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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ iii

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................ vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................... ix
LIST OF SYMBOLS ...................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................1
1.1 Research Background ......................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement...........................................................................1
1.3 Research Objectives ........................................................................1
1.4 Scope of Research ...........................................................................2
1.5 Research Benefit ..............................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................................3
2.1 Introduction .....................................................................................3
2.2 Related Studies ................................................................................3
2.3 Basic Theory....................................................................................4
2.3.1 Fish Storage Characteristic....................................................4
2.3.2 Controlled Atmosphere Storage ............................................4
2.3.3 Cooling Load Calculation .....................................................5
2.3.4 Ice Gel Cooling Media ..........................................................7
2.3.5 Dry Ice Cooling Media ..........................................................8
2.3.6 CO2 Gas Cooling Media ........................................................8
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................9
3.1 Introduction .....................................................................................9
3.2 Research Flowchart .........................................................................9
3.3 Problem Formulation .....................................................................10
3.4 Literature Studies...........................................................................10
3.5 Data Collection ..............................................................................10
3.6 CAS Design ...................................................................................10
3.7 Component Selection and Assembling ..........................................10
3.8 Testing and Data Collection ..........................................................10
3.9 Validation ......................................................................................10
3.10 Data Analysis.................................................................................11
3.11 Conclusion .....................................................................................11
CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH PLANNING AND SCHEDULE.........................................12
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................14

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Table 4.1. Final Task Research Schedule Table ............................................................ 12

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Figure 2.1 Control System Block Diagram ...................................................................... 7

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CAS : Controlled Atmosphere Storage

MAS : Modified Atmosphere Storage
O2 : Oxygen
CO2 : Carbon Dioxide
N2 : Nitrogen

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m - Mass
g - Gravity acceleration
Vs - Ship speed
ρsw - Seawater density
η0 - Open water efficieny

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1.1 Research Background

Export of marine commodities such as fish is an important export commodity for
the Indonesian economy. Reporting from, Indonesia's marine commodity trade
balance in 2020 reached 5.05 billion USD. This figure has a huge impact on the economy
of the Indonesian people, especially the fishermen in Indonesia.
However, the trade in marine commodities still has several challenges, one of
which is the storage process which has an impact on fish quality. The quality of fish after
being caught will decrease every day. This is due to the process of spoilage in fish that
continues after the fish is caught from the sea so that the fish require fast shipping. Several
factors can accelerate the ripening process of fish, such as O2 and storage temperature.
Therefore, to be able to overcome this problem, a fish storage device is needed that can
regulate the levels of O2 and storage temperature in an ideal state with the aim of slowing
down the process of spoilage in fish so that it can keep the quality of fish fresh even
though it has been stored for a long time. long.
In general, controlled atmosphere storage systems use a cooler in the form of a
refrigerator. However, because the use of a refrigerator requires a very large amount of
electricity, the cooling medium in this system is replaced with ice gel or dry ice and even
CO2 gas. The use of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 gas does not require electrical power and
can be reused so as to reduce operational costs.
Therefore, the ultimate goal of this final project is to determine the comparative
performance of the cooling medium of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 gas. Which aims to obtain
the most economical and most effective air conditioning technology.
1.2 Problem Statement
Based on the above background, the problems can be solved from this thesis are:
1. How to design a cooler box that is suitable for the use of the three combinations
of cooling media, namely Ice Gel, Dry Ice and CO2 Gas
2. How is the cooling performance of using the three media combinations.
1.3 Research Objectives
Based on the problems above, the objectives of this thesis are:
1. Design a fish cooler that uses a combination of Ice Gel, Dry Ice and CO 2 . gas
cooling media
2. Knowing the comparison performance of the three cooling media

