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Target : JEE MAIN & ADVANCE 2021

Exercise Sheet


Theory 2-8
Exercise 9 - 15
Answer Key 16
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Unit & Dimension

INTRODUCTION Can be chosen as basic quantities (on some other planet,

A physical quantity is a quantity in physics that can be these might also be used as basic quantities).
measured. Or a physical quantity is a physical property But
that can be quantified. Examples of physical quantities
are mass, amount of substance, length, time, temperature,
electric current, light intensity, force, velocity, density,
and many others Length Area Velocity
CLASSIFICATION Cannot be used as basic quantities as
Physical quantities can be classified on the following Area = (Lenght)2 so they are not independent.
(2) Derived Quantities :

1. Based on their directional properties The quantities which can be expressed in term of the
(i) Scalars Quantities : Which have only magnitude fundamental quantities (M, L, T......) are known as
but not direction. derived quantities.
e.g. Density, time, Electric current, mass, volume etc.

i.e., Speed = distance
(ii) Vector Quantities : Which have both magnitude time
and direction and follow the law of vector algebra Volume, acceleration, force, pressure etc.
e.g. Force, velocity, Displacement etc.
(3) Supplementary Quantities :
2. Based on their dependency : Besides seven fundamental quantities two
(1) Fundamental quantities :
supplementary quantities are also defined.
The quantities which do not depend upon other
quantities for their complete definition are known as (a) Plane angle (radian)
fundamental or base quantities. The radian is the R Arc length = R
1 rad
(i) These are the elementary quantities which covers angle subtended at O

the entire space of physics . the centre of a circle

(ii) Any other quantities can be derived from these.
by an arc on its circumference equal in the length to the
(iii) All the basic quantities are chosen such that they

radius of the circle.

should be different, that means independent of each
other i.e., distance (d), time (t), and velocity (v) cannot As the circumference of the circle is equal to 2 times
be chosen basic quantities (because they are related as the radius there will be 2 radian in a complete circle

V = d/t). An international organisation named CGMP

(General conference on weight and Measure chose 360
 1 rad =  57.3o
seven physical quantities as basic or fundamental 2
(b) Solid angle (steradian)
The steradian is the angle subtended
Length Time Mass Temperature Electric Luminous Amount of
(L) (T) (M) (K) Current Intensity substance at the centre of a sphere by a spherical
(A) (cd) (Mol)
area on the surface of the sphere,
These are the elementary quantities (in our planet) that’s where the spherical area has a circular
why these are chosen as basic quantities.
boundary and an area equal to the square of the radius
In fact any set of independent quantities can be chosen
of the sphere.
as basic quantities by which all other physical quantities
can be derived. As the surface area of sphere is equal to 4 times the
radius squared, the total solid angle at the centre of the

Mole Area Density Velocity Resistance Specific Luminous

sphere is equal to 4 steradian
Heat Intensity
Ex. Classify the quantities displacement, mass, force, time,
speed, velocity, acceleration, moment of inertia, pressure
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Unit & Dimension
and work under the following categories : units. Some derived units are named in honour of great
(a) base and scalar (b) base and vector scientist.
(c) derived and scalar (d) derived and vector Unit of force - newton (N) Unit of frequency - hertz (Hz)
Sol. (a) mass, time (b) displacement Set of Fundamental Quantities
(c) speed, pressure, work A set of physical quantities which are completely
(d) force, velocity, acceleration
independent of each other and all other physical
UNITS quantities can be expressed in terms of fundamental
All physical quantities are measured w.r.t. standard
magnitude of the same physical quantity and these
standards are called units e.g. meter, kilogram, second System of Units
(a) FPS or British Engineering system :
The requisites for fundamental quantities and their
properties of unit :- In this system length, mass and time are taken as

(i) They are well defined and suitable size. fundamental quantities and their base units are foot (ft.),
(ii) They should be easily available and reproducible
pound (lb) and second (s).
at all places.
(iii) They are not subject to changes with time (b) CGS or Gaussian system :
(iv) They should not vary with physical conditions like In this system the fundamental quantities are length,

temperature, pressure etc.
mass and time but their respective units are centimeter
Classification of units : (cm), gram (g) and second (s).
1. Fundamental or base units :
N (c) MKS system :
The unit of fundamental quantities are called base
units. In SI there are seven base unit. In this system also the fundamental quantities are length,
2. Derived unit : mass and time but their fundamental units are
The unit of derived quantities or the units that can be
metre (m), kilogram (kg) and second (s).
expressed in term of the base units are called derived

Units of some physical quantities in Different systems


Type of Physical Physical CGS MKS (Originated in
Quantity Quantity (Originated in France) (Originated in France) France)

Length cm m ft
Fundamental Mass g kg Lb
Time s s S

Force dy ne newton (N) Poundal

Derived Work or Energy erg joule (J) ft- poundal
Power erg/s watt (W) ft- poundal/s

INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (SI) Ex. Find the SI unit of speed and acceleration.
At it various meeting the international body CGPM distance meter (m)
Sol. Speed = =
seconds (s)
= m/s
selected a set of seven quantities as base units which is time
now known as International system of unit. It is velocity
(called as meter per second) acceleration =
abbreviated as SI from the french name Le syste’me time
International d’ unites. This system is widely used displacement/time displacement meter
= = 2 =
throughout the world. time  time  second 2
“This system is modification over the MKS system and = m/s2 (meter per second square)
Ex. Find the SI unit of (i) area (ii) density (iii) momentum
so it is also known as Rationalised MKS system”
Sol. (i) m2 (ii) kg/m3 (iii) kgm/s.

