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In this task, we will take the Project timeline

and make it into a presentable file.
Whenever I create a chart or presentation, I consider my
audience and what details they need to know or what story
I want to tell.
Because we're making a project timeline, we want to be able
to show them the different tasks, who's doing it, and how much
time each task is going to take.
We are managing a small project.
We don't have a whole lot of tasks to keep track of.
We could keep this document in Google Sheets and just refer
back to it.
But I think for ease of presenting, putting this into a PDF
or into Google presentations is just easier, especially as we
start to get into bigger projects and more dependencies,
that kind of stuff.
So there's a couple ways that we can do this.
one is by printing the file to pdf.
What I'm going start off with
It is highlighting the area and will come up here and select
print down here at the bottom and you'll notice that we can
select print current sheet or just the selected cells.
Of course, there is value in having our assumptions.
But I don't think that is something that we would want
to present to our leadership.
Maybe we could put that in the notes section.
So for this project, we're gonna go with selected cells
and then we'll click next and here we can determine where
we want it to go. so you can save it as a PdF or save it
to your Google drive.
I'm going to save it into my Google drive, then hit
Save. So the nice thing about this is, if I go out and then
click here to go to my Google drive, I have under my recent
my pdf timeline as well as my, Google sheets timeline.
So we'll go back into our Google sheets.
So there's another way that we can go ahead and make
this presentable, and that would be to take this sheet
and export it into an existing presentation.
Or we can create a new presentation to export it into.
To do that, we would go from Google Sheets.
We would go file, create new presentation here.
You'll notice that Google presentation has now opened. So here
what we can do with our new presentation document open, then
go back into our Google sheet, highlight the area
that we want to copy, right Click and select Copy.
And then I'm going to go back over to my presentation
and I'm going to right click and hit paste.
It'll pop up if I want to enable I'm gonna just close
that out and I'm gonna paste it unlinked.
And what this does is now we've got our Google sheet
information in our Google presentation.
And so here you could go in, say, project timeline for small
And down here with the speaker notes are here's where you
could take some of those assumptions that we talked about.
That's a really great place to put it that way
If you're having to present something to your leadership
and they're asking you questions about how you came up
with this timeline, you have a clear and easy documentation
of the assumptions that you used.
So again, I'm gonna copy those and bring them
over to the presentation and paste.
And now they are available at any time.
If I am presenting or meeting with my leadership. What I
would like for you guys to do is pause the video and practice,
bringing the seven steps that we talked about that you need
in order to actually create your project timeline.
Go ahead and copy those and put them into presentation format.
So just recreate what we did here.
But instead use those
Seven steps. come back when you are done. And there you go,
You've just completed this project by setting up a project
timeline using Google Sheets and Google presentation.
As you can see, there's a lot of functionality
and customization that you can do.
You can create simple or complex project timelines, format
your charts and data to meet your needs and provide
a presentable, file to leadership to
Help make good business decisions.
I hope you're able to use this simple yet powerful tool
in your daily life.
Congratulations again, and I hope to see you
in another guided project on Coursera.

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