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Rucci Line Luciano BSIT 1 C ICT 103 MIDERTM EXAM


Test 1:
Define the following:
1. Computer Programming — a set of instructions that tells the computer what to execute.
2. Programming Language — a language used for computers and machines could understand.
3. Low-level Language — programmer friendly and readable.
4. High-level Language — has little to no abstraction, machine friendly.
5. Programming Paradigm —an approach to solve problems using programming languages.

Test 2:
1. What are the four-core concept of OOP?
a. Abstraction
b. Encapsulation
c. Inheritance
d. Polymorphism.

2. Who developed C++ programming language?

a. Bjarne Stroustrup

3. C++ programming language was first designed as an extension of what programming language?
a. C language

4. Give 5 example of data types in C++.

a. int
b. string
c. double
d. char
e. bool

5. What do you call to an operator that performs common mathematical operations?

a. Arithmetic Operators

6. List down the three logical operators.

a. &&, and
b. ||, l or
c. !, not

7. What are the three kinds of loops in C++?

a. for loop
b. while loop
c. do-while loop

8. A block of code which only runs when called is referred to as _________.

a. function
Rucci Line Luciano BSIT 1 C ICT 103 MIDERTM EXAM

9. List down four types of conditional statements in C++.

a. If
b. else
c. else if
d. switch

10. What are the two classifications of programming languages?

a. Low-level Language
b. High-level Language

Test 3:
1. Using C++ code syntax,
a. create a variable called myAge of type int and assign 15 as its value,
i. int myAge = 15;
b. create a variable called myName of type string and assign any string value to it,
i. string myName = “Rucci”;
c. display the value of myName and myAge variables

2. What is the output of the following code?

a. Output: The value of x is: 20
Rucci Line Luciano BSIT 1 C ICT 103 MIDERTM EXAM

3. Running the following code will the display the pattern shown in the image on the right.

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