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Plo t No . 46 , Rajee v Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 32 400 5.
He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |
Unit & Dimension
SI Base Quantities and Units
S I U n its
B as e Q uan ti ty
N am e S ym bol D e fi n i ti on
T h e me t e r is t h e le n g t h o f t h e p a t h t ra v e le d b y lig h t in
Le n g t h me t e r m v a c c u m d u rin g a t ime in t e rv a l o f 1/ 299, 792, 458 o f a
s e c o n d (1983)
T h e kilo g ra m is e q u a l t o t h e ma s s o f t h e in t e rn a t io n a l
p ro t o t y p e o f t h e kilo g ra m (a p la t in u m-irid iu m a llo y
M as s kilo g ra m kg
c y lin d e r) ke p t a t In t e rn a t io n a l Bu re a u o f W e ig h t a n d
M e a s u re s , a t S e v re s , n e a r P a ris , F ra n c e . (1889)
T h e s e c o n d in t h e d u ra t io n o f 9, 192, 631, 770 p e rio d s o f
t h e ra d ia t io n c o rre s p o n d in g t o t h e t ra n s it io n b e t w e e n
T ime s eco nd s
t h e t w o h y p e rfin e le v e ls o f t h e g ro u n d s t a t e o f t h e

c e s iu m-133 a t o m (1967)
T h e a mp e re is t h a t c o n s t a n t c u rre n t w h ic h , if ma in t a in e d
in t w o s t ra ig h t p a ra lle l c o n d u c t o r o f in fin it e le n g t h , o f
Ele c t ric Cu rre n t a mp e re A n e g lig ib le c irc u la r c ro s s -s e c t io n , p la c e d 1 me t e r a p a rt in
v a c c u m, w o u ld p ro d u c e b e t w e e n t h e s e c o n d u c t o rs a

fo rc e e q u a l t o 2 x 10 N e w t o n p e r me t re o f le n g t h . (1948)
T h e ke lv in , is t h e fra c t io n 1/ 273.16 o f t h e
T h e rmo d y n a mic
ke lv in K t h e rmo d y n a mic t e mp e ra t u re o f t h e t rip le p o in t o f w a t e r.
T e mp e ra t u re
T h e mo le is t h e a mo u n t o f s u b s t a n c e o f a s y s t e m, w h ic h
A mo u n t o f
mo le mo l c o n t a in s a s ma n y e le me n t ry e n t it ie s a s t h e re a re a t o ms
Su b s tan ce
in 0.012 kilo g ra m o f c a rb o n - 12. (1971)
T h e c a n d e la is t h e lu min o u s in t e n s it y , in a g iv e n
d ire c t io n , o f a s o u rc e t h a t e mit s mo n o c h ro ma t ic s
Lu min o u s 12
c a n d e la Cd ra d ia t io n o f fre q u e n c y 540 x 10 h e rt z a n d t h a t h a s a
In t e n s it y

ra d ia n t in t e n s it y in t h a t d ire c t io n o f 1/ 683 w a t t
p e r s t e ra d ia n (1979).

Supplementary units astronomical distance (a fundamental quantity) and


horse power (hp) is a practical unit of power (a derived

In SI, two supplementary units are also defined viz.
quantity). Practical units may or may not belong to a
(i) radian (rad) for plane angle and particular system of units but can be expressed in

(ii) steradian (sr) for solid angle. any system of units. e.g. 1 mile = 1.6 km 1.6  103 m =
S I Unit
1.6  105 cm.
Q uantity Improper units :
Name S ymbol
Plane angle radian rad These are the units which are not of the same nature as
Solid angle s teradian sr that of the physcal quantities for which they are used.
(i) Radian : Radian is the angle substended at the e.g. kg-wt is an improper unit of weight. Here kg is a unit
centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius
of mass but it is used to measure the weight (force).
of the circle.
(ii) Steradian : Steradian is the solid angle subtended DIMENSIONS & DIMENSIONAL FORMULA
at the centre of a sphere, by that surface of the sphere 1. Dimensions
which is equal in area to the square of the radius of the Dimension of a physical quantity are the power ( or ex-
ponents) to which the base quantities are raised to rep-
sphere. resent that quantity.
Practical units : Its is written by enclosing the symbols for base quanti-
Due to the fixed sizes of SI units, some practical units ties with appropriate power in square brackets i.e. [ ] to
are also defined for both fundamental and derived make it clear, consider the physical quantity “force”
quantities. e.g. light year (ly) is a practical unit of Force = mass × acceleration

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Plo t No . 46 , Rajee v Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 32 400 5.
He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |
Unit & Dimension
length/time (A) M0L1T0 & T–1 (B) M0L1T–1 & T
 mass ×  mass × length  (time)2
time (C) M0L1T–1 & T–1 (D) M1L1T–1 & LT–2
So the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in length and Sol. V0    x   &  t   M 0 L0T 0
-2 in time. Thus, [Force] = MLT-2. Similarly energy has
dimensional formula given by, [Energy] = ML2T-2  [V0] = M 0 L1T 1 ,    M 0 L0T 1
i.e., energy has dimensions, 1 in mass, 2 in length, and - Ex. The distance covered by a particle in time t is going by
2 in time. x  a  bt  ct 2  dt 3 ; find the dimensions of a, b, c
Such an expression for a physical quantity in terms of and d.
base quantities is called dimensional formula. Sol. The equation contains five terms. All of them should
2. Dimensional equation have the same dimensions. Since [x] = length, each of
The equation obtained by equating a physical quan- the remaining four must have the dimension of length.
Thus, [a] = length = L [bt] = L or [b] = LT–1 [ct2] = L,

tity with its dimensional formula is called a dimensional
equation. or [c] = LT-2 and [dt3] = L, or [d] = LT-3
e.g. [v] = [M0L1T-1] 4. Application of Dimensional Analysis :
For example [F] = [MLT-2] is a dimensional equation, (i) To convert units of a physical quantity from one system
[MLT -2 ] is the dimensional formula of the force and of units to another.
the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in length and
-2 in time

D It is based on the fact that,

Numerical value  unit = constant
3. Principle of Homogeneity
N So on changing unit, numerical value will also gets
According to this principle, we can multiply physical changed. If n1 and n2 are the numerical values of a
quantities with same or different dimensional formulae given physical quantity and u1 and u2 be the units
at our convenience, however no such rule applies to respectively in two different systems of units , then
a b c
additional and substraction, where only like physical  M 1   L1   T1 
quantities can only be added or substracted. n1u1  n2u2  n2  n1      
e.g. If P + Q  M 2   L2   T2 

 P & Q both represent same physical quantity.
n1 = numerical value in I system
Ex. Calculate the dimensional formula of energy from the
n2 = numerical value in II system

1 2
equation E = mv . M1 = unit of mass in I system
Sol. Dimensionally, E = mass  (velocity)2. M2 = unit of mass in II system
L1 = unit of length in I system

