4 cm, σow= 42 dynes/cm.
b) A core, with a length of 10 cm, breadth of 4 cm and width of 4cm, weighs
282.4 gm in its dry form. the core is then saturated 100% with brine of density
1.1 g/cm3. The brine saturated core weighs 300 gm. The porosity of this core
sample is ______ %.
12. a) Explain water and gas coning in details with diagram.
b) Explain a retrograde gas condensate reservoir in details.
X10940 *X10940*
13. a) Explain 2-phase relative permeability curve in details.
b) A well is producing from a saturated reservoir with an average reservoir pressure
of 2,500 psig. Stabilized production test data indicated that the stabilized rate
and wellbore pressure are 350 STB/day and 2,000 psig, respectively. Calculate
• Oil flow rate of pwf = 1850 psig
• calculate oil flow rate assuming constant J.
14. a) Explain all the drive index in details and what is the sum of all drive index ?
b) The Big Butte field is a combination-drive reservoir. The current reservoir
pressure is estimated at 2200 psi. The reservoir production data and PVT
information are given below.
Initial reservoir condition Current reservoir condition
p,psi 3000 2200
Bo, bbl/STB 1.32 1.23
Rs, scf/STB 800 600
Np, MMSTB 0 6
Gp, MMMscf – 5.5
Bw, bbl/STB 1 1
We, MMbbl 0 3
Wp, MMbbl 0 0.2
Bg, bbl/scf 0.00125 0.00158
Cf, Cw 0 0
Calculate the initial oil in place if m = 0.2.
15. a) Derive flow rate equation for the radial flow of incompressible fluids.
b) Write down most commonly used well test methods. Briefly explain the pressure
buildup test with neat and clean diagram also write down the formula of the
calculation of the skin factor.
Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)
16. a) What is drill stem test (DST) and explain the working steps of DST in details
with diagram ?
b) Estimate oil permeability, skin factor and the pressure drop due to skin (∆Pskin)
from the drawdown data of :
h = 130 ft, φ = 20% rw = 0.25 ft, Pi = 1,154 psi,
Q0 = 348 STB/D m = –22 psi/cycle µ0 = 3.93 cp P1hr = 954 psi
B0 = 1.14 bbl/STB ct = 8.74*10–6 psi–1

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