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ID : 


1 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : isian
Bobot Soal : 0
(Adopted from: , retrieved on
Dec 19th, 2020)

What happened to Aaghni's friends at 2 p.m.?

Kunci Jawaban lunch

ID : 1efbcc07-cdfd-4ae6-a7ca-65e5a7e2aa89

2 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bsl1
Bobot Soal : 1
Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE!

A The job applicant has prior experience in CAD system manager.

B The job applicant excels at database better than computer graphics.
C The job applicant reiterates why she is the perfect candidate for the job.
Kunci Jawaban s;s;b

ID : 203bb493-de48-4776-a6fe-ed97c46a31f4

3 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 0

Dear Friends,

I would like to inform you that the meeting which would be held at 3 this
afternoon is cancelled. Mr. Hendy our English teacher goes to out of town. We
will reschedule the meeting as soon as he returns back home.

Thank you.


Captain of the class

Taken from: 

"... would be held at 3 this afternoon is cancelled"  (first sentence)

The word "canceled" is similar in meaning with ... .

A dropped off
B get off
C turned off
D put off
E called off

Kunci Jawaban e

ID : 228287c2-17b0-4a86-8a0a-9c7573ceb0d4

4 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : menjodohkan
Bobot Soal : 1
A Mermaid and a Magic Comb 

Once upon a time, there was a young mermaid. She had seven other sisters. She
was told: "When you are sixteen, you can go over the waves and see the human
land". One by one the sisters went to the surface. Then it was the little mermaids
turn. She went to the surface.

It was a horrible day for sailing but the prince went sailing anyway. Suddenly the
boat hit some rocks that weren’t visible. The prince was thrown into the water.
The little mermaid swam and pulled him on land and started singing to him. The
next moment they were in love. 

The little mermaid heard someone coming and swam away. She was still in love
and wanted to marry the man with the split tail, so she went to the sea witch.

"I will grant your wish, but you must give me your voice and if the prince does
not love you, you will turn into sea troth and your soul will be mine". The little
mermaid agreed.

From his castle the prince could see the beach. He saw someone and ran down to
see who it was. "Hello, are you alright?" the mermaid went to speak but nothing
came out. "You can’t speak?" the mermaid nodded her head. "Come with me." A
servant brought the mermaid some clothes. She slept all night. The prince was up
early and went to the balcony. He heard singing. It sounded like the singing he
heard when he almost drowned. He ran down to the beach "You save my life!"
"Yes I did." It was the sea witch. She had transformed into a beautiful lady using
the little mermaid’s voice. 

When the mermaid woke up she got a shock "We're going to marry tomorrow"
said the prince to a wedding planner. The little mermaid was invited to. It was the
third day. "I do" said the prince. It was sunset the little mermaid was standing on
a rock by the sea. She was then swept off the rock and now belongs to the sea

Based on the text ,match the following statements dealing with the protagonist
characters !

A Kind It was a horrible day for sailing but the prince went sailing
The little mermaid swam and pulled him on land and started
B Helpful
singing to him
C Brave   A servant brought the mermaid some clothes.

Kunci Jawaban c;b;a

ID : 27a9dcba-612e-430b-858c-f7aaef282a56

5 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_l1
Bobot Soal : 2

Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they

are suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture and way of life. It can be caused
by a range of things such as unfamiliar greetings, hand gestures, food. This
unfamiliarity can lead to symptoms such as confusion, anxiety, frustration,
loneliness, and homesickness. It can even lead to physical symptoms such as
insomnia, or colds and stomach bugs due to unfamiliar foods and bacteria. There
are four different culture shock stages to the process – honeymoon, negotiation,
adjustment and adaptation. Read on to find out more about each stage.

The Honeymoon Stage is the first stage of culture shock, and it can often last for
several weeks or even months. This is the euphoric phase when you’re fascinated
by all the exciting and different aspects of your new life – from the sights and
smells to the pace of life and cultural habits. During this phase, you’re quick to
identify similarities between the new culture and your own, and you find the
locals hospitable and friendly. You may even find things that would be a nuisance
back home, such as a traffic jam, amusing and charming in your new location.

Next is the negotiation stage which is characterized by frustration and anxiety.

This usually hits around the three-month mark, although it can be earlier for some
individuals. As the excitement gradually disappears you are continually faced
with difficulties or uncomfortable situations that may offend or make you feel
disconnected.  Maybe you can’t remember the way back to your new home
because the street signs are confusing, or you can’t fathom how and what to order
in a restaurant. At this point, you also start to miss your friends and family back

Around 6 months, you will reach adjustment stage. This is the stage where life
gradually starts to get better and routine sets in. You begin to become more
familiar with the local way of life, food and customs. By this point you may have
made a few friends or learnt some of the languages, helping you to adjust and
better understand the local culture.

Finally, you reach the adaptation stage; sometimes know as the bicultural stage.
You now feel comfortable in your new country and better integrated – you have
successfully adapted to your new way of life. You no longer feel isolated and
lonely and are used to your new daily activities and friends. When coming back
to your place, you may experience re-entry shock.

Adapted from  

What can we infer from the text above? (choose 3 correct answers)

Someone who wants to go abroad for the first time relatively needs to read
this text.
We can find this text at many public places like malls, hotels, post offices
and etc.
By reading this text, the reader will be successfully encounter culture
shock in the future.
Knowing culture shock, its causes, effects, and phases will help someone
to live abroad.
Failure in facing culture shock leads someone to suffer physical and
emotional effect.

