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Review of Related Literature and Studies

This part of the research work presents a collection of

literatures and studies that had been crafted by experts of the

country and overseas in the field of education. These research

works were given much focus by the researcher to provide

supplemental and vital information on the concepts being


Anki Application

Anki is much more flexible and it provides users with the

opportunity to change the directions of the word cards easily

and create various kinds of cards. Instead of creating their own

cards, users can also import ready-made card decks into their

Anki program and start reviewing the cards right away. It is

also possible for users to share their own card set with other

users. Another good feature of anki is that learners can access

their card decks with free online website by using desktop

syncing or using it with their mobile phones (Godwin-Jones,


Anki is a program that helps you remember things. Because

it's much more efficient than traditional study methods, you may

either cut down on the amount of time do you spend studying or

increase the quantity you learn. Anki is based on two simple

ideas: active recall testing and spaced repetition. Despite the

fact that they have been addressed in the scientific literature

for many years, most students are unaware of them. Understanding

how they work will help you learn more effectively. According to

Damien Elmes (2010), the founder of Anki, Anki is a program that

makes remembering information simple. He claims that it is far

more efficient than traditional study methods, encouraging

students to learn more while reducing the time spent studying.

 Additionally, in relation to similar study Anki

application use in field of science specifically in medical

technology course. the study reveals that all among those who

used Anki, those with more consistent use had higher scores and

higher perceived levels of knowledge retention. Matthew Lu 2021.

Furthermore, anki application is not only a computer-based

tool but also a instructional material used in teaching science

vocabulary using an electronic flashcard.


Sienkiewicz (2019) an extraordinary adaptable study aid.

While many students conceive of them as tools for memorizing

simple facts, they can also be used to solve complicated

problems throughout a student's academic career. Flashcards give

your brain a very quick method to assess if you got the answer
correct, says Elizabeth Barry of Peterson's (2019). Grading your

own work is a form of self-reflection that helps you remember

things better,” “Scientists call this meta cognition. Flashcards

provide a rapid way for your brain to assess if you got the

answers right. Metacognition is another term for this. Overall,

metacognitive (self-reflection) skills are an aid in the

integration of memories into your knowledge base, resulting in

improved learning outcomes.

Flashcard is a tremendously accessible study tool for

students to enhance their vocabulary, in memorizing flashcards

it uses it to review when students have examinations or quiz,

because the cram mobile flashcard is free everywhere and has

benefits for being accessible anytime in your phones. Flashcards

allows you to carry as many cards as you like and allows you to

collaborate with other students to create a large collection of

flashcards. In addition, flashcards provide your brain with a

rapid way to determine if you got the answer right or wrong

According to psychologists Karpicke and Roediger (2013) has

major shortcomings. Students who gradually removed cards from

the rotation were less likely to retain the information fromall

of the cards, according to their study, which was published in

science. They had forgotten some of the information from cards

that they had dropped early in the studying process. When

compared to students who deleted cards, students who included

all flash cards in every study cycle remembered about 50% more

of the whole material. Students in the experimental class

outperformed students in the control class in their vocabulary

knowledge, according to Komachali & Khodareza (2012), who

conducted a study to explore the effect of using flash

vocabulary cards on student vocabulary knowledge. As a result,

it was established that using flashcards to teach vocabulary to

pupils resulted in a greater level of vocabulary assets. The

researcher proves and performs study in the statement that

flashcards are effective and easier for learners to understand,

so the flashcard may be inferred to be effective for teaching

Science to students.

Anki is a program which makes

remembering things easy.
Because it is a lot
more efficient than traditional
study methods, you can either
greatly decrease your
time spent studying, or greatly
increase the amount you learn.
There are two simple
concepts behind Anki: active
recall testing and spaced
repetition. They are not known
to most learners, despite
having been written about in
the scientific literature for
many years. Understanding
how they work will make you
a more effective learner.
(Elmes, n.d.)
According to the creator of
Anki, Damien Elmes, Anki is
a program which
makes remembering things
easy. He indicates that it is
much more efficient than
traditional study methods, so
learners can increase the
amount that they learn and
decrease the time that they
generally spend studying to
remember things. (Altiner,
Science Vocabulary & Concepts

Science is the systematic study of the nature and behaviors

of the material and physical universe, based on observation,

experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to

describe these facts in general terms (Merriam-Webster

dictionary). Learning science involves observing, classifying,

measuring, experimenting, questioning, recording, controlling

variables, interpreting data, and communicating.

Additionally, Science encompasses a wide range of

technical words that are not often taught effectively. Without a

good oral vocabulary basis, it is difficult for students to

understand what they read (Neuman & Wright, 2014). "The link

between vocabulary and improved reading ability and

comprehension is that vocabulary is more than simply words; it

is knowledge" (p. 384).

Science is a subject that has technical jargon and by that,

comprehending the words and concepts can be difficult for

others. With the use of flashcards, it can enhance the

vocabulary of students. And to ensure that learners learn the

new terminology, they will acquire a new vocabulary to exercise

their memory to unfamiliar words. In addition, visuals, word

games, flashcards and other methods can be used to teach science


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