1.4 Scope of Research
The problem limitations of this thesis research are:
1. Not doing economic analysis
2. Not analyzing the control system on the equipment made.
1.5 Research Benefit
The benefits of research obtained from this thesis are:
1. Can assist in designing low-cost controlled atmosphere storage using cooling
media Ice Gel, Dry Ice and CO2 Gas
2. Can help fisheries sector businesses so that product quality is better maintained.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter consists of related studies related to this research. This chapter also
explains the characteristics of fish storage, controlled atmosphere storage technology,
calculation of cooling loads, and explains the characteristics of ice gel, dry ice, and CO2 gas
as cooling media.
2.2 Related Studies
1. (Sari, 2016) Design of Low-Cost Energy Controlled Atmosphere System for Fruit
Container Using Dry Ice
In this study, the authors designed controlled atmosphere storage (CAS) using dry ice
cooling media with the aim of making this system more economical and energy efficient.
The storage media used is a styrofoam box with a size of 70x49.5x40 cm for fruit storage,
51x37.5x35 for dry ice boxes, 38.5x30x33.5 cm for CO2 Removal boxes. The three
Styrofoam boxes are connected by ducting that connects the fruit storage box to the dry ice
box and the CO2 Removal box. For ethylene removal using KMnO4 and zeolite stone which
is placed under the fruit in the fruit storage box. While the nitrogen tube is connected to the
fruit storage box through a valve. Air conditioning is carried out using four sensors that
regulate the content of oxygen, ethylene, carbon dioxide and the temperature that has been
set according to the air requirements for storing bananas, namely a temperature of 11-15°C,
2-5% oxygen content, and carbon dioxide content. The monitor of the oxygen and carbon
dioxide sensor is located in the fruit storage box. If the temperature in the storage box is
above 15°C, the ducting of the dry ice box will open and channel cold air into the fruit
storage box. Meanwhile, if the air temperature in the fruit storage box reaches 11°C, the
ducting of the dry ice box will be closed automatically. The use of dry ice also aims to supply
CO2 gas into the fruit storage box. If the CO2 content is less than 2%, the dry ice ducting will
open and distribute CO2 to the fruit storage box and it will be closed. Meanwhile, if the CO2
content in the fruit storage box reaches 5%, then the ducting between the storage box and
the CO2 Removal box will open and remove CO2 gas from the fruit storage box to the CO2
Removal box. Meanwhile, to reduce the oxygen content in the fruit storage box, is to inject
N2 gas from the nitrogen tube into the fruit storage box. If the CO2 content is below 2%, the
nitrogen valve will open. However, when the CO2 reaches 5% then the valve will be closed.
The result is that 9 kg of dry ice can cool 4 kg of bananas to a temperature of 17°C where
the temperature can last for 4.8 hours. Meanwhile, to return to normal temperature takes 48
hours. Ethylene content decreased from 4.9 ppm to 2.79 ppm. Nitrogen gas injection can
reduce oxygen levels in fruit storage boxes from 12% to 3%. The use of dry ice as a CO2
supply can maintain the CO2 gas content at the desired level of 66-67 ppm.

2. (Saputra, 2017) Experimental Study of Using Propylene Glycol Ice Gel as Cooling
Media for Traditional Fishing Boats
In this study, the authors tried to determine the effect of ice gel as an alternative
cooling medium for ice in the coolbox on cooling capacity. Temperature observations were
carried out on ice gel combined with wet ice at a ratio of fish weight: ice: ice gel [kg], 4:4:0;
4:3:1; 4:2:2; 4:1:3; and 4:0:4. The temperature duration reached in the maximum range of
20°C for each combination in a row: 1400 minutes, 1530 minutes, 1510 minutes, 1790
minutes and 1840 minutes. The optimal ratio of the combination of wet ice and ice gel is
3:1, to obtain a lower temperature with a longer cooling time..
2.3 Basic Theory
In the Literature Review chapter, the basic concepts underlying and/or related to the
research problem of the Thesis study also need to be explained. The concepts described in
this section are used as guidelines for solving research problems and carrying out research
tasks set out in the research methodology. This section can be designed in the form of
qualitative descriptions, models or mathematical equations compiled from books or other
sources justified as mentioned above.
2.3.1 Fish Storage Characteristics
One of the problems that often arise in the fisheries sector is maintaining
quality. Fish quality can be maintained if the fish is handled carefully, clean ,
stored in a room with a cold temperature, and quickly. The most common fish
handling technique used to maintain fish freshness is the use of low
temperatures. In addition, at low temperature conditions the growth of spoilage
bacteria and biochemical processes that take place in the fish body which leads
to quality deterioration becomes slower (Gelman et al., 2001). Cooling is one
way of the preservation process that uses low temperatures to inhibit enzyme
and microbial activity. Refrigeration will extend the shelf life of fish. At a
temperature of 15-20°C, fish can be stored up to about two days, at a
temperature of 5°C it can last for 5-6 days, while at a temperature of 0°C it can
reach 9-14 days (Diyantoro, 2007). The most common and easy use of low
temperature is ice. Ice is a cooling medium that has several advantages, namely
it has a large cooling capacity, does not harm consumers, cools fish faster, is
relatively cheap, and is easy to use (Ilyas, 1983). The temperature that is usually
maintained during the fish storage process is between 0-5°C.