Kunci Jawaban A;D;E

ID : 34b998a3-0d6e-4d47-a090-e3de50c954a0

6 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 2
Source https://

What information do you think should be added on the graph?

A The top 10 states that have the most Covid-19 cases

B The number of the people suffering anxiety and depression in each state
The increasing percentage of people who suffer anxiety and depression
before and after the pandemic
The respondents' average answer on each questionnaire items and when
that questionnaire given to them
The increasing of Covid-19 cases each month to monitor how many
people get infected in a month

Kunci Jawaban a
ID : 3757ff16-8766-401c-ae3e-56cc29e99f21

7 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 0

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test
weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start
studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the
material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you. This is called

Cramming is when students stay up all night until morning to study before a test
or finish an assignment. This habit can lead to negative impacts, the first being
that disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses.
For most students, less sleep can make them could not focus on the class.
Additionally, cramming can leave us with memory lapses as well.

Each person has a different sleeping schedule, so some of them often use a
stimulant for cramming. An example stimulant, and the most common, is coffee.
While delicious and beneficial, it causes many problems in the long-term such as
Caffeine Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, and headaches.

To sum up, cramming is not recommended because it disturbs a person’s sleep

cycle which causes temporary intellectual lapses, and using stimulants for
cramming gives them a bad effect on their health.

How is the writer’s position towards cramming?

A He does not understand the topic

B He agrees that cramming disturbs one’s health
C He is so neutral towards the topic
D He is not quite sure about the topic
E He disagrees that cramming disturbs one’s health

Kunci Jawaban b
ID : 39d503ea-f45a-4428-b56c-9bdaa95e5c57

8 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1

Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered corona virus. The virus has been a pandemic throughout the world
since early of 2020. The fact that the pandemic corona virus has infected more
people and invited more victims, people should stay home to ban the transmission
of COVID 19, for these reasons.

The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people
will be easier infected each other.

The second, people have to stay home so for the people who has been infected
can't take the virus to infect others.

The last, staying home make people cure themselves instead of infect the others.

From the reasons above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic
disease causes more victims.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE based on the text?

A Going out brings you to virus contacts.

B Staying at home can  block the virus transmission.
C Preventing the virus can be done from home.
D Protecting yourself at home is better.
E Leaving home is less dangerous than staying.

Kunci Jawaban e

ID : 3a7c7209-f0d9-4a05-b7d8-9d90ffa15ef4

9 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 0

There is almost no other event that could be called as influential as the printing
press that Gutenberg invented around 1440. Before this monumental creation,
books were copied by hand. Laboriously, monks and other men of learning would
spend hours and hours through the bright sunlight and the weak light of an oil
lamp to make copies of religious texts, literature, and official documents. It could
take years just to copy one book. When Gutenberg devised a printing press that
could print copy after copy in just a small fraction of the time, the whole world
changed dramatically. All of a sudden, everyone could have their own copies of
the religious scriptures. They could read them for themselves. Political pamphlets
could be made by the thousands and influence the masses like never before.
Learning was not limited to a select few. It was available for all. Books were not
just for the rich. They could be made for those of lower classes. Gutenberg’s
press changed the political world, the religious world, and the everyday life of
man. No more would we lean on a select few to direct us. We could take it for

Based on the text, what did Gutenberg invent?

A a printing press machine

B a copy machine
C a printing religious book
D a political pamphlet
E an official document

Kunci Jawaban a

ID : 3e7a4233-49e0-4cf8-8e72-efe7a0333bce

10 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1

Lawang Sewu is a building located in Semarang City, Central Java Province. It is

also being one of the icons of this city. The building is more than one hundred
years old because it was built in 1904 and completed in 1907.

The precise location of the building is at Jalan Pemuda, Semarang, right facing
the Tugu Muda monument. This building were used to be the Nederlands-
Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij Central Administration Office. Now, Lawang
Sewu is a fairly crowded tourist attraction in the city of Semarang.

Source :

What is the topic of the text?

A The history of Lawang Sewu

B The location of Lawang Sewu
C The description of Lawang Sewu
D The situation in Lawang Sewu 
E The tourism program of Lawang Sewu

Kunci Jawaban c

ID : 4264d14d-683b-4bf0-87fb-1e1f15d55a32

11 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1

Jakarta, 29 December, 2020

Mr. Hutomo
General Manager
W Hotels & Resort

Dear Mr. Hutomo,

I am writing in response to your advertisement for a restaurant manager position

with your established Hotels.

Since the hospitality industry has been an integral part of my work experience. I
was thrilled to learn of your new developments.

The hospitality industry is extremely customer focused. I will ensure that the
restaurant operates efficiently and profitably whilst maintaining the reputation
and ethos, and maintaining high standards of food, health and safety and business

I have enclosed my resume to provide more information on my strengths and

career achievements. I hope that we will have the opportunity to discuss my
qualifications further during a personal meeting.

Thank you for your consideration.


Cole Juliarta

 Which word best describes the meaning of 'established' stated in the above text?

