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Performance Task 1

Classify/categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,

musical instruments, environment, speech)


Write a paragraph about the animals that you know and the
sounds they make.
Why do we need to take care of the animals?

Classify/categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,

musical instruments, environment, speech)


Mimic the sounds of the transportations below. Then, classify the sound
they make as loud or soft.
Performance Task 2

Recognize common and proper nouns in the sentence listened to.

Capitalize the proper nouns in the paragraph.

Sarah wrote a story but she forgot what she knows about Proper Nouns!
Can you help her? Correct her sentences by writing a capital letter of
proper nouns.
One day euhone and her Mom went to sm san lazaro to buy toys
and shoes. The store was having a big sale every friday in january.
Everything was fine until they got lost! Euhone’s mom turn right at
bambang street instead of tayuman street. She called dad’s number and
ask for help. Luckily mom find the right street and we were able to buy
shoes and toys. We also bought some snacks at pizza hut for my dad and
little brother.

Reading the Alphabets of English and Associate the Phonemes

Performance Task 3

Our family members are important. Alphabets are like families. Vowels
and consonants are like big and small families. Like our family members
each letter is important in forming words. Now, group each letter
according to their families by writing it on blanks below.

Performance Task 4

Recognize the common terms in English relating to the Parts of a Book

(e.g. cover,title page, etc.) and book orientation
Draw the pictures of the books below and complete the sentences by
reflecting on the lesson you have just learned.

Performance Task 5

Recognize the common terms in English relating to the Parts of a Book

(e.g. cover,title page, etc.) and book orientation
Fill out the speech balloons. Create a short conversation based on
the given situation inside the box.

Performance Task 6

Discuss the Illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be about.
Observe the pictures carefully. Count the figures and objects, and
understand the concept and situation.

Performance Task 7

Classify/categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,

musical instruments, environment, speech)

Write a paragraph about your pet or any animal you like. Write
something about it: its name, the sound it makes, what is the
most interesting thing about it, and why do we need to take care
of them. Follow the guide below.

Hello, my name is (write your name). This is my pet (pet or

animal’s name). (He, She) likes to (sound it makes). (He, she)
makes a (loud, soft) sound. I love (him, her) because (he, she)
helps me relieve my stress. We must take care of animals
because (write your answer).

Classify/categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,

musical instruments, environment, speech)


Work with a parent or any partner. Sketch a transportation vehicle you

know, write the sounds it produces, and identify if it is low or high.
Classify/categorize sounds heard (animals, mechanical, objects,
musical instruments, environment, speech)


Listen to your surroundings. Write down on the chart the sounds you
heard in your environment. Put a check (/) if it is loud/soft or high/low.
The first one is done for you.
Performance Task 8

Identify the English Equivalent Words in the Mother Tongue or in


Write your answer to the crossword puzzle provided by writing the

English equivalent words.

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