Since is a number and has no dimension. L2 = unit of length in II system
2 T1 = unit of time in I system
or [E]=M   =  ML2 T -2  . T2 = unit of time in II system
This is based on a fact that magnitude of a physical
Ex. Kinetic energy of a particle moving along elliptical tra-
quantity remains same whatever system is used for
jectory is given by K =  s 2 where s is the distance
measurement i.e. magnitude = numeric value (n)  unit
travelled by the particle. Determine dimensions of 
(u) = constant or n1u1  n2u2
 ML2T 2 
Sol. K = s     L2 
So if a quantity is represented by  M a Lb T c 
 
    M 1L0T 2       M 1T 2  a b c
u   M   L  T 
Ex. The position of a particle at time t, is given by the Then n2  n1  1   n1  1   1   1 
v0  u2   M 2   L2   T2 
equation, x  t  

1  et  , where v0 is a constant Ex. The dimensional formula for viscosity of fluids is,
and > 0. The dimensions of v0 &  respectively..   M 1 L1T 1

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Plo t No . 46 , Rajee v Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 32 400 5.
He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |
Unit & Dimension
Find how many poise (CGS unit of viscosity) is equal to Ex. It is known that the time of revolution T of a satellite
1 poiseuille (SI unit of viscosity). around the earth depends on the universal gravitational
1 1
Sol.   M L T 1
1 CGS units = g cm s 1 1 constant G, the mass of the earth M, and the radius of the
1 circular orbit R. Obtain an expression for T using dimen-
 1 SI units = kg m 1 s 1  1000 g 100 cm  s 1
sional analysis.
 10 g cm 1s 1
a b c
Thus, 1 poiseuilli = 10 poise Sol.We have T   G   M   R 
[T] = [M]0 [L]0 [T]1
Ex. Convert 1 newton (SI unit of force) into dyne (CGS unit = [M]–a [L]3a [T]–2a × [M]b × [L]c =[M]b–a [L]c–3a [T]–2a
of force) comparing the exponents
Sol. The dimensional equation of force is [F] =  M 1 L1T 2  1
For [T] : 1 2aa

aa , For [M] : 0 = b – a
Therefore if n1 , u1 and n2 , u2 corresponds to SI &

CGS units respectively, then 1 3
 b = a  , For [L] : 0 = c + 3a c = – 3a
1 1 2 2 2
M   L1   T1 
n 2  n1  1      R3
 M2   L2   T2  Putting the values we get T  G 1 2 M 1 2 R 3 2  ,

 kg   m   s 
 1        11000  100  1  105 R3
 g   cm   s  The actual expression is T = 2
 1 newton = 105 dyne. GM
N Unit and Dimensions of Some Physical Quantities
Ex. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m / s 2 . Give its
value in ft / s Dimensional
Quantity SI Unit
Sol. As 1 m = 3.2 ft Formula
3 3
Density kg/m M/L
 9.8 × 3.28 ft / s 2 = 32.14 ft / s 2  32 ft / s 2 2
force Newton (N) ML/T
(ii) To check the dimensional correctness of a given physi- 2 2
Work Joule (J) (= N -m) ML /T
cal relation : 2 2

Energy Joule (J) ML /T

If in a given relation, the term on both the sides have the 2 3
same dimensions, then the relation is dimensionally cor- Power watt (W) (= J/s) ML /T
rect. This is known as the principle of homogeneity of Momentum kg-m/s ML/T

2 2 3 2
dimensions. Gravitational constant N-m /kg L /MT
Angular velocity radian/s T
Ex. Check the accuracy of the relation T = 2 for a Angular acceleration radian/s

g 2 2
simple pendulum using dimensional analysis. Angular momentum kg-m /s ML /T
2 2
Sol. The dimensions of LHS = the dimension of T = [M0L0T1] Moment of inertia kg-m ML
2 2
The dimension of RHS Torque N-m ML /T
12 -1
 dimension of length  Angular frequency radian/s T
=  Frequency Hertz (Hz) T
 dimension of acceleration 
( 2 is a dimensionless constant) Period s T
12 2
 L  12 Surface Tension N/m M/L
  2   T 2   T    M 0 L0T 1  2
 LT  Coefficient of viscosity N-s/m M/LT
Since the dimensions are same on both the sides, the Wavelength m L
2 3
relation is correct. Intensity of wave W/m M/T
(iii) To derive relationship between different physical
quantities :
Using the same principle of homogeneity of dimensions
new relations among physical quantities can be derived
if the dependent quantities are known.
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Plo t No . 46 , Rajee v Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 32 400 5.
He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |
Unit & Dimension
Dimensions of some Mathematical Function : Limitations of Dimensional Analysis :-
Dimensions of different coefficient and integrals (i) Correctness of the constant appearing in an
dn y  y  equation connot be verified.
In General  n    n  and   ydx    yx 
 dx   x  (ii) While deriving an equation, the value of constant
Ex. Find dimensional formula : of proportionality cannot be obtained.
(iii) Equation involving trigonometric and exponential
dx d2x
(i) (ii) 2 (iii)  vdt (iv)  adt function cannot be verified or derived.
dt dt
where x displacement, t time, v  velocity and
(iv) An equation can be derived only if it is of product
a  acceleration
(v) We equate the power of M, L and T hence we get
 dx   x L only three equations, so we can have only three variable
Sol. (i)           M 0 L1T 1 
 dt   t   T  (only three dependent quantities)

 d 2 x   x   ML 
(ii)  m 2    m 2    2    M 1 L1T 2  SI - PREFIXES :
 dt   t   T 
(iii)   vdt    vt    LT 1  T    M 0 L1T 0  The magnitudes of physical quantities vary over a wide
  range. The CGPM recommended standard prefixes for
(iv)   adt    at    LT 2  T    M 0 L1T 1  magnitude too large or too small to be expressed more
     

compactly for certain power of 10.
Note : Dimensions of trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions and their arguments are dimen- Prefixes used for different power of 10
N P o we r o f Po we r
Pre fix Symbo l Pre fix Symbo l
10 of 10
Ex. Trigonometric function sin  are dimensionless. 18 -1
10 e xa E 10 de c i d
15 -2
Ex. If   2 sin  t , find dimensions of  and . 10 pe ta P 10 c e nti c
v 12 -3
10 te ra T 10 milli m
Here v = velocity, F = force and t = time. 9 -6
10 giga G 10 mic ro µ
Sol. Here sint and t must be dimensionless 6 -9