A proved
B classified
C reputed 
D honored
E acknowledged

Kunci Jawaban c

ID : 43bcf089-fb63-40bf-b9b8-c85de28cfcf7

12 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 0

On 12 May 1998, six student protestors were shot and killed at Jakarta’s Trisakti
University, providing the spark for the capital’s worst rioting in a generation.
Foreigners fled and Jakarta’s commercial districts became ghost towns. As flames
swept the capital and army troops took charge, Suharto scrambled to hold on. But
one by one, his most trusted lieutenants abandoned him. On the morning of 21
May, he resigned. Joyful students frolicked in the fountain at parliament as
Suharto’s vice-president and close friend BJ Habibie was sworn in as his

During Habibie’s short rule, he freed the press, allowed a referendum on East
Timor (now called Timor Leste) and steered Indonesia to a democratic election
that ended with his own October 1999 defeat – the first democratic political
transition in Indonesian history.

(Source :

“On the morning of 21 May, he resigned.” (paragraph 1 sentence 5)

The interrogative form of the sentence above is … .

A Did he resigned on the  morning of 21 May?

B Did he resigns on the morning of 21 May?
C Did he resign on the morning of 21 May?
D Did he resigning on the morning of the 21 May.
E Did on the morning of 21 May he resigned?

Kunci Jawaban c

ID : 4e83b4da-ecda-484b-b136-5c143b709c0f

13 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1

An earthquake is a shock wave that radiates to the Earth's surface from

underground. Causing a range of effects from unnoticeable, mild tremors to
violent, prolonged shaking. Earthquakes develop when tectonic plates, the
massive "jigsaw pieces" that make up the crust of the earth, move suddenly,
sending shockwaves through neighboring area. The movement comes from the
Earth, tectonic, and fault lines.

Movement in the Earth's crust causes an earthquake. The Earth is made of an

inner core, an outer core and a mantle, and the final layer is a thin crust covering
the mantle, which is the surface of the Earth including all the oceans and
continents. The crust is made of separate rocky portions called tectonic plates,
which lie on the mantle like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. But the jigsaw puzzle is
mobile, and the plates move around. Some slide past each other horizontally,
some push together and force the ground upward, some slide beneath another
plate and some pull apart. Whenever a tectonic plate moves suddenly, this causes
an earthquake.

The sudden release of friction and pressure between tectonic plates causes an
earthquake. Tectonic plates are made of rough rock and cannot slide pass each
other smoothly. Friction prevents movement at the plate edges while the rest of
the plates continue to move, causing a build-up in pressure. When the pressure
overcomes the friction, the plates move suddenly, and shock waves from this
sudden movement radiate through rock, soil, buildings and water. Usually, small
foreshocks occur at first, followed by one big mainshock. Aftershocks follow and
can continue for weeks, months or even years.

Fault lines are the areas where two or more tectonic plates join, and it's in these
areas most earthquakes occur. Well-studied fault lines include the San Andreas
Fault that runs down the West Coast of North America and lines between
Australia and Papua New Guinea, as well as in New Zealand, Tonga, Japan and
Taiwan. Earthquakes can also rarely occur in the middle of tectonic plates.
Scientists aren't yet able to predict earthquakes, but people living near fault lines
can help protect themselves by living in earthquake-protected housing and
practicing earthquake drills. 


What occurs when the pressure overcomes the friction?

A The final layer of earth rises in heat.

B The rocks within the inner core of the earth start to collapse.
C The shock waves radiate through rock, soil, buildings and water.
D The ground is shaking tremendously.
E The plates within the inner core intersect each other.

Kunci Jawaban c
ID : 5281a72b-98f5-4ed9-b50b-79f4b818e2d6

14 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bsl1
Bobot Soal : 1

Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered corona virus. The virus has been a pandemic throughout the world
since early of 2020. The fact that the pandemic corona virus has infected more
people and invited more victims, people should stay home to ban the transmission
of COVID 19, for these reasons.

The first, people should stay home because if they have physical contact, people
will be easier infected each other.

The second, people have to stay home so for the people who have been infected
can't take the virus to infect others.

The last, staying home makes people cure themselves instead of infect the others.

From the reasons above, staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic
disease causes more victims.  


Read the text above carefully and decide whether the statements below are true or

A Physical contact is the least factor to infect COVID 19 to more people

B Staying home makes people unable to cure themselves
Staying at home is the best way to stop this pandemic disease killing more

Kunci Jawaban s;s;b

ID : 641bd0ee-8800-486e-ab97-dc8bea5af1c8
15 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bs1
Bobot Soal : 1

g at school is defined by as an “unwanted, aggressive
behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power
imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over
time. Bullying situations often involve three sides: the child who is bullied, the
child doing the bullying and the child who witnesses the bullying. At different
times a child could be involved in multiple different ways. Encourage yourself to
stand against bullying. Tell an adult if you run into trouble. Act bravely and walk
away. Notice what’s going on around you. Display kindness to others. Adapted

By writing or posting this caption the writer wants to equip children on ways to
handle bullying.

Based on the caption, is the above statement TRUE or FALSE?