2.3.2 Controlled Atmosphere Storage Technology

Controlled atmosphere storage (CAS) is a storage technology in the atmosphere
(air) containing high CO2 and low O2 compositions with consistently
maintained conditions (Libyawati, Suwandi, & Agustian, 2017). The function
of certain air conditioners is to inhibit the decay process. Fish storage boxes
must also be made gas tight so that the conditioned air is not wasted. So
polyethylene terephthalate is used as a coating for fish storage boxes, in order

to prevent gas leaks from fish storage boxes. Then to regulate CO2 levels in fish
storage boxes, CO2 gas injection is needed (Libyawati, Lesmana, Raynold,
Agustian, & Mahardhika, 2017). The source of CO 2 gas is obtained through a
bottle containing a mixture of baking soda and nitric acid which is connected
through a pipe with an automatic valve. To remove excess CO 2, sodium
hydroxide is used as CO2 Removal. Meanwhile, to reduce oxygen levels, N2
gas injection is carried out through a tube that is connected through a pipe 7 to
the fish storage box. The use of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 is intended to regulate
the temperature in the fish storage box, stored in a separate Styrofoam box and
connected via ducting to the fish storage box. Cold air will come out of the ice
gel placed on the edge of the box until it reaches the desired temperature
(Saputra, 2017).

2.3.3 Cooling Load Calculation

Cooling load is the amount of heat transferred by an air conditioning system.

The cooling load consists of heat from the cooling chamber and additional heat
from the material or product to be cooled (Dykstra, et al., 2009). Product Load

Product load is the heat generated from the product to maintain the
product temperature at a constant state. At this stage there is a cooling
stage. The cooling stage is the stage where the temperature decreases
from the initial product temperature to the cooling product temperature.
The sensible heat load lost is :
𝑄 = 𝑚 𝑥 𝐶𝑝 𝑥 Δ𝑇
(Moritz, 2007)
Q : Heat (Kcal)
m : Mass (Kg)
c : Specific heat (kcal/kgoK)
ΔT : Temperature difference (K) Infiltration Load

This load is generated by the exchange of air from outside into the fish
storage box. The entry of air from outside causes the air condition in
the fish storage box to change. When the fish storage box is opened,
the air outside the box will enter. The outside air that has entered the
box is a load that must be cooled by the system. The calculation of the
infiltration load is as follows :
Qinfiiltrasi = V x p x (ho – hi)
(Moritz, 2007)

Qinfiltration : Heat (Kcal)
V : Storage volume (m3)
P : Density of air (kg/m3)
Ho : Enthalpy of air outside (kcal/kg)
Hi : enthalpy of air inside (kcal/kg) Transmission Load

Due to the temperature difference between the storage box and the
outside of the air, some heat will flow. The amount of heat generated is
influenced by several things, including location, material, and the
surrounding air. The transmission load can be calculated by the
following formula :
𝑄 = 𝐴 𝑈 Δ𝑇
(Moritz, 2007)
Q : Heat transfer rate (W)
A : Surface area
U : Overall coefficient of heat transfer rate (W/m2K)
ΔT : Temperature difference (K) Konduksi

Konduksi adalah perpindahan panas akibat kontak langsung antar

permukaan benda. Konduksi ini tergantung pada substansi yang
dilewatinya dan distribusi suhu benda di jalurnya. Perilaku konduksi
ini bisa ditentukan oleh perubahan suhu. Persamaan yang dapat
digunakan dalam menghitung perpindahan panas dengan konduksi
𝑞=−𝑘 𝐴 𝑑𝑇𝑑𝑋
(Moritz, 2007)
Persamaan di atas disebut Hukum Fourier. Dimana q adalah rate dari
perpindahan panas konduksi, dT dx adalah gradien suhu menuju
perpindahan panas. Konstanta k adalah konduktivitas termal benda,
sedangkan tanda minusnya adalah dimasukkan untuk memenuhi
hukum kedua termodinamika. Convection

Convection is the transfer of heat between a solid surface and a fluid

flowing around it, with the conducting medium in the form of a fluid,
either gas or liquid. Fluid flow will take place independently due to

density differences due to temperature differences and can also be
through forces due to pumps or compressors (Agung, 2013). Heat
convection in mass flow can be interpreted as heat flow which depends
on the flow, cross-sectional area A, and temperature difference.
According to the equation below :
𝑞 = ℎ 𝐴 Δ𝑇
(Moritz, 2007)
The quantity h is the convection heat transfer coefficient. From the
above equation, we can understand that convection heat transfer
depends on the viscosity of the fluid in addition to depending on the
thermal properties of the fluid (thermal conductivity, specific heat,
density). Because viscosity affects the speed which in turn affects the
transfer of energy in an object. Radiation
Radiation is the transfer of heat through a vacuum. Displacement can
be through radiation or electromagnetic emission. Usually use black
bodies that radiate energy at a rate proportional to the fourth power of
absolute temperature and proportional to surface area. This can be seen
in the equation below :
q = σ A T4
(Moritz, 2007)

2.3.4 Ice Gel Cooling Media

Figure 2.1 Control System Block Diagram

Source: (

An ice pack or ice gel is a portable plastic bag filled with water, cooling gel, or
liquid. To prepare for use the packaging is placed in advance in the freezer.
Neither ice nor other non-toxic refrigerants (mostly water) can absorb a
considerable amount of heat before warming above 0°C (32°F) is used to keep

food cool in a portable cooler, or as a cold compress to reduce flavor. sick from
minor injuries, or in insulated shipping containers to keep the product cool
during transport (Singh, 2018).