10 m ega M 10 na no n
1  F  3 -1 2
So   t   1         T 1  ;     2 sin  t  10 kilo k 10 pic o p
   v  2 -1 5
10 he c to h 10 fem to f
 F   MLT 

1 -1 8
  2    2 2    ML1  , 10 de c a da 10 a tto a
v   L T 

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Plo t No . 46 , Rajee v Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 32 400 5.
He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |
Unit & Dimension

Some Physical Quantities with their symbols, units and dimensions

No. Physical Quantity Symbol Definition/Expression Unit in SI Dimension

3 3
1 Volume V length x breath x height m L
-3 -3
2 Density ρ mass/volume kg m ML
-1 -1
3 Velocity v,u displacement per unit time ms LT
-2 -2
4 Acceleration a change in velocity per unit time ms LT
5 Force F mass x acceleration newton (N) MLT
2 -2
6 Work W force x displacement joule (J) ML T
2 -2
7 Energy E, U, K capacity to do work joule (J) ML T

2 -3
8 Power P work done per unit time watt (W) ML T
-1 -1
9 Momentum p mass x velocity kg m s MLT
m 1m 2
10 F G 2 -2 -1 3 -2
Gravitational constant G r2 N m kg M LT

11 Angle  ,ф arc length/radius radian dimensionless
-1 -1
12 Angular velocity ω angle described per unit time rad s T
-2 -2
13 Angular acceleration α change in angular velocity per unit time rad s T
2 -1 2 -1
14 Angular momentum L linear momentum x perpendicular distance kg m s ML T
2 2 2
15 Moment of inertia I mass x (radius of gyration) kg m ML
2 -2
16 Torque τ force x perpendicular distance Nm ML T
-2 -1 -2
17 Stress force/area Nm ML T
18 Strain change in length/ original length No unit dimensionless
-2 -1 -2
19 Young`s modulus Y stress/strain Nm ML T

-1 -2
20 Surface tension T, σ force/length Nm MT
-2 -1 -2
21 Pressure P force/area N m Pa ML T
-2 -3

22 Intensity of a wave I energy/(area x time) Wm MT

-1 -1 2 -2 -1
23 Specific heat capacity c heat/ (mass x change in temperature) J K kg L T K
2 -2
24 Heat Q a form of energy J ML T

25 Charge Q, q current x time coulomb ( C ) AT

-2 -2
26 Current density J current/area Am AL
27 Electrical dipole moment p charge x distance Cm LAT
Electrical Potential electric energy/charge
28 2 -1 -3
(voltage) V volt (V) ML A T
-1 -1 -3
29 Electric field E electric potential/distance Vm MLA T

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Unit & Dimension
13. Which of the following physical quantities is not con-
SECTION - 1 served?
(A) Energy (B) Linear momentum
(C) Force (D) Mass
1. Which of the following system of units is not based on
units of mass, length and time alone 14. The equation of the stationary wave is
(A) SI (B) MKS (C) FPS (D) CGS
 2ct   2x 
2. The unit for nuclear dose given to a patient is y = 2A sin   cos  
     
(A) Fermi (B) Rutherford
Which of the following statements is wrong ?
(C) Curie (D) Roentgen
(A) The unit of ct is same as that of 
3. Dyne/cm2 is not a unit of (B) The unit of x is same as that of 
(A) Pressure (B) Stress (C) The unit 2c/ is same as that of 2x/t.

(C) Strain (D) Young’s modulus (D) The unit of c/ is same as that of x/
4. The unit of surface tension in SI system is 15. How many wavelengths of Kr86 are there in one metre
(A) Dyne/cm2 (B) Newton / m (A) 1553164.13 (B) 1650763.73
(C) Dyne / cm (D) Newton / m2 (C) 652189.63 (D) 2348123.73
5. The unit of reduction factor of tangent galvanometer is
(A) Ampere
(C) Radian
(B) Gauss
(D) None of these
16. What is the SI unit of permeability
(A) Henry per metre
N (B) Tesla metre per ampere
6. The unit of absolute permitivity is (C) Weber per ampere metre
(A) Fm (farad-metre) (B) Fm–1 (farad/metre) (D) All the above units are correct
(C) Fm–2 (farad / metre2) (D) F (farad)
17. In a new system of units, unit of mass is 10 kg, unit of
(E) None of these length is 100m, unit of time is 1 minutes. Then magnitude
7. Kilowat-hour is a unit of of 1 N force in new system of units will be
(A) Electrical charge (B) Energy (A) 36 (B) 60 (C) 3.6 (D) 0.06

(C) Power (D) Force 18. Light year is a unit of

8. In which of the following system of units, weber is the (A) Time (B) Mass (C) Distance (D) Energy

unit of magnetic flux

19. The unit of permeability of vacuum (0) is
(C) SI (D) None of these N N J
(A) (B) (C) NA (D)

A A A2
9. If the unit of length and force be increased four time,
then the unit of energy is DIMENSIONS
(A) Increased 4 times (B) Increased 8 times
(C) Increased 16 times (D) Decreased 16 times 20. The dimensional formula for angular momentum is -

10. Ampere – hour is a unit of (A) ML2T 2 (B) ML2T 1 (C) MLT 1 (D) M 0 L2T 2
(A) Quantity of electricity 21. If Force = (x/density) + C is dimensionally correct, the
(B) Strength of electric current dimension of x are -
(C) Power (D) Energy
(A) MLT 2 (B) MLT 3 (C) ML2T 3 (D) M 2 L2T 2
11. Which does not have the same unit as others.
22. The velocity of a moving particle depends upon time t as
(A) Watt-sec (B) Kilowatt-hour
(C) eV (D) J-sec b
v = at + . Then dimensional formula for b is -
t c
12. Inverse square law of distance is followed by
(A) Gravitational forces (B) Electromagnetic forces (A)  M 0 L0T 0  (B)  M 0 L1T 0 
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Neither (A) and nor (B) 0 1 1 0 1 2
(C)  M L T  (D)  M L T 