Kunci Jawaban benar

ID : 66601228-ce36-4872-b016-1b8464ad502e

16 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bsl1
Bobot Soal : 2
Are you tired of traveling every day to and from office? Have you been thinking
that the 8-5 system is not your thing? Are you tired of the huge traffic jams? If
yes is the answer to all the above questions, online jobs are what you are lacking.
You have probably heard people talk about online jobs and their advantages but
never given it a try. Due to the amazing benefits, the number of people working
online has been increasing day by day. Changes in the economy and working
patterns have made online jobs common. People of different expertise and skills
are doing online jobs. Below are some of the advantages of working online.

One of the biggest advantages of working online is that there is no work pressure.
Compared to office work, online jobs are less stressful, and no one will be
following or supervising you all the time. You will plan yourself freely.

In respect to time, online jobs offer huge flexibility. You have the power to
schedule your working hours. You will not be tied in an office from 9-6 even
when you have already finished the day’s duty. Such gives you a chance to work
on other personal obligations as well or on what you are best at.

Working without someone over you is a fantasy to many people. With online
jobs, you will be your boss. What else are you looking for in a job? You will not
be shouted at from time to time nor will anyone scold you even for the smallest

With online jobs, you will be able to work for different clients. This means more
work and gives you the opportunity to choose the one with the best rates. The
more clients you have, the better you will be earning. Some online workers earn
more than office workers.

Another reason why people are opting for online jobs is that they can experiment
on different jobs. For example, if you feel that whatever you have been doing is
becoming monotonous, you can switch to another job. Such freedoms make the
work very interesting

After reading the text above, the following statements are the reasons why the
writer writes the text above? Choose TRUE if the statement below is right and
FALSE if it is wrong.
The writer presents the text with the purpose of persuading readers that
online jobs is likely most to run
The writer writes the text since she/he wants to make sure the readers
about her /his opinion is reasonable.
The writer writes the text as she/he wants to explain why online jobs is
more popular recently

Kunci Jawaban b;b;s

ID : 672144b1-3a6a-46f6-96f2-ad8b3aa4a5f2

17 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : menjodohkan
Bobot Soal : 1

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom in central java. The king of the
kingdom was kind and he had a beautiful daughter who he

loved so much. The king also had great horses that he even asked a servent,
named Suta to take care of them intensively. 

. His duty was to look after the king's horses, gave them food, cleaned the horses
and their mews. Suta liked to take a walk after doing his chores to relax for awile.

One day, when Suta was walking near a lake after doing his chores, he heard a
woman screaming. So, Suta hurried to find the source of the scream. Finally, he
found a girl there, who leter figured out as king's daughter. He saw the king's
daughter in danger. There was a giant snake would attack her.

Suta was afraid, but he also worried about the princess. So he took a big stick and
hit the snake on its head. The snake was fallen down in pain and finally died.

"Thank you, Suta. You've saved my life," said the princess.

"No needed for that princess. It's my duty as your father's servant to help you."
Suta replied

"Would you be my friend, Suta. Because I don't have any friend." the princess

"Of course my princess, I will be your friend and always take care of you." Suta

Since that day, Suta and the princess became good friends. They even fallen in
love each other. So, the princess told Suta to go to her father and asked his
permission to marry her. But the king had already heared about their plan. The
king was furious to hear about that so he asked the princess to meet him.

"My lovely daughter, I have already known about your plan. Suta is just a servant
while you are my daughter, the princess. It is unacceptable for you to marry a
servant." said the king.

"But I love her, and he also love me. You know, he is the one who help me out
there." the princess said.

"No, you will not marry him. I will not allow that things happen." The king said.

The princess was sad to hear her father's answer, especially after her father
throwed Suta in jail for having the nerve to ask the pricess to marry him. In jail,
Suta was not given anything to eat or drink. 

Hearing about that, the princess made a plan to break Suta out of jail. They
succeed and run far away for the kingdom. They rested near the river. There, they
got married and started a family.

The place where Suta and the princess raised their family was called Baturraden.
Batur means servant while Raden means noble. Nowadays, Baturaden is very
interesting tourism spot. It's located at the foothill of Mount Slamet in
Purwokerto, Central Java.

Based on the text, match the following statements dealing with the characters of
the protagonists !

Doubtfu  Suta was a good servant, he did a great duty for king's horses and
l the king apreciated his great duty               
B Curious Suta hurried to find the source of the scream.                                                           
C Faithful Suta was afraid, but he also worried about the princess   
Kunci Jawaban C;B;A

ID : 6e5de284-ca62-4bdd-a780-0b408c544674

18 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 0

Set Fire to The Rain

I let it fall, my heart

And as it fell, you rose to claim it

It was dark and I was over

Until you kissed my lips and you saved me

My hands, they were strong, but my knees were far too weak

To stand in your arms without falling to your feet

But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew

All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true

And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win

But I set fire to the rain

Watched it pour as I touched your face

Well, it burned while I cried

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name

When laying with you I could stay there

Close my eyes, feel you here forever

You and me together, nothing is better

'Cause there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew

All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true

And the games you's play, you would always win, always win

But I set fire to the rain

Watched it pour as I touched your face

Well, it burned while I cried

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name

I set fire to the rain

And I threw us into the flames

Well, I felt something die

'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time

Sometimes I wake up by the door

And heard you calling, must be waiting for you

Even that when we're already over

I can't help myself from looking for you

I set fire to the rain

Watched it pour as I touch your face

Well, it burned while I cried

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name

I set fire to the rain

And I threw us into the flames

Well, I felt something die

'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time, oh

Oh, no

Let it burn, oh

Let it burn

Let it burn.