2.3.5 Dry Ice Cooling Media

Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide that is usually used as a refrigerant.
Dry ice is also frozen carbon dioxide(CO²) which is usually used as a refrigerant
in places where no refrigeration is available. The advantage of dry ice is that it
is at a lower temperature than ice from water and does not leave any residue.
Dry ice is usually used to keep frozen food cold where it is not readily available
(refrigerator or refrigerator). Dry ice sublimes at 78.5°C (−109.3°F) at
atmospheric pressure. This unusually cold temperature causes dry ice which is
solid to be dangerous to handle without protection because it will cause a
frostbite. Dry ice is generally a harmless compound, but in high concentrations
it can cause (asphyxiation) due to lack of oxygen. The formation of dry ice
occurs because carbon dioxide gas undergoes a change in form, namely

2.3.6 CO2 Gas Cooling Media

For this reason, the fish storage box is connected by a pipe with a bottle
containing a mixture of baking soda and nitric acid. There are two bottles
connected to each other by a pipe. The first bottle contains baking soda, while
the second bottle contains nitric acid. Then from the second bottle it is
connected by a pipe with a valve to the fish storage box. If the sensor detects
the CO2 content in the storage box has reached the threshold. Then the valve
will open automatically and CO2 will enter the fish storage box, then the valve
will close automatically if the CO2 content in the fish storage box has reached
the desired threshold (Sari, 2016).



3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the research flow chart and also explains the steps taken in
this research.
3.2 Research Flowchart


Problem Formulation

Literature Studies

Data Collection

Controlled Atmosphere
Storage Design

Component Selection
and Assembling

Testing and Data



Data Analysis



3.3 Problem Formulation
Starting with identifying and formulating problems regarding the work to be
solved along with the boundaries of the problem. Problem boundaries are needed so that
the research carried out does not widen and is more focused on solving a problem that
has been planned. Problem formulation can be searched by observing the surrounding
conditions, or linking current conditions with future conditions.
3.4 Literature Studies
Literature study was conducted to study the theories that could support the existing
problems. Literature studies were obtained from several sources in the form of books,
papers, previous year's final assignments, and conference results. In general, literature
studies to support this research refer to the discussion of controlled atmosphere storage,
air characteristics in fish storage, cooling media for ice gel, dry ice, and CO 2 gas.
3.5 Data Collection
At this stage, the necessary data collection is carried out as material to support
research. The initial data needed in the case studies include: the temperature required for
fish preservation, the CO2 and O2 content required for the air in the CAS, the cooling
time it can last.
3.6 CAS Design
At this stage, the design of the controlled atmosphere storage system is carried out
which will later be assembled. The design is carried out by prioritizing space efficiency
and economy in manufacturing.
3.7 Component Sellection and Assembling
At this stage, the selection of the components needed in the CAS system such as
fish, types of ice gel, pipes, valves, sensors, CO2 supply and others is carried out.
3.8 Testing and Data Collection
At this stage, testing of the system is carried out, namely testing the performance
of CAS in keeping the air in the fish storage box at a predetermined threshold.
3.9 Validation
At this stage, validation is carried out regarding the test results, whether the results
are in accordance with the theory or not. Then also matched, validation of component
work whether it is in accordance with the desired specifications or not. If the data is
correct, then the process will continue. However, if the data is invalid, adjustments will
be made and check back to the initial data that has been collected.

3.10 Data Analysis
At this stage, analysis of system performance on CAS is carried out. The analyzed
performance is the system's ability to maintain the air condition in the fish storage box in
accordance with a predetermined threshold.
3.11 Conclusion
The conclusion that is expected in this final project is to be able to answer the
problems that are the research objectives, namely getting the design of the CAS system
using ice gel, dry ice, CO2 cooling media and knowing the performance produced in the
cooling process using ice gel, dry ice, CO2. Suggestions are written based on the data
from the discussion and the facts. This suggestion is given for the improvement of
research in the same field to be better.



Attached to this chapter is the research schedule that will be carried out from the final
project "Performance Of Combination Of Ice Gel, Dry Ice And CO2 Gas As Fish Cooling
Media". All activities are designed on a weekly basis based on the academic calendar as
shown in Table 4.1.

No Activities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
4 CAS Design
5 Assembling
7 Data Analysis
8 Conclusion
9 Draft Report
10 Final Report
Table 4.1. Final Task Research Schedule Table

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