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Unit & Dimension
(at + 3)
23. For 10 , the dimension of a is- 31. A wave is represented by -
0 0 0
(A) M L T (B) M 0 L0T 1 y = a sin (At - Bx + C)
0 0 1
(C) M L T (D) None of these where A, B, C are constants. The dimensions of A, B, C
24. If F = ax + bt2 + c where F is force, x is distance and t is
(A) T 1 , L, M 0 L0T 0 (B) T 1 , L1 , M 0 L0T 0
time. Then what is dimension of ? (C) T , L, M (D) T 1 , L1 , M 1
bt 2
2 2 2
(A)  ML T  (B)  MLT    z 
32. P  exp   
  K B 
(C)  M 0 L0T 0  (D)  MLT 1 
  Temperature P  Pressure
25. The pairs having same dimensional formula -
K B  Boltzmen constant Z  Distance

(A) Angular momentum, torque
(B) Torque, work Dimension of    is
(C) Plank`s constant, boltzman`s constant
(D) Gas constant pressure (A) M 0 L0T 0 (B) M 1 L1T 2
(C) M 0 L2T 0 (D) ML2T 2

26. The frequency of oscillation of an object of mass m sus-
pended by end of spring of force constant K is given by 33. The distance covered by a particle in time t is given by x
f = CmxKy ,where C is dimension less constant. The value = a + bt + ct2 + dt3 . The dimensions of a and d are -
of x and y are :
N (A) L, T 3 (B) L, LT 3
1 1 1 1 (C) L0 , T 3 (D) None of these
(A) x  ,y (B) x   , y 
2 2 2 2
34. Vander waal`s gas equation is
1 1 1 1
(C) x  ,y  (D) x   , y   a 
2 2 2 2 
 P  2  V  b   RT . The dimensions of constant a
 V 

27. Which of the following physical quantities do not have as given above are -
the same dimensions
(A) ML4T 2 (B) ML5T 2
(A) Pressure, Youngs modulus, stress

(B) Electromotive force, voltage, potential (C) ML3T 2 (D) ML2T 2

(C) Heat, work Energy 35. If E, M, J and G denote energy, mass, angular momentum
(D) Electric dipole, electric field, flux EJ 2

and gravitational constant then has the dimen-

M 2G 2
28. Out of the following pair, which one does NOT have
identical dimensions is sions of -
(A) angular momentum and Planck`s constant (A) length (B) angle
(B) impulse and momentum (C) mass (D) time
(C) moment of inertia and moment of a force
36. If x = k sin(klt), where x is displacement and t is time then
(D) work and torque
dimensional formula for l will be (k, l = constant)
29. If force, time and velocity are treated as fundamental
(A)  M 0 L0T 0  (B)  M 0 L1T 0 
quantities then dimensional formula of energy will be
(A) [FTV] (B) [FT2V]
(C)  M 0 L1T 1  (D)  ML1T 1 
(C) [FTV ] (D) [FT2V2]
30. In a new system of units, unit of mass is 10 kg, unit of
length is 100m, unit of time is 1 minutes. Then magnitude
of 1 N force in new system of units will be
(A) 36 (B) 60
(C) 3.6 (D) 0.06
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Unit & Dimension
SECTION - 2 8. Two quantities A and B are related by A/B = m where m is
PART-1 linear mass density and A is force. The dimensions of B
h will be same as that of -
1. A parameter a is given by   (here  = stefan`s (A) Pressure (B) Work
 4
constant, h = Planck`s constant ,  = absolute tempera- (C) Momentum (D) Latent heat
ture) then 9. A physical quantity x can be dimensionally represented
(A) Dimension of ‘a’ will be L2T 2 in terms of M, L and T that is x = Ma Lb and Tc . The
(B) Unit of ‘a’ may be m2 s2 quantity time -
2 2 (A) May be dimensionally represented in term of x, M
 weber  Ω   Farad  and L if c  0
(C) Unit of ‘a’ may be
 Tesla  (B) May be dimensionally represented in term of x, M
 Ri  and L if c = 0
(D) Dimension of ‘a’ will be equal to dimension of   (C) May be dimensionally represented in term of x, M
 m 

and L if irrespective of value of c
where R = gas constant, i = Electrical current, m = mag- (D) Can never be dimensionally represented in term of x,
netic flux M and L
2. Choose the correct statement(s) :
10. If the velocity of light c, gravitational constant G and
(A) All quantities may be represented dimensionally in

terms of the base quantities. Planck`s constant h be taken as fundamental units the
(B) A base quantities cannot be represented dimension- dimension of mass in the new system will be -
ally in terms of the rest of the base quantities. (A) c1 2 h1 2 G1 2 (B) c1 2 h1 2G 1 2
32 12 12
(C) c h G (D) c 5 2 h1 2G1 2
(C) The dimension of a base quantity in other base quan-
tities is always zero. 11. Which of the following pairs has the same dimensions ?
(D) The dimension of a derived quantity is never zero in (A) Torque and work
any base quantity. (B) Angular momentum and Planck’s constant
3. Choose the correct statement(s) : (C) Energy and Young’s modulus
(A) A dimensionally correct equation may be correct. (D) Light year and wavelength
(B) A dimensionally correct equation may be incorrect. 12. Which of the following pairs have different dimensions ?
(C) A dimensionally incorrect equation may be correct
(A) Frequency and angular velocity

(D) A dimensionally incorrect equation must be incorrect.

(B) Tension and surface tension
4. If the unit of length be double then the numerical value
of the universal gravitation constant G will become (with (C) Density and energy density
respect to present value) (D) Linear momentum and angular momentum

(A) Double (B) Half 13. Pressure is dimensionally

(C) 8 times (D) 1/8 times (A) Force per unit area
5. A dimensionless quantity (B) Energy per unit volume

(A) Never has a unit (B) Always has a unit (C) Momentum per unit area per second
(C) May have a unit (D) Does not exist (D) Momentum per unit volume
6. When a wave transverses in a medium, the displacement 14. Which of following pairs have the same dimensions ?
of a particle located at distance x at time t is given by (L = inductance, C = capacitance, R = resistance)
y = a sin(bt – cx) where a, b and c are constants of the
wave. The dimension of b/c are same as that of : L
(A) and CR (B) LR and CR
(A) Wave velocity (B) Wavelength R
(C) Wave amplitude (D) Wave frequency L 1
7. The Bernoulli`s equation is given by (C) and LC (D) RC and
1 15. Choose the correct statement(s).
P   v 2  h  g  k . where P = pressure,  = density, v
2 (A) A dimensionally correct equation must be correct
= speed, h = height of the liquid column, g = acceleration
due to gravity and k is constant. The dimensional formula (B) A dimensionally correct equation may be correct
for k is same as that for: (C) A dimensionally incorrect equation must be incorrect
(A) Velocity gradient (B) Pressure gradient (D) A dimensionally incorrect equation may be correct
(C) Modulus of elasticity (D) Thrust 16. Which of the following pairs have the same dimensions ?
(A) h/e and magnetic flux (B) h/e and electric flux
(C) Electric flux and q/0 (D) Electric flux and 0I
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Unit & Dimension