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name

What is the closest meaning to the word screaming out in the sentence above?


A Shouting out
B Grieving for
C Whispering to
D Groaning with
E Whining in

Kunci Jawaban a

ID : 8faad6d6-f60b-48cc-a892-87c9e47f5562

19 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bsl1
Bobot Soal : 2
Read these following statements then state whether they are TRUE or FALSE
based on the text!

The announcement is for all the students at SMAN 5 Yogyakarta and

English International Course
The member of English club is recommended to join this international
C Mr. Wahyono will individually register the students to the competition

Kunci Jawaban S;B;S

ID : 903f90b1-9c13-4b97-aae9-63622c10a08b

20 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bs1
Bobot Soal : 2

August 14, 2020

George Gilhooley 
Times Union 
87 Delaware Road 
Hatfield, CA 08065

Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.
As requested, I enclose a completed job application, my certification, my resume,
and three references.

The role is very appealing to me, and I believe that my strong technical
experience and education make me a highly competitive candidate for this
position. My key strengths that would support my success in this position include:

 I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live-use

 I strive continually for excellence.
 I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.

With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a comprehensive

understanding of the full lifecycle for software development projects. I also have
experience in learning and applying new technologies as appropriate. Please see
my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via email at or by

cell phone, 909-555-5555.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you
about this employment opportunity.


John Donaldson

John Donaldson


Based on the text above, decide whether this following statement is TRUE or

The applicant relied himself on  his software development expertise to reach the
position advertised

Kunci Jawaban salah

ID : 98168ba4-3b41-43f9-b84c-eb4e5611c3d9

21 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_l1
Bobot Soal : 2
A The guide of designing strong structures of motivating book
B Explanatory goals of helping younger people succeed
C Productive acts for managing the youth positive routines
D Practical steps to encourage the youth more productive
E How to thrill the audience by encouraging speech

Kunci Jawaban b;c;d

ID : 9d1423a9-caa9-4254-9980-b6b3213d6e1a

22 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1

Culture shock is the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone when they

are suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture and way of life. It can be caused
by a range of things such as unfamiliar greetings, hand gestures, food. This
unfamiliarity can lead to symptoms such as confusion, anxiety, frustration,
loneliness, and homesickness. It can even lead to physical symptoms such as
insomnia, or colds and stomach bugs due to unfamiliar foods and bacteria. There
are four different culture shock stages to the process – honeymoon, negotiation,
adjustment and adaptation. Read on to find out more about each stage.

The Honeymoon Stage is the first stage of culture shock, and it can often last for
several weeks or even months. This is the euphoric phase when you’re fascinated
by all the exciting and different aspects of your new life – from the sights and
smells to the pace of life and cultural habits. During this phase, you’re quick to
identify similarities between the new culture and your own, and you find the
locals hospitable and friendly. You may even find things that would be a nuisance
back home, such as a traffic jam, amusing and charming in your new location.

Next is the negotiation stage which is characterized by frustration and anxiety.

This usually hits around the three-month mark, although it can be earlier for some
individuals. As the excitement gradually disappears you are continually faced
with difficulties or uncomfortable situations that may offend or make you feel
disconnected.  Maybe you can’t remember the way back to your new home
because the street signs are confusing, or you can’t fathom how and what to order
in a restaurant. At this point, you also start to miss your friends and family back

Around 6 months, you will reach adjustment stage. This is the stage where life
gradually starts to get better and routine sets in. You begin to become more
familiar with the local way of life, food and customs. By this point you may have
made a few friends or learnt some of the languages, helping you to adjust and
better understand the local culture.

Finally, you reach the adaptation stage; sometimes know as the bicultural stage.
You now feel comfortable in your new country and better integrated – you have
successfully adapted to your new way of life. You no longer feel isolated and
lonely and are used to your new daily activities and friends. When coming back
to your place, you may experience re-entry shock.

Adapted from 

What features the honeymoon stage in culture shock?

When people are fascinated by all the exciting and different aspects of new
B When people start facing with difficulties or uncomfortable situations
C When people can’t remember the way back to their new home
When people live to have better and routine set in in their new
When people are able integrate new atmosphere into their own life

Kunci Jawaban a

ID : 9d94693c-4af5-40b2-b321-78c045edb0ae

23 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : menjodohkan
Bobot Soal : 1

Butterfly Lovers 

(From China)
Long time ago in China, girls were expected to stay at home and learnt household
work while the boys went to school,  but a girl named Zhu conceived a desire to
study but her father did not want to fight against tradition. He was confident that
no school would admit a girl even Zhu’s family was wealthy.

Zhu disguised herself as a boy and managed to get a school in the city of
Hangzhou, where her aunt lived. 

There was a boy named Liang in her class. The two became good friends. As the
years passed they became inseparable companions.  Zhu realized that she was in
love. She wanted to stay with Liang the rest of her life.

After finishing school, Liang lost no time in taking up a job, and when he had
saved enough to get married he hastened to Zhu’s house. Zhu saw him coming,
and was overjoyed.  “I’m your friend, as you can see I’m a girl. Unable to restrain
herself she rushed out, I cannot live without you!"

