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Course: English IV



 Dino Maycler Mamani Mullisaca

 Erick Omar Huaman Araujo

 Leonardo Gabriel Pacheco Huaringa

Through this activity, students create a dialog giving advice about health
problems by using imperatives, should/shouldn’t and the vocabulary learned
during the week. Then, they share it in a short video (3-5 min)
Erick: Hello guys, how are you?
Leonardo: Hello, I don't feel so good.
Dino: Leonardo looks sleepy.
Leonardo: Yes, I can't sleep at night.
Erick: You should take a pill every night and don't drink coffee or soda.
Dino: You should also take "manzanilla" before sleeping, it is very good for this
problem and it is a natural method.
Leonardo: Thanks for your advice guys.
Dino: I don't feel too good too. I have a cough, what should I do?
Leonardo: Really? You should stay at home. You shouldn't work today.
Erick: Maybe what you have is COVID.
Dino: Yesterday I took the test and the result was negative.
Erick: Good, then you shouldn't drink cold water or eat ice cream.
Leonardo: If you want to recover quickly you should take a pill or give yourself
an injection.
Erick: I have a terrible headache. what should I do for that?
Dino: I think you are stressed. You should sleep 8 hours every night.
Leonardo: Are you eating junk food right?
Erick: yes, I eat hamburgers before bedtime.
Leonardo: Well, you shouldn't eat before you go to sleep. Doctors recommend
Dino: You should also not use your bedroom as a tv room. You should only use
it to sleep.
Erick: Yes, maybe that's why I have insomnia. Thanks friends, I will do what you
have recommended. Well I have to go.
Leonardo: Me too, bye.
Dino: See you guys.

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