PART - 2 1. The dimensional formula for b is same as that for

(A) P (B) V (C) PV2 (D) RT
1. Match the following :
2. The dimensional formula for a is same as that for
Physical quantity Dimension Unit
(A) V2 (B) P (C) PV2 (D) RT
(1) Gravitational (P) M 1 L1T 1 (A) N.m 3. Which of the following does not posses the same di-
constant ‘G’
mensional formula as that for RT
(2) Torque (Q) M 1 L3T 2 (B) N.s
1 1 2
a ab
(3) Momentum (R) M L T (C) Nm2/kg2 (A) PV (B) Pb (C) (D)
V2 V2
(4) Pressure (S) M 1 L2T 2 (D) pascal
2. Match the following : ab
4. The dimensional formula for is
Column- I Column- II RT

(A) Base unit (P) N
(B) Derived unit (Q) hp (A) ML5T 2 (B) M 0 L3T 0 (C) ML1T 2 (D) M 0 L6T 0
(C) Improper unit (R) kgwt 5. The dimensional formula of RT is same as that of
(D) Practical unit (S) rad
(A) Energy (B) Force
(E) Supplementary unit (T) kg

(C) Specific heat (D) Latent heat
3. Match the following :
Column- I Column- II Comprehension # 2
(A) 1 fermi (P) 10-13m In a certain system of absolute units the acceleration
(B) 1 X-ray unit
(C) 1 angstrom
(Q) 10-15m
(R) 10-10m
N produced by gravity in a body falling freely is denoted
by 3, the kinetic energy of a 272.1 kg shot moving with
(D) 1 Astronomical unit (S) 9.46 × 1015m
velocity 448 metres per second is denoted by 100, and
(E) 1 Light year (T) 3.26 Light year
(F) 1 Parsec (U) 3.08 × 1016 m its momentum by 10.
(V) 1.49 × 1011 m
1. The unit of length is
4. Match the following : (A) 15.36 m (B) 153.6 m

Column- I Column- II
(A) Moment of inertia (P) newton/metre2 (C) 68.57 m (D) None of these
(B) Surface tension (Q) kg/(metre-sec) 2. The unit of time is
(C) Angular acceleration (R) kg-metre2

(A) 68.57 s (B) 0.6857 s

(D) Coefficient of viscosity (S) newton/metre
(E) Modulus of elasticity (T) radian/sec2 (C) 6.857 s (D) None of these
5. Match the following :

Column- I Column- II
(A) Dimensional variable (P)  PART - 4
(B) Dimensionless variable (Q) Force 1. The intensity of X-rays decreases exponentially accord-
(C) Dimensional constant (R) Angle
ing to the law l  l0 e  x , where l0 is the initial intensity of
(D) Dimensionless constant (S) Gravitational
X-rays and I is the intensity after it penetrates a distance
x through lead. If µ be the absorption coefficient , then
PART - 3
find the dimensional formula for µ.
2. If the velocity of light (c), gravitational constant (G) and
Comprehension # 1 the Planck`s constant (h) are selected as the fundamen-
The vander Waals gas equation is tal units, find the dimensional formulae for mass, length
 a  and time in this new system of units.
 P  2  V  b   RT , where P is pressure , V is molar
 V  3. The frequency of vibration of a string depends on the
volume and T is the temperature of the given sample of
gas. R is called molar gas constant, a and b are called length L between the nodes, the tension F in the string
vander Walls constant. and its mass per unit length m. Guess the expression for
its frequency from dimensional analysis.

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Unit & Dimension
4. Find the dimensions of Planck`s constant h from the 13. A projectile fired at an angle of 45o travels a total distance R,
equation E = hv where E is the energy and v is the fre- called the range, which depends only on the initial speed v
quency. and the acceleration of gravity g. Using dimensional
5. Find the dimensions of analysis, find how R depends on the speed and on g.
(a) the specific heat capacity c, a
(b) the coefficient of linear expansion  and nRT  RTV
14. In the formula P  e . Find the dimensions of
(c) the gas constant R. Vb
Some of the equations involving these quantities are Q a and b where P=pressure, n=number of moles,
T=temperature, V=volume and R=universal gas constant.
= mc  T2  T1  lt  l0 1   T2  T1   and PV = nRT..
15. If instead of mass, length and time as fundamental quan-
(where Q = heat energy, m = mass, T1 and T2 = temperature, tities we choose velocity, acceleration and force as fun-
lt = length at temperature toC , l0 = length at temperature damental quantities and express their dimensional sym-

bols as v, a and F respectively. Show that the dimen-
0 oC, P = pressure, V = volume , n = mole)
sions of Young’s modulus can be expressed as Fa2v–4.
6. A particle is in a unidirectional potential field where the
potential energy (U) of a particle depends on the
x-coordinate given by U x = k(1 – cosax) and k and a are

constants. Find the physical dimensions of a and k.
7. Consider a planet of mass (m), revolving round the sun. PART - 1
The time period (T) of revolution of the planet depends
upon the radius of the orbit (r), mass of the sun (M) and 1. The dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity are -
the gravitational constant(G). Using dimensional analy- [AIEEE-2004]
sis, verify Kepler`s third law of planetary motion. (A) ML1T 1 (B) MLT
8. The distance moved by a particle in time from centre of 1 1 1
(C) M L T (D) M 0 L0T 0
ring under the influence of its gravity is given by x =
2. Out of the following pairs, which one does not have
asin  t where a and  are constants. If  is found to
depend on the radius of the ring (r), its mass (m) and identical dimensions ? [AIEEE-2005]

universal gravitation constant (G), find using dimensional (A) Angular momentum and Planck`s constant
analysis an expression for  in terms of r, m and G.. (B) Impulse and momentum
9. The position of a particle at time t is given by the relation (C) Moment of inertia and moment of a force