Liang was dazed but it soon recovered and caught Zhu in a warm embrace. Zhu
took him to her father who listened attentively to what Liang had to say, but when
the young man asked for Zhu’s hand, he shook his head. He told Liang that Zhu
had already been promised to another man, a wealthy merchant. Nothing that
Liang said could make Zhu’s father change his mind. Liang left, shattered. On the
way, he collapsed and died.

When Zhu learnt of Liang’s death, she lost all desire to continue living. She
pretended to agree to the marriage arranged for her on one condition that the
wedding procession passed by Liang’s grave. As the wedding procession near,
Zhu jumped down from her palanquin and rushing to Liang’s grave threw herself
on it, sobbing uncontrollably. Zhu leapt into it. When Zhu’s relatives reached the
grave and peered into it, all they saw at first was an empty coffin. Then out flew
two butterflies, dancing as if they could not believe they were together.

             Adapted from

After reading the legend of Butterfly Lovers from China, what are the character’
personalities of the story? 

A Disobedient  Zhu fight against China tradition that girl was forbidden
to go to school.
Self- Zhu’s father has accepted a merchant to be Zhu’s
important husband without her agreement
 Liang was dissappointed due to unwillingness of his
C Desparate 
marriage with Zhu

Kunci Jawaban a;b;c

ID : 9da0b4d5-2658-4ee1-9775-b0069d8a1a37

24 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bs1
Bobot Soal : 1

Built in lush, mountainous terrain high above the Urubamba River, Machu Picchu
lies in one of the most stunning settings of any archeological site in the world.
This ancient city of Incas cascades down steep walls on each side of the
mountain, with terraced steps that disappear over cliff edges into the valley
below. These incredible ruins have been restored and are well maintained, giving
visitors a good indication of what the city might have looked like when it was
occupied during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Many people come to Peru for the sole purpose of visiting Machu Picchu, and the
journey to the ruins can be an adventure in and of itself, depending on how
travelers choose to reach the site. Adventurous souls can opt for a guided, multi-
day hike and camping trip along the famous Inca Trail to reach the site, or choose
the easier option of accessing the ruins by bus from the small town of Aguas
Calientes at the base of the hill, which most visitors get to by train from Cusco or
the Sacred Valley.

Source :

Read again the text carefully! Decide whether this statement is TRUE or FALSE
based on the text!

A fearless traveler tends to choose a guide to enjoy his or her time.

Kunci Jawaban benar

ID : aba7de5d-39f3-44c0-822a-0c4ebec9f20e

25 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 0

A to adjust
B to correspond
C to modify
D to agree
E to integrate 

Kunci Jawaban a

ID : b2c898f7-e3b7-4848-8de2-b9c07371bc2f

26 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_l1
Bobot Soal : 2

Castle on the Hill

When I was six years old I broke my leg

I was running from my brother and his friends

And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down

I was younger then, take me back to when I

Found my heart and broke it here

Made friends and lost them through the years

And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grown

But I can't wait to go home

I'm on my way
Driving at ninety down those country lanes

Singing to ""Tiny Dancer""

And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real

We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

Fifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes

Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends

Had my first kiss on a Friday night, I don't reckon that I did it right

But I was younger then, take me back to when

We found weekend jobs, when we got paid

We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight

Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long, oh how we've grown

But I can't wait to go home

I'm on my way

Driving at ninety down those country lanes

Singing to ""Tiny Dancer""

And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real

We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

One friend left to sell clothes

One works down by the coast

One had two kids but lives alone

One's brother overdosed

One's already on his second wife

One's just barely getting by

But these people raised me and I can't wait to go home

And I'm on my way, I still remember

This old country lanes

When we did not know the answers

And I miss the way you make me feel, it's real

We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

Over the castle on the hill

Read again the song lyrics above and scan for thought of the singer within it and
choose the three correct answers out of five given options!

How does the singer think about the special moments in life before fifteen years
old expressed through song?

A The singer is barely amazed about the sunset over the castle on the hill
B The singer hardly remembers the broken leg at the age of six
The singer believes the years passed by were full of unforgettable
D The singer experiences the same problem again and again
The singer escapes the boredom by even breaking the law and getting

Kunci Jawaban a;c;e

ID : c10664bb-2598-42ea-95b9-3c2fd8b99acb

27 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bsl1
Bobot Soal : 1

Covid-19 Pandemic 2020

In late 2019/early 2020, China experienced an outbreak of a new virus, Covid-19.

The virus had a fatality rate of between 1-4% and spread with alarming speed. In
March 2020 Italy became the first country in the western world to implement a
lockdown to try and stop the rapid escalation of the virus. There soon followed
widespread global ‘lockdowns’ with people confined to their homes and business
shut down.

Despite travel bans, the virus spread to all countries around the world. This
lockdown had a profound adverse effect on the global economy with a sharp rise
in unemployment and a fall in output. It also challenged long-held view of
invulnerability amongst western developed countries. The long-term impact of
the pandemic is uncertain, but it will lead to structural changes in the economy
and the balance of the world. China is both seen as the source of the virus, but
also – as the world’s dominant manufacturer – is a key player in the efforts to
manufacture equipment to deal with the crisis.
(Source :

After you read the text, decide whether these statements are TRUE or FALSE.

A Italy became the first country experiencing the Coronavirus Disease.