 v0  (D) Work and torque

x(t) =   (1 – e –t ) where v 0 is a constant
 3. Which of the following units denotes the dimensions

and  > 0. Find the dimensions of v0 and . ML2/Q2, where Q denotes the electric charge ?
10. The related equations are : Q = mc (T2 – T1), 1 = 0 [ 1 + [AIEEE-2006]
(T2– T1)] and PV = nRT, where the symbols have their 2
usual meanings. Find the dimensions of (A) H/m (B) Weber (Wb)
(A) specific heat capacity (C) (C) Wb/m (D) Henry (H)
(B) coefficient of linear expansion () and 4. The dimension of magnetic field in M, L, T and C (Cou-
(C) the gas constant (R). lomb) is given as [AIEEE-2008]
11. A particle of mass m is in a uni–directional potential (A) MT 2C 2 (B) MT 1C 1
field where the potential energy of a particle depends
(C) MT 2 C 1 (D) MLT 1C 1
on the x–coordinate given by x = 0 (1–cos ax) & ' 0'
and 'a' are constants. Find the physical dimensions 5. Let 0  denotes the dimensional formula of the permit-
of 'a' & 0 . tivity of vacuum, If M = mass, L = length, T = time and
12. Assume that the largest stone of mass 'm' that can be A = electric current, then : [JEE-MAIN-2013]
moved by a flowing river depends upon the velocity
of flow v, the density d & the acceleration due to (A) 0    M 1 L3T 2 A (B) 0    M 1 L3T 4 A2 
gravity g . If 'm' varies as the Kth power of the velocity
(C) 0    M L T A  (D) 0    M L T A
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
of flow, then find the value of K .

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Unit & Dimension
6. Which of the following combination has the dimension 14. In form of G (universal gravitational constant), h (Planck
of electrical resistance (0 is the permittivity of vacuum constant) and c (speed of light), the time period will be
and 0 is the permeability of vacuum) ? proportional to [2019 Main, 11 Jan II]
[2019 Main, 12 April II]
Gh hc5 c3 Gh
0 0 0 0 (A) 5 (B) (C) (D)
c G Gh c3
(A) 0 (B)  (C) 0 (D) 
0 0
15. The area of a square is 5.29 cm2. The area of 7 such
7. In the formula X = 5YZ , X and Z have dimension of squares taking into account the significant figures is
capacitance and magnetic field, respectively. What are [2019 Main, 9 April II]
the dimensions of Y is SI units ?[2019 Main, 10 April II] (A) 37.030 cm (B) 37.0 cm (C) 37.03 cm2 (D) 37 cm2
2 2

(A) [M–1 L–2 T4 A2] (B) [M–2 L0 T–4 A–2] 16. Inthe density measurement of a cube, the mass and
–3 –2 8 4
(C) [M L T A ] (D) [M–2 L–2 T6 A3]
edge length are measured as (10.0  0.10) kg and

8. If surface tension (S), moment of inertia (I) and Planck’s
(0.10  0.01) m, respectively. The error in the mea-
constant (h), were to be taken as the fundamental units,
surement of density is [2019 Main, 12 April II]
the dimensional formula for linear momentum would be 3
(A) 0.01 kg/m (B) 0.10 kg/m3
[2019 Main, 8 April II]
(C) 0.07 kg/m3 (D) 0.31 kg/m3
(A) S–1/2 I1/2 h–1 (B) S3/2 I1/2 h0

(C) S–1/2 I1/2 h0 (D) S1/2 I3/2 h–1 17. In a simple pendulum, experiment for determination of
acceleration due to gravity (g), time taken for 20 oscil-
0 lation is measured by using a watch of 1 second least
9. In SI units, the dimensions of is
N count. The mean value of time taken comes out to be 30
[2019 Main, 11 April I] s. The length of pendulum is measured by using a meter
(A) [A–1 TML3] (B) [AT2 M–1L–1] scale of least count 1 mm and the value obtained 55.0
(C) [AT–3 ML3/2] (D) [A2 T3M–1L–2] cm. The percentage error in the determianation of g is
10. Let I, r, c and v represent inductance, resistance close to [2019 Main, 12 April II]
capacitance and voltage, repectively. The dimension of (A) 0.7% (B) 6.8% (C) 3.5% (D) 0.2%

l 18. The diameter and height of a cylinder are measured by a

in SI units will be [2019 Main, 12 Jan. I]
rcv meter scale to be 12.6  0.1 cm and 34.2  0.1 cm, re-
(A) [LT2] (B) [LTA] (C) [A–1] (D) [LA–2] spectively. What will be the value of its volume in appro-

11. If speed (V), acceleration (A) and force (F) are considered priate significant figures? [2019 Main, 10 Jan II]
as fundamental units, the dimension of Young’s modulus (A) 4300  80 cm3 (B) 4260  80 cm3
will be [2019 Main, 12 April II] (C) 4264.4  81.0 cm3 (D) 4264  81 cm3

–4 –2
(A) [V A F] (B) [V–2 A2 F2] 19. The least count of the main scale of a screw gauge is 1
–2 2 –2
(C) [V A F ] (D) [V–4 A2 F] mm. The minimum number of divisions on its circular
12. The force of interaction between two atoms is given by
scale required to measure 5 ìm diameter of a wire is
 x2  [2019 Main, 12 Jan I]
F =  exp    ; where x is the distance, k is the
(A) 50 (B) 200 (C) 500 (D) 100
 kT 
20. The pitch and the number of divisions, on the circular
Boltzmann constant and T is temperature and  and 
scale, for a given screw gauge are 0.5 mm and 100,
are two constants, The dimension of  is
respectively. When the screw gauge is fully tightened
[2019 Main, 11 Jan I]
(A) [MLT ]–2
(B) [M0L2T–4] without any object, the zero of its circular scale lies 3
(C) [M LT ] –4
(D) [M2L3T–2] divisions below the mean line.
13. The density of a material in SI unit is The readings of the main scale and the circular scale, for
128 kg m–3. In certain units in which the unit of length is a thin sheet, are 5.5 mm and 48 respectively, the thick-
25 cm and the unit of mass is 50 g, the numerical value of ness of this sheet is [2019 Main, 9 Jan II]
density of the material is [2019 Main, 10 Jan I] (A) 5.950 mm (B) 5.725 mm
(A) 40 (B) 16 (C) 640 (D) 410 (C) 5.755 mm (D) 5.740 mm
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Unit & Dimension
3. To find the distance d over which a signal can be seen
PART - 2 clearly in foggy conditions, a railways engineer uses
dimensional analysis and assumes that the distance
1. Some physical quantities are given in Column-I and some depends on the mass density  of the fog, intensity
possible SI units in which these quantities may be ex- (power/area) S of the light from the signal and its fre-
pressed are given in Column-II. Match the physical quan- quency f. The engineer finds that d is proportional to S1/
tities in Column-I with the units in Column-II. . The value of n is [JEE ADVANCED - 2014]
4. In terms of potential difference V, electric current I,
[IIT-JEE - 2007]
permittivity 0, permeability 0 and speed of light c, the
Column-I Column-II dimensionally correct equation (s) is (are)
(A) GMeMs (P) (volt) (coulomb) (metre) [JEE ADVANCED - 2015]
G - universal gravi- (A) 0 I2 = 0V2 (B) 0 I = 0V
tational constant, (C) I = 0cV (D) 0cI = 0V
5. A length-scale () depends on the permittivity () of a

Me - mass of the earth, dielectric material, Boltzmann constant (kB), the abso-
Ms - mass of the sun lute temperature (T), the number per unit volume (n) of
3RT certain charged particles, and the charge (q) carried by
(B) (Q) (kilogram) (metre)3 each of the particles. Which of the following
expression(s) for  is(are) dimensionally correct?

R - universal gas (second)-2
constant, [JEE ADVANCED - 2016]
T - absolute temperature,
 nq 2    k BT 
M - molar mass (A)     k T  (B)    2 
 B   nq 
(C) 2 2 (R) (metre)2 (second)-2
q B  q2   q2 
(C)     n 2/3 k T  (D)     n1/3 k T 
F - force,  B   B 
q - charge, Paragaraph “X” (Question 6 to 7)
B - magnetic field In electromagnetic theory, the electric and magnetic
GM e phenomena are related to each other. Therefore the di-

(D) (S) (farad) (volt)2 (kg)-1 mensions of electric and magnetic quantities must also
G - universal gravi- be related to each other. In the questions below, [E] and
[B] stand for dimensions of electric and magnetic fields
tational constant,

respectively, while [0] and [0] stand for dimensions of

Me - mass of the earth,
the permittivity and permeability of free space respec-
Re - radius of earth tively. [L] and [T] are dimensions of length and time

2. Match List- I with List- II and select the correct answer respectively. All the quantities are given in SI units.
using the codes given below the lists : 6. The relation between [E] and [B] i
List - I List - II (A) [E] = [B] [L][T] (B) [E] = [B][L]–1[T]
 ML2T 1  (C) [E] = [B][L][T] (D) [E] = [B][L]–1[T]–1
(P) Boltzman constant 1.
7. The relation between [0] and [0] is
(Q) Coefficient of viscosity 2.  ML1T 1  [JEE ADVANCED - 2018]
2 –2
(R) Planck constant 3.  MLT 3 K 1  (A) [0] = [0] [L] [T] (B) [0] = [0] [L]–2[T]2
–1 2 –2
(C) [0] = [0] [L] [T] (D) [0] = [0]–1 [L]–2[T]2
(S) Thermal conductivity 4.  ML2T 2 K 1  MCQ [Multiple Choice Question]
Codes : 8. Let us consider a system of units in which mass and
P Q R S angular momentum are dimensionless. If length has di-
(A) 3 1 2 4 mension of L, which of the following statement (s) is/are
correct ? [IIT JEE 2019]
(B) 3 2 1 4 (A) The dimension of force is [L]–3
(C) 4 2 1 3 (B) The dimension of power is [L]–5
(D) 4 1 2 3 (C) The dimension of energy is [L]–2

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Plo t No . 46 , Rajee v Gandhi Nagar, Kota, (Rajasthan) Pin co de : 32 400 5.
He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |
Unit & Dimension
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. C
14. D 15. C 16. C 17. C 18. C 19. B 20. B 21. D 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. B
27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. C

1. A,B,C 2. A,B,C 3. A,B,D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B
9. A 10. B 11. A,B,D 12. B,C,D 13. A,B,C 14. A,C 15. B,D 16. A,C

1. (1)  (Q)  (c) (2)  (S)  (a) (3)  (P)  (b) (4)  (R)  (d)
2. (A)  (t) ; (B)  (p) ; (C)  (r) ; (D)  (q) ; (E)  (s)

3. (A)  (q) ; (B)  (p) ; (C)  (r) ; (D)  (v) ; (E) (s) ; (F)  (t, u)
4. (A)  (r) ; (B) (s) ; (C)  (t) ; (D)  (q) ; (E)  (p) N
5. (A)  (q) ; (B)  (r) ; (C)  (s) ; (D) (p)
Comprehension # 1 : 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A
Comprehension # 2 : 1. B 2. C 3. A
1 k F

1. [µ] = = L–1 2. M = kc–1/2, G–1/2, h1/2, L = kc–3/2G1/2h1/2, T = kc–5/2G1/2h1/2 3. frequency =

L L m
4. [h] = M L2 T–1 5. (a) [c] = L2T–2k–1 (b) [] = k–1 (c) [R] = ML2T–2k–1 mol–1 6. [a] = L–1, [k] = ML2T–2

K 2r3 GM
7. T2  8. k 9. [v0] = [m0L1T–1][, []= [m0L0T–1]
GM r3
10. [c] = [L2T–2K–1], [] = [K–1], [R] = [M1L2T–2K–1mol–1]

–1 2 –2
11. L , ML T 12. K=6 13. R=K

 1
14. [a] = ML5T –2mol–1, [b] = L3 15. (i) Bx = 6m, By = 3m, (ii) 45m (iii) tan–1  
 2
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. A
14. A 15. C 16. D 17. B 18. B 19. B 20. C
1. (A)  (P) , (Q) ; (B)  (R) , (S) ; (C)  (R) , (S) ; (D)  (R) , (S) 2. C 3. 3
4. A,C 5. B,D 6. C 7. D 8. ACD

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He lp Desk : 09 21 42 333 03 | 0 92 14 23 33 43 |

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