B The virus spread to all over the world in alarming speed.
C ‘Lockdowns’ is the only way to stop the widespread of the virus.

Kunci Jawaban S;B;S

ID : c13c0778-cc94-41c3-bd5c-4f1fbb537ef0

28 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bs1
Bobot Soal : 0

Geyser: How It Works

A geyser is a rare kind of hot spring that is under pressure and erupts, sending jets
of water and steam into the air. 

Geysers are made from a tube-like hole in the Earth's surface that runs deep into
the crust. The tube is filled with water. Near the bottom of the tube is molten rock
called magma, which heats the water in the tube. Water in the lower part of the
tube, close to the magma, becomes superhot. Gradually, it begins to boil. Some of
the water is forced upward. The boiling water begins to steam, or turn to gas. The
steam jets toward the surface. Its powerful jet of steam ejects the column of water
above it. The water rushes through the tube and into the air.

The eruption will continue until all the water is forced out of the tube, or until
the temperature inside the geyser drops below boiling (100 degrees Celsius, or
212 degrees Fahrenheit, at sea level).

After the eruption, water slowly seeps back into the tube. The process begins
again. In some small geysers, the eruption process can take just a few minutes. In
larger geysers, it can take days. The most famous geyser in the United States,
Yellowstone National Park's Old Faithful, erupts about every 50-100 minutes.

Adapted from: 

Based on paragraph 2, "Water in the upper part of the tube, close to the magma,
becomes superhot"

Is that statement true or false?

Kunci Jawaban salah

ID : c3b93852-2534-439a-8447-7a4110ba2f29

29 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : menjodohkan
Bobot Soal : 1

Once upon a time in the edge of East Java Island, there was a kingdom named
Blambangan. The kingdom was led by a king named King Sulahkromo. He was
assisted by a brave knight named Patih Sidopekso in ruling his kingdom. Patih
Sidopekso had a very beautiful wife named Sri Tanjung. Because of her beauty,
the king was crazy about her. Even, the king had made a plan to take away Sri
Tanjung from Patih Sidopekso. He ordered Patih Sidopekso to do a mission that
was very hard and dangerous so that Patih Sidopekso would die there. Without
suspicion, Patih Sidopekso went to do The King’s command. When Patih
Sidopekso was going on his duty, King Sulahkromo seduced Sri Tanjung in order
to be his wife. However, Sri Tanjung stayed faithful to Patih Sidopekso. The king
was angry because he was rejected by Sri Tanjung.

After getting back from his duty, Patih Sidopekso went to see the King in the hall.
The king who was hurt because his love was rejected then accused Sri Tanjung
that she had seduced him. Patih Sidopekso was upset to hear what was told by the
king. He felt he had been betrayed by his wife. Then he went to see his wife and
asked for the truth immediately. Sri Tanjung refuted what was said by the king.
Nevertheless, Patih Sidopekso more believed to the king than his wife. And then
dragged her to the edge of a muddy river. He was so angry there and wanted to
kill his wife. Because her husband did not trust her anymore, Sri Tanjung asked
for a last request to him. She said that if he did not trust her any more, he might
kill her and threw her body into the river. Sri Tanjung also said that when the
water turned to be clean it meant she was right. Nevertheless, if it did not change,
the king was right.

Patih Sidopekso couldn’t stand his anger any longer and then he stabbed his wife
with a knife. Then he threw his wife’s body into the river. Immediately the turbid
river turned into clean and diffused the fragrance. Seeing the incident, Patih
Sidopekso regretted what he had done. He realized that his wife was innocent.
Then he screamed loudly “Banyu …………… ….. …Wangi. Banyu Wangi …..
“Since the incident happened, the river was called Banyuwangi.

Based on the text , match the following sentences dealing with the antagonist

King Sulahkromo had made a plan to take away Sri
Tanjung from Patih Sidopekso. 
King Sulahkromo seduced Sri Tanjung in order to be his
High The king was angry because he was rejected by Sri
tempered  Tanjung.

Kunci Jawaban a;b;c

ID : c779fa73-5c2b-494a-a0f5-838962097e9d

30 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_l1
Bobot Soal : 2
Adopted from:

Through the letter, Karine ... .  

A knows Galina’s favorite activities very well.

B offers Galina to join her doing ice skating
C explains what she loves to do the most
D feels Galina’s presence with her
E loves doing sport

Kunci Jawaban a;c;e

ID : d9d1fcbc-9773-4739-811c-6dcdd04a052a

31 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bsl1
Bobot Soal : 1

How Social Media Affects the Brain

Due to the effect that it has on the brain, social media is addictive both physically
and psychologically. According to a new study by Harvard University, self-
disclosure on social networking sites lights up the same part of the brain that also
ignites when taking an addictive substance. The reward area in the brain and its
chemical messenger pathways affect decisions and sensations. 

This is observable in social media usage; when an individual gets a notification,

such as a like or mention, the brain receives a rush of dopamine and sends it
along reward pathways, causing him or her to feel pleasure. Social media
provides an endless number of immediate rewards in the form of attention from
others for relatively minimal effort. Therefore, the brain rewires itself through
this positive reinforcement, making people desire likes, retweets, and emoticon

Another perpetuating factor of social media addiction is the fact that the reward
centers of the brain are most active when people are talking about themselves. In
real life, it’s estimated that people talk about themselves around 30 to 40% of the
time; however, social media is all about showing off one’s life and
accomplishments, so people talk about themselves a staggering 80% of the time.
When a person posts a picture and gets positive social feedback, it stimulates the
brain to release dopamine, which again rewards that behavior and perpetuates the
social media habit.

Social media use becomes problematic when someone views social networking
sites as an important coping mechanism to relieve stress, loneliness, or
depression. For these people, social media use provides continuous rewards that
they’re not receiving in real life, and end up engaging in the activity more and
more. This continuous use eventually leads to multiple interpersonal problems,
such as ignoring real life relationships, work or school responsibilities, and
physical health, which may then exacerbate an individual’s undesirable moods.
This then causes people to engage in the social networking behavior even more as
a way of relieving dysphoric mood states. Consequently, when social network
users repeat this cyclical pattern of relieving undesirable moods with social media
use, the level of psychological dependency on social media increases.


Based on the text above, please decide whether these three statements are TRUE

A Excessive use of social media is as harmful as consuming drugs.

B Excessive use of social media causes undesirable mood change.
C Excessive use of social media is dangerous for human.

Kunci Jawaban S;B;B

ID : e5b9833f-8afe-4788-bec1-61bca5d6c211

32 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : isian
Bobot Soal : 1

Dead organisms are broken down into smaller pieces by the process of decay.
Organisms such as earthworms are involved in this process. Decomposition is the
process by which bacteria and fungi break dead organisms into their simple
compounds. Plants can absorb and use these compounds again, completing the
cycle. Decomposing bacteria and fungi are described as saprophytic because of
the way they break down dead organic matter.

Saprophytic nutrition involves: Bacteria/fungi secreting enzymes out of their cells

into the soil or dead organism, the enzymes digest the organic material. This is
known as extracellular digestion as it happens outside the cells, and the products
of digestion are absorbed by the bacteria/fungi.

Decomposition happens quickly when the temperature is warm, there is enough

moisture, and the decomposing organism has a large surface area

Anaerobic conditions (little/no oxygen available - for example, waterlogged soil)

cause the rate of decomposition to decrease.


Read the text and pay attention on the picture. 

What organism is needed to break dead organism into simple compounds along
with fungi?

Kunci Jawaban -Bacteria

ID : e7d2d975-f660-4138-a0f9-12413c1e6d34

33 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1
Dear John,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I am leaving my position at

Umbrella Corporation. I will be starting a new position at Big Hit Company next

I have enjoyed my tenure here, and I appreciate having had the opportunity to
work with you. Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you
have provided to me during my time at Umbrella Corporation.

Even though I will miss my colleagues and the company, I am looking forward to
this new challenge and to starting a new phase of my career.

Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address

(, on LinkedIn ( or on
my cell phone (555-555-2222).

Thanks again for everything. I wish you all the best.

Yours truly,


Which one is true based on the text above?

A Samantha moves to get more money

B Samantha leaves  Umbrella for Big Hit
C Samantha can be contacted through Facebook
D Samantha will be starting to work for Big Hit in a couple of months
E Samantha encourages John for his loyalty in his position

Kunci Jawaban b

ID : ee1884fa-7a70-422b-a04f-c0fbade91e6a

34 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda
Bobot Soal : 1
A Most of his members are thrilled to meet him directly
B His valuable ideas about helping younger people to succeed
C His contribution on book donation in some places in need
D The structures of his book inspire young people very much
E His strategic ways to make living are in line with Steve Harris Philosophy

Kunci Jawaban b

ID : f5c7cfa0-6874-4385-b69c-ce25c6d42576

35 Paket : 76cc0e86-44fc-48d6-8aeb-0e1b7e256a1a
Tipe Soal : pilihan_ganda_bs1
Bobot Soal : 2

Overthinking – To What Extent Can It Damage Your Life?

Are you still beating yourself up for the mistake you made last week? Are you
constantly going over next week’s presentation at work in your head? You are
probably overthinking. Your inability to get out of your head may leave you in a
constant state of anguish. Of course, we all tend to overthink a situation
occasionally. Overthinking is more than just a nuisance – science reveals that
thinking too much can damage you too.

It triggers mental illness. Are you always fixated on your past mistakes? Dwelling
on your mistakes, problems and shortcomings increases your chances of being
affected by mental health problems. Overthinking can set you up for a vicious
cycle that is hard to break. It wreaks havoc on your mental peace – and as you
lose your peace of mind, you tend to overthink. 

It disrupts your sleep. If you are an overthinker, you probably face sleep
problems. This is because your body does not allow you to sleep when your mind
is not at peace. Ruminating on almost everything and worrying constantly about
things over which you have little or no control often led to fewer hours of sleep.
Thus, overthinking impairs your quality of sleep and may make you cranky the
next day as well. 

The bottom-line is, overthinking can change the way you work with others and
the way you do things. It can significantly affect your personal life, social life and
work-life too. Most importantly, overthinking may also cause emotional distress.
To overcome this, you will need to make some changes in your perspective and
make a constant effort to shrug away any thoughts that make you feel astray.

Based on the text, please decide whether this statement is true or false

Overthinking can be avoided if we go easy on ourselves, have enough sleep, and

change the way we see everything on our life.

Kunci Jawaban benar

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